DEMOCRAT. 3 A VOL. I. NO. 27. LINCOLNTON, NOliTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MARCH, '27 189G. si.oo a yeah: t r T. IP. COSTNER, AT. X. Lincolnton, N. C. Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and surrounding country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. L. Surgeon Dentist, Lincolnton, N. G. AU work guaranteed, nothing but heat materials used. Prices reasonable. pii""1- "' ' '"aialagraement NO DISCREDIT How OF SILVER. Has i icy cil i-ctw , Lincolnton, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main Street. S. i FINLEY. Attorney at Uawv Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in X rth State Hotel. B. A. JUSTICK. Attorney at Lav, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in th Courts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Ilk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotel. DENTAL NOTICE. Dr. A. W. Alexander will be at his office at Lincolnton, June, Au gust, October, December, Febru ary, and April. Will be in Mt. Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. FRANK X. CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line done with neatness and i dispatch. Give me a call. il-15-95-ly Socrotary Curl isle Dealt With It. Treasury Department. Office of the Secretary, ) Washington, D. (J., March 10th, 1S90 - ) Hon. Josiah Patterson. House of Representatives: My Dear Sir: Your tavor of February 17th wa9 duly received and ought to have been answered once, but the pressure of official business compelled me to delay re sponse until now. You Btate that in a speech delivered by lion. C. F. Crisp, m the House of Repre sentatives the 14th day of Febru ary-, that gentleman said : ''He (meaning tho Secretary of the Treasury) refuses to give silver for gold because he must hold the sil ver to pay silver certificates and Sherman notes issued under the act of 1890 is presented he redeems it in gold and not in silver. What mockerv is this: what sort of friendly treatment is accorded sil ver bv this law and the practice that obtains at the Treasury of the United States:'" and you ask me to "state how he (I) have dealt with the silver currency; since your (my) incumbency of the of fice of Secretary of the Treasury tificates upon deposit of uilver provides that "the coin deposited or or representing tho certificates shall ho retained in tho Treasury for the payment of tho same on demand.1 It is therefore nlain I hat whenever tho amount of sil ver certificates outstanding, tin Secretary of the Treasury cannot, without a violation of tho law, pay out such silver except for the re demption ot certificates. At such times he has no more right to es chango silver dollars for gold than he has to pay them out in any other manner. Hut there is alo another fund in the Treaeurv which is required by law to he held for a dillerent purpose. It consists ol tho bullion and the standard sil ver dollars coined from the bullion purchased under the act of July 14th, 1890. That act provides tor tho purchase of silver bullion at the market price ind the issue of Treasury notes in payment for it. and it also declaros that "no great er or leps amount of such note shall be outstanding at any time than the cot of the silver bullion and the standard silver dollars coined therefrom, than held in the Tr?asury purchased by sue! notes." Under this provision the Scn tary is required to keep in the G is ton Now3. I Cainwba Nows. Wo are glud to know that vera! I Th ChrotonUn Uterary S.