l.iv - I- ;1 :1 " ; -i ; ' .. .... -tJ: .' '- ' - - N IilNCOLNTON, N.'C3Iriy; 0, IS 10 No. 35. VOL. I; ...... -1 '? ''!- v !' -. . I ' . . - - - - ' . 4 ..... T . . A, - . .. -- f ;' " - , I. - i llArrift'm meeiin.r : but iKatHs unlers!aod, Udy of twelve thouanno five hundred men in , n :N '4 :Av-vA. .A-l'a3 no bthftr object could brin'tosether such acttTc service, and amJOjerttoT equal number! lv ticreirs tonienot In Ohio, but ln milith force of two -hundred- thousand men, I: fTwo Uoni.Ans per annum in advance, cr; two disiilisfit-tl wilh ihf course tl measure pur- sueu by the Auminis:rM.i.in. 5 iur. ir. " ' JSy Suh5cript)Ti 5 lakeu tor les ; than o:.e yr. J,"' ar! a'fiture i order a dmit muance at ihe end r rh Vear. w;ir btt 'construed as a neT engage- so driUid-and stationed as. to be.Teady to defenco of lafnr; ?' paopwill hrt discern in tied lint at the opium i j. tir written Oo ri;nuriniiio"s u ij iiiv..",. ? busi mffrliey will not he attended lit. ... .. AdVeriiiwnts will lbs conspicuously, in A PL-Rli . M ETA LL! C CUKRENCV.- Benton JIurr.hu tilout T 'rar.ee. , Tha Tntunal of Conine rce I vide Cn- mcrce) ar.n unced daring the monih f tFcl- insertpd f4 (be D.)f.a per square, tor the first, and 'jVentr. fi v ' veins fur each, subaeq iff n t, in seriiun. . Alle'nann t.ount tt-Mtl.W 'e cut the f j!! af.iumtbns from the Cumberland Civilian of Wke their places. "ui the ranks lit the lith inst.: " j - Mr '!i-ip1j .Vn'i will ri!ew5 inform the j 11 !.!. .1 t I t.o. fv-i;t t. I IVn'm 9ft 1 r" S7 ? the i win ilc conductors 01 ua .ueaninn. mai iney nave "r w ""'",7 v ' . " i ' . r 1 .1 r ir ! nn.i mi hini ta tillrr iHiattw t. ti.lrAA t 1 tnrm of service to be eiaht vears four years ruarv wxtv-stven failures in the city of Vara P"t ooJ P"- uuii la alter J!ame IMJl lliv illlliu uii on MJmtt VMUII1IIH.V. 1 - a . 1 . .... . . .. , .r- . 1 1..u.i,i,nti1pin.,.ii,nfiTPif I nm in the fir&t class: mid. lour in the reserve ; Monc.- 1 he excess oi tue pint liaoiwties over T fnr? t.w!, lp;r,n :ftf(Sin J oncfourllt Dart, twcntv-hvc thousand men, to UU the property asned amounted to five if i i J.. . i .1. i a ma Arrir vpif. nnwin. at thcl miliiitis-(jl lr?ncs. Uie Iirm alone reifiains Harrison, ana no longer u aunpurier oi um n;n-iii-.iiiv'v.; j . r. I . - . . . - i t " . ; Von nr,n A rl.nm;trtmn- ! f. , conclusion of the first term iuto the reserve, a, f.iulier to t!ro nug little amount of CI,-1 IlAltlllSON'STARrZMAN. and exempted ' from ordinary militia duty 300000 irancs, another U t.ic amount olha'.f 4nril 0- IR i'i - i -i altogether at tho end of the second. In this a million, and nine others ti the amount of ' .u' .;.,,r:-::,.4 n,n0 n I mumpr iwpniv.f.vn thousand men will b 1 lOO.Out) francs. In the hionth of January ii c me uiincraivijcrij, uiiuui uui initi-,& 1 ... . . ! - iietn Carrol!. autler( tI the VnridiHtrg upon the loco' fxo electoral ticket of Teii nr5e, ha kiiicu folorcd in the lUotwtpa. CJcti C publicly, uudo u series ol "charges asainst iieu. .llarnon, -and, through - the iKwpnpers, chaiicned the Whi to ai pub lic di$rusio tiiosc charges. Col. Jcme, thejWht elector; accepietl the chailcnj-, aiet; him, anJ cmp!.tel routed J)im at trrv TUre- upon tho Get.erl, allee-liu, 11k? wam of e canvas arI the luco lucos have 'put uf n Mr. Andrew Ei ia his place. ' f!J Hf a.1 Me'a.-.w7 ' , - l - I thn Van Ruri-n f?oni:iitte of Vi-ilance for the dUchariEcd from militia duty every war, and sixty failures were anno jnecu, not; acr-i.. & lA da& due the cause of truth to twenty-five thousand Iresh recruits be rccciv- le than hve minims or dullart. ! W hal a 4lSe wiaert-eby the year.V .