. if r pi yd ' A nn- LINCOLN FN A VOL. I. NO. 42. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 18MIJ. SUM) A YKAJL D Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. (the exective committee:. , ' r. THEBE 13 NO PROFE3SION, whose labors so severely tax the nervous sya tem, ua that of the ministry. Thode ranfremeit of the nerve centers of the train by over work, frequently brings on attaaka of heart trouble, and nervous prostration. Rt v. .1. P. Kester, M. I., Pastor D. B. church London Mills, Ills , himself a physi cian, writes Feb. 26; 1895: "Heart affection and neivous prostration had become so serious ?at fall that a little over work in 1l;o yulpit would so completely prostrate me XY IVlilP' lat seemed certain I in , 1UI1CO must reiinqui5h the work HC3Tt Clire0' tte millistry entirely. ' Iloait palpitation became KCStOlCb sp bad that my auditors J. - would ask mc if I did not llwdllll...... have heart disease. Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles New Heart Cure alternately with Lr. Miles' Nervine oixl deiived the greatest possible benefit. I have just closed revival work of 10 weeks,, preaching nearly every night and twice on the Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suiTerins as I formerly did. Hard working ministers should keep Dr. Miles' grand remedies on hand." Dr. Mies Heart Cure is sold on guarantee, first battle will benefit or money refunded. ' Tillman r. tf' COSTK 3X. I. LlNCOLXTON, N. C. riTtTri Ins professional servtjieto the pfople of Lineolnton and surroundThg country, a) ft! re at residence next to the North State Hotel. MEN SELECTED BY UAXXA AND MC KINLEY TO HANDLE THE REPUBLI CAN CAMPAIGN. Mark Hanna and Majcr McKin ley, at their recent meeting, prac tically decided on the membership of the National Executive Com mittee, which will supervise and direct the .Republican campaign. The roster of the committee, as given out here to night by a friend of Hanna, includes" the following names: , Cornelias N. Bliss of New York. treasurer of the last Kepublican National Committee. Mr. Bliss handled the campaign "fat" four years ago. He is the head of Bliss, Fabyan & Co., dry goods jobbers of Nw York City ; vice-president of th Fourth National Bank, and one of the governors of the Union League Club of New York City. He is a bitter enemy of Piatt. Thos. Dolan, Pennsylvania. He was president of the Manufactur ers' Club of Philadelphia and help ed Wanamaker to raise to raise the $400,000 fund for Harrison.. Mr. Dolau may be treasurer of the new National Committee. Samuel W.Allerton, Illinois, Mr. Allerton is a pork packer of Chica go, who knows all about 'fat fry ing'" in politics as well as busi ness. Kussell A. Alger, Michigan. Al ger has been several limes a candi date forthe Republican presiden itial nomination. He is a million aire lumber dealer, and has always Talk3 Silver In Now York. United Slates Settlor Benja min U. Tillman, f South Carolina, spoke in Cooper Union to-night in advocacy of the free coinage of sil ver. Th meeting uasthe first tf a series to b Jield throughout New York and other Eastern States in case a free silver platform should be adopted and "a freee silver can didate nominated