VOL IV UNCOLNTON. N. C, FRIDAY, OCT IT 1890. NO. 24 When Abraham Lincoln became President of the United States the entire revenues of the government wer6 less than $30,000,000. Now the people are taxed to raise nine times that amount j and yet this Tast revenue is insufficient to quiet the appetite of the robbers who pretend that their hunger is patriot ism. Macon Telegraph, Demi A ICTV TO YOCRjELF. "It is surprising that people will use a com ipon, ordinary pill when they can secure a . Talu&blo English on for the same money. Dr. Acker 'a English pilla are a positive cure or sick headacho and all Liver Trous nble. They are small, sweet, easily taken ami do uct giipe. For sale Lv Dr. J M Lawin, Druggists. Mi'. P eters, Republican of Kau sas, although opposed to some fea tures of the new tariff bill, swallow d it as a whole, and wishes it -would be made a "punishable of - fence for any member of Congress to introduce a bill for a revision of the tariff during the next ten tears." He doubtless expresses the senti ments of the protected manufactur ers on this point, who would be perfectly williug to extend the pe riod to twenty-five iustead ot ten years. Wil. Star. In the private journal ot a lady recently deceased were found these words : "1 expect to pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow-creature, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." These words are worthy to be placed where we can see them every day; Each day, each week, each year comes bnt once. orn CHILDREN. Send tie children to bed with a kiss and a smile, Sweet childhood will tarry at best but a while; And soon they will pass from the portals of home, The wilderness ways of their life-work to roam I Yes, tuck them in with a gentle good night, The mantle of shadows is veiling tbc j tail, harulsome girl, whose meau at "3ay rather, your true lover !" said her motber. "Though he has good cause to hate me !" Aud kissing her mother tenderly, Hester went out, down the narrow, bare staircase, into the street, where a sharp October wind brought drea. ry promise ct winter's comin. A A CHILD KILLED. Another chili killed by the use of opiates given in the forio-of Soothing Syrup. Why mothers give their children such deady poison is surprising when they can rfclieve the child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Dr. J il Law ing, Druggist. light And may be God knows on the sweet little face ilay fall deeper shadows in life's weary race. Yei, say it God bless my dear children, I pray, It may be the lsst time you'll say it for aye 1 The bight may be long ere you see them again And motherless children may call you in vain.' vVuo I Your Ileit Frleud? Your stomach of course. "VVhy?Becaus it it is out of order you are ona of the most miserable creatures living. . Give it a fair 'cnprable chance and see if it is not the j beef friend you have in the end. Don't j amoke in the morning. Don't drink in the a&rning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach i3 through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke - pore in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right, it you are troubled with c Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coming ; -c after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion.or .any other trouble of the stomach, you had .w.psbui Green's August Flower, aefs no . pT3on can use it without im mediate relief The tiew tariff law is beginning to make itself felt. The Dry Goods Economist says that prices now are about ten per cent, higher than they were in August, on all goods in which wool plays a prominent part as a raw material, while linens and knit faorics have increased in the same ratio. This is only the be ginning. Wil. Star. EUPEPSx". This is what you ought to have, in fact, you must have it, to fully enjoy life. Th Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet.it may be had by all. We larantee that Elec tric Bitters, if used according to directions and the use persisted in, wjli bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dys pepsia and install instead Eupepsy. "We recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all disaases of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at 50c. and f 1 per bottle by J. M. Lawing, Physician and Pharmacist. tten- IMTOBTANT! LOOK, Get Prices and Photos, PP-4n FROM 353. JhLm jSlKT333E2.E3 TiTS. Before you buy Furniture. It will pay you. I want to call thel tioa of all the readers of thin minor hut m? ctL- FUMITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS 18 now larger aud more complete than at any time since I have been in the business. I have juBt received a-car load of nothing but Antique Uak and Sixteenth Century Suits, ranging in price from 26.50 to $75.00. ihese were bought at a bargain and are the very newest styles. I have made a large deal in Parlor Suits also. Listen at tbese prices: Plush