- -8ute that,thinkinrfthcre6ughi tobe achanSc, ed into the service. It will be.flumcicnl .for nice thm- a purely metallic currency is! 4Perms sending in Adveriisements mast be we ncw go ftir Harrison and relbrai. a 11. useful purposes, that the remainder of the And what a nice place I urn h for a ,uru cireful td'niVrk'on.ihe margin the number of inj ; H. 8. SHAPFNEltj militiii.under certain regulations provided for turrenry man like Stftrtwnut lo live m ; isu t aariionsi or they will be continued until ordered , t "t? A.MnRf!Iv KrJ - iheir irovcrnracnt.be eniolled and be muster- it, Tom 1 Pennsylvania German..- the a Mr. Andrew it. fr ia his pi Ewini? will bo met br. Junes at cvrrv turn lie, will ulso bo ir.rt and vniujuihcd bj.hi uwnproll.cr, nn ireent, v lug and a gent man of high orde of talcntt. .1 1 -cqt.'and charged accordingly i'X .Can Fkeemen hesitate: to choose, fS between ti&S KR AL HARRISON and - . GENERA L It UIN ? Annexed is a brief; sketch;' of tlie Jife" of v . CHRISTIAN STATLER, J HENRY MITCIJELLi THOMAS LUDDY; ' :. : EDMUNDMIDDLETON;. , ' v V. S. WHITTAhRi ! IJOHN RRANTi ; . : The above is only a beirinnini;" We in ed at Ions and stated, intervals ; for, in due nrocess of time, nearly the whole mass of the militia will oass through the first. sn3 second classes, and bo either memliers of the active corps, or tf -the reserve, or counted among GEORGIA. This largest,, political meetings ever hr!d in the exempts, who will be liable to be called h Citicj of Augusta. Cidumbus, and Macon, !''.. ... . ' I Knn Kann fir.il iL'ilkik tlm last liirlr.lnlit Irt II 3 tlie loco foco parly co brains ? Buj falo Journal, - , v.tit Una L-n L-I tlim Mil lit- ritrtninr against ii log cabin. -Jou.Joural. I ; i' ' . ; : - ' i ' fnm t0 fT 9i n n f rr Zl-n 0 ) THE ORPIIAN WOOD CHOPPER; Benjamin Harrison - tlie father of, old, Tipp0- upon only in periods, of invasion or imminent f '- 0rt - ' f '. I A - I. peril. mc manner oi .caroimcui, iu uum- 'canoe, r rom so siernog '' v. fprincinles,- than the ' "rivjst virtuous, generous Kl-id patrioUc coufu have been imbibed. ,,-.:A's P lne old cock cr$v3, so the young one learns.'- lonrl 1!rivlr.rr n 'ictftnr KtlirvRva in thrt W3V Rnronl f!mmittfn ot bcr of davs ol service, and the rate ofxom Viinlanrn. Thnr nrr. ntherd lltnt af-jnd in Pensation, OU2ht fO be fixed by llW! bUt.ltie the, same relation as those above, and 'some facialis nau ueuer ue icusuojwi niFBui.... on it that never port ;Yan Buren. ; - . i o y. i.. k o'.m f.hppVfllv sitmed his own death . t warrant,-as, he believed for the liberty of his fiintrvmenl so did the son- willingly.expose t i . ... ia..t - . . I - The subioined document, and the matter nfivv v arils, as re . a- iiik inp iiiw I'liiiiii i i u l i va - . . i i i u a in 1 i j u QLiuwuiia m a u a a t " a T:?;J. 'ii - . o;n thX hoMflr.i theretoappended, has been lately printedy or, Presented bv the accompanvinc report cf tbo ... ?1V. "r. ,i.4.a wa, nf- : hiiVhlv, reV .!AV - ".y" . 14 loecretary ot var, cans tor ine.eajiy uuu c- .y-jL .kiJ r. ;i :nv;r.Mmn -.T m ri.Ufi nf his T - nous auenuon oi-vonsress j uuu, i : ' .7 - r - -it rl orenarea oy cfinjicmen lor incir own use, arm irii t rrii knnwn. : lie was a siuueni in me i . ,. ..." ,!. ., have and will! not, now sVp a plan of which 1 am prepared to submit i. - t v . ' - to y.ou." ... ,:"" .I "I v -" Here is the eridoration of this monstrous project by Mr. Van Buren, in his last annual The present-condition of tho defences oi have been heid within the last fortnight, to pot -the-Harrison bsjl in motion of that State had determined lo su own Gov. Troup, but a , better acquaintance with the old Patriot and btate.-nun, has in duccd them to revise their dec'uion. COPY OFA PRINTED LEAF. ortnight, to About fiAcen or cigh cin vcari ago, a farA The Whi;; iiy residct! in Fayette couuiy, the lather sn i unport their n)0ther ot whom died of an epidemic then ' prcvuleut, leaving three childien,. two wiA i and a daughter, in k foilorn and desiitutuii-ji ualion. -By this nn-Iancholj- eieut,the raari-' . i . . .. . ngemeni: uua suppon ti me lamiiy , cnicil refcted on the elder brother, then about f .chicnr j out cilt induiirt ' i : " .ft-V. 