by the Chicago convention. The object i so to agitate the silver question ht- Eastern States as to' compel the manogHrs of the gold campaign to keep their money and orators at home, instead of sending them into the South and We6t. Senator Tillman, in his speech, compared the wenlth of the East with that of the U est and South and added : ';The South and West cultivates corn and wheat, f hn Eastern man chiefly cultivates bond-. The Eastern wealthy-galherei siu on velvet cushions waiting fr divi (lends to ripen, which h gathers trom trusts and combines." tjome one in the audience said : "Wo hustled lor it." SeuatorTillinau quickly replied : "1 sav that if vou 'claim you are THE CONFEDERATE REUNION As Soon by a North Carolin ian. . The Wilmmgtou Mfngr con tains soum opinion of th evnt. The following h Col. Jolin W.At Kinson'a account of it : :' "It waa certniidy th grand-it ilimnn. ration I ovr saw. Tho crowd wan inimn and the en thusiasm wai over-Mowing vert- where. To me it wn nue of th most touching experience of' my life to ff the ,M Confederate d diers m-t, embracing cli other with arti-t Btl-cti'n and wih tear flan ing doun their gmzled cheeks. Many o! lhein hau not mt hince the war Th ouVem highest in rank ere (ten. John B. (ortl'iu, n. Wade Hanipton.i Win. 11. Payne, and (ten. Stephen I). Lee. There were, of chores, Lltor.iry Noton. lletiry Jaiue ha uritti ti ai.t!i r novel. Th Ku-iaii ar ald I gr-nt adliiirer- of th Engli!i languag- Sir Walter B-ant i -till gr.l ing or S tribune failure to ri-ceive thtf mi laure.itttit. 1 Th Landloid of Lion H-d" i- t!i till f a n utory lr IIo. In-gun in IIrjer' W-kly m its ihmui of lat k. Ther have l n rt- of Ian MelirHii tori nltr-ad dd in thi- rtiuntry. Hrlrt Sj-'ii'!" hn .!!. ,: ilgn-, I-!! ! i ''t nv'p thnu under mv t'irruniianc AN UNtrACEDOIirCN. 4 ,ri -tio ur irtrii I'm t4 a f.rIt M lt tloil'TI t lllli T' Till All4 II Til . If II . A lalv ill lIf loltf. i;il-r--t' III th ,I.iihI r ll u IIni. . r.. t a f rir.l is l'.r'V.I ii. Cumiuilnln In Sru'ti Curoiln.t It -in tt r t !. l tby lai" a1il fur jnijt o at t? .sgii'i ii l ' to I uii4l jv. 51 ill-' !,!- mii at intff-oIrl 11. lb- .lt. ijf JH; jOHMit l.i.i. i'T f!- f,llhf ald ji "Iy t tlo fidb'fi 11 l-tl'-r J- --tit 1-L. 3 h'iii .in. ! ll t rtI th a vl tint uutl'riti I ttI l ll lrf lt- MJM I J'.tili .t li. ,tfrit Il.jvlf ! 11. !jinl". tif t-fai K-"ii-uf : to- ! . I iiii. 1 ... ill- ' i f. aw1I tiL- ii. I . ! M.Vr M l-.V nl.jit id i i !,Lufx - ll If t?l i.l'tlU 1 fi.t 4 .1 " ... ft t f JI - !. i 1 1 . -i i I f ... t g'-l "' l;kio t.ini l i::..rii I.. ' f. rti, r .i J i . i II- tfVrl l fl.i pr inl. h lti ' i... -s , ur iim!i1hii.- I f luf l J-- biio .Ji.o.i. !- 4. - .it!. f k a ictr !IlU' Cfalu.M.fi. lrfC- "U1 "o. oi voi o.wot. .f.. .... i i' ,1 ' Huc.i, hat written a t . i tnn-l !.;- lt ah - uui ii. l.i , -. i v. ,i, i - .j i . : . II . .. ... t liwlll 1 lilt .til!-lll mtt d l - I s I ,... 1 ...... 11 l 4u . 1. . ; t I. . . CiIJi iii ruu i a rsiu-'i. - I It written LiilL . . i - - - main others wiio uuttuiui:iea . , . , ..I Tie? publish llifin.MliVii iliiriiu' lliH u'Mf- ItMli. i 1 .. . ... t lmv.3 i:ii.ii v.dum.4. naiupion i nair ana i-aia, -ni;n lea wears thu e.tnii a during the war si ! uhiker r whit 4s fcii.w. Hh i in fiuo health, though, and mounted hu hirte sprylv, and it in th saddle like n centaur. ll is the finest ridr I Mrs. JetTerson Uavts in ih tl ! Ti-rr- m r t a !.