fWlf If Sf! SWI IKS: ! w ;auuu VOL IY LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, SEPT 20, 1890. NO 21 THE PULI'IT ANDTIIE STAGE iiev. F M Shrout, Pas-tor Untied breth ren Church, Blue M -und, K ., says: "1 ted it my djty to tell wKt wonders D. Kind's New Discovery iic , d. ae l.r m. My i..'ngs wen; (-"y diseased, atid lav parishioners said that 1 could Jive only few weeks, I took live ties of Dr. King's Kew l'-.scovery and am sound and well, gaining -0" lbs- in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love'a Funny FolL Combination, wr Acs : A; cr a very thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am (oild'Mit Dr. King's ew Discovery for Co' -umption, Lea ? Vm all, and cures wLtn everything ele fail-. Th''i greatest kindness 1 can do 1113- many thousand friends i to urg- them to try it.' Free trial buttU-j at Dr. .J M I.awing's Drugstore. Uegular hi.e o'Jc and frl. Visitor (to native Texan) Why yon let 1 1 1 butt f your revolver JU-rUlidi OUt . d Voiir pocket? T x us JJtM-auM there's a law aui'in concealed weapon, stranger. liro'ihlijii Lift. il u Men Die. If we know all the methods of approach adopted by an enemy we are the better en abled to ward oil' the danger and postpone the moment hn surrender becomes in evitable. 1 n many instnnc ;s the inherent strength of the tody suffices to enable it oppo-e the tendon' y toward death. Many however have lust these, forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other ca;es a little aid to the weukened Lungs will make all the difference between sudden death anl many years of useful life. Upon the first .symptoms of a Cough, Could or any trouble of the Throat o Lungs give that old and well known rem dye Boschte's German Syrup, a careful trial. It'wili prove what thousands bay of it to be the benefactor of any home." E. M. ANDREWS, FURNITURE, PIANO AND ORGAN DEALER, TDIANOS Chickeiing, Mathushek and Sterliug Pianos are too wel J known to the people to rtquire any introduction from me. Every one ot them are guaranteed, if they do not pleese you, you need not keep them. There are no lower prices, nor eaeier terms offered by any one thau those otFerett by me. . , OKGANS What' are you going to do about that Orgau you promised our wife and daughter ? Buy nothing but the Celebrated Mason dud 'Hamlin or Stn Mng Organ, and .ou ere not alwavs having them rel paired. Sterling Organs for only 50.00 and Mason & Hamhti a for only 1)8-00. Write me for descriptive prica list. FURNITURE Never belore biuce I have been in bus ness was my Stock of Furniture so large and complete in every line as it is to day, and prices wee never lower. I keep right up witu styles, and rep teseiit everything just as i : If you buy t -y thing from me and it IB not as reoresentti iecain it snd I Py jour money back. Who could do more V Who cauid f sk mote? Write for my puces. ..-?' I sell 00-iuch leversible fi-me MOSQUITO ANOPIES with all the. fixtures for hanging for only S2.C0. rn j c. ' E. M. ANDREWS, Chai.otte, X. C, 10 and 18 West Trade St. Finley & Wetmore, ATTYS. AT LAW, LINCOLN TON, N. C. Will practice in Lincoln and s-urrouhilin counties. All Imsines put into our hands will be promptly atten ded to. April 18, lS'.tO. ly. DEErsrlovf A' o dkks exist m tbou- of forms, but are sur parsed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in need ot profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their ftddress to llallet & Co., Portland, Maine and receive tre8 full in formation how either sex, of all ages, can earn trom to J23 per day and upwards wherever the' live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made ovVr fcoO in a single day at this work. All uceeed. AUTOMATIC SKWIMi 7IAC1IINE! Frices reduced. Every family ?ioiy can have the Kat Automatic Sewing Ma chine in tho market at reduced price. For particulars semi for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated (.'ircular shows every part of tbe Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kiuso & Murphy Mfg. Co., l.Vj and 4."T Wett -Jt'.th St., N. Y. City. HACIrjE.WIS. Log,LumberVard a GitV Trucks f 1 I f O I 7 rewarded are those 1 1 J 11 1J X w.10 read this and then srt;thy will find hon.irabl employment that'vvill not