fil ILINOiDILK 0 If Hi MIR LINCOLN COURIER I.ui'AL DEPAli'J M I' NT. ,i. m. hobei; rrt. imuoi. tilULli IHKLriOUY. X' RK?bY1i-RIiN. Kl;V. II. Z. JiA.WiUi U , st r. PreHchi'iir ery 2r.1, ani 4t!i undavt 11 A. :.T. an i I'. M SanddV "icho '1 every ..iinday 4 P. M.. trayer MeetingVvory Wednesday, 7 i'- M Jresion meets Wednesday after 'second Sundays, alter Prayer Meeting, i Preai hin at Iran Station on second Buudavs. 3 1. M. I'reaoLiiig at Ptiptir Mill Academycc 4th Sundays, 3 P. -M. .Methodist. Key. M. H. H,.yle, Pa ' tor.; Pieactdng every fust .Sunday, 11 A il..;and 7:3-), P. M. German Hi form lk- Re v- Mr. Murphy, r&stcr. k'reactiiujj every tbird .Sunday, 1 1 A. MJ Li'THEKiS. Kv. J. A. Kudi-ill, Pas tor. Bcthr.l.htt eti y 1st . Sunday ; Trinity, very 8.1 I y , I'm i, id's t?iy 4th Sur. Jy. 11 n.r 10 a m. LuTathA w. Ht-v M. L. Little, Pastor, St. llaik s every I'd Sunday ; Cherry viJie. very 31 :;unday. Hour. 1 a. in. Bakii-t. rN;v. ( '. L. Owwor, Pa.-t jr. ritathir.g every 3i and 4tu Sundays at 11 A. M. and fc.lfi P. M. Sunday Ssaiuul fcvety at J P. M Prayer ejecting very dfcuriday evening at 8:13- LINCO LX TO J TTNE 2l7l 890. ANNOUNCEMENTS. The t;uo lor cnudidales to make their announcements has now ar rived. It irt expected that ttnse who ran for an office will place their names before the people in a formal manner so that they may know for whom to vote. Tbe charge lor each announcement is $5.00, CASH IN ADVAJiCt. tf. Xew Advertisements J no L. Cobb. Cluster MilU J. B. Bailey. Racket J. L. Kistler. Mrs.J.S.SIaitiu.ot Sbelby,ia itirjg friends here this week. Yv T. Shipp, Jr , waa iu Lin colutou this week. --Mrs. Sallie Craig and little daughter, of "Wadesboro, N. C, are visiting Airs. P. J. Pate. We learn that there has been but little raiu for some time in the eastern part of the county. Mr. J. H. Hilaiy, ot Winston, !a on a visit to Liueoluton this week. Mr. and Mrs! L. B. Stutts left last Wednesday for Yorkville, S. 0., on.a vieit to friends. Miss Mary Sowers weut to Dal las last Wednesday to attend coni roencemeut; Died snddeuly of heart trouble near Triangle last Tuesday morning Mr. John Edward. Mrs. 1. M. Moser aud Mrs. J. P. ZMiller are visiting Capt. P. W. Carpenter iu Howard's Creek. Miss Alice Grigs has returned tome horn WilUamstou female College, WilJiatnstoa, i3. O. O. C. Thompson, Esq., aud Mr. Chas. L. Brown have just had their new residences very nicely painted. Dr. J. D. Muudy, of Denver, -was in Lincolutou last Wednesday, :and isaH pleasant aud jovial as ever. Mr. Pinto Carpenter of China Grove, is visiting his father, Capt. P. W. Caipenter,aud is accompanied by his t fiend, Kfr. W. A. Deaton. Miss Gufsie Pubyne, of Mount lloi'v is spading a few days heie with Lei Aunt, Mrs. J. A. Ab ernetby. Mr. C. A. Baxkley brought us the first cotton bloom of the season. He says it came out of the field and was plucked Wednesday, June 25. Mr. L. C. Pay3eur, of Lancas ter, S. C, was iu Lincolutou thU week, and made a short visit to his mother, 'in Howaxds Creek township. We enjoyed a nicf plate ot ice ci tarn at dpt. Edwards' restaurant the other d-y. Capt. knows just how to manufacture that article. Misses Pure and May Crouse, Ada Costner, Gussie Bhine and Zoe Latham attended Dalias commence ment yesterday- Hubert Shufoid, ot Beepsvilie, who has been on trestle work on the G. C. N. railroad in South Carolina, returned home last Wed cesday. Rev. Luther A. Pox. D. D., ot Koanoke College, Salem, Va , will preach at Daniel's Church, this county, next sjuuday morning', the 29th, at 11 o'clock. Kev. K. A. Yoder and family, of Couover, Mr. Muriill, of the Press i- Carolinian, and Kev. J. A. Hudisill ot this county attended Gaston Col lege commencement yesterday. A portion of the eaves of the onrt bouse have beeu guttered and piping will be attached so as to run the water into the cistern on public square. Mr. J. A. Aberuethy and Mr. Price have returned from Boston where they purchased a lot of new improved machinery for the Labor