TV f J II 1 V 1 II VI r Mi! H . v(" n .11 , m i ft f M ft a ' J J -tv - o VOL. I. NO. 29. LD7COLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 10, 18. 1.00 A YEAR, in X X -V - 1 1 JJ , f . ... i .a i w . i U - L, T. i? costner, r. r. Llxcolnton, N. C. Offers hisprofesslonal service to the people oi Lincolnton and surrounding country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. L. S. FOX, Surgeon Dentist, LlXCOLNTOX, N. C. All Work guaranteed, nothing but beat materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except by special agreement Office on Main Street THETWOTHIRD3 RULE. IV. c re Than One Thing at Stake. .Within the past six wrecks the ecitor of the. Observer has re ctived perhaps n hnlf bushel of p leonal letters of thanks and ap pcbation on account of the posi tion tht paper has taken on the vi:il question of th preservation IE. CHILDS. Attorney, at Law, LlXCOLNTOX, N. C. Work intrusted to- his care will be 'firomptly and carefully attended to. .Offlee on Main Street. S. aFINLEY. Attorney at Law, -LlNOOlNTON, N.-Gv Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in N :rth State Hotel. History of its Adoption and of its , Effect Upon the History of the Democratic fcarty. , The history of the two-thirds riile date3 Lack to the first conven tion ever held by the democratic DartV. Ul) to thnt timt thA nn- didates of the various parties had P ho. inleKrily of lhe Democratic ,. i:v oizanization. Thero have leon The first political convention in h'.T ,elter8 lhan the history of the country was that 01 en PO8910, a,,ftWer- 1 of the anti-Masonic party, which J".1' helpful and are brought Seward and Filmore into prized- Tho majritV ol political life. The antiIasonic U,em haVft henfrom 8ll nonr The Democratic Party. mti opiN' it wiih a rhnrrnn. The Unlnili News du ObrYr ch:i c r.t.d tl. c-iniiv:.- that re?::ts t sw certain Democratic arc rvputiatin;!" DtmcrAtic papirw "urging a repudiation of doctnn u uN cbar. Stattrf- thu frv coinap of ilwr, wliich iVil.e Landmark. Democrats hav hvh nromi a in? t Ii- i-plM stuc lSill. It ii con .inually riMrtl by fn-'Ciii-air- of silver; that it h a ftinda mvi.tal doctrine of the party, and thr. thMi who upH it an r pu iatinj DtnMratic duct rim: thr.t they haw depart etl from the faith and gonnolT after something entirely new. juiivui inc. A 1IC UI1 Ll-iHUMUlllC I I party originated in western New msn from nearl7 HVHry wa-kof Now what nr th.- lnet. Xo York over the alleged disannear- ,lfe' ,)l,t not a few them haw ance if William Morgan, a Mason cornb f rom the . "-eta of the book which! 8e stiver, aim one oi a- B. A. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in;the Courts of Lincoln, MfcklenburgfGastoii, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Polk, and. in the Supreme ami Federal Courts. Ottke in Xorth State Hotel. IXET.A.J NOTICE. Dr. A. W. Alexander will be at hi office at Lincolnton, June, Au gust, October, December, Febru ary, and April. Will be in Mt. Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. who had written claimed to expose the workings of these' .receia Thursday night, w,. the first three degrees of Masonry. K,n lo 'luoie 1H" wnwr ,s The partv came to life in 1820 and knowu tnroRt the State for woYi soma rights in locals elections h,s abili,-v aml hractr f"r in the statCLOUtaJirtU.