todits ot b and pieces I am offering now for $32.50 to $100.00. Plush touits in Wainu' and Antique and 16th Century that I sold for 10 per cent more money last year. I have a well selected line of Divens Plush Kockers, Book Cases, Mantle Mirrors and Novelties in Furniture- I have scoured the country this year for bargains, buying in large quan tities for cash to get the beat bargains, my object being to give my cus tomers this fall the moat and best goods possible for the money. I make a specialty of f urn ishing residences and hotels complete from top to bot tom. I am anxious to sell you all your furniture, and will do ic if you nrln, me ? quote my price Lon time given on Pianos and Organs. Write me for prices and terras. E- M. ANDREWS, Charlotte, N. C. tire could not sender vulgar, she bore herself, even in her heartsick misery, like a queen, cartying her nhapely head with unconscious hau. teur, that lessened materially her chance of obtaining work. She had not learned jet to bumble herself m mauuer, even though her heait burned with bitter humiliation the humility of shame. h-. WlT.t il rfrr- -.A . . ... . ..i . IT' 3 3 a " 1 bUPPOsed to be wrapped abou --lUdli- ntsiersaiu, open- me. No cue would ' trust me lnST thfl nPffHnalir in not- i t "auu ' propo.-eo, tar more in earnest than pu.ut out paragrapu, and Mrs. in jest, to invest the forty cent lltt .... h.rco.1 and end the tragedy by ni,aVh ;V miS?: And now you tell me I L street, she will lm crv,. 7 " - - .W.U OVUl in thing to her advantage Suddenly there flashed over Mrs. Wright's face a look ot hope, long 'i stranger there. 'I caunot recall it clearly,'' she said, "but your father told me some tbiug, years ago, about some mou ey Godfrey Holborne held for you. It is all very vague ! He was a man of whom tby ?aid he turned every thing be touched to gold. Every speculation he made was a succes, and when he went West, millionaire, bad been detected in Drop swee t benedictions on each little i j And fold them m prayer as they nestle in ffraQdnlent dealings that led on and bed : on tnrough the mire of dishonest v. l, ; . i ' S nk f l-j ner lamer, wno naa reigned as a A guard of bright angels around them invite, Their spirit may slip from their moorings to-night. Anonymous. New York Ledger. HESTER'S GOD FATHER. BY ANNA SHIELES- What is L . n -J:"Vifi-1--.fcii ii ilium, vi ' 1 i. ,,--i . ,i, -'iiii if-'- -I, , jf Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitchrs prescription for Infanta and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Taregorlc, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by ililllons of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays feverishness. . Castoria prevents vomiting- Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. i 7 Castoria. "'Castoria is aa excellent medicine for cfcil iren. Mother have repsaudly told me ot 1U iTood effect upon their childra." Da. Q. c. Osoood, Lowell, jklaiw. " Owtoria la th best remedy for children of vhich I am acquaiiited. I hope tha day ig not far distant when mother will consider the real interest of their children, and uae Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending "them to premature graves." Tr. J. F. Kimchcoe, Conway, Ask. Castoria. " Castoria la so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." H. X. Aacsxa, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, IT. T. " Our physicians in tfae- children' depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only hare among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yt we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." Unitxd Hospital axs Dispcmsakt, Boston, Ufass. .iixk C. Surra, Pres., !TWO DOLLARS and forty jfjffi cen;s 1" Hester said, bitter ly. It lay upon the table before ber in a pile of pen. Dies and email pieces of sil ver, aud over it beat two faces Hester Wright's and ber niotber's faces that bad been fair and beaat tiful, bat were pallid with sorrow and the-Drivations of two years of grinding poverty. 3ot all at once bad tbey falleu down the slope from wealth to want, although the first crushing blow bad thrown them far along the road. From a luxurious home to a small one ; from that to a boarding- bouse; from one to another, each poorer than the last, to a room in & tenement house, until they were at last in a bare, cold attic, so scanti ly furnished that the very empti ness was chilling. They had, at last, reached the point where actu al beggary or starvation stared them in the face. "If we invest the forty cents in charcoal," Hester said, in the same low, bitter tone in which she had first spoken, "two dollars won't pay our funeral expenses." Hester! Don't, dear!" hei mother said, in a voice full of sor row, but without one echo of the ring that was in her daughter's. "Don't I God will not desert us !'; "People do starve I" was the quick reply. And then, with a wail indescribable