-s. embryo student of tdmrthaml will I ty of I, College had n public soon have an opportunity for in- I d hab l.tdy. struction under a competent tench-1 Col. M. K. Tnorntmi ha Iwi to er. .Miss Carrie McLean, of Char-1 lYti!ir-9 lately ib btiin. lotto CJradt d School faculty. Uh- jjri jAin(. n.,Uiu. of Denver. e to form a class in (lastonia and MlUf !ia, moVl,t ln Hickory. in a nonce eikwi)cre rvotiei cor-I f . . ... and whether you (I) have, in deal ing with the subject, discredited Treasury at all times an amount respondence on tho subject. Viv Iiojmj she will 1k able to form a clas anions th tovrn'd bright young Kciif. " Mis Mclcan ia a Lincolnton lady. J At (Jhndale. S. (!., littta IJaxtcr Hopper, C year-ohl son ol Kwcl HopiKT. died of hydrophobia Sun day aft' rnoou, having n fit every !iv; mimitft until death cam h his relifl. If. lived j tit nine wifVsto lb.-hour from the time the dog bit him. lb- wa- a coui.i f Mr. L. T. IlopjHr of our town. 1 h hou of Mr A. . .It-nkin. uar Cherryvilh, wl.ieh w;n r MrtHl in Inst wok's pnjr to ban l''ii destroyed by tiro wan injured tor in the P-inncr' Mutual Fin? Insurance Association of (iaston county. President W. I), lib'i.n. ami Treasurer K. I.. WiUon .veie in town Saturday arranging to j-'.mhI out notices f n"sinont t Ciiwr th bn. The deepst sympathy of their silver." In answer to your question I can only say that in all the operations of the Treasury Department dur ing my administration of its aflairs the legal tender, gold and silver coins of the United States have been treated precisely alike, except that greater efforts have b5en made to keep gold coins in circulation. The amount paid out by the D'e- of silver bullion, at ;U cost price. and in standard silver doliars roined from tho purchased bullion, exactlv equal to the amount Treas ury notes outstanding, and he can not, therefore, lawfully us such standard silver dollars except tor the redemption and cancellation of Treasury notes. Mr. Detter to the I'nited State Senate, upon which Mr. Crisp's statement seems to have been I baspn. wns written on the 1 a 111 uav .-.. 1- It. . I cenmcaies greauy exceeu8 uie .f Au 1803, and at that t.n.e amount paia out in goia coins ana there WM no fr,e Hilvor in tho gold certificates and in no instance fc , no i a i i. j:. ; : i. . l. J ' 7 nas uie iea aibcnmium uu "" standard silver dollars in the made against silver or its paper rrea except such as the law representatives. ln no instance I,,. , . .n hol,, f,P 1hn r. shipping asJU to Jamaica. W't Indian Mr. W. A. Sidf. mho had pneu monia, it well agat". Mr. Charlef Vi took an i-v -r-do- f m -rphifi" Sui.t y. ! wk, and' u ar dn.. Mr. Il ur V. W SU In . ti.- ! Vh- ling. VI Va , t a.-i -pl i M.iiiiui n fiifinr-.n m llili Hir- l4 Colli il i V. Mr. V. I.. Clinird hi n-rrjt. ! a iK'itin in a S.i1mu C!tM Mill. A 'li"iini-'n" i 1'i-rr.piuv I.t'Mb U gineMtl. North tnr'n I rt-. 1 ! h-. nt I'rttnu! m Slali.-o, April 1. "! Ir .md C t !;iu- l. .1. (arj nti r N-nh I mvii.. gootl. Mr. Kmok I n2 and oth r iucorHr.ii- t!e ir .l-ar. l-iiin at Catawba i.-i NT..ttfili Itlil.'l.