demo c rati 7: 1 l- y VOL. I. NO. 36, L1NCOLNTOX, NORTH CAROLINA, 1'IUDAV, MAY 42, 18UK. Sl.00 A YE All. s Full Details Gladly Given, A; Railroad Oificial's Experience.! ? u 7-- W i MR. EDWARD EDMONDS, ioug con nected with railroad construction in Nebraska. write; 'Ky heart troubled and pained me Tcr yea.vs. Shortness cf breath -was the constant at:d mostcoramon symptom. Int-ne, exer"cij .tiny pain, jrenexv ally followed any severe cxruoti. Falntucss, hunger without any a ppeti te ; fl u ttcrinr that made me clutch my brewst, a-cd palpitation that often stuggered ia jts if I would fall, were frequent, attacks. A-ain, everything would turn black ij I arose from a stoonins: postura qaickly. Sl-er-h ss ni-lits with their prcr.rrrtting unrest were p.utnerour, and I could get no rest day or night. I c.'tisultod leading phy siciaos and trled-auvcr-tised remedies. They gave rae no relief. One o Dr. Miles' circulars described my ense so exactly that I took Dr. Miles1 New Ileart Cure and I ;am new a ,'wcll man. I hope every one troubled with heart disease will try Dr. Miles' remedies. Ifthej will -write . -me personally, I will cindly.ri.-- thm Tall details of my experience." Edw. Epvosps. ; P. O. Box.G5, David City, Nebraska. Dr. Miles' Ileart Cure is i-oldon nuarantcp. that first bottle benefits cr money rcfundedJ j A Legend of the Northland. Once, when the good Saint Peter Lived in the world helow. Ai.d walked abour-it j. reaching1, Juct as he did, you know ; lie came to the door of a cottage, In traveling round the earth, Wliere a little woman was making cukes In the ashes- on the Hearth. And being faint with fasting . For the day was almost done He asked her, from her -tore of cakes. To give him a single one. So thi made a ery little cake; But, as it baking lay, She looked at it. and thought it -tenjed Too large to give away. Therefore she kneaded another, And still a smaller one; But it looked, when she turned it- over, A? large as the first had done. Then she took a tiny scrap of dugl:. Atjd rolled and roiled it flat, And baked it thin as a wafer, But she couldn't part with that. For she said. "ly cakes, that seem so . jtmall When I eat of them myself, PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. For the Governor of the Prima ries and Conventions of the Democratic Party of North Carolina. Chatham Record. We" Publish herewith a carcfnT.y coriected copv t I he De;ncrtiiu Plan of Organization in North ( 'ar- vent ion ti vole for evwry Ueiitv- received ir, th precinct meeting. I cruity x-:rtu coniT.ilf -t Th chairman and secretary of thilth tttd p: intm-nt. an t th ttd precinct meiting shall certify iajcnuMy x:u!tvtj v.nmtt,- thill the county :.tintioii ihe v-le ri- I furihwt'L call coi.itint f th.i . ceid by tstch candidate at the 1 r;rcltv countie in conformity I precinct meeting. 7. Each precinct ehall be en titled t cisl in tho countv con- THE DARDANELLES. wn 14 that ai rtnl elan Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health., Are yet'too large to give away." - So she put tbem on a shelf. Theu good Saint Peter grew angry. dv rjri jp. OOSTNKK, 3X. I). LlNCOLNTOX, N. C. Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and surrounding country. Olllce at residence next to the North Statt Hotel. L. Surgeon Dentist, V . LlXCOLXTON, -N. C. AlLsVvork j-jaranteed. nothing "but bfest mater iau used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except bv special agraoment Office on ilain Street e. Attorney at Law, Lixcolxtox. N, c. Work intrusted to bin care will be promptly. and carefully atiended to. Office on ilain Street. ' For he was hungry and faint; And fiareiy such a woman Was enough to try a taint. And said, "You are far too selJ To dwell in a human form, To have both food and shelter. And fire to keep you warm. "Now you shall build as the birds And shall get your scanty