atory Cotton Mills, A telegram was received here Tuesday for Mrs. A- Mills, who was visiting Mrs. 11. M. Roseman last week, announcing the death of her friend, Miss Bessie Stroup, of Htateaville. It. is now conceded that, at its quarterly meeting; to be held in Le noir on the fomfh day cf July, the Caldwell county Alliance will vote to dLBa;piove the absurd sub-Treas ury bill. Lenoir Topic. Home new machinery arrived this week for the Elm Grove Cot ton Mille. TliH factory is receiving a general overhauling and will be put. in first class condition by Falb with considerable machinery added. We had several fine f-howers here this week, and the coming crop around Liucolntori is very prom is ing at present. The prospects of the cotton crop were never better at thi3 season of year than at pres- ent. Lightning struck Mr. L. S. Kil. ban's dwelling: in this county last Wednesday a week, and knocked out the lights of h window, struck a bedstead and tore off some weather boarding. Fortunately no one wa8 injured. Capt. P. J. Pate, agent of O. C. depot, has been off for several days taking yaation visiting Capt. W. T. Maseey, of Tirzah, S C., and spends lug some time with friends at other points. He also spent a few days at Portsmouth, Va. A force of hands are now at work on our streets. We suggest that the town authorities boy or rent a rock crusher and then begin at the worst places and begin a sub stantial grading of the streets, do Ing as much as the treasury will ad mit each year. The Lincoln Courier says that Mr. W. L. Lackey, of Lincoln couno ty, has, in a period of six weeks killed thirty. six crows, five hawks and two sheep killing dogs. The people of his neighborhood should give him a handsome present. Progressive Farmer. Mr. S. P. Sherrilh census enu merator for Lincolnton township, has nearly completed his round, but when he is through we will know about a3 little ot the census as before, as he is sworn not to reveal auythiug, not even the number of inhabitants. Rev. C. E. Gower and Mr. J. T. McLean went to King's Moantain last Tuesday to hear Rev. Mr. Fife. They were much pleased with him. The meetiug closed there on Tues day. Mr. Fife received a telegram notifying him of the death of his sister at Thomasville Tuesday. The Judicial Executive Com mittees of thts district meet toiday (Friday) at Gastonia for the pur pose of appointing the time and place for holding Judicial convene tion. W. A. Hoke, Esq., is the member of the Committee from Lin coin county. Died, June 20, 1890, little Louise McKenzie, infant daughter ot Mr. aud Mrs. Blair Jenkins, aged 16 days. Another little lamb taken into the tender arms of Him who said "suffer little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of such is the kiugdom of heaven.' Let everybody see to it that those atteuding the L'nion Meeting of the Baptist Church are well pro vlded with homes free of charge. The discussious on to-day and to morrow will no doubt be highly in teresting and instructive, and a large attendance is expected. Rev. C. E. Gower, the new pas tor of the Baptist Churches at this place and at Mt. Holly, arrived in Lincolnton last Saturday. He preached two excellent sermons Sunday morning aud night, and has made a favorable impreesiou upon the people here. His family arrived last Monday. As will be noticed elsewhere iu this issue the Shelby District Con terence convenes in the M . E. Church at this place on Thursday, July 17. We are glad the Conference decided to hold its session at this place and we bespeak for all who may attend a cordial reception and a hearty welcome. We regret exceedingly that an overflow of job work prevented our attending the Gaston College com mencement this week. Judging irorn the programme, we are qnite sure it was one of the best they have ever had. We hope some one who was there will give us a full account next week. Rev. Dr. L. A. Fox, ot Roanoke College, Salem, Va., and Rev. J. B. Fox, of Newberry College, Newber ry, S. C, arrived