"MaJau you mu?f be satUfae toriiy iiVuiibett b-fme I cau pay '" tbinlritft' said tbe oanbw'! to a bbarj featured iniddle-ayml lady, Lo jrave unmistakable siu' f be ' iujf a r-piDster. 'I leutiSed, Mr! Why, 1 aui al ,re.viv idfutitied with the Rebtkabs, Iiannbtrrs of Pojabf)nta, WouiauV Rei ef Corps. Onler nf th Eastern , Hrr. Kttlibone Sistfrs. Kuibtsund L:iii!f nf Honor, Auti-watriuiou-iui Lei4Uf. Cbyeieu Friends, Society tur Prevention of Cruelty to Ani Ui 1-. Sulilieit-' AiJ Society, Weekly fcciM Circle, Industrial Uuiou, C'l .tiii.iUiiui Circle, Haut Side Whist, ' Club. .Dd-aud-nnd Kieat guub! Iden tify! !" D-.k tvil mill, your whole life tiil '; Di! woe betide? Y-.'tir thoughts abide u snicide '; You need a lull. Now for iro!.e and facts DeWltt's Little Earlv Risers are the most pleasant and reliable pills knowu today. They nevei gripe. Sold by K. L.. Lawing. Uucle Joe, one of the old issue darkies, remarks that he "ain't xiutbiu to pit along wid, je so folks don't Unl at 'iui." Kx. She Tried Five Dmtorit. Mr. Frances L. Sales, of Missouri Valley. Ia.. writes "I have been afflicted with kidney trouble rive years: had severe pains in my back and a frequent desire to urinate. When ridiug I expe rience.! ninth pain over the region of tbe kidneys. I tried five physicians without benetiUaud theu uoncluded to ry Foley' Kidney Lure. Alter taning three 1.0U bottles 1 was complete' cured." Sold by K. L. Rawing. Give up your idea about the b?t way to commemorate the Meekleu burg Declaration tin the new cruiser, ' aorth Carcdiua tQariuye .-few. Io nut It ImMwJJ l'poi , Foley & Co:, Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as throat aud lung remedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. Ask for Foley' Honey aud Tar and refuse any substitute offered aanotber preparation will give tbe same satisfaction. It is mildly laxative. It oontains no opiates aud is safest for caildren and delicate persons. For sale at K. U L.awin&. Of course we will win in the com ing electiou, but we must work to gam the sort of victory we desire. News, Ex. When yon have a cold it is well to be very careful abont nsing anything that will cause constipation. Be) particular ly careful abont preparations containing opiates. Use Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar, which stops the cough and aoTes the bowels. Sold by K. Lawing. Be of tfool coutage; that is the main thiug. Thoreau. Good advice to women. If yon wanj a beautiful compaction, clear skin, bright eyes, red lips, gojd healh, take Hollist er's Kocky Mountain Tea. There Is noth ing like it. S5 u?nts, Tea or Tablats. Sole by K, U, Lawing. Neutrals are jwu-ed froia above and singed from below. German Proverb. ' Rheumatism, gottU ,'fcackauhe, acid fusion, are r-stilts of ktdtiey troubtf. T T .11. TV... . rxtn, 'directly to the seaP of the disease and cures when all else tails. 35 centa. . Sold bv K. L, LaWlfig f V. , Tbe best education in tbe world js that got by struggling to make a liviug, Phillips . In these dayB ot rnsh and hurry cour tesy is often forgotten. In the mad, pell uiell rnsh of onr life little tbisgs are done to offend that we rather remained undone. A hastily eaten meal and its re enltant headache, may cause us social or financial loe. Tbe wise mnn or woman is the one wbo reloeves little ills ot this sort by a little dose of Kodol For dyspepsia. It digests wbat you eat and puts yonr stoMach back into shape. Sold by K. L. Lawing It is just as easy to fall in love tvituaiich girl as it is to fall in love with a poor oue, bat it is gen erally easier to marry the poor one, St Joseph(Lo.) Press-News. ' The famous Alabama was afloat twenty-two months. In that time 6he destroj ed fifty-one vessel. No one would buy a fail boat with srils that could not be reefed. There is always that possibility ot a little too too much wind that makes a cautious man afraid to go unprovided. The thinking man, whose stomach some times jjoes back on him, provides tor his stomach by keeping a bottle of Kodol for Dyspepsia within reach. Kodol di gests wbat yen eat and restores the stomach to the condition to properly per or m its functions. Sold by K. Lawing. 