-...It.then luhe l1? lf1hi9 Iracy. He called for a national convention has had high honors from his par- tobe held at Baltimore in Sentem- l' havin held a Sta,e e of 1 I .1 : .t... .i ... t ber, 1881. This convention held u,,,,lv' 4'1 in Baltimore in December, 1881, at which Clay and John Sargent were nominated. ' The first democratic convention was called to meet in Baltimore on the 21st of May, 1882. Jackson had previously been put out as the Democratic nominee by the New York legislature, but New Hamp shire, which is the originator of national convention . which was held. 'It was. for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Vice President, Calhoun having qaur reled with Jackson. The presiding officer of this first democratic . convention was Gen. Robert Lucas of Ohio, and the res- IFRJNIi: CAUBLE, WATCHMAKER AND JtWELER. ' Watches repaired. Anything in the Jeweler's line done with neatness and dispatch. Give me a call. 11-15-85-ly CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. await him. He writes I repret that we do not agre about the rernonetization ot silvor; but I am sure we are one in con viction that the welfare of all the people in the Union, and especial ly in Noith Carolina, demands the preservation of Democratic organ ization. While the silver question is acute, we must not forget that in the keeping of the Democratic party are the great fundamental principles of personal liberty, the rights of the States and the pro tection of the community against the evils and dangers ot centraliza tion. The Democratic party whs organized, has been maintained and must be perpetuated to guard national Democratic platform hn ever dclar?d fr the. fr and un- limitd and independent coinage of silwrat the ratio of 10 to l(and in thM davs if n envx hf i- friendly to silver but i opjMMd t independent, and unlimited coin age at 10 to 1 h is denounce! an a gold-bug who ii attempting to decniw somelMMly.) Therefore, mutational Demr:itic platform ever having declared for fre coin age it cannot with truth unid that it is a doctrine of the. party, for what ever any titimUr of in dividual I)einicrat may favor it cannot be accounted party doc trine until it is laid down in the platform. If the Democrats have leji Chief of the I'tiited Static ltuivnu of St at i-t it;. pitblUhi- in th Kebtu in nuniU-r of tb K.runi nn artich on th Niciirnugu.- Cannl. The nitirh in tnlv twelve t3-i. but ii a comnli te fxiHwre of Um- prtl-teroiii clnine. tinnncia!. commercial nnd lit inl, ti--ri which Mr Warner Miller r--t hi-tr-n?jury raid. The projftor .f t bi- chfitv estimate the tmlhc nt Mm ton. Mr. NimiiM -n if h wtr ralliil ujh.ii to make :m -timat for a corjN.mi in prowing ibuihl thi" canal. ! would advi that the intimate- I butt ujcii not more than IU .! a i i..n aiiiitml lv. Mr. Niiutio o- iiit r-t th---tigun- iimiii In ip' ilixit. Lot giw into a careful examination all the t rath U-twt n tin Atlanta and Pacific by rail, by -ail. or L teiimhip. He call att-nlitii ! the fact that lili ide of the ca nal are in the 'calm l-dt." and can never ! Ilie the ch.ltiled ot sailing Ve -a -avmg the outward premising the e.opln free silver hound. He jdiou-. mor r. thai nu? aiid catimrctal c iditiin aIo:h i-iruiit th- practicabili ty i th ir e!;teqr,-. . A jrnph let recently pr-pttr-d f r tLv At- :lan:n Ht-iti..ii declared that th PncklmJ a Hubble. caul -uM !l9V" a - Mr. J.