7Y L LIN" 0 OiLi 5 D r i 1 c h j VOL.- I. XO. 34. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 181)0. S1.00 A YEAH. ! - ! D Almost j j -a ismicieci ii i: THE DEMOCRACY AND GOLD. 'j To" show the attitude of the South! the measure, Mr. Dunham, the ! towards this "gold .bill," s it tra-' Democratic chairman of the waya me Party Never For Free Sit-. called. I quote a few sentence JfromCondy Hague; ''Currency .and Banking," pp. 224-o which v e r. To. the i:lilor of t lie Observer. bmce thy gentlemen who are! pleased -to si vie themselves silver Democrats" are not satisfied i will be of grout interest, uo doubt, ,eT,to thn North Carolina V.lvr- article written by "Mer- , and published in the Ob- abould, possibly, have re mained for many years in that sit- 31 A' 3k 'irm o II) V. 'i 1 I i V..I' TV J U 'aaJ i.il .-. : v r1- ti : n 1 i y Trrit hjrr iii ii.' corse irrirai.K', frftf.i" follow' 1 t y i.ii ?rnt;t-tf tion -of tl!- c:c;' ears., dnl sit ,1" Liii-i Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores was aiwio.-i. f.f worriod mo -anti! i v ; I rcally-ivait.-c I cry over r.otK:'rj. t .. Mile-; " :v-; : of this v v. o rc - i mo, atil I 2-;! - .11 1 Dr. Mik-' :;".' i i first bortV. vi'l !. - .of! r from rt-al uer- try iit:i vo .?eeirfcd !. -;uii;ir, creepy - JUiU t bt l fiUOllleV j Ciiiiomi rate ia a. ir.iin rind you be .d prvish; to be . . woii kourd condi riti?ii in the iU;: jiijhls? ?.!r. J-lot-ne Sfailts, is.) i--iiii-r:5on St.. Elk li:n t. i r.; , -rxy : ' Ner ou triut.'le had made mi.- ri::uiy nisnt'e and yr.;-;r:"s w:-ro unable t, !'!; mo. Myrvsemory : r.f ( v. ry iitlle thins v.-as nhuor.t. distracted. T il 5 i,i,ij; ai.l ild ; .::.' ('( taking Dr. y,.-.-.'! c-:r bottler cor "5' o v cjrod. I Lv:r was.'' I i, or. puaranTc-o, moncv refunded. T. F.C'iHT TV 1-j 1 , 31. 1). TON. V C. 'Oih-i'.- hi- pi i-S't i . n i orv ice to the poop If t' I.' in-o'ni t!i surrounding country. ' o'ii.-i' at : i ice next to L. X Sur 'CJIILIL, ion Di i ..INCOLN'TuX, X C. .Ail work ! M;i!jtec!l, nothing but best mat !!. i.- u-cd. Prices reasonable. Te'rnir- eah c. i i pecial arrenient Ollioe on Main St red G. 1 CM I I S .I.. Attorney at Law, LlNcOLNTOX. X. C. .Work iiii ruti .1 to bis care will .pronij)t ly ami carefully attended to. Olllce on Main Street. Attorney at Law, LlNVOI.XTOX. N c. Praiticc ii; ail of the stato'and Fed ernl Court . Prompt attrition ?iven to all bnsi ro OKlce in late Hotel. Jt. with the articl chant" and j server a few Sundays ago, because the writer of that article is a Jew and 'president of a plaid trust; and siiicj9 these self-same gentlemen.on all Qccasious and under all cir cumstance?, refuse to enter into a practical discussion of the silver question, but, invariably, fall back upon that old 'thread bare cam paign lie in l heir assertion that the "1'i;hh and unlimited coinage ot sil ver at the ratio of 1G to 1 is a prin ciple of Democracy established by Jefferson, and fostered b' Jackson, and the other leaders 01 the party from time immemorial," I deem it necessary m the interest 01 truth to further expose this political heresy m a supplement to "Mer chantV article above referred to. In doing so, I have no hope that the result ot my research and la- I bor will have any effect upon the rabid "free coiner' other than to probably call forth a volley of ! small shot from the. anointed edi tors of tho free silver papers, for it is to be remembered that in them we lind centred all wisdom, patri otism and statesmanship but I am determined that when these gentle men meet in Raleigh in June to betray the Democratic party into thf heresy of advocating the free coinage of silver, it shall be known of all Democrats in North Caroli na, who understand and can read the English language, that this rash department is in violation of the time-honored customs and tra ditions f the Democratic party as