The ! Democrat. Chas. L. Coon, Editor. S.G Finley, fvlan?(?cr. KklDAY, at m r r ... O. YEAR, . PUBLIslIEM EV'KY Lixcol-nton, N. C COLN DZMOCK -IT P V B 1. 1 oil I Xf : " StrnscniPTioN : 1 00 rsr 8TKICTLY. CAtrll IX AiAWNCK. v Adverthixo Ratks: One col- ' UMN. 1 YEAR, $00.00 : 1-2 COLUMN, .$35,00; 1-4 column. $20.00; lk THAN 1-4 COLUMN. $5.00 PER INCH. , From these rates there will be no deviation. President Cleveland's recsnt order, placing 30,000 ofnco under civil service rules meets . with our hearty approval. The spoik sys tpni in a source of weakness. The patronage does not help any party Office holding should depend more on merit than it doe3 heretofore. The important offices were the only "ones changed by the Presi dents prior to Jackson's time. The department clerkships, consu lar offices, revenue service, and AS TO !'iR. SELF. !dr.W. A.I 3l.,ftf H ick cry. seem $ to b j agitated over th ielerei..Vi recently mad to him in thee col- uior.u. iu i oh aiereuryoi lasi wter. Mr. Self replies to its opening fire on the editor of this paper as follows: At the risk of -further iucurrinj? the that thb centralization manures - - . ... mlvf'cated lv ilif A I Hanoi ! a diiit't th- luudaineill luinciplei 'jf Him party. Mr. Self kiious the CouHtUution of the United States he ij h Uwr. He kimwa there if not a particti of truth lit tho hi sertun. thai Poprlistn is Jetlr"n inn unircracy. itut knowing Th tiiott d'ipicjl character in politic i mt th politician im -th uunp making impoihU ' promise to the people, is not th fellow ho pull the wire iu polit-. icul convention!, net the fellow f who iiirv himtrlf a bmckinat. I for tt-v to b paid with clhce, ! shut he 14 the. alitor who follows dup!eure of the Likcols; I kmocat ... , . . . by cciniuunxcatln? with a TopuIUtc-U-: rwl,w --tout lie 14 the. filter wnolollOWfj iror,IfeeI should be allowed brief ? aticistn and lNpu!im arc ouv and th public clanior. rvrardl of 1 Hi ! tb, Alliance ! bi. Lr,cti.. -Lo wait. j which policy will makv hii paper know chat Enteredat the Postotlicc Lincoluton, 2s". C, as Second-class Mil Matter. FRIDAY, MAY, 2i, 1 800 that liynocriv whicli maboneradw as T wKkt In f la Trtntl fourth class postolhces sliould all nm CUi afid3 that I made a Populist be under Civil Service Rules. speech at Catawba. . I Tuc Lincoln Democrat cranU WtiY cannot Col. Julian S. Carr beat Dan Russell and that lay out that was fixed up at. Raleigh the other day? The Republicans, at lasi some of them, realize that Russell will "not be a strong candidate. lie is too vicious, t'K extreme. He iw an-able man tuteilectuallv, and that is all. lie shfuld not be gov ernor of North Carolina. The esteemed Hickory Pres in t speaking of the disgraceful nature of some of the Republican Con ventions recently held in this state, says that 4 'no party can so arrange it as to have every thing smooth and harmonious as long ac men remain as distinctly human as they are." "Distinctly human" is good ! We commend that phrase to those who are inclined to criti cise the character of a Republican Convention here in North Carol i ha- "Distinctly human I" "How many crimes are committed in thy name!" it w:u too bad ! Mr. Self vO.iit tnir Dcniccmcy i. Cooi i to tell him ! Mr. Sell tho constitutional riphti us of the Finr.U boy who hai'ln He want Mr. a iyyi 0f uu 1 iiat ivruiinti who Imvc Ir.xi ndmirtd through own. Tha in in The Dockerv and Bovd men now say that Russell got the nomina tion for governor . by the use of monev and unfair means. That is not as it should be. V thought 'Dockry should have had the nomination. He is the best-man in the )arty. of free epeech, aud ehall not feel at in nicaimes aftkitij what all aggrieved if he chooses