Lincoln Journal. .1 i TNO. C TIPTON. Editor & Manager. FBIDAY JUNE 7, 1901. NOTICE. . After Saturday, larch 9th, 1901, the sninvrmtion . vnce.r or the Lincoln Journal willbe $1 :00 per year; 50 cents for 6 monthsr 25 cents for 3 months, strictly cash in advance. so Triangle Talk. Triangle, N. C, Jane 3. Owing to ranch rain our. farmers have been somewhat retarded in their farm work. Almost all the corn that was planted nn! the uataWDa nver wm aaye 10, ue planted again and will be very late. We are sorry to chronicle the death of Mrs. Joe - ArmstroDg:, of Miller's. Her remains were brought to Unity church tai interment Monday. She was form erly of this place. Mr. H. C. Kegan is on. the sick list this week. Hiss Minnie Long is also ill. snirr. Attorney-at-Lav7f Li coin too, JC. C 02 ce in Cobinson tmlldicg. Practices tn the State and Coarts. Federal Reeosville Reooris. Thm Platonic tm iiun mt cwy I Dlekeru TlTVTKrnT T U "K fV Jnnoi Tfc ia TinTS? ! t the first week of Jane and many of onr or T w T mm ,TJ L" r . . ' woman (who is sUU living) haa cheriihed c huiwwm a little sheaf of letters written by Charles crops the first time yet. Dickens. These charmimr Utter .W mi t ..i - " x ne Dnpreme onrt nanaca down us the novdi?t in a new part that of the decision last week in the case of Wiselsucce 1 matchmaker. Thpv trfl tfc against Leonhardt. It declares, that 1 story el ; her man's courtship a'! Sallie Wise, and Camden Leonhardt's show how ' ;a writer spurred a faint children are the rightful heirs to the heart into winning a fair lady. lands of "Larry" Leonhardt, deceased. ' They Panted for the first time Leonhardt was married twice and at his Tlu "B OBl"u yucg r; lor i T- a k J II . . - , , , 1 V uuu w. uculu une oz ine cnuaren oi nis iasi wne claimed that all the land belonged to At Lookout. Modoc ronnfrr. bim for paym? taxes on it when it was 1 Calvin Hall, his three sons and a vounir I Tl a. jostice. advertised to "be sold for taxes. Sallie I man living witn Hall, were arrested for I JJ Af Wise, one of the first child. PntPrM horse stealing. Thursday night the five AUOrney-at-J-aw, zm. . i ... . , Impn vcera tnVpn f mm rrictrvlw Viv o mnh I " KutherforUtoo. ?f. C. buis against mm ior an neirs part ana i , - OBHRT E. CCtoTNEK. ATT0KSET AT LAW. LiDeolntos. X. C. Gives prompt attention to all business intrusted to him. Omce xonnerly occu pied by D. "W. Robinson, Esq. nMy Practices in the conits of Lincoln ' A. the'ease was fonght throngh two conrts. OI aDOUl Pns anaan were nangea. The Supreme Conrtf8 decision was that Monday afternoou at the mines of the Cleveland, Ruthrrford, Pulk and Hea- none of the children by his last wife Dayton Coal & Iron Co., located St Day- derson counties and in tb Saprirmo and could share an interest by the way it ton Term., there was a terrific explosion 1 Federal Courts. wass willed. The land lies near here of dust gas or fire damp m theRichland ;i I I . m. A. ?1 and dontains about 200 acrres. Aoani one nan or tne necessary amount has been snbscribed fora library iur ims scnooi aismci. Acoioer sucn opportunity to secure a small library will never be presented and surely our mine about, two miles from Dayton.! Probably 35 people were killed and many injured. . Gov. Aycock has commutted,.the sen tence of W. H. Morrison, of Surry, sen tenced to six vrars for forcprv. tn ttro roo ra anil n r-r l- a V-i-- .V ;k .:n I f ponded to. people win not lei tnis one pass wiinout r i,, in Anf' 4 -1.? I 1. r II. 4 I' I o jjrt. J. s. wise. Uneolntoa. N. C. Office at North State Hotel. All calls, day or night, promptly re- sl5-ly. The Supreme Court of Texas has de cided that the franchise' of railroads and erty, are not taxable. Heal Estate for Sale. iliss Zettie Dellinger, who is suffering S outside of the district wishing to con with paralysis is reported to be very J tribute anything towards it, can send it that 1 he franchise of railroads and Under and by virtue of an order made , t xxr ; J corporations, known as intangible prop- by the Sapvnor Court in the cause ; iome of pur boys attended commence- will be thankfully received. 