.... x X7 DEMOCRAT. ; r YOL. 1. NO. 36. lincolnton, xoirnr Carolina, f hi da y, .i ux k , ihuk. sum) a yi:ah. "DR. MILES, Through His Nervine Is a Ben- efactorto Thousands." so APRIL I2TH, 1776. r 1 u v" ;,vn" HWTDFXY kno'VD Vv 'jL-iu publisher, v.bq i-sicL? ui- Oi'ia Day, writes. "Fire yqrsr ago I ocuiatj -o i.t rvou. that roentitl -smirk was.-: .uidi-'. i : -!U not rest at niffbt-iir. accc-tUit oi r-iv-s,w .- n My attention w r;' ilvu u i t. :n in. Ko.torij tlve Nervine, a:.d T iv.i.i.-iiinfvit lo uc it with the .cry t tf. .. then I have kfr.i a bot:l; i.i i..y i.-";: iun ii-n it Trntuevvr my nerve 1 ::.".ir-i'-r, wiiii alwny ;i.c o;.iiic ijooi ly-n,! : y sun ai.-j Df Milv' t.ik.-. ) i.-: - w; ;v,i;".i. fUi'iT:-s. I- ii' vo rccorii uieu'. J it to ru.'.ny and it cures them. All who s u ff c- x i r o in n f v v o tro' sii- iiid trv it. It is fn e from uftrr-os ie-s, poi fcctly barrc less. and yet s. it i -.r.d Ftren;? her.s. Dr. Miles, through Ids :-"e!-'n if. a benefactor to.thoa.-.iuids." - A C. LElirT '.N. Editor and p'r.-,jri. u.i- -f Itt Laxismas. Dr. Slilos' Nci vi:,-. i - hl-on uarantt-e first bottle -will ben . f r r y rc funded. Restores Health...... T. IT. COS' t V. 7" LtX("OI.X T., 'X . 0. I DtltTS ilS (': -il-li:) SCI'V:"L' tO tliG r people of Lirn'oini on .iml surroumlinir country. OHlee at reideuro next to the North Stale il;; vi. Surgeon Dentist, -LlXCOLXTOX, N. C. All work guaranteed, nothing1 but best materials n -ed. Priees reasonable. Terms cash exeept by special ngroement Office on M;;iu Street C. 1L CIIiLDS. Attorney at Lav, Llxcolxtox, N. G. Work intru-ied to liis care will be promptly and art. fully attended to. Ofike on Main Street. I ILEY. Attorney at Law, ' ' ' LlNt OLXTOX, X. C. Practices in ail of. 1 lie tate and Fetl- era! Courts. Pro tt all bnsinr-s. OlTlee in X :rth S;,;ie Hotel. attention given B. A- Attorney at Law, ' i.iXC'OLXTOX, X. G. Prac.ticts in the ' urts of 'Lincoln, j Mecklenburg. Gaston, "atawba. Cleve- ; ianti, Kutljerford, Polk, and in the Supreme ami Federal Courts. " OfTIee in Xv.rih Suue'Ilotel. Di; i'AL OTICH. THE NjRTH CAROLINA PROVINCIAL CONGRESS ON THAT DATE RECOM MENDED A DECLARATION OF INDE PENDENCE. To the LMitor of the Observer. The date, "April 12th," 1770' so conspicuous on the beautiful State flag, which floats m proudly over our public school' Luikling thi veeK, cotnernorates one or oir proudest historical recorded events. I have giveu below the Imtory of this date as well, as a verbatim copy of the resolution, unanimous ly adopted in th North Carolina Pruvmcial Gonsres?, on that dav The extract is front Calviu 11. YViHy's Xorlh Carolina History, and is as follows : ''The Provincial Gongrs-, at the summons of Samuel Johnston, as sembled at Halifax ou tbe itltof April. 