take im trom their homes and families. Tho profits are largo and kure for eveiy industrious person, many have made an 1 are now making teveral hundred dollars a ni'-nth 1 1 is ft-. -y fr any one to make o find upwe-ds ?r day who is willing to vor --. Either sex, young or old; capital no: needed; we start yo . everything new. No special ability re quired; you, reader, can do 't as well as any one. Write to r at once for i all jar ticulars, which we will, mail lree. Ad-d-sa Stinson ,fe .. Portland. Maine SUBSC1UBE for tbe Lincoln Courier, ' IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not it you go through the world a ds peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets f .e a positive cure for the worst forms of Dy; i.cm sih. Indigestion. F.atulenc-y and Cr- I lumption. (jtif.-'ante'-d and soli by Dr. J i M Lawing Druggist. ! Advertise in the Couriek. Rates are reasonable. Try it one year and hov if it does not pay. CAN'T LK2P S CUTS Is the co.nplaini of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Re medy ? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles. Sold 0:1 a positive guaante at 25 cents and 50 cents. For sale by Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist .Subscribe tor tbe Lincoln Couk IER. DO aOT SUFFErt ANY LONGFR. Knowing that a cough can be checked :.n a day, and the stages of consumption bro ken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Aker's Eglh Cough Remedy, and will refund tbe money to all who buy, t. ke it per directions and do not find our s-tes ment correct. Dr. J M Lav:ng, Druggist PIEDMONT SEMINARY, MALE AND FEMALE LINCOLNTON, N. C. An English, Classical, Mathematical and Commercial School. It, is thorough and practical in its thrwis. It does not MHiiniA to itself the claims of a Col lee, but is thoroughly Academic Location healthy, and of easy access by railroad. Fall term ot l&yij ue gins Wednesday, August, 27. kJT Fur Circulars, c, send to D. MATT. THOMPSON, PrinriiHil. Lincolnton. N. C: July 4, 181)0. FISH BR9S WAG9H G9 RACINE,WIS 'GOING' BY 5 -IS. b. u. e:l' ja. Just about a year ago the follows iutr lines were oubliabed from the pen of Mrs. Beu Hill, Jr., whose aid death has so shocked the pub- lie. "The silver latch is lifted," and the gentle, pure, poetic soul of the writer has gone to the ruyst'c laud so beautifully de-scribrd by heiself in the following verses : ''The silver latch is lilted and I ain &oing Far, far beyocd where t'e stars p-e grows ing, Like flowers of gold in meadows blue Tne hcge!o sprinkled ia pas-ing thvough. The silve at:h is !'l:ed fend 1 am going, I hear the, sound of the river flowing, And I calh iU glimmer wh.re the t.-ees enlace '3 the leaves brush eol aout my fne. The silver latch is li tei and I am going ; The flower kissed breezes of Eden are blow ing, And balmy sweet is he perfumed breat 1 That float? to me like a whispe- of death. The hilver latch is i:fted and Ism going ; 'Tis the bloom of the dawn ere 'he tvi n glow'ng, And adown tbe hills bsng the m"; ? of morning Like the ve;l of 'ae a bride adorning. The silver latch is lif ed and I am going i About uie lilit of Cjd are snowing, They are drape riei white of a wi lding fhest, And soon 1 11 sleep 'neath their petals sweet. The silver latch 1? lL' A f nd I am going ; Yet ragrant the flowers the day- aro sow ing ; Not a worm at the root, fie blossoms have uncurled, For love is t:ie gardener of my b' autf '1. world. The silver latch is lifted and I t" n going ' There's a Dightlr.3 home of God's bestow ing, Good-bye ; I fake tin invis ble and incmor tr.l hand, As he lex s me gently into 1 ie mystic Jjnd.' Con.titvUon. From N. Y. Ledger. Circumstantial .Evidence A Lucky Escape. The following narrative, byadigr tinguisbed English hurgeou, while it strikingly exhibits the fallible aud uncertain nature of circumstantial evidence, affords aluo a convincing proof of the indispensable necessity of procuriug medical testimony of the highest order, in all ciiminal cases relating to injuries of the per son : "As I was passing the Pack- Horse, Turnhamgreeu, my attention was attracted by a mob of persons of the lowest order, assembled around the door ot that inn, who' were very loud 5u the'r execrat'ous against