AT1 JL H MA V J 1 n r 1 1 v 1 1 a in ri 1 II III I I I I -I 4 , I'll II VOL. I. NO. 25. LlNCOLNTON, NORTH CAItOLINA, FRIDAY. MARCH", 13 189(1 81.00 A YEAR. i Chattel Mortgages for sale at The Democrat office, neatly print ed on good paper at 40 cents, per hundred UNTOLD MISERY FROM Rheumatism C. H. King, Water Valley, Miss., cured by . AyeVs Sarsaparilla For Ave years, I suffered untold misery from muscular rheumatism. I tried every known remedy, consulted the best physi cians, visited Hot Springs, Ark., three times, pending $1000 there, besides doctors' bills ; but could obtain only temporary relief. My flesh was wasted away so that I weighed only ninety-three pounds; my left nrra and .leg were drawn out of shape, the muscle SOUND DOCTRlNfcf. Some Extracts from Stato Au dltor Furman's Report. The fiscal year begins .on th 1st day ef December and ends tlio 30ih day of .November following. The (ad valorem) taxes for a fiscal year are computed, necessarily, upon the basis of assessments of returns '"V(. M Trair'-' being twisted up in knots. I was nnable to dress myself, except with assistance, and could only hobble about hy using a cane. I I- had no appetite, -and was assured, by the doctors, that I could not five. The pains, at .times, were -so awful, that I could procure relief only by means of hypodermic injec tions of morphine. I had my limbs bandaged in clay, in sulphur, in poultices; but ties gave only temporary relief. After trying everything and suffering the most awful tortures, I leg-n to take Ayev's SarsapariMa Inside of two mouths, I was abte to walls fwithout a cane. In three months, my limbs began to strengthen, and In the course rf & year, I was cured. My weight has incressed lto pounds, and I am now able to do my full day's work as a railroad blacksmith." The Only World's Fair Sarc?;pairiHa. AVER'S PILLS cum Headache Why Southern Farmers 'Should ' Mnl PaaI tllu tkA toii wv VTIIII III V IUIUI ? Idea. We clip the following from .the Shenandoah Valley, New Market, Va: xue uocixme mat the govern-j j u r - m, t it . , made in the June previous.- Thus, ment of the Lnited States is a ben-J,. founded to . . , . , j cm uoujuiu); mo ink uay ui uir -$2o2.5.S5, 172.72; 1894, $259,015, '.512.S7; 1895, $255,916,998.99. eficiary institution. foster and protect the interests of certain sections and individuals as against all other interests and at their expense, is wrong in prin ciple and vicious in practice. For such theory breeds extravagance in officials and certain protected individuals who again excite the same inordinate and unsatisfied desires in the less favorexl classes, and thus the wreck! ess process of vying with each other 5n their ex cesses and extravagances follow in train with oppression, and opposi tion, and general anarchy must be the final result. If the New En-g land manufacturer must be pro tected at the expense of the far mer and professional man, why has not the Western silver mine owner the same right to demand that his product be protected, and to demand one dollar for a thing you can buy on the markets of the world for half that amount? The Western silverite can as consist ently make such demand New England protectionist such demands on the are clearly wrong conflict with the just which the government The true doctrine is o all, and special none. cerober, 1894, ar.d ending the 30th day of November, 1895. were com- puled noon the returns of assess ments made in June, 1894, and mi railroads, bteamboats, etc., made in Tulyyl895. On the 1st day of December, 18 94. the beginning of the fiscal year covered by this report, there was a cash balance in the public Treasu ry, belonging to the public fund, of $303,240.29. From this should be deducted $111,905.75 due at that time on account of appropria tions for tho previous fiscal venr. but not paid until