TO Tf IT TT T7 fV f TT 7T F& -r -t-s -t il Uii iii j il i j it UJ u; i; M il ILi ill iilL LINCOLN COURIER. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. ROBERTS, Editor. A. W. Chance, Assistant Editor. cihkch dikkctory 1'BtSBTTERiAN". Rev. II. Z, 'Johnston, jtor. l'reachinsr every 2nd, and 4th Nwulavs U A. M. and 7 P. M. SjndaV School every Sunday 4 P. M.. 1'ntyflr Mtin ew.ry Wednesday, 7 P. M tfc.-Mm meets Wednesday afterj'fiecond r-tinlayH, alter Prayer Meeting. preaching at Iron Station on second hiiuJavs, J P. M. rreHchinrj at Paper Mill Academy on 4thr4undfy.-1 ;'. P. M . M bthc.dmt. U v. M- II. Hoyle, Pa? tvi . Preac'dn every tir-st .Sunday , 11 A Al.anJ 7::W, P- M. German ItaFoRMEK. licv. Sir. .Murphy, l'iitt.r Preitchin; every third Sunday, 11 A.M. Llihkkan. Kov. J. A. Rudisill, Pas tor, lit tlj (.Ijhm every 1st Sunday ; Trinity, tvery li 1 Sunday ; Darnel's every 4th Sun3 Jay. Hour 10 a. jm- Lutheran. Rev. M. L. Little, Pastor, St. Mark's every 2,1 Sunday ; Cherryville. every 31 Sunday. Hour. 10 a. m. LINCOLNTON, FEB. 21, 1890 Mr. J. E. Reinb;irdt,ol Iron Sta t;u:i, was in Lincolnton Wednesday. Mr. Benj. Friday, of Shelby, was in Liucnlntou last Friday. Mr. V. II. Kindley and family have moved to Lincolnton, into the former residence of J. E. Love- The singing school at Bess' Chapel will close next Saturday, Feb- 22nd. Mis. Robert Henderson, of astuii, is iu Lincolntou visiting bet t-i.-ter Mrs. W. L. Crouse. Uc-n Mauney, a venerable old co'ored man of this place, died last Tuesday. Married at Deuver Feb. 9, 1390, by Rev. R. s. Webb, Mr. W. A. Howard and Miss Sarah Proctor. Mr. Luther Youut was in Lin. cotton this week ou his way to Concordia College Conover N. C. Mr. Ural Canalerand his sister Mis Cairie visted fiiends iu Liu colnton a few days this and last week. New fence has just been com pleted around the Lincolnton Hotel. This makes quite au improvement iu that vicinity of town. Mr. J. W. Anderson, of Rowan county, was in Lincolnton last week visiting the family of Rev. W. R. Wetroore. Mr. Sberod Little and Miss Julia Wotnack of Catawba Springs were iu town this week the guests of Sheriff Nixon. Miss Gertie Pharr, who has been voting in Chester, S. C, for several week.-, returned home last Saturday. Mr. Holland M. Thompson has closed his school near Trinity cburch. A very successful aession is reported. Miss Lula Better's school at Hickory Grove closed last Wednes day. We have highly favorable rei pot ts from her school. There are a tew families in town who Liive not yet subscribed for the CcUPjKR We would be very glad to Lave their names ou our books. We publish an extract this week of Senator Vance's great speech in Congress- It will be found CD tLe fourth and editorial pages. We are glad to hear of the sues cess of Lowesville high school in chaise of Rev. R. W. Boyd. This school opened with 19 pupils and it ccw numbers Go. Rev. M. 1'. Matheuy madeafly ing business trip to Atlanta last week and reports everything booni iug in that metropolis of the new South. Mai. W. A. Graham was in at tendance at the Baptist Church Sunday ou his return from Cherry ville where he had been looking alter alliance matter.. Mr. M chael Carpenter aud his two daughters, Miss Bettie Carpeus terand Mrs. Maggie Davie, of Gas ton countv. were in Liucolnton yes. terday. Miss Bessie Johnston's school at lion Station closed last week. She has been teaching there for about six months aud her school was highly acceptable to the people. We are under many obligations to Col. Cowles tor a package of choice garden seeds. We appreciate the remembrance very highly aud ' shall endeavor to give the seed a lair trial. Mr. P. A. Reep last week bought 930 dozen eggs. This is a large pur chase for one week, and the hens in the neighborhood of Reepsville have surely not "gone anywhere", ex cept to their nests. j Rev. M. P. Matheny leaves this week f0r King's Mountain to cons j Qiutnate the organization of a new Baptist Church at that point next i Sunday. Already has two thirds enough money been subscribed to build a church house. Tho many friet.ds of liv. (1, L. Huffman were glad to see him ou our streets last wiek. Mr. Hoffman is now pastor of a church at Mor gauton. He and his wife spent a few days with her mother, Mrf. J. M.Richardson, last