S1.50 A YEAR THE LINCOLN COURIER A WD A Sinco we changed the price of the Courier to One Dollar there has been hut little vari ance in the Subscription list and we therefore conclude 'that the people who want a county paper are willing to pay Sl-50 for it, at any rate we cannot aflbrd to publish the t)ouner at $ 100 a yfcur- "enceforth ?ve will hold to our original price Sj.fiO a year. Vaiico and ibe National Ifaukt- Any attempt to place Seuator Vance out of accord with hid party as to the monopolistic features of tbo National banking bjatem must iucvitabiy prove abortive. Ilia rec ord is too well known. Ten years ago be voted with hia party in Con gross agaiust the bill re-chratering rbese banks. Time and again he han introduced bills m the Senate proposing to remove tbe tux trorn State bank circulation so as to take tbe monopoly away from tbe Na tional banks and, by allowing State banks to issue circulating notes, provide tbe people with a more abundant and a mote elastic curren cy. Tbe man who assails Senator Vrance's position in its respect will strike rock bottom right at the aur face. Of course nobody but an anarchist or free-hooter would be willing to see tbe whole country involved in the financial chaos by the sudden destruction of the present system, without tbe necessary pre establish mtnt of some other system to take its place. Every sane mau is opposed to tbat and we are sure this is all Sen ator Vance's language can be con f trued to mean. Mecklenburg Times, Organ of the Mecklenburg Alliance. Preparation Tor Death. Tbe roots wbich bold human toul to earth are absorbed before it lifted horn its place. Soma are in pain, aud waut to be rid of it, even though tbe anodyne te dropped, as in tbe legend, from tbe sword of tbe Deatb. Angel. Some are strong in faitb aud hop, so that, as they diaw near the ntxt world, they would fain huiry, as the caravan moves faster over tbe sands when tbe fore most travellers send word alobg tbe ble tbat water i in sight. Though each little party that fol lows iu a foot-track of its own will bave it tbat tbe water to whicb otli ers tbiuk they aie hastening is a mirage, not tbe less has it been true iu all ages aud for bnman be ings of every creed wbich recog nized a future, that those wbo have fallen, worn out by tbeir march tbrougb the Desert bave dreamed at last of a River of Life, and thougbt tbey heard its murmurs as tbey lay dying. Oliver Wendell Holmes. A Moral Iet!soii- 'You are a bad, uaugbty boy," his ttuer cued, bolding bim over his knee m such a manner tbat the end aimed at conld be best accom plished. Whack! Tbe lad yelled. "It bits and burts me worse tbau it does you, James, but you must bo punished.'' Whack! "Still yon take migbty good care, sbouttd James, "if it hurts you tbat you don't bit yourself in the same plsce.'- Thus the beauty of sentiment and the value of moral lessons are lost on youth. Philadelphia Times. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiates given in tbe fi rm of Soothing Syrup. Why mothers i;ive their children such deadly poison is surprising when they can relieve the chill of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Dr. JJM Lawi ing, Drui:ti;t. A DUTV TO YOCRSELF. It is surprising that people will use a com mon, ordinary pill when they can secure a valuable Euglish one lor the same money. Dr. Acker's English pills are a positive cwref or sick hendache and all Liver Tnus nble. . They are small, sweet, easily taken, and do uot gripe. For sale by Dr. J M Rawing, Druggists. All About Shoes. T e New York Star t&s: "Notn ing but water should e.ver be u.