some person who was nuss pected of having murdered his brother ; jq corroboiation of which, I was told that the brother's boues had been found near the premises where he formerly resided, upon view of which a juiy was theu sit ting, after an adjournment from the day preceding. I found that two surgeons had been subpoenaed to inspect the remains, and I had no doubt that every information as to their character had been obtained ; curiosity alone, therefore, induced me to make my way into the room, where I found that the coroner, and, I believe, a double jury, were sitting for the second day, aud weie en gaged in an investigation which tended to show that a farmer and maiketgardener at Snttoncourt farm had, a few yeara before, a brother living with him, who was engaged on the farm, but whose conduct was dissolute aud irregular to a degree that often provoked the anger of his elder brother, and sometimes begot strife and violence between them ; that the temper of the elder brother was as little under control as the conduct of the youn- crArrftTid.in fine, that thev lived fy , , 7 V very uucomfortabl together. 'One winter's night, when the gound was covered with snow, the younger brother absconded from the house (tor they both lived together), vo lfittinor himself down from his chamber window ; and when he was missed tbe ensning morning, bis footsteps were clearly traced in the snow to a considerable distance, nor were there any other footsteps but his own. Time passed on, and after a lapse of some few years no tidings were heard ot h:s ret eat, uor, perh ips, have there ever b?en since. Some alferarous m the grounds sui rounding the house hav. ing been undertaken by a. subse- quent .uant (for the cider brother hai then left tbe fam), a skeleton was dug up, aud the c;rcumstance seemed to show so conclusively that one brother had murdeie 1 the oths er, that the popular cla-.iiorr was raised to tbe utmosr, aud a juvy im paneled to investigate the case. "After lis'euiug attentively to these details, 1 ventured to request of the corouer to be allowed to ex atniue tbe bones, which I found were t outlined in a hamperbdsket at the farther end of the room, aud 1 felt much flattered by his immediate compliance, for he des?red the pal ish beadle, who was in attendance, to p!ace them upon tho table ; ami Inning myself disposed them in their natural order, I foiud that they represented a person of shoit suture, and from the obliteration of the suture-s of the skull aud the worn down state of the teeth, mu$t have belonged to an aged pertou. But what was my surprise when I leconstructed the bones of the skol etou, and fouud the lower lones of the irunk to be those of a female. I immediately communicated the fact to the jury, and requested that the two medical men who had be fore given their opinions might be sent. for, one of whom attended, and without a moment's hesi ation corn roboiat-id my repoit. "I need not add that the proceed ings were instantly at an end, aud an innocent man received the a made honorably in the shape of ?u apolo gy, from-all present, m which the coroner heartily joined. It has since been proved beyond all doubt, that the spot where the bones were found was formerly the site of a largo gravel-pit, in which hordes of gypsies not only assembled, but oc casionally burled their dea.1, and, peihaps, more skeletons are yet to be found in that vicinity." The narrator of this occurrence may well lc ok back upon it with pleasure, and congratulate himself upon having been, to use his own words, "the happy instiusceut in the hands of Provideuce of reaa'ng a worthy and innocent mau fia the obloquy, aud perhaps the fate, ot a ma derer." Duties oTFarnts 'o Ikildreu. One of the most important duties of a psreut ia b inglng up a child is to prevent tbe child irom doug it pelt L8:m. T jg child does not kaow, for instnoe, that u.nHnvte-1 sweets and tojrs ; ?jure he digestion nd impa:r the teeth ; the mother dees know it, aid it ;s her duty to have the child's supp'y of sweeta and sours Pmit-d. The child does not know tVat the opportunity of get ting knowledge at school, if neg lected, is not likeiy to retu u, nor that its future happiue?s and such cess depend veiy much upou its im proving the opportunities wb'ch its school now affords. The parent- do kuow these things, and it is their duty to persaade, urge and, it nee essary, to compel th child to btudy. Our Dependence. A devout Methcdist divine, who is a'so a farmer and a member ot the AH'ance, in a private letter says that "the discrimination and kind ness of the Chronicle are making votes for the Democracy every day," and adds : Our dependence is : First, iu God. Secoud, in the teuth of Democ bacy and Thirdly, in Zee. Vance. Slo:e Chronicle. fcFELlMEf CAS1 S. C- H. C'inorJ, New C-ss-ot, Wis., was trouble! w'th ner a'-ia f -d VJe.