YOLI. NO. 40. LLNCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY JUNE 2(5, 18. 6 1. 00 A YEAR. FullMails Gladly Given. A Railroad Official's Experience. if TBWR. EDWARD EDMONDS, long con- V iieeifd with railroad construction in J A," -Keihraska, writes: "My heart troubled and paiiied rtic for 19 years. Shortness of foreatb was t i constant and most common symptom. Intense, excruciating pain, gener nily 'oliOwei a ny severe exertion. Faintness, hvinprti vithuxit any appetite; fluttering that made me clutch my breast, and palpitation that often staggered me asif I would fall, wore frequent attad:s. Again, everything -ould t urn black if I arose from a stooping "poiun quickly. Sleepless nights with their T. M?1C prostrating unrest were Ll. iuuca numeroife and I could get no rest day or night. ' I consulted leading phy sicians and tried adver tised 'remedies. They gave me no relief. One of Dr. Miles' circulars described my case so exactly ftyat I took Dr. Miles New Heart Cure and I am now a tvell man. I hope every one troubled with heart disease will trv Dr. Miles' Eeiaodies. If they will write me personally, I will gLidly give them full details of my experience." Edw. Edmonds. , P. O. Eox G5, David City, Nebraska. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on guarantee that Ci bottlebcnefits or money refunded. Election of Countv f nm"mf.-fc sioners. In "Public Laws of N. C. for Ses sion of 1895 we find the following as to the'election of county com missioners, which we publish for information. It amends chapter 17 of the first volume of the Code: v ''Sec: 4. "Thai Section 716 u repealed and the following substi tuted in lieu, thereof, viz: There shall be elected in each county of the State, at the general election to be held in the year 1896, and every two years thereafter, by the duly qualified electors thereof.three persons 10 be chosen from the body of the county, who 6hall be styled the Board of Commissioners for the county of , and shall HOw to Cause watrr-Meloh Vines to Bear all Summer. Cor. Progressive Farmer. I contributed an article for ef Tecting the above purpose, thnt was published in your paper April 9th, lfc95. The same party (T. L. Riddle, Prosperity, N. C.) has tried the plan tvro seasons in succession. and savs that seed planted early in April ' produced vines that kept green all summer, there not Wine a yellow leaf on them when fro-t came. Also that thevield wa far greater,perhap ten times as much. Heart Cur Restores Healtl! hold their office for two years from the date of their qualification and until their successors shall be elect ed and qualified ; and.they shall be qualified by taking the oath ot of Stralghtout Democracy. A. etrai-htout l)emoratio ticket U what North Carolina Democrat! favor. l.k at Butler' papr how it fmlha at the mouth in ahutin the grand ( lil party that Duller deserted for otIUe. One of their grievance U that th'-j Democratic party i a white roan'd prty, and that tlit "nigger iaus" muit be delicattdy handled and referred to with bated breath. A dead ism, quote th-5 Seuat r, bv reason ot a nut foul conspiracy, I uetl hat made it u vry Iiv Uaue. and r- Sound Money Man Hva Kept the Peace. Thii currency pietiirt it me up.n which litnit men im cither I Vi idv'of it fel XkT? deeply. Inii t peak inc. tf hnt i:ti e mat. to exclude aspiring pliti.:Un !. carw nothing abmt the rjuti-.n but want tn X-' uiih th cr.d; uu. Tt1tt.f th cikmUt i "To Dl -'ijantia the Regular namocalic Parly. " VtMii liui.d a cpy c.i a tt!t riicuUr, pnuti i ! Uitr La.l t f the -.rrr;cti. Wer r-aiiifati-n." I)'. J.J. M.'ti. c!.ir- a3 