to take advantage of that right in a Popu list paper. This paper confesses that it sometimes doubts whether every thing that i6 labelled Democracy these days is the geuuino article. And this paper did say Mr. Self all time np? the why uir'rnl fgr he has j thvir conviction, white ether don! Still, a Mr. Sdf bus ro? I rrt-- f,t ritl. ft;- nr nr.) down to Jericho in sach of De- wroti:. Thv alitor who foUowj mocracy.cven into tLo camp of the popular whim U dpitoon. the piien.y to hold pwrcl.cotnmon- cr or iatlr; onQ who tandi boMlr iou with Uutler'a cohorts, wc vco- for U-litf and r?t or falli as turetotell our friend that trao th-y ric cr fall, compel admim Democracy, is not the thine that tion sonr or lat-r. aa furclr af gnl8 praio ai -tvmaucc mceuiiRi the former darvr-n contemnt. A We have often remarked upon the charge that some papers con tinually make, viz, that no sound money editor is honest in his opin ions. The Kinston Free Press is one such paper. We do not care to repeat what we have said before, but it strikes us that those who are continually howling about other people's dishonesty will do made a Populistic speech at Cataw-jaud in the columns of thi Hickory I rmn 'ls gt to 0 pr;? who 1 lv i .... .1 I " mercury, nor hoc n Cei invura j, X10t willing to l hated for what by Populists to mak "lemocrat- he WlirtM.--.Bibltcai Recorder, le" echos ! True Democracy fDut he cvta verr little trunkj has i.o pnrt or parcel with the Al- for having roanhool enough to tax uuuti, ikm mw-s n vuuv "fiwrjat lie bliex"e liut a clear tavor ot tnatortier. sucn ieraoc- conscience i worth something. racy is the kind that is at par at I D. this office. I How toTroat a Wlfo. (From Pacific Health Journal) First, pet a wife; second. b9 pa- iicni. iou may nave great tnais and perplexities" in vour buBines. bat ao not therefore, carrv to vour ! home a cloudy or contracted brow, The .ewsand Observer issued n t to watch. It is no high morality very cmliinhle special edition last j that sees everybodv dishonest but Suudav, devoted to the North Car-! itself. The wide world is welcome olina Teachers Assembly. It con tains portraits of the well known teachesrs of the State. The next meeting of the Assembly is in Asheviile, June 16th. o say what it pleases, this little sheet proposes to say what it thinks and believes ! Why-let silver have the. highest chut in Vio iQ7Ti n crncrii o tlna VPflT? i What has become of the TarillV vequal taxation, States rights, and the;like? The old issues for which the party has always stood, why lay them aside at the behest of Populists and weak kneed Democrats? Let the Democrats nominate Julian S. Carr for governor. He has done more for the material welfare of. North Carolina than almost anv man in the State. He would be an eminently fit man to tiominate. ..He, would make a gov ernor that ; the State could feel proud of. We have long .been convinced that if the American people could realize for twenty four hours the iniquity ot the Protective System, they would arise fn . their, might - .and forever crush out thai monster of unjust taxation. No Democrat can honestly believe, the principles of the party and rest while that system stands to menace our liber- . ties. "" fHAS CHANGED AGAIN. Mr. Jas. H. Holt, Jr., who. lately went over to the Republicans, has come -back to the Democrats. He says that Raleigh convention the other day was too much for him. The truth about the matter is, he never should have gone off. But if he comes back without any change of faith, he is not much of a Democrat. Some how or other we do like to see a man act from motives of honesty and knowledge, not -from sentiment and selfish- bi Mr. Self wants to know why we accused him cf making a Popti listic speech. He says we have no right to sit in judgment on that matter. He seems to think we ar rived at 6uch a conclusion without due warrant. Let us see. 1. Mr. Self has made alliance speeches prior to the Catawba speech, aud that during the year 1896. 