i i . 1 - i .VOL. I. ; 1 -i - v J.iNCOIlITONrNixG June 27, IS K) - 5 1 - V . . ... 'l t I'll ni f fhn r kJ 7 i,iiii fr . .r ivrtiiTr jT , jui i six fli'itn ljm ihe nay v t 4 the yeafj ill be cunsttuird as a . ? o pnipor wijl b? )iftci)nttpoed Hnt a - All written to:niwiinicaiinri3 to U i t; post par'fcr wiU mil t aity deil lo.l : '3 K A mv of ADYEllTlSJXC. -f Alveri;jt-ij'iAvill ije c"?--jicujitely insp.rted Tor. .s iiLi,A.1 p?r j'iare, t.r ih first fr uJ ' jCujt a3.ff.riisemmit. and SuerilT s baisi wll ' chirtretl iweuiv-live ' per eent higher ihao lUu t , v , i A-.illiA-iian nT3.1 I-! nar cent, wilkba made to der might J:SC aS.Me who advertise by th? year. puoitc niliway theVbrtvlcted t ' Yroav fixU stateiiv-'j pears . Frst. vTfiat the sIHrffisi mutrh complain- '.tJ (if, va3 only the sellmjf ol the syrvjes f f.AveWrtiruHy etnirp?.l:ie mU-or'tJlQ M ,r,,n Va r-1?". i . vii r. nv ir via r j i ii i Hi1 L-i : i n.i ivir. . irn t f a i.i.. a -. . . . I , i iti : t i r i t &mBt iiinii ui I ir . I'll inn iir umii I wpii m Mivttt.iiui - a jr.Ar, : vv J " 141 ; '"f" x ' it f iir mn,, j MijTfrtjT"oi.sr.U!ii tui Ta snrv.cT i v . T I J . -(,-rin erected at jU en.l ujfprilico. ! I - "t 5t -- '4 .avictI naVfa ain"sl the P-trnf UW ;.l4,,s n"il nn -ir"- .-Herri !. uie .f n ,fnr ttfinTicu.or hit ii :r'S.aS- j'hiigeciTf.n n-ia isJrick Qntio TheU-tn.-o.f h.i nt.t Tor at-nttcd'lTinft; to iy;thi-Jarc '? ;HWU.un l..ion t,wip. tJI, n-.l co iT.at KVn to all V I . . v -. . r . . ... www - ... . b ... a . a a i i - vai.t'.i a a a 111 i a i ' i iii fi.nii i nn i f w i a . a . kit I I 'linn. i mil ai a i 11 . : . . a'ltv maaiBBa' ai 'a . a w-1 a i a r k - - V ' r.Vrr K'i Ii-. ji win-. 1 .it . rwi"fi'4.ro I lit ' finviriiii ica -i'iaJtr AiwicrtitiiTi' ml l'Vui'IliHIuI ttbuhrCT. iVfer I IS-.. f 1 U'lVt'rnniCMt. 1.f. W, iUm Mh .Si jeKditorillustl tGovorimr-of Oliit, walj other, voting Two 1 1 tha j4!atue.itv.- of :lr .iulc ir W:!a-1 txnrat! V'p,r . Kbenr7. f Applet, nruti.Hry, .; cr.nrin- abuiit th cate.till the negative. la ndtiitii 1o the' pnvil;;e i UotiJolde. Aiitjct,Jtn4 hum i:iy..Hwyou,tiU ivc, Jo5m .M.lrtia, I on Ui:-t, 'VV oca'Mi.ui ijmfr, u,it Mr.-D.ckwioi lJ secured to the linpris uie I .:iF-ndef,who dhwifd j"a corn-c't tiaime,nt-otV ixflr Vau'tifucrial -fait Vil'iam fiamc,' J- ph M ?H"C,r H .Varv; utm Unnitd Larhr ) wnsihlo-' to uav hi- f,iejatid. cu-n8,'oi --iicin-? ofJ: cirWa-rihior in tK .''i ' ' , TjHMn.is fUrbcI, . J..lm :M!Cr. ': rn f.arful that. some Uc .fibepited .i'iy ihecantny 6'a:ii:storrs;i(,.t'hy .T-At' oT Vst, VVrtiun Mincr-ftf!. Clerk J ncut llcC ' (!cr;c Nf li-m.'J ih.z-.T pr.u k ih.? H rcr,:and "ucsted llty cortiider'it ext?ioiAt. the'hill Vcinffttimdwlien 4 "of the'! 