-'xiasm bis stornecb w?. di'o-de-eJ, h's I've' was f ttv-ted '0 ?n ab .n "7 de-ree. 8ipet9 oorl l,e uns 'rribiV . too e. in fl-sh rnd s renzth. Th-e. bogles cf e1 trip hi'- eurei h"m. r.lwanl Siene-d. nair:sbu-2, IP. had ninnTior pn-e. on his lerr cf eight yea s nnd":i Us3. bvei LjlUesof Elecric hi ":rs aad sevf n coses or Buckle is a-ni- -h srihis leir is .uud nd well John Speaker, Catawba, O., I ad five lar,-e f-ve seres ou c-.s leg, uoc o" a'-i ne w j men- ahlft. Oae bott's of e'ec. ic b'tters 01 nm :-. it ot Buckn's Arnica S:vlve li-m p ii;.elv. Lo'd at J. LlW C2'3 A Xovel Oriu:i:.r Cr-?r A New Yoik firm w ;ote t'lis let ter to a Connecticut postmaster: We desire in each county a p!?ee thfough wlrch to send our maii matter, as we want to leach every bus'ness man, mechanic and real estate owner in every State I y ci' crlar. If wo ship to yon from oor print ing department, located in the coun ry in your State, sy 5.000 or 10,000 circulars in envelopes, and each addresed, w II you give the sameyour lawful attent on, send out daily 50 to one hnmired during the coming months until they are all out, and theu render us sWe ment of same, with account foi stamps usad ajd we will remit The head ot tbe firm which pent tb.1.1 letter was arrested for a crime against the United State?. Tuero was no charge that be was engaged in any unlawful business or that the circulars were objectionable iu any way: No bonus or other in duceuients was offered to the post, master The postmaster did vol comply with the request, and noth ing further was heard from the wii ter of the letter. What was the crime ? An act passed by Congress in 1873 prob'bttice: its postmasters from selling or ditposiDg of postage stamps except for cash. Another law makes it a er'urual offence for any person to atteupt to induce a postmaster to do auj' act m viola tion ot his lawful duty. Under these statues the Supreme Court of the "United States holds that the ending of the above let:er was a criminal offence. The postal aster, it reasons, was asked to furnish stamps on credir, and was promised that if he woulil, a large lot would betaken. As the jostinaster rei ceived a commission from the gov- eminent on the amount of samps sold, the offer, according to the Court's view was a bribe to induce bm so sell ou credit iu violation o2 the law. Justice Gr&y reasoned it out iu this way : The . postmaster was asked whether if the fi-ni sent from five to ten thousand circulars iu ad dressed envelopes Uts would pfc stamps n theiu awd wail tke ;f ha would, an accoant f Uio stamps used the firm weald lemit. If we trke five thousand, thi smallest number of circulars pro posed to be sent to the postmaster, and one hundred, the largest uum ber to be mailed by him daily, n would require fifty daysfer the post master to send out the e:rcu'atjf. The petitioner would thus be aN lowe l an average credit of at least tweutyfive days ou his paymeuts to the postmaster for five thou sand postage stamps, and the pust master wou'd receive and retain a commission on the sale ot as many stamps, which neither he nor any other postmaster would retain if the circulars were mailed by the peti tioner at the Post Office in New York, or any other iost office where the postmaster was paid by a sala ry. If the letter was not an offer of money to the postmaster it was clearly a tender of a ont act for the payment of money to him with intent to induce him to sell postage stamps for credit in violation ot bis lawful duty. That is pretty fine reasoning to maka out a crime. But now that the highest court of the nation has expouuned the law to this