2. Populists invited him to make that Catawba speech, haviug heard him make an alliance speech on a previous occasiouj It might be well to remember, too, that the Hickory Mercury praised the speech Mr. Self made to the Hick orv Alliance. This was Fometime before the Catawba speech waa made. 3. The Hickory Mercury, Popu list and Alliance organ, reported Mr. Self's "excellent speech." We read that r?Dort. Others, to our knowledge, were praising Mr. Self's Catawba speech. By "others" we mean Populists. 4. Mr. Self talked at Catawba, according to the Mercury, about the arrogance aod unsympathetic nature of the church, about plac ing the government in the bands of Mr. Self complains that we judged his politic by th politics of his audience. Oh no, wc did not. Wt do not insist on such a view of the matter, nor did we say anything of the kind. However. we do say and do jnit on the fact Your wife mv have trials, which. that the company a man keeps or- though of lc magnitude, may be dinarilv tells whro his heart is! Hard for her to bcr. A kind word ti t- c.u ,t ,w ;.i, a tender look, will do wonder in II Mr. belt doos imt wh to have chasing from hcr br0T . cioad, people savins li-1 not a Democrat of ploom To thia we would add to tneir iiKing, n musi quu Keep- always keep a bottle o: Chamber ing Alliance company. Thn he lain s Cough Remedy m thehous. will not need to explain. But It w the best and sure to be f,. Qair fUr ;jn, needed sooner or later, xourwife Mr. S'lf.seems to resent the idea thoa yQn that he is net aa good Democrat as fop hcr and wijh "t0 protcc't Mr. Coon. Without wishing to her health. For sale bv W. L. set Mr. Coon up as a standard, wejCrouse, Druggist. wish we could agree to sav amen to that contention. As long as Docs Not Want a Monarchy. Mr. Self gets the praises of tho Al- Ed. Kestler s estlbule say : lianceaud the Hickory Mercury, As an humble toiler la the peo we solemnly protest ayniuit bein? PIo Party we t0 remark tliat regarded as Mr. Self's kind ot a it Strang that the people can ONE PRICE CASH STORE. WcliiieUiaio roihtd with car bai;nti fcr tL last lim wttkf, that wo ksv net bad Uci 10 writ aa aiTcrtntst&t But alter all tbt bcit adrprtiMratat is ?lhc and tLo isrtti sizu that vnn bata rained tho candtnc cf Itc t-ecrle. O-r aim at alf times, is to gif our ccitoraira tbt Ktcit stylti acd tail thasi the btt icdaat the locit prices ccuiutttt with rioccst dtthuri That our efforts cava beta appreciated, hasttta fully pur ea by the groat iocrtai iu our builness this Spnng bavjuit rcitd br express a hig Jot of LtJiti Tria rued Sailors and Untrined Uau. If tcu Lerd anjthirx lz this line coca at oocc. for they go sa fst as we can r-t tita lu. V hxrm riad a trtaf ados railliucry traJt. lttasWta a jivnect jaai ever aiaco ncciTra cur spncj crxt. t hare ceo ol thtlbvitMilli&erf :a Bal:insoraitbci ihisSruia. IIXIIXI WILL OK xrOXJ2T TlfK GOODS THAT "i"OU WVTTX V2X GOODS THAT ArtK SSLLINO 4 inch, Mohair Srrr, th latent aiyle czl fcr Skirts l4 the only epeds that trill cot Lake dcr. Pnce lO c: ;.r yd. Another lot of that Extra Fine French Serre !ctt rciTtd. It u -45 inches wide, all wool acd only CO ccoti j-r ysrd.1 itutivi 4vuiiti IV v. J If rca want itTlt tbae are the jreda. Ueautiful Mcne Crpost at 10 cnta per Tard. Whole sale pric? of thet- poods was 10 1 2 cents rtr Trd. Beautiful Batiite Orrandiea tc to Lina ErTecta. Llztz Effects are the "Swell Tbicg" this Sratca. For