1 111 1 ' 1 1 1 , ., , t The ' Lincoln Jo pun ail. i 1 1 ' i -ZL- , , - I- - - - - - nEUK SHALL THE PRESS TUB PEOFLITS II I GUTS MAINTAIN, CXAWD 11 T IXyXCEXCE AND UNIllUim PT OAl.X. NEW SEE1ES, YOL. IX. NO. 13. LINCOLNTON. NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. JUNE 7. 1901. 1.01) A YEAR IN ADVANCE. IE mm Stow. jWe have just returned from the northern markets, wberere have bought with the "Spot Cash" the prettiest art I cheapest htcck of Drees Goods, Fancy Godds, "Waist Silks, Drcts Trimmings, Lore?, and All Over Goods, that re haye ever had the pleasure cf placing in our t-lure. jwhite is going to be worn a grea deal this season, for shirt waists. - "We have therefore, bought an extra nice ttccfc, .t i s-ieting of India Linens, Persian Lawns, Dimities, Dotted Swiss, pjqne, Linen, hdi! white Mohair, one of the latest things, for shirt waist and skirts. CATAWK COUNTY. More About the Fresher. -Had 1C a Maiden. Other New. Those most seriously damaged by the freshet are the fanners who have culti vated land along the water coure. And the river-front landowners ar not th only loser. Tbe cr.k and branch- overflowed all the level lands oa each sideoftnem, and in ruoet ca.the Foil ws swept off down to the hard flay. Wheu this was not the case tb-y wi re covered with several inches of ..ud. The corn was up on all the lowland, and war either washed away or coveml np. Wherever any soil is left the land will be planted over. The 1-are plao In 'this department we have a very handsome stock, bougnt.cheap. We4have I will be left until they get a nvw cov r- good quality of Black -Clay. Worsted Suits lrom s$4.00 np. If yon wanta first-1 irg. Along the tcuth Fcxl tf wat r 1 11 I CLKVtLAMl COUNTY. m .Smallpox Mttuttlon. S4 I-th. Other Interest. Newt. Tk uiallpox Mtuation I vt ry gratifr iujr in many -articnlar. At Double tihoAU no new cnL have develop! lU KKi: COUNTY. OAYTtJN COU NTT fiwert Awir be NXT rw X. LaJ Hart. OttMr Ilean f Ilr"4, Katardav Jz cro trjia ikot tad kd!l a yicc4 t-ncro Martha IU. Tb !ir- (xtnnl two a:xl a fcalf mile tn r.t town aad tx3 cz. tru Jteret. QaioUr Mo re ard u (colored ) rlmll j n thnr bu' tr p whnn tk tloCl a t! m;i g throcjrh tbf boue at in thn juarantiue was r-tab!hhci and j Biktrv.L' A the watrr waa tti tlio fatbnu are all fat miv-rin:. It.- hij;br wA tii:tT tl-1. v;n fnrtIt tb t t th tloe exorrt Ct dni. t nw ca-H-H bate deveK'Xsl in Ixr-rcid tttn ! yrt ft alc!frrl tuljtar t IJ ckil !. Tbrr U vo ccc l tlc .itiiilies already afTtxrtol and thea-?jt thm. ThT ri?,tr-l .cd Ibr I Jc- t trll tnw it ki;ol sl kU qna'" mtiue will N rai"d at Dnbl J f.rrt' ,f th v..iti r tv . rat that tkr I tury U it- t4 rai!y tLTfvS. tl C;ttQ mill Satur. ay, if th-Tei nj bme liwjy i.m.a.h tl like a trarn I y a hawk cact-t a cbkkro. mj t ri n'd if tba difase by that time. All I Xmml njx u ti .n S- vrrl hie tx I w.t.t tc ib4 Ike fciwk rk; CyiX t! kpatients on the bill bar recovmd. I n wn n; n !h r.d rrmaSurtl I atray th irSrl t;rs letwwa bira a;.l