V 1 r VOL IV. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPT 19. 1890. NO. 20 m I 4l t II V I ME KIT WINS. "We desire t .n.y to uur citizens, thai fur years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery fr Consumption, ! Dr Kick's New Lift; l'iil.s, Hucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Kilters, and hate never handled remedies that ell as well, or that have given tuch universal satisfaction. We do cot hesitate to guarantee them every titne, ana we etacd ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory reebuits do cot follow tlieii use. These remedies have won tbeir great popularity purely on their merits. At J. M. Lawing'o Physician and Pharmacist. Visitor (to native; Texan) "Why do you let the butt t our revolver perirude out of youi pocktt? Tex-iM Because there's a law ag'iu concealed weapous, strauger. Uruohltfh .Lift. H'hr Is Yoiu- ii;-U rrieud? Yuar btoinai-li ut course. Why? litcaus if it out d ra;i ymi are- on of tlie most mi-orable aeatim s liv nig. Give it a fair h' no- ib'e cnance ana see if it is not the best ..-i-ind you have in ihe tnd. Duu't smoke in the niurning. Don't drink in the mornin:. If you must smoke and drink wait until ycur stomach is through with breakfast. I'ou can drink m.ire and smoke mure in the ctuini; nd it will tell od you less, if your foe J ferments and does not digest right, if vu are troubled with Ilea-.burn, Di.iriess vt the head, coming on r- ,creatir; Biliousness, Indigestion,or any other trouble ot the ituinach, you had p-buse Green's August flower, aefs n person can u-e it without im mediate relie Subscribe tor the Lincoln Courier. 1)11. ACKER S ENOLISH PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For tick headache, dUuidered stomach, loss of ap petite, bad compb'-ion and biliousness, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. Dr. J 31 Laving, Druggist. E. M. ANDREWS, FUR1TURE, PIANO AND ORGAN DEALER. TDIANOS-Cbickeiing, Mathusbek and Sterling Pianos are too wel JT known to the people to require any introduction from me. Every one ot them are guaranteed, if they do not please you, you need not keep them. There are no lower prices, nor easier terms ottered by any one HR0S.V.Sa going to do about that Organ you promised U our wife and daaghter! Buy nothing bat the Celebrated Mason and Hamlin or Sterling Organ, and you are no J"1 paired. Sterling Organs for only $50.00 and Mason & Hamlin for only SlJS.00. Write me for descriptive price list. -rni-KNITUllE-Never before since I have been m business was my Jb Stock of Furniture so large and complete in every line as w o, day, and prices were never lower. I keep right up with styles, and re? resent everything just as it is. U you buy anything from me and it is not as JeprSentedreturn it and I will pay your money back. Who could do more 1 Who could ask more! Write for my Pes. I sell 90-iucb reversible frame MOSQUITO APILS with an the fixtures for hanging for only $2.00. mraia Qr E. M. ANDREWS, Charlotte, N. C 16 and 18 West Trade St. Finle&Wetmore, . . .... i m sk. IV T p l ATTYS. A LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Will practice in Lincoln and surrounding counties. All business put into our Lands will be promptly atten ded to. April IS, lt'.'O. ly. XJjljl. SMiid of forms, but are sut p&sged by tlie miirveis of invention. Those who are in need l jroti table work that can he done while living at home should at ocue send their uddres-; to Uallet & Co., Portland, Maine and receive tree full in formation how either sex, of all ages, can earn iroui 5 to $2." per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital nvt required. Some have made over froO in a single day ut this work. All ucceed. AUTOMATIC SKWIXG MACIIINEI Prices reduced. Every family now can havo tbo In-ft Automatic Sewing Ma chine in tbo market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse it Murphy Mfg. Co., 4."5 and 407 West 20th .St., N. Y. City. SPRING RACIHE,WIS. HAPPY.' HOOSIEKd. Win. Tiniiii'.n-, i'o-tuittster ot Idaville, Ind.. wririi : "Electi ie Kilters ha done iixid for id c than a;i other medicines com bined, lor th.it bad feeiintr arisintr from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, fanner and stockman, ot tame place, says: ''Find Liooiio Hitters to be the be:t Kid ney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J AV Gardner, hardware ms.chttnt, raine t.vj, iuA : LlecUlo Bit ters is just the thing lor a man who is ali run down and dn't care whether he lives or dies ; he found new strength, good &p rj-tile and felt just lie he had a new leasa on life. Only 50 cents a bottle, at Dr. J M. La wing's DiUg fc-ore. r Advertise in the Couriek. Rates are removable. Try it one year and bee if it does not pay. ) I f I TT T KEWABDED 8 IlLVjiIlJ 1 who read this are those and then r.;iuev .'iU n i.l non.'