DEMOCRAT. . rv a -n n ft :iv i I M -11 yl I J ; YOL. L NO. 31. .. . UNCOLNTOX, NOttTJJ .CAROLINA, Pit IT) AY, A1MU h '21, lttm. 1.1M) A YEAR. "DR. PEES :' Through His Nervine Is a Betr- efactor to 'Thousands i MM, -v. ?jF.??-Y -:GEOF!GG . IDEAS. j r.l Wohr;tr, a We.-tom journalist " ': '-'- . land J. Bdlnug o, snmeUmn prof- A Nest of His Crowd iownkfir of mathematics in the Univet- nere.. - . On th?a stern .gliore,. Mobile Bay, and some fifteen- in iles dis tant from, the iiietropolfs of Ala bama, therein-growing commu nity of men; wonien, : and children whose daily iiye are,JtT reatex- j ' j i it ' 7 i i IOC iMov.eriieq, uy ,ioe nscM tneo flitv of rbra-'kn. It was desired to found a com munity which should pur into practice the principles held bv its members, and u committee of ,iw was sent ut to hod n favorable ation. - After a lonz search i urging hitler. ries of :Mr. TIenry--George.- - Fair- I through Texas, Arkansas. Tenncs- hope io the ": name of this unique colony, and its members appear to nonld Vvneo.f. t.-. fi ia,lu w9 purciiicseu, ana en junu- tee, Miesisippi. and Alabama, the present spot Wh? finally chosen lor the home of the Association. The Very Little GratitucTo Shawn Thnir ;rnAior. Snatr Mutton Butler, l.uii4, 13 not proving himlf to I man uht'in tht ivjoph? thought him to In in 1. . lib evrrv uonl and uctioit ahowd conclusively, that he uanU 4he cjrth utid it fenced in. ll-wc:.i ie ti called ni llutler. 115 h trying to bai;the Populist party and walk on with it and think the K-pub-lied ih will follow. Not much, Mr. TIIH CAUCAftAf I (!liUNK5 Tho ttrnowM ct tho Olympic K J I h ,frhnjr,, in I. u.r rf IV- I -p. lh-ir I-1 rv.-ii.r, ilft r- ltil-l l Olitnpts. it" .thf.. roamnn, Pr Itrrvirtl. m ( o.jmd ftomincinThrm rf a Thlr.s; or Two. It M -niii tbat a o.!.i.oi;hi a., t .... I... .9. .1 1 . 1 . 1 A I titsri it i fioi : r ut .ir. r. -hoi U : huhdr-d liio . ivi i WIDELY knovru Wi.onsin publisher, wbo resiuts at Gi-ftr Bay writes ' OU(t 'eaiyd. experience The Jundameutul principles of the com- -witinitY ure-thug -set forth in the Fairhbpe Courier: 4That which i nature provides is the common March eth, 35, as follow: . . . , "Five years ago I br-iiue so nervous f hit ,HluXwHy . . CIHiareu ; xueutal work was a Murder. I could not rest f that V. llich the iudlVldlinl ; that at night on account oi ileepl333iiess. My ...r- , . , . , utteiition was c,ii ,oir. Mile,' jiestora- the ftomnuiiiity creates be-i .. it T 1 J 1 fl - - ?? - I live lierviue: huu i- n'umiumeu iu u&e it lOllgS to lllb COUlICUUI'.V. with the very beat eiTa -t. Since tien I j have kept a bottle , in tny; house ani 'use it jr ihese eiithllSiastlC ' advOSatn? of whenever my nerves become unstrung, with I th nommftii f have choseu.for. the .site ot their arv. 14. lfiO-i. the fir.t amnnil tru er. e are iaf i unuing oui broken. The uiccfediri5 summer always the same good results. My scy, alao Tr MilPQ' " taks jt for nervousness lir. iTiutD vlth like never illng NCrViflC success. I .have rjscom- mended it to raaity and ReSIOrCS it cures them. Ail who Health...... It id tree from narcotics, perfectly harm less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Norvine is a