the quarantine wilt l limited to th i in tic D'tti-r tt thi I mhhr Tbrlaul tb btK b ik4 brr. Tte tU p'.aciv where the sumlliux ratienU b.ivr I t:-rvTi bal an ittr ehatrto -t tkHr J tik ert taidwar tlwr-a tba rrr l-x-il inufin-l. No d ath4bnVetcctirrf-ii 1 livi-!: th bntr Ki!wl s.;int a trr I Jc U tow la jail trr awa!!irx cxrrt. no I none t f tbo who bare had 1 mall-1 and rrmair.ol - Trfnl ir.it.n!. Thr I 1 Davit dlnl at irt. Pttert lhr;Ul tx x.were M-rioulr ick. Wo trntt there! hunM went n in th mat rnhttr I at Cbarl4t Vti lav aflrrtxetx Ui wu r l . - i clask suit, one that irill fit like a glovf, nd ho-ds its color, don't fail to see onr was not as high as it was in April nndv:ilj W no other In thit wctkn wahr. Then a rhsi. c ju rrr; t aUtit 24 jrr a I ao.1 a fcatirr otlj. 10.00 and 12.00. In cheantr Suits we have anv nrice on want. the damace bv washinjf not vm- ll.JJ. LIIh, who rei-!. nar Ikatty over the dn-ky vnrm an.! ami I tb nar U a cc:nty. ltc thrre taiW trlb '9 ClotMn partmeiiit and price We have just Iwught.all of the odd Pants in stock from a large ants factory by paying "Spot Cash" we got them for two-thirds less than the reailar I We can therefore, sell you $1.507or 75 cents, !2.50 for $1.25 ard 3.00 and creat. But most of the irnjwing con: I vill jU hick with unallp-x and ba hiultrl lb tlrml. th cacklir 'f chickn. (tila was covered or so badly injured that thi a well t!-vr !ntnl vw. II- woj lck I np, Rnn anl bunt wrm brard far I S;xial trtni t f expert, f tb cround will have to le plantnl over. In I several day. t-fore it ww known what I down the watrr oar. cn orrfltiUtcf ctttl ca.f . it:ivrtfl ynUrday mnnv instances this will le the third I wa the matter with him. He ww I craKl rvvk ta tb? braving Ujn t.ilat I) 11. Jdr- Martec rTr-Uir. time the lands have bi planted thb I broken oot all over M-verl days ap and I an awfol Niagara of drath. rbkb j -t.U Ne, May tlh. snrinjr. On the Catawba riv r. !tbe t now vtry much U tti r. None of tb I iilrr.rrd tkir ix-nta fcrrrrr. I ami 31r. P!.sa IVtrwa wm rictu4y freshet was the severeat ever known, other members of bis family bavu cvo-ltold their Ulii hat oetrr lea ie-1 hart ly a fall U! Ttrnlay tjkt at ker It went about six feet above the highet tntctet! th. il: au nml th bonv ba covrml. b trar All lir hcz. tit wu marks. It was about CO feet above bif nqaarantiiitil v r tx,in tfce cae Onr j:ular town.maa U. T. City. Uk ta 11 t!-tt. ax4 tkexbt U-tt tb common water. It cau W e;iily ru wiu ihMnverl. St-versl nrsrvM-i mar well ha U-a app4ntr4 a tneu.Wr t wc!4 it m tke Hw cf lb li-t It that this Kreat flood of water covered all Beam h MilU bave hal rmatljox. but I tfcw bUt? laM ot t.Irvrr. Wfcc tLM I cu K a.1 t xr.j iraa the lands from hill to bid and went np ttft-y were ick only a few day. After I or not b will acrrt b f-fSor bat n i I tkr li to tb fL, 2;luf-ati brr U;v r,r, th tiillBirlrM. TTnndrwU nf urn' of I IkIui in thf b7Ue fr ti day or po, they I yet Iwa riven cmt. Tb cr.io tay atMi jln this