-.! H. aii t :;. i iit'Ijii s.'i?.r. i lihrtrir ot" Bfilttmo J ever saw. L. Surgeon Dentist, LlNCOLXTON, N. C. I' All Work guaranteed, nothing but best materials used. Prices reasonable. Terms cash excepjt by special agraeraent Office on Main Street 1 ... .J v J I . M. f 1 more economical, have anv more auu MBr fipn5P or atm more inriimtriou. vou WPW thTQ atH- WCr! $VCSki oh'cU are liars. How many of you here have got wealth? If sucb,-aud he has wandered in here, he will go out and hang himself before morn ing, for he knows that he has stol en it. The millions in your cofFers have been stolen from the rauk i I .-..Ti!.tt in -l'-r i r a?.-l ..!... I.. M ' I III Mi- I I l.'V flI ' , j l. ill nn p ilividcd folio: Pfatt !: rt aU-Iv. !:. : John I liopkin. 7 1. ": Mrcan!il-. t'. mi. and MurvUnd luttiute. :, I Ml. The Fnd.u n d:ai. tit rel. I U.ll of tie Chap Ik br.Hl.roim Will- r ' i I ' 1 . t I .. tt ? iiins i:,. i !i .J ! .: V . a a lal ... il! tiJ A .iI ! k:,,;-5 ,.ri fi. i !.. - Ito'lt . iil!i '.- ...lji II. l. All HiUf t.. :. I ll" 1 .tl 1 ld L . .l .m I ail un I a. 1 1 . ! f.t'ii-.ii i I !tti 1 1. . . 1 4 I f Al.l t ll ... .i . anl .."iil .- s i i;r oioi :iV inuiiv t . .i i out in rvm .nimio. pnnii on i ..... i grt-n Jip r, ciaiinit. in n r t,;ri . ... J J I I- Vjl . ... I I I' .1 I It.' wills. - "- J... ' i it.- i-i i c. Attorney at Law, ; , LlXCOLNTON, N.,C. Work mtrnste 1 to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. been a liberal contributor of cam- J aud file, from the toilers here as paign funds. j well as in South Carolina and II- W. B. Pluukett. Massachusetts, J linois." an active manufacturer of Adams,! A man demanded the right to Mass.; treasurer of the Graylock aak the speaker if the gold bug Mills aud the Berkshire Cotton I had gobbled up all the mouev aud Manufacturing Company; presi-1 the people were pauper, if the sil- . 1 ... dent of the Graylock National ver bugs did not do the same Bank and a director in several in- I thing. "We have not," said Senator Oillce on Main S. Street Attornjey at Law, - " LlXCOLNTON, N. C. Practices in all of the. State and Fed eral Courts. Prompt attention given to all business. Office in Njrth State Hotel. surance companies. Redfleld Proctor, Vermont, Sec retary of War in Harrison's Cabi net, nowT United States Senator. Has made a fortune in granite. F. G. Niedringhaus, Missouri, Tillmau, had a silver bug in the United States since lS7o, but we are coming, Father Abraham,o00. 000,000 strong. We expect to elect a President, a House and a Senate statesmau, patriot and manufac- I without men like you." N. Y Let- turer interested in tinplate manu-1 tr. 20, to Bait. Sun. facture. B. A. JUSTICE. Attorney at Law, LlXCOLNTON, -N. C Wm. R. Mernam, Minnesota,tor. mer Governor of the State, was a- member of the Resolutions Com mittee of the St. Louis Codvcd- tion : is accounted a man of wealth. of interest and affection. In th rMu:i erdm.cy. tJ;,i auditorium where the meeting ol