VOL IV LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, OCT. 31 1890. NO. 36 "Give a man this taste (for good books), and the means of gratifying ; it, and you can hardly fail of mak . iog a happy man. Yon place him -in contact with the best society in every period of history with the . wisest, the wittiest, the tendereet, .the bravest and the purest cbaracti -.era who have adorned humanity. ;. Tou make him a denizen of all uaj tiOD9, a contemporary of all ages." Sir J. Htrschel. THE NEW DISCOVERY You have heard jour friends and neighi tsors talking about it. You may yourself be on ot the many who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ;vir tried it, you are one of its staunch fiieuds, tecaus" the wonderful . .Wing about it u, that when once given a trial. Dr. Kite's New Discovery ever after DOUs a place ji: the house. If you have ever ufcea it moa should be adicttd with a cnogh, euld or any Throat. Lunir or chest trouble, fcccure n totte at occe and give it iuir iriai, j i is guaranteed every time vr money rtiuniea. 'inn! bottles f reeat vr. j. M. L.awiug's UrusUre. -Nevy(!a teems to be getting aioD prciry wen without a Gover. uor or Lieutenant Governor, both of whom are dead, aud for the elec- tiou of whoe successors to till the vacancies no provision is made in the State constitution. A Jew town constables' is all that is necessary to run the fag end of a State like that. Wilminqton Star. Once a colored preacher was con ducting a Methodist class meeting and some one played him a trick He took away his hymn book and put a dime song book in its place, When the preacher began he said 'Bred'ren, let's sing de seventy sixth hymn." And he looked over his spectacles. to see it all had it. "As I was walking down the alley 1 met a gal her name was Sally. "Bred'ren, I made a mistake, it was the BixtyfSeventh hymn. "Shoo fly, don't bother me, For I belong to Co. D. "Bred'reu, bless if some one ain't taken away de Methodist bymn book and put a Baptist hymn book in its place,'' Ex. . A DITTY TO YOURSELF. It is-surprising that people will use a com. ' ffion, ordinary pill when they can s?;ure a . valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker' English pills are a positive eurt or sick headache and all Liyer Trous nble They are small, sweet, easily taken and.douot gripe. For sale by Dr. J M Lawing", Druggists. ; VrThe Goosebone foretells tie weather, but who can tell when yoa will need Ganter's magic chicken ycSoTera cure ? Keep a stock on ..hand, for there's no telling when you will need it. If it fails to cure, your money will be refunded by Dr. '-JVM. Lawing, Lincolnton, N. C. A CHILD KILLED. Another child killed by the use of opiate giveu m meiorni 01 soothing Syrup. Why uivtutujjive iucir cunuren sucn deadly yuieuu lo surprising waen they can rlieve wo uuai us peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soo'.her. It contains no opium or morpaine. Sold by Dr. J M Law ing, Druggist. Who I Your llest Friend? i our stomach of course. Why ? JBecaus if it is out of order you are ont of the most miserable creatures Jiving. Give it a fair honorable chance and see if it is not the best mend you have m the end. Dnn't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your atom? oh is vhrough with breakfast. Tou can drink more and smoke mure in the evening and it will tell on vn less. If your food ferments and does not digest right, if you are iroubled witb Heartburn, Dizziness ol the head, coming on after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion.or any other trouble of the stomach, you had 1 psbuse" Green's Aucust Flower.' person can use it without im mediate relief Charity and Children. The Rev. Samuel P. Jones. BY T. H. PBITCIXABD, D. I). WI CAN 1ND DO Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it 1 1 r 1 1 , . ' iiitB uecu iuuy aemo-strated to the people of this country tha: it is superior to all other preparations for blood disease. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples, It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M. Lawing, Druggist. 1MPOBTANT! LOOK, KZAD, Before tten- Get Prices and Photos, FROM S3. BH. j.KT333E2.E3 UU'SS, e you buy Furniture. It will pay you. I want to call the a I tioa of all the readers of this paper that my stock ot FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS is now larger and more complete than at any time since 1 have been in the business. I have just received a car load of nothing bnt Antique uas ana sixteenth century auits, ranging in puce from $26.50 to 875.00. Ihese were bought at a bargain ana are the very newest styles. I have made a large deal in Parlor Suits also. Listen at these prices; Plash Suits of 6 and 1 pieces I am offering now for $32.50 to $100.00. Plush Suits in Walnut and Antique and 16th Century that I sold for 10 per cant, more money last year. I have a well selected line of Divans Plush Kbcfcers, Book Cases, Mantle Mirrors and Novelties in Furniture I have scoured the country this year for bargains, boying in large quan tities for cash to get the beat bargains, my object being to give my cus tomers this fall the mo?t and best goods possible for themouey. I make a specialty of furn ishiug residences aud hotels complete from top to bot tom. I am anxious to sell you all your furniture, and will do it if you will only allow me to quote my prices. Long time given on Pianos and Organs. Write me for prices and terms. E. M. ANDREWS, Charlotte, N. C. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops," Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverlshness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach "and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chll iapn. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its . food effect upon their children.'" Dr. O. C. 08oood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day la not Car distant wtea mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and ua Castoria in stead of the variousquack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agent down their throats, thereby ending &cm to premature grareg." Dr. J. F. Kjwchilok, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria U so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me.' H. A. AitoHxa, II. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of telr experi enoe In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and Dispensary, Boston, Mass. Allxn C. Smith, iYer, The Centaur Company, TI Murray Street, New York City. 10RE than a vear &&q. when it was proposed by a member of the Evangelical Alliance, of Wilmington, to invite this eel ebrated Evangelist to hold a meeting in this city, I distinctly declared that I could not co operate with him. Dr. Hoge said the same, and I think at least one other mem. ber of the Alliance agreed with us. In my relations as a public jour nalist, when Mr. Jones was after wards preaching in Charlotte, I .. .1 :i: ... uaijuy uiuiciseu uis puipit mau- uers. This was before he had been invited to Wilmington, and I closed my article by saying that I hoped he would never come to Wilmtugs ton, In my day. Let it be iememi bered that he was invited here by his Methodist brethren, aud not by the Alliance, as was Mr. Pearson, and indeed, he was called here agaiost the protest of at least two members of the Alliance. I was, hence, uuder no obligation to co-opt erate wuh him or even hear bimj bat at the request of the Methodist pastors of the city, I went to hear him twice. I heard him and bsve read the reports of his sermo&s as given in the city papers, aXd ac cording to promise, will iiow give my estimate of the man and h"s work. Bat before proceeding to discuss the man and bis methods, let us get at the real issue before us. I dc not object to Sam Jones as an Ev angeliet, or a Methodist Evangelist if he were a Baptist I could not co-operate with him. I honor him for hi 8 fierce and fearless denuaei ation of sin, and I am in hearty sympathy with him as a tempen ance reformer. Forty years ago, in paper of that day, 1 announced my self, when a boy, as an uncompro raising prohibitionist, and 1 have never from that day to this swerved a hair's breadth from that principle. Understand me on another point I do not callm question the piety of Sam Jones, nor impugh his mo tives. Many of his doctrines I can not endorse: for instance, ho tells the people to join the church before they profess to be converted and he seems tc me to preach salvation by works with a stronger emphasis than any man I have ever known. That he was able to benefit some bard cases by his peculiar style whom the pastors had not reached, I readily acknowledge, though Mr. Pearson reached mauy more than he, without his slang and vulgarity, and for all the good he did in Wil mington I, for one, am profoundly grateful. I think it is just, howev er, to consider other agencies m the meeting, besides those of Mr. Jones personally, which contribut ed largely to its results. In the first place, Mr. Stuart, an able and spiritually minded minister, preach ed several days before Mr. Jones came ; then there was brought to bear the moral - power of several hundred godly men aud women who had been praying for weeks for Gods blessings upon the meet- uccV.utK very respectable ac- was likely I would be arrested for 4T T W,l g0d A,terature, (slanderiog that damnable club.' nis power of il narration iv.,.r...K! , ... vj. i.muauit; .eciueu rn wet nmta a f.i iug, and added to this, we must take into the account the gracioas influence of the staging, nnder the leadership of Messrs. Excell and Bowden, which was admirable all these factors must be taken into the account in estimating the spiritual forces of the meeting. But to the man Sam Jones is of spare figure, medium height, has a rather handsome face, a good fore head and a very fine eye. His voice is singularly good, and he speaks with much deliberation. Wneu he makes a good hit he pauses to note the effect and twirls his moustache or scratches the back of his head. He is about 42 years old. Beyond all question, he is a man of rare ability his published ser monp, as well as the effects he pro daces show that. I should call him a genius certainly, he has a genius for putting things. His grammar is sometimes at fault, and his pro nunciation not" always correct ; but