0 hi fed' SiHtcCodrY for. OVt'o. ji'ikI, Krnni ih tVflpv.lIn I tit m.t .i.vrn". l,pr.. t 'r n 1 ' nc"' fiiccr. ostensih!v&tn tht j v'nio nti f .,;ir iLi cliiftr t!nn L Lvhf Starling. Jr. f !Lrt C th 5?iiro,rinf I !nurf I iVi.. cum JVr-. If ATra" l! -! JJ1t l.rMliV htri!rli iLm D i.f . Wkt'ti, a section proviii; tUat;tlj5 oflVt. I hJ C iiirt "tif "Cini.inn P.'fa i lor Frank!tn.iio.; ditini from l);ar Creel; townshrp, Ctho h.vr T,tn? I,ur ""i.1! ilitk it him! k fort!.' iiarge Ui firie- tyiaW- on' tbej h.iyo ex.iiuined?nJ .coiu"p.ued lli;fsTaieiicia rns-rtved to buncHirt old "7 " and let. Mr.r.1. ' 7" ,ou ol "nJair J!owert Mr. Sccnul Ou such fateas miht .be wjih DrVn utr care ofhunnlf. , L- T ircc"m,,end lb ' expenditure thocMurt.p4in-senteuoe on;certUi :1 : Lyon, ;; W'm. MciMrlan-C K-r ,or, foribe currc! our-Tr-r r -f ? ' vf7:wcu- -a;: "--j ... vjhn.iv.' ., mv,. wu.ce. aj zr: - . U of facts -it ceaHyfatf.r:"-':: ' -y?.. ALI-Kivl IvEULA .- .-1' ;rtu.. r;i.f.n . L l.hn s..nn..., : ' 2 Mr. U"hi:iWrr .i.i f 'ni':y tbczV ns-iir ten itt'rauti it reo;i.W ibis linio Mr." V. came to 'the conciiJ r rlt;cii-H o tnjt.e t'i tmiMt Itnve a fHfnianeot p r Minnmtrr tUe zuT Mr. IIindo cnqtiirvraivd lea-2 1 i J "f I Fefao'as setwhrij in Aivriisem.n!s mnii he I careful trt u itM irn-the pnargin ihe nmnbrr f in t' - 8riiiii, or'they will be piaiiiiued :iiul ortlcrtHJ 4 it, and charHd accord ingiy." j I - i - Yi. '".' ii 'i i ' ' ' -- 1 I kt b Ua' riUKEMts.N IlliSl 1' ATE TO CHWOiJ, j ? icirtcn OBSKlt.VL II AlliUO and! Iri' Y GENERAL IIUIX ? j V;AMh request bf,-KeHy Esq.; we'l.av" Another- - - 1 caretjjHy. ts mimed tue forepunj ?tiitein..'ntt ' . - y -. .n" ; A CONCISE STATEilENT OPFA(j;T3. Xtcliitiritr to ilie charge against General liar- rison, of h debt.' .voting to sell ichii' tiien for A The vote: which' has. been yhe .subjejet jnf so : Ihucli misrepresfiintion was iv'-n by i.v.u. "Iarrisori ihltlie iSf.mie"of O.ii'), at the! su:--"ijiorj of 1 20 "'Jl : .Previous to that timn, a law uFor the punishment of. certain oflnh JCes tlierein specihed," (passed February l 11, 1815.) and had been in force. " This act detuie'd aiid punished crimes or offences con jdered less heinous than crimes which were "punishable by imprisonment in thePenitenV tpry such as petty' larcency, house-break-tllig, rescu ing prisoners, 'Vn'd offences of t he V'like grade. ; These ; offences were, by" this la w, made punishable by; fine: and imprison tnent in the county jai!.' This law also i pro .Vided that if the offenderrefused to "pay the ifine imposed on him, by the'eburt, and cpsls --,juj prosecution, and the sheriTT could bud 'no ' fjroperty! bf the offender that he could. levy on find sell to pay the fine and .costs ivh erf he J- should imprison the offender in thcjcounty jill uritil the fioe and "costs should be paid- ' .Hut it also provided thai Jthe cou"nty;cbmmis stoiiers might order the sheriff. or jailer to dis w fcliarge the offender imprisoned for' the non ' j liftyment of such fine and .costs from prison, it they were satisfied that he was'.unable to - 1 nay the fine and costs.j It. was lound in l practice' that the