T "A DEVOTKD -X'O T1IE IXTKItlXT-SOr 'I'lM-: I'UOI'LII !' !.I.NCOI.NT().N AMI I.IXTOI.N CofNTV LINCOLNTON; NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOV.EMHKK li), 1S1MJ. S1.00 A YKAlt. " " " "' - AT JDEMOCRi VOL. II. NO. 9. v Ministers Should Use Dr. Miles' Heart Cure. ' THERE IS NO PROFESSION, whose labors so severely tax the nervous sys tem, as that of the ministry. The de rangement of the nerve centers of the brain by over work, frequently brings on attacks of heart trouble, and nervous prostration. Rev. J. P. Kester, M. D., Pastor U. B. church, London Mills, Ills., himself a physi cian, writes Feb. 26, 1805: "Heart affection and nervous prostration had become so serious last fall that a little over work in the pulpit would so completely prostrate me Ty MilPQ that it seemed certain I must relinquish the work Heart CUre of the ministry entirely , Heart palpitation became KSl0rS so bad that my auditors TTprtlf Vi would abk me if I did not IlCdllll,,,,,, have heart disease. Last November I commenced taking Dr. Miles' "New Heart Cure alternately with Dr. Miles' Nervine and derived the greatest possible benefit. I have just closed revival work of 10 weeks, preaching nearly every night and twice on the Sabbath. I can speak for hours without suffering as I formerly ; did. Hard working ministers should keep Dr. Miles' grand remedies on hand." Dr. Miles' Heart Cure is sold on guarantee, first bottle will benefit or money refunded. Woman's Ways. Smile a little, smile a little, As you go along, Not alone when life is pleasant, But when things go wroug, Care delights to see you frowning, Loves to hear you sign ; Turn a smiling face upon her, Quick the dame will fly.. Smile a little, smile a little, ' All along the road ; Every life must have its- burden, Every heart its load. Why sit down in gloom and dark ness, With your grief to sup? "As you drink Fate's bitter tonic, Smile across the cup. Smile upon the troubled pilgrims, Whom you pass and meet : Frowns are thorns, and smile3 are blossoms Oft for weary feet. Do not make the way seem harder By a sullen face. Smile a little, smile a little, Brighten up the place. Smile upon your undone labor; Not for one who grieves O'er his task waits wealth or glory, He who smiles achieves. Though you meet with loss aud sorrow In the passing years, Smile a little, smile a little, Even through your tears. Ella Wheeler Wilcox. ALMOST A RIOT. LINCOLNTON PRESBYTER1AM CHURCH. T JF. COSTIVE 1 , 31. D. Lincolnton, N. C. Offers his professional service to the people of Lincolnton and surrounding country. Office at residence next to the North State Hotel. C. 12 . CHILDS. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Work intrusted to his care will be promptly and carefully attended to. Office on Main' Street. The Jailor Had Trouble with a Nogro. A riot was narrowly averted in Wniston Saturday, NovemlxT 1 1. A brother of Jailer Zigler, got into trouble with a negro. The latter drew a rock and was in the act of throwing it at Zigler when Revenue officer James Snvitb, who was prr?. ent, threatened to shoot the dark ey. This caused the negro to pitch the rock at Smith. As he ran oil, Smith or Zigler one tired at him several times. At this time eome two hundred negroes were on the scene. They began making threats