'college of W illiam and Mary,"wTi3n his father and two sisters were simultaneously killed by a stroke of liirhtninnJ He went early - into ? public life, (ip which his ancpstors had Jongr . jbeen uistinguiHhed,conimencing his political career . in' 1754, as d member of the .legisla- . - An to be distributed by them among their friends, we should not now have placed it in our col- umns, but that it was yesterday brought up iii the House of Representatives, read and commented; upon, and is. supposed to havef ing itself intimately with this subject; I can not recommend ;,too strongly to your.".c6hsid eration the plan'submitted by that officer. Tor the organization of the inilitia of the United Sfafes." . "! - - , -1 - f Phe following is the 17th section of the iro of his. native province eminence h im fip.nnirnfl in r hat Cflnacilv. combined Iwith the! influence naturally accruing frorn fortune and distiniruishca fujn"conwi.-' Urfeft:ti Trutr aDfltHntor ihe Royal Goteru- -.ant.Anliet htm'iri their favor : and lie wa3 Vfccordinolv olTereda seat in the Executive U,.nril nf VirimaV-attation analagotTS to r.oiinserhmMHsland. This was a tempting bait fo an ambitious y m i hut as even at!ttiat time, the measures in the British ministrjmcaled an ,oppres given rise, in some way or other, to the scene rrfanofdetails piWsed bv the Secretary of whjch, as tho reader will rind by reading the VVar fpr the organization of thamiliiiJ1 account of preceedings, became the subject United States tbua "nded by Mr. an of formal notice by the House- tTheJiisLpsrt nr.v nvwhich the power is to be civen to '. . -n i iii i iii n ia lr.oa. .m t. r i t i - urin rr 11 i i . ttr . . feive spirit, he refused the yroflfered dignily., i finri always exerted his influence for ihe itctwflt of the peaple'.- .When the time came for active resistance to the arbitrary, ac s of ?: H L 11 llikx t.rt moo not (Tinnd h:ifUvvnrri. WFr?:r XJL " VnZ- :::: :F VnA V- , Treasury 'Department, June 27,1833. . , tP.'r "?'.-?. .?..,. i.-. l,... - St : ,lobeaxmee to Ihe resoluiion of the $m u lo Vlu j v i i ' , ' ii i . u r i "a I have the honor to "Jay.'before the House a lie forcrottenas long as i ueriy is wu-siuppcu. . a ' r n a - . . ' a i vi 'J ifiiifiii Aii.in ill ' inn niiiiiiiiiL in r.iifciiuiiui d exclusive of the puouc utott lor eucn year, from 1624 to lcJS." . j .-. Mt -s related concerning him, mat wnusi it'M-ui. the instrument lie happeneiS to stand jiear Mr. Gerry ot Massachusetts, who was "of a slender ancf; spare form, while he was Svery corpulent1;, ami turning to him after "laying down the pen,' he said m .a la xtayWhen the time. of hanging cc a . a lacetious omcs;I it wiu nfoTresideht to assemble uch numbers, at such pUces, and at such" I'raei, within their respective districts,fas he may deem necessa ry not exceeding twice in one year. ,Tho people are required', if called on, to perform military duty beyond the limits 'of their r ovn Siates, at tho vi!l of the President, there be ing.only eiht districts" in the Union,' and ccnsenuently several States iii a districl- . We have onfy to calf youf attention to tho universal prediction made inl&33,al the removal of the deposites, and reiterated down tn the nrcscnt time. viz. Thut when the Jone 23, 183S.' Read, cc laid upori.the table. Federal Executive obtained unlimited con-; trol over the public purse, the next step tcouia be to raise a standing drmy. , , . j I . Here it is in its full proportion ! I ... The next step towards the downfall of thii republic, under the false, garb of s democracy an exact- copy frorrt Exccutivtucumsnt 11. R. 21 Sestiari.of tha 25ih Congrcds. he residue, except so far as relates to the extracts from official documents, is, tuff reader will observe", urfoI:ial. Nat. lrit'. l - OFFICIAL, i . V.