from vines planted in the ordiu- fure 0Vf mbtr liutter will awake aryway. When he pave iuh the fcll0UCh to M-e u. .Whiti niai formula he omitted the eotton rul0 ju Norlh ('aroliuaif jut what seed, and consequently people who Democracy ftaml.. for. Th hm- tried the plan last summer may ocracv crushed out Dtack lUdicat- not have succeeded as well as he. 13nl 0g LZO lir,dor the tplcndid I will, therefore, insert his experi- eaucrgl4jp of Vauc and but for ment in full and bring in all th the trf-ncbery or DulUr aud hi points this time. feluv in tht- diigr-iceful contpir- Mr. R. says that he selected a acy lue mr.nMer would never hav golled piece of grouud and dug rtiusettated enoosh to bring; iun tti rxcliid- camj-fdb-er ft ml tint f?rvr !;. hn n tlxml cotivictioitt oil ihe iib;evt bttt who an nm:i; a: h ulitt ait!l the rauHitud j fr what l!.r iii.l iif L r It it :;!.r.J, tfl m c da liv I luutk h. It, If t It it lactlv c!r li tm t i ud Wul the f.!l .inr J h. Uitu.,: up n tL Mr c..t(fi Doath of a f itnihmin. Kfatr ! !..lr.wi4 ar 4 al l a t. in! at, ia tl. !tatS ! Jut y- tun It La tlt I t. f n i't.t it t,.i ttjr H - ltl.f f.t tr !urt'l r . : t -5 j l.t is l. 1 . tt ti ttii !:, !!,! . i Lit !:!; cm v.ink out cf it. Thr i:icr t lull &.1 it, ia:.n u I lit' :ict I 1 IOM l..-t.r.tlv tl.H.l I -J.. J tfrv nilvf-r liit l that otu:hjw kjT t ll r tl.ey ar b?i!:s upuri d by thj uiamtn aliCe j the talidard ( nlu m i al.a . it which ut iiavf r.a ;:c c uu :ci4ii . The ound luvi.ev Ui-n f !, fice before the Clerk of the Supe rior court, or some Judge or Jus- four holes two feet square and two Krf,,4l calamity and wo upou the. tice of the Peace, and the Register teet deep, about ten fpet apart each t3t,-. a du ply, thnt fr C'u;ri;- thr t. n our hcl" dua;ctal fabr;c hat th ;,'tavt conjuticv t thetuelvf it.d;v;dunllv :id tu ihv countrv vuld rult fr;a a frer cuiimU'' law, Thi b-tic t! truth tho vi km m North T. I . COSTA Eli, 31. X. LlNCOLXTON, N. C. Oft'er.- Ins professional service to the people of Lincolriton and surrounding country. Olllce at residence next to the North State Hotel. of Deeds shall be ex-officio, clerk of the Board of Commissioners. Sec. 2. That when as many as five electors of the county make affidavit belore the Clerk of the Superior court, at any time after the election of the county commis sioners, that they verily believe jthat the business of the county, if Ueft entirely in the hands of the three commissioners elected by the people, will be improperly man aged, that then upon petition of I The Democracy have record in ApecK oi corncons u eu v-.k Carolin;i of w!nch ueeJ placed in each hole (a 1 alt bu.hel bj U im u ha, becu T.l" 1 111-1. . V Tl. . t 1 tnioK wouui ue oeuer;. ...-u a failhfut nonet and cpable. It pecK o cuuuu hcu t..r rcdei.med the Stale when prvtlrale ana tne noies nuea wun ncn earn. . h , f f ale aLt, ad. from underneath cedar tree when cnickens had roosted. The cotton venturer, leading to destruction lhn black allies. It has cut tb i i t : i i i i... I . seeu nau previous., ceeu Ku.eu u g uu , upward urad. and L. S. FOX, Surgeon Dentist LlNCOLNTON, N. C. All work guaranteed, nothing but best materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash except by special agreement Office on 3dain Street G. X0.-CIXILra5. Attorney at Law, ' , . " ' LlNCOLNTON, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. - OfUce on Main Street xi: Attorney at Law, LlNCOLXTON, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all br.siness. OiUce in N jrth Slate Hotel. T V. Jb'STIOE. X Attorney at Law, LlNCOLNTON, N. C Practices in the CoUrts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba. Cleve land, liuthertord, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in Xorth State Hotel. - witting and packing in a pile until they heated (I think the heating had better be avoided bv brui.