TiTiMfi1"agMgtr""',f'V 5 W II IE ILIW430ILM (B(0)UISiEIS LINCOLN COURIER. J. M. ROBERTS, KDITOIt A N 1 MAN A;EK. Entkukd i.. the IVst Office aT LlSCuLSTuN AS SECJND CLASS MAIL MATTER. Sabi'ititionCosh in Advance. 1 ,u si- 0 u.o:.ri.H 4& 3 I'ouilis r0 Juttr of AiJ 'I'rrtim'ng. O IHM..-I., ,.ii urn . 21.00 ; 25c for li !-ii.-Hi.t-n insertion. TAd incl.es. one time, l.i0 ; 50 i6-it lor each -ubxequent insertion. Three iuches, one time, 2.00 (6 cents for mc.h subsequent inser tion. Four ::i:;Im; c;ij tiu.r, 11.00 t o ;i l subr-eq'ieut insertion. Special rates lor oue-balf aud oue fourth column ; also, for auy advertisement continued longer lan two months. LlNl'ULVfUN, N C, iJarch 15, IShd. COUNTY DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. sheriff, Alf. Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C Cl'k. Sup. Court, C. E. Childs, " " Keg, of Ueedi, B. C. Wood, Treasurer, L. T. Willkie, " " Purveyor, M. E. Rudisill, " " Coroter, J. C Hoover, " Supt. Pub. Inst. R.Z.Johnston," " IIO.VPD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. J. A. Robinson, Chra'n, Lincolnton, N. C J W. A. Paine, Kiddsfille, " L. B. Camp, Iron Station, " 1. A. Keep, Keepsyille, W. M. Uull, Orleans, COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. D. Matt. Thompson, Chm"n, Lincolnton, n.c. D. A Coon, " " S. V. (Joodson, I'OST MISTRESS. Mis Nannie C. lioke. town officers: Mayor, 15. Z. Cobb. Secretary $ Treasurer, W. K. Edwarda. Mar-hall, K. S Edward. Commissioners : J B. RamFaur, Blair Jenkm, B. II. Sumner, J. L. Kistler, T U. Hoke, J. 11. Bis&ner, G. L. Pnifer, P. S. Heal. arrival ok mails. Mails on CC Railway, distributed 0:30 P M and 1 A M Mails on Nurrrw Gauge Railway, distribs utod 7:30 P M and 12 M. Star Rout1, via Rcepsville, leaves Lio colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrives at Lmco'nton at 4:30 P Men Fridays, Thursdays and baturda Puklx Schools u, r December, Janu ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet first Mon Ctkj in each month- Town- Council meet first Friday night in each month, at 7 o'clock. Board of Education meet first Monday in each month. ITBSCIUBERS WILL PLEASE REMEMBER THAT THIS PA PER IS DISCON TINUED AT THE EXPIRATION OF TIME PAID FOR. DO NOT FAIL TO RENEW AT ONCE. The Legislature has adjourn ed. Whether or not many good ef fects will be felt from the new laws and the changes in the, old, remain to be seen ; but there is no doubt that there has been a great deal of hard work done. As for our repre sentative, W. A. Hoke, we desire to say tbat be has made a record that merits tbe highest praise. Mr. Hoke's ability, his keen sense of duty, and his promptness in tbe dis charge of what he believes to be his duty ; his powers of elcqnence and logical argument in discussing leg islative questions all these, as they were manifested day by day during this session of the General Assem bly, have made him a reputation that extends throughout the state: AX IMPORTANT MOVE. Lincolnton, N. C-, March 8, 1889. Editor Lincoln Coubier : In looking over the last editon of your paper, 1 see you give an account of a new company getting up to build aWerve M.l', oproite the Labora tory Cotton Mill You make one mistake, and that is in regard to tbe class of goods to be made. The grade of goods, we expect to make, is a very fine grade of Dress Gingham, this is a class of goods that is controlled by our bfst mills North. Those mills some years ago, made little or nothing but tbe coarse grades of goods, bot the competition got so great on account, of onr Southern mills taking up the coarse grades of goods that there was very little in tbem for the Northern manufacturer, hence they changed to a finer grade of goods. Since the change th Northern mills are making money. Now I do not see any reason why our South- kd mil's can't compete an well with the North on tbe fine grades as they have, done on tho coarse grade. There is much more hkill n -quirt d toMo make the fine grades but the profit in tbe riue grades at present is al most double that of the coarse gia'les. I would be glad to have an in terview with any person that would like to subscri' e from 500 to 10, 000. Yours respectfully, A. M. Trice. We do most certainly think tl at such manu'actoiies ought t le built in the South, and we tlink further t hat citizens ot this com munity, who have means, should take an interest in this important move ; and there are such litre. The only thing lacking is public and enterprising spirit. The Courier bas plead time and agaiu tor more iritnimt. on Hie i at t of OH c I Z't.S in behalf of matn'acti". But so many have manifested, smetime such utter indifference in regard to thee things as to make the editor feel ashamed that he bad ever dared mention such subjects. Now thes remarks are written not nly for tbe purpose of stirring up more interest in the factory referred to in tbe above letter, but also in the buiiding up of other important enterprises. There is