and skill in using anecdotes are equal to those of any man I haye ever known. H6 knows how to think tco, clearly vigorously and with M,UUkCU ongtuaiiiy. tie did not strike me as specially fluent, but ne nas great tact in choosing his 'vordf, and he knows how to put them into strong, pungent, striking sentences. He hits the mark he aims at every time and there is no mistaking his meaning. He did not impress me as being intellectually oroaa ana deep ; bat rather acute, vigorous and versatile. He is cer tainly one of the most leniarkable men I have ever seen and well wor thy of the careful study of all pub lic speakers. As a lecturer he would be superb, and as a boon compan ion delightful. His nersonalir.v i more manetio and powerful than that of any man I ever heard of like mental stature. To call him a great man would be to revolatioaize my couceptious ol human greatness. There may have beeu great men with an egotism as stupendous as his, but there never was one iu which this quality was as transparent. Certainly, in all the calendar of saints history shows not one whose self-appreciation was so colossal. The truth is, the man is badly! spoiled : his great success and the unstinted adulation he has received have turned his head. He assumes the roll of dictator at times : on one occasion, turning to the preach ers he said : You fat, lazy rascals, why were yon not here at the early prayer meeting, trying to save souls, instead of takiug your morniug nap ?" Oa another occasion he said "I expect to be at the judgment and to hear the excuses of some of the pastors of this city for not helping m this meeting-" The intimation pected to be at the general judg ment, but to be a sort of associate jastice with the Almighty in pro nouncing sentence and would enjoy the condemnation of those of ns who did not see fit to join iu his meeting. Such arrogance would be unbecoming in the Apostle Paul, much more in Sim Jones. His wit and humor are of a high order aud his slang seems absolute ly irrepressible, and often mauifests itself most irreverently. For iu stance, one night after he had preached and perhaps, a hundred persona bad come up and given him the band, and the preachers and workers had gone among the enqui rers aud were earnestly talking with them, and after Dr. Creasy had of fered a ferveut and melting prayer and when great solemnity prevailed, up jumped Sam Joues and begau to tals saying, among other things, "You ueed give yourselves no con cern about your Uncle Jones, he can tote his own little skillet." Instead of pointing sin -sick souls to the Savior to obtrude his own little per sonality in such flippant slaug, seemed to me little short of sacri lege. He was somewhat less stnut ty here than in Charlotte , but he said enough iu Wilmington to outs raje propriety, common decency, aud good morals. I was soundly abused aud vilified in some papers and by piivate cor respondence for styling Sam Jones a vulgarian and a blackguard. Even the distinguished son of North Car olina, Dr. John E. Edwards shot an arrow at me from away over in Va. After a fuller acquaintance with him, I am sorry to say I cannot withdraw those charges ; ou the contrary, I must add to them one still more serious, thai of profanity, aud if the utterances I submit be low do not make good each of those charges, I am ready to be branded a slanderer of my brethren "If you jump on your Uncle Jones you have got a government job on haud." "I love to see a man that stands independent of rules, ety mology, seed. ticks, and possum skins." sGet up on your hind feet. "Shoot off your little old mouth,'' "you old fool," "you old liar," "you old flop-eared houad," "you coum temptible puppies,'' "You lousy calves," "whining piga;'7 "X heard i vonte with him, as he used it ofteu. "If you get between me aud the club I will knock tbe filling ont ol you." "Get up and tWl God you did not approve of Sam Jones you lit tle blear-eyed tool." "Oh, shucks, I have got the dead wood on these things," meaning by things, the doctrines of gracp. 'Tbe pastor that aMows his mernhnrs rn en whiskey i not worthy to be the pastor of a litter of puppies." He called some of the most respectable gentlemen or v illimngton "Pnsil .unimous pole cats of bell." "Pole cats of hell? a brand new style of sweating, he used certaiuly aa mauy a three times, aud of some of onr citizens he said that if a buzzard should get sceut of them he would lly straight up half a mile to get away from the smell. These are samples of the elegant utterances of Sam Joues iu the pul pit, aud they are by no means the worst things he said. Tbe Messen. qer one ot our city papers promised tbe public full stenographic reports of all Sam Jones' sermons. On two occasions I asked the ed itor why he had left out some of bis utterances once when he preached to men only aud once wheu he had 300 ladies before him. His reply was as follows : "Doctor, I just couldn't do it. My paper goes into families where there are women and children." This editor got out special eumoH or nis two 8ermon to men and most excellent sermons they are too ; but some of the dirty, smutty thingB tbe preacher said are uot there. I