conviction and puishmentof offenders under the act, added greatly to the , - expenses, of the ; counties, and - consequently . served to increase the burden of taxation on , ; Ufio people. .1; , v. .v-,'..;-:)'lt I Most of these petty criminals ;had hltle or n? property, adoptedmean.s ,to keep it out of the hands ot the ..sheriff, st as to prevent el- ftciuallv his collection of the fines and costs imptiStur on tlU'tn r tho violation of the law! 'Hi, ..i ..... . t . i n . . i . . i r 1 1 1. . MJi' i tiuii was, nirii in a iii i m ii v ui nxac. 'ases the county; had to piivlUu cos's of nros- e'utin; iliese off-nders, aihu ot "-ustaiou te'm .in prison ;r tiius, coiunollin the man -cent to pay for the' conviction and punish" .rf a of the guilty. At the' session 'of XB2d: :-' .V - ;- "V i " ' 3' 3 4 niaster-" Third. "Tliat, if the olll-ndr was able and .willingno labor, he mihtLtliseiiarue the fine iniMsed ) him, for this Violation of the law, by Jabof on the public highways, & thus' avoid being sold out to service, j. Fourth--1 That, if ha was unable to labor on thejfigh ways,& so prt as to be unable to pay nis nne & costs,he mignt.m such acase,be dis charged bv ih9 county commissioners without euner paying or.Deing sola lor the payment of - Fifth ahd last.'.rThat, ihe selling h.id no Teference to honest men, or to debtors, in" the ordinary acceptation of the term : butonlv to convict ojfenders against j the penal laws of trie otate. : And even in tbese chscs, it was only substituting -temporally service, in lieu of imprisonment, (or an inrjefroite lengt h of time, in the .noisome ceUs ol a countv the dffen'dei: could J-arn nothintf nor to JfUpport himself of fajnilyT' This bill W93 under conisideration at a time of great pecuniary embarrassment in the State oi nio.i oo uimcuu waar.iv lor me people 10 raise money 1 for the paybnenf of ta-xes.ilhat the'col lections were inadequate to meet the ordinary expenses of the iiovernment. The tpgislalure were engaged during a large part of the session in considering various plans (or reducing the current expenses 'of the t5tate, and a law was pissed auvhorizing the Gov ernor to borrow the sum'-of $20,000, in aid of the proceeds of taxation. Jhuing the pen dency of the siipplernenuiry act, for. the pun ishment of offenders, abbve referred to, ;-t-em;ts werej made in, bo'b branches of the Legislature to" substitute whipping for im- privoitrncnt .t;i the'; county , jail, as a rnetlmd lor piin.sning f-uences toss expensive to tne counties ;'aiul ibe-pl.-ihof seliin-x the servhn s d the tittnvicted offciiderfor a luniN-d peri- !, o pay tho fine and costs'imposed (,ri him as a VhiuWry remirkrd that Jol. for loor Um, da3 s.K:c.Mlon,, it raim in hi. InI n j . - .. . . af. i - - -. - - - iiiuu.. iiiiu iirrfl.if.ir.. . - . . ,1.