r LINCOLN DEMOCRAT - - -. - . - , - - VOL. 1. NO. 23. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 189G. SI. 00 A YEAR. Chattel Mortgages for sale at The Democrat office, neatly print ed on good paper at 4tT cents per hundred j OVERWORK INDUCED Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ' Some years ago, an a result of too close attention to business, my health tailed. I became weak, nervous, wa unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a dv cline. I took three bottles of Ayer' Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once, THEA. P. ASSOCIATION. and gradually increased my weight from one hundred and twenty -rive to two huudred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer's. Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil dren would have been fatherless 'to-day tad it Lot been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much." II. O. Hinsox, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard's, S. C. Ayer's Sarsaparilla i RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLO'S FAIR. AYER'S Pills Save Doctor's Bills. rp F.COSTNBR,M.D. LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Know NothJnglsm In a Chronic Form. The A. P. A. haa for the past few years been mere or leas of a factor in municipal and State elections, especially in the former, and if there be any truth in the reports of its growing strength, it is becoming more so, and promises to become a potent factor in na tional politics. It professes to be non-partisan, and is to the extent that it does not nominate candi dates for office, although it doubt less manipulates and in as far as it can make its power felt in con ventions. Its strength lies in the is fact that it is a secret organiza tion, works under cover, and casts its vote solidly for the party and candidates that are nearest in ac cord with it. The Dart it has taken in elections for the past few years will ao far to account for the revolution in some States which were decidedly Democratic, and for the capture by the Repub licans of cities which have been regarded as impregnably Demo cratic. Heretofore it has co-oper ated with the Republican party and shown itself to be simply a Republican annex. Essentially it is the old Know Nothing party resuscited, its main purpose being opposition to foreigners and Cath olics, 'although it claims that it is not religiously prosoriptive and is simply opposed to the recognition of sectarianism bv municiDal. State or Federal Government. In connection with this it advocates restriction of immigration and re form of the laws regarding citizen ship and the right of franchise. It now claims, in connection with other secret associations which are in svmpathv with it. a votiue TO SAVE THE STATE. THE LATE SILVER BILU the North State Hotel. S. FOX, OfPis bin rrrf p-ssi nn sl sprvirA tn thp people of Lincolnton and surrounding strength of 3,500,000, distributed, vyuucrj. winuc icbiucuuc ucai tu according to the reoort made at the "Supreme Council,' which met at Rochester, N. Y., recently, as follows : Ohio 400,000 Pennsylvania 220,000 100,000 best materials used, .trices reasonable. I Tllinma ftrift Hflft a. . . , . . 1 .............. -a.,! jjuo v-ao u CAtcv uj o uv-iai vuucu yj L. Surgeon Dentist, Lincolnton, N. C. All work guaranteed, nothing but Indiana Office on Main Street C. E. CHILDS. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Michigan 285,000 Kentucky 80,000 Wisconsin 175,000 Iowa 200,000 Pacific coast 125,000 New England 500,000 Work intrusted to his care will be Southern and Southwestern promptly auu utreiuuj aiieuueu to. . Office on Main Street. S. O FINLEY Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all bnsiness. Office in Njrth State Hotel. BA.Vu STICE. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg. Gaston 'Catawba, Cleve land. Rutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Offloe in orth State Hotel. . - i DENTAL NOTICE. States 750,900 Other States. 