) V 1 HpTX' ! ' j J - i 1 i I I LIB 3M00RAT. A I L mi i VOL. I. NO. 28. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL :i 181) a SI. 00 A YEAH. ;. 1 v V T. F.COSTNER, M. D. SLlXCOLNTON, N. C. Offers his professional service to the .people of Lincolnton and surrounding country. Office at residence next to Xorth' State Hotel. U. FOX, Surgeon Dentist, Lincolnton, N. C. -All work guaranteed, nothing but best materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except by special agreement Office on Main Street t 0. JC. CHILDS. MFYim A Mn CDrp Oil lr-r I r . . , . . ... ni-i- oiL.vcn. scieniinc meuioos tor iiih treat-1 u. Illflit of orea did not afTit na tliM I TUn Choap Ubor and High Neces- touch o Midas, this ancie nt indus- ton ami $1 wheat with tho coat nf oca.. i-o. I . mi . . . ..... I . ry. mis prosperity winch lie de-1 all other commodities To the Editor of the Observer. 1 have hist read Jiuia Clark's runtime 8cn!es a, going forwards by 4ieaps pan passu, except IaW. which is remarkable letter from the land of aml ,mund8 " aml in winfnl con- tho last to respond to tho change irasi wun me long couiinueu uo-1 irom sound money. pression in the United States, is F. S. DkWouk. ascribed to fiee silver. Seattle. Washington. Mar. it. lhWV rm - v Mexico has free coinage both of sold and silver mi omml ?m. Catawba rws. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main Street. i :i FINLEY.. 5 - . Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all bnsiness. i Office in X rth State Hotel. JV. justice. the Aztecs. Blackstone said it re quires the lucubrat'ons of twenty years to fit a man to be a judge, and we. must conclude that th? un divided homage claimed by ft zeal ous profession has debarred him from the study of questions of money arid tinance. It may be the ratified atmosphere of the high attitude in. which he was, produced a sort of mental mirage, or mote A BIT OF EARLY HISTORY. both being full legal tender, tlio Henry Probst, who ha leoti exact system sought to fastened working on a railroad in Wwt upon us here. In Mexico under irginia was riotiy hurt some, tree coinace choau silver has driv- days agt en gold from circulation and use as money, and they have tho silver standard. Silver mono-metallism er of their silver dollar is the value in the markets of the world nt the bullion it contains, no additional Mrs. J. 11. Heard's School for Girls has contributed $5.Ui toward the Vance Monument Fund. Floyd Rrittain hud his arm broken at George Hilderhramr saw mill last week. H. F. and J. I). Elliot havr a value being given it by coinage. I tract to build u IfiOiXl residence of commodities as stated. I 1 he -Mercury claims to have the Wo have free coining of oold. largest subscription list of tnv . Attorney at Law, j Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg. Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Polk, and in the "Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotel. ? DENTAL NOTICE, likftlv Rtill n crrntafnt enen nf nnQt , n i i ii i , i r j i -f auu me vaiue anu purcnasiDK now favors, and a lively sense of favor3 , A. . . 1 to come, made it desirable for him to put himself en rapport with the poliiics now dominant in North , . , t . . This is made manifest by the pr ce ,n Greenville, J.C. ed to be run between the history , 1 on Xf . 6t the Catholic Cburch in Mexico J ' 1 pfir ititHar K I AtltlV .Mlll.r flllll .M T J Allllli uuuwi nuiLii luniiiiniii u i j ....... . ...... ....... ........ larger per capita of monov than Mingus were married last week; also I). . Drum and Miss Koan u a i.