-eph Nitnno. f..rm.rlv annually. I.,u (ail. u. fur- nir. .any niriio iiuii T'-i inai ii Coli'd life fVll e,'.e.t. nt;i-t!l i-f tbnt amount, and it i o rv doubt ful if it re.ibl l;ier-, l .i l-irc urg--! to t-i i.l th- cr-!it 1 toVi-niUet ! tne T11- cunioti- Maritioit t'anal lotnjny Chsd Hill drfated Laiarrtt Co.l Pa., at Im-1U Ut rek "Hi N rih Carchr. Teicbsrm AtinWj n.-rt t AtLrt il!t tbll veer. Hr p:ll afv pun ly --f-tab!a and do r-t punr-. jiu or $ri$e. All druiTi:it. Tie- iti.i ..f ! National !! fo;m pjirtr, CeirT., tnt mt Pitt! tit ', h. Thelitis ! ilturt hut pa.rd A ha t pfiit th- wr-tring of hiIi hat at thiatrw ii!k Mil! t turii.c tocr of t!i- Sint- i-tt-l tte ' Mt.C0 uviium-ttl fund flMM of Nicnra-iu ! the full a'n-Mml of t!e c.t-t of th.-ir prj.-t, i-ti- niii ni !-. . . wiiu a tro!-,' pribablil lli-it ii mill amount to f.Mi.itti . .tliiiit; culd I-- in-r. ao.urd 1 1- to liitf I it. r thmlaf.U Ujt th- t-xi- n .l -ii.-h j r.s---! j an-i u, m ft.r tL -h.. ild I- lat oi .rnii'o ni uiiti-'ul to-i I ll i- 11. I l.'.il to- Virl caii:n a thoroitKh ni -i i il n ' tt I.- mal a- 1 1 - - f-lil ial and nulitar ij--t-t .-- It U....1.I t-- -h.f in ! f. r Cnt;r-- l" m'-.tiL ihi- itiiir in iicj an un.l-r I k iin jtl..ii iir-! 'tih'f it-c a n at il l !i.r.u.!i in icat i"ii tb. i. f. .-! in all it- arm v. . . . . . . . . -n .i . 4 il l f : Jill t!i fK- ll w.miJ.I I .hlls -'ih i. mii.'.i. j,;. ,...,i ., isl... ..J Hit an artfuui'-nl n r- t !i r.-ulil n.i-f illt at i!o -n t pf -I r n't i . r mi"t ! !. l f I.;o- m.SI ? t f l of thf ", i .- K-i .n-l i.llio Vl!ty ltailrnl lr. V. J. lrtm. a a .lokt it I j l ii n.-l H'-Vin, ac- ! in father 't'it of Chinstfv at ft!! t'.'JIre. III lltttxfoAlt -".!lit i.t ii fr th piitli at lar - ?-! i I tor Turin- lat ir hd fr i nlntinn rpmiirincrn t wn.t h i rrl a vnt . . , , , 'Lthese principles. The danger now VW V M V. W TTMW W " I....... i is mat, in me presence oi an issue Delegate Saunders of North Caro lina. The object of the resolution was to give the southern men something of a veto power in the future conventions. The rule, as adopted by the convention, and which has stood, in part, "to this day, was as follows ; Just received a full line of Sta ple Crockery and Glassware: Bowls and Pitchers, White or Decorated, Cups, Saucers and Plates all sizes , and qualities. Bowls 5, 10 and 15 cents each. Sugar,. Butter and other Covered Pishes. All sizes and shapes of Uncovered Dishes, Long, Oblong, Sqtiare, Round, Deep or Shallow. Chambers and Bed Pans. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF GLASSWARE. Lamps, Lamp chimneys and Lanterns. If you want the BEST GROCERIES for the LOW EST PRICE call on me. You will make a mistake if you fail to see my Coffee before buying. Spe cial price on Coffee by the . sack. Respectfully, J. 13. RAMSAUR. important as it is but not fun damental, our friends may allow their passions to ignore, or forget the ''weightier things" which con cern their ealvaiiou. What tine temper this letter shews, aud how good a partisan its p.d nw writer proves himself to be I If , . A . i every Democrat were of