benefactor to thousands." . A. C. LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor ofI)ER Landsman. Dr. Miles' Nervine is sold on guarantee first bottle will benefit or money refunded. suffer from nerve troublesshou!d try it. T. LlNCOI.NTOX, 2. C. Offers his profej-iotj-al service to the people of I.ineulntonand surrounding country. Olricei at residence next to. the North Stare Hotel; L. Surgeon Dentist, Lixcolxtox" N. C All work -guaranteed, notliing hut best materials used, l'rices reasonable. perms cash except by special agreement Otnce on Alam Street C. !:. CHILDS. Attorney at Law, ' LlNCOI NTON, N. C. Work intrusted to tiis care will be Promptly and carefully attended to. Office on ilaiu btreet. interesting psperiment one of the lovlifest spote m the South." From the water-shed about two miles back in the coniitry the "ground slopes gently toward the bay, and ends in a steep bluff of some hftv feet m attitude, thus affording an excellent system ot natural drain age, while along the entire water front a thick growth of oak, "cedar, yupon, holly, pine, and magnolia forms beautiful screen ot per petual foliage between the water and the bluff. The entire water front, for a depth of 150 fet, has been reserved as a public park. The main street of Vhe community begins at the bay, and, climbing the bluff by easy, etages, runs back for about half a "mile being-lined on either side with the cottages of the settlers. These are neat, sub stantial frame buildings xf yellow pine (which grows here in great abundance) and are constructed in a manner that speaks well forj the taste and skill of .the occupants while their modern furniture and doorbells are striking innovations in Southern farnvlife. At the in tersection of the two principal, streets are the store, the post-office, and the public well. A school building is soon to be erected. Re ligions services are held in the pri vate residences. . - The community owns about 350 acres-of unencumbered land, and is so far, fre from debt. It has aiso constructed a wharf and pier head. The system of land tenure has already been mentioned: but while the title is vested in the community; the members may ob tain parcels of land under leases voidable only at the option of the lessee fixed by annual appraisal, .accord ing to its : natural advantages of I fertility and 'location. The un earned increment is appropriated by the community. " The government of thommu nity is a, pure democracy, and the administration of publicatfairs is vested in an executive council com posed of. the superintendents of land3 and highways, public ser vieesndustries, and public health, together with the treasurer of the community In order to render all Is the -place to get a nice'pice of 1 officers directly responsible to the BEEF, PORK and FRESH people, the Swiss expedient of the o a i io asw . . I initiative and referendum is lncor- poraieu iu iutuucuj ui guvem- mentl - HencVany act of the coun cil v.otev U tenper cent, of the vot ers petition it, while, on petition of twenty .per cent, of the voters, Edwards &;Sheri;iU-? i th aaestion; of the dismissal of Subscribe far Tir 1 )emocrat. P0??1.