7 BIGr .AUCTION SALE 1 will sell at public auction io the highest bidder on OCTOBER -I H)( ( at my stable the old E- W- HOKE stable, about six horses and several sets of harnes, several buggies and surries two wagons and several other stable equipments. Now is the time to get a good surry or wagon or a good family horse. Remember these horses that are to be sold are all sound, lady broke aud good workers and are horses that I have used this season. The object of this sale is that I do not wish to carry this many head over winter. Hoping to see you on the 4th of October 1906 I remain Respectfully yours, W. W. W. HINE8 P. S. Terms of this sale arn: All less than $20.00 cash; ove $20.00, Yz cash with good notes with approved security for 90 days. THERE IS A REASON FOR CHEWING REYNOLDS' SUN CURED TOBACCO CAXTKEAD WITH ANY SATISFACTION;'. Vou need a pair of our glasses Thev will enable vou to read with perfect .ease. Kves Examine Free- . W.M. SHERRILL. Jeweler and '"pticia., Lincolnton, IM. L. 1mm McKee, Son & Co. - Everyhing Good to Eat. Chcwers becoming tired of heavily sweetened sun cured tobaccos caused REYNOLDS' SUN CURED to quick ly win from the old brands of much longer standing the place as favorite with sun cured chewers, because it contains iust enough proper sweetening and fla voring to preserve the quality of the leaf and enhance its goodness, causing a large increase in the demand for sun cured tobaccos. EYN0 UN CURED is not only pure sun cured, but it is made from choice selections of the genuine sun cured leaf grown where the best sun cured tobacco grows. It is like that you formerly got, costing from GOc. to $1.00 per pound, and is sold at 50c. per pound in 5c. cuts; strictly 10c. plugs, and ;s the best value in sun cured tobacco that can be produced for chewers. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C. , 5 1 5 1 ' ' He travels safe aud not ujplea antly who is guarded by poverty and guided by love. Sir Philip Sid ney. . , When you have a cold it is well to be very careful abont using anything that will cause constipation. Be particularly careful about preprrations containing opiates. Use Kennedy's Laxative Hon -ey and Tar, which stops the c&hgh and moves the bowels. Sold by K. Lawing. Men ought to calculate life as if tbey were fated to live a and a ehort ti ne. Bias. both long tiood for the cough, removes the cold, tbe cause of the cough. That's the work of Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar tbe origional laxative cough syrup. Con tains no opiates, jjold by K. L.Lawn.g Tbey enslave their ohildreus children The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and luag remedy, aud on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the geanine. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse any snbstitnte of rerea as no otner preparation will give tbe same satisfaction. It is mildly lax ative. it contains no opiates and is safest tor children and delicate persons. Who make comproinij with sin. ' -JBbwell. When two strong men come to bljws even if they are well matched, it is not a pleasing sight, but if tbe man wno gets the worst of it will 'use De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, he will look better and feel better in short order. Be sure you get DeWist's. Good tor everything a salve is used for, including piles, Sold by K. Lawing. "Constant Subscriber" was being laid to bis long rest. His casket was covered with flowere. Weep ing friends stood arouDr. A mod est man approached and added to the floral collection a palm leaf fan. It was the'Editor, The pentleinan bad died cwing eight years on bis paper. Democrat. Doctor. ull He would Dot Live. Peter Fry, Woodruff, Pa., write 'After doctoring fur two years with tbe best physicians iu Wayuesburg, and still getting worse, the doctors advised me if I bad any business to attend to I nad better attend to it at once, aa I could not possibly live another month as there was no cure for me. Foley's Kidney Cure was recommended to me by a friend, and I immediately sent my son to the store for it and after taking three bottles I begain to get better .and continued to improve until I was entirely well." Sj'.d by K. L. Lawing. Some gentle men were talking ou the streets yesterday about the death of Mr. William Beatty wbo died at the hospital at MorgantosJ several months sgo. Mr. Beatty was taken to the hospital from the Crowders Creek section by Mr. El. Whitesides before the civil war. Htj was releasel when the Yankee eitne to Raleigh and walked home He was take j back in a few month ago. ur. ceauy waB raKen t j tnft .... . w U. IUV J " " I 1 i; . L Q section by Mr Ed. Whitestdea be fotethe civil war. He was released when the Yankees came to Raleigh and walked home. He was taken back in a i.jv uaoati.s and has re mained there nearly all uis life.. Uastonia News. . 