iu Lincolnton last Tuesday, on a visit to their mother. Ilev: J. B. Fox went to Dallas yes terday to deliver the commence- ment oration of Gaston College and was accompanied by his bio? l.ei, ; noi-g or whul. she heartily Rev. L. A. Fox. encored until d:t it-tun-ed arid gave A telegram was received by j another good eelectiou. Capt. Ward announcing the-deathi The proceeds cf the entertain of Mrs. Gov. T. R. Callwdi, at her rnent will be used towards the home in Morrrauton on last Satur day at 5 P. M. She died suddenly of disease of the heart. Mrs. Cald well was the mother of Capt. Ward's first wife. His three eldest children weut up to Morgantou to the Funer al on Sunday P. M. and returned Tuebday. Died near Tnaugle last Tues day, June 24,1800, Ex-Sh-rirT J. H. King, aged about 40 years. H had beeu eick for tome time with fever, but had, we learn, been improving till a few days befoie his death. Mr. King was a prominent Republican of this conntv and was an intelligent citizen. A. Nixon, Sheriff, Prof. 1. Matt. Thompson aud Capt. B. F. Grigg went down to attend the fu neral services, which tcok place Wednesday at Unity Presbyterian Church. The funeral was witnessed by a laige concourse of people. District Conference. The Shelby District Conference of the M. E. Church, South, will, D. V.t convene in the Methodist Church at Lincolnton, at 9 o'clock, A. M., on Thursday, the 17th day of July, continuing its sessions and services until and includingSnnday, the 20th. Jno. R. Brooks, P. E. Shelby District. Lincoln County Farmers' Alliance Will meet with Machpelah Alli ance No. 430 on Friday July 4th, at 11 o'clock A. M. Ou Friday onlyj Alliance members can be present. On Saturday there will be public addresses by Capt. S. B. Alexauder, Dr. D. Reid Paiker and others, to hear which an invitation is extended to all who may desire to attend. J. W. A. Paine, Pres., J. B. Luckey, Sec'y. June 25, 1890. 65 Years Ago. The following iuvitatiou is a relic of 05 years ago, and has been pre served and handed to us by a friend. This copy was addressed to MISS ELVIEA WILSON, who was the late Elvira Coulter: Independence- Lincolnton Independence Ball will be given on Monday evening, the 4th of July, at Mr. Jacob Rein hardt's Long Room. The managers respectfully pre seut their compliments and solicit the favor of your company. MAXAGERS. VXRGIL BOBO, '! ELX HOiLE, LAWSON CALDWELL, J RICH'd. H. NORMS. HENRY EULENWXDEB, j THOS.WXLLXA1I50N. Lincolnton, June, 1825. Death of Mr. Cseorge JP, Cotclieti- The death of Mrs. Cochett, wife of Mr. George P. Cochett, which occurred Sunday last Irom a cons gestive chill, was a great shock to her family and friends. She leaves five children, the youngest only ten days old. The fuueral took place yesterday evening irom St. James' Church, the interment being in Oakdale Cemetery. It was atten ded by many sorrowing relatives aud friends. Mrs. Ootchett was the daughter of the late Cob James G. Green, and was greatly beloved for her many estimable qualities. Wil' inington Star. Mrs. Cotchett and children had many friends aud acquaintances in Lincolnton. She spent a portion of last Summer here, the Mrs. Dr. J. M. Lawing. guest of The Entertainment. A very plausable entertainment was given by The Presbyterian Snndav School in the uourt trouse Hall last Tuesday night. The at tendance was good, but not so large as it should have been, considering the excellency of the performances and the worthiness of the object for which the entertainment was given. The exercises consisted of choice selections of music and a farce most of which were received with hearty applause. The little play "W ho Killed Cock Robin" was very nice and was very well received by the audience But the most touching part of the pro gramme was the dialogue song of a little beggar girl and a young lady. Both characters iu the piece per formed their parts well. The most laughable part, of the exercises was the farce, "Poortifoot Junior" and the acting is quite