w MOCKAT. VOL.1.. NO. 35. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 22, 180(5. S1.00 A YEAR. ams, so. 8, 1 -3 3! rnvei Leave, 3 00 II 2 05 pi 1 835 Sk f 800 aj I 7 IS sT r imitedt press" 10AD. d after! N. C, : f-?f 7 30 aiff. 8 05 km j 8 30 ami 8 45 am L0 05 am 10 50 an 12 10 pm 1 30 pm ;i 00 pm 5 00 pm 0 40 pm "Ko. 9 jKSOpm 4 Slpta 5 14 pa 5 58 pm G 54 pia ; 8 OOpni 8 22 pm 8 30 pm '8 48 pm ; 9 20 pm irst-class .- Trains Offers an4 -vith tic i.i also at V. L.; a ;- and ai e.W.W.v. bndent. r, S. C .nd - re- ith fer- The Legend of Eiowinor Rock. Will Not Perforin Miracles sPat. MTt Will flirP - It was long before tbe palefaces 11 Will Llllt. bad appeared on American soil ; bringing scrrovrand poverty to the f "Sooner frould 1 see you die than cbooio you s my hufebnr.d.' ';Then ray lifo is -f no value to me. ceo now i love you. nif with adoud cry, be leaped over thn D j.abongines. Therefore, .when -ins Uleuder barritr of stones, which circunistauce -occurred Osseo, te j bordered the piecipice, and down, chief-pOhe Cherpkees, wa6 rich in I he fell on. on. hundreds of fct. domain, of which it was his boast Then tbe maiden, wildlv penitent, 1 ! to say that within its confines there I shrieked : was o much game.that- not even "O, Mudjekeewis.thou, the West the humblest member of his nu- Wind, bring my lover back tome! merous tribe ever -lacked lor tjie O, Sbawondase, gentle South abundance of venison, .hsbj ano Wind, bear him up with votir fowl. And Gecbe Manito tbe strong arm 1" And the two mightv Mighty, had given him one pres- brothers, the winds, heard, and. ent, which, as much as he loved moved by her grief and beauty, bis power and his subjects, he es- blew him ba-k to the spot when teemed more than all. Wsnonah had thrown herself face The Great One had given him a downward sobbing and entrciting daughter, who possessed eyes iike the winds to hear her prayer. And twin stars, glossy tresses as black when the loving Kwasind lifted paralysis, my limbs would all draw up. I j v" ' " " ' - - ' 'V" " - tw lVTil' would have throbbings like form, the very incarnation of I lovelv head, ehe laid gentlv pas- grace and suppleness. 1 be chief, sive, her form supported by Ins her father, gave her the name' of arm, and softly, sweetly whnpTcd : Wenonah, "as the first born of his "My love, my Lord forgive in. daughters," but the whole tribe and 1 will follow thee forever and knew her only by the poetical cog- to the ends of the earth P nomen of the Princess Starlight. Rosalie Garnett Wakd. When she had arrived at the age Abingdon, Va of 16 when Indian maiden's are at R. MILES' RESTORATIVE NERVINE cures nervous prostration. Not mi raculously, but scicntiScally. by first removing the germs of disen.se, and then supplying healthy nerve food, increasing -'the appetite, helping digestion and strength ening the entire system. Desperate cases require: prolonged treatment as shown by that cf Mr?. M. B. Reed, of Delta, Iowa, who writes : "As the result of a lightning stroke, the physicians said I had a light stroke of A Social Sln of the Tim. In th. Mav LudiL' Horn? J-ur- nnl Kdward V. llok editorially di-cttssn .Mr Julia Ward How a' recent utterance in regard t- ex isting social condition, or. mop; definitely stated, to the eJlcst upon society ot woman ex rc:-e of "enlarged privileg-3.' Mr. Howe concedes that the maimer of polito society to-day are nut quite so polito a they were in her youth, that young wom-.Hrn lo: ing in tone aud culture end digui ty, and young men in e.tevm and deference for women, with the re Mr. A. A. I5ri-n diri it " Imr TusJav of Ut n k. and n buried at Snlm chuicit. 