500,000 These are solemnly pledged to vote for no party or man, from President down, who will not sub scribe to and stand by the declar ations and demands of the A. P. A. Our opinion is that these figures are exaggerated, but still, allow ing for exaggeration, there is enough in them to show that this and kindred secret associations are becoming potent factors in our politics. Wilmington Star. The Crime of 1857." In 1857 an act wag passed abso lutely demonetizing the foreign silver dollar we had the only Dr. A. W. Alexander will be at H1011" 01 our Iainere- ne his office at Lincolnton, June, Au- 21st of February of that year Con- gust, October, December. Febrn- Kr88 enacted "that all former acts arv. and. ADiil. Will be in Mt. atnonzingine currency oi xoreign Holly, July, September, November, go1 or silver coins and declaring Jannarv March and Mav. 6Bme a ie8ai ienaer 1Q PYm J J J " , 1 , 1 1 1 J H Patronage solicited. Terms cash aeDis are nereoy repeaieu. - I mi i : i i .n.. and moderate. AUU8 WttB F"u I nH nrnniip.flllv Ann cnmnlftTAl v what has been since called "the crime of 1873.' The act of 1873 was only an epitaph which marked Who wasitlaid im . . , I j :i : i J it Jeweler's line done with neatness ana pious ana sacme'" vue H?a., nivi, mp a rail. 11-15-95-iy "dollars of our fathers?" Our fathers themselves did the deed! i -wr w GOODS And in 1853 and in 1857 there wa8 no uprising oi tne poor, no nour- T kvfi thP Urest stock of New pshing of pitch forks, no threat of Musical Insrumentb thst has ev- dynamite and anarchy. Even the er been in North Carolina, sucn I exigencies ot politics and of parties as Autoharps, Accordians, '"AJJ" could made no occaiion for a tear. pollns, uuitars, oAuua, v uo, evn for Droteat. The farmer and Roller Organs, ana any fcWWtW, is keDt in a-tirst ubvci u.oi uu ui, .a.c, class Music otore. rrices lower uever wuuuulib wii wnunmci than ever. Orders by mail have rier heart. From Henry G. Tur- promt attention. Addess ner's Recent Speech. W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. O Democrats Scheme to Re-cap ture North Carolina. Wasuixoton, Feb. 22 (Special) The conference- to save the State" warheld last night accord ing to advices duly wired the Newi and Observer. There were present Ed. Chambers Smith, It. H. Pee bles, W. A. Guthrie, Congressman Shuford, Senator Butler, and Dr. Mott. Capt. Peebles told me this morn ing that it was high time that something was being don, and Ed. ChamWrs Smith said if any body could propose anything bet ter than this new fusion, let him do it, or forever hold his peace. The interesting rumor now de velops that it was at Butler's in vitation that these gentlemen as sembled here. Butler having cut loose so radically from all gold men, and Mott not being able to deliver the Republicans, the old fusion with the gold bugs seemed to be taking the shape of an im possibility, so that something had to be done. Thus Mr. Uutler pick ed out Mr. Smith as the patriot who would be willing to meet him half way. Capt. Peebles said the utmost hfrmony prevailed at the raeetiug, but was uuwilliug tn tell the de tails ol the plan mapped out. From another trustworthy source, how ever, 1 am informed that, by the agreement involved in it, if not en tirely reached in the conference, the Democrats are to have the Govern or, the Secretary of the State and the Attorney General ; the Popi lists keepiug Worth as Treasurer, and getting the next Senator; the egislature to be divided out to the Democrats aud Populists in pro portion to their representative forces. Today's Washington Post, under a -display head, says: ''There is a movement uu foot among leading Democrats of North Carolina which, if carried to a successful consummation, will mightily affect the political desti nies