1 I OGEaT. 1. .D.Od TOL. I. NO. 31. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1SUG. 31.00 A YEAR. let The Whole World Know The Good Dr.Miles! Heart Cure Does -Campaign Song For "96; Tune,"Pharoh'3 Army Got Drownded" The Pops, and Radicals did combine, Down in the -Jtate of North Caroline, To hold. all the offices for all time, But -Mary 'Ann ' amif got busted ! Oh! Jeter don't you weep! Old Jay Jay-Mott did'hbodoo him, And make him" believetwould be agin To fuse with-the Radicals 'less he got in, So Mary Ann's army got busted ! Oh! Jeter don:t jgu weep! So they fell out and then fell in The hole.they had the Dimmycrats in, And the jjimicrat party got homer agin, And Mary Ann's army-got busted I Oh ! Jeter don't you weep ! . v . StattSTille Landmark - -" Carlisle to Worklngmen. I The Delaware Scmatorshlp Con-I A ; th comunlt-,, which w aMr Extract . from . Secretary Carlisle's I tost. Speech at Chicago. . . I Arms have be-eii ;o much to the Alter struggling for "morethan a fore Ul xie sfcnatti during th pint HEART DISEASE, has its victim at a disadvantage. Always taught that hea rt disease is incurable, when the symptoms become well defined, the patient becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes place. But Then a sure remedy is found and a cure effected, after years of suffering, there is great rejoicing and desire to "let the whole world know." Mrs. Laura Wlne " inger, o' Selkirk, Kansas, writes; "I desire to let the whole orld know what Dr. Miles' rr lYl'lQ.' Heart Cure has done for JJi. i'lllvd me For tn years 1 had Hw3Xt ClirC pain in my heart, short ness oi ureatn, paipua RCS tOreS tlon, pain in my left side . tJoolfn oppressed feelia? in my nwallil qhest, weak ar.d hungry spells, bad dreams, could not lie on either . side, was numb and suffered terribly. I took ' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure and before I finished . . the second bottle I felt its good effects, I feel now that I am fully recovered, and that Dr. Miles' Heart Cure saved my life." Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on guarantee that first bottle benefits, or money refunded. How the" State. Press Stand on . the Money Question. In all North Carolina we" knowJ of Only. - four Democratic news two moritha that the laws hive u silent. Yt a highly important legal and coti9titut'onal question has been under discuasiou, oil and on. for four weak, to which the newspaper correpondjnis and therefore tlje. people in general. quarter.of a centurythrouh labor organizations and otherwise, to se cure, a rate- of wages which would make the proceeds of a day's work equal to the cost of a day'a subsist ence for the workingman and his family, vou are aeked by the ad vocates of fr? rninnirft'tfi iiiiti thm - i " . " u ir .i ; I have given ulmoet no attention in destroying one-half the pur- I , cbasipg .power of the money in which yon-are paid and - impose upon 'yourselves the task of doub-i ling the nominal amount of your wages hereafter j that is, to strug gle for another quarter ot a centu ry or more to raise your woees in pr-iit-l by Seontor Turpi. forth, first, the abditPdv ir.dinc nattm t a Ugidtiv rrord up-ui th Cdtd Stat- S.iiit" Th Snat of IM ivrff ti the jtillU of th" qt!!lOntii i.f it wit tn'mv.r. Tb utitiortu r- tie of th L'uitttl State Snat-; v-r, the poverty of th people, pro- i t. ....... - I .ii num.. iuii ipJl1 utmri A Homo Illustration. We hrard a littU story not lone A drummer tcU it. A law-Vf-r who nam- it known to a Ci-hI roinr ( tt: rradcrt of this pap-r hi des i4l lit her n .lauding on a itrit cor nr talktnfr Vut tlj dnimifUitiijt uftil- T. IT. COSTNER, JMC. I. with tnjem as much of the ueces saries of. life as you can purchase now, and if, after years of conten tion, privation and industrial dis order, you should at last succeed in so ' adjusting - wages tbat.they would -procure at the' higher prices LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Qlfers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton, and surrounding .country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. L. Surgeon Dentist,- Lincolnton, N. C. All work guaranteed, nothing but best materials used. Prices reasonable. "Terms cash except by special-agraement c. E. CHILDS. : Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. "Work intrusted to his care, will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office oil Main Street. O FINLEY. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all brt3ines3. t - " Office in Nrth State Hotel. - ,V. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practice? iri'the Courts of Lincoln, iyecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve lARd, Kutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotel. DEOTAJL NOTICE. v JDr. A. V. Alexandel will be, at his office at Lincolnton. June, Au gust, October,-December, Febru ary, and April. v ill be m Mt. Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May ' , . Patronage solicited. Terms cash .and moderate. . I s - - papers that opp6ss-fre"e silver. a aePrecxatea currency to a point Ashebpro,Courier: ' ' ' - whlch w,lU Da.ye .vou t0 Prehaso The Courier's acquaintance'with Democratic newspapers in North Carolina must be "very limited. We can recall more than "twice four a linos t in this - immediate vicjinity. Statesville Landmark. The Couner-has a verv" limited exchange list-, or reads- what .pa pers it doe.s get very , caele3iy. We have-carefully looked over the Democratic btate papers received at this office for one. - week,- and the following list will" show "how they, stand on the money .question : ' .FO&FREE iLV - "Wilmington Messenger,' Wades- bqro1 Messenger, jews and Obser ver, Greenville Reflector, Durham Glope, - Salisbury -Herald; " Fayette ville Observer, Oxford Ledger, Statesville Mascot, Winston Sen tinel, Shelby Aurora," Luinberton Robesonian, Asheboro Courier, Webster's - Weekly, -. Washington Gazette; 'Charlotte " News,. Alle ghany Star, - Reidsville Review, AVilkesboro . Chronicle, Asheville 'Citizen, Smithfield Herald, Wil mington Star,- Kinston Free Press, Washington. ;Prbgress-r-24. fOR SOUND.MONEY. "Waynesyille. . Courier, . Elkin Times, ."Salisbury World, Golds- boro Headlight Goldsboro Argus, Corlcptd Staiidafd," Bryson '.City - - - Times, Sout'hport Leader, States ville Landmark, Cleveland Star, Rutherford Democrat, Stanly En terprise,. Gastonia Garette, Pitts boro Record, Charlotte Observer, Charlotte Democrat, Salisbury Truth, Newton Enterprise, Mor- v ganton Herald, Newberne J ournal, Rockingham Rocket, Concord Times, Leaksville Gazette, Moores ville Record, Greensboro Patriot 26. . , .: - . . . v . It will be seen frcm the above that the Democratic newspapers of the. State are pretty evenly di vided. on the financial question, if any difference there being more sound money than free silver pa per's. This showing, no doubt, will astonish the Courier and many others. Concord Times. . We refer to the contest over the representation of Delegare in the United Jtatea Senate, it is now up as a question of the highest privilege, and has the right of way overall other lusine? until u ir settled. The debate is till coing on, and will doubtless goon for some time to come, though all the essentials both of law aud of fact vrn Hid down in a retort ot, a Co:it?