- u Ihi..' lii. rlnu ! I i p . nrt-.if til t-rni Mu .nirl Vetoing tho DHL A rc ul!cr j ii frvm Nw 1 1 j--toaittlop, h 4 in tnmu cvk, a'rn x,t lAndntsrk h' man rt 1 1 Clvrland h! rt-Ktl inc ih prrn. Cori hd i .fii Yr cud rtx-ali but or. a bill i.f 4 ll cLrac t-r in rrrrucc t public !ud iu Aritoiit iii4 thil m.i prompt 'jf p4tol ivrr hi t I t tb.c IIour'. Th" Svii: hi U ' - m i.ilrn acii.oi uu it Th Ne !Ioj mju laid it . fi- in hi in, ... i. .bl iJcpti!.! i-an :i i' ti c fi""u t!" !?-!! f m.i. . Lad liTl'l Ii Ir.o t ; fi-li--Z w it It i lit'dlr r t oIi' I.- i. ti r r'd-r l!n. im Cl ot "tr 1. 1: st !?,.r-'.f i.t t ii". lb It ! b-i'l ?j f - il. nt i 1 t n- K t How it Would Work. iVtati ntr dlj:.- (of tta c-nt a ucl in an Kmriciioaa f- day a.c . jd u!4 lr It rrtx at that lo prior-. Th lotAto .p all mrr ih- Nt-nh ud Wtut lt y-ar a :rtn'S. and ck1 r'rr lt m -r t a o.?uu!r abl,. j -art f thir crj. In r-S':i tho -:a!.- rr txl taV-:i ial d tL- rfu;wl, ihm rio Z t d-.n l- American Kco r nftirrttat. In IIi-Vry at d .C-r U'ntira "ftb (4f !;i a ? af :!, ff:i -itt t t.J l Har j -1 i -u.'i-!, V-1 t!f r m'...L .! ISu -iiir- . .! . .iui II. f x-f " i. a i m .,i i --f i ut tra !:-' . n , i-. i t 'Jtia t ii :. . j . Un.V:i. - 4 if i . w . : ,. if, i:f-!y rail win, ..f J. l! Jit tbl ij"- f l? u!!it , .-! I ! -p!". j I!. j !.- rljt Jrm tt to 5 . in ; 1 1 f S ..f ififl l hilt jlji-rt l.-r ut It to .1 . :. P.::! I ti..L r ' 1 1 i ml L- !! i ! ! ni l! j i.f ii!i :,f I j ? 1" 'it tj - 1 3 i f 1 1 i . 1 ! . f . i 4. t ti ---...1.1 I 1 11 Im lp If U- w is., t 1 i fri-nds i tciul-l to Mr. and e;ar.nb r nul frsrn- :. h- m-r .ur?. r.. i.. .tic.Mpino in mo d"4Ui o,,, irl,r,i rl Ml I !: ?t i t l of their daught'r 7.orn. which or curMl Int Morula v. She ulTrcd OF LINCOLNTON. -0- B. F. GRIGG SON JSolioit leioa5iti. has silver or silver certificates been refused in payment of debt or de mand due the government, and in no instance has the government refused to Day silver coins or sil ver certificates in discharge ot its obligations when the holders of the obligation demanded or re demption of silver certificates and tho Treasury notes of 1MM), and these redemptions were made at all times during that month and every other month when thse forms of currency were presented During the month of August. li03, TrooBiiru- nntoa to thn nmmint of quested such payment. Vhen the redemf d in Bilver notes are presenteu ior reuemp- , . , !''. j a a day of August, 1S9. the total a tion gold is paid, if it is demanded rili,Plinwi 51 and it Bilver is demanded silver .s g.Wer and caucee(l js $ 1.,i.v,:,,To2. paid. Thus the co.ns of the two Iw odmll8,r;ltioll of tllP metals are treated exactly alike in affairs of the Department, none of AND WILL MAKE COLLEC HONS AND CASH CHECKS AT MODERATE CHARGES. s 9-27-95. NEW GOODS. to bv thf fovrn I ... -,. , these notes had been redeemed in ment, as well as in me aiscnarge rftrniipi of debts due to the government. i.:.,;. n.l. It has always been the policy of . UUMM) I1I1UISI11IIIUII nvMaij ,., v.. . the Treasury Department to en- lim,nrwi ; PTrhn,o for . ll.A ..a of r.JitAi S-k ft-IAl courage iu uS u. - pother forms of currency. Of this largest possible extent, ana in or- ,mount jmx has Um-ii pro- derto accompnsn tnis, sauuaru . silver dollars will be sent by ex-1 qq n excholiRtf for press, at the expense oi tiie -gov- .. CertincaU.9 Tho 1)epart. ernment, to any one who will de- rnfnsotl to rx- posit an equivalent amount in