- . . nuc O O IW. A .If. . IL. iii i vTio lor i nil I'tircii uccaue n ,.. t . ."r iiT-ri i ed to iw;n i he footsteps 'of Oid ViV Iv mP"d hI lo Fy: r, I am n .cnechanic, and 'make mv Z lS T19 ! ht'Ctt i by the wcatof my.brow;nd I cannot 7tV i T 8 frora 'd.V-1 - ' -J . . . -'r. inouired whii ti.A - t iiio ioea mat mv woircs must be redu-l .l . : canoni ! hive often examined thejaws, as above ced, while the AdminUtraiion is revelling in !, ! ' WCCMPn? posl. He !car,tf u-iortn,anu rnnciw juey are accurately co-i extravagance, and the blUce holders in cuor- u ' j .r.u.. n.nnn,A.t i,:ii I...T . . I wno were oiiffinir u l i M... a ..:,....! . a. i . . i:. ..... i i.u.mi,icu.u.i:iiuti iui u u!m.-u iiunuu mi- auu coiorartni . e sin e w niic taw-t .boo i - i ,ntn t tMn. ' c t- j j- j iiiruals t;.oinn referred to, and uridine saino proinis fsocopd. Tlmt the ofT-nder, durinr he pe i0 be iairiy at.d ctiirectly sot j iih. Lf jicj;ni riod of Iua service, waocUnJ trom iiijilice, ' " FflAM MINF.Il, V I ,Vj :rueity,or abuse, in ibo sfina ,iiii!.eras ip- ' ' LV N E STAULIXG; 'Jri ! ' ;,r,T ..polices are sveureu a-r.ainsi uuusu iro:u iaJir j t - pied, aotf their effect, if tho proposed bill had I mous salaries. passed, ruly;suteot , : WILLIAM KENNEDY. : ; ' .T r. - am" r J- W.AV ,ri4r " Anolhcr-l am done with Van Burrn and apni h, imw. ;j. . , - , his Dartv. At the last election 1 auoiKirled lii fit cr rA'tnl 1 1 Pr 1 1 I anrl rnniinpnl imikl v a, . . aa J. 1 , aaaj, , l I If vaa.., . a way f"0 a - a a a J f Sec.37. : Be it further enaclcd, That; when )Ml hc ha9 denrleJ froin th principles o! any person shalL be confined in jail for (the 0uf HickorV.The Farmer of North Bend payment ot any una oc costs mat may te m-ij have U) - vole u cieu agreeno,c uiuis provisum o, ,s , , ABRAHAM CAMP." me county commissioners in iy, u 11 ne maue to appear to inetr satisiaciutn mat me per sons so confined order the discharge such person from imprisonment, & vnmr loaiviouultl frtnr. in . . a . . i . hows to and pUoiing new cocs-and lit thoTerseeroftwomeo rcceircd either thAW or four dollars per day. . . , A w--.Mr..V..M?d illt.whrii'lie fif l went into Congrer, there werelu-o liufe b.ia in the Hoosw of Kepreentativcs who icfi I as pages, to carry paper, from members lid the Speaks that when he.lcft Congrcst ,S j ooralier hid increased to eighteen.. Ti l mtMnucrs 01 ifmaA .u. t i mfi.ied caniiof pay such line i costs, mcrlvybui 1 that I am a free man. believe! when he a,d they-were nm Vl sheriff or jailor of such county to "r,d-1 ca!"l for Inm or In mcaMires any members) brought their comins and lb . at. longer. The measures of the present admin- rotitin i a. i . Anniher savs : "I voted fji Van Burcn cousins mite, to act as page and feed . -i j . i . i ... ' the sheriff or jailor, upon receivi ng such or- ,S4rjl f ... K" "1. . un ,rec:nan IO the publiccrib.- ..na. a-a. . . 