everything in the location of Lincolnton to make it attractive to capitalists. The lack of progress is not on account of the location. Tbe fault is in the citizens; because they do not take the pro per interest and hold out the nec essary encouragements to attract strangers. Lt us awake ! Let ever. citizen look about him aud see it there is not some new industry that he can start up, or aid, tbat will profit him and the town. THE ELECTION BILL. Tbe following is the amended election law as it passed the Senate: 2C74. The board of commissioners of the several counties shall select. on or belore the first Monday in September precediug each election, one or m- re persons for each elec tion precinct, who shall act as regis trars or voters for each precinc. Said board shall make publication ot t'e names ot trie persons so selected, at the court-honse door, immediately after snch appoint ment", and shall cau?e a notice to be served upn sa;d persons by the sheriff. If any registrar shall d'e or neglect to perform his duties, the justices of the peace for the town shin mav arjnoint another in his place. And no person who is a can didafe for any office shall be a reg istrar or judge or inspector of an election. 2075. Registrars shall be furnished with a registration book, and it shall be their duty to revise the exis'iug registration books of their precinct or township in such manner that sa'd books shall show an accurate list of electors previously registered in such precinct or township, and still residing therein, without re quiring such electors to bo regis treu anew; and such registrars shall also, between the hour s of sun rise aDd sunset ou each day (Son dy excepted), for thirty days pre ceding the day for closing tbe reg istration books as hereinafter pro vided, keep open sa'd books for the registration of any electors residing in such prec:nct or township, and entitled to recistration,whose names have never before been registered in such precinct or township, or do not aonear in the revised list. But. . the board of commissioners for each ; county may, upon giving tbirtvl days' notice in each township, direct that there shall be an entirely new registration of voters before any election, instead ot the revision of the registration list, as above pros vided. That said books shall be closed for registration on the second Saturday before each election. Sec. 2676. No elector shall be en titled to register or vote io any other precinct or township than the one in which be is an actual and bona fide resident on the day of electiou, and no certificates of reg istration shall be given except as hereinafter provided. No registra tion shall be valid unless it truly specifies the age, occupation, place of birth and place of residence of tbe elector, as well as the township or county from whence the elector has removed in the event of a re moval. Sec. 2677. It shall be the duty of the registrars and judges of election to attend at the polling place of tbeir township or precinct with the registration books on tbe second Saturday preceding the election, fiom ihi hour of u ne "'clock, a. ui., till tbe hour f tive p. in., wheu and where tlie sail book nhall be open the inspection of the electors of the precinci or township, and any of aid electors shall be allowed to object to the name of any person appearing on aid books. In case ( f any such objection, the registrar shall enter upon his books, opposite tl e name of the person so objected to, the word "challenged," and shall appoint a time and place, on or before the election day, wheu he, together with paid judges of elec tion, hhall hear and decide said oh jciioi', giving due notice tthe voter so objected to: Provided, noticing iu this section kall pro hibit any elector from challenging or objecting to the name of any person registered or offering to reg ister at auy time other than that abo e ap'.'fied. If nnv person clul- eiigtd, r o.heiwise objected to at auy ti.ee sball not be a duly qual- fied Vorer, tho registrar shall erase his name from the books, and on or berore the day preceding each elec tion, tbe registrar shall erase from the books the names of all electors who bavedied or becomedisqualified by crime, or have removed from such voting precinct. Sec. 2678. The board of commis sioners for each county, on or before the first Monday of the month next preceding the month in which each election is held, shall appoint at each place of holding elections in their respective counties, tour sui table and discreet persons as judges or inspectors ot election, wno may. if deemed proper, be of different political parties ; and one of said judges shall be named as chairman of the iudges of election by the Board of Commissioners. The said iudges of election shall attend at the places for which they are sever a'ly appointed on the day of elec tion, and they, together with the registrars for such precinctor town ship, who shall attend with the reg istration