after the end of that year. This left a net cash balance to begin tho fiscal year of 1895 with $191,334.54. The gross amount of receipts for the year closed was $1,1 25,51 S5S, making total revenues for the year $1,316,853.12. The disbursement for the year were $ 1,337,772.32. This includes This shown n decrease from ISO I to 1895 on Unda, 4,220,920; town lot, $171233; all other personal property, $7,190,22S; total de crease. $U .587,441 ; an increase during tho earn period, on rail roads, KtearaboiU, etc., of $0,533, 920.99 ; a net decrease on all taxa ble property for tha period of $5,- 049,220.01. Tht. revenues for 195 were com- puted uKn the returns of appraise Last Warning to Farmers, Il thi firmer who it preparing In incec tiii crop nf cotton stop a little and rooiMer. da, all I'm menilr prnt. vix : j Then? is profit in cotton at titht JPSawtit, J ( IUH. ( W KJcentf. There ii I ns in it at fire Harpor, I I Davis. J C Mills, I. Hjcent. If rrry farovf incrtar Whitenrr. S A White, J W Lot . hi acrcsp? or bis crop br one-half fc. co ting of Diroctors. The Uiard if dircrtors of the Stat Hoiital met in quart-rly session at lh iitsliliition yester- and J V CaldorcIL Hicro arc Gil patients iu tho institution. The expenditure for tho last quarter woro 21,903 DO. Tlwro luw bwi or oe-tliird th UUl incmw will bo great enough lo brine th prie down to five rrnU. With cotton t fire cents the more of it yru !ar about 40 cases of measles in the j to pick out and ?ll th orx ofT . . . ' .... . malo wards but no fatalities from merit for 1891. to-it: $259,015,-1 them. Thy are just nuw ittack- 512.87; thoe for 181Hj will lo upon ing the female ard. An infirm tHe appraisement of lb95, to wit: ary is Uing .-tablikUd on tho f $253,9 iG.990.99; showing a Wreae male slue ami i-vrn Uutcr retulls in taesourco of general reventw for than lirotfon m th traimmt 1890 ol $3,09S.523S, and iu lie of the nick aro rxrwctrtl. Tli revouueilfteir for generarpurpo training chool for inm. i rll 30,714 20. U"idtr tray anrt is duin gonl irk. The General Assembly, at itsllU effect will W smh in mn m- aeitiou of 1595, made appropri- tllinl Dr. Tvlor h aliens for various subjects Iwyond this school immrdialelv in ensre thomade bv the Assembly of J. 1. Sawyer was rwlct'd prii 1S9 I, of $141,924.95,of which $123,- deutofihe loird And J. l Sawyer. 874.95 wer limited to 1S95, and (x-ofucio cliairman ) 1. I. imvi. theretor will uot le chnrged upon and k H. Whiln-r wem rcelled rr icon T. ilii ni the executive CommitU'. J. A. J12S.S74.95 nhjuid b added tlie Dickson was r-l. clerk, om,, ,,f the AaMmblr of 1895 Th Ut lp1aluri adopts a which amounted to $72,200.74. giv- resolution requeuing that Chatham ing a total of $201,151.09 nxpended county transfer from th in 895. Hunt will not be xpndd western to the raitern di.trict, on in 1890, thu lessening the de- TOU win DCCaUCTrrY ll will rcprwient a lot. If yoo plant for a lig crop and Tho Dupont Cat. Th IVlawar natormhip bat ln lately utid-r crnidraUca la the Senate. lr. Dopant claioi thi at forwrly held by Seaator Hirint. Tlie facta ara threat Al t runs gh lb facta ia tia ca am concrxlfU on Uth sides of chamlr, lh l-gal uint is oaa oa which the two ditieal partiaa take powit0 Tirvt and on tLsX opitiun binp- a d;put which may crupy the timeI the SasaU for ark tufvimc It wai tLat in tlf D-!awaf j'lint AsaUyt ai thetnh f Mar 13. Mr. Da- make a small one tu will loant rwu I I. vite ut jX atwt mrmr even ti vuu sen tnn yti mako fr S or 9 cents. With an average yid run will mako am- money tilling fur bales of cotton at cent. If th price dropt t 5 u w dl mon ey on every lale of l-ti bab Sup pne mltnn cla t riil tmal. witiiid of lint, or finr bale, at Hcenla will you a profit nf two cent a tmumt. or l-V. Kuur e1 ( :i r.l. Itul a to tot ui tb '"it vtl-. tt i r:! r:4l oa tb itrt