of that State aud completely revolutionize existing conditions. The plan, in brief, is to break up and destrov the present alliance between the Republicans and Pop ulists that took away in 1S94 the political supremacy which the Democrats had enjoyed for nearly a quarter of a century. The plau projected now is to bring back the Populists into the Democratic camp, and to receive them, not ex actly on the basis of a returned prodigal sou, but on an equality, as brethren unite after a neriod of brief estrangements. ''The common meeting ground is to be silver free and uulimited coinage of tho white metal at the ratio of 16 to 1, with the further understanding that Anglo-Saxon supremacy is necessary and must be preserved in the old North State. W. E. Christian, in News and Observer. Populist Moaauro-H a rr y Sklnnor Says So. We quote from the Congreiioii. at Record of February 15, liJ: In asking recognition of th Chair and attention from mem- L?r of comment upon tht con-1 reaj uiuoiis, l am not ashamed to lie classified as a PopulUt and to fcmphafciie the fact that I support the senate substitute a a dutiuct Populisttc measure, oue that the country would have had predated in this shape except for the pres ence of the Populist balance of power in the Senate. It cannot otherwise be Intalligwitly and con sistently considered, sine both the Democratic and Republican partie are committal by practice and policy to the single gold aUiul ard, and thv Populist alone of the political organizations xtent stands openlv. boldly, and d- Political Points. Tho Hickory Mercury learns frooi rejKuta frrnn all parts of th nation tint Ilia silver mm in all part'rs aro getting togtlbor! This tilrer campaign wa am having has more "wind in it to th squar inch than any campaign htY ever The Mercury of this wek prints extracts from Congressman Hhu ford'a sichM. Hot Shu ford made no stMXch and tho Mercury knows it. Ho was allowed to print some "remarks.' As long as Mr. Shu ford only makes ''remarks' we are wilhug for the Mercurr to drivo on. Hut we draw the line at speeches. The Hickory Mercury of Isst wek ssys that Mestr. W. A. Ml of Hickory and J. C. Unney of Atexauder county addreMtd the Hickory AUUiice last Katurdsr out week. V1I all we have U claratively for the fre-i coinage of "V " lh1 Dmocru S1 in 1 silver at the ratio of U to 1." Now, let thq 111 to I mourners prove what Skinner, says is not tru. Unless it can be done, adviie thot Democrats who are migniy careiui wnote company thoy Veep these data. The Morcury says its ill a he about tb Putlonlfcla meeting up at Nawtou and dividiujc up the spoils promising fre silver by the Dm- of Catawba for thia year. Well, i cratic pwfty to go a little slow. knew when the Enterprise told We have always thought the 10 to tk meeting that the Mercury 1 business was PopulUt doctrine, ould dsny it, u we had a notion Stray Shota at Populism. The Mercury aaya: If lb populisU ar cranks Ue cau of their advuracy of the lr coiuige of ailver, then Itm SnaLr of the lmtd Sutea ia rcra(d of cranka. Y, wo hare thoorht ao for quite a while. We are gla4 to know yoa aro getting light alowly! U tns there ar 45 of them there. It's rctortrd that bufe4 are only elln.j; fir irocn two to five dollara each ia MiaaourL Thafa the "tidal wave of prutptri ty, promise by Mr. Cleveland's cuckooe.Uickory Mercury. We under why that ia happen ing ouly in Missouri. Bat yoo know that is too thin! (Jet up totne thing fresh! Kvery indication showg t t t la a few years, the goldbus ct all ptrtuawill unite agtitt tte sil verit A dmiratof ome prom inence said the othtr dav, Le hoped or Ulieved thay would It ia coming. Hy w mav ic,k Ir it. God nd the day Marcu- That wruuld be Mco -arati. n for the attainment of graat principles." Io not $o tsck on your own dt trine. Take your mtJuit. if it doet come to thst ! and now Colonel Skinner savs is actually