books, after being sworn by some justice of tne peace, or other person authorized to admin ister oaths, to conduct the eUction fairly aud impartia'ly according to the Constitution and laws of the State, shall opt n tbe polls aud su perintend the sime until the close of the election. They shall keep poll books, in which shall be entered the name of every person who shall voie, and at the close of the electiou the judges of election shall certify the same over their proper sig natures, and deposit them with the register of deeds for safekeeping. And said poll books shall, in auy trial lor illegal or fraudulent voting, be received as evidence. The board of commissioners shall, immediately after the appointment of the judges of election, as herein provided, fur nish a list of names of such judges to the sheriff of their county, who shall, within ten days, serve notice of such appointment upon the faid judges j and if any person appointed judge of lection shall fail to attend, the registrars of such township shall appoint some discreet persou to act ad such, who shall be by him sworn before acting. Sec. 2681. Every person who shall present himself for registration shall state nnder oath how long be has continuously resided in this State and in the county in which he offers to vote; whether he is an alien or native born ; whpn he became twenv ty-one years of age ; whether mar ried or singl-, and where or with rwhom he re, d,s v h& gt of auy elHCtor tbe le istrar ,hall i .L . inquire me appicanc to prove bis identity or age anil residence by such testimony, under oath, as may be satisractorv to the registrar. And if an elector has previously been admitted to registration in any ward, township or precinct in the county in whtc'i ho rf s des he shall not be allowed to register again in another ward, pre luct or township in the -ame county until he pro duces a certificate of the registrar of the former towuship, ward or precinct, that said elector has re moved from haid township, ward or prednct, and t at his name has been erased from the registration books of the ward, township or pre. einct from which he ba removed ; and the identity of any person claim ing a right to be registered in any precinct of the ame county by vir tue of such certificate, with the person uamed therein, shall be proved by the oa h of the claimant, and, when required by the regis trar, by tbe oath of at least one other elector. E eiy person found qualified shall take the following oath : I , do solemnly awear (or af- firm) that I will support the C on stitution of the United States and he Constitution of the State of North Oarolin.i ; that 1 have been a resident of tho State ot North Car olina for twelve months, and of the county of for ninety days ; that I am a duly qualified elector, and that I have not registered for this election in any other precinct, and that I am au actual and bona fide resident ot. . . ,'ownahip (or pre cinct). So help me God. . Aud thereupon said persou shall be permitted to register, and the registrar shall r ecord the name, age, occupatiou, place of birth and rest dence of tho elector, and the uam3 of the township or countv from which the elector has removed, in tbe event of a removal ; also the date of registration, in the appro priate column of the registration book. Sec. 2682. No registration bha 1 be allowed on ihd day of electi-u ; but if auy persou shall give satis factory evidence to the judges of the election that be has oecotue of the age of twent -one years ou the day of election, or bas become t f s twenty-one years of age alter the registration books were closed, he shall be allowed to register and vote. Provided, he be found otherwise qualified. See. 2685. The polls shall be open ed on the day of election from seven o'clock in the morning until sunset of the sasie day, and no longer ; and each voter whose name shall appear registered, and who shall not be challenged and rejected, shall peis tonally deposit his ballot in the proper ballot box, unless he is phys ically unable to do so, and iu that event, tbe chairman of the judges of election shall deposit bis ballot or ballots as such disabled voter shall direct. Sec. 2687. There shall be sepa rate and distinct ballots for the fol lowing officers, to wit : 1. Governor and Lieutenant-Governor. 2. Secretary of State, Auditor, Treasurer, Superintendaut of Pub lic Instruction, and Attorney Gen eral. 3. Judges of the Supreme and Superior Courts and Solicitors. '4. State Senators and Members of the House of Representatives. 5. County officers for the respect ive counties, viz : Clerk of the Su perior Court, Treasurer, Register of Deeds, Surveyor, Coroner and Sher iff. 6. Constable. 7. Presidential Electors. 