ff Mr Duj-.:.!. il at it wn ilb-cal and tid. it hati&f oi I t Mr. Watt, Saia- Ur mint had t:t It" d-th uf tLa (iovritMr. uonr!l i tlt cSca, atid whi ouM li-t. a claimed by tho 11 -juiMirau nrndf c! lLa r'tiimitlr ! pnt ileC- aod al- j t !. Irally .r eotitutraIIy Ihoutand fite hundred tK,im.! ofUt iialr. In U-atcaea tLa lint, or ten balet. at fiv cent ill j total lral ..t.rt Uingonly iV, give vn a o of a c-nt a ouiid Mr. Dunt would 1 ate received a or $15. teide the extra picking. nic)..nty aid .uh! l-e?Uit!a4 W Ktumng, bagging an I haulms. j -"t hi l! -tlo, Tht cs-Wht-uvou :thre it In U a bid tenli u th- tl d tha IVt rrntt that it vur tim I rdoce jcralic mm1f Ibe cotntailtet .....I . .. . . . . t i . i . account of its n. amet to UaUlgh.jyotir acreaj: l--caue m l.ig crop i i mat ti- furtm .j iia veiT f tit,fTir W atn d liot tlit rtV T XT. COSTNER, 3X. X. LlNCOLNTOX, N. C. Among a class impelled purely by self-interest to Kor 1 alance 0t its fund for 1895 acquire dishonest gain, it can bejbutnot paid until the beginning readily understood why such mer. of Tl e fiscal year 1890. people of Lincolnton and surrounding claS3 legislation, hut how our rae-its chargeable to 1S95, $l,333f- cauntry. Ufflce at residence next to farmer friends and cotton growers 1 780,95. Thus we have the follow iiuiiii ti. ,. . - r-, ., - . -. . , .... .... . i m ine oouin wivn tneir proauce nng. snowing tne condition oi tne I . m a! . I C..e.o.Kt.ftil kirl.vaiiii 1 Ii f c I I lirelr lrrtiaafi lf Io You -11 ? as the the $111,905.75 above allmkd to. ml,,,j UI" ' Lr. lVtt.,n .ml t chl. of ih- roa mak. " S h.m of h,. nsht. a. . :ate Sta- .1... . . an r VAir r ri n r. uni. " " i " i t . , but which, as stated, were not paid un- ' Vnrtt, fVrnlina Irane Atvlum.l t;.....i. ti Yr that, at all etent.. ttat pan of both til niter the beeinuioc of the fiscal I " I . fc. :.a-..i t..r..K-' . i . . " . r. .. .iw--ii:i t.. I- d4 annuel I t nt r u..: t, I ouu . iuwvi iiii-uwv .! , on I v now loipnmi - ... nnrl ir Aira I vorr 1 SO nrl f-liofnra .t.noar ir. i "O rate Ol Itr-XailUn I . . k t... I ' ' ' . . . I "" -"--w j , ..v,..v,.v, . . . . , i I Diri-Clurt siavci tn n nifn-r, , emn U lo ttimuiai Vur - principles on the disbursement for 1S05. This e ,J-'iiera A,u.o,y ,or n-r,. I - 6th.L.nn. , ' .t. t,.M t ' j t:, tr .,ft!.-t... . . is founded, leaves the debasements proper on, Pniw.iooi. na p.n- (- - ,,,.,.. . n.h h,.! .-..- . Eaual ihte occount of 1895. 1.225.SCG.57 To 'or . ch51Wl vine o. rca. ": ' . ' a r.ow sou.n.rn ,n.u7. Privilee Tto this should he added ?loo.smoO ? "rSonal ropertv. i. ...", "7" ""l, 7 " "Vh.n forK. 1 . . . ! - th' I . e -cn. -,wio I Tots te purpo. .. r.seni i TI mi lor leHiiu r rn-r.a j linn t(( ,c. s-ccn lfo?rt a I for pensions for 189o and $ i.OOb 3S I L t lrt...-. t..-rt !r.irrdl . . 1 " 1 1 v f ?n.i. for the Aencuitural Department ri .V. . . .. . "".V!"' aZ.Z, U ,t.M i f .. I I I IL W ".-Hi" w . Tf . .. I ! mnMi inml.l . 1 il .. L. Vf T I IT.. ...... rtnw i tw.rt b-inu in aftion yeatarday. - m m -W w ' I K.. n tinti nf the totnt Cottimilt Tl C -. .nnntf fTM. " ' Jie ; M(;rIMl and teleeranhic inlor. riD! , for 1S04, were State, 5l,:sw.-1 ; " iT " ' , Th ? aflfalr of the hopttl were In .n nnrul rtt1 1 f trtfl tine H ! .1 Quia inr """' "K-v,. " uue popuiatiuu ui im" 3S1.0: countr, $J,UdU,; ttotal S2,43S,899.4G. Ktimatiug arts cses, ton t five or ! ctit pilch in on c.,m frcm tb hr p rextca cf colli n. If not.ctlow.krepd-.wn;,.,, Ynrk, ha tti etiiiisasiisc Tour aopply b:llt and make al I . j,f ? C5Jttaf near Warrtnlco, K. Unur wiih food for folkt and Crn. wheal, rit. piac-. emt. jj, it evi r done a etllcient woad as by such process cheapened to the Treasury on the 30th day of No- point of penury, can align them- veriber 1895: selves With the protectionist and I Fun.l available for the nctl