department, we havo just received a big lot of Oelebrated.Godman wheat vere buritxl in mud tt d-en Ui wcnld gt tKk to' work, and it didn't I tb rate of t.r0 a y.'ir whll tk- lnrl I What &U tt isjery tz.x rrici ta Sbofs forv children and ladies, their $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies Shoes are aonbtedly . when the water subsided. The f'in to hnrt them at all. only lmvlr.s a U In Mi.n. In all j rt UMaty Ik 1 b't a It a&rrl 4 i yraxa. the best shoe3 on earth for the price. .Every pairis guaranteed to be solid leather laBfl8, wero Wahetl in in-ent holen and few marks. They' art all nUnl well I-ard will I in Pln UjzX tkr dr I lll-, tke ttraUd ettt yrat j cf froin top to bottom. ... Our sales on these .hoes have doubled the past year. irallies in ome places and the rich .iit now. we nu.ler-iund. In all during tb n-xt tmtyrar-. miltc,: I Mr-. Utxie 11 1. d:M at Kizz Kcca- In ladies fane Shoes we sell the Hayes-Partridge Shoes, price f2.00 aud..OO. T, man awent un and tW-ltfd on Mr. .Vehul bt Miller, who ha Iwu Mr. ClaywrU'a Mlary am-nut to bi tia WnlwUy a Ud wwk. We have been selling these shoes for ove- 12 years, i The wear and fit of these are lQr,a f iith th. hui tnlVallv ill for Mvrral wk. diMlifi.OO a Year. We ar- cratrfot t tk-l la a nn iNUi:j acrat at Gka'a $4.00 pants tor $1.50 to $2.00. Also a lot of Boyn $2.00 Suits for $1.23, h BepaFtmeBto r. Jifdl 1r t-wAvtm -r cor mnro aYvmf tVinm Hayes-Partridge's Regina Shoe in Vici Kid .acd Patent at $3.00 is a far eupe- ior shoe in wear and fit-to the $3.00 Qu en QaalityjShoes. In Men's Shoes ,ve have a good stock-from $l,2p to $3.75. v bave Men's Vici Shoes, from. J.. . $t.50 to $3.00 1 We have Men's Patent Leather Shoes, irom . . j Jl ,! . . . .$2.50 to $3.75 We bave Boy's Patent Leather Shoe?, fro:. I-.. : $2.00 We Shave Boy's Vici Shoes, from ..... . ... o-rnwini? rrons were mined. There is no Snnduv muni'tnir. She wn 77 year ol 1 1 fvt alloflrr tkU ar; 4ntm-r.t to :' ltbI U-T a.Trrtcra " " I I I ... .... ..... . a . wnvof estimatini? the IraM Ptistaimd bv land had bn n marrinl twic. Uth f brr omc Wrt. pU Jcia ea ty Jt3 U- :.i::.i e-.- . ..... tv. iin.1..ii.1 hjviir tinnl.! h.-r trt thol A rrxftitar crniiiatilratl on ef CiIawSi I a) . kitf tks.4 la Ike lel luuniuuni iniuicis in vmuu . - - . . - - - - - - - - . auereirate will nrobablv le aUve 100.- crave. Valley U?. No. 317. A. f A, it.. I a.vl bc4. Liar rc;L 000. From one point nrur Catawt.l Mhc. Mel) well. roiuri, wio iirw wa ntM un Mcwar uai r-r v nnn..u.n4 25000 cau be wen. From there on near lb ntittta. killl hU n, Jak Mc- iof eletlrst-flirri fr tbp rtaalcl taltaU ty wCiU:a bal U!ca bla n.nur;.wka Kor..v ..ii....i.1, 1 1VtA-dl. !.it Snnd.iv. Iittn-r and Mm 1 Year. Tb Hicrr tlrcte! ar a. f4-1 ta tk rt art: :: - UJ rta . J. . $I730'50 1 At different places a loug th rivr skeb-1 got into a dipnt an t hot word follow.! avr: Dr. J. H. Au-!