4 mil north of I.incdtiton lh well knots ii in thi County. A liviry hori"?. b Ij Yount t Grahiini. dropjl d -ad in the road nirN:ifctin ltt .. A Camnbotl Antcdoto. I Cold Pitt and PrtnL Trm Cnii'lll. th j-, or i Jut lf -! ih Citifurrtft d fU trt :tt hit Utr tr ranch ! c.t fi. ?tmlr. in l4Vt tl sriv-u t diinV. 1U virull (rtu!.l nntil r.uTj,ai l M u tUr a tout - 0A'O,i-- Tht cia ihAc.tncu As!u!iu L-.mf tiiuz tb- tiM;ty jro dui in l?C2 t lh; zt of d),m tv l iiiiU. c!ut. i.4 mould hvr t j tl:n ctf- of or b- 1"ft to Uj rodj nvi ( Ly uuworthy and fud cxnt"uiri. Th? p l I Ik:r. tu "My Couf. Jrt.c. Mr. E. M. Ath rh-jlt Crtrjr.-1 ht:mry nutt o-rphr. la'.-Ir ;nv-jgj.-!jal d:;;;. : $ Jm fKta Cl, ter, N. C, ur.d v.i;V, n:tr of Mr. ilihd M.d oi rcmarVjIc charm. :t iO'.C' ir. 1-? . T:.; fL A. A. Brown, j.nt thi tirt ofthif j &id, C1U f ho ct f Uo, a d j l-t f.-n-i. u I t; iL Di x-k her?. Mr. A'l?rLuil cin? in cosipani ns i:c:tI thf Hv;rluip -r. J ?L,r d. :jr;r: AJ- t anl ha '4 a Ion: ia!k :th J t )ii I.kr tf it. a cffatfr.c l-rnn x tj ttl u. Am jurf -th..r thing. h y.m-j worh:p r iu bt a?hjf Camp-ily Il.t-c "tTl ii i I-sT parM th pi .nt titrsv with Ant? . Jl Wc tied ll.; ajctir-t ulTrnjth Ei '.; unut 5". A- i- ........ . . ssult of a general ch'.ap-and-avi B-.dlum daw nLd ? nlrr.'4i ishI . by toMM in tf i Ik Jlajl . innc li i..; aju&t J i standard of inauner. Xotwith- for the- gl eld tin: to r.:a:n. Kxpr- Hrr it it j Az-trahc L--1 :t;y tv rJ;r; tilanding tlii- damag' to .ocity an jld nuiti ami h bri- "Campbt-'l r- frrrj hi chair itht vt :-. in my chest that seemed TilgrVillS unendurable. For three months I could not sleep RCStOrCS and for three weeks did j not close my eyes. I UCalUlt4 prayed for sleep, and felt that if relief did not come I would be dead or insane. I took Dr. Miles Restora tive Nervine and the second night slept two hours and from that time on my health im proved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I took in all 40 bottles, and I cannot express how grateful I am, for I am now perfectly well, and have taken no medicine Mr. Carlisle and Freo Coinage. the height of their dusky beautv, for over four months." Dr. Miles' Nervine man v suiters came to claim" her An lone as there appeared to be is sold by druggists on guarantee that firat I unf 4i,a ,u:Gf fl,inrori ho. flnri re&SODable uround for the hop wished to keep", longer with him than silver could be raised to a the beautiful princess whose voice parity of value with gold at the bottle benefits or money refunded. Book on nonrt ana nerves tree. ajr. nines MedicalYo., Elkhart.. Ind. Mr. Ho b;li'.vo? that s!iKrior external benofitu hav accru-d; that women are lending noblrr and better live and tilling larger plac Mr. Iik anient to Mm. IHowo'i fir.-t propjiitiyn, but radi cally di-ent from hi conclusion. 