against the jailer, who jumped on his horse, went home aud returned in a few minutes with his double barrelled shot gun. His re-ap pearance caused a general stam pede among the negroes. When they saw the gun they tied around corners, and down alleys. There were no more shots tired, notwith standing excitement was at fever heat. While enroute home after his gun, Jailer Zigler unintention- tioually ran over and knocked down Mr. Edward Spach, an aged and popular citizen. An ugly bruise and gash was inflicted on his nose and face. On account of his age it is feared that his injuries will prove serious. Everything is quiet to-night. News fc Observer. AN INTCrtCSTlNU PCUC Th first Pp'sIa teriin uiitiitrr ! in Liticnliitmi orfiipirtl th" "old white church." 'Among th" lot convey in 17M. thoyrnr tho tort u &3 rtaUidht'lt tva a lot of two acres to t!mIliitch I'rrslir U riaim 1 mid Dutch Litt twain,' for n li Trms and 6ciiUrpiiriHo. -1 hi coui'ty was principally m ttlcd hv Germans, and the le-d dranu by Watgtsiill Avery recite that th ro was Ma Dutch mealing bout-" on aid lot. The first I'reabyti rian minuter, ol whom hnv an ac count, a9 Kev. Humphrey Hunt er, one of the heroes ot the Hevi luttoo; he occupied the nulmt of this church regularly durir.- the dM ot another torn, o( thit ut-J1"'1-'. 1 T-! I: (Vd!!. Matt? i II. J Mim i ri (! TfJf f. I A l-l J Ut I r' duty on trio fit-Id l lutii. and g-n-rallv ln urcf (ul in t K4ti iu of hie; !- all rnaitit.iiuin a vry high -.tattd.ud ot Chriftttnti x ll iir4 Thi imj-'rbct krirlt mould l vry tnromplrtr without mention oT tl.rt tioM m-n, 7- lrn tu rvt-r y god wrd and work. Th y aro tho ulcctiiCt h f th rhurrh h dav. Its daughters adorn uinr hom and ar- dirg iiful wofkf A Kop-iht-oan St4o Tirkct for Ihf Yo.ir 1CCB. An int f"tio- fdi )m n m th otl.-r h.r. It m ;.i:b'.irii Stair- ticlrt f. t!.- t t TIioUkU Hit rrti:i2 iu actnru:it f it i ar.d V I.SD' It. 1-Af' um it tx'm v t . lil t!. b!.il jt t:m t?. thr ai hr t-mbl- traclr !. I -o tlrmUy jchntononCubi, (tr.-rl V.nV.r T. Jlr.n, O t b' 1 ! "t jti.rx-t i!l ti.!t!!y w iti, Jr n ;t t- jn r:!,t r.. :!!-. ul.i. .x 'I'.al t' t l.T f vtcr' flhr i t. 1 If i:r uiu rr4 1 in other cirrl . A l-intifnl u- t i iii i no ruurrn nu'mri3ii;- a it mr I .1... I---.. H.i. ....... fmni f t .!1V III! mm ft .. ftfAltl.I . family that us om-picu-iM for . ... l.liauli ot. : Li. laiur .l Mi- r al I l!n Io-4 t f ' t!i W. their Christian rvir and i th gift of a ii dauhtr, now rti W. HhMm., f..r sr.' V! t m ni l l- :- f! i ui 1 -t It it t i :1 V 'I I i-'- o ,: Ii!f. ltrf. ir.ii .i-oi ii.t i. j f ll-ol-o ! lit':- Vilr i-r?i I. luff.. i I: tu.ti tf li tlt n ; -,14 ! f I . ,."7. Suj rial-!..;':! ( 1 I he Intfu-i s. O FINLEY. Attorney at Law, Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in all of the State and Fed , eral Courts. Prompt attention given I to all bnsiness. I Office in Kjrth State Hotel. B. A.. JUSTICE. Election Afterthought. McKinley, he done 'lected An' I win dat beaver hat; En day take good note Er de white man voto ; But whar is de nigger at? j Hoi' dat beaver hat, An' answer answer dat! McKinley he done 'lected: Now, whar is de nigger at? McKinley he done 'lected, De cat done kotch de rat ; An' cash, dey say, , . Is free ez day : Now, whar 13 de nigger at? Hoi'' dat beaver