.raoie empioj "eui tta' .v: I not take them from their homes and families. Thw profits are large and sure for everr industrious person, many have made ande.e now making several hundred dollars a month It is easy for any cne to make $5 and upwards per day who is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; we start you. evervtning new. No special ability re quired; you, reader, can do it as well as any one. Write to us; at once for lull par ticulars, which we will mail free. Ad dress St ins on is o.. Portland. Maine SUBSCRIBE lor the Courier. Lincoln WE CAN AND 1)0 Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it ha been fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is superior to all other prenarations for b'ood diseases. It is a positive cuia for syphih.ic poisoning, Ulcers, Erum'ons and Pimples, It purifies the whoie system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M Lawing, Druggist. fh'lt - jLJIVlULN 1 SEMINARY, MALE AND FEMlALE LINCOLN TON, N. C. An English, Classical, Mathematical aud Commercial School. It is thorough and practical in its wnrk- and methods. It does not assume to itself the claims of a Col lege, but is thoroughly Academic Location healthy, and ot easy access by railroad. 1'all teiui of lb'JU le gins Wednesday, August, 27. i f For Circulars, iff., send to D. MA TT. Til OMPSON, Principal, ,i?icolnton, iV. C: July 4, 1890. Log,LumberVard a GitVIrucRs- W fGONS& fKLL STYLLS. HUGGlKT LADIES CHA1SEL. HSHBR9SWAGSHG8 RACLNE'WIS Ho w Senator Vance's-i i ...... Plan (State Chronicle.) We published yesterday au ex tracr. from Senator Vance'd speech in advocacy of his bill to give a re hate of Tariff duties on all who ex changed their products for any goodt?, wares and merchandize, ims ported into this country. In that speech he showed that such rcbdtf and advantages eie yiven t all Other iuteieats l.rotdes agticulf uie, and argued that every claim of jus tice demanded that the same favor I e showu to the farmers. From the same speech we make the fol lown.g extracts, which show exact y hw the farmers could take ad vantage of the proposed measuie, andbereiuit would briug direct relief. Be says: This amendment is intended and will operate directly iu the way of redressing to a very greit extent the grievances under which the ag ricultural classes have suffered. It is the simplest, speediest and most effective remedy I can devise, short of repeal of the tariff iuiquities, of which there seems to be uo present hope, lu the first place, it would equalize the wages which the farm er has to pay for labor with the wages which his rivals ali over the world pay for labor. There has been no pretense of doing thi8 heretofore. The great argument support of protection has been the difference iu wages be tween this country and the old countries. We have been told that it is absolutely necessary in order to maintain the high wages of this couutry that we should keep this tariff up and make it higher. But nobody has ever made any refer ence whatsoever, that I can remem ber, to the difference between the wages which the farmer in this country ba3 to pay and the wages which are paid all over the world in the production of his rival products. I venture to say that the wages which the farmers of America pay their hands is as much greater than the wages which are paid for the production of cotton and wheat and meat in other portions of the world as the wages which the American- manufacturer pays are greater thau the wages which the Euiopean manufacturer pays. Therefore, I say that this ameud nieut would tend to equalize the wages which the American farmer pays with the wages which are paid to those who produce rival products. If would increase large, ly the export of his products aud the demand for them. It would reduce the cost of his uecessary supplies to the extent of the rebate of the import duties which are here in proposed. It would reduce the taxation of the people and it woald increase the value of all farming lands in the United States and wouid give au impetus to all agri. cultural interests whatsoever. Groups of small farmers could com bine to ship their cotton, wheat or whatever product they had, abroad, and uu ihe bill of ladiug they could realize a premium iustead of bor rowing at 80 per cut. ot its face I value, as is nroDOsed iu a bill in troduced lor their benefit here sometime ago. That bill of ladiog would be worth more than gold by the difference in the duty on a car go purchashed by it and a cargo purchased with gold. There is no qaestioh of its constitutionality, no question of its practicability, there cau be no question ot its justice. Out of S45,293,b2S worth of ex poits which went abroad from our couutry in 1890, 629.785,917 worth were products of agriculture alone, leaviag for mining, forest, manufac turers, fisheries, aud all the other industries only $215,507,000. Now as agriculture pays 52 per cent, du ty on 488,644,000 of dutiable mer chandise, and as it pays its full share and more of the enhanced protected prices on at least hve times that amount of the domestic articles, all for the benefit of manu facturts, why