1 I.. n-.,:.j."i pi u.. L: iik.iii cuiiiiicinu new u "ran jstoners may, at any time thereafter, order o (cause to be issued an 'execution against tht UOr to support llimstM or Iunil. .. I Sl Hirhnrd from Imnrinmn.t H.r il.n n . I'1 Vlol,roc W" tmVC VOIU I 1 IHU a. II I ! I ....,.,.. ..,gi, sioners mav al anv tline , lit a i f-nilutt.- i.ii -whrn . . . - . . .... I Will !. "If J- " . . cause to be issued an execution agatnsi mo . . l pass ix or aeven hillc in r.i.i.n-. J n nothuajJr'-iJ-lxHMiK-iar; .pwrigif if-fnerpv.M)U z? XjcctjQjilPct with omo of the anocrats , ,. in relation In tho ct nii mc hereto- ,l V . wrnmg non I mount of such fine, and costs. lore, who will say that I have turo?J n,v n ' clr!? 01 "'9 """'O of U 1 ?iir-fiii xi i i i...: ... . . . ne c.iutu t. .n..ir . - .- .... , I. ' M j T 1 J - nil., lv.Ut.1 ill I 1 f . a " " .. a II. I I HI I" a ! w ,r ". i : atuff can't be crammed dowhmrt.-.. I iatcndl?. , . Fro Me Madison.an. :os.,ppnr CJr. INrrio for President ; y,, Vji n,Pn,ni ,Ww Vrk rilVf in fi . RENUNCIATIONS OF VAN do you hear that r for I am a pnor man.and ? L A're the clerks . 1 ! ' BURENISM. I lI'; laboring r.bis mav take warning ,T,nl ,,w M'Pd the rciVoiion, nihl rr.r,, - ," , r ,i in time,and come out -against Van Burin mid I V"w'? w"- c;l'l hnrd-hcarlcl VV eror I ihe following is an extract from Ihe rcsr. o. , t . ....,! sivc ; that at ii,n . ir' na,i.. ..r.h. Van Buroir Cmmittr. o, v.KH '', g ; kZ 7lt;o'"V ance,forUi..n..v,t1,ip,0:1io.1.Ui4hcai,. . J,t";N;,,,LL,"S-- in. h,d Ml tlie ISelmout tHronice : v-. . 7 -v - - that tht clerks and nri r 1 1 1 1 Wo can no longer support a party hos- ft rlisle, M.ami county, wo j U,pre.c,.lllVf.l ,!n(J " t l llrVf) golden policy is to make the "rich richer, wnd up with eighteen who s.iy, "U, !heU7C 'jov sand J oil ? .n -r 7,r,M' hiiu itio p-Mr p-.iorer, . una wnosc Dro c-ssukis " vnW.ni v,.iuiie auu vi for the dear -people h ive been so long and inity, good and true Dem-Trats, and therr. ioiid, bht whose practice proves to us! that fro voting for and srpporting the present roiilee w;is raised iu" the j;! .-opresentntivos lo; exirmint! irns .1 -ni V';Mrt to tho IL'irjo wh it aioi'ti-l-i iiiVv-ivvre' i.iwts.iTV and prl!er .; o'tiitw rep tf' d a mil s'ip! -rr.otr it c,t uIk.va ielAfunl tbj the' prineip-d 1)-. -ii i obwIiN-irsperns tf h ivoi bWMi to -tliiniuislt til" t x rK? timvtg'e'd. 'oa tlui coun'ifs bv'the- p.fs.'i-utioa and puaisuaient oi lhosa oil lor ilo I tjiev love "the loaves mid lubes' nnre than Adniinistialion, hut c nw fiad tha! the pr- j thh people's rights. - Fr these, and similar "I1-03 n,ad,m UX Martin Van B in-ii, have been reasons, we -cannot support Martin Van Bo- v,0,;,lcn : mat he has depart"! fniai tlio irue run for Ihe Presidency.' in the fall of 1-5 i(J. ?rriPl,"3 of den cr.ir as i.iid d.,u i, i.V Th i- illiam J.tmes, Jolm BinU;.nt inns Ji (j.