effect it will be well for postmasters as well as business men to make a note of it. iV. Y. Herald. BUCKLEN'S A F.NIcA SALVE. The bet lve in the worid for cut? bruhes, sore-, ulcer:, f-alt rheum, fever seres, tetter, chapped hrnds, chilb'ains, corns,rnd fHskin cuprion:, r "d pori'ive ly curc pile?, or l,o pay reiuire . It is gurati.eed J give ptr?.:t satis?cioii, or money refunded. P 'ca 2"c. per f oi. For se le by Dr. J. M. I wing, Druggist THE FI4T SrilPr )V1 O? DVT3. Tired felinir. du" headachp. pans in vnrious riar' of Je bodv. sinin ' at the nit of the stomach, los of appetite, fever- ?hness, pimpit-or ?orf J, are auposne evidence of potion? ' blood; No matter how it b-. -one Loison - 1 it must be i.uritied to avoid de tb. Dr. Acker's Engli-h B'ood F.'ixir h r fa' 1 to remove scrofo.'ous or syphilitic poisons. So'd under positive guarantee by Dr. J M Lawmg, Drugget Congress Outi'ues. (Wi'mingion Star Sept. 17.) A number of bills on the calendar were passed by the Senate yester day, after which Mr. Morgan con cluded his argument aga:nst the couterence report on the railroad land forfeiture bill ; the repora was agreed to by a strict party vote ; the Llougo anti-lottery bi'l wjs then passed without a word of discussion; a substitute fr House bill tc repeal she tiiiibertuhurtt lrtws as pas.d, , and a committee o! conference aktd with tbe House ou disagreeng votes ; tho lioue wa principally occupied in the consideration ot the Enloe resolot'.on relative to the Ken nedy speech; the Spetker oet ruled th poiut of order ia:sed by Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio, that the resolu tion was not in order, alter which the nutter was debated for two hours, and fiua'ly referred to the cotnui.l ee on the Judiciary; a nuim ber of Senate bills ot no importance were theu passed. The Presi dent i-i spending I 's time very pleasantly iu hs mouutain reticat ; the early adjournment of Cougress wiM shorten bis vacation, us it is his purpose to bo in Washington during the closing of tbn session. (September 18.) Mr. li air s ldressid th" J-.Vnate yesterday ou a resolution pro osing a constituf onal amendment confer ring representation on the L)i? 't t of Columbia in Congress and fn tbe Sectoral College ; a number of bil's on the calendar were passed, aud eighty private pension b'lls dispos ed of i:i thirty miuutfi ; thei bill to e tablish a United State laud court in certain States and territories was considered during the greater part of the afternoon ; in the Uouee, aft er some filMbustciing. the Lmgstcn- Vena ble election case, trom Virgin ia, was trfken up, when Mr. Cheadie, of Indiana, made a srrong speech against the majority report, and which was loudly applauded by the Democrats; the case then went over until to-day, notico being given that the previous question would be cal'ed at two o'clock. The river and harbor bill, which has been iigaed Uy Spwikej JL4t itw awaPa tW gigBaUru of Ike jiiwiiwg fii cer of tke Stawto, aid fter this it obtained it will tkm bo sent to the Senate for his approval. A Fortunate Aakelng On the eve ot a new year, au old suaa stood at his windryr, gazing p, with th eye of Uespa'r, tk i movable, starry sky, aud down upon the siow-ccvered tartb. on which there was no I eug more joyless than hi?:!seP; for his head was frosted with age, b's energies debil itated, and his mind desolated. The beautiful, days of bis youth, like so mrny spec ern, dragging bm b-ick to that e'ear, sunny morn, when his father first pointed out to him the journey of bfe the right road, vir tue's path, leading ihto a peacetnl land, lnl" of light iod bliss; but tLe left, that of vice, conduct' ng the traveller into a black den, where were pestilential airs, poisouous reptiles and all misery. A'as! the viper's sting was now iu his bosom, the poison upon his tongue, and he k -ew that he Lad at ained the dreadful end of the wrong course. Frantic with de spondency, be cried : "Give back io me my youth ! Oh ! father, place me agaio ou the thres hold of my time, that I may choose better I'1 But his father and his youth had; long since gone by. He bebeld me teors dancing on tbe damp ground, and extinguished in tbe graveyard. He said: "Ihey are my foo'ish days." He saw a