8. Representatives Jn Congress. On each ballot shall be the name or names of the person or persons voted for as such officers, respect ively, and tbe office foi which they are voted. Provided, that whenev er a vote is to be taken on any spec ial qoestion or questions, a box shall be provided, properly labelled, for that purpose, and the ballots therefor shall be deposited therein ; the Member or Members of Con gress for the Sta'e at large, if there I 1 1 111 . -mm ue sucn, biitxii oe voted tor on oue ballot. The voting shall be by bal lot, which ballots shall be on white paper, aud may be printed or writ ten, or partly printed and partly written, and shall be without de vice. Sec. 2688. The board ot countv commissioners, or upon their fail ure the inspectors of election, shall provide tor each election precinct in their respective counties ballot boxes for each class of officers to be voted for, in which to deposit the ballots for such officers respective-. ly. Each ot said boxes shall have an opening through the lid of suffi cient size to admit a smgle folded ballot, and no more. Tbe said ballot-boxes shall be kept by thejudgi es of election for the use of their several election precincts respect ively. And said judges of election, before tbe voting begins, shall care fully examine tbe ballot-boxes and see that there is nothing in them. Etch box shall be labelled, in plain and distinct Roman letters, with t' e name of the office or offices to be voted for, and the questioo r questions to be voted upon. And if a majority of the judges of elec tion for the county and State offi cers of any voting precinct shall deem it expedient to do so, at each precinct a space or enclosure, such as the judges of election shall deem proper and sufficient, may be railed off or otherwise provided as their judgment may direct, with an open ing at one end or side for the en trance of tbe voter, and an opening at the other side for his exit, as a polliug place, in which to hold the election ior tne State and countv r, , . .... t officers Only one voter shall be J unuweu io enter sucn polling placA at one time, and no one except the judges of election shall be allowed to speak to or interfere with 'he voUr while in the polliug pi tee casting his vote, which hh.ill be put in the box or boxes by said voter. A similar but separate and distinct np ace or enclosure may be railed off, or otherwise provided, a a polliug place for the election of U embers of Congress and Presidential Electors at such distauce from tbe poding place for State and county officers as the judges of election may desig nate. In the event such separate polling place shall be designated for holding the election for Mem bers ot Congress aud Presidential Electors as herein provided, the methods for holding the election and conducting tbe votiug shall he the same iu all respects as those provided aforesaid in this amend" merit to said section 2688 lor :he polling pla'-eH for State a;id couutj officer-. Tbe registrar appointed lor tuch pre -iuct shall havn power and Huthorir to appoint a deputy registrar for uch septrate polliug place, to whom shall be famished the names ot all persons qualified and ntitled to vote at such precinct, and the judges of election appoint ed for such precinct shall appoint two suitable aud discreet persons as judges or inspectors of election for such separate po'lirjg p'ace, who, if deemed proper, may be of differ ent political parties. Tbe registrar and judges so appointed for such separate polliug pUce shall be sworn to perform their duties ac cording to law, shall make due re turns of the election, and have all the power., privil ges and authori ty conferred on them by law, as in the cae of other registrars and judges of election. Provided, how ever, that if the judges of election at any of the voting places in this State do not see fit to carry out the provisions of this amendment to said section 2688, then and in that event the election at said precinct not adopting such provisions shall be conducted in all respects as is now provided by law. Sec. 2689. When the election shall be finished, the registrars and judg es of election, in the presence ol such of the electors as may choose to attend, shall open the boxes and count tbe ballots, reading aloud ibt names of the persons who sbab ap. pear on each ticket ; aud if ihert shall be two or more tickets rolled up together, or if any ticket flialJ contaiu the names of more ptko than such elector bas the right t vote for, or shall have a dev.c. up on it, in either of these case snch tickets shall not be numbrre.i ir taking the ballots, but bh .11 be void, and the said counting of votes shall be continued without adjourn ment until completed and the result thereof declared : Provided, that ii. making said count no ballot for any office other than that for which said box shall be designated and labelled oball be counted. See. 2by4. 