- j .Bontic ExrENDrru'CE raoM 124 to 1333. letter frorn the Secretary of the Treasury transmitting a statement of expenditure, exclusive of the public debt, fir each year, , from 1824 to 1 "533. The Standard and Carolinian have charged, I tccn years of ae. Brought up to over and over, that Harrison's nomination by j by his poof nfif pious parents, he ciiof not ft , the Harnsburg Convention, was made by ab- 4 tnximent dct-pair, but (hat. the Alm.ghty olitionists in that body. Sce ho the Emsn- who hid deprived them of their earthly prf- Cipaior conirauicis una ucciarauui:. . u unu i ieciin;i, lor purjnc huowd cniy to ntmseij, in a Northern paper.. the following Editorial! would watch over tKern in their fiieudtinc extract from the Emancipator Ol April 3d : and dcstituto situation, and provide for thenh J ay. Ub. I with proper, industry on their part At thi time, Uie chopping of wood at the furnacti olTercd the most constant 'employment, aii he could. have company and aisibtance of hj) little brother, and fter, to - whom he:wa much attached. Having left the. atcsll li cabin which hod been for many yeff occtf n ! rl lit ftioir n.rn.il wrA ... LL.L J -1 . LN F.OR.A BANK, sucK as the Van cd 10 lhcm hY 1,10 rccidfcction of many p-: unites xcould like to ate A Bank that i cnt, they betook ihcmseUes, viih they little all, to the coaling ground of a neighbor ing farmer, and became the terra nt a of cbecrless'tcncmeiil, comnared with. the oi; iou it Kill be obserxed, thet Mil tnjer ests tcerc represented ut Ilarrisburz, EX' CEPT. TJiJ: AVOUTIOX INTER EST, tchich had not, so far as xce know, a single Representative. I jjurmttcs icovui line to are. a. inn shall lend to every body that asks : that shall never require any one to pay its notes promptly with specie or demand. We go in for such a Bank, not as a stockholder, but as a customer. ; , Fay. Observer. J'rcm the Louisville Journal. I While Mr. Bancroft, the Boston Collector, wis travelling as a -political missionary through Connecticut,1 lio visited the establish ment of nn extensive carriage-manufacturer in rew Haven who had some 301) workmen f-." 1 .u r 7,t hnv.p the. anviimae octr vuu. m jbe'over icith me ire a minute, but ybu will be !fc ''. fockinF in ihe air half ) an i hour - after I am ft C Ml. - ! m. . a-kaC rItf ft ff A e fbl as Chairman of the boardof War. After llif resignation of his seat, in 1777, ha was Iteected to the House of Iiurgesses. of Virgin s ia, of ;which 1 he . was ; immediately chosen ' Sneaker This s'u'.a'.ion he occupied; until Mtlie year 1782,' when he was made ehief '"riiatstrale of tlip State,' and twice re-elected.' fn 1785 he retired into private life, but in i ?1783 became a member of the Convention of Virginia, that ratified thepresent Constitn- : I am very .respectfully ' ' , your obedient servant - v . levi. .wooeJbury; "I Hon. J . ht. Polk, ; Sec'y. of the Treasury. Speaker of the IIous cf Representatives.! Statement showing the a?hounl of .expendi tures of the United-States, exclusive of the public debt, for each ylar,from 1854 ro inclusive, stated in pursuance of a resolution of the House of Representatives j of the 2ofA June 1833. For the year 1824, ... t s tion of the United states. . ite auvocaieci tne ay'option ot the Constitution, Witrt. certain lie uieu oi ma uum iu i jiri. i Amendments. v 0 Daniel B. Baker, his been selected as the lp. ept&'tHe nomination. Mrl Baker will ca I il " Vvass the District throughly, and we doubt not, ill shake the fastnesses Of the . enemy . .!-. Pit rf:v..i ?M iikWe saw gen)lemerr on Mood's jr last,: from i tyi SnavidsoniredelL Surry" and Chatham: who j fe'ffnyo us cheering newsjTorrt i : Jh Davidson and Iredell it is THE PROSPECT V - ill if"- those counties. ' doubtful wheth- c-fJl lUCriJ Will LK svvu wi i an-fiui uuwui lft. " 1 n the other couuties the Whig. major- - MARYLAND. i rneliri? of about ten thousand people, P v t JokpIacc at Frederick Md., oh ilie 19th 11! I P. S.'