$tnl.fh-cttoii cs? in 17: In th opinion if vot:r enm-mitt-rt it i iut cmjHt-ul fr th SVnitf to tuquireaj ttlw nh! o( individual mnlr9 to it in a Legislature which ii tccdd t have a piorum in lMh hues of lfc2ally tlecttd niemlr. Hut.tin doubtcdlv, tlr Benito mint alavt inquir- whether th Im!v nhlch pretended to ?k:t the Snator vm a L?nlntutv of th bt4t,- or tiM, have been pretlv tboroufthly di- bJUM u can nly U played in the speeche already de livered. The facts aro 'agreed to by all concerned. The Delegare Legis lature waiu prolougd deadlock ot commoditieiiust what they will ,n il balloting for U irtted State procure now existing prices, what would, you. have gained "ny the change from the old to the new conditions 1 - . - -" Monev received for wages, like monqy received on every other ac count, is valuable only to the ex tent that.it can be exchanged for other commodities,and it i9 scarce ly necessary to suggest that a dol lar worth 50 cents will uot pur chase ns much in the markets as a dollar worth 100 cents. To call h dime a'dollar would add nothing whatever to its "intrinsic value or to its purchasing power. If these propositions are correct, it is clear that when wages afe pa preciated currency the rates of wages must b increased in propor tion'to Xhe depreciation of the money and in proportion to the increase in the prices of other things, or the laborer will suffer a l0S9. You have doubtless observed re cently what appears to be quite a formidable demonstration in favor of the tree coinage of silyer by cer tain large manufacturing interests in the Eastern part of the countrv, upon the ground that if we con tinue to maintain our present standare of value the ailver stand ard countries, especially Inula, China and Japan, will hoou be abl to undersell them in the markets df the world. . Reduced to its Senator. 4,GasM Aduicks had bought the State for the Republi cans, "and supposed that, of course, the serjatorship went with it; but a few ridiculouslv squeamish members refused to.vote for him. oliCKd by f.b? Li:iilatutt? State- Judicial d"C!ioti point th- -nnie j way. A Kau! 1 iflature gtur contained nu unconvicted M'jn. tnrt?i' and declaring that timot itonld iivtr 4tr tt-r uotil hnvt? fr coinafH of tilrr. An old mountaineer who had juit driven into town with a lod f aiipUi and hr. tri standing by in his shirt-iUvvvi tstd: "I ot& a little farm mviclt and thr ti a mortte lor il- on it. It cemvi to in? thit it would 1-e a g J i It to have frc .iver and a heap uf it. to !h: uu2 dollar mould dj z much crk ai to tll or. but 1 ot to t!i;nk;r.i thai if frt-ctr.ai- PteitJent nuJ Cr.;jt wr ell d the man that hold th mortgj on cif would hut d'iwn fa mv trior I cuM tver ct ThoDomocraticronvonilon. P.Aixi;i.!C., April 10. l;3. A Contrntivti f t h IVmcratia jartv of Nnh tarlina i hereby called to a ub! m tl.- rjty of HaU'.h n t!.- " t ! j lir of Jnn. 1S. fr th- j:;rj. r f t,otninat- tng canuilt- fr -vv:njr and ih i-tli-r r"t.it- nd Presi dential !titr l -i tbf Stt at latfc'; (kt ti - purj-j of ls:tinf dl-3t- t t!:- Niti'tml Dci cratic o.i.vtiitj at Th.cAro, nd f-r thr traii4ctj..;i . f ncu tLr bu:n-4 &i ri.-y j.ii j rlv c :n? L for it. TLr r.-Iil ?:;. t !j.r tat ill rl-r? fc4t- t!. .tt Crtiti ?i in c rJj:x aithth plan f ;?iii;t u iy ; r v . v bv .:! x : i ;u Etc::!: s:i:.:;:w. J virH Pvv . !.4rni-.n. Wtti Itv.i. i - t-trv. Under the Stt Contitntioti h: j chant? to p:y o:l rav debt cl lOJ eat hc)u1.i hav bti dtlrvd r. Itth moiiy that wuld b? ,crlh cant. rut th I.gilaturc rvf ioijtv fi'-V AuJ that Laft tbt rattler. If r3 stiver drin't man tnorr t net, and when b: cnv a brought bffor tljf Supreme Curt Qatnn L-nttimofo. tr. -: h -.tint: t:niv :- tL- ; . r . b " T; Cl r . , r C in : land an adjournment without eW-1 lerfcr,ncp !rr,m lhe cul.uio. h,a. of th Stat". Judge Hr?Tr. nov cj mmy and chtpf rntL-v then (;jsVvllt;,; - - ;,j b ..f!--. the Supreme Court at W nhinctn. :hvr it cocxcuIer ihn araticn u u : -rst;- d-cidd that thcrv could I? n in- t'r it. A Prcid?r,l cUcttd m c- . t , , t . . . K ., f tion seemed prebable. On the lat any ot the session, however, May 9, lS9if 2? ballots were takeu ; 30 members were present in joint as sembly, l.ri votes being caption Henry A.. Du Pont, and the other 15 being divided. No majority for i any .candidate appears upon the te cords therefore, but Mr. Du Pont makes bis coutest,aud the majority vernier do nt take hi cat un- f I V C !