1 ment at Davidson College , May 29th. They say they had a pleasant time. Mr. J. R, White, formerly of this community but now of Oxford. Mis- Miss Claude Graham was visiting at sissippi, attended the Reunion in Mem- Mr. S. W. Prim's Thursday, puis last week. He sent this scribe a Miss Laura Long was at J. A. Long's Memphis paper containing an account Tuesday. 1 I of te Reunion and portraits of dis- Messrs Simon and John Barker, who tinguished Confederate generals. Among .have been attending school at Taylors- the latter we notice the picture of that ville came back to their home on the gallant Li ncolntonian, Geh. R. F.Hoke. Cafawba: Thursday. Mr. J. R. Warlick, our bustling in- The Children's Bay service Sunday surance agent is with the tax-lister of nignt at baiem was an enjoyable affair, ironcon townsnip tnis weeK wnung landing, wherein David J. Craig, Ad uunistrator of rancv UkinM ii, dt-ct-av IN. Simon Miller, colored, shot and killed- ed, is plaintiff. and'L. A. U. Wilkinson Jim Horton, colored, near Pineville, Mecklenburg county. Saturday. TrlTl . y p ampft Quite a large crowd attended. ; ' Our sportsman, Mr. A. P. Black, kill ed a large crane last week. He said it had a "long" neck. Mr. Robt. Nixon made a house-cover ing Wednesday. He had a new roof put on jhis store building. Mr. Lawrence Hager went to Dayid sbn1 Thursday on business.. polices. There will be preaching in the school house here Sunday evening by the pastor of the Baptist church here, the church not being completed yet. ' . There will be a picnic at P. W. Ram- seur's Tannery Saturday evening. T, A. Coon has a cow that gave birth to two calves last week. Both are doing i A As- so .pne answered my question I well and promise to live. through Th& Journal as to what causes I Messrs Lmn Heavner and Cass Coon thunder. I will give v the answer; I attended an ''apron hemming" in Plateau "Thunder is caused, by a sudden dis- Saturday night and they say they had h placement or tne particles ol air by a passing current-xf electricity it.' T! 1 Triangle ball team has two match games scheduled for the near future- one with Davidson and one with Stan- yvheat is in full head around here and bids fair to make af nil crop. If there is a prize lor sporting, some of our young people should be awarded first honors. i 1 Miss L. B. Long went to Harvey Sun day to yisit friends. Mr. Robt Armstrong has been at Mil lers for several days. On Sunday night . Miss Otta King eloped with Mr. Ivey Hager and got married. The young lady is a daughter of Mr. Haywood King and is very popu lar! and good looking. The young man is a son of Mr. Julius Hager and is an honestj up-right young man. Both are of the best families. The parents op posed the match and forbade Mr.' Hager to see Miss King, consequently elope ment was the only alternative. Preston W. Long. Important ,to Pensioners. In answer to lhauiries iu Tff.-ird rn J.n. T . ' J L , a i ' ijeosiuiis, wisn to maKe tne Tonowin? statement: In the first place, all persons desiring a pension must make application to their County" Board on the first Monday in July. This includes all who are now drawing pensions and all who wish to an immense time. throTif?hi Htsqmre Philip Carpenter is around this week listing taxes. and S. M. Wilkinson are defendants. same being an action to ?11 rval r&tate to create assets to jwiy debts, 1 will sell at the Court House door in the town of Lincolnton. N. C on Tuesday, Juno lltb. 1901, at 12 o'clock, m.; to tho highcftt bidder, commencing the bidding at taid rale at the sum of fonrtein hundred and thirty-three dollars, the following real estate, lying and being m the count v of Lincoln, Catawba Springs township, N C. adjoin ing the lands ot C A Barklcy, F W How ard, Ephraim Keener, and others, on the Beat tie's ford road, near the town of Denver, bounded as followsir-B'Knniug at a black oak stump, Kphra.m Kei-ncr' corner, and runs thence, sli.'jK.l'JO ioU.h to a stake, G. A. Barklt-y's corner; th . cc v N50E, IOJj iKk-s to a B.'O. ctump; thence with Berkley's lin(-,srj;,.VJ ,u to a R. O. stump, near the road.'thvoce N29. 