exemplified and preserved in her written platforms and the pub lished utterances of her trusted j leaders from the days of Jefferson until this, the hour of our political ! discontent. It is a fact clearly demonstrable from the pages of history that the coinage acts of 1834-7 were passed for the purpose of placing the na tion, practically, upon a solid gold basis. It is, also, true that these measures weie bitterly opposed by the advocates of fiat money, who were at last crushed by the indo ' mi table will of President Jackson, bmrs." HesavH: A. Attorney at Law, Ll.VoLXTON. X. C iho Praei i. i Mecklenburir, land, b'ut herford. Folk, and Supreme :mL Federal ("ourls. OMlce in , orth tate Hold. ! ably seconded by Thomas II. j Kenton, who, for his labors in be- i half of sound money, earned the sobriquet of "Old Buillion." It is i t : i., I on. ( atawba. Clcve-1 likewise true that these able Uad- in the ; erf: were assisted in their heroic ! efforts in behalf of the gold stand- I ard bv a united and determined 01rrvr 'O.TlCK. j Democratic Congress. In order to . nrov'ft that the Democrats, under IH i t Dr. A. W. Alexander will be his ouico nt Lincolnton." June. Au : gust. October. December, Febru ary, and April. Will be in Mt. Holly. July, September, November, Patronise solicited. Terms cash quote from Mr. C. i . W lute, chair and moderate. the leadership of Jackson and Benton, had thoroughly investi gated the subject and intended to establish the single standard. I Is. I. i.y.u V. K. Or.e.iG. t'ashier. THE BANK OF LINCOLN TON Solicits the accounts of Mer chants, Corporations and Individ Hals, and will make collections at i man of the select committee of. the House on coinage : "That there are inherent defects in the svstein which regulates the i standard of value in both gold and silver: its instability as a measure of contracts, and mutability as the practical currency of a particular nation, are serious imperfections; while the impossibility of main taining both metals in circulation. simultaneous or promiscuous cir- uation, had it not been for & fresh occurence by which fancied private interest was brought to bear upon Congress. That occurence ws the discovery of cold in North Caro- !linand other Southern States. This gradually increasing production of cold at th South engendered precisely the fame spirit as the increased production of iron had done at the North. The owners of the cold mines cried out for legislative protection, a? the owners of the gold miues had previously done, and laws were solicited to enable the former to get more lor their gold.'1 Ye "freo silver' descendant of vour "gold-bug" grantfatherp, did vou kuow oeiore tnat me nrst gold-bug" in the United States was incubated in the Old North State? Did vou know that in 1- o4-"7 North Carolina wag clamor ing for the siucle gold standard and petitioning Concres to protect her gold from the blighting influ ences of free silver? Gentlemen, stand by tae traditious ot your fathers; for if the gold standard was for your grandfathers in 1S34 it ought to be good lor you in 1S- 96. If the South fastened that standard upon the country in IS31. when she had cold to sell, she ought not to be so inconsistent now as to oppose it because her miue? have been exhausted. It is, also, interesting to Dote that upon the final passage nf this bill, there were but two Southern votes cast acainst it, Mr. Wilde, of Georgia, and Senator Porter, of Louisiana, while its chief opposi tion came from the Northern States. See Cong. Debates Nol. X Part 11. p 2122. " But, nevertheless, when tho bill was originally introduced party lines wpre tightly drawn ever it,a will be seen by reference to the somewhat rancorous editorial.' which appeared in the Washing ton Globe, the administration or- The editor said: "Contrary to their will, the bank part', even in the SonaU have