- I.l :. IT ' 1 Jf ing that it .-uh'.r hou- of tb b g-til th March foUv.ng. mz.1 ... . . I i ' islature rvfu-j to mit n memkr ji-nngrcsi e"C'C'i at m umr uri,v;'4 jr., ,(, iM,.r 4 fit a eai i iycmi juuictai cLai- en cn. -.' -7 -'-1- - 1 octtrn;;:.- -; vri i a ;i r- lenge." r ho follcwmg rear :birt??nf j It is dvnted, further, that the j months after its elation. Bclwttc! i v:-m by th -ud- ui i!.v z-jy nr idinade- rePort of the committee on privileg.Lhajn,t, llul v quaii:ic,j.' As a Spvaktr of the D.derrnro tr-fuatc I th "ltin of a fr?e comar-c Pres- ucccfd. to th" 'oHiC'"" o! Govern or. Thf Conttttution sny that he shall VXrcio th oT;r? until r. Governor lcctcd bv the veoplc simplest'. form, the -proposition of es and elections proposes to award him the seat, on the ground that one member present rud voting in the jon.t assembly was iliegallv present and voting. With tlr'a vote expunded from tho record. there would have been a total of but 29 votes, nd Mr. Du Pont This member, thus challenged, was William T. Watson, the Sena tor duly elected from the county of Kent, chosen Speaker of the Deleware Seuato on its organira ticn,and becoming.under the State Constitution, acting-Governor upon the death of Gov. Mnrvil on April 8, 1S95. On May 9, the last day of the session, Mr. Watson en tered the Senate chamber, took hi Seat as Speaker (the President pro practical contructiou of th clatm it is averred that. hiturically,very uny of the five per ua who, under the present Con ware, have uccedcd to th gov ernorship, a Speaker Wnton did, 'without a singl exception, after the expiry of the time limits for the temporary ?xrrie of etcu- . . . r.urv.i i- : il?nt aud Cougr and their sieg -tt tir,; ... into oflkc vcrv man ho hold, a j.L ,,.r. x,9 Mr i ,!:;t r, i r , v . 1 t. -.r Th. ci? c:n" oj t. j t:vi.s tr;l 4 i. at it.- :;jt?i 1 - l?m Jnigv rr.i: A:'.:,: th : t tk vci pai a- r' t Ourfed'of Hls Folly. " " Mt. John F-. -MdLean, who, has returned from-a-ten days visit to his father at Mcoresville, tells us- of a recent conversion.' When Mr." McLean livedlsTuMooresville sev eral years ago one of his -friends was a hard working, enthusiastic Is the place to get .a nice piece of Democrat, fcnortly alter ir. jic- BEEF, PORK and FRESH UmTif wanaereu oa iuiu tue uuiisnviu and moved to Cabarrus county, the CITY these gentlemen is that the manu facturers of certain kinds of goods in this country cannot coutmue to pay their laborers high wages in gold, or its equivalent" and com pete successfully in the markets abroad with the manufacturers of similar goods in 6ilver standard countries, who pay their.laborer ltjw .wages in 'depreciated 'silver, and, therefore, they insist that a 'monetary system shall, be adopted here which .wilj, give them the ad vantage "of .'paying .for their labor jn depreciated pilver, tempore resigning it to him), and went with the .Senate to the hall of the. House of Representative, where he joined, without protest, in the balloting for United States Senator. It is contended by Mr Du Pont that the olhco of Souator from Kent had been vacated by Mr. Watson's accesfiou to tho acting-governorship, and that there fore tho legal number of the joint assembly was 29, not 30. The argument for the couteJt- ant,"which was present at length by Senator Mitchell, i naed, first debt wonld make a ruh to rcahxr on it b-c'or he could t" paid o:T. undr tlr? Jaw, m a depreciated currencv. Th mar. in debt would havij to pay or i sold out and the' , u rua who, under result would be the cnt rric in j -v:: d Ju IJ-r- tittition f Dcia- the butorv of tb orld ; m lib uns- cjj j......, ,i.-,l, tv&t ral bankruptcy and ruin atcom- j XXuu u . ull. ,.. x uyiugit. Put threat? to vo-jr-jT;;..c,.m.ju.., ... t r , T I en, rcauer. nave yen wot j (-,y.jr! r!