Blaier SciU ask to se oor Kentcckj Home-asa. If too want tb bf t StUn- and the bvt warir Ccmt fc? ll.W on the market ask fcr our Extra VU:t4 Xo 20 F-atherbone Corset. Onr new $irla Lncg Wird 4 ceota Corset ia a ercat Comt for the monee. , Here Is somthloK entirely new for this markt Shells hemmed already for ue. aut sixej'oa want, at pricra rir dan teed to be a a cheap as you can buT the Shetu bT ih yard cnbemmed. We hare the baadiora-st stock cf Ladies Unbrellai. that we haTe erer carried. They were bought direct jr rn the factory at bottom cash pnc. Korniddlman'a proSts ou these pooda. Wo can certajnly sat?"joa mon-y on this line, QTcr 1-4 of the enure stock sedd the 2rt t wrk ihry fft rr ceired. Bt lot of Fant and Ft ocy Belts Jut rtTtited. Look out we are comics again. JENKINS. BROTHERS. ' XI III. . TKJ5 FATHER OF LOVv' PRICES. Glothingi Glothlfig! clothing. ; Democrat. Mr. Self sav s we went heresv power, praised the Alliance, and the like. On this evidence, direct and cir- DaCK tO tile JJemOCratS nOW. not mi motor. tin! wo aoJrl trV.o n-a AA because he believes the Democrat ic doctrine, but because, as he says, ness. Mr. Holt went to the Rads from selfish motives. He comes i the people instead of the money Hunting. Oh no, we never! Mr. c?eit went omone tue ocretics ana was feted and honored and praiied Under the present plan. :of State .prganizatipn, .the minority of the Democratic party may be heard on any-quesjtionjioniayejjie pri vilege of representation, in the..vaT rious conventions of the "party In the face of all this party law, we notice some papers talk as if there was to be no minority on the silver question. Bitthe min ority should be heard, and will be, if the party -law is not violated. This paper does not believe that the present .Tariff Law, passed- by Democrats, is a revenue tariff. though it is,a- better law than the McKinley Law. The pace has been set toward' jthe destruction of this monster. Protection, aud why not keep it up?' Why let empty talk about silver and the money power blind us to' the fact that the real sourch of the meney power is to be found in the ProtectiveTanff pol t icv? the Democrats are moie decent On that argument, the Apostles I would have to join in with the Pharisees in the Savior's time They were the decent people at that stage of the world's history. But queer things happen in poli tics. The Democratic party will only succeed when it has men in it who believe its doctrines and will work to carrv them out with out fear or favor Mr. Holt cannot believe in Protection and be a Democrat, except in name. Are we right? not be trusted to elect their dele gates to our National Convention. Why should cue man a ppciat "ev ery man who shall reprent u7 Is this the fruit 3 cf a PrpXa The News and Observer and its sycophants and spaniels" are booming Walter CI ark-for vice president, or for. governor. We may be allowed to say that his norhiu.uioir ould be equivalent j to a surrender- t the Populists. Nominate a man who is a Demo . brat, V ho h i nor been landed as a . Populist, who has not endorsed .everything the Alliance stands tori -jClark would be a true D-in s to swallow. And it" might b- vvmII for our friends w h ir - .much in hv with v-- :ervfvi ;i V -t t , r. rrwmbfr t b.i j i .. .-. 