like jnmd entitled, in the nomination to be . - .. j x v wi h this one, the party would, . ,1 .f mnHiHoa tVvr tho Vino I " , v m a. -.I. l tnis very year, sweep iue ciaie presidency, to a number that they . Taa will be entitled to m the electoral A , . t . . colleges under the new apportion- J , , A. IT I i r- t - a involved than the financial ques- Tn.iif in rnhnir fnr Preaident and I r, j f a. tio a. however important we may Vice President, and that two thirds . u tu a.,;a1 , i-i i s a. cot ceive it to be. The question of the who number of votes in . . . A ? . i , H . . , , ' ao s not touch the tundamental tne convention sna.ii ne necessary ... n --. to constitute a choice Pr: aciples of the Deroocrall Partv to constitute a choice question of poli u. ,r ia4l cv. of expediency ; the others ar DoUimArQ in lotr 1 tchpn I 7 J n ?a af basic, lying at the root of our in- Den cratio Houaei Polk was norniriQted, a strong ef- . . I . f a urn iJ w iti.utions. It is imperative that Krnaeof 8" up t- iuru vas memo iu imu, wv since lS7!i, as the NVwa and Ob server claims, thev have certainly actetl very strangely about it. In 1S7I, one war after the so-called crime of '111, the Democrat car ried the lower house of Congre by nn overwhelming majority; again in 171 the Hoihh vii Dem ocratic and in 1S7S. In 1 873, too, the Democrats had. for a verv brief peri k1. control of the Sen ate. Now did anybody ever hear of a free coinage bill passing the House at either of thoso three se- sios'o? No. If the Dnuucrats had promised it, if it was a cardinal doctriii? of the party a. is now vehement lv claimed, thev should certainly have passed a bill. In 1932 the Uouie was again ovc-r.vhelmingly Democratic, and it v.-ns Democratio in lbi4, in 69, nd l!:90 and in lsW. None of: lies? Congresses pasted a free coi- e bill. It will doubtless be said hat Mr. Cleveland's intiuencu has ire vented it. Mr. Cleveland wa lrst elected pru.idmt in 164. H -Ttainly had no influence with Democratic Congresjes prior to that and there had been three since the up to the ho by a vote of 14S to 118 it was al lowed to stand. That was the origin of a rule which some historians claim has killed off many of the best men the party ever had. Following the adoption of the rule the next democratio conven tion was held in Baltimore in 18- thc se principles be preserved, and wa: . leeud fur h was unheard ho subsidiary question should be of in national politics. pei mitted to make ua loge sight of Fr.;sing over Mr. Cleveland's them for one moment or cause us first administration we come to! . . r r . I lsDO, when an overwhelming Dem-1 . m . , . the tentnditp coinin-rc- with with Chili, and lVru with K u r . would continue to follow th- route via the Strait; of Ma-llan. Ix-Catie of tin? o-al trallicoii that route. tuiiuf liirlli.r In fli- frsi'l I that the Stir route h a rra level cuiial. u hrea4 the Nicaragua canal would have ft.t of hckae. The Suez canal connect reai commercial ooiititrir al .