-rsnn. We h ne tht-rr fire cnne to l!v! eiiiC.u-oti that we cann-i anv l'n oumstnem lor ..violating ine laws oi nts coun- " . .,:.. i rr . i . i " , try, was! advocated bv nuinV respectable Dnrs.h'F.nch, J .mVs Mitchell, r,, 'n f l C 4'mlrsU both branches of the Cental As- Middletcn-Harrison, David Uoselrob, ) l ' U !' L n.ii fr lae i.,xt krblva's a mode of .uii.ishm.ot Uss expea. .Iames MrFaddcn, " Wm. Brair.hall, n , ns tl.e man mt l;!y, ,n Sive to the oublie than tlmt of .mnrisnm, .... I Thomas Prue,. - , David Mercer. 'T"'""' ta (Ul thc l 1"" ' .. - -- i -. . i it- and'ic4s.ba7!arous tiiaifthat of whipping tlio i ll oder at the post. et S i'lie srettna proposcci to be j-'rieken out, ts :n h'tiglh, in tin-se wols : Svfate Journal, 'page 04, sec. 19. u!5e it farther i nac'i d, ::id- That when any personV'j ill be imprtV.n -d, ift:,: i l .. ' '.rH-'' i J either ut)ua j execution or orf;eruie, f,r tht i , '' 'ruisupplejnivtary UlW.as recomrtiittpdV .no.n-payiuent of-rt jloe inr v'st?, or li ta, it IZ I to4 the. Cooioiittt ionl the Jaiciarv, aiui was' s.lmll be lawful for.Uie sltriffof the co jutv to fn-, :';nffe.ra.rds rqgjVrted! Ivack 'to the llbse by M r. seifout. s'ich person as aervant to ail v. per !. ' or fisaj ( late;.5eiiator in Cptire--f) uh sua-, s'n, with in this iStato w0 will piv thefwhole gdf y a Uiend ments. ' ' containing iprv' isinsJ.for aHiouot du,w ithia ihe shortt'st prii-d'ofs r r411be puhishment pf certain additional- oltejuces, I vtcb of which s ile publitj nature haU ,6 giv- not cuniaiiifd in ltv? ordinal actianil'cyntHin- ' en at least tfn days; and u; n such sa'e b . itg ,als.) the obiipxip'ns'sectwiiaufhorizinl'he ing rflT-ctedj the sJieriff sliall give lo tiic pur-;-''.; ;."lieriff :to sell offenders to s!ieh.,persci)Srjas chaser" a ceVtiicate thc'rcjiff and jjelfyer over h';."-: vtdd pay.theTme and co.s;for:wi?h t'ae the prisoner t him, from -w hicht i me the re r :.-jtPeiide were in prison, for' the shortest pe- Uation 'between "'such pufdhasef'and the' pris. riod of service of such "offendw-sv.-.! bill - oter shuli b thai of mailer and servantiin S Ef Whittlesey, late mmbr of Ciugress, abipng pihers votiog in the affirm at ive... 1 When this bill was uoder bsidj-fttion in 7" ' ,tHe Senate, M r.Fithiah iiibved tstrikeofut ! tl19th section of the. bill as it -c a me .from , tnje House. This section, as has been previ- ousty stated, authorized the sheriff to self the Hvbiclr tbis-ur supiilemeniarv, miydtrectMirb i Tiie same number '; thc Chroiicle, also contains. a similar resigiialionVlgnrid by six ftioinbers of "the ' VVmi Bureii " ('rimidittco oS Vigii men" for the town'of Cokrain; Ohio. Nfxt follows the renimcianon of FOUJ'Y EN (.iEIOIANS, in a small town in ),!.,. ' " "-''" " 7 f -: -.e M srs. Ti:':iia .V Romtnnf the lllirinjo, and Mr. Andrew Palmar, of the M ehlgan gil.iture, all ir.idrng L'oro f rns, h.ive boldlv coaie put and renouaced nil ?giaiicii to the inagicia' airl ixis necrom "n'sv. . From the. Springfield Republican, ...... i . .. - K - ''Four, s iv, 44 Wa h we al v vs b v-i d.?ni ocratsofthe Jeff -tsouran sc'iOv!s, aad siiM adhere. to rbe satoe priitcipies. - . XVe. sjottd fr 3 r.