-n. r.. W. M.: DrjTk tiiikit U !e ktAckeU a bJe cimr ' We also carry Godmaa'a Boys $1.25 Shoes which are the best shoes on earth t(ins were Wn.hed np and near th -kele- -t. and th latte r alles-i that the mki 1 1. P. Jeter, S. W.: W. C. Kntn. J. W.: tbrvcb tbe djr-bc- ai4 :tri ordhe money. . : I . ' td08 were found beads flint-, arrow- wa trying tor-hoot him, when be firetl B. 8. Calther. Srcrrtary, an! U. r.lbatit li to m la cf dr.f: w4 I: II ri n o ; :v ' ! When it comes to this department this tsasonjit is the pride of the store. We Alex jttie 0f Fleming, he.Us, earthen pots and similar articles, and kill-l b: toy. Tin latin r i it at- iMvij. i rraur r. i- wc w..- rr.i :j ... In,i. ttninmliitiftv fur ltnlherftirdton 'to I Th- Krwla farm oa tb? Catawlii I b-Ir lbrr, u to'i tuttm, lUC OlU'JJVSlllWU 13 l U.I l. 414 W tll-- j - - - - . bone of Indians. , buried in the river urivuU r to the autborm-. irmr r. ir tun wti ladly Uir4 i y u.ji o;r.,4, jy ..3. bottoms long years ago. have undoubtedly the prettiest, largest :?ul best assorted, and best of all tne Xnesday. He says the cheapest stock of Hats. Flowed, .Ribbon.-; Chilu, Silk Mull, ane silks that we . " hnt ro have ever carried. - . : ll I - jWe bought with the "Spot Cash" a og lot of S ladies Hats, Sailors, Legl;orns, FloyreVs and Baby Caps at just half price, all brand new and up-to-date in every respect. This is your -opportunity fur a g. nuine biirgain. . " ' About all of our goods are now in and we wilt take pleasure in showing them to " . Respectfully, j :i' . you lands on tlie river in that section are mined.- From Beatty'e f ord fcr five mileu ui the river. he says not an acre of bottom l.tnd can l)e cultivatetl. The large bUnd at Beatty'a ford was aluvt wan ,ed away. Of about 100 acres of gtxxl fanning land Jaroli Harmon, prhar the oldt I tb I irf t rm. In u :u !k cp- ayV. rli I i -ct l j rat rata I t . 1 i ... t e..Ml. ! 1 . ... 1 I I . War hen I nian in .cvriani roximy nuu m' ui 1 j- - a---ui 'uh-m h- h., viUru tai-Jaaao- mo-t. n.'-.HXtid citlz-t. tlll Tnlay I hi tlhrt a laf mur.t f wh.t alti1(P. etrT.ic u-a llb iUr,U httt wa left, ThU farm U uttl .y JUj.l arl jwa U;ay ktvw ihat kU brer It t ? aftrn'ii. Df-efOM-d w P3 year old mil mid m ta ' rnd v.ithftf. 1 Win h irdt S-ii:i. f Knob Cm k. dil Surdnv. May 19Jh. Hp wh ov. r Ty) yeara old. Martin A. Wall, of H.lwo.d. dud on it only about three acn ecaxl I Monday morning He ua- 40 year o. J V. WtU :.. t r M. riu: nr" The boti at (tl n Alj lr." icvnjil by Mlln Poj. td-1 zir.z to AUl I'ilt. Sr.. and all lt hachM e-rt wrr a a . fitvri.x away tr it mti r. i e; aft r. Mcll. Kincail ba lrn a:;in:l vtta : Mliia'bU f.3 c? Jcrl daU sl UtU aiter e alitr. ci'.ra L beAicb arJ c.5.si.a Citiii- (tv d. ci Ckanittlaia'a kits.fa a-4 Iver TalJela mill tm'.ir- bi btfr la ;. txmal fsctirc, Trtew f. v-.!al-ilj, lm; tvtr bt d:riUa ail crake Lia ft I 1.1- a tor ts-n. P;U 1 crt.U, M VK V i"S lx I destruction. Most of the tr-f on it ii2. werewasneo. no oy iiie rooi. neari - - 1 - - - - m i- similar report about the bland at Shelby o.ttou mill, .died Sanday eight I Hi. l rn. rrniovrtl. Mi rntua !!