177t. ai.d his body was dis tinguished by the presence of t'noj to whom I have alluded as the leaders of the Wliis party. Th? important question of indepen dence was move-, discussed, and unanimously approved by tbis Congress, and this circumstance alone w ill perneta!:ire its fnm u ?doiiday. the Mh of April, 177C, Cornelius Harnett. Gov. Burke. Al loc Jones. Thomas Jones. Jov. i Xash, Mr. Kinchin. ,and Gt ;v ral 'Thomas Piirson were appointed a committee to take into considera t.cn the usurpations and violences committed bv the Kin and Par hamentof Great Britain; and on the succeeding 12th, Mr. Harnett submitted the following report, winch I am justified m pronounc ing his own composition. REPORT ON THE St'D.IECT OF INDE PEN DEXCE. ' 'It appears to your committee that, pursuant to the plan concert ed by the British ministry for sub jugating America, the King and Parliament of Great Britain have usurped a power over the person and properties of the people, un limited and uncontrolled, aud dis regarding their humble petitions for peace, liberty and safety, have made divers legislative acts, de nouncing war. famine, and everv species ot cMamiiv against the continent in general. THe British fleets and armies have been, and still are, daily employed in des- ! troying the people and committing the most horrid devastation on the country. The Covernors iu different colonies have declared protection to slaves who should imbrue their hands in the blood of their masters. The ships belong ing to America are declared prizes of war, and many of them have been violently snzd and confis cated. In consequence of all ! which, multitudes of the people pobd was that day unanimously adopted, and i? the fir6t open and public declaration for indepsn- pler.c, by the proper authority of any one of tlto Cul. i.ici on re cord." Stident of HlsTORY. Tha Grandest Fnct of Nature: Look atHur. A man by the name of Bnuci oauR a while buck remarked: 1 wish Adam had died with all hi What may b) Expected tf a Free Coinage President and Con- grabs aro Electod. Ex. from a pech Hole Smith. If a President and Congress r elected in Novrobr committed t. thj free aih! nnhmded cuintgo of ratni of tilver into dollari nearly aix months wouhi pi be tore they could be itmuguraUd, nnd fir mnntha more before the proposed letsUtiuti could become lav,-. During tbi tim creditor MoVill I inta Ht&roui.ri&,Com Wht May. It Wtng ery f?r fr.ni M.ir pur- That man ra!w"ulil neek to lirotect thcuuUe This world would have by forciuv irutnediate lttemtot. woe, sure e ribs iu his body.'1 h fool been a wilderness o uough, if Eve had iot sprung from Adam's ?pare rib. T!i- grandest tact of u iture is won;n. It man iiad not kept uomau in th- back ground for su manyjigs thn world might be in s:ght of. if nol iu the full blaze ot. the iniil-nnium by now. This by wr.y of introducing a I - ferenej to thv exceed; iuly in teresting aud important adJr of Hon rP u!. W. Dabney at U.e commencenTit ot .hv 5jtate Nur imil and industrial Sehvol at Gr-nsoor. a synopsis cf which is published in this i-ue cf the Gb sri'w r. Said he, quoting front an authority: Tu point ot both ori gin.and importance iu this hitory and economy of organic life, th female sex is primary, aud as l:f. is th higr.st part of nature and human life the highest type of life, it follow that the