not allow these far mers this advantage from the sale of their proaucts ! I challenge the production of single suggestion of bad policy that would prevent it. We give the manufacturers a market of 64,000,000 people by hih pioteetive duties, and we have aid- j ed them in every conceivable aud ) yc.o naj LV luc market. Now, why not permit the farmer with hi own products to win all ot theioreigu markets that he can by his own unaided compe titiou simpiy by withholding a part ouly of the bounty which is exten ded t manufacturers? This pro v'.siou tor h:a ticijrU inquires noth ing Ut be taken Iroui tue treasury On the contrary it will put more money iu the Treasury thau the preseut tauff bill. It ouly requires that you should withhold that much for him. It is useless to deceive him or tr to deceive him any longer with protective duties on eggs and split beans and cabbage heads end dried apples. It is useless to bait him any longer with free fiddle strings, skeletoue, accrns, saited guts, nut megs aud Zante currants. Temp ting as this bait if, the farmer prex fers to have cheap ties for his cot ton aud twine for the eheaves of plenty which he reaps from the eaith, cheap trace chains to pull his plow aud fence wire to enclose his fields, cheap blankets, cheap bagging for his cotton ceaptinwaie for household aud cheap windcWN glass for his house. Look over the fiee list Mr. Presi dent, and no impartial mind can a siugle solitary article which is ; largely imported of any particulrr benefit lo the farmer iu his busis ness. He will see every one of them either for the benefit of the! manafacturer. That is not right sir; it is not just, sir; it is almost, I was going to say, impiety itself to oppress men who, as the instru ments of the Almighty, answer tor us the prayer He taught us to utter: 4Giye us this day our daily bread." The Certainty of Immortality To my mind this is great proof of Immortality: Thy fact is that it is written iu human nature; written there so plain that the rudest nations have not failed to find it; writteu just as much as form is written on the circle, and exten sion on matter in general. It comes to our couciousness as naturally as the notions of Time and Space. We feel it as a desire; we feel it as a fact. What is thus in Man is writ there ot God, who writes no lies. To suppose that this uuiversal de sire has no corresponding gratifica. tion is to represent Him, not as the Father of all, but only as a deceiv er. I feel the longiug after Immor- tality a desire essential to my na ture, deep as the foundation of my Being. I find the same desire in all men. 1 feel conscious of Im- mnrtalitv: that I am not to die no; never to die, though often to j change. I cannot believe this de sire and consciousness are felt only to mislead, to beguile, to deceive me. Can the Almighty deceive His children ? For my own part 1 cau couceive of nothing which shall make me more certain of my Im mortality; 1 am no argumeut trom learned lips. No miracle could mate me more sure; uo, not it the sheeted burst cerement and shroud, aud rising forth from their honored toinbf, stood here before me, the diseuchauted dust ouce more en chanted with that fiery life; no, not if the souls of all my iies since time began came thronging round, and with miraculous speech told me they lived aud I should also live. I could only say, 'I knew all this before; why waste your heav- euly speech ? I have now indubi table certainty of eternal life. Death, removing me to the next state, can give me infallible cer tainty. There are a great many thines so true that nothiug can make them plainer, or more plain ly true. Ithiukitisso with this doctrine, and, therefore, lor myself ask no argument. With my views of Man,ot God, of their relations I want no proof, satisfied with pay own consciousness of Immortality. Therefore Parker. 13 LIFE WORTH LIVING ? Not if you so through the world a dje pept'C. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure ror me worst luima m pepsia, Indicestion, Flatulency and Cod pep sumption Guaranteed anu sola oy uc. r MLawing Druggist. LTnciowiiei Heroines. There are hundreds of women to- jaav WDo bave never inarrui caU6e ot omfc special missiou in li(e L ther in their own families, or to the world at large, which they felt that they could better accomplish if untrammelled by domestic cares. By their self-sacrifice, these woman are hereoines; and the very last persona on God's footstool of whom jt-st should be made. Two of the sweetest women who hae ever honored me with their friendship, and with whom to come in coutact is like a benediction of goodness and grace, are addressed by the ti t'eMiifS." Fi out tbeir life-wtones have 1 drawu many lesson and to! The yeais of jour past lite, aged t'ie sweet tragrance of their lives i j ,,-ldL' would utter a p'ofesr again, due many a gracious act of chaiity, iir aucl ,Le urave of your Cbriftuu and many a harsh word has been !,,eatl would charge jou with biu left unsaid. Should