been obliged to vote for the meas ure of the administration. By public opinion, they have been forced to vote for the- cold bill, which is a measure of deadly hos tility to the interest ot th bank. will supercede its note.?, aud is the harbinger of real sound currency. The people are now able to under stand the policy ot the administra tion and to see that it will give them gold mstead of paper." Niles Register, Vol. X (4th Series) A DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS PROVE Tlir LAST NAIL. After the passage of the acts of lS34-'7, above referred to, gold flowed into the country trom every quarter, and took the place of the paper currency ; and the little sil ver then in circulation was speedi- lv withdrawn, because, in the and means committed of the Dem ocratic House, iild: AAnother objection urged a gaiuatth's proposed cbauco, it that it "gives us a t taudard of guld only. What ndvanUk'i it to he ob tained by a standrd of tb two metalg, which it not as wjll it not better, attained by a tingle stand ard. I am unable to perceive ;hilo there are very grat disadvantages resulting. from it, as the experience of every nation which hat at-, tempted to maintain it hat proved- Indeed, it is utterly impos sible that you should, long at a time, maintain a double standard. Gentlmeu talk about a double tDdard of cold or silver as a tbin that exists, and that we propose to chance. We have had but a finclu standard for the latt three cr four vcars. That bis been and now is, gold. n propose to let it remain so and to adapt silver to it; to regulate it by it." national tanking itsttrn tbolitlvd thauioclxc this ani:! by call aud tho unlimited cotnaof tiher iu;?t' lKc atUntton of the fatthfsl oi cell as gold eitabiuhcd by U. Icmrv:u of North Ctrohca a It U l:uurn of all men thai the '"! " Utotm aJopud by I'.ipulist p-my is th Uafut bar M1 J lighter Dtrnocrcy.wbo an l u-.c.'.jur tA the National I 'U1 o o-orate ith ihm lib- Grvenback party, and - such il it I rml IttpuMtcA&t htdi by (Jrt. hot natural that il !aUtd mhtnt Mv- Th st. lioa t eUrrtJ to,rta4s : th free coinac craxe: but I fait rW, Ulm U- the orli that to sco ho itcttbacntndt4 that pHnctpUis IaU3 rf-rrJ to rw- th Democratic prty is rcsponti. tr; that tfce l)am;rtic party is hi for this coral of alt litiar.c;al held toolbar by ite cihtdon of Uric. hn i. it an admitted tme hon.rd pnncipU. which frt fb.t nn jmfinrtnl iVmt ratic I th millntrtr tun&ir In ax- convention hat etnr. m the hUbirr icnang iir an tat o.s waun of tha oartr. d blared Lit lh f ra rretManls can caufar. 1 h pa&t . coinage ot s'lver. Nor hat cot ct th iuofitr m doMItu such conTcnt;on ever de:lardoi crn-iatinir.bat ee!cosso an ettr- tha iimitod c-ma cf tht white rolnir. under the Unwr tn oittal upon any '.tier raitu I t-:ntd !h cur p:ttc;r.. rather cold than that tlxid It the com- hao au lra:ch;T aid cv Utl.tX mr"l vlt; i t tb Urn m!aU Cillctitr rt;r";atd by lhc:r alts- It ! trn that nrtnticjtil rn- I dcnrStlil . vcnlion cf the Democratic prty. prior to that ot ai cfsr atked to dcclire for the lice cin- act of silver. It will not da 12 an swer th?t stubboto fctt by ay- FACTORYDUlLD:NGt787-l80'J H Lxi b:ra htsr. bilb r to Ltif. !tl Jvttt Tho Ra-cord cfth'.a industry Ctv foro Ihm War- Tbo Low Price cf Cotton E:c TLe rt c-.tna f.:tnr bsilt ia the Cmta-l tU!ti as t-Jt at Ueterly. Mat . iu IT7. The ts crd a tsilt a: I'rvrsitoe R. I. m 1TV1, a2'd :;11 a thirl u Rhie Island iu IT fa&;il Statar built the t -zttU r.;iat Pawisdta!, Matt,. u IT.-. Turn tt fa:tiiT nr vat twill i:i MaMtch.MUs S 1? All thtte (tzl .;;ri ci us.fi at'-4l U.Kf laUt kA cv'.l e:h;tf l U ;.-:.di t:h. in Ib'X). The tU:h facttrr i . 