14 The fact H.' hf ay-. "that women of everv mind ar on all idc beginning to r ron the co't of this 'movement '4 for the ?xtu- sion cf their 'privileges. Even thoe who wore tn?ng adherent? in the 'faith at the beginning are showing ign of an abatement ot enthusiasm. It i not nlor.e in the ho:ir"d withctT:r? nnd p.:iiot and $.zztul Vtrtl th? Uwtr j"Ilad'. ,i y:ti i!i of iitmt nionv tim in hi cun-jThre ,r hk r vilMul p:l-r.cl;a. Ti. -.n..LC Jr ih t- ty. ln-ing thtlritt lnwcrtt l'ct" lar that uprortfl tic dm.t;--l t:rnt Ki 4 n::r "i-rt A to oRic.-in t5n;oji c.ir.ty. H. nom rv?f. t'. hatttg f&d Nvii'f -I J jrv I'izm- uun:.z tL aid 'I am going to abul in xhv .the". J e citing t .o d -jrTriy,, tit - 1 1 J.- . r:t.y: ihip and tand o the gun. I t f-ring to g.. fur:!. d itnt !j Cl.TJ .j.O C-l--O0; com- uhat xili." v return. rdl.at d:i u d-.S lb' 2. C?j:i M. ?2. ZIM0.- The Hick-ry Mayor ig-ttmg Hm! ik-l bk-. nx-1: J-.. vw lu fh uppih. I.itn : Tl'e !'gant M:;?-d C-inpl -11 itd H -iir.-tt- t? dii:t .rtf: rr.f tj little hotnc.of Mnvcr and Mr. H. pin. c Mt Mm nb-r- lot Kv- t-n tr-l- -a ra;j.- 15. Clin (i4 thrown cj n lrt inr sni gm rti.'k-! jtAti':. r.l rr.:t veluAUt&r. 1st, Frldav n:ght cmphir.eninry fo walnut at him. ycu V nw Tfct Jt! I- i d tht fh-th-nrwlvard cf ald-nnan. Kx-iliHandotr. ih.-h tr.di?Jt-f r.tr irz I -VI r-zt-.T.-U ;:b Mavor .1 I). HUiott. Mr. J. C, , g-l d-al .f I rutahtv n tK-paitjtmt ' : u - li i' ?M Mnrtin. "ttv nttniev W. A. i o! 11. vn. Cr pfirm th" irvjtiion 3ihvn:: . . circles of fashion that the poison-1 prvnt. A rwu enjcyablc dinner Tt in th l!-r yrin -! hi If-. j Aincr, I . ous nrrowg ot woman enlarged jwns trv-Hl frvm 7 till V o'clock. I nly ma'.cl ly the rni-1 ttmit-d I v M : Ht A CK1- T. LlNCOLNTON, JS". C. Offers his professional service to the tpeople of Lincolnton and surrounding Jcountry. umce at resiaence next to the Aorth btate Hotel. was like unto sweetest music. ratio of 16 to 1 by the separate ac-Lpherv have entered, but in.. .very jaft r which Mi Mnrl -r nng an.i nl r- mrk t l h cn -;rr.'-?. tr.:?.:: g L. s. irox, 11 Surgeon Dentist, Lincolnton, N. C. 11 work guaranteed, nothing but est materials used. Prices reasonable. erms cash except by special agraement Office on Main Street I i ! r a 1. tt:j c? T n... . . . . . ... Loath wnshe to part with the uon Ul lue -"' c.ic grade and walk ot our social lite. slender maiden, who alone ot all willlDR ty make l,ne P"i his children, feared him not when but I was never willing to innke it the blood of his savage ancestor boiled within his veins w by legislation providing for tbe hen he ree unlimited coinage at, that or had taken captive an enemv; the an? other ratio' The onl-v 8b terioting. or that the fecial true one beine who could turn him from I ever made iu Congress ou this turc w in any dnncor cf collapse. cruel vengeance and incline his subject was delivered iu the House heart to mercy that gentle quality ot Representatives more than 1 , of which Shakespeare says: "Tis ars ago, at a time when the val- mightiest in the mightiest, and ue 01 lDe DQlllOD con a.nea in he thronged monarch better than - . k. - . I ... 1 .11 ..II I Mr Slf Miw nn cuitftr and bnn- in: a i;.not c; ,am h. ifl?,- rui rt jo. It wn an evening not to hd not n him -. :-dy no bi'v:k tr.t -" -c!. th.t l-fcr b? forgotten. ;ftformaoy ycar. lb lh? trd cl tt.