hat, An' answer answer datl McKinley he done 'lected : Now, whar is de nigger at? F. L. Stanton. Thanksgiving Proclamation. Governor Carr issued the follow ing proclamation, designating November StHh as a day to be set apart by the people of North Caro lina is a day lor public thanksgiv ing : ' State of North Carolina, Thanksgiving Proclamation by the Governor : The observance of one dav in the year as an occasion of "soleuiu and public thanksgiving to Almighty God for past blessings and of sup- t i . . - 4 . - - X - v . , . - i.-ffa!. WiII.i: I. i. I TI- co. ;.!t (-.f 1 iiif is. 1 ;.tt J 4 r r '- !U - f - 't . , 1 f ' !. Oj I4r'.:i, i .'., .r W.'L I l l noo, . ui -:i !. 1 t i I. t. "( tt:i! t . Ih -!. :t"r. . 1 u.- in..1 u, K ti ! v. ' TIL lti 1 .t t fv ??i 4 -! - il" I.'.. If t t..fr j I. , if if . Ibf !- I d; I -!. rt I'a I I ..AW I... . U ..i . . .w . . . .... ' - -. - o. first years of thit century. From N. C. l'rebTicnn. IS 19 to 1S'2. the paitoi wasHev.l - i-.,,.. r nii.icjT ... uii i- ! Robbors ThwartoU. values UVIl t I w V 1 v t k t . : i ; t . . , r.f I: i t f a :, : I. I; t'uinl-f!ld : Jint;; V. !t 9 m " fc I it,- ; 4 . . l.f - i . i, , t 1 J I il !. oilr. TLt rtit. A .-4,1 ' . . tf t t !. 11 , . L'atnckJ. Sparrow. During 1 V JOr' u" fc;ow" : for; th; tr..f- V I -t. - f pastorate the title to the property 1 "ulheru" conductor, li- n h pnl-ff..fl .fl.!-t.:i Mil. !.!!. was taken into the courts, and n.f- hm,, n Atlanta p-mtnlly it noUif f..n Jaifl. j. UtUt . - I . . II H . . judicated tn belou? to the Lutht-r- ."""'"'J fuuu--.j. nocam " j;,,,,,,!.,, Cz.i an and German Keformed church-' k,Ued bV lhltc wuM U,sJv.kt-fi. ..... . ; 1.1 Tl .1 I The Prcibyteriaoi then purcbaid ' ruuut" iuurtuj u.Kau x Jf c,vst tu .-I t t 1 . - .. . m. t , a it .. plication for His continued kind- a i0t on West Water street and: Jo1 Ri lhw train ,cv,n? J th.. th- IV.wth .h-tf.ci. .t Attorney at Law, - Lincolnton, N. C. Practices in the Courts of Lincoln, Mecklenburg, Gaston, Catawba, Cleve land, Rutherford, Polk, and in the Supreme and Federal Courts. Office in North State Hotel. IETTJL, NOTICK. I i Dr. A. W. Alexander will be at his office at Lincolnton, June, Au gust, October, December, Febru ary, and April. Will be in Mt. Holly, July, September, November, January, March and May. Patronage solicited. Terms cash and moderate. T S. FOX, DENTIST, Main St., Lincontox, N. C. All work guar anteed; nothing but the best ma terial used. Rea sonable prices. Terms cash ex cept by special agreement. Of fice on Main St. th'. ness and care over us as a Statu t orprfP.1 a hrtrV i,nu nf nnhifi t Atlanta he thrw tzt lump . T ti .i out of U." mail car with o,t c ( tn- B. F. Gkigo, Mgr. W. E. Gbigg, CasMei. THE BANK OF LINCOLNTON, Solicits the accounts of Mr iihants, Corporations and Individ uals, and will make collections at reasonable rates. Settlements promptly made. A Bank account never fails to inspire habits of economy and sav ing. Try it. . 