week. Tho little 8 year old sou of Mr. Piuk Smith met with a pncnliar death list Monday evening. The boy received a fall in which he bit his tongue causing it to hired. The blood continued to flow from the wound until the boy bled to death. Among the conveyances put upon the records within the last few weeks by our Register of Deeds we, note two Grants from tho state of North Carolina one to J. F. Oel derman for 4f acres and one to L. A. Drum for nine acres. Mr. R. W. Farr, of Philadel phia, who is to be the proprietor of the Hotel I)e Lithia, at the Lincoln Lithia springs, has arrived and is having things put in order for the arrival of guests. It will, however, be several weeks beloro all things are in readiness for the opening. The prospects are that we will get new advertisements this spring lrona merchants not now advertis ing. We shall be glad to have our list of advertisers iucreased and we assure them that we can make it profitable to their busi. nets. The entertainment to be given by the Ladies Society of the Baptist Church wdl be a ' Progressive Spel ling Game." This is Baid to be a novel and exceediugly interesting game. It will be given with Mr. aud Mrs- M. P. Matheny at the Alexan der House, the time yet to be fixed by the Society. A very sad death occurred at Iron Station last Monday. Robert, sou ot Capt. J. M. Rendlemeu, died quite unexpectedly Monday even ing, aged about 15 years. He had teen Mck for several days but ap-. peated to be doing reasonably well till a few hours before his death, when his sickness took the form of MeniDgitis. CapJ. P. W. Carpenter aud Mr- P. F. Baxter have leased some of their lands to the iron ore compa ny and their is a probability of a development of the same in the near future. If all the ore that has been spotted iu the county by this company turns out to be as good as is expected Lincoln coanty will cer tainly have a large miuing industry in the near future. We have heard some further news of the tragedy mentioned last week. The particulars as we learn are as follows. Some two months ago it was rumored that two escaped convicts named Proctor, from Cleve land were in hiding around Trinity Lutheran Gburch in the western part of the county. The people were of course, vey much excited and slept with aims near them. One night Mr. Mouroe Saiu discovered that some one was trying to break into his house, and when he went to the door the man ran aud Mr. Sain tired upon him: The man was taken to his sisters aud died about two weeks ago. His uame was Peter Proctor. There were very large congre gations at the Baptist Cburch last Sunday both morning and uight the house was full. It was the reg-! ular time for celebrating the Lord's Supper aud the Pastor preached from 1 Cor. 11 ch. 27 and 29th verses At the close of the sermon there! were two additions to the church bv letter. At n;ght the Pastor closed his series of sermons ou bottles from Hab. 2:15, ''Woe unto him that putteth the bottle, &c." One addition by letter at the night ser vice. The Pastor announced the beginning of a regular prayer raeetT ing at the Church every Thursday evening which will be largely inter spersed with singing. The people were cordially invited to attend. A IVouderful County. It will no doubt be interesting to many people to know that the next census will show that Lincoln couni ty is in a healthy financial condition. There are in Lincoln county only five hundred and thirty-nine mort gages on real estate. We will sup pose those to average five hundred dollars each; we see the mortgage debt ou the lands of the county are only $27,250. This is certainly a small debt compared to many conn ties and shows our farmers to be thrifty and prosperous. Lincoln county is proud of her condition and it is expected that others will see her advantages and make use of them by investing in her real estate. DralEi In Schools. The Itontcn and Hickory drove i e Jionrcii auu iiici.oiy tirovet schools rlofft-l this week and closed with funtr.ils. Robert S. UendioJ men, aged 15 yens, one of the! brightest and I mat boy. in tho Iron ton District had to leave school last week with L:i Grippe which devel oped into acute Meningitis and he died on Monday last,and his teacher and school mates attended his fan eral on Tuesday. Luiher, son of