food By boring, and boring, and boring. All day irr the hard dry wood." Then up she went through the chimney. Never speaking a word; And out at the top flew a woodpecker. For she was changed to a bird. A scarlet cap she had on her bead, And that was left the same; Bnfall the rest of her clothes were burned As black as a coal in the flame. And every country school-boy Has seen her in the wood; Where she lives in the trees till tbis i1 very day. Boring and boring for food. And this is the lesson she teaches : Live not for yourselves alone. Lest the needs you will not pity May one day be your own. You mayn't be changed to u. bird, though you live As selfishly as you can : Eut you will be changed to a smaller thing A meau and selfish man. Phoexe Cart. i outia, h hmendea ami cuatieu at the recent meeting of t lie .State Executive Committee. All Dem ocratic convention her-aftr w;ll be held and all Democratic candi dates will be nominated a.'Curdine to this amended plan, and there fore every Democrat should read it an'J leara iU provisions' It i as follows : KhncINCT O A X IZATl'.X. 0 1. The unit of county orLU'i tion shall be the votiu precinct. In each preciuct shall "n an executive committee to cccsist of five active D-mocraL, who shall be elected by the Democratic voter . . .i ot tne several precincts iu me meeting first called by tha county executive committee. And aid committee bo elected bhall elect reljelie dittPct ruufn ti.u ST Tf. i i'WIMI'W. The Sitrt rmifvnliAit hll i Tr trtalrd to a iirtivtATF4Moftix uist. hi 4u I hu MtUtirJ arjy UUir n"Ttot. Itit-r tint tits. U litprtifcl itf Th iUr.Unll-t i - famitf I wy : !in tb otitr Xtrxtfl in mylhuLy ard hutory. In&tUrt'V-V !h i:Tti:on to-1 ub i to tlld u.'tic-t, t ali l de!tft tall'U-- w It I aiit ar.d itrt r ri h inhuiticn of (!r in bf imi c: iba m-m .t c f f iic u inti cti -Mrr t brtilrn th H1VsoqL 1iVI',h, Ihe Df.!iilU i th !Ir.- J-Ut ul CM. 1 !i t'l'' l Ct m to lh mm rT of Jlr t. !ndr. It n a narrow iliit cf atr live Doiucratic votes, and on void for fractions of thirteen Pctnocrit-ctiiiNjitt of dt;ai imiI-! ic votes cast by the township at I by the Vevifal cunty cou -titi M i the rast prcediiie gubernatorial I Cch countv tball b iitit!l m election: Providtd, That avert Ulrct d-jUrat i.d n alfr-J tircalr l milt in mlth and hifd- lt f tlv lu !a:!h. 11 c nnertt tr. rjca of Mirckti -itb (ire Ar chiqU.j v Tfce citttt.X U ifi an l ttr K ar.d ika tUtp clirT fr n lt cq th puff:n ttu i voting precinct shall be entitUd t nata for vrv cne hundrttt and ceil at leait one vot-, and each rilty Democratic vota, and ot precitict may eend at many dle- deltfcite .r fracllui nrr tavtMy catej n it may see tit. rlr Democratic vott, cait tLr;n 5. The chairmen of precinct l th" Ul rreciir niUnlwrUI , committe-; ahnll oresid at all pre- elcuon, ua noua i.ui uie5aic. w alternatei o tleCtwJ aau sc. titled to seat 13 a;d convealion: Provided. That ettry couaty tball bare at lent cua tot :a aiJ CvU-, veDlioti. 1. At all coaveutioni the delv Accordingly an airnr rf rcpoMfa a dtpatcL4 tu Ua n aUra, ini f.r a yar tbr !aUjiid. .Uat ult a dnbl t rili of iti wta thn trt.-it. aitaioic hataa rai!d th ratal bib-aay ttt (trt. Kui ahn, afttr a.i'-t ., of pi antr s. t tt'slt-t ttr rtn aii tf, at.d &ju:b of tha wrk at dtlrvd. Wta tia Ul tha u; r:L at tr.trC. as i ir a citict meting. In tbir absence auv ether member ot fcaid coaami; te may pre;i. .0l'XI AND Lighter COXXLMIO.N. 1. The several coauty conven tions thall be entitled to elect to hip of to-Uy m raacb tn at Ul "f Js -i2rci ttit U; in r tt.t tttr tuvKrd upaHllpil U gun O Ulra tba tb;tli turUi.lwr.