jer silverite, passes intelligent com-l .ui All work guaranteed, nothing but prehension. The New England I aiement chrgbU to the hpt, mRtftrials used. Fnres reasonable. I mnniifanfiiTn I u Jrr - i uiauuiabwici loscisiaioa Lj uiuicb Tavma nahavtanf hvcnatiol oiin3amanr. I A S.FOX, Surgeon Dentist, LlNCOLNTON, N. C. fl.S!6.CS.12 Terms cah except by special agreement Office on Main Street G. E. CHILDS. Attorney at Law, LlNCOLNTON, N. C. himself; the Western silverite votes for self-interest: and Southern farmers and cotton growers, who have neither man ufactories nor silver mines, de clare it all right, and by their Leaving expenditure for tho fiscal ye it In exceis of fund ayallable. . 16.W7.S1 ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY In June, 1S95, the quadrennial j Ja n this department, we appraisement of real property was ei . it. .1 niiif nnn i rnMrovectiein in lit Th i n- U "M" ' - V appjmiment and lucres siciii j in crest. State government, pen Piion: and schools; and con ntv ttwTfcw arweifl und rnera I. for All " ' " " ----- ry - njurtoses. The gross amount ot State,chool amd ounty taxes, as per returns on . icid mo!aet cel:ry t.d tujf It' tt . . .. . in tn treatment of its inmatca are iu p ore from year to var. I Ch trlotte Obrrer. March 5:h. meat. i r-n ven cannot u.." - ir. Grnili Nwa "rf . ' find. ;pjln Seoklntr Backers. . ,ld"Ct Mtr rir. March 4 It i -rtd; upoi. pxd authcrily lhat hpr. Mb lh-; ' . 1" ci now in communication w unaauntou j. Korean roii.itra w.ihil Th re were, among others, two . , .(lf,,r. Ih..r ,f.rfr.nt ! ejith';:a!i over te tt proctj r-d tta tpirjc ti Nw Yik hc-t a4 ' cornpiri i ilh the jr hin N?Sh CMitti it tK lat!-r it drcUrilv Mr. J:. j!"" e far St n Hot the .V.rih Csrciica ?- ll.e lt in l!f w' r i Ut incidciite of the cit -.1 ta i Work intrusted to his care will be influences arid votes aid and up- Office on Main Street. hold these selfish and grasping made as required by law. Owing I t to ihe general financial depression 1 ajonat.-. funeral prevailing it was apprehended that a large falling off in values, of Couaf. ielal i : ii. "A . rr k I dlksHciS ill LUCIA UXIWUfLllV i , . , J . Hands especially, compared with iu& auuiaiooiuoiivQ ' Attorney at Law, LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all bnsiness. Office in Krth State tlotel. pense of other people at the ex pense of the farmer who was at first deemed the one oa which the prosperity of the couvitry depend ed, and if anybody ought to be protected, he is the one. No, this entire system of class legislation ought to be knocked in the head, and every tub be allowed to stand on its own bottom, and the true nrinoiiVlfl rf onn ntrivtmnnl v o ti A TWtiA In t;hP f!nnrr nf T.innoln. " rv Jicklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve- I demand be allowed to regulate Und, Kutherford, Polk, and m tne the products, manufactures, and Supreme and Federal Courts. 1 . Office in North State Hotel. commerce ot the country. B. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, 'j LlNCOLNTON, N. C. BfcNTAL NOTICE, I Republican Harmony. . Br. A. W. Alexander will be at The McKmley forces captured hi. office at Lihcolnton, June, Au- the Flqnda State ConvenUon of gust, Octoborj December. Febru- the Republican. Party and elected arv.and April. Will be in Mt. uwtc w w. Solly, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. Louis Convention. The other fac tions are talking of bolting. The Mississippi Republicans held their convention the other day. There was a bitter fight be tween the Lynch and Hill forces. The. Hill men won and the Lynch men bolted and elected a contest- previous yeart-, would occur. Under exist ing circumstances the returns must be considered satisfactory. These returns give evidence that our peo ple generally are in. better condi tion than has beea clamorously Btated by manv, and. that they con sider their property still worth ap proximately the amount heretofore assessed againat it. I give the fol lowing comparative statement of appraisements for the year 1891 to 1895, inclusive : Ou lands : June. 1891, $115,1S0,- 429; June 1892, U14,32S,255; June 1S93'$114,224,117 ,June 1894,1115,- 081,325; June 1395, $110,959,509. On town lot?: Juno 1891, $39, 899,219; June 1692, 140,755,459; June 1893, $42,519,S48; June 1S94, $43,006,741; June 1895, $39,722,- 926. js-cti'! laxe Cou-t. general Couaty. tfpecla! 