-achend. whereas the Nicaragua canal would htat connect two vat unprutluctivc i0lr exxontf. T:ie Suvz canal ha no milwav competitor: it is the highway ot all com me rev which it drvdop The Nicaragua canal would have thirteen separate railway comp- titOTp between Chill uti the South and I'-ritJ-h America on the north Mr. Nimno g'i- ou tohuw that the t. ilwnvi are absorbing nil oi thisirntlic. The value vt nur- chnti irfe shipped from New Yrk to Sa i Francisco, and Snn Fmn cifcj to New York, bv wnvo! Pan ama ms I7U.CMMW in lrO. arid S,5).0Jin l?cl. the railrondj rate having falUu from -.i. v. 111: o 2l cnti in IrVi. Mr. Ntmno then takv the al-K-gul saving in di-tanc- uf the va rioui lines of commerce, nd snov.-i tbtui utterly prvpvitervU4. !' lli- I ntl l int I. ha !" i r-v-l i'" -lut l r ,ir tfutn ul thi h i- t--- ii id ii"l i' -hall lu n.l. and ii -t :t.. r- -n ii'l a tr a! '.iiiinrial und-rtaKit;, l-ut a- a r--I .t M-I t h l Ml m itl'-U Ml lt if l4 -.iM. . i.i. ipri-if4 pn-lihfs lui r . it I -n- a liW Ijifili-it pM-liif. .1 ii'-.M" Th- '-.L -! 91 I ail m J i.i th- S-Milli.tii of- t r- ittl H"l." Smith simI l Kdi r mid ! a c,-st Hoiii- and Far in - 1 . i l ti-r t r ip !iI jtit Siruftioa Its, ! .u t AUfclttiA. How It Uotl to Ur. ji ilif 1 1 -1 1 1 1 appUudr. Poll Milbr ., that I - .-- uV m .,...fa,. tCiUu lUir aw a crv n-ifiu iti I h- "bl ; r b r--i-r-I ry tit I'J lav l"fore the war. -n I n ry I it .t ..! pj v:trd 'tat- hai an a-vlimi full ! iii-fkt.- ' m u.. -.i.,,!,.io.j n , ," .1 . 1 1 11 !-! .w wl-.ei, th- r.J..r.-l mn had to Kx L-r llp an! S-ecrktary hi own thinking and Lad toinal-l H'k- 1 - I- r j, Lvit plwfi for th- future hi tmrd ni:.( Mi::ni.-i dt'u;:. ltv caiiit ui.balan d. Mi.f Ln- rn i. v iiu ii.:i m I i. Lt w- 4Uir r. Iv ir. j;-p t.'.jvit r.c j.Je.eii- A Vico ProHldonra Labor. ! nvale" Jo!m A! n. th -tnt"tn3ti ftMi Tc-.'.'. Yi-.. ? -l ! t:tth-r r.t iJcu. : r.tiv remark" T!i Y. - -I"! ; i I I'fl"! f th".- lU- vf 1 1$ Itt nn r.t : t! 1 r-a-r . r..-v ?- rt5. :'i;nr. -"!! ha- fi"';i:n i i" i ;. i. !- !ci cl f It l4 ;i n in: nd j; ! Pre nt" !i D:t .ch. U'fti'ill j.omii . -c m ti lofl r - o vf r m rmm t h ft Miflr I ltaOri vL.r. nn ni-riFfrlialniirff I I m I tw , , , ,. . , i i true tstimate is nut the duULce ! " , t J .V c Vfl from Ntw ork to Yokohama, but nave saveu iiqnq aiuiiua ouungwur iiosb ui vouijies. the South and their saving efficacy 1 Cleveland was not President then, is f.s groat to-day as ever. Belief Did that Housu pa a fre coin CITY N1ARKET m thpm enabled Thuniian and n?t bill? On the contrary it de- 85, and there the first candidate Bayard m the Senate, and Ran- feated one in March, ls92, and on for President was nominated. Van dall in lhe House, to bare their the 13th day of July it defeated Buren was the nominee and twen- . fltnrm, which beal nnoth-r that had been nassed by a ty-two states were represented. n thom when theVtaim0st alone Republican Senate. After that conventions were con- dec,arcd the9e principles and urged Thw aft) the facts and thi is sidered regular institutions, . . anniioatlon lQ the v&td of the tv. rr.r.i t. fr .iir-r It was not until 185. that the goath when iufuriated majorities nal dictrine of the Democratic rule allowing twice the number of tQ gubject H to 9tiH furthtjr y? delegates in the college was adopt- . iH tion 1 ' . . , . i numiiiation. Cominir down to our own Mate. Yes, let us remember that thelf Democratic State plat- 'elr Mo'iost E'ecl P-puht and I! c.;..c-.ri If pan :if." t!i: v-nr. ti;!l 1 !. rat;. tb- p-vp! d;. ay t-r if. .'he Limvti l. "i, A ::.c. j: j i j a fci Hair :!?? I!.' i .:. r. to u .'ure hlr tl. t.