- 4, 4.L ri exception divided nearlv equally marker ins paring ueueuicuuu to iu in p n . . f ucmcju guivi, siici auu jjaimi ti I w" . ....... Liu any editorial connection with the lows: "May God nave mercy on . A. , . n. a- ...... . leacn ior me oiner.. Mexico nasi ,U, WUI- . Al wc luUmnp,l nvor nn LilHon ..wi LU imblisheil at Haleich. Deiuiv believe Jadfte Clark the monn-lf t.,vM d( Hickory's colored lawyer i.ul Ur- ? . " :.7IF 1 i TC home and use as monevonlv about . Irak's par is againat fu fifty millions of this vast sum, sio Denny is opposes to that Dr. A.'W. Alexander will be at hi office at Lincolnton. June. Au gust. October. December. Febru- perch and see arL and April. Will be in Mt. things in that country. Holly, July, September, November, Jaiiuary, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. the little hills like lambs, in the a. i? very wanumness 01 urubperuy. . . . ... . . . , , . amounting to less than $4.50 per P- Let us come down from. this high , . . I T)r O I l.ll c rnmtn thft rfnt nivinff phhp mil I J. I... ITOU Al . capita, the rest having gone out I ur. u. iroller me couuuiou ui A. Tr.iii ........... into tne marKets 01 ine wona. 1 ne i i uiwiih. Tlio f onf ttiot nonnarro of ill PY I r,m mo nrwi O;ior r,ii.ru joa i thof 1oKfrrc Ufa M1H I ' ' uw,uw 01 wnicn nas oeen coiueu has moved to He United States has coined about i tak9 tne flelti lately vacated by Dr. Shaw Yount, who has moved FRANK P. CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. by creditors in a form of qualified slavery to work out debts, not by authority ol law, but worse still arising from the debased and help less condition of labor, is sufficient answer to the claim that Mexico is Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line. done with neatness and developing more rapidly than any dispatch. Give rae a call. 11-15-95-ly country on the globe. I - A M. Romero, Mexican minister at Washington, some time ago pub- GROCERIES AND f- CROCKERY. I always Keep . First-Class Groceries. al t Mackerel, Cheese, Crackers, . Canned Goods, Flour, Coflee, My best Rice 8 cts per ponnd, Broken Rice ii pounds lor One Dollar, Northein Seed Xrislx Potatoes 75per Bushel, Nice Lime Crockery. ,Verj Respectlully ' jrBRAMHAUR." lished a table of wages paid labor in the different States of Mexico, the average wages paid being 36 UCii La uci uay u lug buvu u t-i-ij . , J I nooa nnw hnni r Ti cq n rr nvv in he Dubhshed a table giving the l . . . to Newton. since the act of 1ST3, which, it is ine Newton orrpomteni ot claimed, demonetized silver, and th Mercury "is glad to know the to-day retains in use as money National Bank of Hickory has pur- within five million dollars of the chased the Catawba County Bank I Ml . entire amount coined. Now if ntl win nin it. Mexico is so prosperous on a wage- Catawba County Alliance meets earning of 36 cents per day, with at Catawba btation, April V, 1M. the cost of the necessaries of life Hickory Mercury. as stated, and with less than 14.50 Co1- M- E- Thornton has sold per capita of money some other his "Merest in the Press and Caro- reason than the scarcity ot money and the low price of wages must be found to account for the dull- prices paid for many articles which enter into the daily lile of the this country. Not long ago President Diaz "as- working classes, viz: Bacon, 50 "'" cents per pound against 20 cents largely to the decline in the price . n r u.in.nionnf- of silver, which he said so enchant here; flour 5 cents against cents 1 o a o ed the cost of foreign exchange, as here ; corn 2 cents per pound a- n & a C a f u,a . ,.Atfnn to stop, in large measure, the im gainst 4 0 of a cent nere; cotton r 0 ' . , ... ca i, portatiou of merchandise, which prints, which are largely used by , , . f. , ini nanLa 0 stimulated and encouraged domes- the common people, 1U$ cents a- ft gainst 3 4-5 cents here ; tobacco,'. J u u 1 r Is t the purpose of these free nlthnnrrh tho P mfllA OTlfl flHl I Oil . i:Kik,n.n;, silver advocates to stealthily fasten Mexico are very likely better suit- - ed to its culture than here, sells 8 Dew Iorm 01 