2GF.101 poles to HJstune; thtuce with F. W. Uowanl's line, Nh.w, Kt to u stone, F. W, HoAarl's c)rnci: thence N33)4E, poles to Hone, F. W. Howard's corner; thcnc? N2l4w, poles, crossing Btrattie's ford road, to a stone; theme NGowr, 2iJJ poles to eton-; tnence N43e, ws poits to a take, fonncr ly a W.O. thence KS2w, 105 poles to a stone; thence fc3?sW, 12 kUh to tou, in I am now prepared to do Gold, Silver, I ilaln street, (said corner in old line, alo 1 W7 -J7 O0' a jew FOB LlliLiTSM. The -largest stock of paper we have re ceived for many months. We have Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Packet Heads. State ments, in both rag and linen first-class, high-standard goods at right prices. Large stocK of Envelopes, Shipping Tags, and Linen and Rncr Flats. Our work is right, goods right and prices right. THE JOURNAL P1UNTJNG CO. yen a her of lm Prices, Milli fy v-; ,iv-- nut muttu in uiib line. rush in this line wc have run a little shor?. The health of. tins section is very Nickel and Copper ElectrPlaUng by good. the latest improved methods. Watches, to a stone, tboccc iv-Uw. 10 r Its t a now many mcnes aoes 11 iaKe 10 mane i jeweiry ana raoie ware maae eqnai 10 i stone; mence u i poles to a sione, a broad erin? new. I also have the roval white metal w e oia line; tnence wnn trie oia noe v a n - & Rrtyoanf Uirmv Jvttn-n nf thp Thar. nmp:a xxrVoVVi tArrc aaHcf oMlnn nn.1 ia I V:iW J PO.O lO a PiaKP, lotte police force, sent his little nephew, cheaper than electro-plating. Carlton Jetton, a fine-bnll dog pap last I can be found at weefc. f HUSTLER. . I shnn fnr tlift Trpnt." I. L. Wilkie. vnnn? j ; MPORTANT -TO . Bad Runaway. gentleman from the city of Hickory, by the name of Fields, was going from Palm Tree chnrch to "Plateau with-a young lady who was visiting her sister pastor Sherrill's wife, Miss Rogers. Arriving at the creek at Jacob Mull's, Mr. Fields got out of the bue'gy and took off the bridle to let the horse drink, holding, the horse by the mane. The horse by some means became frightened and ran backward, jerking loose from Mr. Fields, and then ran ttast him. lie caught the horse by the harness but was powerless to do anything,' and getting his lt-g bruised considerably. He told the young lady to jump out, which she at once did, but in jumping she partly strong, but full bodied, fragrant and fell and the baggy wheels hit her, bruis- aromatic in the cup? This Coffee is urn tben &6E, 9 poles to the beginniug; contain ing 1S0 acres, more or lea after deduct- the old Anthony US the following exceptions. Except- log iuiu rcstrrrmg irum tain iraci me fol lowing benndary, to-wit: A smalltrnct, lying North of Beattio'a ford road, con veyed to S. M. AVllkinson, bv H. II. WUkinson, Nancy Wilkinson, L. A. II. Wilkinson and wife, 13 Feb. 1379, the village of Denver, bounded as fal lows: Beginning at a tone. tn the Beattio8 ford road, on L. A. II, Wilkin fcou 8 line; tnence siu.jr., poles to n stone, on said line; thence MUgK, 16?; poles to a small persimmon: thence nW.C w, 42 poles to a fetoue; tin-nix? tvJlw, 19,l4 poles to the beginnirg, coqiJtit.ii! 5 acrt-s and poles, more or lw. Also, excepting and rtfrvinj? the fol lowing tract of land, from the first trnvt above dcscrilied: On the ivmth Mde ot Deattie'a ford road, convrrl to L. A get on be the roll. Blank application