-. ; fr r.? r?A-zt? tlr ,C. E. GUILDS. ! Attorney at Law, ' Lincolnton, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to Oluce on Main Street. C 11 FINLEY. Attorney at Law, r Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed- ral Courts. Prompt attention given o all bnsmess. Ofllce in K-jrth State Hotel. 7 32pnV 'A;.TtTTICE. Attorney at Law, i Lincolnton, N. C. Practice? in the Courts of Lincoln Mecklenburc:, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve tana, liutherlord. Polk, and in the gain it. mi And, in each instance, abolutc damage ha been done. 'Vo need not eo so far n? to bv t Mr. H. L. Shuford k tr mea -mM at ttro con.tm cf h;: W;t -.:-:r;i,r.4: rr. that as mon and women wv are de-1 on the rvad felht.g fh'... Thy Sffal fatbng. r. 1 :nd t-cxpUin ;h rWA.r,z :M i ';.- v.:.? ar? taking large orl?ri. It orroful!y rxc.4;t:i:r i : j Ciy.tOOi.u &r.:.iry . L: ':.y Hcv. Murphy ppr, Ti;c C-; 'Mr tf i dcd. rnr i m4 : ccr-t-ry th-y :.! tru .-i rinthian. ha l-n made th cu r.. ray Urr ti -i;i:r-b; I'-r CrV.'-O.'JJJ :.r.vt;.y. i fur of the North Carcli-s. Cbf lis of ?n;. r-?-:c. - the Reformed church. U n-t tht pitiful? A unol-are a1 tv 3 r-'i-c Mt-rf A. H. Crowt.il nd O . m tutni. nw co-raiy. .- i?;-n :::.;: r.ti: c;t...j7 1 i . 1 1 r -. . i- cenn teas in&u luk uiuu ui iuc tiis crown usseo, tnereiore, re-1 ww- . used all offers for' the hand cf bullion contained m a gold dollar, and, together with mauv other op- ovely Wenonah until one day the princess 6tood before him saying: "0. chief and father, I pray you appoint some - means by which I wed, for 'tis not ' fir that thou 6hotildst wait until I have grown old. and ugly, till thou shalt have to beg for suitors for the hand which is now humblv entreated for!" ponents of free coinage, believing that a restoration of -silver to our minU would bring it to a parity with gold, supported a measure providing for tbe limited coinage of silver dollars on government ac count, not on account of private individuals and corporations as is now proposed. Fifteen years' ex- It is net to bad as that. But it 1$ bad enough. New idea have been interjected into our lives, and they have brought forth new condi tions. A new e?ne? cf self-reliance has been imbibed by wemeu. And what is the result? 'Men have tacitly inferred that women corn the sort of consideration which at one time thev felt was their tribute to womanhood. Naturally polite ness has become lax, tho grace of homage is often forgotten. Hap pily, however, a quiet revulsion of W. Hall have bn in th rniun- -mean the f lb Hg-n r.: tain tinning. They tell feme t: Ord of :;fp;o:.i -aid U largo torie r.lout their luck. i Jic r-ctf t red :hi 1 Ytri- . ir:k Locker, who d;rd a jrr or v v, vi a p t cf drcidM 'xct- p:l;t tci th- c t i. Sampled of Ibc Nc Won r.. Derience. however, demonstrated And hast thou grown tired of that th . ot U8 who benoved in thy maidenhood, 0,my lily,fairest 18?8 that a larer uge of 8;lvcr bv 1 1 I O TN A. Xl . I ot my.cnnar.enr isost wu wisu the ITnited State9 would enhance feeling on this question of the texes has idowlv become nuticea ble, and the opinion i gen r?l that there lias come a distinct turn in the tide. . "Fortunately, we have not out live! thi iM-)ittihilitv of a jJt"odv I .-" r . 