- We forgot to state' that it was a Do Do Do Do Do Do Da D? Do Do Dj 1825 1820,' 1627, ,1823,. 1729., 1930, 1831, 1822, 1833V 1S34, 1833y 1836, 1837, $15,330,144 71 11,41)0,459 9 13,002,316 27. 12,653,0155 65 13,290,0-11 5 12,760,400 62 13,229,533 33 13,86,4,076 90 16,516.383 77. 22,713,765 II 18,425,417 26 f 7,514,950 28 30,SQ3164 94 39,164,745 37 JVb'te.The fprrgotng sums include pay ments for trust funds and- indemnifies, wliich, iu 1837, was $5,610,404 36. ' . " T. L. S M lTHr Register. ' Treasury Department . ' " Register's OjJLce, June 26 ie31.- f Tni sum-i3 subject to small variation on tlie settlement of the accounts ot the lreas- r ! ; UNOFFICIAL. Contrast the. expenditures of the Govern ment under the present with, those of farmer Administrations; then read the tollowi3g,aTio reflect before you vote ! ! F ! I : ! I ! " The following are literal extracts from the report of the Secretary of War, and the mes saLe of the Presideijf ofj the; United States.on the subject ofthe increase of the' Army ot the united estates ;. . . - v . . . is proposed to divide the United States we leave you to conjecture. ., In the mean time.. ou are entreated lo pause before you strike'this last fatal blow at the liberties of your country. " ..." :" . ' 17. That the President' of .the United States bo autorized to call forth and assemble such numbers of the active force of tho mili tia; at such places within their respective dis tricts, aud at such times, not exceeding twice, nor - days in the same year, as he may deem necessary ; and during such period, including' the time when going toand return- in" from the place of,. rendezvous, they shall be deemed in tho service of the. United States, and be subject to such regulations as tho Pre sidcut may think proper to adopt for their in sirrrciion,-aiscipiiiie, uuu imjirovciiifm m nut ilaru trnnivlPnirf. "" i ! We the undersigned, hereby, certify that the above extracts are true copies from the reports of the Secretary of War, ond-lrom . f - n . t . r.t Tr.'..I the message o; tue rresiaeni oi mo uuueu States. I ipril 18, 1840. ,. - J R. GARLAND, of LouisianaV JOHN BELLorTennesse, JOHN M. BO ITS, of, Virginia, THOS. CORW1N, ofOhio, M. H. GRINNELL, if New York, J. C. CLARK, of NeS York, lever Err SALTPNSTALL, j of Massachusetts, ' " i TRUMAN SMITn, of Connecticot, - ' Executive Conr.it tee. to eignt tlib militia military dtstrictsandj 6 organize in each dislftct,'sb - as to have a Ah Independent Politician. 1 any Mc ELVAINKEsqi a leading 'reenibsr-of the. Ad- rmnisiraiion pany in vsnio, iaiu an uuich candidate for Congress, snd a member of the Van Buren Central Committee, has, for rea sons, which he frankly avow in an address, through the Columbus papers publicly -re nounced Vis support ol Mr. Van Buren. and declared himself in lavor of the election of his nld conmrander aod fellow-soldier, General IUbbison, whom he prefers and supports, "because (says, he), I know hini, and know him to be a brave, a true "patriot, and .t cap able statesmani and because 1 have been his emnlov. ! in Bancroft to the proprietor, that it is for vour a w advantage to o for ihe ndministration ticket, Hp, in the event of its succeedin', the waces of j -vrneymcn mu-t he reduced." . Pray speak a litllc louder," said the gcn.leman, putting his hand to Ijis car in a likening at litcJs, ,4I am very deaf." Bancroft Vccord inly repeated his remark in an elevated ienc. 