-i.arcJ tt at t &ir& iii. a a-i ta aiiit;.L, cwrit at '.ti ;e?6:oaal conveationt oue dele gat and oue alternate for every fifty Democratic vote, and one tbat batlhi t UaiU, Aud Irjza tht bt;!wi tL; cf b;iyrv il txaibt bai rvd a a tarraw tutiiaaa ot cwSi:uaUt:a b i?ta tLt laru:u ad :iv.l..'4U- a tbeir uatorial, judicial ana cou- t t 0! ih Wl l J "tiit:-a tba I CPATtf all !! it 1 tZ L PU . M Ltll " may , from tht frix.di aLd ap porters of tbe caJ:datet vcttd for. i oue of its members as chairman, I delecate for f ractionB ox over tweu- who shall preside at a committee jty-five Democratic votea, cat at tb last precedmg gubernatorial election iu their repsctive coun tie-, ai.d none but delegates or ternates so elected shall be entitled to seats iu said convention : vided : That every county have least one vote in each of said veutions Provided further, lbat iu all county convention a in which dele gates shall be selected to attend any State congressional, judicial or other convention, a vote shall bo taken iu accordance with tbe plan of organization as the candi dates whose names may be pre sented to such county convention. Tho delegates shall b selected from friends and supporters of each candidate voted for in pro- c;a tba aitr. TLis is tit cly lituw Lta tb ittrvit vbii, ad tb oaly wtae r a.;:is; cast ia ttbta tba Allsata iucr:ti tla d.s pltaiurt vf Caast. A bu-ind vtars afltr lit L&il of Xarxtt trt oitr it Utl.'ia- Or;ent. 9 W V-.1 , a r jasance. 2. audi dlzat-i or al:rnate ttwry of tbt tiidta KUct. b;cb j s. Attorney at Law, , Lixcolxtox, 2v.. C: Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. 'Office in X)rth State Hotel. A.. .JUSTICE. Catawba News. Rev. Hight C. Moore will preach the dedication sermon at Newton Baptist church the 5th Sunday in Mar. The teaching force of Catawba College will be increased, and the college put on a firm basis and the standard of the school raised. Cpi Attorney at Law, Lixcolxtox. N. C. ur 1 J rr. : , in the Courts of Lincoln, vv ecmesuuy. visit vas significant one. Tbey are a pair of visiting statesmeii." Sid Sherrill, a Newton well dig ger, rcentlv fell in a well 40 feet deep and escaped death and is now doini; verv well. meetings. 2. The chairmen of the several precinct committees shall ompos'j the county executive committee, which shall meet at the same time and place as the county convention first hfcld in each election year, and elect a chairman ot said coun ty committee, who need not be a member ol tbe committee, and he slball preside at all meetings ot said committee, and shall hold his place until his 6'iccessor shall be elected. A majority of slid pre cinct I chairmen, iu person or by proxy, shall constitute a quorum. The county committee shall like wise appoint a central committee of five, who shall act in its etead when the countv committee 13 not in session. 3. In case there shall be a fail ure on the part of any precinct to elect its executive committee for the period of thirty days, the county executive committee shall appoint said committee from the Democratic voters of sa.d pre cinct. 4. Tbe members of the precinct committee shall elect to any va- caucv occurring in said commit tees. 5. The county executive com- lmiitee shall call nil necessary I countv conventions bv giving at of anient deltffatc ai may b was iaitrus:eatal :o t-;t:b; il iu Alxsadr ib ! atr i:b b: Cital cxti li f&r lit la- I : . tfit . tl- -.1 vj w I nreieui ai auv ueiaocmuc waitu uw w ..Kw. , m v f t... t- 1 1 ... . L.4 ii.ii. .1,. . a,i... Tbtxa:s:wtatsitiitxi4fcllt I lieu. Qail v airjM ta imuh u v w - . il , 1 t . I ,w v-,. . v ibaiika A lb asd tear a I . ... . I.t . . t .... i ... t.,.. iii-a i- o wi csn.wtt I n T .n r. t.rnvi.) hti fbv rt tkVeU bv .Lt!r 1 L . ... ... -... ..L...1... v...... -Lr ..m,!..!''"'.'