5-8-96. The Venezuelan Treaty. Senator Andrade, Minister to the United States from Venezuela, has gone home. He has taken with him a copy of the treaty between Venezuela and Great Britain for the arbitration of the boundary dispute, together with a copy of the agreement signed by Secretary Qlney and Sir Julian Pauncefote, which was preliminary to the trea ty between the countries actually in interest. Senator Aujicfe will urge his government to carry a letter rrom Secretary Olney which will show the position of this coun- ery.and will point out to the Vene zuelan government the advantages of accepting the treaty and adjust ing the boundary lines secured through the intervention of .the United States. Senor Andrade left Washington confident that there would be no hesitancy on the part of Venezuela of accepting the j treaty, but he was anxious that the matter should be speedily disposed and Nation" is a beautitul aud time-honored custom of a Chris tian people and should be perpet uated among us and observed in a dignified and religious manner. The pecple of North Carolina have much for which to be thank ful to the 'Giver of every good aud perfect rift. Although the past year has not brought o great prosperity or tho land yielded so abundantly, still our people have enjoyed a proportionate measure of these blessings and have escnped the dire calamities which have be fallen some less favored Common wealths. Therefore, in accordance with till the Synod or .North tTaroh- "ut Ul 4 " H,au Ul -un i wAU f-.t S.hnJ..t f iL ... t! ametlu 1S37, wueu the noted f mal1 ln,?- U- juuiid fr.u, ih Ju.!!ai .iMuw.. : p ial of Kev. SiintMia Coltou oc- lralu aua d down th nu. , ,M. tl uv 14 In thin the Svnod of North t?aroli oa trial . , 1 . I I at .1 !.. curred. Ihc elders at thnt time w,iU l,aw In" ,uau y3 k- M" ,l,'"r: At ih - U.iiom . 4 i " i . . . t were David Hamtour. Emauucll juniH-u m iu:n uu , h ttvU r .ut.u ncUi ! rrwV Kiwi -! a tr 1 Inif trtfi. v'-" ticket r I!.. ivofit.i!. j-3.t! iDfrnstbtlttr. i .i..!,., ?..,, t ii.. Keinhardt and Isaac Kr.vin. The church was called Knmnuel, but that name was left with the- I.uth- "t Mt T 1 , -t J. Senior AtfA"-t Will HqI Voto For f'fi'c'u'U. !? If- ssi - ii, i .!" ! ht f fmju'---. i!..i Jit ft . " . . . In?" . f f l .s ii -I : fi t . i. : .... l . t . . i mm umr ni " Wr r-. I-$1 If., cai. I. It. erans audlierman lCcforniMl uh. n Ilac- Uc ,m" --.t't r .t, .. the Presbyterians went into thoir rlVctl- 1 n" u. h... ,, , v'4 o.cfi u t J...ti..tu r4. new house. Uft Capt. Jn end lh r n,,. i..-L-1. . a;. ,,:.; Since that time the church ha ln m ... Ih.yr" C'-ru I. lUrr... .1 JTAl-l Pl-Jon icarncd to hi. , :alh-.rofa : U p. U;ci. v nome.atuia ir-nni conaurior n..i;luU,i. : r & r p..,! f p4. . . . t . . i . Ramsour. Abner McCoy. W H Mi. j:m mw,, ui '.l.,,ll : lUlph l. UuiM. chal, John A Ueudy aud Thotna- II jcua,j? nc ira.n. ..ucu ar mc. , rum,..nill ,j . VX,..U had the following ildrs: exander, John F. I'hifer, Jacob A ' Schenck,vJ K Marshall and (n ort tVio lnu-a ff tli id Sltntw T Pi I 1 4, - Al ... A r L rhifcr removed to other place Carr, Governor of the btate of 1 North Carolina, do hereby desig nate and appoint THURSDAY, THE 20tH DAY OK NOVEM BER, as a day to be set apart by our peo- Dle for Dublic Thankseiviui; to God I for the many blessings vouchsafed j h' lbo Pre9eut l,a9tor to us. lo this end let our people assemble in their usual places of worship or around their firesides and give thanks in prayer and praise. On that day let us remember in t! ! til Ct'i u -ti f ;-. u wit f i . T'.JJ fc" '.'. it I I ...J.