star tail irom heaven, glimmer and exp'ie. "That is I," said his stnckeu conscience. and the serpent-tooth of remorse dug deeper and deeper into the wounds of his soul. His gloomy imagination exhibited to him demon-sprites on the roof-1. while a skeleton in tbe cbarne' house seemed gradually to assume his own form. In tbe midst of hi agony, he bes?rd the foft, solemn ' music from the church announcing the new year. He thought of the friends of his chMhood, now hap p er and be :e; than he, beHefactora ot the world, venerated parents of grateful children, blessed by all tLe gt d, and he said : "Oh ! I. too, might slumber to night with tearless eyes and peace ful breast, if I hail willed it so. Ob I such n if ht haro been my Io ye parents dear, had I but followed your wishes, your iustructious.'' lie covered his eyes, and burning jrops fel, ff0m them n,:0tLeBBow. lie sighed . "Oh ! coutf back, my boyisn hours ! Come baek te me 1" And they did cotno again, for he had only so horribly dreamed. He was yet young, but h's errors had been no illusion ; and on his kuets ht; thanked heaven that he was fct'll abie to leave the dangerous high way of crime nod pursue a virtuous career. A. V. Ledger. Driiiikeuut-fcM Front CoiTee Dr. Mendi-l,of Berlin, calls atten tion to the use of coffee iu a manner t: make his remarks of iiuportaute. The inebriety of crflVe, it not as dangerous to ethers, may be as harmful to its subjects as alcohol ism, and generally leads to it. Dr. Mendel's studies have covered Ger many but he has given special ob se: vation to the great woikiug force n the gun lactones at listen, wure wages aro hich and employment uninterrupted and a romparaiive degree of luxury is within the reach of all. The ptople of Essen driHk im mense quantities ot 'offe, bringing the average for a largo portiou cf them up to a pound a week, mauy men taking much more than thit. The result is a form of neurosis, in which the nerves are disturbed in a debtee and mauowr appioaching that which a companies delirium trax-iid. lutoxicaiiou 's followed by gloom and sleeplessness, and aoou; all the disorders characterist ic of acute nervous derangement, added to a hate for work. As in the use ot a'cohol or opium tempo rary relief can be had by more and stronger coffre, by tinctures of cof fee formed by crosbiug the berries iu spirits ; but tba cure of a uoua fireiel 4tw drunks J is next to twkwtfws, K'dleti Hie faoal change to pure alcoholism be counted as a eurr. Troubles of this nature are said to be much Wttre widely spread thau one would th'uk from tho immedi ate evidence. Most of the stages ot excessive eoS'eeiriiu are too obscure to be apparent. And they are in creasing Tea it merely a weaker agent of the same sort, so that iu fact there is no such thiug as a cup which cheers without inebriating. Moderation must be the law for tea and coffee as for alcohol A'eic York Sur, July 18. Aln-tineuce as to alcohol is the safest practice. Ed J li.-pa ml Ike llrain. The Pariian surgeon, says the Pans editor of the New Yoik Her aid, has discovered a new method of developing tbe bn:n. Notioiug that tbe head of -an idiotic little girl was extremely sma'l he removed i art of the tull iu order to givi the braiu 100m to expand. It du'y ex panded, aud the jiirl is now quite as intelligent f? 4 there is any ied ne-s c ssity than a girl should be. This socitppsful experiment not ouly shows haw idiofy oiav be cured, but it also seems to establish tbe fact that a man's 'nWigence varies as the size of bis brain. If, therefore, any man who wishes tn ir.rrAasPi his brain nower all he has to do ;s to hive, say, half of his skull removed. General Boulauer might be conve'd into a new Na poleon by simply removing his skuT and by expanding the bram artifi cially. The d scovery is one which promises to be of great uti'ity and can hardly fail to make tbe discov erer wonderfully popular in ''idiots c" circles. IR. AC ; S EN iLl-H PILLS . Are active, effective id pure. For b.cW headache, disordered stomach, loss of ap petite, bad complexion and biliou?neM. thvhave nevr been equaled, either in America or ah oad. Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist,

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