1 uii'd make the uiH too bitter this vear. - CHUNKS OF SENSE. Wc find this in the Biblical Re corder of last, week : It requires considerably more than a mere sentence to make us be'lieve that cotton which sells for seven cents a pound in the United States sells for fifceen cents a lb irr Mexico: yet such is the state ment in a paper of high position in this State. If such were the caseof course Texas would ship her cotton to Mexico instead of New York. It requires considera bly more than a mere statement to make us belieye that by any sort or any amount of legislation a man can sell his products for a high price and buy at a low price, and yet such statements are often made. Sell wheat high, and buy your floor dear; cotton high, or, wool high, clothing is dear; if la bor is high, its product is high. That's the way the world is con structed ; aud we do not see how it could be otherwise without doing , injustice on one side or the other. The paper that continually Mr. Coon believes the Alliance to be the sworn enemy' ot the Demo cratic party, aud henco he must be pardoned if he says things cut of his mouth about those who gain its praises and accept it hospitality! Mr. Self -a ants to know of Mr- Coon what he (Self) said at Cataw ba, contrary to the time honored principles ot Democracy in order that he may kuow the difference between it and Populism. Of course, Mr. Coon's ideas of Democ racy are somewhat narrow, but be veutures the assertion that Mr. Self will be on the safe side if he wins the condemnation of th! Mer cury and the Populist Aliiauce,in- stead of gettiug hi3 praises sung by them. Mr. Sdf knows that if he had. talked the time honored pr.nciples of Democracy at Cataw ba he would no', have been praised by the Mercury and other Popu lists. There are some things a man cannot talk to an Alliance and get its praises, and time honored De mocracy is one of those thiugsl Viewing matters as we do, we are so constituted that we can hardly believe the Catawba county Alli ance and its Populist orgau, The Hickory Mercury, would praise a good sound Democratic speech. It may be possible, but the presump-j tions are against it. And our esteemed friend wonders how many times Tije Lincoln Dem ocrat has been forced to decline such invitations as he accepted! Indeed I Bless your dear life, that by them! We told about it and party rule? Even th? eld part:- said it wos queer busiue8 for a Permit the people to hav? Verne good Democrat to be doinz. That vic? i:i thv prfrty'i affair. Will constitutes our siu. Our Stock if sow about Complete. Wf tate the prttticil liz$ of Mea Black Suits thataai ever been our phaiurc to ibsw. Bit tho prettiest part of it i th- prices. Aik to iee cur T0- CUr Wcnted, a Stunner. We hat? Men's Suiti ratsic? in price f?tn I2.Q0 t. 116 00. Children Suns ficm ll.CO up. Pants! Fants! Pants!- Wrf tt:uk cmj'rsit almji inybeJy ia thai lint. W Wo intend to go ' heresy hunt in?' in tbat fashion just as often as Democrats do as Mr. Self has been doiu, and still claims thev are as good Democrats as other people. The tune has come wheu Democrats raut learn that cater- our honorable chairman pha? cil! conventions and let tb? people aysll vou rj Wrki& Pant fvr U) cents, at;d if vca want a 2: who shall b? their rcprenmtatite?" Wo are oppoed to a monarchy. pair e Lace thrta. Come in am see ui whether vCu with to 1-t : xour J. ov won't il Month. jooL as ur afv a'.wayi glad lo ibj our gKdi. So Mr.Glkiin Kroxcn. cf ?l M!U it..l right, ami that accounts for whut we have written. mouths about the beauties of this or that law which will make every body happy needs to read the above and study it. We have tried to say the above many times. bitter pill for j but we never could do-it so well as the Recorder. To prevent the hardening ot the subcutaneous tissues of the scalp and the obliteration of the hair follicles, which cause baldness, use Hall t s Hair Renewer. is the point. Why does MrrSelf get such invitations, and why does like- "ow tue5 mcn 7 1 . . Sir ... . lie accept tbemT This is what has excited our suspicions of his De The Lincoln Democrat accepts no such