civio.eyia.n on an average of 24 cents against 1019 couu"y 8 cents here ; sugar, another of its linian He will continue to edit the paper until the new owners make other arrangements. Mr. Frank dinard father re cently dropped dead at Salem N. C." Mrs. K. B. Cline hni returned from a viit t Greenville, S. C. The City Hall of Hickory now has a lell. Shuford Drug Co. recently re ceived a letter addressed to them at Shuford. N. C. Press and Carolinian. PITY HI ARK urf I mniiiLi 1 Is thetplace;to get a nice piece of iBEEFPORK and FRESH SAUSAGE. All meats found in a FIRST CLASS MARKET. Come to see us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. Edwards & Sherrill. t Ut22-95. ly. ' . - Subscribe for The Democrat. NEW GOODS. .. Tho Raines Rill. The Raines excise bill bv the legislature of New York, if it fi nally passes, is probably the e- The precious metals constitute verest blow ever dealt against per- nroductions. sells, he says, twice much the larger part of the exports oniu liberty. The bill is expres and even three times higher in from Mexico, and miniug is their give of the prohibition sentiment, Mexico than in ew York. Re- chief industry. Senator Carter, of which looks upon the state as the member, too, all these articles of Montana, in a speech lately said guardian of the mortals of the daily use must be paid for out of Ine wages paid miners in this people, a bold infraction ofjpcrson- an average wage' of 36 cents per country is 3 per, day ; in Mexico al liberty; it oversteps the line Anxr ... ... . .. 50 cents per day, paid in silver, re- which divides church and state and - Judge Clark say the owner.of a member-anotber .proof of the is a giant stroke in ihe direction $1 000 United States bond sells it prosperity going forward thep by of centralization by which the peo - f.-r crrkiri5 with h,Vh hp huvs 2.- and bounds." pie are to le placed at the mercy mn Bnvr nnt. out. silver which " .Every farmer, he says, who sold f the will of a few. There i io .t.nar with ffA hut Mexican cotton in the United States last nothing that so clearly shows the silver which he sayBf remmns at year was in effect taxed 6 cont a tendency of the Republicans to the old value, and invests in prop- pound, and 50 cents a buhei on. iane auvnmage 01 nice, c,aSs auu art T;.n tbn ffttinff $2 ot wheat and Hives the aggregate of religious prejudices for partisan DroDertv for every 'dollar loaned these losses, until his indignation ends as the measure now pending the United States. Hesayscotton became sd fatignea ne stoppen. u-iure iue is worth 13 cents per pound and His common sense and intelligence It recognizes the state as an abso- wheat $1 per bushel. He does not must have been exhausted long lute power wnicn may uisregaru tell however whether the shrewd before his indignation was reached the tenets of civilization and con Yankee invests his monev in cot- or he would never have submitted stitutional bound The free born ton at 13 cents, wheat at $1, bacon such absurd and senseless state- man is made a subject and state at 50 cents, flour at 5 cents, etc. ments. despotism takes the place of Con or in other, property, the value of . Fiee silver means cheap money titutional government. What which is fixed and measured by the same mono-metallic silver stand ard. Mexico's prosperity began with the construction of her rail- Toausf and I mining, her chiet 10- I have the largest stock of New dustry, is receiving a wonderful Musical Insrumentb thst has ev 1 jmpulse lrom" the Influx' of bur er beenan North Carolina, suca tvho at opening'her aban- 00' 4 r tatt 1 utii! AinAOTTlWfl ill AN I - . colins, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, doned m,n eubstitnt.ng jmprov- nu avvjij1jJB,k .fuawwD, ,- 'i- c mmg else tnat is Kept m cans carrying ore ou iu,u , ,olu.0, . D - 1 . Out of weakness come strength class Music Stored .Prices,, lower tt mmPR'hV I clamoring np tho overthrow of trade, and such al - .... A. . . j ... i 'tiL 4-li.r..