4 - . Cnston Nowa, Tb Avon cotton factory atG-; knet witb'.n hu liun. He tenia i neanng eompletscn. writer ol airy, nju;cs. ; jtcu. The reidtnc? of Mr. Turner : graceful l-nc IU a hnrl ! v:c:n-.t 'Itt vi .:7 a- Smith at Beemer C:ty uR re- ttnt.uc "Vcf. d , iii": -1 -rnn a.r.iu-iir' centlTburmd UtU Frvuch call 1: of th .'-UiT-cfes'- J.i y-: t- f-1- GaMon College Cotnmrnc:mnl rnoa lynral nniCf !U Ore. J tarrs i fn-- t u..:t !t m--iiy at Dallar come o:T Junv Cth. t Sit John Sockhne. L-v iacc udi- ?hr--M - f ex!- f- T f Ti lfr,r.- fl.-l t 1 i ,. .r- f.d Etl tiltnrar. Th- Ct tu!fn ii : rr',thi m our ttm l v th lortr j f Gaton;.a lant wevii. ht. :d upreme and Federal Courts. Oluce in North State Hotel. 8?Le. i.tr-?r -brav? to rule over ltgprice 0r value were mistaken. Sttlld healthy retum "to that halcv you, my starryeyeu, prouu euu- Tfae gpeecn made by me on the oc- nah-' , , casion reterred to has been garbled "0, august father, 1 yearn for- and twisted and perverted in and love only, and so great is that out nf Congress with a malicious yearning thot I will sacrifice all to iUgenoity which has scarcely ever been equaled in th discussion of a There DENTAL INOTICI-. Br. A. V Alexander will oe at bis office at Lincolnton. June, Au- pst, October, December, Febrti- MV, and-April. Will be in Mt. Holly, July, September. November. January, March and May. ratronage solicited. Terms cash rid moderate. "So be it then ;i must prepare to public questiou, and vet no one has Ibid you farewell, but now, go to ever ventured to make the direct your wigwam:" assertion that it contained a single She bowed ' to the ground and word in favor of the free coinage elided from the council-room. of silver. It was, 10 fact, made in 0 r 1 : Then the chief sent messengers opposition to iree coiuae uuu . with wands of willow. , far and support .ot the Senate substitute wide, proclaiming that the'Frin- for a free coinage bill, as can be Hi i:e h--4 tin on conditiou of thing when the surpassing charm of civiliratirn wait the deference paid by men to women. Theu the woman wn the superior of the man. For a time now the ha- descended to !; hi equal. And so let u hojHr that sshe soon will be again upon her j old pedestal. in the mtnda of clear-thinking men she ha always been there.' e dl r. k: 1 - . J. B. Boyd ha l-.n rr-rlvcted I -f true b.litdrv and :r.,rr.c It- c -1.:.- llf fci'.e o M,...f for ltafnfii- ? rm 1t r-i r- Vno,n- 11 to U'A bfZ ttit "m'.lttr CVC- Twelve student of Rw. George ' I r ..Kt rhorrx-vni.. rntlv oK i J"Cio Don'ft Vl.on-bf tho Fu-u,,, hocTvf. t.t w tuiiu-d tirn grade certiticat to: lu htr ar. At U.I cr.c rait-t. trach in th. public fchool of Gftf. Tb- Hvn. I';tchfrk H Tmnn.p, fcfc4. lo rt nr t..kftt ; 1 1 nr"i nu- - ' I ttr. - nc 1s1m t n-v ,.T rp?- ' th; h c.'uid ti ll :y i pr- h:"h nkt t U I! ll lii'i !il tn count v. S.une of Mr. L. L. Lvukin frietuU ar. boamiug him tvr State ' T.rr v:,ict, Cant, s" J. Hand a r.ccntW nat' r ir m ?