-. X ' i - " 1 was mainly taken up in cleurjug tfie ground, but a mall .crop a$ raised and sold. For the eomini: teason the anvuuit rf land uiider cultivation will be lunch gieater, and fruits, "truck." and .yraiii -a ill be grown. Or course th main source of revenue the sole of thee products, whicii are J'or the most part bhippetl North and Wtst. A canning-factory i- projected for next, summer. C'onously. enough, very few of the colonists come from agricultu ral pursuits. Some of the callini:- represented are medicine," jonrnal- !ism, cardeninc drayinjr, wockI- working, and tiar-niakintr. A detertive. a sailor, and a new woman" are also to be ffumd iu the community. More of the set tlers come from Iowa than from anv other Stat. Some arn from -Missouri, Kansas, Louisiana. Mm nc-sota, Indiana, Florida, Illinois, and Pennsylvania, whii nven" BrKish Columbia and England are represented. Gardiner L. Tucker, in Nation. what kind of va ilotiLvy you are. Yon aucceedrd in totting t thu Senate for six vrrr, and now the m people who timni bv vmi in a time of need can go to Hade. Ah, well, you will not rind it as ea?y as you suppose to influence the people of tin county. Tlity utejhautu going to ?tick t.ctlif r and uvuill have t'u? in in "M Ui we had in '11. and furthermore, we are going to send lion. J. C. I'ritchard l.ok to the Senate. Just pita;?, Mr. Ilut ler. remember that. Lincoln Patriot. The I'opuliats are not fl by any meaiH, and they are not going to allow H044 Butler to dictate to them ami lead them into a single handed tight. They know too wi ll what it would mean certain tie feat Lincoln Patriot. ."The Senator regards North Car olina as hi! p-ronal chattel, but he must understand once for all llu it ! is i lCorth Cr!i?u pli tic, ami liltj a Ikvv lnH tir J from a liht euti. tt a iil.r in artictilar hi! lb- ;ui if imI ed tiver frni th kKl. Hnatiir Pritrhard d-Ur-d f.i it iilv,r at the tini- ot hii tion lu ih V. t. !;-u?r ati 1 I fore, ami l:a tt1 tr it iure hi Tin Ft S'.qu c i own. 9 oi rpudtM mv hi principle, ii j hi riy irfpurl ii. tl -rr I -f., r,,-. v.3 anv suv:-ti, t a n AiirrBar.t it w vuth tnii'. I'V Siil trhtlt u ftf llVlly, Hhn imrtn thrill thuuM " croul tth the r.t rl1 rtrf. .rei rrtih ittrT f. lb tr th o-!nt ti. t it tit ri. of t n.iihif drt I f-rrn- d It tr. t.1i.n. . r t.t.l H'r elwln; at.. it oly r, p Is-f ,n!.nd in i m hI.imi eiiirpei an i iv 1 1 . i . . . ...... tU lt.l.f.tltf. jV-lli..ll.f.. ti Ti l rtt U,-,. ,r Vll.n W..llldl wjlh ,be t'..f. t-u. tnd llnot in hn pUf-r. . .!-).. in U. C, A ci Th i rlir tt :'i it r 4 . t ! thm . J Vrittd, an Ainio Prithard to r.:itit)i:" ! -ir j nj-, io V.O, A. I.ut.n . lt the -upjw.ri t thf p.i.U Party. rit mn l.M i xhr fn He h;t otilv to that uay ( J ' 1 1 ru- ! t il itli the tv- h until th -iijjtt . h t! - I t M'n t i!tnipi. ht m( t-c-tt ptii!i i4 ihio I-!. p.-it). t t r.rt-lfu;d, l h ns miillfed Jtit upvrl in ?ri h (ir'luii and i m nnl; Ainns V'ddbtw upp.rt fr.-m Wall tr i.,,i,. UMMri . f th victors f tine Lrt him ch-' thn !- u,..m l-.,..nrl Im1 l tfrtfclli ind will -trvf. "till thi. t If St-ualor Pnthard aitl t ' ami N-r. ih r l f.te main tru to th trio'ii.h h iT.t-; 1 uc. mi.d lr 4 the tV?d V.hll h' .