1mm tajji'-w.a . 7M) .n , Ii . VVS1.7S livj a . . I . ....1 ...S. Mia t-ll i "Wjpw I COBJ ltuu'i f.rn!i( in IU tTDI Oh ... , . . . . . re Uar tbalhavo always come lo mind . . r. .a . . nni. lKrJ . . . ... Titas when the nation wa. port ravel in J ; - l.J rw t u.m tru nn iho nn " . ,oae 1; rd ht tt evt o Ij ra.aa a --"-'''iiCn.u.1110 ., i:ti:zu-;zzSL prolU,.hrln, . alovHl .ll0T ' u,- .. ,..11... - - .tM,ot,..uJn, V,...,l fiT.r Cfn, tnma in mo ia mercueta xiK?. . .m.ttritium lu k iiac in jrmi ... ... , v I " :.t(fii!r Aim iT5exierL ina wvi WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watchea renaired. Anything in the ing delegation to the St. Louis Wrs line done with neatness and Convention. John R. Lynch is a Oive me a call. 11-15-96-ly negro NEW GOODS. - ' I have the largest stock of New -Musical In sruments thst has ev- er been in Nobth Carolina, such , &8 UOH ARPS , ACCORDIANS, M AN- bolins, Guitars, Banjos, violins, and Roller Organs, and any thing else that is kept in a first class Music Store. Prices lower than ever. . Orders by mail have promt attention . ; Addess W. L.,Lowe, Newton N. C 11-29-95: - iIVrlon tie included In th Tli&ra tv-na nil nireiL842 ..I . . 1 . t.i-t ntll tt number of nenaioners during the pedo tht ukw tn yearofSOO, classified as lollowa: water. First class, 34 ; second lass. 7; On the other barni is me lai u. third class, 7; fourth chuss wid- the Confrat crewa of the tmv ows e9; fourth clas? soxldiers iubmarine boat that destroyed ihe 1S3: totaUim Tho total .number Ncrthern warship Iloutonic. f tnainner- nf nil classfc s is 5.- She was launch and mauned.but . . ' W . ' .. - - . - - - , 232. I the swell oi yw. fillcil and sank her, only one msn Buttor on Fusion. f ( llinH escaping. 4iAgain, wlit a spectacle ll Again ?he was float'xl and maoml. would be for us to have a StaV . , cansizeand carry down ail ticlot with oue-half of the ci andi- I etanitv- A third time she dates tmpporting and advoca ting wftg fiUed . Tbis ,im0 e took an on every stump the election -of a expjrimPoUi dive and failed to re goldbug for President, and the fQ lho iUrfRC0. Hr whole other half of the candidate ' on norfahed. In the face of all the sauie State ticket tight lII8jlh&t another crew a volunteer goldbuga and supporting just me I crew was found ready, when once opposite kind of a Candida te. Thero is no use in discussing si di I . .. . ..- be did her work Persouai property (not includ-J a proposition; it falls of iU o llut onfortunaUly for tho - . . . . r-ir.z. ii . ... weight; it condemns lueu, iv -Uoluntcers their hatch, was leu the explosion nd down she the was raircd aud titled, The eighth Alabama, district convention of the Republican par ty met at Montgomery last week and split, nominating two candi dates for Congress and two sets of delegates to St.. Louis. This is Congressman Aldrich's district. Aldrich was given Gaston, Robbins' seat in Congress lately. The min? in railroads, steamboats etc.): June 1891. $87,370,243; June 18- 92, $82,410,049; June 1S93, $S1,- 617,543;, June 1894, $76,391,837; June 1895, $80,180,015. Total real and personal proper ty, not including railroads, steam boats, etc.: 1891, $242,449,891; 18- 92. $237,493,763; 1893, $238,361,- 503 ; 1894, $234,479,901; 1S95,$230- 862,450. Railroads, steamboat, telegraph, express and other companies: 1891, $18,546,328 ; . 