-. -. A.Jn. V-rr mail hdVA I . 1 .1 . I" w ' ll A' - k J'a notched poles. It would be strange nnanciai crwis as uicon-nry never enriched nnd vitalized, the appe- promfattention. .Addess . Snfnntinn of im- had. resulting in ceneral bank- i?t rtnra nnd the svntcm built lliUCCU 1 L UO fc vm 7 J o I .... , rainin machinery andlruptcy. It means to Mexicauue up by Hood 8 fcarsapariioa. 1 1 a. :.. . 4 1 i ! i the silver sUndard, silver mono- WU1 corae nexi 1,1 m utl? ' metallism a large reduction of our "oving ieopie tan to speaK in i .. . I? t I urnrd of thunder aeatnst such tv- ctrcuiating-meaium Dy gnia oeingi dnven out, a reauction of the sil- rann.v a9 contemplated under the I dfm t 1 a.1 ver dollar from its present valt, auspices oi uov morion s pany to the value of the bullion in con- Milwaukee Journal. Uios, a reduction of the value of This bill has passed the New our paper money to the value of York Legislature and has leen te silver dollar in which it will signed by Gov. Morton and is now be redeemable to unsettling of all 1 a law. Ld. J values, the destruction of credit. V. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C. 11-29-65. proved A HoRlmont of tho War of 1812 to 1014. Kr I Ik Olirnrr. Ill January, IM I.Pftnidmt Mad uoii cllett upon tho t inventor ct North ami South ('a ml in. t e.irh for a regiment of troop to roiuforce (ten. Andrew Jackson lit hi war with tho Indiana ir. Alabama Ter ritory. Tho North Carolina rrgimriit Win tiie ftixlh from th. State in the war of Is-J. It nn riun h of cn)pniii i-f inn dr.itlii! from the militia regitu'-ul in uhirh were tlill th citiuti of ltmnn. Iredell. Liirnlnt Hurki ami Ruth efford, iiirliiilin whit i lion nil or pnft of I).ivit.Alxaiider. Cataw ba, (S;ttnu. tlVflaiid. Ilk and t'altiuU. Ttie tlrifuii u.i con ducted by putting in a h it r Ui a number ot pic it pi;r tpmi tc the numlr 'f iin tm the roll of the coiiipnny. Ther ttr ln or tttlvr mu uaiite (rui ejrb company. Thi uumUr "lick. etsM wer marked "taken r in Milne other ay tt ho lh.it .he drawer nf it wmild taken. Ai the call tf hi- hame each man drew a ticket until all th marked ones had Ihvii withdraw n Irmn tin box. The niftt ilrafled Irom reginint formal a mmpatiy. 1 hrr- were two or mor regiment in varli county. The commanding ftllrr. oftach regiment detnib-d frm ih otlicers of hi regiment n r for tho company. The brigadier cm era I detailed lb rigimnilnl of. (lceri. Col. Joeph A Raren.of I'urk ommauded the regiment. Capt. John Hcatd commanded one of the Rowan companies. Captain David on, of Iredell, a compai.y of riv alry, Capt. (iingl the cmnpanv from east Lincolnton and ('apt. Thompson on f the Rult't-rfnrd 9 m .ft companies. Among tin name oi the officer were: Modv, I'ike, Vod, Rurrow and Shuping, but I do not r-colli thir rank or count u s. Tho company Irom each Lincoln assembled at Ratti' Ftrl on th- tirsl Sunday in March. IMI. Thf regiment wn fortm-tl at Salibury and marched via aib'lr to Cheraw, S. C. where the brigail- wa organizinl. The i'reident had reju-MHl tiovernor Hawkins, of North Car Una, to nam a commander of the brigade. The regiment had I . n nearly all drafted from th bri gade commanded by (ien. David son, of Iredell, and the vilioii ua ottered htm but d-clined on rc count of ill health. Anticipatinc this, (iov. Hawkins, through th-ir mutual friend, Raldy lIer.d'ron. had notified ("en. Joseph tiraham. of Lincoln, to make nil n-dtul prepatation and I ready to take the osition immediately on noti fication. Ho went wuh tho Lin coln men to SalUhtirv and with tho regiment to Cheraw. Tho term of servico wan for six month. Th brigade did not reach Alabama until after the battle or Hr Shoe, and was m no gem-ral pii gacement. It wa distributed