in her voice, she cried: "I could bear it alone ! I could work, starve, die ! But to see you suffer is more than I can endure. My heart is breaking!" She threw herself into her moth er's arms as she spoke, sobbing vij olently. A creature of impulse, of quick, sudden change of mood, she wept for a few moments, and then stood erect, dashing back toe tears. "I will try once more she said, "Give me two cents, mother, to buy a newspaper. I will answer every advertisement." She took from a closet a shabby, black shawl and heivily vailed crape bonnet, and began to put them on. "3Iy birthday, too!" she said, presently, buttoniug her well-worn boots. "I am twenty-one to-day !" As she spoke, there was a knock upon the door, and a basket was handed in ; a shallow, open, round basket, piled witb flowers roses ol every tint, fragrant blossoms of va rious kinds, burried in soft mess and tender grten leaves. Upon the top lay a card. "Harry I71 Hester said, hot tears falling upon the blooming gift that lighted np even that dull room. "Oh ! he shoald not do so! Think what that bas cosr, and he works so hard !" "I will go now to-day!" Hester cried, and then her face fell, as she added: "But, mother, if he bas money of father's it cannot honest ly be mine.'' "You had better go, dear. I wish I could remember better !" 247 L street proved to be a private residence ; a bouse of mag. nificeut proportions, furnished with taste nd wealth, and Hester was ushered into a room filled with treasures of art and beauty, while her card was carried to the master tie came to her at lorgery, misrepresentation and breach of trust, till, in a prison cell he committed suicide. in nis ruin was involved that of others, aud the greatest sufferer had been his ward, Henry Ash1- worth, eon of an old friend w.ho had left a large estate in the hands of Marcus Wright, in trust for his on ly child. For years, Harry Ash- worth had been one of Mr. Wright' , .. . I or rrift hrmao cV,1 - ii J t- il ' Mviiij uittu ,f . tl , . . nearly seventy years old, with kind th. ia ..if ' i v blQe ees and a Peasant smile u mean DbUUUI, IV aoouuuo a UiBU 9 ,J . ; . , . . . , , ' I "Ann thin m m x7 itifiA : ( 1 t.i , , 4. , . . eaiu, as ne root ootb lie6terT v -r "-v,u8 hands n h s nwn nQar . . , .... ! . J 1 on were in long clothes when had never thono-ht of investigating . " Saw VOT7 last. AnH m,-, V.ia l, ,. A 1 . V r. , I ; " JVU uatc unu ui owu aucius, even auer ne came I uaa a T -, , . e J n ttt-:u I w "vi nuun uu u,afi0,ttUU "l,Sul a tilvesterdav.orTonlnharafn He had loved Hester from the come from Euronft Vnn .aw ' vu.iu, auu iucu uu- advertisement!" gagemeni causeu no surprise m uTt wa that tW tllHir t)n(ftl firol thnnr.h turn tmn. I . , -" fw itnre to call. 7 Hestr Hiri ail v, pie more uniiKe coma not wen oe pride of beariDg broken hy thja ge iuuuu. I t; iiXr n ii .uuu. xuu you say you iaiJ' uai know our troubles." imnnlsivP- was nnir.lrtAnrorAir Iiq. I r 7 ti r I UTnn t..i .l.- . . - a.v.o.jtoi juub luis June anair ofoursf It has nothing to do with your father s business. Ho told you, certainly he must have told you, of your investment with me." "No ! I know nothing about it !" "So ! Well I Well I Why, my dear, ble to look on the gloomy side ot life, quick to resent injustice; lovs uk jet jealous and exacting. Harry, a blonde of the English type, was irank, joyous in disposi tion, seeking the brightness in all thinp-a confidin? and tender a lov. er, once won, who could not be in- " UCJ ui jumc rvmsrant "cuiJ jvaLa. uiu you never When the crash came, and he neaot old mine ?" knew bis entire fortune was swept away by the dishonesty of his guar low strange , i'erhaps your dian, it was Harry Ash worth who father f(rgftt it I It was just after stood between Hester and her in war was over ! i-ou were a ba motber and the world ; who guard- by and on tue dav vou were chris- ed them, as far as possible, from ieueu our iaioer gave a omuer the indignation of friends turned to ParcJ 10 80m8 ot hl most intimate enemies, of those who, wronced bv friends' a11 gentlemen. I was your th nVnd man nm t nnnr t h g0(1 father, and I mentioned to all , t yv Vv . vials of vvraih uoon the innocent lDe ue8ts tne occasion lor the dim I u . . widow and child. It, was Hnrrv uer- was, very scarce in ttiose days, very scarce, and held at a high premium. So we, the gentle men who were invited to the dinner, have five haudred dollars all my own : ' ,i ii . , ....... --.Diess me cniidr cried the old gentleman, "does she suppose I put the money in an old stocking and loctedir up? Five huudred dol n's: xi, no, my dear! I 'turned aDd twiated' it, as your father wish- ed, and really, I took quite a conii- iuicicm in waicmog it roll its self up and come out of every in vestment witu ning color?. I kept n quite uy itself, and I have a de- tai'ed memorandum to show you, if you wi.4i, precisely how your chris tening preseut became thirty thou sand dollars." 