deserving of praise: Miss Carrie Motz gave a beautiful rendition of a good night building of a cpw PreshyterSan Church at this place. I'i'oiii Orlean Some old people say the past tew day3 has been the hottest weather they ever knew in June. Some corn and cotton is suffering very much for rain, while other farms only a mile or two away are too wet to be plowed. O're threshing machine statted out to-day, guess the others will be our eoori : it's a race to see which gets the most work to do. The peach crop iu this Hection is almost a complete failure while apples are also very scare?. Messrs. Dock and Daniel Anthony of S. O. axe visiting their mother who is very feeble from old age and general debility. Mr. Frank Grigg, a young man twenty-five or six years old, who lived near Hulls X Roads in upper North Brook, died a lew days ago after a few hours' sickness. In jus tice to the physicians who attended him it should be stated that the re port that he was given a dose of morphine from the effects of which he never rallied-, is absolutely not true. Mr. Grigg had suffered a great while from heart and lung trouble. Mr. Geo. W. Bess took the con tract a few days ago to build a large new church at Bess' Chapel. The little son of Mr. Berry Led foid who was bitten on the ankle by a suake a couple weeks ago did not suffer any inconvenience whatever, the snake evidently not being pris onous. It is not true as was report, ed that hi3 leg had to be amputated. Our philosopher says "truth is a word which yoa will find in the dic tionary but you can'C fiud much of it about here these times.'7 3ays the people are so bad about telling falsehoods that he can hardly be lieve what he tells himself. :S. A. M. Orleans, N. C, June 24, '90. It would be impossible to get a fairer plan than the one on which (.ranter's inas icchicken cbolara care is sold. If it fails to cure, your money will be refunded by Dr. J. M. Lawing, Ag't, Lincolnton, N.C. UPEEFS . This ii what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to life. Tne Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they rind 't not. Thou sands upon thousands ot dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by ail. 'e g iarhiitee that Elec tric liittern, if v.gfid according to directions and the una j eisisted in, will tiring you Good Digestion and omt the demon Dys pepsia and install instead Eupepey. We recommend Electric BiUt-rs for Dypfpria and all disease of Liver, Stomnch n i Kidneys. fVild at 50c. and f 1 per bottle by J. II. Lawing, Physician andPharma'-ist. Tffll 1 " l..., ,r. . j ANNOUNCEMETS. 1 hereby respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-electmu to the office of Clerk Snpetior Court subject, to the actiou of the Dem ocratic Dominating convention. C. E. Guilds. I respectfully announce myself a caudidate for re-election to the of fice of Register of Deeds subject to the action of the Pemocratic nom inating convention. B. C. Wood. With many thanks to the citizens of Lincoln county, for past favor3, I announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of county Treasurer, subject, to the action of the Democratic nominating conveu t;on. Respectfully, L- T. Wxlkie. I announce myself a caudidate for the office of Sheriff of Lincoln coun ty, subject t) the action of the Democratic nominating Convention. J. B. Luckey. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Lincoln couuty, subject to the actiou ot the Democratic nomina ting Couventiou. G. T. Heafnek. LAiNP SALEL BYviitueof a decree made by the Superior Comt of Lincoln county, 1 will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Frida, July 4th 1890, at 12 o'clock noon in the town of Denver, that tract of land ljiug one mile Ernt of Denver on the road leadiug from Denver to Sheriill's Ford, being the land owned by Emerson Gant and ou which ho lived up to the time of his death, adjoining the lands of H. D. Shelton, 1). B. Bolick and others and containing about two (2( acres. Terms ot sale ten per cent cash, balance payable in six months from date ot sale. This 3d of Jnne, 1S90- John F. Davis, Adrn'r. Jane C. 1590. 