1 he board ot county canvassers shall, at their sai J meet iug, in the presence of the sheriff and of such electors as choose to attend, open and canvass and jadi cially determine the returtm and make abstracts, stating the number of legal ballots east in each precinct for each office, the name of each person voted for, and tne number ot votes given to each person for each different office, and shall sign the same. Said board shall have power and authority to judicially pass upon all tbe facts relative to the election, and judicially deter mine and d cure tbe true result of the same , and they shall also have power and authority to send for pa pers and person", aud examine the latter upon o;'.th. A True Tonic. When you don't feel well and hardly know what ails you, give B B B (Botanic Blood Balm) a trial. It is a fine tonic. T O Cailaham.Callahan, Charlotte, tf. c, writes: "B B B is a fine tonic, and has done mo great good." L W Thompson, Damascus, Ga., writei : "I believe B B B ie the best blood purifier made. It has e:?eatly improved my general health." An old gentleman writes.-'BBB gives me new life and new ctrength. If there is anything that will make an old man youn?, it is b b b." PA Shepherd, Norfolk.Va., August 10. 1888, writes : 'I depend on bbb for the preservation of my health. I have had it io my family now nearly two ytaw, and in all that time have not had to have a doc tor. Thomas Paulk, Alapaha, Gaeorjria,aayf: 'I suffered terribly from dyspepsia. The use of b b b bas made me feel like a new man. I would not take a thousand dollars for the good it bas done me.' W M Cheshire, Atlanta, Ga., writes; 41 bad along spell of typhoid fever, which at last seemed to settle in my right leg which swelled up enormously An ulcer also an-1 peareawtuca discharged a cup foil of mat ter a day. , tnen ga B B B trial and cured me' NEW FALL tnci winter GOOis! The attention of tbe public is called to my new purchases in Fancy Dres Goods, cashmeres, Worsted)?, calicoes, Jains, o issimers, Shawls, jen-eys, Shoes, Hats, and clothing which are now ready for inspection, and comparison ot prices with other houses is invited. With au experi ence extendiug over many years, and the cash to back it in purchasing, lean safely promise the public that. I have as many b-irgaius to offer a auy house in tbe trade, I am sole agent in Lincoln County for BAY STATE BOOTS AND SHOES for Men, women, and Children. Buy IriTbose who owe me by note or account are requested to call and make settlement, as I need tbe money. Sr Thanking the public for the generoos share of patrouage given me iu th- past, aud assuring tbem I hive barguus for them at all times, I am, very truly, J. C. COBB. OHIGKERINO PIANOS- BENT PIANOS. MAMUSMEIri PIAMV MASON AND HAMLIN PIANOS. WATERLOO ORGANS. PACKARD ORGANS MASON & HAMLIN OROABS. GPAt low prices and eaey terms. Write me for prices before bay ing. Tbe largest Stock of Furniture in tbe State. Wi. 3E. Andrews. CHARLOTTE, N. O. S, G FINLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Prompt attention to all business, and collections a spi cialty. Office adjoining Mrs. Georganna Hoke's. Jan. 25, 1889. ly. Mm ffiE OF THE FIRM OF Hoke&Michal IS NOW VISITING THE NORTHERN MARKETS PURCHASING A COIN PLETE STOCK OF WHICH THEY HOPE TO OFFER TO THEIR MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS AT ANEAJtLYDAY. tbat brand and you will get the beat MONEY TO LOAN. ON IMPROVED FARMS IN Lincoln couuty, iu sums of $300 and upwards, on long time and easy terms. For particulars, apply to L. L. WITHERSPOON, Attoruey-at-Law, Newton, N. C. February 8. 1889. SEMIMARf. LINCOLN TON, N. C. MALE and FEMALE. Practical Course, Practical Teach ere, Practical Methods, and thorough work. Prepares for the every day duties of life, instead of show and display. LOCATION HEALTHY. Of easy access by Rail Road. Spring Teem begins Wednes day, January 9, 1889. For Circulars, &c., send to D. MATT. THOMPSON, Principal, Lincolnton, N. O. J. Thos. McLean, DEALER IN Monuments, Headstones, Etc., Iron and Wire Fencing, Ac. Cemetery work of every description neatly executed. Satisfaction guaranteed. Lincolnton, x. c. March 1, ly. LANDSALE. By virtue of a Mortgage Deed, with power of sale to me made by W. J. Moore and wife, Florence Moore, on the 8th day of September, 1887, I will sell at the Courthouse door in the town ot Lincoln tou, n. c,oa Monday, the First day of April, 1889, court week, the following described property lying and being in Lincoln county, Lincolnton Township. First Tract, Adjoining lands of Salomon Carpenter, A. G. Uoke and others, con taining 41 j acres. Second Tract, Sonth of and aojoibiog the above, containing 10$ acres. For further particulars reference is herei by made to said mortgage deed, as Regis tered in the office of Register of Deeds, of Lipcoln connty, 8th Sept. 1887, Book 60, pages 139 and 140. Terms cash. J J PLONK, Mortgagee. March 1, 1889 4t AT THE CASH GROCERY STORE Is kept a well selected stock of GROCERIES, C0NFEC-- --TIONARIES, &C, &&, &C., &C. I pay cash and sell for cash. One and the same price to all. Gall, see my goods, and hear my prices, before buying. Yours truly, a. w. reedy;

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