al dttTercnt rot or fort am! detach ments on scouts, and had ikirm ishe with tho Indian. The oflicri of the two Stntr did not olwaya get on amicably in their association. Col. Rear!, rank ed' tho South Carolina ctdonel and commanded whm thrown tooth er. On one oocatiou the South Carolina colonel ou retnm from a scout complained to the general of the roughness of the road and the hardships ot tho trip. It wa in terred to Col. Rear-n for expla nation, who replied that be had n control over the weather or fuitna lion ol the country, but-hoprd the colonel had reached hit camp safe ly and was more pleasanllv situat ed than when on the march.' The regiment reached home short time before, tho expiration of the six month-?. It not being cer tain ihat troops would not bo ne-ded iongr than six months, about tho last of July another I raft wam-i!e form-n lolak-ilt plarra ol 1 1 btit lin t rr m4 Vailed out." The folio wine i a mutrr roll of the general stall of!icr t.f a brigade of North and S.uth Car lini mditia in the wrvicr- of the UntUd Stat, rommandrtt by Rri. lien. J ph ttraham, a musterr! at Fori Hawkins. July :. 1514: by M. CJ. Waage. auist mt ins"-ctor e-neral : Jop)i (iralia.n. li'jalM r gen eral : Ht-nry V. t--nner. d-i- amp ; Willmm Mriaulv. Ircd najr. Ji-.ph Kin;, l-ritr!" ch.-j-lin; Cha. Sim. ait-it lii jo.n iuartrmst-r ctf-ml : lli i.t R-iin . a'anl diviii: .ju4r rmaster giorl : J-ph V V-t. on. hospital urv"'-o . Richard C Iitham. tiotpilal nre.u" inste J.hn V Smith, :opila ufv'e- n- onto. 1 lo)( m l!' I nrnioi i f n. ?jou.. all lb lticil p-r f tin rrLMIIO Ot but the l. i- f.-ll. 4lnl have writtfii frm m tii-rv lln irli-le in hp lb it if anv ( lb- . i.-)crniiani i Uif men v u cm- titl th r rnti il hate rny pi p.M cotiii.cttn Willi it history ih Tbo World Show Upl Kir m- time tb p.hc ha U it after 1'ulit r-r. alitor of tb New York World. knon ry h-r- a a mailciHjly tnutdi. eiu rimI caotlab.ii i spAr-r, and her liat at lat caught hita and e j.-, bini. Hi pictnr it itt in ib rij' rallerr. but if l!i-r- 'v- at lir lKi!uarlri liar kUiy it w.iM hrm on- dtlbf r Tl ..ur- of Riiliirr is tb -liallo ! il.- L It Ik t m t -.ie . rl of ib- If New Yrk r- a tnll i."n it mould eru-li I'uli! f r ' but Nfttr ..k i . l-nj tut il -till ri.it,ui foi;'i cre!!.l'u ift!r am! ijm . . . !! l cnmiltaiJ t f.tl'tci- t rp ib- ciri-!iUtt..u ..f I'ulii x r j2r Up III lli th tivaltd The e-Xp-ille ..( Itl lt tittl I in the ..fiu ..j a r-H prs-.kr.-.l l.v Mr. Tbe..te R - fl apprt -1 I v the lrd f l Il nii- V"..fIl -rd-iiiC o ra - nl f v-rl m :itbt A -iri iulr iiiia?c t a fol low . the ii'.ib ,. u.t Dntr i tl.e r. pf mi. -1 nn article rav w .11 ii'l tb-n ! Nf l b "ar -1 r mi ii !.? t ol --.. 1 p and iii;a Histoticul S -! , ( I je-l Hill. N C. for pre. rvu.i. - -Hi fltii j lb J..rt .il i -;r criminal . twe:.ty- b ; Henrv W ('nnr. i.le .l.-.-np ( il,.-i. n i.i --ji Ure in this i was Major ( nnor. of HeMif ii v. Tb" article ! a wntttrt Kord, afterward n prmtint -l liCian, who iepr.'nt--d thi ti itit in Concre i r ent "t ISUI-IMU Ma)r M.Caiilev oncatle niajir, r r.al u n a-i p. af?r. miaul adjutant ir"nrtr l. froiu Mason Hall, tlrani-euiiiv. Capt C',: u Sims wa from Yik ur :h strr. S. C. Did lUmey. I ;htnk. was from Rowan. I have nevtr n a pp r relat- ing to any othr rth ( iNitu rccimenl in the war f IM-- I4 tnt hav n on r twti mn who - . h. thev were m "Mice ai ,or- fox, I s upl ' tho lh-r live r;(. ments wt re t'en frm the c.un lief o the eat of the b-atin the Sixth. W A. tilt sh im, Machelah. N. C. Mrch I' Not Oollorn In Ark.ani.aw. Kli I or William NjiI. "f the Helena. Ark . Worbl h- .R I the Arkauiw l.-m.