r aINCOLN DEMOCRAT. A VOL. I. NO. 33. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 8, 189K. 1.00 A YEAR. "DR. MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben efactor to Thousands.-' ABIDE IN THE SHIP! H WIDELY knora Wisconsin publisher, who resides at Green Bay, write3 March 6th, 1S95, as follows: "Five years ago I became so nervous that mental work was a burden. I could not rest at night on account of sleeplessness. My attention was called to Dr. Miles Restora tive Nervine, and I commenced to nse It with the very best effect. Since then I have kept a bottle in my house and use it whenever my nerves become unstrung, with always the same good results. My son also Xr Mil PC takes it for nervousness JLH I'UiW v4t.h HVo r,or foiling success, I hare recom mended it to many and it cures them. All who suffer from nerve troubles should try it. It is free from narcotics, perfectly harm less, and yet soothes and strengthens. Dr. Miles, through his Nervine is a benefactor to thousands." A. C. LEHMAN. Editor and proprietor of Deb Landsman. Dr. Miles Nervine is sold on guarantee first bottle will benefit or money refunded. Nervine Restores Health. rjy JF. COSTNER, 3. D. ; LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and surrounding country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. S. FOX, Democrats, Save the State! J. S. Henderson 'fdr Sound Money. To' the Observer.. . A united Democracy can redeem the State tnia year, but if the par ty divides, there is no hope of suc cess. Democratic defeat means Republican victory. Every hon orable effort must be made to hold the party together. All true Dem ocrats mu3t work and vote for every democratic nominee, coun ty, State and national. When did it become Democratic doctrine, that a Democrat must bolt the nominees of the party, il they do not happen to agree with him on a monetary vi Other question, wheth er political or non-political? The rule heretofore has always been to stand by the party and to support in pood faith all its nominees The majority will control in the long run, and in the meantime the the minority must submit. What ever may be the differences or con troversies among "Democrats, let us settle them all inside the party. There is no other hope of accomp lishing results and no other party will bring the people any relief What has become of the "Green back party?" How can the "Pop ulist party'' help the people to good government and a better cur rencyr lhat organization has about run its course. Another party with another name and oth er principles will probably arise from its ashes this vear or two years .hence. Why should any Democrat leave his party ? What Surgeon Dentist, Lincolnton, C. All work guaranteed, nothing but best materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except by special agraement umce on Jiam street a E. CHILDS. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton; N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. umce on Main Street. O FINLEY. tions : The destruction of the tiu as mav be provide! hv !aw."j atAwba rws. Democratic organization i nut !Tbe Republicans w d lpu!iU of ! Mr. .! C. Smith h purch.-d . A . 