r,nl- -io,,g the camps of ihh Southern Stairs was hald. there was a uuique cou cert on Weilud.iy night. There was a choir of o0 voice, and the programme consisted of Confedcr a to war songs. ihero waf the greatest enthusiasm. Thu audito rium is said to hav capacity for 1T,000 people, aud even thi auL wer packed. The parade on Thursday waa magnificeut. It took five hours for it to pass n giv en point, and it is estimated that from -JO,0m to 0,0OO men wf-r- in line. I urn confident there were more thau liO.OtW in tho procession. The North Carolina troops received the greatest laudation oi all in lino Everywhere they received an ova tion. The ladies wtved fcaudker chiefs and clapped their hands aud on all sided could be heard, "Ilur- central! at the Equator, tor t! . . r i ' h cultur than nil New England. Thi cauM4 tl.f htliliu to n-call S!ir iUn famou rmark: "If I owiitnl hdl and T'Xa-. 1M not Texan and live in ht-lir The Julf OutUjk contain u m sketch of Mi Kmncv WilUid. founder of the Chii-tn.ii r.'in,- f ance Utm.i, by Idy livnry N in irwt. Tin articb u Hltntrate-l "The Wet U'g" 1 th title of a new pajwr rec'iitly tnrt'tl at lu ton. It barks at the jtx t and tU unjutit ami nvr toj to ronil-r uhich cla- it bitt. Max Nordati ha turn! priph ct. H think that it ill vnit unlly turn out that thj whit' Ku rujan unl eliminate all o?h r colors of men. Wh n that hap::y time coui - ull culturw will I c:i- t if.: i:- !r u;-k a . i . . . . i . . I mil." ii . ii .;. n i t ll g'i ii' "' . iri 7i iiiuin , j( I I 11! I I 4 4 i ..' :. ... u ti niot.. I ick fetich l.id - I-mi ii-1 '!. -.Si. . i - ! I J m -Ii !! hi . ll ! I t ' It bro an :k .x pur t.: :w I ... u 4 . fc( linuv ao ! i- i4 Kiu -:" t a in y !; r- al kI.u!i t-j J." Van Hut an ltlf i:.k- lia-t r u I -si: i it l!;t l'-r .. it yn ai.d -jwi ti i !? ;u &tlu:i k-ctitl ..a i J 1 1 n Y 1ft Chari"lli I : f ! I;, o I 11 l . L- "! ' t . - . . mt. 1. . . ! I .. f ! 1 v ... ' i. r-ll.t lii r tL- , . 1 llll-l. It ! am - History of the McGuire Caso In Oatavvba. To the Editor ef the Observer. I notice iu this morning's paper an article concerning a Mr. Mc Guire, who has been missing at rah, for North Carolina V Miss Mary Calder, the lovely daughter of Mr. William Calder, was the sponsor of North Carolina. She was extremely popular and re jected great credit on lur Stile. IL Clay Evans, Tennessee, Re- Hickory ls years. iQ was a line publican leader of -the State and smith j wa3 persor.allv acquaint- -J i. Pi..i,.ii..,,. Jn tlui Caiii-Ic k f T inf'nin ilUCUVi 1 Ulllil ill lilt. .UUO V I 111"- i.,, I t Mecklenburg Gaston? Catawba, Cleve- &t land. .Rutherford, Pttffcr and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in Xorth State Hotel. unsuccessful candidate for the Re publican nomination tor Yice Pres The only Door man on tho The Populist Executive Com mittee met in Raleigh last Satur- i day : The .following resolution was a dopted : Resolved, That we cordially and Dr. A. W. Alexander will- be at his cilice at Lincolnton. June, Au- an and Adtu. Will be in mi. eaiuesuy e.uu ihC..u. Hnllv fnlV nfpmhfir. November. I tatiou to the advocates of freecoio- .TannVv Allireh and Mnv. i age of silver who are now selecting j