Pinkney Smith, aged 7 years, at. tended the Hickory Grove school and on Friday last fell and cut his tongue and bled to death and was buried on Wednesday, last day of school. Both of these schools were full and mart very satisfactory pro gress aud the sudden deaths of these pupils make the term of 1890 sadly memorable. A Pleasant Entertainment, A Reporter of the Courier drop ped in at the Fshing Party given by the Ladies Society of the Baptist Church at Mrs. Finches on Friday night of last week. This entertain ment is new and novel and proved a most enjoyable occasion to those who bad the pleasure of being pres ent. There were about 34 couples present consisting of the old and the young. The entertaiumeut was free aud given purely for social ens joymeut and will be repeated mouth ly by the same society. The Pastor of the Paptist Church is one who believes the duty devolves upon the churches to provide social ens joymeut as well as religious instruc tion for the people. Tho social nature is one of the Devil's strong points in human nature aud if the good people do not look after these matters he will. In extending the invitations each member of the society was authorized to invite a lady and gentleman friend grauting to the lady friend invited the privi lege of invit ug any gentleman friend provided she would provide a lunch. The lunches were all put to gether behind a screen and the gentlemen fished for them. When he secured a 'bite" he sought the lady whose name was with the lunch and together they eat it. The entertainment for March will be as novel and even more interest iug than this from what the Repor ter could learu. This society de serves a goo i deal of credit for in augurating these social entertain ments without making money a part of the programme, especially as they are just now making a strong and determined effort to pay oH their church debt. A Murder in Chester. John Hood, the father of Sheriff W. H. Hood, of Chester, S. C, was shot with a double barreled shot gun, and killed, in Chester, Satur day night, Mr. Hood's body was found at 7 o'clock Sunday morning. Suspicion pointed to Green Brown, a negro, as the assassin- He was arrested, aud a double-barrelled gun was found in his house, with mud ou the stock, and apparently having been only recently shot. As to the cause of the murder, and the verdict of the coroner's jury, the Chronicle's correspon. dent8ays under date of yesterday : "Other fac's gathered by your correspondent are that Brown sus pected a colored man of beiDg too intimate with his wife, and Satur day night awaited iu ambush the object of his jealousy. When Hood passed by, ou hie way from visiting (some relatives, Brown mistook him for the other psrty, aud tired. It was ou a street without any lights whatever. "The verdict of the corouers1 in cpuest, held here Sunday, was that John Hood came to his death by gun shot wounds at the handa of Green Brown (colored.) "Mr. Hood was buried today at Pleasant Grove church about seveu miles from here." Mr. Hood was 79 years old. Charlotte Chronicle. Antidote lor Tainted 3Xeat: A certain farmer in this county, losing a quantity of.meat during the; hot weather, took it off and buried it. A few days after a negro told the farmer that he liked spoilt meat, whereupon the farmer said that he was welcome to it if he would go and dig it up. The negro did so aud was surprised to find that the taint had entirely left the meat, being abi sorbed we suppose by the earth. He informed the farmer, who took the meat back to his meat house,and is now using the same. Clinton Cocassion. Subscribe for the Lincoln Cou kiee, $1.50 a year. i Vance ami l!m Pn'aelu'rs. f(ltP ,1.,. inro ii lady in this cilv. received a letter fiom a scholarly and pioui Vuginitn luMvster eddi cated at tho University ot Virginia in which thcio is a brief reference to our able junior Senator. The Messfhgtr has already more iuirin any oiner vuincrn papT in praise aud publicity ol his very able speech in the Senate, and wo do not know that the senator has observed it, but w still carry on the work, and reproduce the extract from the Virginian's letter, which is now for the moment iu our possession. He writes: "Please say to Mr. Kingsbury that I think every southern man ought ! to feel like tossing his hat into the air and shouting 'three cheers for I our noble Vance.' That was tho I grandest speech I have read for many a day' That will do for a Virginian and for a modest consecrated man of God ! Now for another letter from the Seuator addressed to Rv. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, It has been handed to us, and it is too good to be only read by a few. It is dated February 10 1890, and says: 'Acknowledging your kiud letter of the 0th inst., I have to express my gratification at its contents. I am on receipt ol similar notes from ministers a'l over the s mth. Evi deutly I have made a hit among the preachers. I cau not exactly under stand it. My enimies acuse me of dealing in obscene jokes and pro. faue application of scripture aud yet I have more approbation from the good women and the clergy of our country than from any other clashes of our peo. le, which leads me to one of l wo conclusions; either I am not so bad and irreverent as they say I am or elie there is some thing wrong about the women and i he preachers. Which is it ? Seriously, Doctor, I am greatly obliged indeed by ouv letter. I take it and those 1 have received ot a like character from Mr. Hiden, Mr. Harding, Mr. Smith and many oth ers as evidence that 1 have touched satisfactorily a serious vein of pub lic sentimeut on this great question." IVil. Messenger- The tight in Congress without rules has hurt the Republicans. The new rules are likely to still farther hurt them, for the people will soon appreciate the effect tbey have on legislation. The Republicans have succeeded iu their aims and pur poses, but at the expense of some of their political strength. New Or leans Times' Democrat. NOTICE ! North Carolina, Lincoln County, In the Superior Court. Mary Hoke vs. Pink Hoke. State of North Carolina to the Defen" dant, Pink Hoke, Greeting : Y OU ARK HEREBY NOTIFIED and summoned to be and ap pear at theOourt House in Lincoln ton, N. C, on the 4th Mnndav atter the lot Monday in March, 1890, be- fore our Superior Court then and there to be held aud answer the complaint ot the plaintiff, now on file in my office or judgment will be taken against you for tho relief therein deiuauded. You are further notified that the purprse of this action is to obtain .1 divorce tor plaintiff a vinculo matrimonii: Witness ray hand and seal this 5th . day ot Februarv, 1890. L. S. C. E. CHILDS, C. S. C, I C, N. O. Gt. Feb. 7, 1890. NOTICE! E. B. Spring, surving Partner, Jane i.'lix on Executrix ot S. C. Hager and others, Plaintiff s. rs. Nancy Wilkinson.Sam. Wilkinson, and L. A. H. Wilkinson, De fendants. Superior Court of Lincoln County, ) Feb. 5,1 890 State of North Carolina to Samuel Wilkinson,-Greeting : Y 7OU are hereby summoned and notified to be aud appear at the Spring term of Lincoln Superior Court to be held at the Court House, in Lincolnton, on the 4th Monday after the 1st Monday in Marcb,1890, to answer the comp!aiut of the plain tiffs in the above action to be filed in the Clerk's office within 30 days from the commencement of this publication or judgment will be taken against you for the relief therein demanded. You are further notified that the object of this action is to foreclose a Mortgage on 40 acres of land in the j Eastern part of Lincoln county i near Denver, which said Mortgage given by H. H. Wilkinson and Nancy Wilkinson to S. C. Hager ou 24th October 1882, aud duly regis tered in Lincoln county, Book 5G, page 454, is referred to for a more full description of said land. Witness ray band and seal of office this 5th day of February L. S. 1890. C. E. CHILDS, Clerk Superior Court.Lincola Co. Feb. 7, 1890. Gt. MORTdAdK SALE. 1V Villi I E u a mortgage with power f s.tbi imide to tue by Nancy Wilkinson on Fetunarv -2, J l8S:s, mid dtih m corded in Linc lii Ooilfity, :ok' (JO, paire.'JG.; of Deeds, I will Mdl at public auction to the highest bidder for cali,tt the Court House door iu Lincolnton, on Mom dav of f ourr wo4;, Maich :?l, 1890, at I2oVh?l-: noon, the land de scribed in the a'ove mentioned mortgage lying in the town of Den ver and adjoining the lauds of W. E Howard and S. H. Lowe and con taining one halt acre more or less. Lincolnton, Feb. 14, IS'jO. E. B SPRINGS. Feb. 21, 1890. 