-'ral i- j.ij r on the dilvi-r ijin--t in. Tie ijuet ion a-kel wa: If lb- lhic:i convention ibtrlare- ai;aiiit f re silver w ill vu ttatul by the party or ! you favt.r Udt ing?" AImjiiI r cent, of the Arkan-awr paj-r favr fr ilver 1 to 1. ifnlendenl f any oth r country. Alut tiV b-ttt r we-re ent out nnd in replies made. Kightyeven r-pl i l that they wouhl t and by the party what ever it$ declarat in. nito- fnvorrt) Udlini! ntol twelve evaded t!i ijui'ttioii. Only nine pa-r ut of he making repln-, favoti-! l-dlinc. and thi iif a Stole wh.-f. iium tenths of the j-.pl. fav.r fri- il ver." Wm doubt if halt many 'a nine Iemratic iiemiiaie'r in North Carolina would cuntenanee a lndt at the Chieag convention. The recent mealing of the Stale central committee a practically unanimously in opp.iti-o to such a prositioii. The riiht-think- mg and bom-st voters of tlie State are oppo-ed to it. "Charlotte !)! rver. arcunl of Mch t tb to In iht - iin i'U f tl.e tAer at) rj. ilrial bel. A I't ).lie ftr j (r. .!.. hir!i the j-.ri itiHruM anl a u l br l i a titit f tbr a a ran- m .,;:r -tri f tirtw.t n !!. j . r . . J i ,;i ! rr k . WeR. 1 1 lire tnade : invrt- tib&ti'n. anl Mr R lt rj rtt of i!,. - tmentv-i iii'r.u8i lrnf-nnal crt k. h- pict urt the World Ce a I -in? at t in lli city of N - YrV. eiht wr d'al. tne nay dvin. ten wr in jail in Kur'j. thre- bal r firm-il ainl wre l-tliti reputab!t !iv-. atid i I be r-niA iiimf ftn not a -iiiijje ie. far as rujd I found '.ui. w- in N" York Mr. R. vt lt n rejfcjrt m it l till -III -tir. .Ve in half the ,. jturifn-nl : "We 1 1 i.-.t h-r.-aftrr tale iLm trubb . ny any nn-upj.rted taleiio-nt biev-r that may ap li-arm the World." C-r CUr- i I..it-1 'rv-r Thlsln Noat The irirte ( Apll awarded a Ci trij--l to the wisl t f tb treek. It wa !irt -rut lu Hia and be -aid. "Thalc is wir ami it wt-nt lhr-ui!i itli dlJTsf i rit hand, till imply as tiu toat-tt-r wa found to claim it. it was lit back to the It-mpte. If fTwli- ii ttt-l wt-re nwardvd in !be !ay. on the ame term, it would take to or lhr- factories runnttif day mol night ! -upply the lia leih ib-mand Morgant'ti IL raid Th) lrapsr Tlse. U -ll the mtFt tetlcGl ! lo m tlrriel trvm a ro4 tue.rie. tirly in the jrr. l hi i tle n k l-n the tifej trra jrarn for a txjlMinr op rneJJ. rltir like IIik1' ar4prill. Man) wait uii tte ujn 'princ riUr at. in fact, delay ciinc attrnticm to their pli)iral ruodiiion o icijr tral a siege uf icknei is inevitable. To r il t be j irtn o i he irnpufitie a--u mutated durue tbr winter eao.n. l priij lie hhM and to invijrurale the wh4 js- tero, there U nothinc eqwal to lloud Saroparilla. Ion't iit it urJ.Uit take lloAt rurHninu nu" o m jrcu irul. Read the tetimnlal peb htied in behalf ot l!wl Nsrararilla ill from rrliatle, jrrat'ful rple. They tell th story. Tho auc.alan to Prilchwrd. N true Iopulit r silvar vtirr can or will vote for anr man f.r the lei,..ial Aemblv who it nt pledged to the cati of silver. Am! if Senator I'ritchard thiuki he ran vote ffir -liver in the United Slate Senai- and then vote for a go!lhu for lreidenl and al tb Millie time -cure the l'opul)t vot for r- eb-ctV-n to the Cm ted State Senate, h will lr ety much m:t-taken. Hall' Hair Rener curea dan druiT and tcalpatTcction; also all C4 of I aldne where the glands which feed the room 1 1 the hair are Juot clo-cd up. Tho Mercury Roponta Stick a pin berv. The jpuliitt of Nrth Carolina will never ttc nf;ce principle for jditicl plun der Hickory Mercury. Catwrrh Curod. No remedy i a eScrtuaJ in eradkat Snc and rurir-r Catarrh Iltaaic r.J-l lulm.di. T.. b.) It pwriCrs a4 rnrirhes tlx hlcMJ.Hifttinaie saKfvbr barter U. etc.. and hild up tle sttcsi tnm t he T.rl t!n-. ThxiMtdol cases vt catarrh have Un cured ty it rafic ruwer. I or an iuj ana tain oieaet It ha ba rtfO!. Ry tte eld rrllb) and tunc tted rovfl aoddotttrvwr y Mif oey aw ay tblltele I.fale4 uCt as -Jim as rr-!. fay the eld re liable Ikif ao ;c t;kl lUTtw IVkelJC0 per Urcebvtth. ee at.rrtltn3t la paper, i'ortale bj Ircf eisU.

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