the ce Ed.) it Intended to Deceive. The Democratic itat executive to deny it ourselves in advance, but we didn't. We with now we had done ao, and laved this space. Dr. Tyra York.it is said, will be a candidate for Congress in the Sth n t . uvuiiuiiieeo! . ujijumy oi Miitrict tbil vaar. and will rau a. which ia for frea ailvar, bta ordered .n lud-rv-n.i.m primary elections with the pro- u. ... , .. . . . , . . . . W e have uot mautionsd the fact fessed object of ascertaining the il.... ... views of tba party upou the sliver 1 1 , . . . ' , . baraa was too drunk to Tote on the question aim in connection tnare- with baa played what it doubtless thinks is a very smart trick. A sound money member nmDOsed a that the issue, be submitted as for or against the free aud unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1 ; but no. He was over-ruled and the ballots were ordered to read, 4For Bi-Met-allism" or "Against Bi-Metalhsm and for the Single Gold Standard.' The game is, of course, to count all those who vote for bi-metallism as for the free and unlimited coinago of silver. Now all people who know anything at all know, and the most of them are ready to ad mit, that free, unlimited and inde pendent coinago of silver does not ailver bill lately befcre the House, until the Populist Pr-ss had time to deny the report if it was not true. Now, that thay do not dsny it, we consider it no harm to pub. hsh the fact. Mr. Howard la a Populist and wrote a book, 'If Christ Came to Congress." The Mercury might do some mUiiou ary work with its moral re ligious' sheet if it could catch the ear ot Mr. Howard. Rev. R. H. W. Leak and James U. Youug, two negro politicians of Raleigh aud newspaper editors are having war" in their papers over tusioa politics. J. Logan Harris saya that six mean bi-metAlliimut all hntmaan a Tean ago there were 10UU White the driving of all gold out ct the Republicans in Wake county out- country or into hiding and the V.i. j .t . . htia teem to have aome Ufedia in the Senate. This ia because the old lips Dsmocracy hss -ru smashed tu tth lht Caucaiian. What must sensible epU thi&k 'four man, Pritrhard acd Uu'Itr. when the Caucasian can cnlv say for them that tbey seta to have some standlnc in the Heiete? Whan Vance and Ranem ware there.thsre wee no Veemlug"etout it! Aud the Caucasian used to depose to that efTect, ti i mistake not. Reform comes slow lr. but surely Tbey never go backward. Slow progrese ts discoursing to some. but let no one fall by the wayside on that account. The seed have Uen sown, the harvest will U all the haavisr on account cf the lalt Oiis of it Progressive Parmer. ery slow, indeed ! For exam ple, the sab-Treasury aud $U). par capita setm to have teen on the road for some time. New has uom reached us that they have talleo br the way sid.f aLd have been left to die. Are yea cct a little bit frighteoed about the 16 to 1 bueioeisl Dido'i the Farmer hae tho otherthey may aa welt n back lotheoIdiranira -CaucAsUa. Hut it wis one cf ticld ptp" and a tew Pops that set np tie Ed itor of the Caucasian ia ttuine Talk on! Hot e if yrj doa't go lack aa aoon as the "fodder rt U short. Some rop!e do ahoer Hair graUtode 10 the pooost kiod Urn, way. Kroca Aurora Utu, Prr.graaaive Farmer: A grt many who thesgbt fr&r yearaagothei 1 wta a crauk, axe beginnii.g tolearo that I was la advance of them. Oo- ut tha said U me Utt Saturday. -yM kiow I am ro pep, but Ustiar'a eeh tat any I t ar fed. Well, what dn you teppae that maole any wey Iwi't ts Ibk he would make a lint elate Pop I U e 9 bo c Id pruuvuuee him 10 "ad tCwct eoma ietxra!e we ktiw tot all however ! The Ponltentler y. HreiUt the ihUical Ee- crdar d P.eUigh haa tsi u; ab.t the mebai(mfit 4 thu u.sttls t.t artittct.dtta Lit, 4 the State'e pt ia4( u tw te rvcgratu lated He baa Cotut r.ifaf kJt. Iu. the puiUMniT )'fVb!m itxu aty t.thar tuati. it he bee tl act