do most sincerely be lieve that the tendency of all such language, no matter when uttered, i3 to debauch public morals, and that it will be many a day before this city will get over the evil efN fects of such baneful talk. Sam JsflgS'' pVtosJa jhe mQnr the childreu of Wilmington. A lady of my own charge told me she had to correct one of her children for a profane expression, when the child replied : "Why, mamma, that's nothing to what Sam Jones says." Another lady told me she was read- iog aloud one of Sam Jones' ser raons, when next day srie heard a little boy use one ot his ugly ex pression!?, and when the child was reproved, he replied, "I thought I could say what the preacher said.'' Still another case in another town where Sam Jones preached was that of a boy who called his brother "an infernal hound'1 and made the same excuse that Sam Jones said that in the pulpit. An ungodly man said to me a few days since. "We wicki ea men can jearn plenty of cuss words frem the Devil without go ¬ ing to the pulpit to be taught new oaths. Another man who sometimes swears said to me yesterday "If I wanted to curse a man blue, I weigbt ot hi great name to it by article as he exhibits in rebuking telling jokes m the pulpit and mak- j wickedoess. He comes to a pUce, ing the people laugh. Talmage has i deals out wholesale abuse for a few encouraged it somewhat, but I am glad to say that the great evange lists, Moody, Wharton, Pearson and Hutson have no such vicious hab its. Foreigners say the special vice of America is irreverence, aud I am afraid there is too much truth in the charge. I do not think T mk-A raise aysertiou when I say that the consummation and rlower of tb is evil plant is seen in the pulpit man ners of Sam Jones. He is the most irreverent mau 1 ever saw. I am not alone in this opinion, as will be eeu from the followiug from Dr. Primrose of thia eitv. "1 tid, Brother Jones, I don't mean to rj officious. I don't pre- sutne to discuss your methods, but there is one thiug I want to say by way of pioteat. It otfemJs the ears of mauy pious people to hear you use the iiauie of God flippantly. I do not mean iu inpas-iioned appeals to God or man, bur thus for exam ple : 'My Loid, wait till your Uucfe Jonea comeis.' 'Iu the nanm of God, wuat tio i care for your endorse ment.' Now our catechism teaches that the third commandment le quires the holy and leverent use of all God's names, titles, attributes, ordinances, words and works. 1 would not let my little boy imitate you. 1 suppose you thiuk Joues b!az ed up in anger- After a moment, he said : "Brother Prim'ose, I appre ciate this moie than anything that has happened. You are right, and I am wrong. It was thoughtltas, and by God's help 1 will stop it." Sam Jones is criminally careless in his assertions, even wbe i char, acter is involved. He declared that not one in five of the pastors of the city dared to be faithful in preach ing against the liquor traffic. I am glad to say the record of each of his uays ana is gone. 1 remain here and most meet the consequences of my ntterances aud I kuow what it will cost me. Already some of his admirers who have been my friends are cool in their manner towards me. 1 shall be sorry to loso their esteem, but if delivering my con science on this subject causes me to r - - i . juiim tneir regard, so be it. God has put me hero foi the defence of hi truth and I must do my duly, no matter what it costs. Fiatjusti tia, ruat Citlum. I believe that tbe seutiment of the bet Christian peon'e of th srafa will su-tain me Nay more I be lieve taat it wont be long before these very men who uow aro angry with n e will see that I have been fighting the cause ot truth and righteousness- I believe that many Methodists agree with me, and I kuow tht one of the niont dittin guished of the ounger preachers of that church, lately a popular pa. tor iu Ailmiufiton, X. C-, pro.-oses at an early day to publish atnoturea i'i the Christian Adi-nr.it pulpit mannrra of Sam Jones Dr. Paul Whitehead, whom 1 know per sorely to bi oue ot the ablest and most honored of Methodist; minis ters of Virginia- said ot Sam Jones' reflectun on him : "1 would rather he would love the Lord Jesus Christ enough not to wound him iu the house ol his friends by such impru dent and uncharitable remarks about miuisters. But this is only a specimen ot the improprieties per petrated in well nigh every sernaou." But be that as it may, I know I am right and shall not fear to speak. I had rather "Stand up alone with consciuiu pride Than err with milllous on my side." Mathildjak Jtm br$n. wou THE RESULTS OF THE 1IEETINO. wouldn't want any stronger words than Sam Joues uses. 