-tt,h Cr?;";? cUcti Mavor of Iiwdl u. t.i n. . ... no lv a cn-.nvs At inutnru. Ti. m ho hv c r.d d th Kti- F Grigo. ilLir. ;rtiliza- 14 ie -yieiu . iprqves? undet . . . . I , t. . :n 1. Stailight was now sufficiently old seen oy anyone ui ic iu to wed the brave whom she should trouble to read it. Certain sen- . I . i t .1 i : Ichoose-after each pleaded his tences, in wiucu x ucuuuuuu .u w. e. GHioo,ca3hieT.caii.on"the , YeTo a precipice, strong lan-uage tho'atterapt to which looked down hundreds of destroy" silver as a money meiai. teetupon a valley, through which have 'been separated from their a winding stream wended its wav. context and quoted again and again Soon the whole plain was covered in Congress, on the stump and in with wizwams of rhe suitors, newspapers by men who never read An Iredell Man Prayod for tho Republican Convention. wrvcnilv elected chairmau of k.-.. - committer !rap:r m.i u sv Th :v ar vv fl F'-p-'.:! ij., alT.ucnt vi caUnutv; r.d tr.cr the Iopulit ixyuttv of tiaton county. !! U'ltr f Itcfir- tMkt t the Fopuht county conve ntion rv j ar ' , . f bin ty -h: h;f. df rrttS bf- ir.to &4)viatr.g pt iifttit -vi e"Xf4 him in. vl'it g I.tm t?:Ttb? in. til t g-.t epptti V.'btr. S.r -i-t w hf Ut hstn g- lL.g ! tT J trjtnftt l . t,g- f. 1 at fvir.;!o hit mottr A;rj tt ii-b-U-l ud J!aug j.1.-m!i :r.t rocrs ptrt. Fii.ly tbT crsrt, atd th-gh tf ; cp-bI-J ttt THE BANK OF Lincolnton , the proceedings of the Kepublican Th; Gatou lVpulit. iiniutsm,to lUme a ho? m F-..-r mu httu Urt stn Lr. k frd convention of Michigan, which 0th-r thing. rventiv rvolvcl thvl l,C.V! wn;',r 4fn-ch himtQf -y h-r -licny -t,i met in Detroit lift Thursday, says following: That wc ,11 nut up- :-- - ncL V,," fi" rMfco f"r U-?Sl,T T tho proceeding were opened with .mrl anv mmi for oSicc at ,hi. rnuticn. li! Mr. Ti.Irun iofKI r.vid.L'.lr :bc d;d- praver by 11. J. M. Darkly, of LmiuRVlHrtion that i in favor of u l n't .pprUte th ,:t.-t;.n. Detroit. Mr. Harkley is a native tt 9nv standard, and that we arv enlh u of TJ Uc .cc-.nd n-.lo a s:va Lr i4.n nA a ih kIa i. t.t ...,t,v,i in iiMir futur i the cny rxk !,, i!!ir-to ri hit- I J m mm r mm w m I m c- - a a a v w livi 11 I V u jr a w . a - - m ' - - - 1 .' V1. s t s bM lead, to There were Paw-Puk Keewis, the the speech and who appear wholly Li io,r. HbibiKbos. the incapable of understanding the . 1 1 v 1 A. .K ll,. 4il ilonan sweet musician, and many, many ainerence ueu-u more,bnt Kwasind the bravest of that metal as money and its and handsomest of them al alone free and rnlimitcd coinage at the found favorlu the sight of Osseo, public expense for the private in the chief, and bis daughter. dividuals and corporations.-Land- I mark. rirSli OL Ull IUO Buuwia wuwv . Pap-uVKeewfs: te'enviouJnd P eiianow rivers to whose falls whispered in the ear of fair We- L , . , mil(l;cls., " nbnah a falsehood. "Kwasind NEW nOrniS M loved another maiden. In his far- . Mr. Richard H. Stoddard, the 1,JJ . i , , vV,om rvoof nnd critic, regards l oil land mere aweiis a iair wui""" i r- ' S ocorfod hrido " I Kit Marlowe's "Passionate Shep- Solicits the- accounts -of Mfr aants, Corix)ratious and Individ uals, and will mnkp nollptions at easonable rates. . Settlements promptly made. ' A Bank account never fails to pspire habits of economy and sav ps:. TryIt. 