-ing the seed or using cottonseed meal). f mt .1 .1 1 1 "II ..1 200 electors of said county, one ibe earth in tne noies win eiuef half of whom shall be free holder, and, therefore, it should be heaped and so certified by the Clerk ol the up considerably above a level. Two Superior court, made to the Judge years ago the four hills thus pre- of the district, or Judge presiding pared made more melous than a therein it shall be the dutv of said patch of about fifty hills planted Judge to appoint two honest and and cultivated in the usual way. discreet citizens of said county, One vine appears to be enough for who shall be of a political party a hole; at most two. A small different from that of the Board of handful of salt may b placed in Commissioners, who shall, from the bottom of each hole, their appointment and quaiifica- Is it the cedar leaves, or what, lion, by taking the oath required that keeps the vines green? If o, for countv commissioners, be mem. some hne ceaar oougns mixeu wun v ' 1 - .. ... i tj j r n t.hf earth before Dlaciua in tne oers oi am iuiu ui vuiuiuinnwu i - era in everv resDect. as fully as if holes might be advantageous elected bv the oeoole. and shall If a wooden box having a glass onntinna"in office until the election top, say 12x12 inches, bo placed . . ovor the hill the melons v:ii be anu. quiuicui ion ui me outv-wsvic - of said Board of County Commis- about three weeks earlier than u ainr,TH. and that no mocev shall ual. Insects can't deprecate be paid upon the order of said W nen tne vines get neany ,arge board, or official bonds accepted, enough to commence running, the nor shall any debt be incurred, ex- boxes should be removed aud the cept upon the concuneuce of as vines cultivated, many as four of said board. That But if boxes be not ued, small all motions concerning financial beds, say G to S inches square, matters shall be taker upon an thickly sown with melon ecd a "ave" and "no" vote, aiid recorded few days before you plant the holes usually protect well. ine plant pit; iiii"-f t . If thi cotiVtltv:i ,Tdti- lied tu th dilffl.t 5ia - tl. I i.lfi fw ii'lk if miil lrl..l l.i .r . I . ;l i . . ... . . jt;t i1m- r.an:x- tr f'oir ic:rtic : i.m, pil i .1 .:! : w Il!l 11 r t.;..; 1 . - f! ! i !- t. i iJ t4-t. ti i tlf '.f. -1 I !.U inf l -it N p- b . i! 1 .1 ) ; ytt 1 I y r. - ... lj 1 ( M 1 i: r i .i -s. g It: i - (life th upa It . I t 3JMtt-r. i I ! I! lllCit thl lift u.ul i tJ.dc- t.. Vtt" t. ! t . ?- t -,tts- t i.ditly (ct i;l'r -r cj ui if &t. t f ti . i i it- .:- II U. ! I 1 -f i it 8. c f H,.c pa.HiCi i m Ih-rc ! ltl.;f- J f f.' t.it. ; ;tt ;.w ia tbi tul It h :t , Li . I ,i If r 1U Cnruliun. nt U-.'wt, d' tv cr!:t ; cuinuUtit ri4i 1 1 e lor the manner in hich thy bv J lot diif i rd iu . tl ;t! ' t . : in. !r !!: r th'u fur borr. t!-niH in tb r ct J.r c:i!' if J tfj t. t- f ti Urt "t, t ;:. ! irt.r .r t j 0;r t I-",,! tuf I :-I A leu.4.! pnmnri :.d cuui v cent' naluin th fict thit thy ir' to I tia.Kfi,i tut ,u --t-- - L. n nitt.OItty in the lt,.ll.