4t. MILLINERY AT THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. This has bit the most woudeiful Mill'meiy season, we have ever known, cilice we. have been in husiuenn, usually the trouble has beeu to get lid of what we buy, but this season the difficulty has been to get goods fast enough to tup ply the great demand of our customer:!. Tint reason lor this is we state, nothing but facts in our advertise ments. We do not publish sensational stones iu order to attract the people to our store, then disappoint them bv not having what, we ad vertised, and we sell onlj the best aud newest goods at the lowest possible cash priced Harvesting time which is now fast approaching usual ly brings with it a dull sea son, which we propose to change into one of our busiest seasons, by offering you a lot of goods, that we have secured and have just placed on our counters for inspection. A big lot of White Cau tou Ilats,latest style only 15c Black Cantou Flats, 15c. Au immense stock of W reathes from 15 cts. up. Big stock Babies Lace Caps from 25 cents up. Something new and very pretty in Childs, and Misses Bonnets, Flats and Poke Embroidered Pique Hats. We have anything you want in Rinbous, in any width, quality or color. We are carrying over double the quantity of Ribbons we ever carried. SHOES. Don't forget to ask to see unv Ladies ($2.00) Button Dcngola Shoe(the Isabella.) The Bnatiice l.a- alrtsdy won the reputation of lining the best 1.61.50) Ladies Shoe ou the matker. We had wondeiful suc cess with our line of Men's (S.Ooj iShnes. They have proven to be good wearers which is the. most impor tant point in a shoe; ihey are also atylish and good fitting goods, as they are. made ou the most improved last. Our Man's (62 00) Calf skin Shoe has no equal when it comes to style and wear. We sell off a case of our Man's (1.25) Standard Screw Shoe, about eveiy ten (10) days. Small profits and quick sales is what we believe in. Fully worth $1.00. As the warm weather is now upon us, the season tor open front Shirts, we offer for sale, until this lot is closed out, a puie Linen (lb) Pleated Bouun Shirt, made of New Yoik Mills Muslin, Linen Collar baud and CufiV,. This Shirt is worth fully, and cannot be replaced under ($1.00;. All we ak for if. is h;5 cents Now is the time for Men1 Fancy Flauuel Shirts, and we've got the dandiest stock of them iu town wiih neck ties to match each Shi it, from 50 cents up. Another lot of Chimesetts just received. The first lot were cleared ont with a rush. Prices from 15f! up. JEXKIXS HIIOS. Do You want ard-Earned Dollars ? :i.p so, TaiEX ism' Ymr.'K Din' QDD.DS.jimESS B DD, f 3 A CJ LOTHING! SHOES SIR D SptfCinl JinliicDiuojils DflVriMlIu Vn?A trust d-ii-iiT. iiiul t.lio lowest prices iin ran teed. Come early and -ecuro EVKKY AUTHT.E YVA I.' K A I WANTED-WOOL, j av i.; an uiiimite! ..vcier for i. I will pa ihc highest j Makkit it.wi:, .l.'livero.l nt any Jcin.t u vnIuhI. thci.-!.;- -avin I 4 1 . 1 ..! 1 , . 1 . me onippei nviuiii. mayiic; ana t'oiniinioii. Leinn lances al ways on ilay Wool received. Sa-ks fumi.-heii liee of rent. JMile V. M..-jiiNs rfox, N,. 8 South loth Shi-et. i.i. hiiiond. Va. June lo Lj'ja. i 0 Irk M AITU TAUT THE ! Saddles, Harness, Col Deile.H in Ywgoii1-, BugieN Cartrs Flouis iiu i u!l kintli ot Hard v me. i We have a uod vii elv ot the I best lu-tko of Slow s v. ir.rii we have j decided to f-ell al runt, ''i'tics wi.i ! propose to titLe 1vantH-..- i f flii j oiler, come at once befme the- s .-,: j ate bioki-n. Hr?pc,rt'uliy. II. L. .V J. h?. KAMSAUK. Miiuh 21. 1H'J:. SOLD" OUT. yE have our )vi;j .Store TO W. L. CFOUGE CO. All persons itnlebted to w. m. Keedy A Co .Ino, JietMly k Co will please eonn forward and settle their accounts with John Reedy & Go. April 1. lsim. N0T1CK. HAVJNtJ qiiiiliiie.i as Lxecutor of the UrX Will and testa ment t L- lil. LiMle. derea.