-ed oclt-aii patent leather shoe. Pr. p ai-itiua that aie 6id to rertjive thcuj aie humbugs. O.l boaly ;he effect ot lotriug tbem. I hate experimented with this leather, aud I kuovv something about it. "There is a practice which, if followed, would put a shoemakers patrons considerably iu pocket tvt eryjear. It is tbe owni. g aud Hearing of six pairs of shoes 'turn about' instead of only one or two pairs. "The mau who keeps six pairs of shoes in stock for bis own use will wear them as long as twelve pairs will last the fellow who buys one pair at a i itoe. "3bu:s should not be worn more han one day wiihout being given a rest. If they are their shape is soon destroyed aud the leather btcomes rotted from tbe heat of the foot. "When laid aside for a few days after wearing them the moisture in the leather that comes from the feet becomes absorbed by the at mosphere, and the shoe when put on again is as good as new; "Tbe custom of only owning one, or, at the most, two pairs of shoes, s purely America n." A. Catch to It. A middle-aged woman called at au insurance office on Griswold street a day or two ago to announce that she wanted io insure her house. "For how much?'' asked the agent- "Ob, about $500." "Very well. I'll come up and investigate." "I don't know much about insur ance,'' she said. "It's very plain, ma'am.'' "If I'm insured for 8500 and the house bnrns up 1 get the money, do I?" "Certaiuly." "And they don't ask wbo set it afire P "Ob, but they do. We shall want to know all about it.'' "Then you needn't corae up,'' she said, as she rose to go. "I heard there was some catch about it somewhere, and now I see where it is." Free Press. Common Seiiae. Most persons claim to have corns mon sense, and all legislatures claim this lor themselves iu a very high degree. And yet we do that which shows a great lack of this excellent article, not only as individuals but as States and as a Nation. Governor Martin, of Kansas, says, in his message to tbe last legislature of tbat State: "I affirm with earnestness and emphasis that Kansas is today the most temperate, orderly, sober community ot people in tbe civil-, ized world.'1 And the New York Weekly says: "What was it that brought about this state of affair?, admitting tbat tbe Governor's opinion was well founded ? Was it the license system? No 1 Was it because tb8 inhabitants of Kansas tried to regulate a traffic which brings with it ouly a curse ? No ! Was it because the people of that State are composed of men of unusual intellectual power? Nol Why, then I Simply because they had the commou sense to outlaw tbe saloous iu tbe same way and for the same reasou they outlawed horse and cattle thieves. They ap-. plied no new principle of action in seeking to escape the troubles that bave fallen upon other States with irresistible force, but simply put over the door of the saloon three words taken from the tables of stone, Thou shalt not!1 " It requires a great deal of educa tion to enable people to have "com mon sense." L. Visitor. How 3Xen Die. If we know all the methods of approach adopted by an enemy we are the better en abled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment when surrender becomes in evitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the body suffices to enable it oppose the tendency toward death. Many however have lost these forces to euch an extent that there is little or no help. In other cases a littl aid to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death and many years of useful life. Upon the first symptoms ot a Cough, Could or tny trouble of the Throat or Lungs, give that old and well-known rem dye Boschee's German Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say of it to be the benefactor of any home.' Tue Disgrace of Oougrefes'. Mi. Ked became Speaker of ti e House with a fair reputation aid the eood wishes ot all i-rtit$. Kh was a young man, hovering about the fifties, had tetve d his country iu the navy, practised law, was do ing his seventh term as Congress man, lie had made bis mnrk on the floor, given rather to political preact i-'ig fend "scenes" now and then, but a wholesome, strenuous, manly member, ready for a rough and tumble debate when necessary, but not indisposed to keep tbe pace. As Speaker Mr. Keed has disap- pointed political opponents and friends. He has so changed tbe rules and invaded the traditions cf Ibe Houae that its deliberative character has vauished. It is an automatic autocracy. This is not a question ot republican