can ! ing her badly. . The horse ran about 200 properly roasted, and,, if you wish it, ground: Twenty-five cents per pound may fceem a little expensive, but a trial will convince, you this is Coffee, and not stuff. If you will give mo your orders I will grind this coffee, and deliver to you cer- yards and lodged the buggy on a sapling and ran a mile and a half and was caught by M. M. Lutz and wife, who immediately sent a man with the horse to hunt for the wreck. In a few min utes .after Miss Rogers was hurt, Rev. had of the Clerk of the Court and ?herriU came oa and took her to Plateau, ' soldiar could receive a pension unless his disability was caused by a wound. The ucw iaw cuiuiges mis ana allows any An unknown negro woman was dis oldj soldier, who is unable to perform I covered in the act of taking the life of manual labor, .whether he was wounded j her two days old infant in Greensboro jot not, and all widows who were mar-1 Friday. She carried the infant to an riea before Anril lfifis to rfmw rpnirm I old field in the suburbs and tied a stout j X f rt jju.l uu boiuier or - wiaow can firaw a tension who hs ih voina nf she coald complete : . - XT vj ViiV Ul which is over $500.00. Why continue, to complain and Wilkiiuon br H. II. asl Kaucr WU J v.wuu4i4M auu tlnsoa 21 Jan. IStG, commouly knuwti worry about the poor Coffee you as the "Somiuary" tract, now ownl by cet, while I can sell you h Good JOIin u -rair. t village of lt-n xjisum vffLr-, uiu. io uui, iwift ctri nil ml oak on the North yul- t.t Benttie's ford road; tin no K,r.v, -12 poles to a hickory; thencu n53v, ii0 j!n, to a small post oak; thence N27K. 20 pule to a rpa'nish oak on the youth ide cf Beattie's ford road; thence with tuid road s74n. 50 poles to the beginning, con taining 12J acres, more or h. Also, Excepting Iioui the fut tract above described, the foilowii g boundary of land, deeded by II. II., Nancy, L. A. II., and wile Nancy Wilkinson to S. M. W ilkinson, 13 Feb. 1873. lying and U ing near the village of Denver: Bt gia nitg at a stone in the Beattie's ford road on L. A. II. "Wilkinson line; tbcuce sCJ.U in cry. Owin to lite We hav: ancihcr &hi.i::v::i which will arrive this wrek. As to style and price, we think we can suit anybody." Be sure and come to see us on this line and we will try and make it to your advantage to trade with us. To ariive this week another lot of Ladies Low Cut Shoes prices rock, bottom. Remember we carry a line of Elkin fine shoes in Ladies, at $1.25, which will out wear any snoe you can buy ;u thai price. Clothing. ' - You know we are headquarters on this line at all times. We have the largest stuck 01 Clothing we have ever carried. Be sure and come to see us on this line as we defy competi tion. Very respectfully, M. S. ROBINSON. which iirrsi.i:rr Yur, on vot if watch: We Am Qui may be filled in before the first Monday 5nere we Know inac everyining uai u-j o ui Cvcryuu in Julv. or on that dflv. TTfnfn' ?onld be don by a sister and If you prefer. I 1 ' I c ;i .1 J - r 1 X I T a. T- . . -m . I rt. t .l.fllt . t 1 - . iamuy auu kiiiu inenus ior ner comiori i i nave Oiuer.ltoastoa vAilietJ at 10, 1 iiw uuu 10 ubw, uuwn lue ruaa xo and recovery was done Scrappetr Lo . , a stone; thence JGCw, 24 poles and 1G x'wv. . unji-j iu a uit&urr inr; iucutc t.. r.rnraoonnno io J 3GM poles to the binrinniD-; containing 5 acres W t4 poles, more or U-. for f 1,00. liespectfully, J. B. ItAMSAUR. cord around its usck and legs. Before the work of destruc tion the was discovered by a negro man First class pensioners are to get 75.00 the babe to the oandf the Woman ran and escaped. The child was not serions- P. S. I havo added Wheat to my other Foods. Cream of Breakfast J. B. It. per year; 2nd class $70.00: 3rd class $481.00, and 4th clas3 and widows $30.00, While the Committee wished to dp all they