8-00. "".! In'.ars bopil-. ization,af hent tree - 1 i' ". IhilVA flip lrrpcf cnr.1r of NlCW y v.v ,. V Utv Um W ' ' WICAL INSRUMENT8 thst BOS eV It 1- i t i in i ORTH CAROLINA, BUCU s AtTOHARPS, ACCORDIANS, MAN- k i - W;IN3, UUITARS, BANJOS, VlOLLNS, j UU KOT tPO Ann wa nnH OTltT fg else tliat is kept in a first ss Music Store. Prices lower ever! Orflo-ro Vr Tnil VlflVfi 1 ,rttit attention. Addess " I i 'J- L- Lowe, Newton, N. CIT John C. Barkley, of this victuitv. He was here, it will be recalled, at the time of his father death a lew years ago.. Mr. Barkley is a Pres byterian minister and is pastor of a Presbyterian church in Detroit. We know of no people who arc more iu need of prayr than Re publicans aud wo hope Mr. Bark ley prayer for tho Michigan publicans may benefit them but we trust that tbe doctrina of elec tion, which he preaches, il! not enable thorn to carry Michigan thti fall. Statsville Landmark. turn in thi tate with any party on any othr term than financial reform. Dr. C. R Harding, of Davidson College. dlivcml tlw addrr at closing of Prof. CsmpWl' chovl at Lowell. Mr. Vinnie Putnam, of Kcmc xner City, diexl lat cek. and trat buriHl near Waco, Cleveland cocn- tv. che ai iu year oia " Mr. R. H. Willi and family of thi county recently viiti-d Ihcr.d aud relative at Old Furnace. Wenonatr hid her anger under a herd to His Love," as stiu tne calm exterior, but' was none the unrivalled masterpiece of its kind less enraged. She loved him, the It is mentioned ox mm tnai n handsome Kwasind;: and felt all -the glory of Marlowe that he thP TiancgTof iealbus'y". ' Whenltho only contemporary poet quot- c a Paw-Puk-Keewis r .left ,her, then came Kwasind;: To his"passiouate entreaty; his eloquent plea, the princess haughtily replied: . . ed by Shakespeare, and that one of these two quotations consists of Ex-Coneressman Tarsuev, of - . Missouri, has been gien a place on the Supreme Bench of Oakla-homa; Irby, i tktf only nu i tfc- cnu try wh UiU 'f apprrcut? Mr Tillman' gift A th- Palmetto htro Iok into th- crystal of tirn- tM come, and hldlf walking or running m hi i-sr o-t of the Ch'.CAgo cnvcr.titi. how tumultuoatlv mnt ht Wvta hnvr? N-w York The k'nd Dutilot ?X. have nominated Geo. H. White, col., for Congrt. Gik. W Jutic wa recently ex pelled from tho Republican Club ofAshevillo for treachery to tho Ho failed to vote thn Shakespeare ha here and there anmo nTnnisitr lxrrir. tht have a 1 Rep. party t'he-coupletfromtbU lupaHtoncd perennial frcjbncas and charm.- noa-prtmn ticket tn tbv citr i".nl ' I Wilmineton McsscDtrer. 'clcctioa May !, 1S3. A Bi-Mot-IUU. Wha a certain gntlem-u. ho bo!d an clhw in thj Tnatsnr Dcprtir.cnt ar.d who ha rwntly been writing tlrcr articl-r ftr North Carolina conr3?t ion. wat accotel to know ho hhM -ch view right un!r Mr. Carlisle ncict he rtrpliid th-t he a rcld teg jut a quick ai he crood th thrtthcld oftheTrrftturyb-ildiag Oh I 1 replied hi friend, yo ansa lnn:rtaiLt4t! Chiriotto Ob- icrrcr. x'T k;t t! rrs:bt dut Uf'-rc hira lhar-l l;irrV.f io . ry xr:rJC ud luf"M- ninrr ; but hi tfc cull gt mi ilh hira ut fcr uolhin " t.d lhrM hm. He id th firt tiae licked r.i-3 b7 ud h"t nit cr.!yf bzl that after th-t th ft rnk-f. h ch aitoobsrd. She it an -Itidc-!.!" vmiti,i -oai"t -or.ia" and tt brinjf a hibu ith Lr, whtTfr he rrvd in U;e p;cr thit any tain jnyhr? h4 tftt- en hi ifr. lo fc-r -irttli- ate icri td hrrcp bltn s--ly. Itii. be t cnjrit. So t Uit he had U"T rrtrl. As4 for tb fint liui" tn the hitjrt cf lboort ft worn an BJ tor Vraling kf hcbu i Dv;4 T. DoDcan, l.ar. CLartcitr Ob wiTr, Mt 10- r- ft trAcrrrr-TTryf3-4 ievir Yorw 1

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