sil- h gllvor for goia when it iad vercertincatesorin ireasury notes . . , . ina..rniiv nard of 1890 with the United States , ... , r it . . B(1 refused I am wholly unable to see how it could bo considered a dis crimination against silver. Is a Treasury or any Assistant Treas urer, or with a national bank de- I have the largest stock of New j nnR;tor an(i eubsidiarv silver Musical Insruments that has ev- coin8wiil be8ent by express at the er been in North Carolina, such J as Autoharps, Aooordianb, Man- expense of the government to any dolins, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, one who will deposit with such of and Roller Organs, and any fleers or banks ajjy kind of LTnited thing else that is kept in a first states currency or national bank dasa Music Store, trices lower for L'Oday with dotitilf pneumonia I ,t JJtcVorv. all th tiniM diowmg her If a marvel of patiut nduranc". Sh was about twidv yr old. Her finTil wa held nt the home l iK'sdav morning, and her body wa laid to ret in th town r-mf-tery. Mr. Lawful Nantz, of Hard' ii. is qtille sick. Henry Hucuinn and Mi Mng- qie Sunimey w-rn rM?nntly marri-tl nt Harden bv Kev. II. A. Wilen- barge r. Tom McCle. a colored boy wnll known about town, ha recently ben Sorelv atllict'il. Six month ago a piece if trel from an pmorv whed stuck in hineyo ball. After some day he went to the cbctor and the foreign fragment wa ex tracted, but had al ready set in and could not 1m? read il v subdued. The e-e continued to get wor'? ami wtr". The ball swelled up and was ready it eemnl to burst like a boil. Lat Satur day Dr. Sloan ndftted by Dr. Wil son tok the eye out. Thl was deemed necessary in order t ave the other which wan already In coming iullained. Since that time he ha had one or I wo 'iwdU which seemed to alarm hi attend ants, no little. He wa a dtcile i:MHl-nalured darkey, once a man-of-all-work at the Southern dejwit, and later was employed at Adim and Henry "s livery stable. He i doubtless in need of all the help and attention he gels. The A. It. P. Presbytery mnt at (iastonia, April Mis Kmma Corn well, of Lincoln county, i visiting Mrs.t'.C. i?jrn well, liwell. (lazelte. I.iur- I. id ! i n 4 -sr.- ttlii.-li I..- i SU. New ttl --'pb' r' ! i . . . , . .. ... pl ni wttli I ! jc Miller I- 1 1 r i d 1 1 ! . t. - i .t. I " I i J . -i - f i --. 1 1 Mi.-,!, ..1 I 1 I A lb-ii mirk t i Mr I. S rohl-ed at nlurd.iv nsht f a harii. n side of lin, T,.t .im.-J T.jridy and nuie d iw.d el J W. S tr. t t l.nreiii..n!. iR4 iutt Uitiht a ru bsl d wu-rii wheat. He i a mill man ' O. M. Holler and Mi D-r ls-iac wep unrri'tl al f,larvmni r-eiitly. tn Mnl'rpri- I 'i Vie i .f . ' l I . ; - I i..f I :sl .! 1 lii it; i III II W --t lii! 1 i i V v l in.l v-l"d l!s ni ji4--l lb tn 1 h n.i',!' :i ali:'l t ! i1- si k f w.if iti. I i . Whwt auoc! !.. ittikin m i t ! wiMifM r I ? .IMsl lll'l- lll .A ! i lin r-' t 1 . 1 T C I--1'- . I !.- '.'- K" til i.'-4 I . iii'-ral ! r t- t--t 111 ti-kliUOi '1 ,- 1 . 1 ! S 1. ..t 'l fvr!,'l -l ! I . : ! !(rt!4 til !. il i 1 4 : i 1.1 I.J' .1 Carolina From I 'harlot I. A UIV liMine i nlneb- ! b lrlieb. Nrtb (:r-!iO;i." lo .JohtiUi N" C"bI,l-. I w "-' In i-nll att niu t.ur r-nd r t a iniprint fr hiei I ati :! reiilde. Tb name (:irdiii.i. ! iN'rofl frni t'hrirb- (t2rdn.l I n- glaiitl. iel frin riitl II.. i- J , , f rI, fv. ml. f ai-. l"..i i. r will pj--ir frm lb- t'db'n iu,j j ii ,.,, ,, . ateUrd fn-t: ! .