could for the bid soldiers and jwidows, they thought, as the soldiers and their descendants had the tax to pay, it wa3 all we could do at this time. The amount appropriated for pensions was $200,000,, which is about twice as much as last year. J. F. Rkinhahdt, Chairman Pension Committee. Charged with deserting wife and chil dren, collecting insurance money "on prcjof of his wife's death, and commit ting bigamy. Will J. Tyson, a young , white man, a carpenter by trade, is be hidd the bars in Wake county jail a wait- ing the day of trial,' Tyson married his second wife in Raleigh after he had col- lecrea the insurance on the life of his first wifej whom he falsely. represented as dead after he had deserted her and the five children she bore him. x' water, coiorea, wno Kiiiea a white .man in Franklin county a few weeks ago, has surrendered to the offi , cers and is in jail. . - - ly injured and is still livinj lt issaia tnat tne uattis iviigo casei will come np for trial at Granville Superior Court in July, Judge Shaw presiding. . It is also said tnat Messrs D R. L. S FOX, 1 Resident Dentist, Un coin ton, X. C. Office hours from 8am to 12:S0ru, and Frank I. .Osborne, of Charlotte, and Urra 1:80pm to Cpaieycnrweek day. nmPTit Manlv. of -Winston. hnv W "'"K o "ii oiurv. retained for Dr. Kilgo'a side of the case. There is talk that an effort will be made to secure the removal -of the case from Granville county. ri r f 1 c-av "Consumption can be cured." NattiFe alone won't do it. It needs g hslp. Doctors say ' 3 JLJtf IT fl rscoas Lmuision is tlio fcest help." But you must its use even: In hotij The White Shop. Thanking the citizens of Lincolnton for their generous patronage In the past. I desire to let them know that with the -v I incoming of the New Year, I am bet- . I f pt Ti'ror0'rorf f hon ore. n . V. A - r t- v" iu fi o uiCUJ UX3V class shaves, hair cnta and ahampooa. Eyerything new, "nice, neat and np-to- aate. batisraction guaranteed. s7-ly C U Welub. I." vcrti have cot tried it, send for free sample. 1 i4 crCOTT & BOWNE, Chsmists. y 49-415 Pearl Street, " New York. Sec and $1.00; all druggist. -xaM, , '..""fii PIEDJIONT BARBER SBOP, t TWO DO013 FKOM POSTOFriCK. LUiCOLXTOX, N. a route, experienced and attentive bar bers. Shampooing. Einreinf?. ihodn . - . C. 0 MJJjU ana nair cutting a specialty. Polite errand and shining-boy. Complete line of toilets for customers. Give na a trial nzwy. 11. xaylor, iToprietor. For further particulars of laid land., boundaries fcc, reference is hereby made to said Special ProccediDir, pend ing before the Clerk cf tho Superior Court , Lincoln county, N. C. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, bal ance upon credit of- nine months, evi denced by note with approved fcccntity. Title reserved until lull payment or purchase of money. Privilege to purchas er to pay all cash. This the 10th day or May, David J. Craio, "Administrator and Commisfioner. mlOtds. fckjmctiujv irjil t lclt. Your J Watch In U-it for repair nfler. you are left bt-cau, jo-.i f;iilttl Vo have itclcancil ami j-n; m thorough onlcr at the proper tiuit . So, ixsf Llaino your watch for your ueglcct. Turn over n new U-ar' in watch care. Take your watcb to W. M. Siikkiiill, the Jeweler, who will do you ihft-clas work at a reasonably low price. All work gu:runtcct. Stand at North Stato Hotel, Lincolnton, N. C. Fop Business. 011 use Groccriits. Wc sell the kind that gives satis faction. Special attention is called to our Tcllico Flour, Nabob Bartlctt Pears, Nabob White Cherries, Na bob Peaches. Premier Pineapple, Premier Corn. Gail Borden Condensed Milk. , Tobacco, Snuff, Cigars. Consignments of Flour, Meal, Corn, Hay, &c, solici ted. Free delivery. 'Phone S3. J. Thos. McLean Co. The XEJRJTn)IIKTrIES..IE3I L CALX US IX- RN TUR t 3 I CASH ORE AS ALL GRAOES AT ALL Y FAY UEiGGLTOE "B. G.