invitations, and is wilhng to be jeered at by those who do accept them. And further, Mr. Self is not sure the Alliance is the enemy of the Democratic party. Did you ever I There is not a good Democrat in North Carolina but that knows we sooth Gardner. t u told bv t doctors. Ill on bad Lunrr trtnb.l ng to the Alliance is nothinc less Hollowing' typhoid MaUrU. and bi than a surrender of Democracy. Uoihr wtth doctor, who QniUj ptt We propose, as long as wc are able hltn up. ?a jlnc : " Yur bcr imn't I!r ! . n- ..a ,i u a month." lie tried Dr. Klne New I to talk, to uarn people against be Dlscotrry ud a trw bottln rritortd, lieving tliat AllinncHin is Democ- him to pcrfcc hrslth r:4 enb!d btn j ,, t rtf j . to Oo to work a 'ierffetlT wli cuia.i racy. It ia not, never was, and i.o Uesaj. he owhUprwentfed health good Democrat will say it is ! We to u ot Dr. Illnp .xrw D!corcrT. 1 t o,x. ,lnmn.,V nVnt kOOWS It tO bC the bt in tht VU J " v""t,, "vv-" tor Lutiff troutlt. Trial Bott'c Erro.i this thing, but wo feel that we are at any Drue Store. Congressman M. W. Howard of Alabama Txy to m. ation cf rwr. We wish tosayin conclunon, Lonnl nr4vn 5fl f. .A . that we have only the kindest feel- Fridj4V to n to fhc ch tt ings personally for Mr. Self. Ho be Wft pubUclv dnJok 1U is me inenci oi ine euuor ox mis i - . 4v, wvii vvr since his apparanco in the IIoaJKi at the time he was reported drank. We publish this correction. a wn noted the incorrect report. w mva tb n uuv vW3 ir. Howard is a preacher. Senator Marion Butler joined th Episcopal church Ia4t Sunday. There is no hann in that. Senn- NEW RECCUiTS. tor Vest ridiculed Cleveland for Dug Carter and Ki Gudger, took being a church member not long a prominent part in the Republi- since. Vest showed his bad taste can State Convention last Thurs- and his extreme naturr) when he dnv and Fridav. Both theo men I did so. were latelv Democrats, professing n 7i "T r 4 u ,. rr Col. Henry A. Dupont has beta to believe in a Revenue Tariff, in- mm 0 . , ividual libertv, btate rights, low T. n . " ' , . The Tote was 81 to CI. The Re- Ver Respectfully, 11. S. ROBiySON 6c COMPANY. Attention Housekeepers. paper. He is too good a man to be doing business for the Alliance. Wo have written the trutH iu love concerning him. But like Mark Antony, The Lincoln 1)emocrat is a plniu blunt man, and asks pardon for anything it has said that may seem harsh or unkind. It has no moro to say. ieve in protection, nationahza-1 1- , .. .. .? . : I.:- r, , mm. i ne ropuiuts rotcu nght ta STOVES JUST RECEIVED AT IL1RDWARE STORE. The Largest and Best Line of Geiienil Housekeeping Goods in the Town. tion ,big pcDop.,big River and ,hu iiaruor appropnaiions, anu sucn. Somebody is sinning against bet ter knowledge ! Cure for Ilcadnebe. As a remedy for all forms of Ilcrd ache Electric Bitters ha proved to be the very best. It elR-cta a permanent cure and the most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. We ursre all who are afflicted to rrocure a hnttt ncl ft thi MrtiNlrt'fili' tWit W. L. CROUi SE are everlastingly right when we sav !ln oI habitual constipation Elec tro A ji;onnn u T trie Bitters cures by giving tho needed the Alliance is the enemy of the tone to the bowels, and few cases Ion ii inn x j Physician & Druggist, ?iT"ii5 f h"' the Urgtit and fct lice of Drcoi ax Txrzr: M KuV arnUhti, Eroht. hstb it cow ocnpltte. . Cififars, Cierett3 and Tobacco, ,wta a LamnS. Fine Stationrrr. TWVi r..i ur -r ?I Democmio party ,d always .'1 jdljI.A Trj U -"-- Jj. McdicaUd Sep. etc; at loVett prieTal Our ,'all V been. We evan go further and say Drug Store. HiC.ixi2i,r,iXt4Ctitrrt,trirrx 3-90. ' J

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