. iuy, :aii lor ov Lull yfien), anas a uv -w caittb-m thall be no chaos m :btai ca laab wf tb O-ldto r .nvt. m ach vot until tna final reiult of wb;cb could tail arwjb U :r , , . . p,:2.l of tba crtattil !piU:4i. Its u.cit rental faa- ccati fa tb- exploit ol Eytfco. la lSCTi bt Ac- the ballot aball be asaoucceu byad tnaU tb wauxa. XJa; utr tbechairraao of f aid convention, pursued, and mbi: crtiiiisf this ! . t . rr.i -tl . w . . ... . i . t. i.. . . j urviati LaL2tr. to fill ny v.caoci. occanagia, for btr. Uelle, aad tb. Oie-k wcrd. (' lQ 3fi a 5. Tbecbairmauofaediaro:jtbaasicIIt:iia county conventions shall certify to j Olall Iba tuylboJorfical take tbal tbe liU of delegates and alternates to tbe diereot diitrict and State conventions, and a certiiletl Hat of i.t A and Altrnft.te to portion to tbe number of voter he CODTeQtiou baU bt tcot t0 tbe secretary of tba Stat cstral committee. 6. It shall be tb duty of tbe countv committee, and of !tt cbairmau, to furnish sucb informa tion and make sucb reports to tbe shall receive in such county con veution. and no other instructions shall be given : Provided further. That when only one candidate is presented and voted for at such county convention, it shall be law ful to instruct tor such candidate. 2. At every county convention, before delegates to Stato Congres sional, Judicial, senatorial or other conventions are chosen, there shall bo a vcte taken for the different candidates for o:fice, whose nama may be presented, and the dele bwver about the ttraubl c&ca liUb.f wf sa n;l, but oa ac crual wf lb rjiM cf it with aol tb currtalb as tr.a- jpi!d to ZQftT a Jiitasct of ab:cl mere Leauuiu va.a 4 , Byr6 acclul ana Luaer. it leaser Mui;ai i has breu tb iaspiratioo of ra&re j c.- . U;an ou- po;- aa .fci . , r-ft, t-,. !?.:!?. fixsras p:aca:aat!y ia lb MBrQ La ftat ia aafaiy, ati &a lb st3 :at a :ia cissrstair j"- Marlov mad it tb i-'rlrct cf aa exquisit? creation. Iolb G&ttbt and Schiller bar adoraJ tbe Gtrtuin with tb story cf tb fatal love, and Ktatt, in a taa&tt. bat 7a Diritatlltt tvday tlr-iC-ly fwrt:rJ, aai tb pattti: caa b aiily !tftaiii. It tiaits cf war it it a t.raag hoH. It it tb irj Tkiractice "Mecklenbursr. Gaston. Catawba , Cleve- fland. Rutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in Xorth State 'Hotel. Dr. A. V, Alexander will be at his office at Lincolnton. Jane. Au o-nat. i ijticemcer. reoru- arv: and Anri'l. Will be in Mt. menu Holly, July, September, November. January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. Last week was treated tb ub;ct ia to cf bti I caairman ot tLe State coraraittee j raott xc,uu:; vr. w CcatUaliawp!. aad b tb as be tuav deiire. i U:c and L?atdtr lived on 1 Ut4ly Btrlia tb Salua ca- poit tbortt cf tb Iil!ipvut. ? u;5ci rib: cf rfa;ac plan: Uero as at fair as tb fairest cf, to liJ TeMj &i,t bav:a b:s tb Orecia v:rg:s and Ltaadtr Dl2 x. at a young .z?n. c.i j Aa a rtult of tb new !ecl;.cc law, mtav towmbips bav b--ea divided ia vottug precincts acd no committee have bea tlected fcr a ests zo lac Europtao tbit. Shrtwd, But Unpopular. - r T- IT' T. 1 1 .1 T 1 I Messrs. r,. . uaauu ou , , . . d. DeLane of Lincolnton were herel' 4, " .... veriiseiueut iu lutcc uuuu a v. each preciuct, at the court house door, acd in any Democratic news paper that may bo published in said county, requesting all Demo-i cratsof the county to meet in their respective precinct3 on a common dav therein stated which aid day theia rrKvlL,cti : tha 4vtral countv 1 ..... . Kr.m a! ALrJ.i. tu H fcv odd, lb ab!d c;aa I------ r---- ' - ww - -. ' i , - . gates snaa vote meir respecuv executiv ccmmii:ees are hereby lb. f0dr cf As a. co"nties :n acccruauca wua ta's renuetted to ODDOint. as toon at vote: that is to say, each Congres- pos4lble committees for each Yd- sional, juatciai, enaionai, or ota- . llPfc.:nc, flDDOintinc whenever e r ' --r er convections, th proportion ot DrpCCAbj tbe vote to which tb county may be entitled which he received in the county ccuvtntiou numbers of the e tb new prciut. tha attainted will terve until The chair-1 .1 ... .. .v-n v. -. lien dtr cf At'.a. Lsander tavai j in bli party. H it Iv ; ia fact, to dtarly that bv'.d. agi;rt:v. a vtrr brrd. ad at h swam tb Htllctpoal try popular aaywbtr. 