-tu r it K :iu'-V. a l-iaM.- I. Justin m-r arr'!"!,.,.,! u a ai;d C'ritieal H.-lry b.-a 1,1,1 j I, ,n, :at-i the Krneh und-r t'liiirl IN. did J -j-js,. fi,3f..n.- S-n.. a ;--f not iidl the li.rritorv nr.uud 1-ri J w j, i.. ..iip!iiM; Il'tyal. t'aridin:i. Ibiner.-fi aiwl j .,:t ,r, i i. u l. .u - jjif.. ' dj 'il i l ii!iit ! '.-!" I jflle- 1 ! i -1 4 w r -jl Hi I 5 i f u J ' uli'.i!i I-f i A! ; I if t . t " AWI l-Ci3Sl i i ll rx ! I.i c t crtu J i . 1 1 r ' M i I f l i srr , lb tt f C V Ii Il La !r ! ri !.--! ii 1 1 -.f ihif f fct t if I i--i--f t tij b: it vli4-if t .'Kt ti it ! r it l! 1 "i- ! lr !jii ! insi" il N t t ll n 4-r 4j."r .il f als;lt 4 t lt .l f Is a t il !r u cM 1 1 . 4 1. rt f)lli ll faith III t 't 44 I l,?if 4 - I tu Lit I . I ilrt' i't ll tll fit. t ta n ib di. i ! mi UV til fl - ft..Ai lint ib-n't ll ttcp K ; .iiiri t it l4 f d -a!iltri dl rr.r' f4 t 1 l f tl'SIl 4l1 l Ul 1 j4rtvl. Cor r?c?. If 1! ;j!i- it'-'n lis" '.am -t;ii ; !" I'hiCAf j I5- SfyS.l, ? ltil Tli Kngleli ealbI I tul .llfll Ti., r.ilnf I ....! ifl U fclri tl other- They lilv i.iiu-l tb fort whieb they built. Ar ar Iiiki. The Spani-b !-! "ur ! ffi torv Florida t'irM"t it'lf and nl ' Tb- Kot ! v b-iil4ituf " ! ;iltin-l ilte-iii l"li! a I o . . - i it Virginia. at r ltab ii:b' li--v .-ill nil tb 44 It.,' erv. ... 1 t n. Hi..' i nan- i :,mi..f .in - --fif r. Southern pirt Virmi.i. griint'--l I - iit tt a(rl., M.I--'4 t! f i I . n U rrv4 than ever. Orders by mail have 3romt attention. Addess W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C. 11-29-95. . notes ; but gold is not sent to any body free-of charge. In August, 1S93, there was a great and unusual demand in near ly every part of the country for small denominations, and in its attempts to supply this demand, the Treasury Department paid out, in defraying the expenses of the Is the place to get a nice piece of Government and m exchange of BEEF, PORK and FRESH other forms of currency, all the CITY MARKET SAUSAGE. I , . All meats tfpund in a FIRST CLASS MARKET. Come to see us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. Edwards & Sherrill. 11-22-95. ly. , silver that could be lawfully used for these purposes, so that for a 030,000 refusal to pay out gold in exchange for silver a uiscriminalion against gold? If not, it of course follows that a lefusal to pav out silver for gold ie not a discrimination a- gainst silver. - Iu response to your verbal in quiry concerning tho coinage of staudard silver dollars-during the present administration you are ad vised that it amounts to the sum of $6,062,000, up to the 15th day of this month, while tho whole am ount of such dollars coined in this country from the establishment of the mint, in 1792, up to February 1S78, a period of 86 vear, was $8,- it to Sir Pl-rt Ib-.iib. uml-r ib name. Carolina." In lb" ter the dlini; t'.if'dana I hl vl, u-ed. but that i a un-- l- ling I. (,omuitin, and ;r pr-i-nti-d Sir Ul-rt lb ath ing under hi .tent. C!uirl- I., in INVI, d-'id.l that il bail iV 0!l!l 1 Tb' 1 ii3.l,i. al nil. liI -ti tb!n ul in ir-'r a II-j..,':i Tho Shops at Salisbury. The Southern Hail way Company have let the contract for the con struction of tlie liop4. iVttijohn A Co., of Lynchburg, Va., gets it at $7r.u) for the building. Tln. H. IomiiiA