-Vn Jnr;n at the l ist PresiJenliuI Eirciian,-.beie vmgf that-, bo was honrSt Jintl capable uf performing ihe duties isve his de- scrvtce No. o-Mr. W. My ,jial ,1C dU n uon because they nrro i-.laM Z In LccauM they, were cliir.irl.-riatic of t exiravarant unnnr ; .t.- . .. povver expend t;;e money of, i. ,tMi,n 7 Mtu it. wus pcm in. till f T t sf" S.Uiiiii-.t6,l ubiJe ,.,-e c,:,! , i7 mpre plaady ?ndMrrpjv,furni,l:cdribo ,, oixs were more n!t,xJit:;.. fllrn;.t, . I . ..1J .. v.n. or sit up as u,-;r -.i,7...:...l -.. ...wa.e, spen.Ung their lime rrflri Mirsrs. r.-tutelar t!;t; ' 7 mn.i mw ;,.,m earning their bih 4J es int. ;.u i!,,, fr,.,n a rir,v pr.fctin L :. Mr '-''y urg:d tirco ihe co:m..j ..r,1 1" J 4 n Amrr,ci"'r f'cr. I 1.1. ..A....--.... i . - lr.n- il. i. . Shall we have a:nf!,or call ibr tu;-: .o-;:' - -v nna rehevo tl iu:.! frum th,- i Iwi- i.l ... ...... . I I II xo arc nrctiared. ' " e,ituJ uurtici. i mocracy. Here are th'ir names J n Starry, ('iintirni .Mortt-., Jacob PfuiH, Peter Su Wrm. Cull, John (Irav, , - Dai id ll .il is, Sen. F.has IafMVrt, lleiiry.Bv I!.ir!cr, A. B. B dli.ag-r, J lui ilarn-.an Simmd Ohmart, " John Mc.Ia.-ters, Truaian bprry, J.iwes !a-teiie, m. t di; U-.bert (i 'ody, J-i'ia Crf.I. . KLI5I1A WHIITLESEV.- .-Every boily who has h"afd ofFJba Whit, th'sey, knfiws la it no in n ia t)..i, M.v.,j higaer in inat of honor, inleritvlerar"iv -TACrs FOR MIf.'.MO::i2IIEAD.;J CJirthU rraf, ti.; S:anii, l vr. ifj A I t ine a. r1 HI T S creav3.rbu.k c.ipiii I " l f ---I- '' l!lT J-H .1 and patriotism. Wh. inCr, Mr. W. I !l0 ; j11'- T1 ,f!,),;. w ,s known bx- l!w nar.e of -.be vrorky." i1.Jr-V i 1' ",1,-v I'-r-,0.3 : 1 r- ; ;-V.V v Vi vrv(;-""'" "; J , ' ' " V " TM-'-" of Chef. Magistrate. 2But we fiadwe have I,cwa. ""l trcenve htsi.wn tvr.-ei W- v . " V ' oua,J,: v 1 'it V od 42 ayes tov21 noes ;; hoia- j either, .remex!yj?had ie,bnd in the snuf man- ieo enTi re I y ' rn i la Uf?n , in, respect to i de- n"r. Avtl,? ro,w !'. -T oy ImkIv .sJm'oM ; n J J! W,y ,hd 7 Mor ,s, late en.tor m Congress,- i (umas neras or may bo prodded w-the U3trJs eapaciy and hi honesty. ' 'S , m-,g a f,',l! dav's j ?4 . ,7' -v i' f v Wm, now enaitr in. be. Ohio Xegisfa e.fte-of masKr and -apprentice - Bat noting Alu ,vih iuveicMied the fhiracter and uvVhmTnm,. V Mi,t,,r''1 f'c, an! WTan turbroiher. tot GovernorShannon, M-T'i lreni contained shall constrl to pre'vVnt ,t 0,1 bull county, in which l ..Lkh, t J 7 '? 7' Ati nam late Surveyor General of, tbeJU. .persons b,-ing discharged from omriament h 7 A iniJvert . o,. i.;,,.., ..r,;, . ii ' vh'-c lo nke 1:1,.1.1,- J -'.-." - . ' -f . i ive iiiiu iy irc .t uravu injur, a.iruc V ur ol - . . . v . .-.--v. ... i . .. ... 