13 loll r (Nqt In the Circus Trust) ' Mr. George Womac, one ot the county's best farmers marketed the first Dale oj this years cotton we have beard of In this county Saturday, September. Sth, The bale was raised on the land of Mrj O. P. Thompson, and was sold to JoneS and Cobb, of Macbpelah for ten cents per pound. It we remember cor rectly, this is shont one wK later than last years fir-t bale, hut owing to the unfav liable ea-ons, the record of this year i very in le-d- . Are you lakinj iu strength aud vigor'r Are you weak? Are you in paiu; l)u yon fee all run down? Tne blessiug if health and strengte come to all who use Hollist er s Kocky Mountain Tea, 35 cents' Sold by K. L. Lawing Mrs. Adjer tair and little daugh ter Miss Francis Fair, of Lincolnton have returned home, after a visit at Mr. W. A. Ross's. A Cold Settled In Hie Kldneyi A.J.Jennesse.9201 Butler St.. Chicago writes: -I ara a switchman ind am out in all kinds of weather. I took a cold which settled in my kidneys and I was in tad shape, I tried several advertised remedies with no benertt. until I was recommend-d to try Foley's Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a bottle enred me. Tbe Lemocratic hand book has been received and is a well gotten up book, 6aid by many to be the best ever issued, Then were sent to every countv chairman and those desiring; a copy should write or cail on their county chairman. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF MEDICINE' (V&$k Bullttift.No. a. whiaatelle ttbout it. Tbrt frM caUUomHBcltf Dtpartmtot, Ten Big Shows Combined Four Ringed Circus, Big Double Menagerie, Hippo" drome and Wild West Lincolnton Thursday, Sept 27 lif ' ;rr CHEAT ..... BARRY MIX ' ' " JeTHl'i . Presenting Under Ten Acres of water proof tents. 1500 rare and costly wild animals.- Double Herd of Ele phants. Ponderous, per forming Pachyderms. , Presenting a Program Contique of Perfection. Stupendous Realistic Production Battle of Wounded Knee Introducting 500 Indian cowboys, Scouts and Soldiers. mo The Leavensworth Zouayes-Direct from a successful European Trip. Amer ica's Greatest military company, presenting the manual of arms to music. Two Companies of Calvary. Late of the U. S. Army; in expert feats of horse manship. Ellsworth Female Zouaves :. See Capt. Winston's Wonderful Educated Seals The Lucuzon Sisters Wonderful Aerial Iron Jaw Act :: Aly'ng Bauvards, Sensational European Aenahsts. .: The Latebt, Foreign Novelty, Mr, James Dutton and Mile. Winnie Van, Grand Spectacular Double Riding Act .: McNutt Troupe, Aerial Cycle Whirl Riders. :: Prof. Nygard's school of wonderfully 1 rained Menage Horses, 12 in Number. :: 20 Male and Female Riders. :. 100 Daring G) mnasts. Nimble Acrobats and Trained ,-erilists, the pick of all Arenic Celebrities. Forty merry old Clowns : Grand 5300,0000.00 Street Parade. 3 Miles of Gold Bedecked Wagons and Chariots, Pranciug Horses, Dans of Rare aud ICnetly Wild Animals, and iiiclnJiug the season's newest novelty, a quarter of a million dollar reproiuctiou of the BattleDipa of our Nbvv. The Cirand Mnsical Ballet. 600 men, women aud children iu the cast :: Chief . White Thunder's B-.Dd of Iudians. 5') Bucks. Sqnuws aud Papooses :: Tne Cele'.iratel AirnW R a, of W soloists, under direction of Antouia Uiiv-to. give one hours mnsioal program before each performance. EXCURSION RATES ON ALL RAILROADS osccc fih THE ORIGINAL W LAXAT.VE t Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat "7, and Lung Trouble. Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption yr:: i.nw pKAQjg K. L. LAWING ' '1 U LP I 111 i il Kv MAM) S M Journal Ads Bring Quick Results Try One. ft i I

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