Patronage solicited, and moderate. Terms cash B. F. Gp.tgo. Mjrr. W. E. Gkigg, CasliieT. delegates to represent North Caro lina in the National Silver conven tion at Raleigh August 13th aud we invite in good faith all other citizens who hold that the achieve ment and' operation of these pnn ple3 are paramount to mere party success to meet aud confer with us in State convention August 13th. Tt plected a3 delegates at large. ! James B Lloyd of Edgecombe A E Moye of Pitt, A C Greenland W 11 Worm of Wrake, M L Wood of Ber tie. J M Mewborne of Lenoir, W O 5 Stratford of Guilford. J Z Green of Rowan, G W McCracken of Swain, A J Dui a of McDowell, Walter R Henry of Mecklenburg and J J Jenkins of Chatham. It is assert ed that there was no discussion as to fusion on the electoral ticket. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wilmington Messenger interviewed the members of the committee. NEW GOODS. They all, except Kitchiu, favored rrViler fnr President, and advised I have the largest stock of the Democrats to nominate him at TuUSICAL IXSRUMENTS thst has CV-1 . . V , ,uM er-been in North Carolina, such Chicago. vHal Ay er thought there asAuTOHARrs, Accordianb, Man- would be three Stale tickets. dolixs, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Kitchiu "was inclined to believe and Koller Organs, ana any . . . ld Q lv be tw0- The in a i , i . t a. l - w . xmng else that 13 Kept-in a ulj. 4.- vt - oi xx-;a iT dicatious are than ever. Orders by mail have promt attention. Addess W. L. Lowe, Newton, N. C. 11-29-95. THE BANK OF LINCOLNTON, .'Solicits; the Taccounts of Mer--chants, Corporations and Individ uals, and will make collections at reasonable rates. Settlements promptly" made. A Bank account never fails to iDspire habits of economy and sav ing. . -TjKY IT. 5-8-90. ed with him. His wife, a very young woman, gave birth to a child previous to their marriage, aud came to Newtou to prefer charges of seduction against a par ty at Hickory. She afterward met McGuire aud courted his af fections and married him, aud in a fit of passion he shot her, was tried belore Judge Ruxtou aud &euteucd to twelve months in Catawba county jail. He afterward receiv ed a letter from his wife asking him to meet her on a certaiu day. He did so and has never been seen since. He worked for Jones Maker in Newton after he was released from prison and afterward at the Moubo Cotton Mills, theu Powell's Ex-Goveruoi Jlorace llote, of Iowa, thu probable nominee ot the Democratic party for President, has tbift tc say on the financial question: "I want it undertood that I am a much opposed to il ver mono-metallism as I am to gr.ld mono-meUllUm, and wheu the country reaches t?U question of what shafl constitute an honeit dol lar iu each metal, it it rioca iu my lite time, whatever influence I poa setj will boused to make both lion c.4t dollars, equally jut to all classes and to provide safeguard, if any are found neceary. to maintain the parity of tb dilTer cut coins.'" Monroe Enquirer. rvnim that the torndij..' ui it ull have In-come temperate. An important hitory f th Commune i coming out in Pan. M. Li--ag.iriy. th author, l.a batH-d hi- lk on tht tt!;rial Ciji mutii-'t