1 ... . - - 2ccoramg.jo tue prtjvisiojt 01 ine oluscc- 1 - -! . ' . bnfulini-i U-n-idn .. . ,.1 c r , ' ' e war..! rrai.V urnv. . ' ...... . . ' an unwavering- Ddniocral. und lht-fioor mi-isi'"1 aumi.j!.r.i. ion. a..o rc.?tc-o Mir four ir.rft..i . v lrovi ll Vth tl 1 -"ea Uus '- U)Icnenia rjt ' fric,ticla( and .vi lit, give him ouroirjial t.i. J t 'IV('7c'?ac,:t iees, tu nhich' nu call f , fOO ,0'JO U l - fc coasfred exiMXiient o gram Lon;ji;lJt;j Jfi be efflcc of Cp.f :ia- atttiun of .he pub'ic- . IhooO such scharge Fiov.ded, tint tne Court, m t ir;ltc.. - 1 1 : : i- ?.'7i: . ' .Jk? Cu&fn Farmer, i by Jcli600 V-Cu. pronouncuntenceponnny No. 1 -lr. Wbttilesey .aid he would read ' -r - . ' sons convicted under this net, or the act tot -n. 11... 1 y iivi . '. n t Imm ihn r-nnri .hr.rr.T. i laveltetiUt GUert' V ll'llll, 1 .1 ililUiU . lMI2i, i" - I . . , ,llv. .- . . ' services 01 uie uiieiiuer woo was lmnrisonpu i oerson.or nersons 10 ue usiameu in nrisui - - - for tha non-payment of the fine imposed oni until J ho fine be pid, ojthe person r prr-:' Fourteen, who say that th:y were ori li y IheCouftj and the costs of convjetionj jsotls otherwjsedisjocj Lf agreeably to the j giml supprters cf Andrew- Jackson,! und l5lueiPerS(3n wRo would pay- such -fine and j provisions of thi&.act.' ; -( , i .7 . j beretafore the supporter of the party oow in T "f " 7 ! fis- 'i "4 - '' rf-7. '.C?ce Son itC Journal. bn.7e.S0. ' I nnwer -hav ffrratlv rt-vttinA th m,JI 4 - 1 . 7lSee ;tiry.ac . V Ohio Laws? vol. 13, page 249 section 1.7 of same-act. ' : Journal II. .li., page";182".' beet iocs 11, 12, and 14,of supplethen- . rt.: 1 -....1 ; i : . :-':i i r 1, vuiu taws, vui. ..j.., puu JSee Journal II.' R. page 3207i tf ee section 16 of the supplementary act j of OUia -Laws, vol. 10, page 197. 1 -. ,1 ho bTlh section of the act tor the ponish ment of certain offences therein specified, which is here referred to, is as follows : See UDW laWS, VOL f"" 'M'sl.J I ir 1 fn I in V I principles of this administration," end after carefully; weighing them in ihi rl.rnes of reason and -truths feel const rained fo?ay that we can no longer act ivilh a' paity, tbe ten dency of hose measures . is io destroy tbe '1 of the people. sury one item which though small ischarnc tenstic of the manner in wh";c!it!c jmiilic monev is expended at Uahing!on. Ilihen read the ertimnto of Vrr hundred ar.dft rfy odd dl furs for urtendant rif the Wetttm Sr'te of -the. capital. I! e rcrf.srkrd ihat tle OliiCH of c?.:vk- iK7r 0r.7Mi.aU-d Lot' a , f.-i yar.j iyu tJuthe tad l iuil fro;n, day to day, at tbe, eter:i gate; U lhj'caf.iialt a man wbo appeared to bare nothing to do yet kept bis position at tbe gate; to a few days be bad an umbrella raised over his bead, . - ... ' .r . 1 "'7"-.. ' - . - - ; eK. underhand lLat n report praJl. f, r-mry iht ,he eab.T,tiy All h red. , is tiot irue;- Tbe,facr4 that., iew un,cruralr,, Frdera! Torie, are m wm: he; hny C,, at m;:et: , ulmi Ac... th.t ii.ba, pma ,Ltl lUl ha ra; ed the pnee cf.their chicken and wbortJcber quite worthy of tbe persons wbo'eibplor H rv ... - t .1 f !