--t- n m ank? u ou bold a note 03 1 anv of vour n-Mghlr'' Does any- lodr 0? rcu auTthicg? If q nnd you kw thit a frf c?mag" bdl ai goiug into c:Tct c xt y:ar. with th L-c-arv change of th tandard cf valu ffm gold to sil ver, don't vou knew that vcu would ores with all v 1. 4 . . cv vf th c-uuUt i 111! c-od iT11 vr .f!Tr ard par -Jollarcal K Vrf J ; 1... ... - .i ru'.ncitt wr Mrr,"l ! J. JiSH course vou do. W-11. tverv other s church, n-ir creditor isjut!ilce yoo. S'.cp a-d i ' tive aulhoritv, wnt into th" Sn at and compli,td his trm a Sen ate without protel, without ob jection ' At t!i? time of Mr. Wal ton's participation in the joint aembly no pro,?s a made a- gainst hi action until aftr the last ballot a tak-n, when, ap- parentlv a au afterthought, a pr t jt wa prescntHl a .1 ground for the conto; b-''re the I nil?d States nnt. Without uudertakinr to atiirm how the Senate ought to jr w:il de cide thu question, we are b?urd to ; Landmark say lhat at any attempt of th Sen j ats to go back of th record of a State L-gnlalure t certain to !ad S t nt.i , b.i New. Sfttft A r::.i ha- iLfcratri Mr. Vm. i I r. ! . ! at . -t t al re.ndy !d I .. -:- f his tratat:vti ' CUrrr.n! '. g- c!'.-l 2st wclc. Mr. Murphy t flirts aid 1 cur might Prvf "!!"' ehrz- Hi roft if- thiok bott it awhile. Suictvi'le iS'A'.ues I'nHng-ho Whl'eHouto Canton' New. v!T:c-r. "I rvb w r th UaKtte 1 advocating :V.n, liar-----!:, a? 1 ? monument at Gat jtita to theJwU j th- tn nrt n)n Th fiunlitiention , 1." . . " I. . t t. S federate dead cf Gallon ccuoty. r.:v. w;Uj '4 e rvt r-tr,5i:k'-4 tl.zl a? t.v-j : m rr. .:.ak SAUSAGE. All meats found in a FIR9T- CLASS MARKET. Come to see us. Market prices paid for hogs and cattle. Edwards & Sherrill. 11-22-25. ly. KEW GOODS. I have the largest stock of New Musical Insruments thst has ev er been in North Carolina, such as ArTOHARPS, ACCORDIANS, MAN DOLINS, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, ana Koller Organs, and any thing eke that is kept in a first - class Music Store. Prices lower than ever. Orders bv mail, have 1 promt attention. Addess ! W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C." . 11-29-95. Chattel Mortsaces for sale at The Democrat office, neatly, print ed on good paper at 40 cents per nunared ... t upon tho common-law doctrine of The theory is that with free . FW , , J . .. lDcompatinility in other wonts, inage of legal-tender silver .the . .. - . . tor, may be inquired into on the 1 game ground : the ta:rc o: ?c- j tions passed upon; and thus the constitutional right of all Leg:!a-! turet to be th solv judges of the j qualifications aud credential cf j Th- roerchar.ticf Gastouta hav!tv p!ic zh n;!r. had a Sae spricg trade j far ofc- tv I th - Whi'.- Hcie. decrease in trad? has l-es rcpcrt-tG?n. lUw :d :. . r'? d. as from other toL. iwil k:i-.w:i t h:.d tr:3 Some friend of Her. J. C. Ul-"fr o.art i ! -c?'d .' h- prr- lowav recentlv scut h:m a basd- ;dcti-v. a? c! their owu mcuibrs insidiouslv un-j ' - - j- - - y f jraely bound copy cf the Psalter, ptacv tv bav. that hot bed of Populism. A few days ago this gentleman went to Con cord and while there saw a negro magistrate trying a white man. He stopped and looked at the proceedings for a few minutes and turned away with the exclamation; r j "Mv C6dl Have I helped to bring this on our neople?" : 1 Fmm the trial ne weui 10 me Populist newspaper office and ask ed if he was in arrears for the pa per. Ascertaining the amount due he paid up, ordered the paper stopped and forthwith went to a Democratic office and subscribed for a Democratic paper. He is again a Democrat and is w'orking for the party Vith his olcl time 1 enthusiasm.' - "Such experience as this ought to cure any white man of the Pop- ulistic craze Salisbury Herald. coinage 01 legal wages of labor in 'this country .would be paid in silver dollara worth about half as much aa gold dollars, but the products of labor, which -would belong to the employ er, would be sold for gold in the markets