or democrat ic sway, but of the integrity of rep resentative institutions. No one can have studied the House in' re cent years without seeing this pain, ful, steady trend. Mr. Reed is not altogether to blame. Mr. Randall began it when in the chair. But among the enviable qualities of that memorable commoner there was au imperiousuess, au airogauce, which injured his usefulness as Speaker, bowever much it may have strength ened him as a leader. Mr. Randall's success in undermining tho autbori' ty of the House is no reason why Mr. Reed should improve npou the example. If Mr. Randall ruled with whips, Mr. Reed rules with scorpions. New York Herald. She Had a Grievance. First hen "I thought you made a contraet with the boss to lay sev en eggs a week until the first of January ." Second ben "I did, but he ouly gave me one peck ot feed a mouth and took that out of my bill, so I quit. 1 don't cackleate to be im posed upon in that way." Zeb In tbe Balloon, Our Zeb is to be at our Fair and a balloon ascension will take place. It is reported in some sections of the county that Zeb Vance will go up in tbe balloon to the height of 3000 feet and then descend by means of a large boggy ombrella. We are not authorized to deny this ; there is no telling what the Fair Associa tion will do. Zeb Vance will be here, so will the balloon, but what combination has been formed, if any, we have not been advised. Come to the Fair and see. Concord Standard. Vanderbilt'g Palace. The contract for building tbe foundation of Vanderbilt's palace has been given to L. R. Weeks, of South Carolina. His bid was up wards of $400,000. The foundation will be built of rock qua tied on the place, and will be 380x180 feet. The western exposure will be thirty eight feet high from the ground to the first floor. About eighteen months will tte consumed iu build ing if. Asheville Citizen. OUR VERY BEST PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's English. Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepare ations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping Cough and Croup, it is magic and relieves at once. We offer you a sam ple bottle free. Pemember, this remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist. 8- a. fin-ley, atty. j. m. Roberts, see FINLEY AND ROBERTS. LINCOLNTON, N. C. pT ORDER TO OPEX UP A JL channel tbrough wbicb tortus here aud people fiora other parts ot the country, especially from the North, may be enabled to secure valuable property in Lincoluton aud Lincoln countyf hy being made ac quainted with the true alae,healtb fulness, &c, of Lincolnton and the surrounding country, and In order t hat those hodinng pro perty for sale may have some tys tematic method of disposing ot the same to the bmefit of all coucerned by having it advertised and the points ot valne clearly pointed oat to purchasers, ana In order to establish for ourselves a business from which we hope to reap 6ome legitimate piotits, direct Iy or indirectly, by increasing the population and the business of our tow n, We have decided to establish at Lincolnton a real estate agency, to buy, sell, rent and. negotiatfi.real estate of all kinds on commission and otherwise. Aud iu order to accomplish the objects herein briefly referred to, we re.-pectfnlly ask the cooperation of our citizens. Tho; e io tbt c"fiiy having limv lioml, fanni ng ot miiurl land, water p.iw &.' drvlop-l oi ui-d' vi-bP' d, iot iit, itut oi ex I change ; ui Thot h-iv-ng iea Ha'e of any jkiiid tor sat--, urn or exchange, iu j Linc olnton, may liud it to their ad j vantage to confer siith either party of this agency. We offer the folio wins: valuable property 1. One lr.t on Main street 75 yards west of the courthouse square on which there is a large two story brick house with a base ment, a well built residence containing 13 rooms. 2 A. cottage in Queen Ann style of architecture, together with five acres of ground surrounding and joining. The property is improved by shrubbery, fruit trees, Stc., together with well and necessary outbuildings, and a neat, comfortable bus iness office. 