'Pasillaai mous pole cats of hell' is good." We have certainly fallen upon evil timea when our children and wick ed men learn new forms of profani ty from tue pulpit. God never made two forms of profanity one for Sam Jones and one for other people. And what shall I say of the in sulting slurs cast upon Wilmington and her people, especially when he said that the aristocracy of Wil mington would not be allowed to sweep out the kitchens of the aris tocracy of Baltimore. I have lived iu Baltimore aud know many of her best people, and dare assert that tbe best people of Wilmington are equal to any ou the face of the earth. If he meant bis words to be taken seriously, he knew he uttered what was false ; if be said it in a spirit of bravado aud designed it to be taken as a sort of a joke, it was a silly joke and none the less in sulting, and I, for one Wilmington uian, am ashamed that hundreds of our citizens quietly sat aud heard their neighbors and friends insulted without protest, but actually laugh ed at what they knew was a slander. This tendency to degrade the pulpit began years ago in the North. Henry Ward Beecher gave the 1 have no data that will enable me to speak with certainty ou this point. I do not suppose so mauy people ever attended h meeting in North Carolina before. Fifteen hundred persons gave htm the hand which simply meant that they would try to do better. Probably 300, possibly 400 professed convers siou, inaDy of whom were from the country. The indications now are that, while three times as mauy people attended this meeting as that of Mr. Pearson, not more than ont third as many will join the chnrcbe. Public opinion is greatly divided here as to Sam Jones. Many good people would not hear him at all hnndreds weut ouce and got enough and never went again. Mauy de nounce him and bis methods, while others denounce those who would not work. They are getting warm I on both sides and the prospect now j is that tbe whole town will ie set by the ears over Sam Jones. That euch a state of strife fchould exi-t immediately after a great ieligiou meeting has closed argues that ther e has beeu wrong, serious wrong somewhere, and thia wrong I lay upon the pulpit manners ot Sam Jones that i9 the ouly issue I make with him and bis friends It h not a matter of taste it iu vol veai sues far graver than that it is a ques tion of morals. Sam Joues said we had no issues in Wilmington that stagnation was the next station to dam nation with him. Well, we have an issue now one distinctly joined as to tbe right and wroug in pulpit manners and the probabilities ot a very considerable stir iu this com munity. That thia article will not tend to allay the excitement I do not doubt, but shall not deplore if, after tbe storm, the skies are clear er aud the water purer. I was . requested by one of the city editors to give my opinion of the mau in his journal, but I pre ferred to wait till the meetiug had closed, and to express my opinions in the columns of the iournal for which I rite regularly. The boldness with which Sam Jones denounces tin is greatly ex tolled ; but I venture to say that it takes aa much courage to write thia A Coucl Way. rwocratc stumters in the West have adopted a simple i tt ve-.v ef fective mode of campaigning. They carry with t'jern a bag of samp'ei of tbe mces3arie8 ot life for woimn and men, each sample t aviijg three tags attached to it, on whrcb are marked the price thereof under the Hd tariff and uuder the new tariff, and what would be tbe price of them with no tariff. Ihes samples, wrtb the attached tag, they expose on a table, preach from the text thus laid down, and challenge tbe Kepublicaus to reHite one word they fay. Te, women folks, it it siid, examine the samples aud tags critically, and wheu they get Lorue tell the men that a dollar would go much further toward the support of the family under Democratic law than under the Republican hich tariff. Alexandria Gazette. TUE FIKST STEP. PfcrhHpa you are run down, can't eat cm t blfatj can't tLink, taa't do anything lo your satiita'.-tion, ani you wonder wbat ails you. lou cbould heel tue warning, you' are taking tbe nrst step inte Jfervou i rostrauoTi. iou Def-d a .yrve Ionic auri ii. Klectrie iJitter.s you will find the eaot remedy for featuring your nervoua systom to its normal, healthy vendition. Surpris ing results follow th'; use of thu greut .Nerve Tonic and Alterative. V'our appe tite return.,, gooo diction is restored, aDd the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy ac tion Try a bottle. Price 50c. at Dr. J. M Lawing'a Dru Store. A very excellent and intelligent citizeu of the county, a Republican, wan in this office the other day lo pay bis subscription and inciJeot ally remarked that he had lately been watching the course of public affairs very carefully and was done with the Republican party. He is a modest farmer aud does not wibh to attract attention to himself and therefore asked that his name be uot mentioned. We mention the circumstance, however, and in do ing eo recall the fact that in no campaign within the past twelve years have so many old-line Repub licans deserted the party as have in tbe campaign now drawing to a close. Statesville landmark. CAN'T SLiSP XlfcHTS Ii the complaint of thousand suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker'-, English Re medy? It is the best preparation known to'- all Lung Troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25 cents and 50 cents. 1'or sale by Dr. JM L-twing, Drugget- ADVEETISE in the Courier. Rate are reasonable. Try it one year and see if it does not pay.

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