Sm, aNo of Lynchburg, have the con tract fort It rooting at firi.tum. Tin? mIiouh that thihopH are to ! Iarg oncj and that the rail road company ar in earnest aliut getting to work at their construe- I 4 1 .. jOI, I front a rtirUlrlnr. I rtl in in- " . . ilirtr. Tll tl w-4n m t--t tirl Iet the goMl Tork go on ami I ( rarnrj t.rjrn 4 hro mh)Ii Sali-burv will 1m? a large I j irm )rm fr bwlMlnc up nJ- manufacturing city. I ,1h. OIW.n princ rihr n4. Ccrtainlv t? have alt th advan- I In un. delay renin atlrtnlon lotrnrir tb- Th" Kali!i rrp-!'ti tl. tbrlite in nri : tl short period it was compelled to suspend payment in standard sil ver dollars except in tho redemp tion of silver certificates upon de- .4 A V4. M I posit oi Sliver ceruucaiea uuti Treasury notes of 1890. The. law ' I enciose herewith a copy of my letter to the United States Senate referred to above. Very truly yours, Signed J.O. Cabiisus. Subscribe for Tiie Democrat. etpired fr noun r, urantl , .v.. actly the -nine terri!..ry I.. . ufii , u,.,..t. IS K. i.n -iy lird Troiiri" tor under t!e ?uni-j ... . .... . Yr?.tf t;ourw. t aroium. in i a ua- given th-m nlarging tb- tr ritorv. Hne 1 nut prl my iiil. Yur trulv. Krur I. IUttii:. Chain l Hill. N.U.. March l. IV il.r.V lUp.d-. i-m Wdi-n. .,i Lind that b h'd.U tk in tKr .xc'A aim w""r. j crimp ii v ! tb am "ii nt if?-11. -i l -I l -r i. i f, i.4. -if I . in-1 . it ,i4y ' ti -,tl in lb Mklcf ot4 CilvSl b1d ri :S . lH9 4J41.I I ! !m ij.lfil Cw3 cm, In --i.aL.f,t.p i.e. d!.- U if ..,, U tl at .pit.i .. ..-. Tl - -.-uM t 4- v tuU. tle l.-m.-rl:c rli -i.-f S 1L nbs llu. .ar tb-re ,. hub. .l.lile..l!-" i!-. u4 b.f- il 4ft I ta Ttr jr5y J Vith l"?-Lt. iV,m Ltt lnf V. 4 I. K ......... d'..l ...a.. . . . i I li4 I" " ' ---- Vi lii' n 1 1 r m-fs! il l h. mp!" i ' y Wtw-n til tlii-l tnrtll U l t-lrfirt TrutM Wi'I Oii'. . - - - . 1 . . 1 . 4 I . . . t. . .I.l.,w . , 1 i . - . - - 4 ! II i I 1 I . iiai -n"i - i ti4 i u rir 1 r i mu-h iitrt"l i ll J --j tt- 4ilfji t tiv f-.fd'p:n-nl d the bo- S-f -r i!.rV :uiw tillt to t;.J3Mft!Ti th tHifitV t 0 9 t! tw tj;t! I'.ut l5r j ro cl tJr t rj mf 4 Doft ca ... . . . - , tl.f :! tl-.r !ift;:- mud c.r tage of location and the facilities I Jf ;kUlM it inr,iutlr. T. H4 11 tor maKing one oi in- inianu cun- pirro i.i . 7 , - -7.7; , ' lt42 flf himlf t-l 1. e. cn f aC4r.dina h . . . i.i rxirift 1 fx-: It. . ..,1. I tlUrilR l 4 - a 111 wis iMium. t,to. anJ to lntl4T-rl' ir miwiw I?t the mcwabai kick tht-m- trm. itinv noiMnc nul i llr ilvesoutof the way and give j,,,, sr.pritU tio. limlltdo tiln r. t- Tnb friHrtv noil thrxti nu Hr.l Itw t-4tinrUS rnit. 1 T .V , ; .7 4 V U.hA in brtutf of lloodV StrptritU who will help the city togtt along. ;lu ffm juue. frrstctul tptr. I Salisbury Herald. I Thry t-ll tb iory. Siiiti.r Uutirtvol I j cttn "fflict." Hi bunr- f bd ! t.yl f!t-f.1'l f "f lb" d"ff iulii4t it xv.xmur t rvid'otlf 4!ajUrd, TLl t bt itry prt'prit4 tir.rilly !l ln-au. ctb-ri. II nc .n'Mn " Stncj ,(0 n:craf d. Wil St- 34 llih t--flv in orth m t"ib. Uo For i. Irt . cr!it ! lr"r TL r'ticrr'l alfl r 1 h-r. "Krl-J ,.,441 . r iryitc t' cr mark. jici I r ulitu h!t?l&r Tb- Vane ilunumcnt Kur d $ol jfn-. ran d.fcl lUif am ly f.;s. out uf I'olk Milltt't ltur atl littl :k. s r e Hickory. authorizing the issue of ail ver cer-

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