grandest fact of nature 13 woman." It has been ligured out, we learn, bycareltil research and study, that man is the variable element in cre ation whii woman is the steady ! one. iiereuuy is uisunciiveiv inc attribute of the female : variation is the characteristic of the male. Hence the importanceof educating woman, since she is the preserver and improver of the race. Dr. Dabuey. however, dos not say much for man, poor fellow, j The great vol urn of buiue con ducted upon credits would caie, busings institution wuulJ :loie, and wnut and fr.ur.ue would per vade the land. At the eud ot a (-.w var beu buine?! settled down to th- nr C.iflnto An'frlcjnCVhogii. J .hr !. t!iUtr Si,,M1 i 'J- ati' .1 tt!itB ! . tt.. ? ii,r .iLr 1; ii, mmtt ! llut ltpl.ti ijftd hi:4 tn ti Vt- tclit. aKi f ! i. Ya loau4 i !tt t f t! h tftra Tll.l?f aV "lb -r:u.tv t.f m 1 .! !vi". lo.t- tta:i fl.liMJ f .r fctit i.i tti J. j.'.i -n it- M pv- li.raid, tiifd Ciitft. t!unc TDotib i !! !... ! J Jd.i ! -f'lltf . I'ui.tf i'r :hnif tu frw .lr b.t m.ll j .i c : rupt; t jI tb i iir r 1 vsj- An to fl.V.iin. A:. rd;r. l. m 11 pr.nt-1 th- I'LiUdehiia. Tirt' the ttri.jh po to invoh- any cf -th tnii.it-J. . f ,t,r tl;wf Iiu. ..fa!, Al try in ttiuM wfi ao-.unt .f tf .K.. nl j.-.i j 4, vf. A...t vi-jt, aa a cLi, .f the tia:rul l f- ,;, .;, Vl,t) 4.1 iueii.ii, o i-.ui. im. ,l-aicmtMC it :.H . lua f'1 thd folbmtng extract fr.aa - pri- f..;,..a.sl!ir,. ..f ..U iJ h lv letter f r uu a !cadii.g tnniitler. of a lcadtltg tleiiotuinatl .it, ill tatt- ttn North Calolina, unit fee had full permission u dj but hav ing iich p-rnnlt-P.U v tl.ala lth the public the pleatUt of let d;;i2 Hhal Iollo: U .!!., ;j to thi 1i iiat for the tUoled threat about ,n , l-vycottiui; 1 h juld ;Irit. I Rtn cc:it rained to ay, lwvr. tuat. until thvre ha i-v,.- :dj l;v u .j, th;t T . iJr uj A.ft IvUt. l i;M::'j nl vi all pnl leach::; ol n.al;.-h Ji I. . t.t yu'Jd u.iev 11.1U ;! A !U 11 m ..t.d ti.'ir.ft lucn a i;i)rfr;ir :L- lUciuc the Tanv pt i jii. : u ;.l tctur.t I - M 1 1 j-:A nui 4. ItUt.d I i l l J; . I in il')JJ S. J. inati4 nnd n-trai c:?r:ice. I ct j !rr..;t-r- a :lx uu. i 1 ? J.;.i 1! j k;:. ) Uu 11 JL. not Irhev- thftt the :ndtp-ud-nt , lLf f uuUtt j f lb.'xfal :n . I i lMDa . 5 MJ uiv vh f -!i-v r:i t: meaning of a dollar, fluctuations nm uuuniUetl C:;aagv - f .;l. r ai . would still keep our dolian of un-mcrc:al ratio i more thnD to 1 , 1 !... !-. 1.. - 1 j ii;;e i-e v.j in- n c j'.val ruLtIo;tv a ol rtburt ceti-uxe tL.-- ' a a a cnm anain. moiaiay m..i 1 1; tl 5J . . gc.ritu-nt. 1 l av t,! w x a i . 1 I certain value, and hinder dotuettc trad aud hnmper our foreign :cm mrce. The silver standtrd aud high tariff are logical allied, aud 0 alio, are lwv turiri end the gwld standard. No man should be trusttd fcv y with an importantnomiaatica who does not recogutz that the valu? of a dollar is now nimured by .22 gra:rn of gold, and who it not ! Ldur,. it dntil rta.u hft ue.inol 1 . . . . . ' s 7 - hot.eftlv b-he- iu the hcLtAlv or p:.ct:-:;b:l;t v 4 v; ' w h a " Lt I j I .v b u . a; d i, . , . a . , ' willing to openly declare his pur pose to helu keep it there. With this propoiiti'jti sUb tiahed it will be ea?y to perfect a system ULder which the govern ment can bt relieved of th bur den of reissuing notes to be uted as currency, and banks orgauized upon i uniform plan can be un corded ih privilege ot muiug notes for circulation. Silver cau S 1 tt Th La. i 1 ' ?!, M i.o"!'iP. J iiC41 wil l .chm. nd if my ixlj.i-1 1 , , vt i.. L..f..r ,.--Lt 1 Jv 1i..:t'.-u izeu choo? to bvycolt m? tvr su .j.ou! 1 t iUt" iL tt"i" i . . ...... . . . t ' 1 1 . . . . . t . . . . ... i , . . . Uv.if'i vu r.tiwii'i 4 it r.i-n V-rfafi ll.lrat vf W'ln; ..a: r i. r J oitui.LB ti. tL- ;-.. lit: ?.. ! rebw-. 1 1 woikin. I l.oue-tly tltfr. . :ll;,..-m to rrttl lt,.!-l rd 51.: soon demon tr.i:? ;ta ui.i:doa. j .in-? wi t!--r p,: .r- j' "Ia-r. !au-J. 1 2 JJK'Jt Th:- t the -pint wl;:ch. iu pt tLtraUijin,; to Iv'i ti th:t. -U.." J -'r C;t. Cv-; Vi,.- a, acl. euabkd meu to wlk lu th-! go th-:t wv jsd ;r. ' M ' i stake and fiillrr il r;o:::-. A: I Nwlth Caro. a laig-,- t,MrL.tH r vt 1 iu Ciuil .vw'J t'-jti ?y a tlita : r.ot th first Xitn tl;al w j tli'MX ort-r? au o:c:t.vu ;l;.r ! tl -1' a:d thv !.. u ra-u c u.. Mtjr.tT. f! .tj '. should uch ai,.' tu tUi th. o-.Li-i :d-. La. ik.l ll-t.. lx kt'i I:. :!. a uieaurv t'er LrCome a a it-1 her wonted ay. bv Lad it frum u minit-r that I Lu akrd :f thrv Weak, frail, uncertain, vicillating, I which lmusI follrrr a successful ef- wobbling man! The unknown ! fort to reduce the value of each 1. .. ... 1 . 1 , . ...... . ... ... . . I . ... n'Jf of ililver and old nl th rittla S v?iaf tiili 1 i!:r.f L be given its legitimate place aud .... . ., r . . t I . . , . , A . j . , . of ll to I tor th raoU that!.-, I1S . slHU a.e ff ! migui uc accorueu exclusive posi tion below 1 "But whatever is done should be with the full luowledge cf the rain Ur. A. . Alexander will oe at' have, been destrcVed. or from easv circumstances reduced to the most his office at Lineolntou. June, Au- ary,and Anril. Will be in Mt. mentaole distress Holly, July, September, XuVtruiber, January. March aud May. Patronage solicited! Terms cash and moderate. B. F. Gki -.t,. M sr. W. I". Gt::(;c. Csishiej. quantity in the algebra ol hurnau life! "Unstable as water," Reu-beu-like, he is generally out of plumb, and rarely ever in the mid dle of the road! But no matter. Adam is everlastingly short a rib thank heaven ! There are women ju the world! There are more than ever iu the .schools and colleges. dollar one-half, aud to change the I meaning the word lias already ex pressed in the varied traotoctiocs where it has been used." An Open Lottor to Senator Hill. Mr. J. G. Johu. a Texn gen- 0 tlemau, who says that he i not a politician, but is engaged iu the cattle business, writes au open let ter to Senator Hill, containing some interacting ftnteiaeut which Southern and Western farmers d:d uol belie- it to 1- hwi)l ja; :l. It mkc d::fe;n.c v W have rvaKti to UcSievv that d the Ulta.;. aatt.'