-TL..t,-"i4 If A tJ T'4.. iul. t ; i.rint.I i. fr, I ' f' ' f Itu,sth..nr.hdpUnn-r,,U;,. ML aJ(tl ,r. A tUxi l h j-i j. : tAHf ttandtllS Cti -K..r t!o t. ti.litutir.r." r .... ... ? IT V tim. the documents. Minister . . , . At ColnmMa Produce Co. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 1334 MAIN STREET, COLUMBIA, S. C. We handle, Country Produce ex clusively. Fruit, Vegetables, Poul try, Eggs, Etc. QUICK SALES, PROMPT RETURNS. HIGHEST PRICES. Write us tor Quotations or make us a Shipment and be convinced. Liberal advances made on Consignments. References: Loan and Exchange Bank, Carolina National Bank, ; 8-20.96. 3m. Columbia, S. 0. A to carry Andrade had no doubt of the speedy action on the part of the Venezuelan legislature. The treaty is in blank as to sig- I natures, but no doubt it will be signed by Sir Julian Pauncefote, on th part of Great Britain, and Senor Andrade on the part of Vene zuela. N ew8-Observer. Good advice : Never leave home on a journey without a bottle ol Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by W- L. Crouse, Druggist. Catarrh Means Danger, Because if unchecked it may lead di reetlv to c'onsumDtion. Catarrh is caused by impure biooa. l nis iaci is fully established, Therefore, it is use less to try to cure catarrh by outward applications or inhalants. The true way to cure catarrh is to purify the blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the great blood purifier, cures catarrh by its power to drive out all impurities from the blood. Thousands of people testi fy that they have been perfectly and permanently cured by Hood's Sarsapa- frilla. . r r. ; -; . - : - offerings, the poor and needy, the widow and orphan, the uobl Char itable Institutions of the State and the disabled soldier who more than ever needs, in his declining years, the strong arm of the State and the assistance of her patriotic cit izens to protect him from want. In witness Whereof, I have here unto 6et my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State-of North Carolina to bo affixed. Done at the City ot Raleigh, this 12th day November, in the year of Our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and ninety-six, and of the Indepen dence of the United States of America the one hundredth and twenty-first. Elias Carr, By the Governor: 4 -S.F.Telfair, Private Secretary. Hood's Pills are th6 best family cathartic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, sure. , , . tf . mail car while it served a few years Iv II N track nn their plan wa t,nf and a pirttir-t!; I iui-l Mt n ( u iUir .. , . ' Ithe train wa tu luuliuu to jump j It i. t.nisi.1 ..n .if. - . , rt.. i. f - -t.i '"'l3 r4" fcW v" i from tho cars tth at in 15ou, ami to remained until hit . . . t , 1 1 n- i . . , t a thiy could carry and uiak.' ui! t ,,f, .rk -i,,,.. n ,, UI.-.-.5 ... . death in 1S71. He was succeeded 1 . . ... v ol l"'1 ' 11 ' . k.u vr. If Jobionu. 1,2, bo hi. "Tvca Raeo War In Arkan,..,. js,i. Sn..M.iUr.S,.. ,.,1 iU-i-...,.,.. r.- ,t coDtinaoutly since. lliuchutch Ki.i-jHaio, Ark.. Nov. li': The1 has never had but half the pastor whiti and colortl laborer em- j - - itni. fur i bttifrr in fit tiinp. th remainder biu(? devoted ..l ttti.... M.li Th. t!-ni. I ir Arf. Ha. it !. r-i f-r H vuJ:. t-lL- ta mission work in Lmcolu and the ! si .,...n.. .J i.r- !