1 i . r I . . . t ... usBury io cnng auoni "ire- j .orin Carolina art? equally rp.:i-i Mr. W. C. Knv. a ri.J-t.c? a-.d coinage. If that can cent at all. title for the majority ulitch an.. the Democrutic party baa not stood !trols the f if ty. fourth CouL-rvt., in in its way. And yet anm, rossi-lthe tlcuue as well n in th S-nat bly many, extreme silver Demo- If tht law is wioti;: why'dcu'l thav crats now propose as th onlv . n!i-r h? Ami it (MnvJi.t nM. means of feccurins "free coinagu" they slop him? Senator 1'etfer, h? U no MM gt -H itj- tbe lending 1'opulut in the enst. slated in a pecch un the floor of the Senate a lew days azo that "he did not believe that there hav beeu fraud and corruption on the to divide and disrupt the party. The attempt wili fail. Th Demo cratic party may be defeated this vear but it will not be de&troved. The Democrats who propose to break it up may leave it if thev Mr. Kvtiv.;t j ij;i.i-rI l Kill umvt to J.!i:i.!i City, T'-nu Wc nr- lsd l im t mm Mn A J. S n di:ir vry v m dvtd and that !;-r hr.it i hf.kf. nig contrary law, why dnn'l jt-dvin nnd in th hip i and will 1 hope they will not but S part of the Secretary of lh Treas ury or the President of the United States ii. regard to the ond tesuef ; hat he iliil not impute dithonora ble or corrupt motives upon tho part ol either of thre gntkmeti. but he recorded I hni at ui"u of honor." What mornced be aid? No man in public life hat ver bad a cleaner or more t tainlet record than Grovcr Ulvelaud. I defend ed him oa the stump m 1591 from the baseless, maltciuut and mouda ciou? charts of the I'opulitta and 1 Republican ; and every Democrat ic speaker will defend him again this fall when ho will be oncu more attacked and vilified by politicians aud public speaker hM houorabl and less truthful than S?nator Pef-fer. they cannot oestmv it. The ex islence of the party is coeval with that of tho republic: and it will be here battling for the liberties of the people a long as the people will have any liberties left to be battled for. Tho Dem-jcratie par ty is as it ha? ever been the party of tho peopl and the faithful,con- sisteut and vigilant defender of civil and religious liberty. A HANDSOME DEPENSC OF CLEVELAND Some men iish to break up the party on account of their hatred of Grover Cleveland. He has ben just, generous, magnanimous to the South. His policy has reduced taxation, suppressed violeijc nnd disorder, righted Republican wroogs, "repealed Federal elec tion laws," made uforco bills' im possible, guaranteed to th South all her rights and honors in the Union and maintained and pre served the public credit. And yet manv Southern mendeubunce him for all that is bad ! He has been true to his pledges aud has ad- out being lrrmj!;nnt! y cfippUd. Another fr ;'. r man rm- in WtHliifdy and ;iHtr ! untitle 'd ffuthintf at ih- tu-;iih i: a'lvi'v i fr -ther. u:j! n.t I.tk atl iav- llHl in -ilvr j'.r 9l u gold. Conittcy u hi f - A I.iUtenntit Ciiv! nii Mr. V. II. Chnich an ! uiniI, of l!;.5',at. l af. r m. Hu-rt Inn to ! ume Uin. T!i-v nfe "ir. tI Casfon Upwi, Mr J. !:. tHtt. i i'hr!.!i. conl tutw t nltji. up !.-f i !it f.r Ititl a.ii, i iVirnr.t Mr, Yi M Jt:Vut. !. i f m ru'tir ! rn-J .lio c'.-j l tl- Vttitrt" M.::ul !t r C sr:::ii.r lu pl Mr A C. J u- IUr. J Cuti Cauio PrmcVcmVy Won. Mr. J. Flit A CUik. itu rc.-rj t. u4 i;, ,," ! l ! - i '-nil ui In n tn-rt: Ir ; i i.i : 1 .. . e . 1 . . .. It, C. !. jr -r,t !!; i T.it i.tf 'ti i . t- i i mi t 9tn: crirny. in, Iht. M; Advut til "i . t : t4 ! All j-u ;f .