1 trKlel as built z-,xt Bvt'.u 101. New Haj-iL:;? tu;n icry tn etc: f-r? j ;r 5rX C' iit-ctirut tc;lt Ltr c-t: s-:ll ?Jj, ul lT t y.z ;u Nw Ha- And objecting to the substitute oifereu by the opposition, th tamo speaker said : "We would thereby still con tinue th? double staudard of gold ing that vrl ct our Stat plat, forms have declared for it com a. for it will t fund that f jr even? Southern S!at mkir.c rch a declaration, th.r haa btn ApuroAch of th Ideal Money Sya:m. : W w 1 I: and silver, a thing the committee I Northern Sat dtclartc,; for ttj desires to obviste. They desire to have the standard currency gold only, and that these silver coins shall bi entirely subservient to if, and that they shall be used rather asjft token than as standard cur rency1 SJee Cong. Globe, appen dix 2nd. Secsion Congress, p. lt?0. And .Mr. Skdton, of New Jersey, spoke along the same lines, calling the attention of the House to tho fact that, ''The bill does not pro pose to change the value of tho gold currency; it dos not propose to change the staudard of value now in cxistenco throughout the country. Gold is the only stand ard of value by which all property is now measured i it is, virtually. the only currency of tho country." See Cong. Gloe, Vol. XXVI. p 629. Yet, in the face of this record ot Democracy, we itnd men of mtel ligenco and education who will gravely contend that tho free aud unlimited coinage of silver has al wave been a shiVboleth of Demr- racy. and that silver was demooe tued bv the Republican party iu 1673, by "which crime half tho metallic mcney of the country was struck down." The whole argu ment ot the free silver Democrats is based upon these two points. iwhen, iu fact, there Is not the slightest foundation for th truth of either. They must know ihat it is false when they say that the I)emcratic party has been the partv of ufree coinace," as wll as they know it is not true that the act of 1S73 "struck down half of the metallic monev of tho coun- Th- att;at;w:i J th Shah wl ; 1.;:!:. w;?h 21,03 WfiK ; ;ad:iYctly c.nsnud w;:a f i;t4 lu vj. tUr th- dintit rr.3-- h:i Jt-V U-?- facur. r-r.tr ;- tl:i pr.tra 4 . V iVi J'J S gold standard to tf-f?l it Tirre cannot be to standard cf Dcmc racy on national tsuet Th hict est l?gilativo tdy m the Demo cratic partv it the national cn- Tention, from whete decuien no m&u cnu appeal and remain a Tbirtv-sccond Democrat, But evco in Ncnh Carolina lh parly nv?r, to my knowledge, dfclard for free ilvrr prior to lt?0, when the Farmer' Alliance, fcr the ttral tim?, con trolled the convention. Ihat con vention alto declarl fcr ihe abun- daut issue of paper monev, and 1 h? r.M iu th? r.-c.-r: -! I:: by r-.;r . iiT-y fc-I ur..:tn:!rJ c-.u4re .f c- p-r ct iLe ta:nt. -,r :( n.'. that, all U.-i t y ih? drvc:fc'n f thtif-.j. rj.'.U P-r:an currency by :u Lr.tUts.,-. tJ L C-::.!:U At2.r.Ua Nw Y . jr 1 -j-.!: h'.? r.:; trH iS Jt In :r.v. t avissl . . a c F!a!, Thr? t..t tr Ma.r t I. N Har.- a frllv wuh cov:-:r e tna O: o.u:t-1; H a C v!dttt akr,J'.n. aud dcutl- thv ihh' aa:n cn;e Ori?r.tal t?hyl'jk rr at ty z a fNw Jt?.-v ; n:Kf a a osl'.ut:vr. cl all that fr-.-r i'.Ucr iu A.tcnM. Wa::c, T:llman and M. T.r.'.kr. the 'Azl of the p5pl b;au-? he f stv "chap mct.y and p!cn?y c Vtrt : l. N Y'.k C, 'free comer will con am sure no tend that ''rag money" ts a chill of Democracy. lamak's srtoniD txivr;;. The history of our national De mocracy teacher, if it teach? any thing, that th prly ha always stod for sound rocnty and opposed with all its micht all form of in flation and repudiation. I mutt confess with shame and humilia tion, tht, since the war, s?ra? of our political leaders, ou. of a d- j :lh th- Mexican dd!ar and the tir to remain in oc. hav dc- Maichu'.t v, lih'd? Iard 2-. C' 7 T? '.;s:a!t4 theal-j-ci ;TtirJ iu ih'i z" tzilU t ,waa 1 1 r-.:i-:ffhl g. the cr tu ty aar '5er, and Zi tr h .r y,- t r In Itl?. tLc us.It '.1 r.fr a a a m w and hnc hU mcurnn the ty of the plutvcraU. ar.d h: unt tkii;-;t!. Hnt :n the laniTUAir- of tt : "). Jft w trjt Zx KU Ci4 WlM ht It