-v i.iJ;Ut' tl.t, to ,-.:; . t!. 1 but for the cal untie following unwise and dtftructive Cousres- ioual legislation through twenty three year, it is alt02lher prob4 ble that now North Carolina would be far vanw aid, as prosperous n auv Stat" on the ftitir Allautic slope this side of Nt KngUud. The Democracy have thown their capacity for good government and have aved North Carolina from vandalism and ttupidity and without the aid of the negro vole. A tew aenmble well meaning bUck men. at personal peril, havo voted with the party of economy and re form in the State; and thy d serve rememberanc- and thaukt, cut the uioro than SHI per ceut. of the black rallied at the Kunsell horn-tooting through the years to vote solidlv against the interest of the white, and particularly in hostility to the Democrats who tavored thorn, gave employment and help otherwise. The gloried jn "being independent" and in an tagonizing t ho men who showed thvm friendship aud good-will. There ought to bo among the privates tn .he ropulttt party many men who love North Caro lina and her history, who would gladly see her prosperous and bowt-d gmcetully b-for fh pvr of uerior ntmil- r nuJ Lv.' t n th? cau of no dit:uLnc Tl.v havir at ilrr.t in county c i. n- lion. ihMe-1 of fighting. h u fret? coinage resolution "r run over them In lh cvnv-::t: :i -f Oft4tcMi tttnl Cnbarru. Ui iur dav. th oound ::v:i-y in-u t- .v-, (rni tbj c rcwUr. rthit ff j :tu . M. t . j. utug lh- i!pr to th tfhi t. P.ulli:u vt tu tb- w' Lhr.Mh.s, a 4 2 lt be c .i critic ttly ' w ll. -lb. lr t" n.ti !;!! ;Jf tt-.. iu the majority, but thy r;i u itucirly l.ci.-;ti: l ound money resolution ov r ti e:: J to kp tt$r y ;t ttir folio party men nor did any- 'j jl'.u- cls.'la'.t t b ttf . thing eUe diagr?vabl. lie:::g in J u (Minion to kno . can j 14 that there ar a grr.t many mo: iousd mosey l)?necrt m North Carolina than : jpulariy t -r hev.4 and it l n great m;lnk to ::!- po? thai tuey ar cumae i town, a hat often a rted : lhvp arj thousand of thvm at ork on their farm in tl: country. Tr.-y are a minority in the uk xh&i is confevd: but tl:ere r? enough of them to hae muMial the water a to no n;all xtvnt tl they had cho-en to do o. Thev o:d i not choc;? to do but have ul-i loed the mujority to hav it- Act?d White. V rjo-.ibi 1;k- h it ? ;-t'p t'. p.i:e ;ut v-4 "'' to U A th. I : vf ?!. gib i $ 1 i i't J vt r f I'. ? l--n hi" 1 In M j.i:.s- n.&rv and ::; ih- !! : C ai.d !.::.c-.;i c.:. v:Uv;.. li. '.cd ir e; ;a but th y b.b d ih k. . " .- u iu H li ti.;tis v t-J U:g' J .4-t.i :. r In 1 r?l i uJ ;iw, V lb? vi ;. ;. i-t k t ibr ; w'Mlt Ski-.-" J l.kirt ! f tr.t-4!t J r.-wUii t t.ff IS- M'f' rf-ili" t." 1- t : t.:l 1 1 T ; .ti. Kiii .. i ... -ti t lb pi::..:, t t .? 4ir n ;. tn. Dc::i crat C!.r'rj?t C..-r. W ilci;n ji '4 iZ: CcotJ. lf NclO'Uin!. H b-c.:. l t r ti c'r u:"; ! iurdav :.;ghl a:.d ak 1 way, without kt or h::idrui.c-. And tmlv fr v c Jinug- pRpe: ! . 4, ' , .... , I v t vk b: ' :"-.tb ij.y.:g: tb :r" r lhil u -if i - -.iri f ,-.;'. s g ii fb. tiit hi4 h'd the U.Ce t -av that thev have lehavi and aTv behnving Vvfv wll !fcle vilic Iibdmurk. ,-t 4:.' I- 1 . - ' I . I nnnn thfi minute? 1 . . , , , , . , i. 1 iirk thfi npin npinc i hick a er Will Shock thsOUI Fogies. tender the bugs prefer to suck moving out .at a more rapid pevd Chatham Record: At Trinity them. At a proper time dirt mav "Pn niguwny. o. Brv...ur- 1 . r 11 . .