uallv d.e It. Nvl tnaoy fJ a no the )t4itet4tiary rat tie Je p'e not Uaa ttab IsU.U Mai.wwaJij. I-at jtar it fai iUlf. Clj tiuite have tt chat.ged, axctt aa the Supef U4tetde.ul Las c ri hatu The faimtug plat lea ct The State has da a erAt work alot.g the Huauuke, reieejs- H.g the b grwuude a:4 checking the nvar. The other farms Lave lean impruted This prwbUm it tot pe'lu.r ta North Carolina Nearlv ttirt - 4 State La.a It I" aeltle. Oar Sute Las the advantage pseeierd by but few others, of kviL,r lads adapted to agnc.hurv. a4 crimi nals brd to the u;l. su jtiiy &e-grt-ee. (This is Dtsuocratic ' txiitu gat.ee ai.d the F.tcuxdtr com ments are referred to thus h j said t& 1 r 4 that tit Dtm&ts of NortL Carolina wtr "extrara ajaht." Eo.) placing of this country on a basis of silver mono-motallism. The merit in Judge Clark's recent letter is that he makes no concealment of ue ! w,eiKu voBtaip. ana icai thtl reltr io when it said now there are not more than 100. lhe tbcTe? Wc do ihluk ,bt v . L U I . i . 1 I ioc jropuueie uavng capiurwi me 0litta are very alow about gt vie g white Rada down there. Ci lh( -rsforms' they have prom- Mcairs. M. L Reed and Locke iied. Still we can take cemfert the fact that thia ia what he ia try-1 Craige, of Asbeville, have issued I at the assurance that they are cn ingtodo. Mexico, with its $5 per au 'address to the people 00 the the way. But th- failure to see capita of circulation, is so much subject ot "Silver the Issue." It WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watche9 repaired. Anything in the an old grave. Prophetic There are more unreasonable theories than that of Republican ex-State Chairman Eaves that Sen ator Butler is preparing tn make his way back lo the Democratic party and put himself at the head of it in North Carolina. If the plan on foot to commit the Demo cratic party of this State to free coinage independently of all other considerations, succeeds, and if a fusion of it with the silver forces of all other parties is effected, Mr. Butler will be the natural com mander of the outfit and thence into the so-called Democratic party will be but a step for him. Char lotte Observer. In view of the Washington con ference of last week, the above seems to have been almost a proph ecy. It was said before the con ference was held. 11-29-95. Subscribe for-the Democrat. more prosperous than th Lotted States with their $23, that he wants us to come to the Mexican basis of silver mono metallism and does not seek to throw dust in the eyes the tub-Treasury and the J'O per cau.a having in eiht has damp ened our ardor! The good uewa from Alliance source a still comes from all ecc- tioua cf the State. The memter- ahip itself can t kill the Alliance o dead that it wti) cot com again, lor ite principles are imperishable. Progressive farmer. The aub-Trcaiury principle" does not sm to have had the im- we mistake not. Reed used to be long to the Alliance and did some letter writing lack in the days when 'Alliance Democrats" were numerous Mr. Crete, we hear, is of his readers by any fino talk about I no Asbeville lawyer who tri yd to bi-metallum. There is uo bi-met- be a Collector of the esurn Dis- allism in Mexico and he knows it, trict. Tho addtess abuses Cleve- and knows that everybody elso I Uod and the eold bugs and favors knows it. The only practical b'- instructing our dUgats to the metallista in this country are the I Chicago Convention to withdraw sound uioneymeu, who want to re- from that body should it declare rxnehahle" qutlity. Achdles like, tain gold as our standard of value I for the gold standard. 