3. Two building lots on Main street, near tbe depot, containing a fine grove of oak trees. Valuable property also for manufacturing establishments. 4. About four acres ot land South Eastot the Court House. Excellent for building purposes. 5. Two town lots in the South East part of town on which are two two fetory dwel ling houses containing 4 rooms each. 6. About 100 acres of land about 4 miles from Lincolnton situate on tte SherriUs Ford road and through which runs a gold vein. 7. About 131 acres about 1 1-2 miles from Lincolnton and about of a mile Irom the Lithia Springs about 90 acres wood land and 15 acre3 bottom land. AU the above described property is val uable and will be sold on easy terms. It'is situated in and near one of the most healthful towns in the South and surroun ded with a fertile counttyand has the very best of railroad facilities. For turlher particular? address, FINLEY ROBERTS. Lincolnton, N. C, March 28, 1890. Itch, Mange, and Scratches on human or animals cured in 20 min utes by Woolford's Sanitary LotioD. This never fails. Sold by J. M.Law ing, Druggist, Lincolnton. COUNTY DIRETORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, Alf. Nixon, Lincolnton, N. C Cl'k. Sup. Court, C. E. Childs, " " Reg, of Deeds, B. C. Wood, " Treasurer, L. T. Willkie, " Surveyor, C. C. Bess, " Coroner, J. C. Hoover, Supt. Pub. Inst.D.Matt.Tbompson, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMrSSIONKRS. J. A. Robin3on,Chm'n, Lincolnton. N. C. J, W. A. Paine, Kiddsville. L. B. Camp, Iron Station, ' P. A. Beep, Keepsville, 4 W. M. Hull, Orleans, ' COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION. R.Z.Johnston, Chm'n, Lincolnton ,n c. D. A Coon, S. V. Goodson, POST MISTRESS. Miss Nannie C. Hoke. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor, H. E. Ramsaur. Secretary j- Treasurer, W. Jti. Edwards Town Const. Chas. Jetton. Commissioners : J.- B. Kamsaur, Blair Jenkins, F. A. Toby, H. W. Burton, T. U. iloke, W. L. crouse, L. T. Wilkie, P, S. Beal. arrival of mails. Mails on C C Railway, distributed C:30 P if and 11 AM Mails on Narrrw Gauge Kailway, distrib uted 7:30 P M and 12 M. Star Koute,' via Reepsville, leaves Lin colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 P Mon Fridays, Thursdays and:Saturdays Public Schools open December, Janu ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet first Mon day in each month. Town Council meet first Friday night in each moTith, at 7 o'clock. Board or Education meet first Monday inJanuary, June, September and Decern, ber. WHY IS IT THAT THE GRUZE DOOR fiRIIGE 18 THE Greatest Wonder of the age? Because It Isthe only Range In which you can roast meats and fowis (aU other ranges bake them) also because you have 30 p. c. less lOSS In weight of rnca-.s. than tn anv other range, malcine ine saving of cost of a Cauze Door Range every year in this one item alone. Think Of it ! ! A ien pound roast will lose four pounds ween baked i:i any other range, which is 40 per cent.; while a similar piece when Roasted in a Gauze Door Rnge wi.l iose only one pound, or less than 10 rer cent. Because it orevents Dyspepsia, asnothirg fried need be eaten if you have a Gauze Door Range, alt bro;l nz lr:n" done in :he oven on the broiler slide. HOW IS ALL THIS ACCOM PUSHED? Inserted in the oven doer is a sheet of fine brass wire gauze, which aliows a circulation of pure air to pass into the oven, hence the name. CAUZE DCCR RANCE. If more attention was paid to how your food was cooked, there irould be less need cf Doc;ors. The Principals of the Philadelphia, New York and Boston Cockinj Schools all use the Gauze Door Range in their Schools, because they want the Best. You owe a duty to your family both in saving heir heaUh and saving money by using a Gauze Door Range. Agencies for their sale have been established everywhere. If there is no Agent in your im mediate vicinity, write us. and we will furnish you witn circulars, ar.d tell you where to cet one. Manufactured ovly by Thomas, Roberts, Stevenson