4'. AT THE P32ICI5 CASH STORE JUST RECEIVED A big lot of Ladies, Misses and Geuts Shoes, bonglit direct from tho factory at Nyack, N. Y. Buying, as we do for the spot cash and direct from the factories, not only enables us to sell cheaper, but also insures new goods, whic'i is quite an advantage, as Shoes often lay in the wholesale stores, until they become hard and dry. which cinses them to crack very quickly. First among the specialties, that we have just added to our stock, is a Ladies ($2.00) Button Dongola Shoe. It is cut. to fir, well finished, a good wearer and by far the best Dress Shop, that we have ever been able to offer for the price. Second. Misses and Childreus Burton DongolaShoes from 90 cents to $1.50 according to size. This is a line of Shoes we have hnd great trouble to get and feel satisfied that our customers will ho very much pleased with these goods. Third. Is an elegant line of Men' ($3.00) Shoes in Congress and Luce These goods have never been sold iu this seerion before We guaran tee satisfaction on every pair. Call aud examine this ine before bu ing. Yon can aways find in our stork a full line of J. Faust & Son's Cel ebrated fine Shoes for Gents and Ladies. They become more popular each season. Our trade on them has grown from a few dozen pairs a season to hundreds of pairs a sea son. Their line of "Eagle Tip,'' Shoes, for Chidren, are acknowl edged by the trade to be the best Shoes for Chidren on the market. N. B. To arrive next week, Spring styles,in Ginghams, Calicoes, Cassimeres, &c Ilespectfuy, JENKINS BROS. L- L WITHERSP00N. ATTORNEY AT LAW, NEWTON, N. C. Practices iu the Courts or Cataw ba, Lincoln, and adjoining counties. AVonev to Loan ou improved farm? in CataA'ba and Lincoln counties ir sums of $200 and upwards, ou lon time and easy terms. Will meet clients at the Alexander House, iu Lincolnton. on second and fourt Mondays in ea.h month. Aug. 2, 1889. tt. Snperior to all Sntstitutes t or raUluir und making l.Ubt, llieslHle Biscuits, bread, ft lake, I'les, Mufflus, ftsfflu, Johnuy Cake, Com Bread, shorl Cake, Pot rie, DuiupllaHS Boiled Pudiiinrs aud tsuii wheat. pound cans 5 teat. Sold ryC ouutrj Merchants. YEAST F1IEIB Deeply thankfu for the past lib era patronage accorded me in the old year, I solicit a continuance of the same iu the new. My st ck will be as full and my prices as reaous able as ever aud no effort w i be spared to please: Respect fuy, A. W. REEDY. Lincolnton, January 17, 1890. Subscribe for the Courier, 1.50 per year. Fair HXrotio to ! In order to further reduce my entire Stock of Goods before golag North to makft my Spring purchases, I have decided to make aweeping reductions in aU c'asses of DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, HATS AND CAPS, SHOES, &C. I am offering great inducements to CASH buyers in Clothing, of which I have jnst received a fine line of Suits. Come and see how little money will buy a FINE suit. The mild winter has been a blessing to buyers of Over Coats. All I have on baud are offered without reserve at New York co.-t. lr will pay you to buy now even if you do not need oue. CuMomeis whose hills are past due are requested to come aud make prompt settlement. Respecttlluy, JNO. L. COBB Ei M. ANDREWS, CHARLOTTE, FURNITURE, DONT X C- YOU WANT A PARLOR SUIT? iw linVienr new and artistic j afeius iu plushes, Wiltou Rugg and Silk Tapestries bought at very low prices. I am ottering some SPEOIAX, Bargains in Parlor Srns now and if yon want one don't wait as they will never go lower- I give a imv prices to show that. I mean what i sav. I never say a thing uuless 1 mean it. Walnut Frame Hair Cloth Suits, $29 00; Waluut Frame Red WoolPJo&lx Su.ts, ;i5 0o ; Walnut Frame Silk Plush Suits, ?15 00 ; Antique Oak Silk Plush Suits, 00; Overtult Silk Plnh Suns, 65 00; Overiuft Silk Ttipestry ttu.iH. $95 00. I have some tvr handsome Suits at $100, $123 and $150. I would bo glad to mail ou Puoto.