-. -ltl to tl- i vlll Pi- r-rtdl. N'. f I f St Mr. iVnrvn u ill ha ! I.Vm v f t d .lti.., th frrt at?e t rinplain f!ii l-in-J l'-oath-ni? ililmni hn ln fr- i "I,-imv.I " ati.l Mr Pt ilrhir.ll.lMfr.l . ati.t ttii MI.Jir. Atll! t.lh- ' that he cannot hull-doze and brow- jj.jjf ,.al1,t Uflr,llM, tti lh. Oh... o l l-n llh t raying any rau-r. Mm uh pr- j nf cletrili'ti r. the rnrsl .f fer their iiriv to thir ptitiip!'ihi-sn-t't tl l.rthetir- Tlty Mn to -.f t c Thy rp''ti ru Trwy AoTrUtu'. tutiu' a tl . rn Slatt- iVmmttt'- ', - t totttr M tbir rn.' t :.i r tilth l!- ttltl . j Vni, Thf .niitt f.i it Hi!ih hit Tftiif.1!! ..-As t ith l!tfrf r-ti.M I i i'fiirhtrd i i lJl-f i ..i t ... cr?rnt rnlt, :. t..: S. Pf and thtr t.ti-t-c t f . TL I'.-jrf ,t j.i, t i I .i .. . ah 's L. -t .it t. ihitt l.J .!? S, !. ,t.i. :j t'lte I- II.- . Lj.. t !.ut Jl-t ! hi i duin ii .J tit ih P tt ttkinc ihr C fn i ii,!,v.f y atte?ty s.1. 1 :. ! .!- t lL 1 -pulitt it . f .r th .tr r?.c i th ; t 1. lUt thf 1. alit t;. . j. Tht PpuLt t t I tl ihi Utwi ;r a. Ir. Th4j- UiftT Miui tr .., J.tl4 Xit U a.f t tht Ziri t Ppulit frlc fi. )ii- lf.i !'..! Att o rney at L aw , l LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Practices in all of tbe State and Fed rai Courts: Prompt "attention given o all business. Office in X jrth State H"tel. . A., JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, LlNCOLNTON, N- C- Practices in the Courts "of Lincoln, ilecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba. Cleve and, Rutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotel. Ga3ton News. Gastonia is helping the Arme nian suffeiers. Rev. Jonas Barclay becomes pastor of the Williams Memorial Presbyterian church. Mits Gertie Kids of Danver.Lin- coin county, has been at Mr. Sam Dellingers Mt. Holly. Gastonia has a base-ball team. Dr. A. W. Alexander will be t his office at LincoTnton, June, Au- usf, October,,''' Febru ry, and April - WilKbe in ' Mt. oily, July, September; November, anuary, March and May. r Patronage solicited. Termsjiash Stud moderate. IT Mm y- All meats found in a FIK8T SLASS MARKET. '-Come toi see us. Market prices paidfor hogs and cattle. The officers are as follows:" Cap tain, W. 0. IL Hoffman; Manager, Edgar Love; Treasurer, II. B. Moore: Umpire, T. E. Curry; Scorer, Matthew Harper; Report er, A. G. Mangum. Dr. C. R. Harding, of Davidson College will deliver the literary address at Laurell High School, Mav 8th. Dr. E. B. Holland, .a former cit izen of Dallas, was bt, ried at Dal las Tuesday of last weeJc. died at BlueSeld, West Vuginia, the home of his son Dr. . 'Holland. Rev. h'. Z. Johnston of Liucolnton preached the funeral. Dr. Hol- Th rental of the land i3 j land married a daughter of State treasurer Daniel . Count. He was a Confederate Surgeon duriug the war. Mr. Lawsoti Falls and his uncle, William A. Falls died on th- eaine day at Kings Mountain during tun past week. Prof, and Airs. S. A. WolrT lit tle daughter, Eleanor, died at Dal las recently. She was something over a year old. Judge Bynum advertiee9 the High Shoals property for sale. The catchy new ladies who be gan caurxissing the towu lat Thursday, for an Atlanta library concern succeeded in getting a list