-,-..! Vi-..r in .ch $d. It mrai.! aaiomiug counties. a"in' a race war. TU bites. i . . , . , , . i Id laW trie consrejjatioti decid-j who aM lardy outnumU rl by Ut j,, m c,.,UUipi:-n ,-hic!. ed to build auew hounfl of worship, the nrgros dclar thai the col-j go- lo !,.. that tl.---jp1.-j Mr Lu1:l i r I ul prwaJ On April loth H M Koseman, b D;or m-n shall not bo p-rniittd lojkiiuw a sxJ thir.4 hu lUr try i, t -:t zut Im 1l.,rrr;.i ,, T A itrrMtKv wtA ..fV in il,n mill anr4 Vnrnt ihomHt. I half nvthlS lO 4 I r"X rtll- to lTc. Th nczrcK did not -m.I A Churn that Chun, in I Minuto Mr. rtntot s4l!- aud a number of whit- mn . . u ht aAjrY if.h-as,r ; lUt-irt - ! 1-c:ti4 whwivd a nisra. That ni Anclici Small woman. elected trustees aud instructed to purchase a new site on Main street and proceed to elect n new edifice. They were fortunate in vecuring an and free from debt. Tho sprine scaaion of Mecklenburg Presbytery met in this church the week before, j an was fatally wounded. A rpor t aud on that day the dedication ' reached brc to the e tTct that Uj? sermcu was preaclied by Hcv. J Li woman died aud that frious trou t IlllSUiSUU. 4 14V IIUUK.U lUI VII "IP P llliuiliniu, v -. w f mn I hr.X0 Un in th dairv i-ilfh--tir.5 ?.Uitr 1 r-t,c!t 2bt w aJl ttr llf :d bvc i::nr S I .uld try it. Iru.".!o J. F. car aud several tents wcro iurUtmv churLrd fur an har l-rfwrt-Ca.y i (X . tt. M j . .zA r.-a 1 tif" wt-aifvj tic j f..cxir l eligible site nou the court square-; rounded by armd -b;to n-n acd p-ar. mUu A--ynxU4xs Apnl 15.U, .he U.. ,- jover on. hundred .bou r. nrnl "'V tt:?, ported the new building complete j into the car and tents. IlowmanyJ:. yxTX dar fur a r-k I c--d h'-t and -ild tf : r.ejrros were hurtcannot bo aierr tained.butit 11 known that a worn its rolls about ono hundred mem bers and the elders at the present time are S D Durpn, A Nixon, U M Roseman, Wm. Lee Davidson and J A Abernathy. Very excellent peoplo hav been j in its fellowship all thse ycarr, threatened to av-jc br death. You may eat cheap fol and oal and o!d irm t Cfl day. if, and not on'lr crt:!d 1 chum m,rl'n:.5 112. ! Kav r,gt .: : ! lt a minut, bat I cot inert ar.d tt-MLn any day .z,c, ad cay trr baiur than with asiaond M 17. I dov har 2Zim chum. Thi tj injponact jtacn-y, ar.d ciy ..1f;d dt information to luMr mlT.Jka. I hat- -u:lir c. 1,1 I Th churn murk -aily aud will jam afra;J b ill l- civd hta I churn an ordinary .churning in jtrHbim. Hat I d r;v.l cr tbau ixty i:d. I haTbMuM I ;t;;l w:k ul Jrat tr jM l j d.ut n u( tl chums in the pat mouth. Ktery better you cannot tako chap mlicin- without potiy- iniury. If vou u-t nuv ultitut- for Ayrr tr- taparilla, vou d nt th ix and ils memoers nave mica omcm n$Ut on bavlDg Aycrf and no positioua with credit, performed other. 1 not be ierioui!v hurt br it: but rnAKcr that has rr.- chnra tn Irs tiiaa n n::na: txre-st cne. You can obtain all d:r-i infor mation rardinic tL chum by ad dning J. F. Ca y A Co., it. Mo., and l!.y will git yea prompt and courtua attirr.ticn. A Vxizruxx. la tn:cj!e ab-:. A Arix:ot Wirt. Yoa ar dcir.c rffht, yc-;r nested sLoald i r'-d cf jcs. ri-hl absd ir;i shrrr vrrd hat an T,err!,. wr tnan r? da. Tlat tlf L"tt- ir . :i m-l l i.tdf rful t!I-r, a e Lfr c I .i s

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