abroad, and that the gold thus obtained could ho exchanged for silver at about the rate of one dollar in gold for two dollars in that the iame person shall not si multaneously exercise iucotnpati ble offices, and that the offices of Governor and member of the Leg islator are incompatible. It is also Urged that the. Constitution of Deleware expressly prohibits 6ucnl duplication of office. The right of the United States Senate to go back of the record f a Legislature is derniined. For Ihitter or for worse, we stand upon th right and duty of the Stat to manage thir own affairs without federal interfr-1 ence; and th election of a I'mted 1 States squalor is a ciat- auair. The Nation. rilV. 4 li h try;r.g ! rt there evtti ft : i 'h L:tv!e d:d iln-'- :h ti tht ht Ilentcrsca Long and V. E. Jen kins have been over about Table Kockbunticg They brought tack 'a tear s loot. Prof. James Lee Lce. cf Ilarv-1 id-Ley. but be . mud. a-1 ard College:! atGaitonia fcr a t&jkr.'.-. h- fail d tv -i. I 'dav'i visit to friends and reUttfts ;iev n - th'.t the Utt :af- r!.t m It f f ''tl. . . I montunpn not aa.ro i&cif. dui asi 1 .t.:ii , ... , . 1. mMk ailvfir. nnd thus the nrocess would . ami a niau -1 P '-' ai v asamgton a-g lori-y. - iho mwr ffrtrarninc inn orrriii I lis. go on, the employer getting gold of full value and the laborer getting depreciated silver, which, in the opinion of these gentleineD," would be a most happy solution of this question. . ! Th-s GatonU Baptists have call- Brotherly Love. Ud P.v. W. IL Bradshaw. of North Prominent Republican vi out- Vjlkebcro 15 become pastor t cnoketi iu their d-nuncintion of ,thir church. I Ilutlcr. Col. Jcrn Smith, the, Thn G at'onia Baptists hava ent leading Republican in the county U petition to the Sutv Dcpartra-ot skill i t fp.c? iv"r.rd :L- Wh:t !lo3t." W..:?.gv?i ar. tion. If the Legislature, or branch of it, did not perceive that th law and Constitution of the State mad a scat vacant, that does not estop the United Statea Senate, so Senator Mitchell con- This is going to be a td year tenacu, irom ieV.h foranyort of Fusion in North merecoro u.........u. Carolina. - The fait ie it U a U- law. The record in qiintlou Democratic vear. Wilriungton J uxu. -wm .v Bmw- Star. ' " " - Trim And Now. A all :fi?nse -A th" u-iziml chaf.ge XU thi -tfttu .! Sv-ithin. P.-iputlie. C' f.gr-mari ten v th d-!'cai tj St. Lrc:s from h: ditnct rn bry r.d yJZl Th-, colonel brands Butl-r a .n;ODri ia Mexico. tlf': ' ungrateful wretch" who. having; Her. W. M Bagby ha bfto at r -icr.u..c c...4 ,en four years of gojl living lnfore Asheville on a visit to his tcn-m him in the matter of the Unite! jaWf Iter. V. II. Willis. ' manipulating pnitical matt'-r. tleae of Ilev. A. J. Diai, a Baptist j a particularly ever on the Se nator. MistionarT who have b-cen irapr.s-j State f.natorhip, ha forgotter. 1 g. Cat hey. County Examiner, who mad him. Among th-r'di In Batoberg,..;C., a ootton fac tory is being built in which negro labor will bo employed. ! Du Font had received a majority bf the voW legally cast for-Unitcd Statea Senator, aud is therefore cn-Lj a00Ye coming from uch high hold a public examiuatiCD at thing the colonel aid that, con-1 Cherry vilU, May 7th, for the t-en-idering Mich bae ingratitude on-cflt cf Jst. J. j. Gr-orri't pupils th wart of th hro Honfvcutt. imh with to become, public school a good do of "rotten egg would L the timtv-r thing. Such talk a - tea'-herf. Gazett Mr. Hickcrv Pr We :ak- tL: t nin that tb p reseat dl-gativi t i it. L;-:s from th Vth l;tr.ct ar- fcr sale. RepuKi'-j.ri tr.Tal r? ca the ns! Ir.v-iiT. Nearly r.U ha already te3 ratM fcr th Vaxr Moncmt- L. M. Mcmiob haa bolThe Cbarlclt Ilranatsr Corsrasy titled.to hi. .cat. . Uce, U verr amu-lrc to D...mo-ornintl lor a.yor ol ncoru .". Tho Moment for tho minority' crU.-SutvUlo Landmark. 'by lb. D.ocraU- p-i " -

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