Cfcil vl c! III. and w IrKik f-ar rrvvltttivn m f r-:lvtnm by r-n of th world attention hatir.c tvn call' d:tr:nily tt ytt rf.ntdly t J ih the IVr:an currcnev v!m with iu cppr. Away, r.w. Mim . b-:".: h-r r;t fr mmi a - 4 M Jt U-? c; ctperatcd into tiroe icreing politi cians and, as such, have gone over the country chasing ever financial heresy, that, tor the lime beirtj. has appeared, to gain popular fa vor. But whenever a true tal' innt hat beuu found, with a clear intight to the financial situation. Jajt.rM? yen : even tr." . ant talmcr.l v! HrTcu'.:' tonhip can ti p-nuad? the State of Nrth Cr lir.-. t v.olatc the ro:iitutton by making th-Mtxi-AO dollar and the Japa.r.t ? lzzl tender Th? prr.t evpcf th? s;.u,r er.::mer.i ir North Carolina will ;ip-rc-dci ton In l. tral r 'J'JJ In ltl'. It!and c .!t-n 4 :n CJrl!' a at ". -r. ;:, ir. 1-? :t 'M i'.r 110) a -zri. Th? : iz crg!a ra t u:h a! Al. r. ar.d u fU1 r tv h r-e tr uth Car tut!: ;? c'Jl if Ir.v In IS.!, th-rx cr J citici d 'al 'Z'Z. A!aan-.a ho has. invariably. opr3cd the ty the avaUrvrhe -f th cr p- fre coinage of silver. Per in-1 pr ntu:a.m. trv reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. !A Hank account never fails to inspire habits of economy and sav ing. Try it. culation, appears to bft clearly as- THE ORIGIN OF THE FREE SILVER IDEA But some one sks: If the Democratic party did not first td vocate the free coinage of silver, where did the idea originate? The question is easily ausweredvthouch it may surprise some honest, vn ir.formcd silver Democrat to hear that this heresy ia a twin hrotber mill tn the tn:t text rear. 1!-. her firS n.ill la ItC7. M si..Mt. had C:J mill w;:h .V.V.r.i tpirAU . Ii IbiV thett a a r" dtl.t9 t pr.er cf c- it"f In IbX'J. c-tT- :cd is N' Or- stance. whn the Lpgtlatun? of ita not me uver autvcAir i jr, fc jezre. Miiippi attemptetl to tnttruct made a m:takf I not ailwr at Jar.d m MHk at ri --n'.. Squalor Lamar to aupport the C? ctut au cunc? lw h:;h a lUts- Xa lt-U. cctlrt wr.t ::!l Bland-Alllton act, in p-akiog cf dard cf value when cpjr can t-rj,; - ta N w Crlrat U Zk c:d s . . , . . - j . . .... . thrw.Aftlutinn in tha United States hd t 11 cel.! a tir.a: w tM;r t-r.J. :l i5c-e at w . . w - . . . . Senate, he said: copper a a!andrd of r!c at -Between these resolutions and the ratio vf 10 f 1. the mercury my conviction! there is a gulf. I m thctmometcr of Vvniy ,.n nn will net .hifk lb., to- UP i :n ti:: : pr.c :r to the greenback cra2e, and was chaDgeofthe ratio, it had been burn in the national convention of undervalued and was orth mortne national crceuuac pariv.uciu asacommoditythanascoin. Not- at Toledo, Ohio, on the 22u day of withstanding this fact, however, the country was &o well pleased I with practically a good standard .N VAV GOODS. j ceitained. , -'Tirtia nAmmittpfl thinks that the I 111?- lWli Lll - - - I desideratum in the monetary sys- that no further legislation was re- tem is the staudard of uniform quired, until 18o3, when a Demo value; tbey"can,not assert in that cratic Congress drovehe last nail both metals have ever circulated j in the coffin ot the mythical "dol 0,mifon0nnBlr. concurrentlv aud i lar of our daddies," by which it sponsibility which the- farmel . cent- -? pr.cr t?-e vru.z zz frre c:r.ac yrt'-m. In lS'O. th? numUrtf facicn.t in tijia crisntry l..7 . with r. Ilia.Mhe largest ptock of New Mujfic.vf. Lhi-ment5 tlist has ev er been in North Carolina, such as Al'ToIIARPS, ACCORDIANS, MAKr DOL1NS. UurTARS, B AN JOS, VlOLINS, and 'Koluer Organs, and any thing oUh that i. kept in a first class-Music' Store. Prices lower than ever. Orders by mail' have promt attention. Addess W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C. 11-29-05. indiscriminately in any country where there are banks and'money . . . .i dealers; and nhey entertain m? was legislated . out of circulation, though