1892, $19,726,759 ; 1893, $24,223,964.72; 1894, $24,- 560,611.87; 1895, $25,084,548.99. absurd. If anything could cove r e of t up the inconsistency and hypoc over her, a 051, lareein3. camiJ". ca. Alaca, Hill ao and Cadts. N' o ofthemwatof particular impr lane? and they were eatilv du iyri'l bv the pe4ice. Armed trans -Atlantic sieamera will lgm on March lih. to art aa cruiert. M Atf it, March 3 The govern ment hat receivel a number of of fvrs of pecuniary and ther aid in he event'of a war with the tnitcU Mate crowms out of the lalter oo the Cubau queslion. The people apporto x oetermined to uphold the government in ita it.tentiou tn keep Cuba a Spanish colony no matter at hat coal. Ibecanioei la greatly encouraged by the alti- lud of the conlinental press which, generallr apakiosr. ex- prcas-ra much sympathy with Spam in her determination to resent what is termed Yankee ap;rcsion ricv of the Democratic party, and make it possible for that discred ited organization to hold together. r. ' . i it would be for the People's party 1 to sacrifice ita principles and a 111. A I - l.V t -to a combination use wxo This is what Mr. M. Butler, oil f lh5a Suta are rvady to vote the fl f s . W1 jrKSa lhrooo. f - .... ttontif.i honor wbich Xlliot City, Sampson Co., N. C popujilt ticket on the silver ques- lhe llret god later was t?ru U A,ncc?rty cwrtnUoci tr 'U.S. A., has to say in his paper. t jon This if a Populist claim, lo pIrcrt ln lna cntre of thscamp- jngnuj Uarvd atery dirata J'He goes on record in this, and ipwever, and is subject to revision 1 o lo tbida btthasction cf the csjo ority faction is supporting Aldrich. 1 Total appraisement real ana per- Tho "Mfiw Vnrk lecrialatnTe has I road, steamboats, etc : 1891, $260- I passed an Anti-Trust Coal BUI. 99619 ; 1892, $1-57,220212 ; 1 89 6 weutonco more wiuj i How could a nation of men lixe A Nice Mesa I Patjsccrox, N. J March 5: The these be conquered i cw (k.umler graauaies m i"wu qn nicht burned in emfy me Kiog oi Snain. in a demonstration in wdicd . it ajiid that wU,aj uemu.iv . t,ndred took tarU ihe mw , llltl.l - tie qaotd l.l'civt thst rasny auc tions of lb-Suth are talteJ tioip culture. He rcfmmtidt the f&rsaticd of bop crer aj--aLjocit a numlx-r of farmers cluthjug lo- C-th'-r, ratting an eijrt bp xnt3 in take chare the first year, bsili a hop curing Ii3ue and each taeta ter ol the atMctatioi planl a ssaall field in bopt, the acreage to b lu-creaw-d vear by year until each l t, , . AltantA. Ullt III l uk . " Journal. As to -Boilers.-L?t there I no thought, to say nothing of a threat, f bolting. A daleallon from anv State, thai would go to the oaliooal Ua: era tic contention declaring lhat if a free ailver msn on a free s!vtr . plstfcrm should t chcMa tbtj would sunrjrt him, and If cQt. they would not ba bound by tha action of the conventiouould tct, . nutd noi. atid ahould not Va ai- mitted to ita d-liberaliona. Scch a delegation wculd have seceded ia nee. Ii would alr-sdy iav a J celt red that it Un jre4 a b3 rtpua- 1 . .. 1 - A . . 1. o C o t tl 0 A U what ne aeprecaicH uciu . i . .Y. rr v, ll . t.:.i :n ro 1 Tlie Shelby Aurora says Mr. u !;acuymaiw,H.uv,n wr7r:-:. hnmrht fifteen I fcv"y dollar, worth of Und in -m the next election wu uu-i wi i . Thi. "I. ourricton.Uftn3-r..ndhMp.d for . "Watch tho corka. WUminmonlH-e 'nner. UCBoTiew.- ,:tT, Attention, llcr- a - a ..a IThe aocalled uoctailixea cpan-i f wiliiccl btch all cco- iardadidlhesarathittg wbtn theylffOUoni wotaa bt faro- a. Asia heard of , the rMoIotiona recentlj I Citii'O. That'e Ihe tlaf. paud byCoosreat, favoring Co-1 r& j vn inderendeocc. I his se?ms m v w - . be retaliation. Ed. Subscribe for the Dxkocxat.

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