-1. .1 . DENI AL rSOTICK .Dr. A. W. xVlexander will be at hie dT:ce at Lincoln ton-, June, Au gust, October, December - Febru ary, jand April. Vill be in Mt. IloliVjvfuly, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. B. F. Ctacc. W. E. Geigg, Cashier THE BANK OF LlNCOLNTON College commencement, last week, i four voung ladie3 were among the graduates and the Wiley Gray medal for oratory was awarded to a full blooded Indian. Two' such unusual and notable events de serve more than a passing noticej as indicative of the progress cf the ae. It does indeed seem quite Strang and suprising that a young Indian, whose parents probably 'were unlettered barbarians, should have won a medal for oratory in a contest with a class of educated white youths. And the graduat ing of four vouns ladies with the 5 1 decree of Bachelor of Arts, from a North Carolina College is a new "1 1 . . .. . It - ..t... . I . t n. be thrown on the beds and well ve.opmeiu iu an paiucu..., .Wrnvini? the iii- maintaining her g-numo conrv. CI M v--:;r I- M K rvr lb .... . , .1 t sects. hen tins is uone me seeu of other bed? should be coming up, to be treated as aforesaid. You can thus sooir' destroy all the in sects near the patch. Bryon Ty-ox. Jonesboro, X. C. Hood' Humor. Thj contribution wt Spckrr Keed to the world' eptgMUit g.. uteadily r.n. A few cTentng g Mr. Joseph H. Chilt?.of Nc York ... 1 ii . . . . 1 i anu nator r.tiwrn. oiu.f f i . UJ, i yt 1, 'j ;.$ - 1 c-;.;j.g -5 f 'A J'.-j -.'' : iim 1 1 ;.-!. ;r I : , - it f . "i t: .4 t . . -l. 1 :.- r... g . . ..-,? -:.c-"'! tl'.l Jt ;il t. Coisxado, wttc hi dint.-r guct Mr. Cho4te took i-cc-r.'.n tu mar that he bed never tu hit U'c tism and tiuwrving dovolion to tur.damcntai doctrine and princi ples. Thes have gone out from the great party that redeemed, regenerated and disenthralled" tho State, aud thev thould now .-e thei . . . 11.' .. .. . w - great, the imperative necessity 01 lerrupieu ouawi " u' combining onco more with tbe whv don't you Wolco.l." drlt llunuti H i tr4tc! thr.gh th rt?K fr:- tb l..4is i: txio ud 1 Heavy Damages. Solicits ihe accounts of Mer department that is calculated to chams. Corporations and Individ-j shock the sUid notions of some uals, and will make collections at reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. A Bank account uever fails to old fogies. Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier re-sidine- at Monroe, Micb., was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received I j. i:. r.nni i n hv usincr lospir.habits of economy and s,v- S. h. sa5s : ing. iry it. 5-8-90. combiuiug onco true frictids of honest, equal, jut. A few days ago a darkey was I econonnc, intelligfnt Government. driving past the premises of a Wilmington Meenger. oiriTon of tb'U ronntv. A dog rail I - " " w . ,4 , un Tho Platforms Compared. out andnghtcned the mule he was driving. The mule ran againn The Kepublican platform in v,o vnrl fpnrp nnd knocked off a lSl'-said: iiUV - 1 paling. The citizen became en- "The American jn-'pU, from raed and demanded pav for dam- tradition and interest, tuvor ui- nire done. The darkev replied mctallHin, ami tho lepuincn o ..I . . . e 1 . 1 thathewa3 "strapped" bat hi party demand tho u?o 01 ooui tb - dnmace. I (dd and ?ilvor as standard cuipiwc "uuim ...w o I Next morning the citizen rode tive I money. miles to the home 0 the darkey s jn the platform ay : employer nnd demanded twenty- "The Republican party U un five cents for damage done hin reservedly for ound mtmey. It I property. The money was paid I cauftei the enact mcnt ot tho law Yaw: J. J. iurv Truih. i d? i.l t. r : i n-nthl, a retired tnvfch&M , lf? ... I 1 I; I ..:. I s4i Sty c .--' . rv U,. J. ! Mvafv 1. t :i4 i.v . bom Jt :jv; lru fnr M N-fih ,',:"4,,i,!r I. 4 . it . , .' .1 1 ' !. d-J r- ' it i" . I 1 - I t -! won or lot money at any g:n oi " f chauc. witu cord or o:hrai. HoT nl; cure ur iii rr 1 -I wi.h I ermld ..v S much:' 1:4. npuKi.. .. 4 - . -l 1 H ... k Carcltn Mt Jicl Cv!kg. L.J l.i4 i out tb big jK-ktr. -Chofttc .1 'w. 1 i.ift !....! .: t ..1 rl..! .h.l ti Tl , .