'You ar lughiug at me!" "Xo. I am .quite seriou;. The last twen ty years' have oflered great chances for speculation, and you have been fortunate. And remem ber, it is yours. I kuow all. I on SfH-ak to you frankly, aud I ttll you tins money is your own, a gilt from friends- Your father never held it in his hauds. From your silver cup it weut mto my pocket! Now! uow ! to cry over your good fortune! Poor child! There, cheer up! Bright days are coming !,J Bnt," said He-ter, smiling through her tears, "surely the mon- ey must be your.'' "Not a dollar, not a ceut of it ! It is yours, honestly and fairly. Aud uow, tell me more of yourself." , There was a long talk, endiug in Mr. Holborue's promise to call upon airs. Wright, and then Hester, with b,ir.kb!l!s thac took her breat .. ... .. e tiwrt.v, -just ior present emergen cies," her godfather explained, bur ried home. It had beeu Harry who had urged a wedding, to give him a right to cave for Hester, and Hester wbo re sisted, refusing to buideu bitn. Bu once established in what Mrs Wright tearfully called "a home of their own, once nioie," it was He? ... i. I , i , . . m wuu, oiusuirjgiy out nraveiy, in sisted ou the ending of her long en gagement ; and there was a quiet wedding, at which Mr. Holborne claimed a godfather's right to give 'he bride awav. A Fearful Arraignment. who saved a trifle from the wreck, by claiming Mrs. Wright's jewels, presents from her relatives on her marriage. It was Harry, who, yielding in all else, would not give Ex President Hayes Say tbe 3XcKiuIey Bill is Auniliilat- ExPresident Rutherford B.Hayes was at the Fifth Avenue Hotel yes terday, having come to New York to take part in tbe proceedings of the annual meeting of the Trustees of the Peabody Fund. The passage of the McKinley bill has attracted tbe atteutiou of the ex-President as well as that of every thinking man in the country. "i. cannot nnu words to express my regret at the passage of th maue our caoice or a gnc ior you in j measure," saia mi. nayes to a re- gold. Dear! dear! bow well I re-'portc-r of Ibe Star. "It is ruinous to all our best interests, and it will of Tta Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, Nets- York City. He will never learn economy,'' Mrs. Wright said, gently ; "and he loves yon so well, Hetty." sionate, scornful denunciations herself, as her father's child. More fortunate than his betrothed he had obtained employment as a clerk in a lawyer's office, and had a salary at his command, about equal in amount to his tailor's bills of previous years. Friends, who turned from Hester's appeals for employment, pitied the "victim" of her father's frauds, and extended a helpiDg hand to Harry. Yet with all his love, all bis generosity, be could not arrest that downward, struggling fall that had carried his betrothed and her mother to the very verge of desperation. Hester bad not been gone more tban ten minutes, and Mrs. Wright was still bur.wng her misery, for tbe time, in the delight the flowers brought her, when she heard rapid steps coming up the narrow stair case, and the door was opened quickly to admit the girl again, flushed and excited. "Mamma P she cried, "did yon ever know anybody named Godfrey Holborne T. I seem to have some recollection of the name.'7 "He was your godfather! But up bis right to protect Hester, but member ic a11 ! Yur mother presid claimed her promise to be his wife, ed at the dlDner' bQt ,eft us' af ter steadily and onmoved by ber pas- tLe deS8ert to our wiQe cigars. uuc oeiore we oegan to smoke, your faiher, at my reqaesr, sent for you., You were a beauty even then, a queen of babies. While you sat, erect as a soldier, in your father's arms, we presented you with a sil ver cup, filled witb gold coins, five huudred dollars in all. But after you were taken away the cup still stood upon the table, and you fath er asked me to invest it for you, until you came of age. He made some jesting aliusiou to my success in business, and exacted from me a promise to hold the money, 'turn and twist' it, to use hisjowu expres sion, and return it to you only upon your twenty. first birthday. I ac cepted the trus, taking the gold, and making a careful entry of the date upon which it was to be re turned. And this is the day !'' Hesters voice trembled as she said : "This morning, ilr. Holborne,-1 counted the money that stood be tween us and starvation, and it was two dollars and forty cents. I have tried in vain to obtain steady eoi ployment, since my father's death. The mantle ot his fault,'' she said, n,., 1V Y$V BACK ACHES, uryou are all worn out, really good for noth ing, it is general debility. Try do an infinite amount of harm." "What do you think ol tbe letters writteu against it by Mr. Bla ne ?" "I second every word Mr. Blaine wrote in the matter. I caunot un derstand how public men can be so blind to tbe interests of tbe couutry