of about SO names at I -'.00 each. The books were put the drug store of Frost Tornnce $: Co. Tues day afternoon and in a few hour thereafter Miss Dnckicprth, one of the canvassers, was married at the Methodist parsonage- to Mr. Sam Maxwell. There are about 00 of I the books in all, worth perhaps l-at one single Republican in the State out hU party. " The Regis ter says it learns that Sutler h still determined to force, Republi cans to abandon their organiza tion and their party nominee"? tor the Presidency to force co-opera tion. Lil:e Capt. Eaves, he need to be taught a le-son. The Pepubli- cans and Populists who favor co operation should immediately, go to work to arrange the details without regard to Eave. Butler is by nature a tvrant, ami his am bition is not to be a leader but a bo." Asheville RegHt.-r. It U needles to ;av that Sena tor Pritchard will never abandon his party, even -hould he forfeit his seat in the Senate by refusing to submit to Mr. Butler's term1. Moreover what contldence could he place in a man who had up in the House of Representa tive at Raleigh and said that fit- tfiun mu?t continue so mat toe Republican might ab get a long ttrm Senatorrdiip. but who to-day savs that fusion can onlv be kept upon the terms which Marion! . ... Butler eees nt to oner to lue ne publicans if North Carolina? Hickorv Pre. I!tval f paitv; ami mn ho prefer th-ir pri:iripl to thir party (if th pirty -h- uld vi.latr them) will call alh-rii to party, rtgUt or wrong, a Lei rival 4 prin ciple Cti-niati. 1 a I ft t . m $m9 f . . tfa- Mill. .. I 1 il I I h tl Philip of 14 acl t . .. ' trf . . i c!mni. thii t!.. 1.J i.i t ;11 It'lhia Bulb ( ii. t. . t, I ' et (u-t mall Rji.' Im i. m a i 1,kIi mall nl- P .j. Jil . -.1 1 I h R pwt.Jri. v i Uati.f, at piit i f. ii.i w 2- mith n.O'h n. tt . If I. .iiit .thr cxtt'-m P- p..Li :, to nnui IUtlr ii a p i'-li-. id drr. The ttt al-- i rr?, that vojoe Dm rial jct- ing to arn.rif- a dal miih V.uxUr. TL j4iti- N.ii h C "a :.?.. in a chitir t.te .tt L- t..J frtull at- hard t.. in lul will call adhering prm'ipl a in, but t-v athUlr I r alt .r nurld. Eo?!t Arneitcan r l UMtra cne Vtt tnf. and in I he Piiiig cf.r.tfl. th- c!ituthror m:. Capt. Ro'vfl Garratt, of Pimrrtu lnir"itv, rii the pri2. milh Parlrtr.pTmb-f, l There uill hai to Im ..mdirt jh GreU chamt.i.n. n rU r ft jirll a thru mf rk.I I m I . i im-rrai ! uit o . r sw eating done Ufor c. .ration ran - thro, .at r,..k.i f ..... I .... I. . . 1 1 I . i .. r .1 illi.iliimhi! Iv I K j tl ... pia .' av uo. -.. uui i ' The Fi4i .nt In a . t tirl done. It uill lf 3v to take lark a little thing like thr a!vr. Kl. Lincoln Cotton Mills. p h'tt of th l.f uiflrr rar Un i Pfinrlrii mail, ar.d lh t. t if, ih- ! -n't t r . . jntul third I'V in'-mtr f th Ih! Ctor Mtt 3 I M- trol. W. 1. lve, ! i at itii.a Jt,,t, .ttilfli? . itl-o. and th C..nrTan Pl . . .tii at IColleg-anda student. Ie Hiiitt. ' iu-t heat i'f th 41 nirtret ic I b-rd Mr. i a a .-a. I t.l j Lid a li'lit rt tit 1 V nVff I lie elec tion of -me commtncemtnt ra tor. at ami i.r if ii Jam- n. ol Laul.ara. .J T-i li.f a i' Prn.rt..i,. Th mrrttlii. mill Ummri. t to hi c U s a:4 under the dd Uyrnpir fntr. and ,.tr.j. C.1 Culler tLi il I m.u)4 t'!! r fr :li t.f thtsu to retire fr:n p dtif 1 Lt- aj-l re turn to th;r L u.s zi.A Mr-. Dr. E. t. Kllioit. of Cla-i ir,. .u-uule raca orr thtl)i ba Springs, recently had her ttg j.