Co. PHILADELPHIA. , Hew York Salesroom, 18 Peck Slip. 4 DEV'S LADY'S -BOOK- - jaaa ? AUUU Will b far superior to any ytar of ils his tory, a larger aaiuunt of money having been arropuated for the embellishment of the magazine than ever before, Godey t&abeen published tor 60 years without missing an irsue, and YOUCAKNOT GET A BETTER two dollars woita ot magazine than by oubscribiug to ''Godey," Thf Bs-.t Famiit Magazine in America. The leading: attractions for 1890 are: Beautitui Colored Fashion Plates ; En graved Fashion pJates in black and white, representing tbe prevailing styles, pro duced expressly fo' Godey. Finely Executed Frontispieces, Art Embroidery and .Needlework Designs. New and Popular Music, PlaDs for the House you want to Build, Celebrated Cooking Keceires, Etc. The 'Beautiful Home' Crab by Emma J Gray, for young housekeepers or tboe who contemplate becoming bo. 'A year in the House,' by Augusta Salisbury Pres cott (Jenny Wren), which will treat of the various duties for each month. A ChiN aren a Corner, for the little ones. A rich array of literature by favorite authors, among whom are Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peck, Elsie Snow, "G," author of ''Gemini," Belle C Greene, with her humerous sket ches, and others, PREMIUMS to club raisers are among its special features, and Godey'e offers the most choice and valuable of any magazine published. Send 15 cents for sample cum ber containing full club rates and premi- urns. kvebt lady ber own ikkssmakr who subscribes to Godey's Lady bock. The COUPON which you will find in each number entitle?! you to your own selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey s Ldy s Book. lour 15c. Sample Copy will con pend 15 cents for Sample. tain one oi these coupons. The patte r c wnicn win De allowed on your subscription whet received. shows ou how to cut out the garment you nronf "rK- oil : il: o n c van su ui mis spate For the rest see your sample number, for which send 15 cents at once. "Godey" is only $ 2.00 a year. Address "GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK," Philadelphia, Pa. In Club with the Lincoin Courier. Gcdey's and the Courier for $2.75, which should be sent to the office of the Courier. :!:TH E:: Lin ooXjiirxr COURIER. PUBISHED a EDITED BY J M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C A family newspaper devoted to Che interests of Liu coin and sur ronndirjg counties and to the State of Nor tb arolina. Subscruiou, 1 year, $1.50. 6 months, 75 cents. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Advertising rates reasonable. JO II DEPARTMENT. We are prepared to do all kiuda of Job Work at the very lowest liv ing prices. Seod in your orderi and we will guarantee satisfaction. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL BEDS, STATEMENT HEADS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES Entries for Deposit, Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Pamphlets, &c-, A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. IHe eiie 0F north CAoLIxa." a. Bjiiiiz.. li. Kingsbury, LL D Wu). H. Uedrne. -Editorial Staff Dj you '.vant to aid iu building up a paper that shall reflect the greatest eiedit m North Carolina? no ui.it ter where it imy be sseeu tilcll p.in.mur THE MESSENGER, PubiUbed in three editions. Tbe Daily Mei3tfiiger and the Wteklv Messenger, Published at Wilruiugton, N. C. Tbe Goldfcboro Transcript Messen ger Published at Goldsboro, N. C Tbey are Lrge Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable paper giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has tbe largest cir culatiou and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in the trowih abd ilet elupment of the O d North Stale ? Then Subscribe for tte Alesseugtr. TRIAL RATES: Daily Messenger, by mail 4 moe. on trial, $2.00 Weekly Wiimiugton Messeu ger, 8 moss 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-Alessen-er, Smos. 1.00 CASiI IN ADVANCE. Dr. Talraage's Sermons are fea tare of all three Papers. J.A. BONITZ, Pioprittor. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! A strictly first-class machine. Fully war ranted. Made from very bc?t i:iateii;il. bv skilM workmen, and with the tools thnt hav ever been devised for tho purpose. Vv'arranw-1 to do all that can be reasonably expertci of the verv best typewriter t-xtai.t. Cnpai.lo of wrii;:i rh words per miontc or incru according to the ability of the operator. Price - $100.00. If there is no silent in your town, ad dress the maiiufiu turtTS, THE IW11IS1E MFG. CO Agents Wanted. J'.lJilSIi. . CDCC STENOGRAPHY and TYnr.VT.TJ rllCCa IN FREE. Kirst class facilities r.r.-l best of teachers. Address, with stamp for rctura postage. THE PARISH 3JFO. CO., Parish. N v rsRkUNY ,n One or the t n the world. Oar isciaties in onequaled. and to introduce ou superior Roods we will icndrXEX to ONE I LKsO V in each locality, s above. Only those who writ to us at once can make sure rt the chance. A II roa bare to do in TO THi, EYE: 31 return is to show oar goods to "in and those around 70a. The b (Hnnin? of this advertisement shows the small end of the tele- (cop. TiM fallowing cat (rives the appearance of it redaeed ta a iiMtiT 2 ahont the fiftieth Dart of it bulk. It is a grand, double liietele- seojve. SJ large as is easy to carry We will also .how you haw yon can make from !$3 loStOi day at least, from the start. with ont eipcrienoe Better write at once. We pay all express charges. Address. H HALLETX A CO.. Box WHO. PORTLAND. MaJXB. Advice to Mother, Mrs. WrRSLow's Soothing SxKifshonld alway bo used when children are cutting teeth. It re. lieves tbe little sufferer at ooce; it prodncesoatural, quiet sleep, and t he Uttle cherub awakesas 'biigljt 3 a button." it is very pleasant ta taste. It soothes the chil.J.soitei.s tLegurus.alUysallpain, regulates the bowels, aud is the btst known reined y for diarrbuea, whether (.usinpr from teething or rttoer califs. Xwentybva cent a bottia. Superior to all Snlistitntes For raisiuir and niakluir Lltrht, IHa-ettible Bixruits. Bread. Te lake, Pies, .Muffins, Wattle, Johnny Take, Corn Bread, Short (ake. Pot Fies, D0.mpliB.3g, Boiled Pndtiints and Buck wheat, if )ouiul Van 5 rent, sold by Country Merchants. Utew Manufacturing Co., BA1.I.U1CUE. U- pBEWs' YEAST PQWDEP RTCTTI.E5 'BesT Z4IM.SAFETYEVERMAD Mutual mole, ir tVLHT BLARING AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. Toledo. Ohio. - M f 1 .....i.U. 14 11. e .w, ria. FtriSLt a.x' t::'.kt.cpcr. Wanai.ted heavy. 1-0L1L1 i..jLLi hui.lic. cases. fh laJiea and teat's sizes, th works rni cases of caual value. Oi't rtk.ojin euh locality can secure one 1 aljatle liueof Household jct-tber with our larr KAmDlf . These samnUs. aa well 1 tha Kixo. are free. AU tha work warn reed do Is to show what we send you to those who call your rriends and neighbors and those, about yoa thstalwars results rn Talnabie trade for us, which holds for years when once started, nd tins wa are repaid. We pay all eipress, freia-ht, etc. After yon know ell, if you would like to a"o to work for as. yoa can earn from $20 to $tiO per wwk and upwards. Addrese, Stlnaon cfc Cou lioi 81 K. Portland. Maine. GO TO SOU'iPIEIIEIRK STAIR BAK13EK ynop. Newlj fitted 11 p. Work away, neatly done, cutoiufrs politely waited upon. Everything pertain iog to the toueoriai art is done according to Utest styles. Henry Tayloh, Barber. ,r Advice to brothers. ha Ttffli t LwV;'s, aisQ aracp should alw.yt liLof!? ?-LS cLi1Jxen eitiu? tetth. It r Sfi btfireratonce; itproduceanHtural, t?I!ep' u.nd he huie cherub awakes aa -bright SL!v !nV-,w '3 vcry Pleasant to Usle. It aoothefl the chil.i , soften s the gum, allay tail pain. retrulates the bowels, and ii the best known remadr fordiarrhcBa, vrfcether arlaino; from teething t tthexcaiues. Twea.flTa cent. botttaT tl if in - 1 ' ' i.ina X the star: A GKEAT ATiO.VAL DEMO CKATIU NEWSPAPER. Tht bTAR is the only Am paper possessing the fullest confidence o the National Administration and the Dem ocracy of Sew l Vrk, the political battU ground of the Republic. I'tariees, a sjg revive u Democrat of tU