-. .1 .i,t.rl i;l . . II CCH ltliU''lU VHTI't -mil 4.v-. . - . tithinctb- ctbtr ir.ght. alter hit thcntt bnjth ct tb utn . I! . . . t...t..tT. ! r.fniL Lok.h Ik.f- bfirr I I.r hr. l i l:'' knew h hd gt i.e. Ho to a . Hnd I-mraH t rpuiet little ptut ntar lcberg. j . t-rl t dvt r ar.d I g 'd na a Va.. and tat cu Vto bank a t s dc'.frit to th Chirr Ccr.r part of thj day. Th ntlcmu.j u whoili.y ram w mm iu j.fof Mtjr T:trtnr h I . "At times my DacK wouwacucsu that I could hardly raise up. If I haa . , . k dc pirture. providing for tho resumption of not gotten relief I would not be nere . high? Monroe Unrio navmcnH in "l-TQ: ttneo i nnc- n n tti npr. I j x , Enquirer. I then even- dollar has cen gtxxi as gold. o aro unaltcratdy op to write these few lines lnin's Pain Balm has done me a great deal of good and I feel very thankful Drusrgist NEW GOODS. Illir,, V,V, lnrtfl f airlr of KEW Musc at. Insri'mexts thst has ev- for it." For sale by W. L. Crouse, er been in North Carolina, such as AutOIIARPS, ACCORDIANS, MAW- DoLixs, Guitars. Banjos, Violins, aM Rot.t.f.ti Orrans. and any tain? else that isx kent in -a first class Music Store. Prices lower Lan ever, nrilpra bv mail 'have 8 Promt attention. Addess V; W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C. Delaware Democrats held the;r State Convention last week. Sen- pleasant Mothers wilb find cmrnoer ain mca.uro calculated r-... pnmoHr xnr n r valuable for I J . ;rouV .nr;hoo5r;uSh. It m to e our cancner Mr mp..r rivenrornDt relief and i tfe and I Uio crc.lit of our ccuntrr. Wo . .... .1 . - .1 r AVe have sold it lor ; aro thcreforo opposed to tno irec nnr Grav heads the delegation to Chicago. The delegates elected are gold standard men. The con vention : put itself on record as against high, tariff. several years, and it -fcas never failed togive the most perfect Mtisiaction. G. W. Richards, Duquesne, Va, Sold by TV. L. Crouse, Druggist. ' Subscribe lor the .Democrat,- coinage of tiilver etc. Tho,- North Carolina Teachm Apsemhly met in Uhovillo Ian week. ot tho pace 10 the conversation, but ho mado very fcr rttnark. Ftuillv, ho f aid. after Uiidtr. a rood chub: Did thcie nc- apr Icllowt catch on to mo thtt morning f Hte you en tho pa- vrir Hit compauion iplid : "No. they think you aro at Wocd- ley Afur a pauio of a moment or to, tho President rciunifd: "Well, about tho nj thine I minded iu connection with the ac cident vai the cutting op of my new tct of htrni tog?t the fcoriu extricated. Purd Hlood ti th taf-guard of health. rWp yt.nrblx pnrr, rich and full of vitality by ta"iiogHv-!i SnrtaparilU.and yen will r. A 1. tn re-clrrt-d arrintn Jr.t cf to? ?ttyilU (tra ll fbI lor tfc? c?r.trg hol yir. I.it?-Tt r xro f it ftntnoi- ir.g with a J.cMrc:i kii.dt ttjr.l to cnabl ditrritd tbipi to r:r.- munjcJitc with tn there. Jn. R. Mclean, rt ih Cir.cio- ntttt KnqulfTf. it tctr Z &t t K: Z ' !. m 11- :. ! Ait; ti-' r.- r:: :j ! 2 I iJI r.t t u t" i' t i? didi!'- Krv ir. Ji3 pr - d;;l of Ai--1 V trktr 41 '."''. l4 : l -t l . ll;i r r th? S i.ti, Hi lcth ht . t;crl tb" ItT. K:rw' i Kf4f.'i V-,!.: -r. J. r Kl" fi!.d a !. ti?i"U ! t!, t?--' wt J. "1- .- t frtr iriwrf i!:dit. . IIt4 nm Will . , ,. , . 1 can; b.r ap:?c.t 1 f - ft: So ihorcagh t th fX'dWrif ( Ayt Hair Visor that it ran l ui trtlh tcntfit by any rrf Mi.na matter bat may tc Ihn cr;dttK.ti of the fcair. ar.d, tn c?rr ca-. It occajio.'.t iatiifactlon an ! r.!n urr, in a!Jit'n i tl ? l.r.""t t t!. thrtT. f Autrva 1-y ti r d ath cj th- Kn.;-: I riJr. Tarty ta 1-3 .:;:umJ i MjcV trxa" At. ! ur!i :k ro !l, fi - c f th fi

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