-j ot any of my suits ami tt you couipaif prices with auy Northern House. E. M. ANDREWS, Piano, Organ and Furniture Dealer, Charlotte, N. C. 1 1 $2.99 Shoe. For gentleman. A perfect at a mod ersterost Try a pair of our ir-pecialtifes in gentlemen's footwear, at .OO $1,00, 3,fi0. $2,50 and fc.00. Every pair w&rrHnted. Examine our specialties for ins dies Ht $4.00, $2,99, $2,50, and $2,00, unex celled for comfort, durability and style. fcjnsiat on having tha orisinal M A PAl'K A lit) fe CO.'S Shew. The genuine have cur stamp on bottom of eacii hoe. Went postpaid to any part f the U. . on receipt of price. M A Packard & ' Co. Brockton, Maj. For sale in Lincolnton by JOHN L CO HO C. C. COI1B. LEMUEL WETMORE COBB & WETTilORF, ATTORXErs AT LA W. Lincolnton, X C Will practice in Lineoln and surrounding counties collections a .specialty Office on Main Street Oct. 18, 189. lv. NOTICE. HAYING qiiahlied as Adminis trator of the E-jtateot John F. Hoke, deceased, all persona hav. iug claims a'g iinst s.ii I estate will present, same to the uudersigued on or before January 15, 1801, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Persons indebted to said estate will please make payment. W, A. HOKE, Adm'r of John F Hoke. Lincelntou, N. c, Jan. 10, 1890. (it. Piedmont Seminary, MALE AND FEMALE. LINCOLNTON, N. C- An English, Classical, Mathematical and Commercial School. It is thorough and practical in its work and methods. It does not assume to itseif tbeclaims of a Col lege, but is thoroughly Academic. Location healthy, and ot easy access by railroad. Penmanship and Euh iness Department in charge of Prof. G. P. Jones. Spriug Term of 1890 begins the 8th of Jauuary. For Circulars, dv, send to D. MATT. THOMPSON, Principal, Lincolnton , N. C. Jan. 3, 1890. CAS3IMER3, JEANS, BLANKETS. LOWESVILLE SCHOOL! A SCHOOL F HI GUI GRADE, FOR EOTH MAI A No FtMALK PCPILS, VUi.I. iifc oetxtu, MON I ) A Y, NO V E M HER, 11, 'tti, at Lowesviilf, Liucolu coun ty, N. C, with Rev. R W. Boyd, A. M., as Principal, assis e t by coni pe eut i ii h t r ii (! 1 1) i. lustiuction giveu iu Euglifh, Classic, Jlu-ic aud Art. TUITION, PER MONTH, English, 5il (fl, $2, Classics 3, Music, Extra $3, Drawing aud Painting, Extra, $1 50 & $3. Boardiug may be had at rum $$ to $10 per month. Families defiling the advantages of the School can rent couv ei.i.-.iit cottages ly early application to cue Messrs. Lowe. Addiecs the Princi pal at Lowesville, Liucolu couuty, N. C. Nov. 1. 1880. tf HirCKLKN'.S ARNICA SALVE The bestHalvtt m the world for cut and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever wres, tot er, chapp ed bamin, chilblains, rni, aaJ all skin em pi ton, and positively cures eiles, or no pay reiiuired. It ii yuarat teed to.iye perfect Mithf'aotinn.or money refuu ed. pri-- 2i cjnti per hot. For sale by J. M Lawin4, Pybsician and Pharmacist MORTGAGE SALE. BY VIRTUE of a mortgage deed with power ot sa'e to me made by James Ellington and wifn Emma Ellington, mortgage deed duly re lettered in Hook No. f;o, pge 474 iu the office of the Register ot deed ot Lincolu couuty 1 will sell to tho highest bidder forcaih at the Couit house door iu Lincolntou at 11' m. on Saturday the fith day of Feb'y. 1890, the laml described in said mortgage, to wit : One 3-10 acres situate in "Rock Hill" near the southern limits of Lincolntou and ad joining the lands of Caleb Motz and others. J O. GARLAND, Mortgagee. Lincolnton, n. c ,Jan. 10, 1890, 5t. EXECUTION SALE. BY VIRTUE o two executions to me directed from the hupe tior Court ol Lincoln countv, in favor ot S. II. Lwe a"d against Mis. Myra McLure, I have levied upou her excess of homestead con twining about L'OS acres auJ adjoius the lands of A. F. Brevard, Frauk Abernethy and others and will sell the same to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Hous door in Linconton a' 12 rn. on Monday, 3d day of March, 1890. A. NIXON, Sheriff. Feb. 1st, 1890. 2, 7th, '90. 4t. How 3Ien Die. If we know all the methods of approach adopted by au enemy we are the better en abled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment whn surrender becomes in evitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the body suffices to enaVe it eppo-e tLe tendency toward death. Many however have lst thee forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other caes a little ail to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death ani many years of useful life. Upon the tirt sympton-a of a Coub, Could or any trouble of the TLront or Lungs, give tnt old and well-known rein edy Boscbee' German Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say o( it to "be the benefactor of any home."

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