- .un- fr.un Maratl.ou l Atha broken. j over whi.-h th xe!ot nr- Gberver mas recently in NVaton, 1a,. cbrin ricitrr rn Mr a- p?(t .n collrctilK ev ideiice in the Idtl nit I tf.Vl, I ii-lv plain mi. I I- ihf 'You kn m. ful f-.-i. tai l mm m m '' jr " I ot Jno. ii. iitiMy aknini th J'-( mtt ii.trMtinft lture o( the i L-.nhana. 'that iVoiUutr Ut! - t r urvvr. Atr. .niiK air i in w an- i.u-ir'e 1 j festival. B al.rcmic, t.immiiK, ly t the Tjc:i f Ltii. .il. ai'd e S ? t m Dr. Lonw Invonta an Operating Table. , Dr. H. F. Long ha invented an oeratiug table which will prove a j great convenience to himself and physicians generally. In admin istering chloroform t patients it is necessary to place them in cer tain position. Not alwnya having all the facilities at hand when au operation is to be performed, to get the patient in proper position U sometime emit difficult. Thii difficulty suggested to Dr. Long the table and he has had Mr. J. E. Cochrane make one on which a pa tient can be placed and shitted into almost any position desired. A" greater- convenience still is the fact that the table can be folded and carried anywhere in the phy eician'd buggy. Statesville Land- ".imark ta . rxwf a:.i ttata ington City, viiitsnl h-r n. Mr. i,rk mill l.o thfir pUc on lrr i mnTlhsuc. iLit ; uai V s.h (tt-i. McCorLle. v. ho i t hief Clk ip'oraruinr, end the ent mill i fcj u r&;j Ci4.e tr. .: iKar in the Land Gfae there. hve tdace in hlitrv at th r't I that nrmriintf. lim - . i t - - - " 'Ye. twa:htn r-;..:. di ! lie Mn. . L. L. Killtan hni re-tji.if rt il athlttlc ccif'eUtioa turned friin Morgsnti u. fully re-!,nce the tll tei.. . . i ... t. i.t. I . ! Lv-ii in thit profile arid duilv ftorel to henlth. The Enterprise crr-ct t! "".sc1 there it t mthtn thrillic in Hickory Prc- uhen the pper claimi tl.nt Mr. J. L. Graham it the thought tht i)ht f t ar cxzu irrnifn hmr rJhf to arCitil .th a - the nrt Repul hcfin Inmyer tU9 un. (r,,r Cnterd thi hutr- Hickory f r quite w Lile. o the ic yl X r try iMUfl with the alh- hnterprise savs. tt$ of the retl r-f i;hriter4loa. Mr. Geo. Ive, of Tetn. ii vii-jThe fact thai the Amecim e.e itiog relilivef in Nekton. fvictora Li the tttuin Cxotlt, There was a Rpublican c-.uc-i.iiul bid fair to bnmc htm m ia- I the prura th rihtval M oi l Htrt4rt NEW GOODS. . j - 1NO taxes otner man iu reuv w . f bvanow land are paid by the members o. e e d th; 8ub. m ; 'iuu.uuuv,.Buu M Ucribers are not in so bad a fix as I have the largest stoc of New local-taxes are paid by the commu- iMusicAL Insbumexts tbsf Has ev- "nity itself." Some revenuo is de- pr been in North CAiioLiN.AfT.'iuch; ried'fr'omJwharfitolls S AUT0HARP3, ACCORDIANB.' MAN- OLINS nd 1 nmo- fclass Music Storey Frie erSail a graduate of Drake University, - T.. : Afliova whnca nnmpQ flB. W I- Toxrrfn 'N T AOYrt, vytuct" -.