- fc lh.fi fr;rt.t Ir Mr tlh ..- .; ui ti tht i !-- .t r t i i .... J 1 1. i C "" mowing Uwk t o'sAi n III" J..:,u kIoU s dJ li-t c ?nr.!, I ! u ocn. I.iut. Cd. t'litirca i n I flcl-ft i' u-r C.s i "uct-'tr- ? ;r s ! Ktird other rcf t!e I.:;.ih Arr.iv t , iUr.?4i : t - i:.t- 4 - '' ' - I A 1 i v - j. ar.d t U'iw enjoying t; cvmf.ut i Mi I.:i T-jrr.n- Mr. C.t: f lift in x cjjance lr alnrJ- I I Hot in;Ti -r rrtit!v ' ' U": irvu4 gtvvn nattvi lard r. i r"sr 3ii"n:5 Tht t.f:dc ! t!. ihv pa t liuiht-r 4 Mr J 1. I-rKi - lu;!' I Th? wrt jtut tudutry ! Kt. i. A. Sj.rri ixrf-c f n:-; ii ur- s aMutwd vat prip-rttit ;n tt;- c :r.ciy. I :y t:i- i '.. Ki.llttlt alt, ..,. Int . - . I Mfl f. II -. f II m. t t . 4 ll A t I . I". 1 I Mr. Solotnun Shram ot th: plc ! rnncpil cf Jt. c,:njry dii ii-t ha ttl-d atjut frty tu!j-U f.,r . tl r rrccnUy. T!-c L-.ral xu ' Uv. nml n:w haf th-?"r.r'U -f Klm'd c-r&i'-rT. Cv.r!- ic -i 1 : it il ,..'.11? ! J . . ;n Itp ready for ?tttttg. H" ha a!l I9" finli r h cnr. uv and a uuantilv ti tcr. r tit . t A Sound Pr-.I'lon I have never entertaioed ether iTheotlVr jotato rn.r!ti tin 3r-! V. Toytc. f Mt. H v. ! I ! can he hope to gam by leaving the hered to his convictions. He i Democratic party and joining or thoroughly upright and incorrupti- fusmg" with the Populists or any I ble. Few Presidents have sur- otber new party to.be organized passed him in ability and none this year? There are only two real I have been more conscientious or parties in North Carolina tc-day patriotic. History will surely in tbe Democratic and Republican, dicate him and lie will be admired The lalter party has about swal- and honored more by the next gen lowed up the greater part of the eration than he is to-day, but his Populists. "Fusion" did the work, course is even now endorsed and Popali9t free-traders have become approved by a largb majority ot protectionists, and if the educa- the American people, regardless of tional process continues much party. "No Southern man should longer at least half of the Popu- ever speak unkindly of Clevclaud. lists will become Republicans iniHe has not changed his views aud view, although I have voted for free coinage when I b-livd th? standard dollar could b main tained and circulated at its coin age value on a paritv with tho gold dollar. I have therefore lwav been a ''sound mony" man. I cordially aoprovo of the national Democratic platform adopted at Chicago in 192. All Democrat stood upon it then. Whv cau't all staud upon it now ? It suited Bland and Cleveland then.- It suits Cleveland now. Why doe it not euit Pland too? Bnth were good Democrat theu. Why can'', both be good Democrat now ! Whatever be tho views of Demo crats upou this question, Mr. Edi tor, let us all gt together and help save the State and the whole coun try at the next November election. ttuu are making pr parttun to . tor drr.l thr r?.t!y It plant larger crup thnn uttal. trk frthl ? I !url into :ho The many fhnU of Mr Kut- tir on Holler will l iatml t hs.ru Tb "l.tjj r--? cr4if.nc fi!' that he d Thurdv tii'mfigot in lor tit: ! II o'ch'k. She rn 5jiin all 1 1 " Irll rf t 'ili ! over the county a Mi Sallt" Hr- a'il!c ttt Hr Mr !r! inau the cbool t-ac!ier. and manv '?snu-l htlJ;r it !ir S:hc ! bovt, girl, votu!; and evrr m-n into rirroit rui'ti tfi !.; and woaif-n rem nil-r h;r kindlv Sunrdar ftcmr; at MfA'r-::! 