-1 atrv. J7-I. Stil 1 imi Force, 3) in Pi Island ford in this county. Wilson Price died at Maiden on May 17th. and was buned at St. Johnson May 18. Mr. Price wa.- w-.vrnty fonr years old. Jonas Hawn died at Maiden on May 2oth. Mr. Hawn had been an iuvalil for the past six years and bad bad ev- I had intended to discuiitmue'this low 1 8trfke of paraiys.s-dnring that A V . . time. He was seventy-four years old. . , 1 1 II I'm cut-pnc : on Cooking and . rieating Dtoves on January 1st, but ray sales continue so good,- I have not had the time to make the change.1 So, friends, come on, I haVe Stoves for the rich and Stoves for the, poor, and at nrices nobodv can meet. I am a r. . - - 1 . . . . man and am satlshed with a small not want half of Lincoln with diphtheria. The twentymonth-old wti f istmn-1 Hiimtick dkt lat Satnnlay. Shelby Star. May pOth. Jack Kearel. rai l. May atet. lte4 tt l III Npr. Hrorj Shant. a nrll b.-rn lief, man edit' n of New L taa a. Okl.j. U a oiiiftant na-lrr of th i?ajbci Vt4kriX - A Salt Like C ity paper reptrta that a eng. He kn.iwa that tbia juj--r aim b tall, gatiut womar, with gingr biirat.d advertl- only tk Ut in tt o4amr.i. a Hoiif'what fiercv expn-duu f xnnte- a:i l when hfMW CbamWf latu'a Pain uauee. lately came to the county t brkof I B ilui aJvrtid ibmia for laru bark. I BoxeM r c;nnty, in that State. Ih.'.liln-t bitat la tajtr. a t4tle cf K ThrrP -wjoi n mnd doi? in Midden a'oont "on re the mnu that kcit ttio mar-1 it for bU wif. who for rtht m i- ka 1 Tb rr.'r, a tkr WewUra na4 lwa Kbba:y al U',4 V.n are lizz cbiiil ai tl I raid tke wt?k 1111 owl tb S utkera a balf tUbca dcilrrr. B. iiirr. Attomcy-at-Law, orUcw la !Ulii a t-ibLrx. two weeks ago that bit . seve ral doH and riaire Uk.. ain't yon? rbe nnk-il. ,n,TrrI wtth the mf t tTTilI 1 t.'- In practio-4 ta Ike hiate ar! FelerU caused a good deal of excite men The ( m";" he aaavrrr.l. -What ber back and ra! l sl x r-i;cf. CtU. ' . dog was -killed and rince then several ''TT I t,- V , ?y Iter a-M..; tb. Pain Ba ha f,r a Myti . , Al . . . . ,lvin yn find out if "Jack lvtra f, w day my wife aal I to m I fl a ihi.i ....r t . . of the dogs that were bitten by hi:n j?. ,v, ., ' , tie..:- aihct at t-a1. , b . 1 j W;i married. though lm anew.' and U f r n:t. ttv t-ta-iiat. 3. C. have ?one mad and have ln kil.iil. y.nrch derelopNl tho ntm- of John cnlin contenta of th l-ittl tk ct;ar- . People should be on the look out fr Vtcr, forwbi inarriao a lut n had I bl rxin bad rntitrly vanUnl at I mad dogs as this one bad come frouinrn i.4nl two yetra lf.-n Irunld aain take np hr tVn-14 1 da working down near Denver and there no telling the mischief he did before be was kilbd. Newton Enterprise, May 31st. a t A ft .a. . I- a .tt a a ! " inongiu ro, eni'i tn woman. 