- 1 -ok pro full J.4 cf o' T" th;i t - f .:n.-.. Artr'i - r i- c . n:lv r-co3 . ii th ivrd C-Ml- .'r :t t c: otK"f dfti;f ur r.:i to carrv vn th ?nun;-:-r -r.r. ...:..ti -o.Kei y i .... ,i . . . a:i ' arra! J lh .?or n"i'! r Wit'o of the Na . ". frf.iv hrd bit :ti rei,K-! ! v jkv. Can orrs Is. the place to get a nice piece of I edr -This rule did not apply until BEEF, PORK and FRESH the Cincinnatti convention in 18- "V. .TnV.l Viaht 2 i T , sffi-Rj rvf) a,,w -ft currency questmn is pot all. Eight form to declare fx ! SAUSAGE. D6'' M years ago it was not thought of; adopted in 1S90 w All meats fftund in a FIRST CLASS MARKET. Come to eg us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. Edwards & SherrHl. 11-2-2-95. ly. - Subscribe for The Democrat. GOODS. for free silver wai t i m . .. i rimra n&n ii wai n uiuukiii ui , i flI ,nttM m vi n n i ine nmxt oi x..- .- V.o, rat r Mim " . i i';" - - - of the two!thirds rule. In the no allusion was made to it in the holding the AUitllCi. 5fl th, party, convention of 1844, when.Polk was I national Democratic platform, jhey stuck that year and we car- nominated. Yah Buren had a ma- Four vears aco it was a minor is- ried the State. In 1m2 we de- jority on the first ballot, but could gue Within the next tour years ciare fnr Xv silver and woti otilv D.ot .secur; ' '1BCfd;t it will l.e settled and forgotten. bv a plurality. In IstfU we de i?fSS" nf waa mTshed forward and But these other things are eternal. clftred more vehemently Mill for secured the nomination on the They are for tha generations to If rt silYr and were wijel otT the tenth ballot. Charlotte News. by, and it will not do for uslfaCH nf the earth by a oombination : T to turn our backa upon them, o nf p0ulits and gold-bug Hepute. Catarrh Cured. repudiate ap,d renounce thpm to iican8. tSfii chase the fleeting shadow, of the The Democratic party may,tome lood Balm, (B. B. B.) purifies and hour. Charlette Observer. time in the future, make free ail- froci "ran Francisco tu Yokohama, an Francisco i the riatural vntrv port cd China and Japan. It i not io-ihle in tin anicle even to rvnpitulate thy ariou (Miints maile by Mr. Nimie. of jthw ktatineiit put out in I half of jthe Nicaragua canal, he -ay. th Ciit would pTobahly I- Mtil, OUJ. and that allowing l.Ua.ti tons nr annum, tliv toll to main tain it mut ! lVk) j-r ton. and that would rot Id.lM) to carrv a l,CCM-toii vt- d through thecanal. Mr. Nimtio thru refer to the 4- t ,4r ture of 1 -'." di: n:r:,2- it- C !nw4 that ;t fiv r.iju:r .- f vt y- rl ! four , ' : ! i-"fce (!" : rd. juii duj'ojvc thv i.umr of j f!f aUJ, . i,. Te 3. in !i ar.d making ti - rvt :r j ;,r -tu- Curt ha d?:J-i (t:il .lr.-ti?.t? iu ti.jn i .tit lir:i 4 &! ti;.-? much a iti pre.:ou .'trti..:!. Concord Standard. Tn C- nc ;d Tun ktrtt that at ! ul thr fourth d thr - ri! of f i rru ar p;red to r ilv. rat K. I Ind!, It !r. l!ief r- fr- ff- rosritf uprvttiaer i riMt.4. ad the il..m-j t;.n;,f lt ,fl u ,,intv. Tw idatm inlluefic- f thi -rti"n iii(,. ir U 'r nunr, it Del Southorn frogroin. "The South' Star of the irn aid r..ttot int r-l ot the world erjfi ! liiiTr tU.- tionL ! Matiufart urer !