1 ... . niffbt to tt bis roif'.rctt. htc-' caae cf tba! fact that tb T,ry as It- v. V.. ever watt b:ri B. F. Gki W. E. C.Riv;i. Cashier. cornmence- week at Catawba College. Newton, and Lenoir College, Hick ory. At Catawba College a large I shall not be less than three days j before the meeting of the county conventions, lor the purpose of electing their delegates to the countv conventions. Tber-rCou man and Secretary of the county wb-ch boujd le al tne Sm prc convention shall certixy to each convention the vou received by each candidate at the county con vention, and no other instruction 3hall b9 given: Provided tbt where only one candidate ia pre ciuct meeting bcreaftor held. James H. Tot. Cha. St. D-m. Ex. Com. crowd attended the closing exer-thempeticg g0 beld ghftU elect j dent?d gb&ll be jaw( . cises. J. A. Ramsay of Hickory tbeir delegate3 to represent theforhim ! olixtirflp'l t'tlP lltrll' adctreSSlI .. ' iU,. n....,t nnnrcnfinfia i ...... . .? i deliverded the literary address ; Rev. J. M. L. Lverlv the alumni LINCOLNTOTST, Dcokrry Fit'.riy Nominated. The New 4 & Oberver "On o instruct the tirst bsllct for governor Knday night, Col. Dcckery vut w ptecmcts in the county conventions ! from the voters of tbe respective address; and H. E. Sechier of j votin: preclnct9f which delegates to Cwu: tb 1 ta!r all alrLg bat bta favtra- The cotumittee itcoj goi a a cl:5 aad wvd ' b. to bit twsr.a alien. It bal:T. torch. And tbe ta;a cf tim wt j rd Lua tw b ia!tllrc:jally tb sivea every a:bt. Ba; there cax J ab!rt aad j.-e:taally tb wtartt t f!c chui ll twrca w mavti 5 cad:dat tLat c-ili b awaaisal land nhtu Ladtr ttarttd to brtatt lei . !tb water. Eat tb a"rtit;e If Kartell caa-l b dafta'ai fcrvr Vtr.tath ti billows. aty p: jaau-tac who caaaot b Aad whta tb batt-brck-a J rc:i. W rrccga;x fall L a taw tb t4y of b?r lotti wttard j aacvaiziia ab:::;, b:s party hich upca lb tbcr tb plaa:d J daaatauat, b: gta:at fr xaxi- iatatbt'.ttb:ajj w;t:t ctd avugatjiag tt caat appeal li death. That war Hero aad Laaa- Solicits the accounts of Mr chants, Corporation? and Indivia naU, and' will make collections at 1 reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. A Bank account never fails to inspire habits of economy and sav ing. Try it. 5-s-ee. Rowan county, Miss Foil of New ton, and W. B. Dove of S. C, graduated. Miss Rosabel Reinhardt of Iron Station attended the commsnce-ment. Capt J. S. Bridges of Catawba has been sent to the State Hos 'pital at Morganton to be treated for melancholia. Newton iuter- or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength ot their respective voting precincts on all questions that may come before said county conven tions. In case no meeting shall be held in any precinct in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the precinct executive com mittee shall appoint such dele- At 1I State and dittrictcoaven- neuueed to be Vt4-i. . I . 1. 1 . - I T f ll.rl ... I ffld (iMft4 I lions tne delegates xrom ui u...- . dr united :n lift aid death. eatcour.tiesmayaisrgaraine vn;e vo;e wuru wi u.. waM .f,,v of their resctive counties which were tampered wuh. and th Ant - raml:n m ,nv CaCdid.te, Pro7idHl two thirds t-ratytwo vctr. tb, camion, """V .7 j Sl ,C. nujontvoUH hi. rote, from the took from hia without :dtc. or tU th.l the ' " county co09Snt Ju.iic. tb. Dockry t. cu tir.t Joclub KiS M i.. X The chairman, or iu bi. .b- Ullot would b.t ,tocd : II.ibo. h.. le d u. 9.3ce, anv member ot th, couaty, Vot .ctu.liv cnU W 4.7 .torj o rdy mcrc b -d t.. I prise. At the Lenoir College com-; (gates. TRIMARY. G. At evcry precinct meeting. NEW GOODS. I have the largest stock cf New Musical Ixsrfmexts trrst. has ev er been in North Carolina, such as Autoiiarps, Accordiaxs, Maw