1 1 nit their t clr. Sh ha. a h-t ith Ki . I. C Cmr!: n. r15 f 1 ' 1 t "! ? vi.l c 'JJ' 'I l :t I r ; :i i t,4 ... .1 . . J l 4 i ... ' . j 1 4 : n , - I --.; j. i t of frnd and thw nil ill i- in ; dnt. her ktndpM in mun.t?i2 !run.":l! lL'M !;!.! elmirh ' IT"'1 vt timelv dnth. name as well as in principles. he has always been open and can- If we do our be t aud douH divide, Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts Prompt attention given to allbnsiness. ; Offlee in Nth State Hotel. we may elect n Democratic Gov ernor and Legislature aud a Dem ocratic Congress nnd l'reidtit. If ihe Democracy in defeated the Re publican party will triumph. Pop ulism and the new Silver party populism only a political MUSH-1 did. Those who supported him in room, 192 did so with a full knowledge And what are the results of ex- of his viewa and ideas on a Pub- istinff "fusion?" Not one blessing lic questions. And to the people of the State. It has v6ted for him in 1S?4 or 1S92 hPfomP a mprp p.rRmbl for snn.U OUght to Cast a StOCe at him UOW. The selfish and illogical coalUion He has ncver concealed his views "iH b imjortant factors The j .4. i i j i i j on the Question of silver coinarre. next Congress and h next Prei- UUCS UUt nvji A liUllUfUIUUBiy. UUU I 4 - is about to tail to pieces. And vet UQ eDruary lutI, about some Democrats, beholding the seveu3en months before he was schism and certain wreck of the nominated for the presidency for treacherous combination, are rush- h,s Prcsent term- he a,d in Pb" ing blindly, thoughtlessly and He lettpr written to E. Ellcry An- madlvtoioin its broken ranks 1 hereon: 4tIf we have developed Thev must not do this, but must an unexpected capacity for the as be nrevented. if possible. What 6imilatlou cI a Jarcel-V increased ha hflnnnifl of the Democrats lume of the currency, aud even I : u j . j l adiusters" who "fused" with the 41 u"vw lDB -A.. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in Xorth State Hotel. DENTAL NOTICJC. - Dr. A. W Alexander will be at his office at Lincolnton, June, Au gust. Octfthor TluooTnKof PoVirn. v ' yy , i j i fn u ; .i ary,ana April. Will be in Mt. Pwepublicans in Virginia? Where 1U,1UC03 U1 B,1WU lutlva8 dent, if not Democratic, will cer tainly be Republican. 'l:ound innney'' Democrats and "Iree cin ace' Democrat at 1G to 1" muit abide in the Democratic thip, and 'except thee abide in the hip duf i?: 2 t,f jntef Dttfanvtil Doiii'-hi tK?t!''jr M;r- i J!"'" ap;f lo b- iU z ttu dvknvevt. Hon-, late of Hirkkrrv " Cf-ir an J pr- ?k-f i: Nanf Knrltnv. but lu- nm 1 , !t 5li. a a a a a, kat'nl at kronikle in ! afo count v mi Mate to d- tinl" 'mfu- xum pawty vf Iiincoui kountr d: jvmt' nm j"fh'-r!y daddy kal-d. Sprtnir am cum uort tnu. Il rots ju llKc Ii alux rum Urfo. VU1 cle tnakr n;rar4crr fry Jc Au dc un tt! Jc cwtlln u: cr Uoln much the tlomrrut-rrr cbtckin m mjr nuf frt co am graitns t4.cl tu 1" t4tc. Aa dty r ju: a c-titlc if l- rij-- ! ut (ru Uc La ii. At4 dc cand Jatc am cr llin Ku. ir applo rrp andc jv b-rarm trl lu An de ia rmt ljMtj iram vu dr !h Ulr will b-e b!? uui lo rl bl dr U o( May "5 V? A.. C ' it. m H I f"j'j;!it lhm s:l l''i!n;a .1 ? j J howr.l th'm. ! th . r y m tru Ti 1 1 i1!-: m Futfon And lis fio4uti . Ii iJl I r-and tk b-f r a l!tr tn j 'l. ' ; i I r s - f . ........ i . : I Trto floi Cum o C' f''! on h:h !. cU:::d tt !5 p'jl:cn c t M'AC.Utn:- i'-'puh?' ttiuf' t pffi the Democracy caunot bo faved' j Krp d-bur af jmJ ud c prxy from political and party hi( wreck. Mr H' It :iar.. h -r It?;.KI:' fttd lis y thi!,i I f--t ? ' :i "VI a ff p;;i.r;j at. I Tv-t f r !";!. a Mr H-tlr -rinrrd l- - n .-, t'i r.r.t;. A : v L d ? ' If ii: : 2 r :-. :-d' Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May. ratronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. . -r - I conditions fall far ahnrf tf ininr. are tne uemocrats ot ivansas ana j Oregon who' a short, time ago in us gainst disaster, if in the fused" with the Populists? All Blluuli" UP" John S. HcNnERo7f. April 24, 196. b ish. Mr. liutl-r rtiu J.: r d loo 5Cn Ie hawk am ketThrn d- ct.ilcn a4 dccan pufcd up bj W crow S. F. Grigg, Mgr. ' W. E. Gbigg, Cashier. THE BANK OF LINCbLNTON, Solicits the accounts of Mer chants Corporations and Individ uals, and will make collections at reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. A Bank account never fails to inspire habits of economy and sav ing. 5-8-96. :- A -4. the dangerous and recle3 exneri-la Knelled ej?s. with it white ot xusiuub oi wuis suit, wuu wuai- . ., ever party, necessarily come to ' grief and failure. For genera- Vlv" "'"B-" He h" tion f.hB neonls of North Carolina ue,:u criiiciseu uuu uPnoungca ior -r-wT - I ; 1 I .1 11 have found protection, safety and ,88U,UK 00,U,U8 1" "P"""" S' happiness inside tne Democratic ve. ppdou uni aoueo.we party, and it is now our onlv hope Present Congress might have .ro of defense and safety. What Pched hlm for w.lful neglect of would have become of the liberties "9 peraonaiiy oppoMQ of the people of the South dur.ng th,e,ne. boDd'-bu' Congress lius iuiieu eiiuer iu umcuu ice law Dc bUckburt bv Hp- ul dc U f Juuc v u'm:t! 1 t Mr i! a tl'.icr la!. Tii: pf r:pi ly Do Turkey Cobblers Lay Eg!. f Aod dc ltu.c barrfovt n'cah dwu ; ,,,r a u:v:.;. ?. s u ....... so taRipiJrr ii. I mad?. TIitvii?:i Mr r.m'f h'M I Utile niountiu taiucf tn dun st ! Uj, J r.:$d in !.lv h :Tf afd An dc rad z.z dr twj am tu Im- . . . , . . ; ... .. . au ;i'tui:atv lu'- vu ptu.-r:- D jcab vb Jibf!tcr. toj bo.l ".it . ' KUtUt ', pb d i!i y cvr.i la'.X.::; 1 - u: 1 Whrti d trrlc cumfuu luV J !" I'.uii'-r tumi lb- tmhlr ixtrn do!Ui ulr i dcti-; neatly. ttr-t it pnnc;p.c V" B k Ejtjt Stones I much daraurn : r-t: I tn It come, from Klkin lhat . Un " - over thrc tat on 17 hatched , NEW GOODS. I have the largest stock of New AiusicAL Ixsruments thst has ev er been in North CUroitva. snch &S AUTOHARPS, ACCORDIANS, MAN- lAB, VjUITARS KAWTna VTOT.TNfa. ??.dl Roller Organs, and any iugeise that is kept in a first ixiusic store. Prices lower the tronblous times after the war if the national Democratic party had not come to our rescue? The peril confronting-the party this year is the disruption of its State organization upon the silver is sue." There is no hope for "free silver coinage" at "sixteen to one" or any other ratio under a 'fusion" banner in this State or elsewhere. There is no more chance for "free coinage" under such influences than there was cr is for the "sub-Treasury plan" un der like auspices and bombina- requiring such issue or to repeal it. He has maintained the gold standard of value and kept all sorts of money on a parity. If he had not done so ho