. this i the ground upon hicb. a !t j ft cla4. they ba thfir opp-ittou tc it. ChariotP. Obr r. Ho 10 lh t sttufjtj. ; Mr. Shufold ha md nc- .- Somo Returning. !-..,.. . .. 1 , :i i IhvlJkU4 tl' uLtav T la . vJ th aw sk : d' f ' di-J .''I - THE BANK OF LINCOLN TON Solicits the recounts of Mer chants, Corporations and Individ 'Hals, and will make collections at I Li reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. ' 'And, whereas. The' niodra tion hitherto manifested by the United Colonies, and their sinceie desire to be reconciled to the moth- jer country on constitutional prin ciples, have produced no mitiga- tion of the aforesaid wrougs aud ! usurpations, and do hopes re.main of obtaining redress by those means alone which have been hitherto tried, your committee are of the opinion that the House should en ter into th following' resolve, to wit: '; 'Resolved, That the delegates for this Colony, in the Continental Congress, be empowered to concur with the delegates of the other too. 1 housauds and thousaud ox sweet girl graduates .are this very minute reading their essays on the thnnii tlirw?! i r with tbi rfin nf i i . "-i i . might do well to consider. In his lite. iheynro thj ro.-es and we , 4, , , letter published iu the Kanas the roses and the pity ol the thorns. Here's to the wumeD,God blees them ! Good augels of hu man kind! Charlotte Obaervtr! How it Conies. The X'ew York Sun who-e prin ciples vary with time and accidents has a long catichi-m oil McKinley. The following i- a -ample: Ts McKinley's name so great'? That's about all there is to him. How did he get it? Py chance. What chance? He chanced to be chairman of a committeu that drafted tariff bill. Did he do it himself ? About as much r,3 n phonograph writes the poetry it repeats. Don't the people think he did? Some of them do. Why doesn't he tell them how It, Democratic pr:mar;- sd couu-j (j,. u-.Th.'u'.ly jr;. v-f J !.. ty ccnvecUoh. r.r? being h?ld r.--v j n:;ur;ty of tl.- p! ! d: all overthe Stat-. A p-c:m-u tf-JU;c: iU'ilm ,Zi .;!?; t,d ; f , port i that ctveu by the ltre-n-l.vCi:vJ1 H- dc:.-:, t. ville HelWctor cf the primart- ilt iu Ir-y- :h the p'.-U-r- !. Pitt. The-e aieetiug. it ay.. Ir.ad lie ( f V: -"- -. 4were largely attended nnd evry- ,t:o:i. Uut bf c: r.t n, t thing pa-d o!t hariucniouly " j pubheau uprt .Kt -. Free coinage resolution et uu'm he ukt t, d:Xtui yji:z adopted lu ev-ral of thr tyn-;w., Cv-vUtt!; Ihckvty lr- hip. But tbiau the ino.i rater-! (Ktf::.;mUr iLai Mr LL M citing itatement t a J tl -A C-.fw :t.a. l.zitl;.z t'ii.U to tt iir. il'j;'.x i 1 tl, rrt ;b; . S wb ToJy tua:, vJ cbafanttt. iu fia ---.r b . . - ' t,.,b't i :: r u v.i vl 1l'tl- it. ! ttal i b.liy r-?t :L l;i ::. fullbJri Cat - o; uti Lo ;;t."i .Lr tir!y b - '.tu City Times of the 9th iut., Mr. Johns say : "Now w (Texain) are buying cuttle iu Mexico. Fotirteeu hun- jdred cow a bought ::i 15?P5 in Mex- j ,a;.. ho I ico at V per head ; the silver was lJWSv tlt.A 4 :'Kr! ti.;f oougut in Laieua at Ol Cenu ou the dollar to pay for these tottue cattle. They were shipped to Kaua City, and netted t-3 S5 the food, labor. tirt co-t and the freight from Mexico to Houston to jot" 110 per head. The Mexican ' people buyiug thee same cattle or iu vt i . . . . . . . t t the meeting :ut:; who tvvt.! t t." ...... . , M';n m ' LJ lv:- ago left the party and u?ut w;th J ;tJ:.l; U:3 j. ........ :..arr: t,. t:. ai a . ; thePopuliM.cmeUckdid,:,.jvr.,. SLf, :d ! a- '"V t ";: . w ttried themelve w-.th the Deiwoc- , S., ... - ' 1 mcyof Pitt hagKicau.to lo-k Uv:r fvr pivtec:: ,;:ll:U " for succe- in tr. ccmir.2 ca:r.-1 .. .; t i. ..! i ... ! v.. n..... .. n.. !.lt fc.li- litli, t Ul t , . . I : I liriui.i ,. I ' I I I . . . t e lo rtau :nuc:i m the coining ,, .., V, Snri.1i' li .r a.i'..ll threaten the Slate through lb-lt.. foil talk ftUul It;:; -.-l D-n; a r jpn tic r.i i I til candidacv of Ku--:ll for Gov-rnor Mr. r . A l....i,v lL Uf.Li tit a a: a a .ai; .a; f s P hould tv encuih to dne th pa -: C --n ti. r d-italt Jr .::. i . . . tnotic white peCfU together at.d;AIe.aler tetU tl c.,tt:!:.,, uW iU xU itip:re them t. ciak co:r.::jjrt .can Sti;e cvnvtut:. :i. Mr -;: -..itt-i ; to t tt ! f - r litsa cau. aga:ai. me nicti-nemv ti r.;v o;:i. : Cviv . t i u theui all. Charlotte tii;vtr. I That isn't McKinlev. A Bank account never fails to I inspire habits of economy and sav- I Colonies : in declaring Indepen inrr. Xnv it - Idence, and forming foreign alli- '5-3-96. ' i ances, reserving to this Colony tho sole and exclusive right of form ing a constitution and laws for this Colony, and .of appointing dele gates from time to time (under the direction of a general representa tion thereof to meet the delegates of the other colonies for such pur- TLis it an era of tlraoce thtug in politics and oti ud Latily be urprtri at atythiLi; that hap- their equivalent back, paying for profit, our feed bills, etc., then pay 100 cents on the dollar for all thev buv. Thev are large buvera of meats, lard, wheat, etc., and pay us 100 cent; ou the dollar for everrthing thev buv, while we pav them 51 cent on the dollar for cratic presidential for what we buy of them. The writer refers readers to the books of the Stock Yards in Kan- t ... Mr s Dcc.rv trs nccord:.c- lib w;Le vf h; ct.lii:.' I . m. . . . - t - I --- lv ti M. I.. Molt n.d Mr J. B rvttuu- i LVWV. WWV Willi V, WW . . . , j , r ' , . ... to hvc Alexaidtr vctrd fr Kn- amaietui is tb-ccnttaut loorrioe. j . s,. i - by tvcalltd Deat-cratf, of Senator . . . . t .. . , . l-iicr, ol trCJorauo. lot tec u?mo- rib C; .!:-a H;ir-'-r here is doubtldss a basis of cit to Substantiate his .tate- . . I a. . l truth iu that. He tlitl not make menu, n n:s pomi i accurmeiv n:ew goods. largest stock of New the tariff called after him. . H?jtaKenf it snows very ceariy mat helped to do it. ButheisreallvnliftbeUnitjtate hotild adopt man of good abilities and excellent 'tree coinage of silver at 10 to 1, Private" chr.r.ncter.