rcoid. wliteh u b um -upjH.'d to liav I l--ir y''i. but mi-re found vomt timt- ag . The Hada-Ptth rmrny ha- jut piclttl out ix Kncli-Im:i f lionorary d m-- in trdr t mark the "millennium rl bratin." Their nam u.rt pr-!ainiM j ith great jmp at a olemn m l ing of the Academy of Sci n-. ' and are Mr Prrc. Ird K-hw. 0 Sir Jo4ph Li-ter. Prof MaxM.il Lr. Prof IKnry Sidwirk u:ul Mr Herlert S jncer. Win Hlack, th novltt. &ai' II. ilo - Talo Twiro ToU. M wtu. 1 1- pr it. ii tA"- all tlie cl.aiic alius,; ! hae ..:.' gi ;j him 1 1 ii liim any !:; cJ.a ..- ths h lakt 1, i!l 'ii : '-f y l!u:- ami run T ia man t 4 li t -i;:t I v ll !.a r i-l I i i ' ' ;.ia:i tt tt ti - :t-i. t h ofld -tild ! .!. .' rvl iili Ait 1 1kK a i. li . 1V. tie I Ott't SlU - t.l li "i 4t Edrar All : P- ll- tr'ilii.c p.u : . m.j" l - a : !- i; a -.u-Ji CT- l-'i rra:..h;. Ir.e ;;:,! : tl.i- -;d - i'af '.;s.iai-- a: I. .IV t-At -.j... .All t!- :l j i- X i Oh . ; i lit. jw t 1 -1 t .t . - -.' i.t k. I.v I V I At. 1 'i S-1 a. ll !.t It I - 1 . . I IS"- I. I r. It i .4 l i .j. it 1-m-w I , ml. t,iS if i iw I !-- ! -M i-wtl- ' 1 ' f Itf VUO.I Um-tjfJ. C .lA I i mt ll''' i i !d :; it- .? I 4 jjii.i I " Nil ; il.o : of a j!t" l.i.de. f l.,j j , i i r: iil'id. th- : r-t .dsi-.t -i i-.- ...... . A .t t li. . 4 U 1 i r i ... t t j.. 4 ! S 't - I ".w'.L'f- Mil-, i .(,,rr. - bfjrk-Uy t . if i!. r IaJ d ,!. aVv- ar r'.ai iu'i j ii i: i j Cou'dli't ttfll' hi- !. I ii . r iMr I'Mpi't i (Jfuf t-tl v K ; . a c w t -atl r: lt?i J-j. r; !: i- u . . i i . : . . .1.1. t . . . I t I " m It ... i. itrs-r -u . - i. tr: .i- u cId.t -.-'H it i if alii; li"l tt Hur:.- w a - a r!.i. I oi -!). fc l if - -.i i .. s .. "Is t - . . inn v. " . . 1 i.t tJ . tr-t, I ! of a - A the -: Mr. IthoUlr Noah, of thl place. taken In the night with rrampias ralu j and the next day diarrhu a m-I Iu. Mir . ouce a ntwpajt tunw. o- mu--j ndr. Jc! tint i tittik fiti oziiil w ork lt&ftsr! ... . j . - ' itIil Ui- a i-y l &u -,:. training for a nocl!t a rep-jrt- rial work. The latter, he y. giveti a man a lare vxerienc and enable him totudy morephraj at thv novilit ll. tft) j;ii' till'" f f 1.1 ' l - . t I . v.t I (! 1 it lu;i i. i i 4 r m .u T J ' " . f ll.' in : ..z .i it --I - 4 (ui i !; i -J i ' r! . w i t i -ir tt. th -;! i. r . A: d: J . t ; ja ) i i I l-l M 111 I . ff . .... JL 1 1 I 4 I t tt ' I. tl t .A i. 114"! Itfltl 1 He' 1 1 II w .4 f. I ." .A " fa 114": tf .!! 1 Hi - .'' . , . I . r- fcl f I I tl I aitr: I.UiC !:. a k.. I- j a u 4j if t. At. ! a ... ;nti : f i?:..Kii.d til It i-- f l.kl . factory. He plead bis own case in lQfjk ha,f a bottle of bi3rkbcrry cardial of life. juU h court. I was young but I rernem- blU Kol no rriicf. she then rnt to me I nCvd. ber it distinctly. The moment I read tho circumstance my mind became refreshed, we being both blacksmiths in the same town. A Blacksmith. July 3, '9G. to iee If I had anything that would help her. I scat her a bottle of Chni-U-rlatnVColic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemed y and the tlit Jum1 rrllctied her. Another of our uelshur ha brrn lrk Last summer one ot our grand child rn was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remcdie liad failed, then we