1 ut. lie 1 vrr manKini aivi r;- Manieti 'Llz WatetM. didn't br:- Itbat all pnrin llkcwi will br f Tbe lict-n' ia ind for a mantacel ber woo JrTfnl rroirrrr. Tkivalaalt (iitc ; n-c;t af.ccti.a to all Ictroa tctrc:ed to k:ra. lKZ.:v fc-nsftly ccra j ir I t-y D. W. IU tit a. ly per 1 ' Saves Two frtin leth. "Our little daughter had an almost fa ol otto rr rt w rid n er vn'Vi i Ti.l limn. 1 T n T'..! r- Trtnn iir.l "fI If I rarrT n hior inP Ot 1 in chitis writes Mrs W. K. Havilar.d. ol Tribune. J . . Armonk. N. Y., "but when all other unrp ivni.VPS'nn- H Orks. I remedies failed we saved her life with - . I Dr. Kiug s New Dit cent, and go county tor a stove. and Gray Enamel Spoons. ; J. have, also, a good equipped Groceries and Gonntry Produce, are invited to examine my prices. price paid for country produce. r : . -r t ' a TT fTTTTT T LHAj. Tl. U JLii. liniment i for al- ly K. L. Lawic. with .UIm Eliza Water.' Yep. Well. I'm Lit . I thought I'd ottcht to come in and tell yon that red luchriie. a Uacx nero yrara of as, who at nooa Tuesday crimial!y aaultrl and thra marl'Tefi Mr, lUca svrn Yerra lo wu ITaart- a Wellkcown ar.4 rrrxtal.- ug s rew uncovery. uor untv, . "v ui wonocra ever rrn; lnin:. i ...... who had Consumption in au advanced the friend ot Mr L. IVa. of Lawn-n . bnroM at lb atake ifcere eariy eusr- .foU oIla nCu. f hla xrr.n.fCnl t...1 . I W in Tlw.v Irni.ff thn ti&dtUn rina! !i I daT CiOr At.Z in the rfrCCO f a tkruC and today she is perfectly wi ll." D.-1 to bave ber ted in i-even ye ira ou accot d Ir- The barring wa oa te nAMtft thmat nnd hn ilu..fs mVU t. 1 f ki.1n..r nn.l liv.T trunl.le. nerVi ta I crue ot r.rRiu -.-- Dr. King's New Discovery :w to no other pntration and g-m-ral d-btlity: b; rardi i f the r;rinci;at tb n akf miMAQ rr onrtk Tnfolino f.-r t ni'tn I Tlir. IvtMlM nf Fll'f ric lilt li'M .'nillj filinaiCllT. a . ai-J t va. a a. ii u x a a a auiiiiii a at, a ' a a,uf i a a a ' ?w - w- - - High eSt and Colds. 50c and $1.00 bottle guar- me to walk," phe writn. ''and in th .tr antetd by K: L. Lawing. Trial lattlea moutn.i I felt like a new iw-rnon." Wo- free. . j7 4t. men pnffering from beRdache, BackacU- ; ; Nervcu?n, Slerpletwoea, Mlancho . . Oeo. Sutton, colorel, wa-3 killed by a Faint:U2 and dir2V sIW Uj. will find i i shif tang engine In the boutheru llailway I ,.,lt,.5n?. Tr. ... tUfact: , i gnnractevd. K. L. Lawing. Oi :y tJk j7-4t. B. A. Jt aTICr. AttorccT-at-Law, ISaiWrfWi 3.C Practice la tbe c.cxta cf Llt-a4a OtiUI. Ititbesfvrd. Ic4k ax.4 Ura dervjQ cua&Ura aad la tk Jiswc arS. rubral (Xarta. jju. 4. a- win; OfScc at North State HotcL an you rar . 9 W Go : yards at Greensboro Monday morning of last week. The coroner's jury returned a verdic to the effect that the negni came to his death through tL-e negligence of the railroad's watchman at the end ing where the accident occurred and the A Itairigh Ftr-cial to the Cbarlott Obrcrvr r aya that Ike H rvni rr! !et;c ofJ.lt. Pan-ball. r.rar Norlina (Wakf coauty) waa atmck by lthtj.lr.gna lav. iv.'vca loonia of tb" boap wrtt amb'l and tbeUxlp-ta la th eighth tx'.i we:r a lit. Mrs. Pathall an d b r two cb.b All cal. day or fctM. jrt;.ly r- ;cicl to. tlVlr. ( ESTABLI SI I ED 1 891) OLDEST, LARGEST, BEST. The Boono Democrat fays that Jt Meat Camp, Watanga coonty, cn t ic 15th. Henry lUgan. vm of CaWialU-S ... I a failure of the railroad to hare a proper Ran waa learing off lumU r fron a m. gnard in front of the engine. A f-w Wi wbn he wa-accidratly thrown i hours .before' the accident this Fame the aw and terribly injuml. One bai 1 shifting engine knocked a freight car off wa4 mangled, a deep ga.