'Fellow-workmen, do yoii hear that ?" er. claimed the gentleman, turning. to the three l-iJred .listening .journeymen. They did hear it, andf, on t heyday of the election, thoy marched in phalanx. rs unbroken as that of the Spartans and deposited 300 votes against an adrninis'ralion whose avowed policy it u to reduce ths wages of labor. they had left. During the day, th'e eldi; chopped wood, and the younger, assiatiti", a far as his strength Would permit, whilcfh sister attended to the domestic concerns their hut.; In thi evening, anJ on day whe the weather wculd not admit of out dour en phiyment, the elder brother, who had rccei cd a tolerable English education in the" afte time of hi parent", taught the brother an sister and his .exertions' were not spent ii I vain, as the sequel will show. m M With economy anJ proper managemenf. assure you, said .lr. at the c.iuralion of a few veam. !h-v har i .... .. ..- . nccutnuialca a small lund i: SURRENDER. Among the many amusing incidents which occurred at the erection of the loi cabin in Erie, Pa. a few days ago, was the following: Sixty men from an 'piii'in tdvn where the Whfs have necr liecn able to poll ijmre than ten or twelve vn!c, dressed in Indian cos tume, rde up to the cabin in procession, and formally surrendered t.'ie.vxelee to the in vincible Hero' .f Tippecanoe ; and, hurvin" ft he hilchct under onn corner f tlie cabin. formed un alliance wilh his old followers ArRIL-FOOLlG. :i inoncvMod utor consolation, they determined lo invest it ic a piece of Western land. At that time thl attention of emigrants was directed, princi IaIIy to Indiana, as oflring Ihe preatcst in duceaientJ Thither then, the elder brothei wrf to joB- fortf.c purpose ol locating a home . Having taken au affectionate leave of thoM the most dearly loved on earth, he departet to the Mntiougaheia river, where he cbtainei a passage on u tLt bo.il bound far Cincinnati and in due time urnved at that placu in afe ty. lie" was thcu directed to seek Ihe Wabas! county, for the most fcrti!e lands in the. Siitc Early in :he next looming he fct out for Vin ccnocs, where Ihe principal Land-t fTice fo that region wa then loca'td. Little experi enced in j turucjitig on foot, and buoyed u with the pleading idea of getting a home fo himself and tb.se vhnm he had If ft scm hundred miles LehinJ, but !,oe welfare am happiii'evs .identified Willi hisown,k':pt a plac in his rccV.ULtion he pushed on at a rate to grett fr even an eccompluLcd P dostian t withstand. His ankles ben me swollen au his feet much hlUte'rcd. , Aware of It3 scar ty means anJ his great desire to accompli his end, he Iclt uutviiiin to loe lime, un continuing, aggiavfttcd the impe-Jimcnt, imti he was scarce able even Id Itotble alon. Thus situ ited he became depressed m spli ils, an j nlfiuj'st ready toeibk under dt.-s;K d-mcy, when he was overtaken on the ro by a plain, fa fine r-loo king gentleman a norselnek. The horsemanupon ccraingep thus accosted Jiim in a bcnevol-tit and lu Yourig luan yotTnppeaV lame au manner Crlhc first day e f April, a dentist ia Ncw Orleans was called upon and requited to make all haste , wilh his instruments, to a house hii'h un in il a marine street, to rHrrform ' an operation. On arriving at tha Iouso lie ,u,t Ul"'1 CflJcuIateJ to inaka much progre.. ascertained that all they wanted with' him on your jouryy." To . which ths oun was to set the teeth cf a hand-sav. - - msb ifplicj, informing him of the cause c his luricness that be was bound for th LJ ofirce.at Vincenn.'far the puipose c entering a piece of land as home lor him elfuud a yrMjnger brother and iicr, whoc he had left orphans ia Fayette county. Pa. but that ho almost despaired of reaching it i hi present; crippled situation. . Tu gentle man horseback' quickly replied 'U ha ANOTHER LOCO FOCO 'ELECTOR , . BACKED-OUT. Out readers no doubt remember, that a lo co foco elector in Tennessee, a few weeks ago, after one meeting wih his Whig coin pv.titor, withdrew, his name from the elect nr. I ticket, on the alleged ground th.at he had ni t I ho necessary drtimcnts fr CocuaiUits fcr aw lcsliinikxi,. 1 am aho koutvl f. Uefcadui,? the adirijiiiral'j?i. j Viticro ici--lt ii jet tucnly h.iIcv-'Ut if IS . 1

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