lightiug kind, aod in all repecU b mot cwiupltte anj trust woi thy aewaper. lue U kkzly cstar is the beat family newspaper published, 'iheiatmer, tuo m cnaiiic, tte iiiaa too busy to it&i&m&iUs will get luoie for His dollar JnveJttsl 1Q tLe KKkiLY 3Xar lUaa from any other )tr pubit.h&u. Durib the campaign it will gue an iDe poiiuc! neWji worUl lug uoia all the statts. er.,h tj s3iiratr Postage Free: Kvery day 1 year (LaciuuiDg Suaaay) $7 00 Daiij, itDut cuajay, 1 jear, 6Qy lively day, t iuoutDs, 3 53 Daily, wituout Suuday, H montbl, S 00 Sunaay Lditioo, 1 year, 1 60 sKu.r star, 1 year. 100 -a. ireo subsenpuon to th Wxmllt Srut to tbe sender ot a Club ot ten. lo JJaiaatic Clubs; Star Head ers become JJctnoci atic voter. J'o can fratju document can compare ictiA it. ly oiAK, uujii atier ti.e election, 25 centa lor eii.ejmoscnj.tiou ; 20 ceau each sub, Svl'itiyu iu ciubs vt thirty. Ilie CTArt tcery day uutll alter electioa l.jdeauu suoioi ipuju ; iu clubiot tea tl.O'J eat-U suoociitiyu. Ageuts wanted tu uuoccupied Territory Auore., lilt, bliK, Broadway and Par JflactJ. iew Icxt: 3 I INI V T1U:N I hs revoiutioruxed XL 1 EMluN J the world during the last Lali century. Sot least among' the wouuers vt lLVcncive proxesd is a iuetbo4 ana seicai ot worK tuat cu be perlormed ail ovtr the country without separating the woikers Itoui tueir bomea. 1'ay lib eral; any one can do the wor; either jx youu; or.old; iiu peeiai abuuy required, vapital not neeaeu; you are tar tea free. Cut this out ana return to ua aud we will send you tree, soiueiuing of great value ana importance to you, tuat will start you in business, wuuu wni, briut; yoa in more money right away, than anytuing else in the world, (jrand outtit ire. Addres l'rue o., Augusta, Alaine. KICMOND & DANVILLE RAIT, KOAD. South Carolina Division, & L. 2f.G Daily except Sunday. 1 EFFECT July Cth 1890. No 53 f No. 52 Lv. 8 40 arr 8 59 9 00 9 20 9 47 10 25 10 44 1115 1142 11 59 12 14 p m p m 12 29 12 44 1 09 126 1 55 Ar. 2 15 Lenoir j illudsonville !sw Milt kr. 820 8 08 800 733 C 34 615 5 42 5 15 4 58 4 35 420 4 06 3 41 3 21 3 02 2 40 Granite Falls Hickory Newton Maiden Lincolnton Hardin Dallas Gastonia Crowdera c'k Clover Yorkville Guthrieville Lowrysville Chester Lv. D. Caldwell, Div. Pas. Agt. Columbia, S. C. Sol Ha ay, Traffic Manager. Jas. L. Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Ageut. CAROLINA IziTUL SHQEDULE. MOVING WEST. NUMBER ONE Passenger, AIail & LxraEis Xraim. Stations. Arrive. Leaves. Wilmington am 9 30 Charlotte p m 4 33 Paw Crt-f-k 4 52 Alt Holly 5r04 Stanley Creek 5 2U Irouton 5 30 Lincolutou 5 52 Ouerryville j 6 20 Woe 6 29 Stiell.y 0 50 Battimore 7 10 Jooresboro 7;21 Ellen boio 730 ifostic 7 45 Forest city 7 55 Rutherfordtou 1 8 05 p ra MOVING EAST. NUMBER TWO Passenger, Mail & Express I'juia. STATIONS. Kutherloidton Forest city Bostie Elleub'TO Mor.resboro Battimore sbelby Wo CO Cherry vslle Lincoln ten Irouton Stanley Cietk Mr. iiolly Paw Cieek Cbarlotie Wilmino ton Arrive, i Leaves a m 8:45 8 55 9:04 9 20 9 31 9 41 9 50 10 22 10 32 11 00 11 16 11 32 11 50 12 01 12 17 7 20 p m lbrugh freight and passenger train No. 25 witb si. epers attached leaves VYiloiiugtoii ar 8 00 p. m.,and arrives ar cuarlotte 0 30 a. m. Throogh freight aud passenger train No. 24 wirb elopers attached leaves cbariotte 9 00 p. m. and ar rives at Wilmington 7 30 a. m. close conueciioo borh ;waya at Hamlet for Raleigh.. T. W. Whisnant, Supt. fl ft CP 1TO do,VW their Bionr HEFLECIIXB SAFETY LAMP. Can be sold in ererr familr. more nabt tnn tbrw ordinary Ur ull aizei Lamp ent by Ezpret to! T cent. ?9 lo fcar the eeiling Ccflcc Pot in Us C. B. scna tor fUcatratoi circular to FORSIIEE & IbcU AKIN.CincimstLO raa nak f&.OQ pmr iUj proti seUin oar I .U.bCSiS. We beat tae ' World for low prteeM. A BED PLCf PHOTOORAPIt ALBin. tyf 1 lOf, Embossui paiJ.i.-u iuci, aoia e'lzcs exten sion clap. faolaic i pacs of Cabtsos tJti Cart pictures, bent (or II W, retaiij lor $Z!, boas'! In JapacKese Murocco. illustrate etrcuars FBXJ& mmni a r a k-fcw r aasvsaaasasaaa VaaM h3