would have In the green vault in Urridn ii welled egg. with it white ot silver, its yolk of gold, and within know what is in tho egg we taw Monday, but it is a very remarka ble egg. Old Aunt Maody Krwin, Colored, who k.eps a reitaurant in Merganton, and who, by the way, is a most excellent cook, was drei- ing a 2-year-old gobbler on lait Saturday, and to hr surprise she i Mr 1 4 Ik J j . i:r : t. 19 chickens, and two c2 did not found in him an gg. about the I hatch! size of an ordinary hen egg. .Man dy says she was U little frightened when she first saw tha eyg, and that she can't understand it, Neither violated the law. He does not can we- 5nc rnuit call on some make laws, but be is bound to exe cute them. The Republican party established the "gold standard' by j the act of February 12, 1873 : and the act of July 14, 1S90, ktiown as the Sherman law, also passed by Republicans iu spite of a unini mous Democratic opposition in both houses declared it "to be tho tinna. All these roads lead through Democratic disaster to Republican established Dolicv of . tne United it .M&n eVftr. OWlofoi Ivrr wtnl llnflfll J.l Ilfkiit notflfttlC tTCkfA feN.- pfWefronx such ill de.sed and absortive schemes and associa- States to maintain the two metals scientist to explain'. Jim Wilson says it's a simple matter, that tho , . oiu coooier naa iusl twsiiowea ai small egg. We admit Jim's au thority on matters muiic&l, but we can't trust his opinion iu tho mat ter of the -egg. Will some one ex- The Oxford L-dfir knw a. bn that lays czz thrt- iuchc loosr. The Hurlington Nw telU of a crow finding a h?n's crtl and car rying oil the tg. A Util Bom Uko Tfi.it of 0-t Easily TorOtton. Sjr.ic of th frt NoTm ' a nKM.-.f.oa a?ajnt -f4Dl mor.t ! . . l numeral oi riai" it K v ,ia4a- chu!t. Iland and V f tr.' tiluvi FfcConcra HoartJing Cot J. . . . . - jtd ti.- ' nk :!.- -1 t !y Ml slur f'.r tl' ii J ill" 'apji-.h :i tL- t!r h- icati r-t h"M f for c -d Ar.d r- . . . mout, tthich gr R-puMicati. hav 1 irs it aay ti rj th ? il!:o rf fn!jr! t!.t !d Wa !n nnt Torh for tha Iruf H ! inff t$V hoilC Hi th- Ch:Cgi . . . . si: any of thea- stories, though th?y j contrition, th-r furgn that ondtr j : ,t,.gh ,t A- (are nil toll by newspaper mn.and the m- inmifcrtn t.r; ; fifr rt. (Jf.jUr itJVl !w. lrT. in several cat prrachrs giro thej'dina tr- o.tnn mbi i- n:M ( . r - t lu, editors tbctr information. "ul Chr!ott- Ol rv-r. j , n.- .jlr,r ihl. Thi cannot ;d .! A the atrength f building tic- plain? It is a cold fact. Morgan-1 pend upjn th aolidity of it ton Herald. (foundation. o h'-alth dpnd u; Jon the condition of the Mood. To Pres. Wm. M. Thornton, of UolrH antt lhe xl iiversity of Virginia, will deliver i;:,.: K,rv,iu ; on a parity with each other upon j the literary address at Davidson I the moAt Viwrrful and elTrclive toe present, legai ratio, or sucn rn- Vsouimeucemem tms year, izneuicmo in u. fry c t:r. ihi irar.ic- ltn l.tv rdrf lav Senator Irlv av Tillman can not lid the South Carolina iKm- ocrata out vl th? party m ca-r a'lrn l.y:rs up c M t lai g)!d man i tifm:nat"l at Chica-Jamay ad pav:rs ntsll pr-njri go. Tillman still talk of tolling, while tdiirrs talk of Tillman a the possible candidate f the Sil ver Tartj for I'midesU I.d' rill nr"l;i'rli. oo tipation, jaundine, ;cV tdachf.

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