-h iw-yeral Inch th3 track. Two other men have also long wa cnt in bin thigh, hii fort brr- ! been run over and killed by th engine ami ynt wt n. b.i.ily cnt and maur othi . . . . a. . I " - within the past few week-. jjn. L. a. rtix. Resident Destist Um Ia4aw. K. C. OS'.c bcura if ti !ax to i:Cne. a3 f n ta IC-JtM V Cm tatty wrk day. U-ce cvrr Lawits'a Drrs hu?r. r. Bookkeeping, Banking, S north a n d, Typewriting, Telegraphy'. Address iV IcIVER &' MINTZ, Charlotte, N. C. a f more or Ktw M-nn- wocuui were ii - Miss Ann Blalock, 3. year old o:u-j mitted suicide at her bo ne in Pen-on Dntimrniaiu and ball ttorm at C:i county on the 23th by takbfg laudanum. 0)r, Tuesday lightning struck and fined Deceased, . was au orphan and inadc her xhe borne of W. II Ode!!. The tire ISol ..Ttii nlshnl with little d&mae otbi r than that can! by the haty remoTal of f emit are. (Jor. Ayrxrk haacotnmutted tho pen tf ncv of W. II. Morriou. of Harry, fea- home with fcer marritd MUr.' cause assigned for the deed. Edward Wilcox, of Port-month, Va., a traveling ealesrnau. and p. 14-yar-old : son of J. H. Norman, were drownel in a . creek between Wel3ou and Halifax teuccl tonx years for forgery, to two Friday night, while trying to crx-s when j yeara and five moatlw, by which be wil the stream was np. 1 be released in August. rrn, wno were lyicr oa a n a.cr ii. wire net hart but wtrt? tnar.l. Korth WiIkrborrt Hutb-r: A w gn r rr we Iram of the a I drowxiciC t.f hm rivrr in Tod MintuO lltota. Tbe Uttl fellow a-a walking al jcgaa l p t tuto ailof watrr oot ta tk- l-tt m which be did cot thick waa drrr. an I Jrowneil. The bcV wa 12 fe t dorp. I Efrrytkirg new. xJor, tat arl cp-t- ny weights and xzcxXh al.tit tC'O w C v Wrxta. . . ... v . a r a - - . inllea from Alt-tuarle. oa tbe 2. The1 The White Shop. Tbaakirs tie c.i-X'r.a ct Uaocitca for tfceir jCTt'rtta U t.a ta tka Jaat. Idu to let tketakw t'aat with Ik in.xciitf tk Kew Ytar, I ta Ut- lr j rvami tkaa ever to j1t Xtrza fLm- c!a. tkatra. bair rata arl aka ;:. mine, which l now l- ;rg worked ca a pltnuoMT naRtttn aiior. mail Ka!. waul m m a lrl mcs. fj.OIO It li now valaM ly th tart:- who cuntrtd tl at balf a millica dwllara. 1 J. T. Dawia ba la anointed postmaster at iixiilax lo aocr"4 ac gru who waa rxtiaa..ttr tbcro two cr thrroyara. Pubte. rx;tict;cd a! a::rafjt tar Ur. bkAr-;a , ;t;rt-.t, aarlr atvl bair catt.rg a ;cialty. erral as! kliic-Uy. t'ct;!f'.e Lr cf U&U U f wr c- tcra, ti ira ca a trial. aU-ly. 1L TaTL02, lYc-rlc r. a3My.

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