at large as to pas such a bill. It is annihilating to the Republican party. It is tbe most terrible blow that has been struck at the party during its existence. I can only say that I hope such a policy will die out, surely and soon ; but I cam uot shut my eves to the evil that will be done before snob protection as this finds a grave." N. Y. Star. IS LIFE "WORTH LIVING ? Not if you go through the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive care for the worst forms of Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and (Jon eutuption. Guaranteed and soli by Dr. J II Lawing Druggist. Reojember that it you do not reg ister you cannot vote in the coming election. Asiatic cholera kill people by the whole-ale, and there i ny cure for it ; but Ganter's magic chicken cholera cure re stores the chicken that id down to perfect health. It is warranted ly J M Lawine. The adjournment of Congress wiU be a relief to the country. Coming into power with so many assurances of achievement and re form, what has it done T Wa have a pension bill. Under the pressure of tke pension sharks the best organized lobby ever known in Washington over fifty and per haps a hundred millions have been added to tbe annua! tantiou. In profound peace, wi;b Lotbiuz to disturb tbe natiou's prosperity, with a shred of an army and a remnant of a navy, we are pajiug more for pensions alone fhau Germauv with her armaments, which master a con tinent. Th war ended twenty-fiv je-irs a?o, and yet we suffer the fiuaucial burdens of tbe war. HU- tcry has no precedent for this crual rong. The tariff barons would have it bo, and the truculent Repubi cu tuHjority humbly records tbe decree. Tin is taxed to enable a company f English capitalists to float a tin mine ou tbe Loudou marker. That is the tin busiuess in a nutshtll simply a Lombard street job, look ing to money iu Kugliah pocketi. lion is taxed that Mr. Carnegie may givelibraiiesto Scottish towns. The tax ou wool meaus tbe hand cf the ffovernmeut in the pocket of every laborer wbo would buy ' bis wife a blauket or a shawl. By our ucal policy we have managed to array every natnu against tbe United States. We may despise the coali tion and defy the world. But is it wise ? We rob our laborer to gain some fancied advautage over Ibe laborers in other lands. But do we gain by it? .Under the laws of sup ply and demand, the laws of com merce, as inexorable as those which, govern the solar system, the policy ot selfishness to other peoples will react upon ourselves. Nations no more than meu succeed iu building themselves up by pulling others down. Congress has passed a river aud harbor bill larger than ever known. And when wo add the sums paid for public buildings, every cross-roads asking a jail and postofiice, we can understand tbe sweep and breadth of these schemes upon the Treasury. But we have no administration to check and lead leislati mi. Am there no other but legislative pow ers iu the republic f Ob, yes: we have a mild, weak Executive, with no more influence upon the making of Jaws tban a toad on a stoue. Oo the solemn questiou as to wbefber the postoffice should go to the vil lage politician who gave tbe lamps for the electiou parade or the one who furnished tbe oil ; ou the burn ng quratiou of turning out twenty- five thousand postmasters because Mr, Cleveland left them doing their duty, we bave an immense adminis tratiou none so great since Tyler. But upon public policy, upon issues affecting the national welfare, the administration has lived iu a condi tion of meek surrender to Congress. It is an automatic contrivance. No such wondrous piece of machinery since the famous automaton chess player Ar. Y. Herald. we can and d GuranUe Dr. Acker's Biood Eiixir, for it as ueeu iuuy demonstrated to the peopja f this cointry that it is superior to all ther preparations for blood diseases. It ii positive cure for HVDhihtie nnim;n Ulcer?, Eruptions and FrnDles. It tun'tiei the whoie system and thoroughly Luilla up iu constitution, for sale by Dy J. M LawiDg, Druggist. If a man goes into a primary or convention and his candidate ia de feated, he is a base fellow if he bolts the ticket nominated. When he went into the convention he prom ised to abide by itn action. Never mind disappointments and personal rievances, duty and honor alike demand that every niaa who went oto a convention this jeir render cheerful support to the nominees. State Chronicle. CAN'T SLEEP NICHT3 Is the co-n plaint of thousand iufferin from Asthma, Con'umption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English ReJ tnedy ? It is the bst preparation known or all Lung Trouble. Sold on a positive euarantee at 25 cent? and 50 cent. For sale by Dr. JM Ltwing, Druggist. SUBSCRIBE for tbe Lincoln "Oar one friend," the girl replied. with a ring of the old bitterness, I x SdSa.UTer' COUKlZB.

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