such women be ridiculed ? Ah, uo! let us ruths er be the scholars of their ttach iugs, adapting the lessons they can often give us to our own lives. You and 1 may believe that it is tor the greatest happiness of all women that they should marry; but that is no reason why we should not res pect those who by their lives show that they have decided otherwise. Some of the noblest women of the past, whose very names recall the greatest tiiumphs in the world's history, uever married, and it needs no stretch of the imagination to be. heve that as good aud great women are living right amoug us to day as have ever figured in history. Theie are countless families today who will loose their brightest aud most comforting members when the breath of her who never uttered the maniage vow, returns to its Maker. Angels ot comfort are these "old maids" of Amencau homes, every day of their livea teaches us auew some noble trait of self-saciificing and ever-gloiious womanhood. Ex, .Beggars by the Sea. The guest at the seashote ia con sidered everybody's pigeon, and everybody wants some ot his mon ey. 1 do not include the hotel keepers, however. Their rates are reasonable, aud you get a1! you pay for. You have hardly taken a seat on the verauda after breakfast be fore you are asked toa a coutnbui tion tor the sick children. Then folio wa the aged woman, the flow er mission, the Sunday School,some local excursion, etc., etc. You aie asked for a quarter for almost ev ery object under the sun, and beg gars are men, womeu aud children One day a man came along with his arm in a sling aud asked for charity on the grounds of his mis fortune, adding that he was tryiug to get to his home in Buffalo. "What ails your arm!" "Felon on my hand, sir." "How long have you had it?" "Let me see:" "I couldn't undo in." "Oh but you cau. If you have a felon I'll give you two dollars " "Aud if I haveu't you'il deuouoce me as au impostor. Cau't take no such chance, mister Please help me along." "Well you have cheek to be sure" "That's what I wan't you to help me on, while I keep the felon rack et for the people further down. Tbankpi If I should come along next week on crutcheK aud with oue foot bundled up, remember that I am one of the unfortunates of the Sea Girt explosion and don't give me away." Detroit Free Press. The South Industrially. In the receut Trade R vieic the reports from all sectkns of ihe South indicate an improved condi tion ot affairs, ami give promise of au active fall and winter. Mauy very large new euteiptises of very great importance weie orgauized in August, and what is most signifi cant is the great diversity of the uew industiies and the immense amount of money that wili be in vested in them. The South is cer tainly showing more substantial growth today thau ever before in its history- Tived of Jesus j Christian man are you tired of Jesus! If so, let us take His name out of our Bible and let us with pen and ink erase that name wherever we see it. Let us cast it out of our bymuology, and let "There is a Foun'aiu" and 'Kock of Ages" go into forgetiulnesa. Let us tear down the commuuion table where we celebrate his love. Let us diisn down the baptismal bowl where we wee caused nted to tinu. Let us huri Jesus from our heart, ami a:k some other hero to come in Let us Bay, "Go away,Jesu?;l want another companion, auother fiieud, than TLou art." Could vou do it? an ingrate, aud your tittle grand childieu would say: "Grandfather don't do that. Sesin is the oue to whom we pay our prayers at night, aud who is to open heaven when we die. Grandfather don't do that." Tired of Jesus ! 'ft e Burgundy rose you pluck from the garden is not so fie-di and fair ahd beautiful. Tired of Jesus ? As wed get weaiy ot the sptiug morning and the vo'ces ot the mountain runnel, autl the quiet of your own home, and the gladutss ot your own childieu Jesus ia bread, and the appetite tor that is never obliterated- Talmae . T'or Vuuce, At a regular meeting t f Floyd's Academy Alliance, No. 270, held iu Auguat, 1S90, the following i evolu tions weie unanimously adopted : Resolved, By the Alliance, that we recognize the Progressive Farvur as an organ of the Alliance. Al- ! though we commend it couie in general, we c.inuot approve its at tack on Zeb. Vance. We are dis appointed that he could not sup poit all of our demauds before Cout gress, yet our confidence iu him as a friend of the laboring people is unshaken, and we prefer him as U. S. Senator to any man in the State. Kesolved, That a copy of these resolutions be 6ent to the Progres sive Farmer, aud also to the State Chronicle, with the request that they be published. E. A. Fclleb, President. Whitaker Alliance alo lor Whitaker Alliance in the Eastern part of the State has recently passs ed the followiug re-olutions: Resolved, That we eanuot and do uor concur with the Farmers' organ iu its unwise aud ui.just criticism of our true aud tried Seuator Resolved further, That we recog nize the important and res ponsible