dolixs, Guitars, Baxjos, Violins, and Roller Orgaxs, and any thing else that is kept in a first class Music Store. Prices lower than ever.. Orders by .mail have promt attention. Addess V. L. Lowe, Nevton, N. C. 11-29-95. rnencement last week, Rev. J. C. Moser preached the annul sermon, and Thos. M. Hufinan of Hickory delivered the ' literary address. The exercises were largely atteaea. .didateg forofiice, whoso names n The graduates were : A S ha nrented. and tho delecr Starr, Miss Hattie M. oder, Jas. T. nl. Miss Ida B. Fergurson, W. H Little, Miss Lela T. Yoder, J. Guy Cline, and E. J. Sox, who delivered the valedictory. Hick- rrv CJor. Charlotte Observer. Miss Hatie Yoder is a daughter of Mr. Wm. YToder of the Daniel's neighborhood this county. iD.J sooatoriol, judicial and congres- Instructed delegates "gon sional committees, shall call to nietica teata order their respective conventions, and hold chairraanihip thereof un til the convention shall elect its chairman. 4. The executive committee of I. r i . Jt fi,a cVoii i,0fnr dAlppotoa ro the the sanatoria!, congressional nuu countv convention are elected, be! uaic;ai uitr:tm, irs"" a vote taken for tne different cau- mav be presented, and tho delegate? shall vote iu the county couveii-l tion their respective precincts in accordance with this vote; that is to say, each candidate hall receive in the county convention that pro portion of the vote to which tho at the call of their respective chair men, meet at some tim and place in thir resptive district destg nntfl in said call. Acd it shall Total or fifteen more than wr ndtd to nominate. If the fellow will buy. cheat and steal vctes frcru Republicans what would they do with Demo crats if they had tbe power? Il will be a bad dav for North Caro lina if Rut-ell i elected Governor It ia a ervat mUtake to suppose u- nnnAMitthli time I that a aiaipte tonic give tirrngth; V V Ti n7rV-;.ntiona it onlv stimuUtc the stomach to and place for holding conventions - . T :,.. r.-l , . . . . ... ... - ' r - in their respective uisincta, anu i f .n,ngtbf the bloud mutt bi pun tho chairmen of said respectivo I fiea nd enriched, and this can mlitpo .hall immediatelv noli-1 onlv bs done by such a standard nortton m ine vote u i -. i . - . - . . c :n. einet may be entitled which heffy the chairmen of tb. different iim.t. .v!f th touch cf cold and waa t:c at htart lbat ther was to taach 132 4-71 . ifh. Troy, that rlac mad larasa by Uositric hats, stocd upon thtchrft cf tb Uellts- p-at- Often on tbtir sarasiits tbt fair Uelta gaxed down epen tbt ratbtng wattr. Rec tally raias bav b-rta ditcovrred tbst xts tb location, o! Troy at tbt HeiltspcaL In ca cf tbe little Itlaads that lie near th cenins: of the strait is th Island which is said to bav ben the bcrna of tbe trrati? Sappho. Aa latertittcz fact ia connec tion with tbt Hcllespoat is that it it probably the oaly strtaa in the 1 ..... V... . om mm 4 B - 4 . dat r.ttdir. Vitts b it wtk. If tbt DtnrxiaU, a;drd by all gjd and tr- a bo wcaii aav North Car-i.a frai :a p.rrjh tbait cf nan aai lb b;a cf dt:n.:t;.a" caaci wLipcat Rts- tli. thvy cnact clfttt any nun why siai LaT b3 cbussa. VTUraiaftcn Mnttatr. How :oTrtat a W .?). (Frcm Pacif.c Health Jv.raal) Firtt. ret a wift; H-r-ad, b pa titat. Voa Siay hav 4-rtat tra'a and prpltx:urs ta roar baaiaass, tat u? a st tbtrafcre, carry to yaar hem a cloaay cr cca tract d braw. Year wj cut Lav trials, which, thcarh cf Utt nagaital, aaay b Lard f .r her ta Uar. A kind wori teadtr It-ok. w;ll d j wcadcrs in cha-iag fron ber brgw all csais of g?ai. To this w wta!d adi alwavt ke-p a Vcttl cf Cbaaibtr laia Cvaa Reariy ia titb7ae. ItUtbbnt and t tar to b ndi sooar cr later. Year wii wilt tbn know tbiit yoa . rUy care fcr L? r and with to prelect her btaltb. Fcr aak by W. L. Croapf Draist.

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