tried Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave very speedy relief. We re gard it a the bet 'medicine eer'put on the market for bowel complaint. Mrs. E.G. Gregory, FrcdericktotJi, Mo. Thi certainly U ihe bt?t medi cine ever put on the. market for dysen tery, summer compUint, eolir and rhniorrt infnntntn in children. It nev- VA'WVft " - - - for about a utek and had tried d lifer ent remedies for diarrhoea but kept getting worw. I ent hlra thl 4me remedy. Only four dcc of it were required to cure him. He ay he our hi recovery to thl wonderful remedy. Mr. Mary Sibley. Sidney, Mich. For sale by W.L. Crue, Druc?it. !)f in a tat l"v4tma!i and ac-uni fa?;rht.d ai;d the Pf:rce r Wal- ! t!. -:. tf a qii-- :. It i I.J- mifL.Ttc:. tel hi fault; h r.a! Li t !.p it. and hecan'l h Ipit r.. Put . mv d jir i-jV. i I ft! il th f" i of h:m: h- )ut th Pnr.- ot j Wa!-. -lid h uy l!.t. cau- h c-:l h"lp tt. IU tharA J The orbnter are throwing their hats high in the air and uttering welcomes and glad acclaims bo cans lion Georgs Frederick Wil liam, of Manachisttay ban iotod 'The Damnation of Ther n Ware i th title of a new norl by-Harold Frrdrie. the l.v.u cvrrefmdviit of thj N York TimeA. It deal with American life. The bck i attracting cr. iderabli attention. "Song of the South" bv Mi-ptiik. teWe the f.r.t l;u,- U Jennie T Clarke, of Georgia, t to lUre. a ptch n t-m;r k: ar-l ly if-ueti Mn by . I.ippincdt. The introduction i by Joel ClianL ill tt --" f . 'L.'..Ni I;. i : it I 4-1 !" 1 ! !. c orn i then ranks, saving that hi views er fail to give prompt relief u,uy,,avo changed. Yet these same or- 1 I .....n.Kldtima mill tllftd&int ....... . ly iwiwu. ,u u,pu i a, 7," . uanY I buners hold CarliMo and lioko that the PoDulists! printed directions are followed. Many ,i inai ine ronunsis i jnppn.t Smith to oo criminals because their ... ... o mrT nprs ri n , I'lurr?? uv. - and Republicans will txx up a ia- ; effected, views have changed. It makes a p .. i . For sale by W. L. Croue. Druggie. IdifTerencc. you sce.-rCbarloUO BACIttriSuSw I Subscribe lorho Docrat. Obserrer. sion of some kind. lcr llarri. Th volum ill I- of t.pcial in!eret to tud"iit J Southern Literature. cr.Jct ful. my -n. that you en:t ?a -, A iotu fccJT .irJ tr a Prince; gU4 thai p4 d.d n.t I srxnd c'.l to Llxrral f:rt:!i.-r li.a. Or. ur. L.j.!-- the jJl l incrr-As. ar.tl the W.l ir.:i.n- yourr:tum.r.sl.yite?-..lif . ro:iy U(,llcx u.th f t h:" for voj. t r.t r.'trf agait l 1 1 ..." . . tti har Tuu v that t!. r v.u - . g J fiii K 1 1 ha no chance Tr. a tr ia-4 yer, av jj-r !rfor. a j-'tor printer, j a Ij:r iorkuig nun of any kird, ha no chance , h i!nt ihrv J turn; hut th j-r man nvi'5-lA tri.il c f LlTI cu: L.t iix.all thechai. thefarie. j.:ijc jnj j ufc Xo x j tt J. P.Utdflte. , n I j ru.';taL!r culttsrr. Cmjtrv -man Iuni.v iv t.v. , jtH.MiiHbM i ii.e liuu -";-.i Potash. Iletin Keevcr. ay the Merce ry, kicktxl out of the Hickory Lk up.one day lat eek. Ho u-d ht wcMxlen le? to batter a hole through the brick wall of the priu. Ke-o- ollicrrs put on him, tho account! State. Mnney t saann fcf rial tuttiuau, goes on to saj. ' friend of Wu:i. ii

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