-wM ' II lit ilVll fjVS -,. JL1 W -29-95. one migilit think.: Neyvrtbel-ss,we have yet to talk to one of them who isn't nick of hid trade and The lripr Tiiu When the most benefit U tobedrritett froinasrood medicine, it early In the year. Thit Is the leoe on when the tlrrd bodyi weakened orran and nerrou system jearo for a builJine;up mrdi cine like IIcmjIV Sarraparilia. Many wait on the open rrim; weather and. In fact, delay yirlng attention to their phjilcal condition o lung Ctat a sir? of fickne5 U inevitable. To rid the eystem of the impurities accomulat-d irvarilla. hnti I rtilt The Motvrnnton Ib'r tl l -CCgesta j iiv ear?atirilU now. a mi a iloKi rrrfaiMiriua now. u wiuuo . . , it. j al Uoujrwd. KradIhttlmonUlM't'-ltI, Ah-viil.f DUtrut. It- l a I . f f f Jhm llhedin Ulialf of llVs Jar-aparllUl D-onrnt. nnd a ajti T tbe Ute!L IVilylcr; all from relLnble, grateful people. 1 .' 'r. .,... , 'They tcllthe atorj. - 1 S.nator aucv. Rurait a. list Thursday night in J. I. Gra-pritv ham law otfice. The who in. J; . pie t- lrtintt were J.L.Graham,mhife: Attictt, fco the fjwt. Urcf J. D. Albright, vhile; Mile Sig-jth- smta at mtll the ret.t1 mm, coloreti; G. . lurriton, colored; Frank Yount, coloreIi Arthur Clapp. cdurl. Th- ob ject of the tneetirigttaa m give the two mhite bndhera an opportunity f promiin3 and ijti a ran tiding to their colored Lrothere that the fu-j ture juri in Catawba ahall 1-t di vided in equal parta' lctmeen lh mhitc and the black. Tliey al abused Solicitor Sj ainhour f.r net putting the tiegn-c mth-jury Mx t former cotirt antl promised t hav him thrown out of vfuc at once for hi? t:-gbct of thi im portant duty. Mr. Cha?. N Vntif if am ounc- d n a t .ittdidat- fr Congr--? froi uthcr. I th tt-1 -i tat pu nr, I; &. 1 . tu :.e v. f".nV t ttf.r, L.l.:.i, ;t Djati --etii rrc-Ui W- A irorruptSon Vu C. Br the rrct:t f f - rti cjut Sratort arid R;r r?::?s It h have al ttir dnj.-al lr'Mi packtta ff ajtbl era Jt ia pvek afei contair: Uiirtu at- r:i varittiti. and 1,4-ti ;f-tt ; cf rl-er eeidi ia ;-itl r r.! it,$ Lr far.slUt. A Lj t ..! ttr, cxr.fiit'wecr t t.Vt it en; hif J-crty c x.aliltrv :.a-i r;ot-Ci;r than v tLal the hus:lir t-f tt.pj". ;tff Jt &acrsarr to a ;.u.4t .a r.t XRorr than 10,l J. A-3!; r r.:a of lh C'lntVat must ha coot but it muni ur.i little to the ctvJilof Auirrican atl )l.c inlu it.g ud ' t J. It i ltcooiiii.c Uiiomri firr hre thatthe Un;tl .-Mates hat the t.ttt Athlclrt in thv morht. Though re-chriitenei at the his toric Urth-pUc, note that the Glvtupiad it au international tf- lair th- nimn ill held atdif-j A Ceit Hint. frnt plarea rita mill the J If our Republican fr.e;. Ji c- n- tn-tit place' in P.mX and N J tint to l'uj L-t r. iYotk in PL Charl d C)! srv- there ill WU'a-Uu :i ht:h mill lrave thee fxi:S t:i theimeet Le ar. 1 1 r. -lli; lf ry 1 M.rcurr. titt, then, raar tsale th I vir tomard re:r-ii?.Mi :. ! V a ditcreet dlsttitctii e.f Bitlical Recorder. Kx-G-teriiof ILdl a fwu-rl on itasl M-it lsV maa Ur,;-jlr altrdrd Got. Crr aod cthr Sttt t fUera ..f.- thrr. Mr. J. r.C&LUeil, of that Col. 'Juhaii S. t.arr vouia insikfl a canitol cnvernor. We do r- u ,k eociated with the yenture aro Alf-5 not boo wny not ourselves. . m. eaa " mat on cx m pin r . , M 11.' t. 3well.n. 1 5; ra.r- -ca e Jx!-! m an chtr.hy.;d tt stra ::r c! whti c. cclur- at tit I U.i;uru:T i f "S rta Cra ";ta.