-Ailmington!nJ olir currency became depre- A - nomination. Senator Teller is a Republican; would scorn to b called a in: crat. He if in line with the Re publican" party on every quctUoti av that ol tha frre coipa?v o! sil ver. Acd yet cumUri o! stiver Democrats are talking daily, and htm :f he didn't he would if at h aui a lrvyft. j . : t & l d I Ith'.tt iu ::c;.t;r.; f-r rG daddy (li Z.) !oi Centre., in '- ' it : i cf ;.rty Jtrrs I 1 Clrvelad. Mr. Lmnev tc,l him f . ! .fki:...M t,.!:i a i:.iri I. vot Altxa:dfr for Du:kry. t:tnv:!lo Lai Jn atk. If tl rrnlrrd an ar.tut n:Uy cf , IICO CO to tcor a ft!j tf i &l anj apparentlr iu good fattb.Vf thtl wri r-a.-tr from an ::rW c lessenger. I have, th KrSTCAL IXSRI-MEXTS tlist lmS GV- er been in North Carolina, sucli as ArTOHARr-, Accokdiaxs, .Mas dolixs. Guitars, Banjos, Violins, aQdJ Roller. Ofras. n.nd anv thing else i hat is kept in a first class Music Store. Prices lower than ever. Orders by mail have Promt attention.- Addess " W. L. Lowe. Newton, K. C. 11-29-95. " - ciated as Mexico's currency is, our Southern and Western people would be paid for their surplus products juft a9 the Mcxicarf are poses as shall hereafter be pointed i that I could hardly raie up. If I had out.) Journal of the Congress, pp. not gotten relief I would not be here 1-1 -j0 to write the?e few lines. Chamber- - V. Iain's Tain Balm has done rne a great -These . preceding, as i nave j said,-were on tne Ltu oi April, for a For sal and the rcsoltitn v-m "vrai pro-1 21 r. James Perdue, au old soldier re siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received t. .., . t, -. . .iA-...:-t. prompt relief froia pain y usir.?. ' Chamberlains Pain Kalm. He say. 9llr w"h from .) to tO Ccnta i irm - ' t.l- ti-tliLt nr!u A hs.tll t Oil the dollar instead of KOcetiti i a, itsiiv ttij t-4a w ai wv in gold which they now get. . . Herald. ?nv iu the o-a4 Ik an al!u'. !t:! -is. !kit T;! Itr.au m IC tn I f rbni. Curjm Kidney r.3 !iU33 r CTomp!ji!nt. itumauon of Telicr by Uit Chi-" , 7, ,V.i; , b -i t, iuin.i5iii,.in cato convention lf a stiver man 1 ! T T J. - J -rtu vf C3k0 convaniKii. ii a silver man i riy tt;tUt thr; rvit cct aft4 j lo u, jit all that tl wanted, in havc5i a ;a ria tL!r l.-.rt. at! tt. f ihi'r istrtt at tr. tl.. r-!-. al U name nn there no Democratic til- Undiy f r an q;cq&:. Aei vcr mu who mil! menstira an in o jrt tmurtce f'fSi W.tUl I 1 .1. ! . ..i tf. . - . . T.lt-ry tr.U.;W ll.rfl",rS lrti-t w v r : T. " -W ji;)..'(fi ct ct i ixz ;,tj jr. a lain CUic. iboUra as.4 Ifrrt a lonely, lo a!tact rtrrj tfs? bf'J artr tir,( trd ffr i aa at Mr. J. IL Elliot of Hickonr. haa Ifeelvery xh J a 0t000 contract in Alabama siys to us ono of tho strangest tng to tb Republican party fr a presidential candidate? Whf m ia Morgan of Alabama, Dant"! of iia:k of tcift eetzpWni u(e?nii Virginia, Crup of Georgia, Hoial: tww of Iowa. Risn of Vbraika, andrw , , ,; otnerar inis iiuumg ci ifucrnu..,,, flS!. wnitih I' r a f r t-x!! tn t V r it tt ... V"5l It i Lr :rrir5 r-v-jj : i f . r it r cf :j t;tj 4 I -r a ly tt.f 4it. Th I-t.-'xr!? Cacrss f l! lui:aria tx-gUtsr tit cits n Jc !r Farr.rri D. y.zV.r.trr at Ur.f 1 t. . . .

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