it seems this latter act was almost unnecessary, as it had lone conviction that the nearest ap-, since ceased to circulate, except as nroach to an invariable standard a curiosity. But as there lias ben is the establishment of one metal,! which metal shall compose, ex clusively, the currency for large payments." GOLD-BUGS FIRST CRAWLED IN KORTII CAROLINA. . - . a great :controvrsy as to tne real purpose of this act, it U necessary to recur to the opinions expressed i-ebruary, 15S. lhe third sec tion ol the platform adopted at that convention reads as follows : ''The coinage of silver shall be j placed on the same footing ot that of gold.' This declaration was followed by a similar one adopted by the tame party at Chicago on the 9th da? of June, ISS0, in the following language: 'Second. That the bonds of the United States should not bo re- ifundnl, but paid as rapidly aa practicable, according to contract. To enable the government to meet .a " . imposes. .ny uuiy, m i ie u will do. and I will voto acainst this bill. Then it w.ll t-c tor them to determine if adherence to my honest convictions has di- qualified me from representing them." Mieht these words that fell from the lips ot the Scath's greatest statesman be buried into the very souis of North Carolina tiroe-ierving politicians of to-day. WoulJ that the ghost of Lamar's honest eloquence might nse up to torment them into a speedy re pentance, ero it is too late to re deem the already tarnished honor ot the Democratic prtyl But alail history repeats itself. Near t product wQuid tail tky-h:gb end u th? Unittd Stat .tad hv tbA ipriRUtora who were resDon-l these obligations, legal tender cur 9tbift for ita existence- in order to rency ibould be iubstllnted for the settle the dispute. In discussing 'not of the naUonal banks, tho cleAn out of tisht there t tell- ir.x what cotton would cll fcr (XI ont4 a cnnd weuld t nowhere.) With g-veromcnt-tr.mpcd cepper a mony of final redemplico. tck:nc up tiue r-?r currvner a lim:tlc a thc Iravc cf th? fore l when summer if gre-rn," with a per dpitA ctrcn!at:ca of t"X) or ll,COQ. our ccuntry wculd advance in prcp;nty net Vy Itapi and bounds merely, l ot by run ning hich jumps nd by aerial .lights Ilk? that cf th? labial cow a a that c lea ml tne nwu in cne bounce. Posfeit thy -ju1 in patience rn::i. and 4 ..7 r; tutt :a crrrats,?t.. X shall c:.t:nu th: ktch to li G. M. Yoita. ly a quarter of a century ago. tht P1 a5 k Till. ' - j-..a t,. iaaor Altgvld gtts to V? bhxh cf DttecMtt. when it fodorv ifc "trr.CUtlt. Obnr- . .rli t;-! I ri nomioaiion oi xaoiacc vj. j , u erstwhile rabid Republican, lor One of the c-t evidences that the presidency of the UoiUM Axer'a Hair Vxcr U aa article cf States, in the 'hop that it m:cht exceptional ment ts the fact that get a division cf the loaves and th-iciamad for it u ceuusUy ; , , . crva:ng. No cr.e who cs-rs tliis fishei; and, in contcqueuce.it snf- i--m- dr-cL thinka cf fertd the mot humiliating defeat 1 trying any other preparation fci in lU history. I can do no better the hair. "WLca llt ;-t til ip tbe 4nra f rvta a rx4 itriitice. H rarlftati tear. Tt!ltJriew,Uatbetxrra Wly. wraiere-i tTctu a1 ft.rrrcct itiicra jrsra Ur a tUilrr p rJ dte lUe Ucnl rt;art: - Xazi w!t ca t cCh Jtlx wra! la un. cimj stirr "cs.tv 10 tcr ttjttzzl cosiiiu-a lz e!!elirM l t&t:ui;e. Tor4tha j:ca cf tt !r:pcrt:: a:cur:tUu4 izrr.s tfc winter tr-a. to pzr'.tj 11 i;ocd tsi to isiiren: It wbcCa f J- ttr. Iter U ccO-Irr e-iaJ X9 Uvl'i irurr;-a. i?ca t:;x c.t-siujia HcdTt fcr4;n:U trw. It :UCc yoa crwi. tin I ll let:r;cr!.a4 Uic4 la Uillt il&ri inarrUU ail troca rx.iab. rralcIsJ j--r;. Xfctj tU tbe s'.cey. The Tcr.r; ? Detnocrslic Cos ten lien lal wck r.cIr.ated x GTtrscr Tayhr fcr femner lz& adef ted a frt- ;her ;!a:ftna Snatcr Harri and E. V. C-T-niacx are amcrg the dt!rtei to the National Ccsvectica.