-ie-i, I heietiy notify all prison- having claims aain? t awl estate to present Kame ti iie. on or befoie June i. lfcOl, or this notice will be pie wlf-d in bar ot recovery. I. C LOWE, Ks'r.nfLouUa Little. June 2, IMm. ,t: LAND SALE. BY virtue nt a decree- lu'ide hy thw Superior Court of Lincoln county at Spring Term lhSO, I will sell at public auction, at Uih Omit House door in Lincolnton un Mun day July 7tli 1'", at 1J o'loc!c noon, for cthb, that traet .f -i nl Ijmcj in Lincoln county and Ca tawb Spiing.- towiir.liip, which was owned by J. A. Munday at time of his death, containing i7 acres, and adjoining lands of J. K. Paine, W. A- Graham. A. L- Ballard and others. This 3tl day of June 1?90. U. E. CHILDS, CTk. k UomV. Juue o, 5t. to Save Your some of the r kir-niii- NTi'l AS KLlMM'M XiTI. A COTTON STRIKE ''hro, Boss Ml work no more, 'less you wigii your Cotton oa aJOXES oTon Cotton Sealci NOT CHEAPEST EUI EEST. U Ueani Hox, Tare Beam, Fiviftht Paid." For tcrnis mld;jv-. JONES OF BINGHAMTON, HlSOHAMTtlX. .V V. REV.SMI.PJQillES REV. J. B. HAWTHORNE WHAT lliF.Y SAY ABOUT DR. KIWG'S M " 4 - 1 1 it' i 1 1 h l" ter w rlt- m il I a ttit-ii:t : I . lei . Il (N 1.11 tUf 12th ' I.. i n i tkn.K i i i i-i-.i i i.hi.m. t,r !' i il. v iiiiiin-i fr' ' " I : ii v. ,K li .l 1 nMihi- 1 :. .; -I I hi, I in I., , ,,. ,. i !.i l I., i rli i. .il . ll II"' II .1 I I. I I 1 I II na- I 'll.- v I. I- I ... l-i ii il. -I I I I l: I . v. i II A I II I'M I I ii' . tl i :-.urcly i v i o k k r. v ! 1 1 i ' ( 1.W 1 J '.urcl e.-. I i: ll t ' i H"i i,. l t -1 -. fust Haptiit In 1 1 . Ii. A I In .:' . I ..i , v i . . ..I.-. I i.t i l.,Uif HtMflll. liilj ' I I .l! Illll. Ill- I I.' II .l'l liet-u an I L- Vlili'l fl ,1,1 llelV' I ..I. I. ii In', Hll.u, aiil i iifiui.ttiiMii I M'. Illll;n ' i: I'.-t. i.-art-eiy t. i'. in ;t i!mV- '.'i'ii-.!. ,..!. tin. Aft'-r in k i ii. It .tl i in' I ue i I . iii .1, 1 In lit; writt-S. "A lien e i .in, pi. I " t ! -I n-1 ! in ut i "ii I ri :i v, wv-f All i, e-.-. I r.LKV I.KMCVUII OF DISiASK &AZ t'hf ftAEl ii ii. ,i'i-ii t.. i. i A.-ntv yr ;.ii.1 I ,i- !u ,,i jii l .vful " i.K-i'.l Ii) i till. I. A t- l.n .- i . i ii,..l. i innii v jl our In' i, l t Ink- the ii, i l,, I,... , ii ii,- iHtini'j,y ' t !!! II. .Ill I II. ul !l I .1 l-ihjI lell.fl." lM Kill. K " t I (,il..l I. I i:, It Ij'jOU t'J V. ..ilien. 1'1'Hil'l '.,.M.- I I ',.'! II. Illi re.te4 til 4 a J ( el 1 I .- i 'II-' 1 ' ' ' ' i . I e I 1 - ( . Il fill Kil I lit. -..,l-f I'! 'il-e,,-. . ,1, ,!!,.. . t,ertl. Il It HII Hi! 1 I I ! 'ill- I I I" I ; I e,l n,i lmi. N'eu- ti.!i.U. I'Kr-il v i- lnt mi in-ti'i-pn. Inrti. '-ii-'ii ( i , m '.,', .,i I i . i i i,: "i i-i ami KiJii- 1 , . ',,i: i ,. ' -' . , - , , I,, ail "l a let Kill i', - i . . I. linn I 1 i ftC. l'l "Mi l'l ''! t '! 1 1 e to lei. I, in ..i f mi tfert nif iii--. ii,e i'ii, .' in-in n: r. t, "i lriin ;.'.'iii in Si. - j -1 .-..ii. . i. if t:-.l l " . i ' I ' 1 1 . Ii utti k i oiif .a!loll '! I. ' il'- "-l .'II.-. I..ti Ki eOTJlJJil- A I L ACTIC lit HMCT U fl lt Cu. Atlanta, Ca. .ii-.t i..- i , i : i - - l.' i t . it i'in!i can not .-Jl'I'lv ,. II '--.11 lie ..-I,' I.y eH,.--. Km-- . ,,'. .iMiii. t .r ti.ll ;,, iilar. ctTtlf- irt lti I " iii.'l' i fi.I , , el, . J. Thos. McLean, Wholesale and Retail AGLNT, LINCOLN i ON", N. C. 1 The Cash Grocery Store :yt'TOV, will rind a full aud well elected stock f f Ml -A i ff 71 ; 7rAi f &IRDa3E:R3ES At the lowest pin.- i'lo cash pri ces one and the :ainr piicetoall. C"t3Call and see. Your.M rralv, A. W. KEEDY. Lincolntoc, M uch 11, ISM. li;ckli;n :s aunica salve TIip t'--t ;'alvf in th W 'rj l fur cuta and hrui-c, ff.re3, :iU ri-fim, lf--er sr-res, tet f.r, chsppd tiHR ,V. . Us, corns, and all skin Tupt K'ns, Hinl n.siti vly cured Pile, or no pHy rruire l, it is guaranteed to sivo perfect sMisfi:ti an, or money refun ed. ijrioe 2 T cent's p-r tior. For sale b? J. 'if Lawiiijc l'yueician and i'harinaciat tin PlETBtB iiin

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