1 hef e same I tne df maude" of Our Noble Or- as all other civilixed countries have gentlemen also assert that the 16 ar to Lave ha-3 one vuluera- it, and who want to retain ailver as I to 1 business haa always been a I ule part, and. now that it has Lain a circulating medium to the larg- fundamental principle of the Dam- cut off, we auppose the remaining est extent which it ispoMiMe to ocratic party. But it naver haa parts art "imperishable." You use it and at the same time preserve I been in a Democratic platform? Mcant kill the Alliance I" Ob.no! m m I miL a a mm tint the struggle it ta now maxi&g to revive detuoct eats is signifi cant. If the parte du die. who not the whole suffer a like fate? the equality of its value along! Why? Why? with that ot gold. A proposition, I Dr. J. J. Mott has issued, aa therefore aubmit two sets of bal-1 Chairman of the Executive Co no lo ta to a people, reading aa those I mittee of the Silver Party, au ad- submitted to the Texas Democracy dress to the people of the country, ao, js vuu ujBuuciwiiiuij 01 m ur-1 m WDCn 09 cans on tnem to aid 1 pe0pie'g pety was formed to fuse liberate purpose to root somebody. 1 xi D8W party to restore silver to I with another party for the aake of These people who think that the Charlotte Obaerver. Col. A. K. McClure, editor of the Philadelphia Times, is to visit North Carolina soon. He will be the truest of Governor Carr on March 13th. Rev. Dr. Baylus Cade, who used to edit the Caucasian, haa been appointed chaplain of a Federal penitentiary in Kansas.- Attorney General Harmon made the ap pointment- .He is a Populist. The Friday edition of the Statee- ville Landmark haa been enlarged a. . . . at- v t a a a lU "'Constitutional' place as a I giving tnem osics, win please get money metal. The Doctor calla off the earth. Caucasian, this question a ociar one and w wonder how such a report savs he has renounced partv ties I ou on va folks anyway I - i mm. - - - . - . to carry on the great work ot giy- uo matter wnat you were made ine the country a Uste of 16 to 1.1 or, you have -fused" with the Re- He and Butler are now one. they publicans and put thsm in office. I Aa tr rattinp -nt tha aarth fKat is asking too much until you own The Enterprise aaya Newton bee mor Uad Ujta l P011 . m ll. I r I to seven columns. 1 ne i-auamarx 1 two more lawyers, aiesars, j. a-. 1 T( it u an o2ce rTalllnr rame is a paper after our liking. We I Graham and W. B. Gaither. Mr. I we have to play, the people may as congratulate Editor Clark. I Gaither u Postmaster at Newton. I well hare one sit cf scamps la as The lake of Uramia, iz. PeJ, c.r.tal&s tr.ure ealt tLan ay tiler body of waur m tie w&rli. Oa aLalyeis the water haa fUid to contain eveuaule salt thau the Dead sa. wh;ch bdis twenty jc r cent., wr e:ht tists as m.ch aa the ocean. The average htlght .! six ia the United Static is 2 feet 2Ct? ir.chte; iu Ecgla&d, feet 9 lichee ; in K tat.ee, $ fret 4 l&ches: iu Belgium. I feet C inches The arra cf the Er.Uth cwiJas is t.OJWJ nnxtm olti, that uS the French Z.OJJ.OJJ. cf the Ditch CJ.tSJ3 cf the Pcrugae 'JjC,WX)9 cf the SatiUh lm0,UJJ, c! the German vV.UU. at.4 cf the Dalah 74.CSJIJ. It ts said that fovda atcred U. aa atmosphere cf cxit-is-xzil gaa are preeerved lids nUlv. the fmhueis a&d avur beu, g retailed better thau by the uae wf ice. Hu&gar, aaya Carroll D. Wnghi. has cauaed mere maa to cmm:t petty crimes than a&ythi&g else. Of aix tbosfcst.d m&e huxdrcd aid fltty-e:ght homicades m It I J, fire thousand u'mw hundred had La trade The pKi-mdmj uad in h:g aTuz.a is quewr looking atuS. Each graia is a hezaguual prism, anich wiie acd two-thirds cf aa iaeh thick, with a hole bored thro.gh the middle of it. In appearance it re sembles nothing ao much as a piece cf wood. If you ttich a match to it, it will take seven cr eight aa neon da to gj off. M. Frsmcni has proved by ex periment that water kept fcr twenty miautea at 170 dtreea Fahrenheit loses all the deleter ious germs it may have ceniaiiei without being deprived cf :ta jra ea or precipitating the salts c;s tained ia it, and th Z&tvt is not modieL

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