position which he uow occupies and his ability to dis charge the duties thereiu. That we fully appreciate his stewardship in eveiy official duty to which he has been honored. Be it further resolved, That we ask our representatives to the next General Aassembly of Morth Care lina to re-elect North Carolina's pride, Hou. Z. B. Vance, to succeed himself to the U. S. States Senate. Resolved, that a copy of these proceedings be sent to XhAr'jnant, Progressive Farmer and State Cironi de for publication. W.K.Ma.vn, B. F. Drake, Sec'y. Pres. Sow ltye Immediately Iu a late issue ot the Farm and Firaide it is said that rye for pool, try is the cheapest food that can be giown, it really requires no extia ground. Where the potatoes have been dutr, or wheat harvested, sow rye, and it will remain there until spring, when the laud may be put in com. In fact, in fact it only oc cupies the ground iu winter if de sired for providing grt eu food ouly. It w:ll enable the hens to have greeu food late, aud iong after oth er food becomes dry, and will be the first to appear iu the priug. A small plat of grouud iu rye will eu able the poultryman to cut it as wanted, and it will grow up again to provide other supply. The Search for lretly AYife9 Girls to be successful today must have something more than pretty features. The men who are worth marrying are lookiug tor something more thau pretty faces, coy man ners or fetching gowui. They are recognized full well that women are progressing at a pace which will quicken rather than slacken. Tht.v realize that the woman of toutor. row will be brighter in mind than her predecessor today. Hei.ee iLey are lookiug lor wives w ho will be the equal of that of her neighbor. Beauty is being coiiMtlertd au ad junct to common sense "I waut a wife who knows something, who ia -ho is wcrth l aying for what she knows; not oue ot these social but tei tlie.--," said one of the greatest ".Michel of the last New York eea !sou to me at the winter's close. And he expressed the aetimeuts of thou sands id the young men of today. The cut for pietty wives is over, aud the lookout tor l.nght voung wouiou ha begun. Ami the girl who today tiaius Ler miud to kuowledge wil bo the wouiau of to morrow. LddieJ llune Journal. Every man who believes any thing whatever has a creed; and, unless he believes without a rtason, he has a theory, if not a theology. To rage agniuat eie. ds, dogmas and theologies is tbertfoie iu tie highest degree irratiouul. He who denies the statement of a creed does iu elloct atiiim a cited in a contrary sense, lu other wordt, it is a case of creed against creed, your creed against outn; aud, as two coutrary propositions cauuut both be true, oue creed or the oth er must bo erroneous. Cau it be a matter of indifference whether oue is oris not asserting au uu truths as the expression of his leligioaa belief ? Hostility to creeds as sucb, or professed iudiflereuce to tbeir truth or talsely cannot be reckon ed a matk of intellectual superior ity or of a high and cultured moral uatnre The Watchman. H'oniaua .she Is at Thirty. Balzac has said that at thirty a woman is at her most fascinating and dangerous age daugerous to the hearts ot men. Peihaps no writer understood so well his own countrywomen as Balxac, aud uo one has contiibuted quite no mauy cynical allusions to the Hex iu geneial. But Balzac's criticisms would apply to a ceiUiu typo of woman, more seen iu France, let Ud hope, than in our own Amer ica. To the Uase man of the worhJ, the blu.-hiug dtbutante is peculiarly attractive. But it is the wo iau of thirty who whirls him iu a vortex of emotions. She has lived aud ex perienced, and she is alert to every fceusibility. She revels iu the part ot heroine; and thedisturbauces and agitatiuus ot which she is the cauie. She looks, upon the dainty creatuie of twenty as milk aud rosebuds so simple. She goes on indefatigably play lug her part, lu perfect kuowledge ot her uiianns, unlike the "young thing" by her side, she uses each to advautage. She kuows, through her well trained iutuitiou, the par ticular weakness qrandc yaasion, so to speak, ot each victim. Atd with great finesse, she becomes for the time, an enthusiast upon the saide subject, pursued, with well-. feigned sincerity, the same "fad," whether politic- or atbleiics, theos ophy or music from Beethoven lo Strauss she will always be found a devotee to each. Flattery iu its sweetest subtlety, satire in its keel est flashes are well at her tommand. For alas ! for her the time is rapidly approaching wheu she must range amoug the lookers-on; when he chill of autumn will usher in thi Indian summer. Fortun-tte is bhe if it brings with it the rip-- grc-s a: d the poetic suggestions which give to that season of decay its most mellow charm. True-hearted is she if the earns at 18": the best success this woi Id can yiv-! ; the possession of brave aud helpful spirit, rich in eelf-knowledge, seif coutrol and self-beip, a tcuch-stone to all who approach. II !