- rd. Ti lrpr Tint. fcav it 4 ni9)iritv- In l-liire m e Votk Ut o-k on th liidnttrialS itilh. Hod. I'arr-dl D, i nhl. t iutol Slat t?omtntioti -r of lor. ftv tha vt.-n tl-.-i i l..i-urtrii - " ; n.i.j irni nut z,m inv rifhr iti bio rI -ltb Kn:Iil id that h i. a !m r nir nt l t rnntt fsolitn ! tc t b-r nnnrtl pra diKl r-.r fr ff3i-n.r.t at a rot t, J a ton w hl!e it rt l ia P nt.r Ivatiis - .New jLirrir- military dillicultv of ownin th jlr-rw c I r.i. ne. i rft j o. tt j formatn-n H v.. 1 .a , Urr. I i w Wt. iirl i S..tth i foitv I .M.aiuv;ii;i :iiii. I have the largest stock of Kkw "gJ.S Musical IN8BUMENTS thst has ev- I enriches the blood, eliminates microbes er been in North Carouna, such bacteria, tc, and biiilds up the svitem . ver its l.attle cry 1-ut t ht noer L autohW'aocordians, Man- fro h, lSi m . national dolins, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, wer Foran blood and skin diseases eril appliances are availed ' of in organiza,tion. And until it dois -and Roller Organs, and any ft n'0 equaL J-1?11 compounding AyerV 3arsaparilla. 8'o until this doctrine is inQorpor- f -aLll,keplaaiir!i fou K HenL, throuhVlf-aentury .in ated iu the plalforu, of the nation- MUBio oiuie. .v , . t good.!' Buy- tpe ola re-1 existence as a medicine, it is muyi , ,ho of ni who ' toint attention - Addess W L. LowTS-JNewxon L-29-95. . ailhave offM"a8ts.r aut-.c- exisiepcewii uiwu, aj organ rat on tho ol us wuo ail nay liable Botanic Blo6d Balpi, s Price $1.00 abreast of the nee in nil that goes I"' 2 . . xt - per large bottle.' See advertisement in ittgs standard blood- believe that free coinage is TQV (or , ' N: C- ffrTDruiiists: " purifier.. ' Uha best interest of tho country lm . rjkrl.r.l a.(n lt .-f- Would a 1 lltoit imtible to l I J l'Ui )m t-r UoMmr "t" eli- fend the canal if we hail it. ami ttklt ,.t1 ll. ..t, .Kntf ,iUr tM. that not liint: would easier than ,n r"'? ii-i i tt-ir t attack and destroy it. it ,f;ikr, , io.ii je. l. tet it- held b M,iHe other nation, wh n )utn .f inniie. .r4uu! , . .. . . tt .turn the mlMr I" prl lte w., 4 deMruction. He ,(11,,,fM,,,l,,lW.j- Vtv thl a ranal built o that it I im. tlw re U uMtmtf r.tul .. IIJ "ill i i.. i r . I I ..rlh'irnUl' l."t pat it UUl aupiaieiy u-i-n.ii aim u,mm vfMiu no . It w ill eatuldt of arroinuio.latiiiv: fijrrat i j.-i e-t. K-l iriin.oon i l.i i- ,, . . ,, . . li.J 1 in tlalt tf lt r rap-riiu name suie. woaiu pioiaoi ir,m rthW, frutt t... tO.UMU. In conclusion, Mr. I thrj iin Nitnno say?: Th v,,,,!. Carolina Teacher "In conclusion, it appears to lx hich has t--i u-ndl f-r neither rroneou5 nor uncharitable quit aahilei- totart up arair.. to anen mai irt.m ine imning T. ,,lflIl n,,...,, ! the promoters and advtjcate rMdeclre.l tor McKiul tor Prri- the Nicaragua canal hate itu-dnt. Ssrttl 14a trt n rrl mn. dioulv avoided anything like Thrt counti" in Smle dntfitt thorough ducuMion of th cuoja rciuitu 10 enccr. It. r n to t:r -rl iti- iiry r' lle c. laiMrd iih f d-!lr Uani thr pre nt adndmtrat' n n-i ar ai id that it amobiit l the uC3 I ; f. iitt. th I"tb day if thi motith. mitt!" lh mh-l imontit of urh t-.;!r r-.i ! 1 in thiior.untrr lrm Ih -iatlih-rn-nt f the mint in 17'-. c; vu P I ruirv. m ttil f.f o ar. wa riuMui r.xiraci frrra SVrtarr CrbU't tirr. March I Oth, tu U oa. Jriih 1'as Unco.

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