1 VOL IV LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DEC. 12, 1890. U A7 n& rwl ill Y 11 WIio .1- ' r B at Fj-Ienrt? Your 3touiai J, ui . ours . Wby? iteeaua if it i ut oi . Ak- miu ar on of the most miserable ci 'rur -- livm.'. Give it a fair hono'ubie cr niM-.! r.-l if it ii not the best frir.d y-u hnve in the end. Don't smoke in :le m .ri,jrig. ' lAiTt drink in the jaorniDir. Jf;. c.i must si. okft and drink wan uoti! V"U'' -toiuH h is through with breMt Von i:nu JnLk more and imoke lucre in t'.'v evr.iiin ri..l it will-tali on you less, it y-iur Irjrmerits and does not digest luLt, i' you are troubled with -Heartburn, L)i?z.n t3 of the head, coming on after ealin, hiJiousutr.-s, Indijfefltioc,or any otLe'.- trou'ole ot th? ttomaoh, you had . p?buse Green'.- August Flower, Mf no person can use it without im mediate relief yu sometime see people too old to rf-ad, aud too old to write, but d'd anso'.e ever see a man too old to count money Uchison Globe. K CiJll.l' Kii.I.LO. Ariutlier ciiii j Ku,.;. i., the use of opiates given i'u thjf iiii i -..t'i'ng iJyrup. Why zn-jth'-Ts g-ive iheir chiM.-er. such deadly poison i$ jurpribin r wLcn tbey can relieve the vbiU ot its j-eudiar trt ubles by usiug Dr. Acker's bahy i other. It contains no opium r morphine. :;oid by Dr. J ii Law inj, Druggist. "Bright us they are, there U one ttiog Va-tsar giris never seein to learn." "What's that?" '-That they can't cook' Yeiv York Sun." A DUTY TO VOCRsELF. It., surprising tlia.t reople-wril use a com mon, ordinary pill who they can secure a valuable English one for the same money. Dr. Acker's English piils are a positive curet or gick headache and all Liver Trou able. They are tmail, eweet, easily taken and do udt gripe. For sale by Dr. J M Lawing, Drmrists. V Fair visitor "Why do they call '" the sailors tare, lie'utenaut'?" Lieu ' ' tenant "Because they pitch into the enemy." TUe Jester. WE CAN AND DO - Guarantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it baa been fully auionstrated to the: people . f this country that it is superior to all ether preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for nyphihtic poisoning, . Ulcer, Eruption and Pimples. It purifies 2 tie wboie system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M. Lawing, Druggist. 1MPOB.TANT! look, . Get Prices and Photos, FROM Before you buy Furniture. It wi pay you. I want to cl the a tten tiou of all the readers of this paper that my s'ock ot FURNITURE, PIANOS AND ORGANS is now larger and more complete than at any tirna since I have been in the business. I have just received a 'car-load: of nothiu but Antique Oak and Sixteenth Century Suit?, ranging in ptic fioni $26.50 to $75.00. These were bought ac a bargain and are the very newest styles. I have made a large deal in Parlor Suits also. Listen at these prices j Plash 8aits of 6 and 7 pieces I am offerini; now for 32.50 to 100.00. Plush Suita in Walnut and Antique and 16th Century that I sold tor 10 per Cccat. more money last year. I havo a well selected line of Divans Plush Rockers, Book Cases, Mantle Minora and Novelties in Furniture. 1 have scoured the country this year for bargaius, buying in large quan tities lor cash to get the beat bargains, my object being to give my cus tomers this tall the;most and best goods possible for tbemouey. I make a specialty of furnishing residences aud hotels complete from top to bot torn. I am anxious to sell you ail your furniture, and will do it if you will only allow me to quote my prices. Long time given on Pianos and OrgaLs. Wiite me lor prices and terms. E. M. ANDREWS, Charlotte, N. C. m i mm mi ii What is L. Casforia Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, DropsSoothinj; Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years'. use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fevertsluiess. Castoria' prevents yomiting Sour Curd, ures IXiarrlicea and "Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething: troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria as'siuiilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-,-torla is the Children Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria; Castcrla 1 an axcUnt mediclat for ohlf. 4rn. iIoUir Lara rnpAUJly told ia of 1U food affect upon iliir iLU4ra." Dr. .Q. C. OaaooD, LowlT, Mass. " CaatorU m the bus remedy for ciuldren of wtkii I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the ral fcuttre; of their children, and um Castor U. in ctaad of the Tarious quack nostru ca w hi ah are dettroylBf their loved ones, by forcing opium, Jfcory.h'.rd, toothlo ayrup aad other hurtful Casta down their throaW, thereby fftnflfog Uiux to premature travei." a DR. J. F. EufCELKLOK, ' Conway, Ark Tli Centaur Company, T7 Murray Strat, Ne-sr York City, - '- '' mm. . THE NEW DISCOVERY You have heard 3'our friends and neigh bors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who koow from personal experience jua: how good a thing it is. If you have ever trie 1 it, you are one of iti staunch ftienda, because the wonderfa thing about it i, that when once given a trial, Drl King's New Discovery ever after holda a place in the house. If you have ever used it and sbojli be afflicted with a cnogh, cold or any Throat, Lung or ch9t trouble, secure a b'ttle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial bottles Free 4 Dr. J. M. La wing's Drugstore. Burn the rubbish and destroy the egga and larva of insects. THE FIRST STEP. Psrhapa you are run down, can't eat can t sleeptcan't think, can't do anything to your satisfaction, and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning, you are taking the first step into Nervous f ri'StrjttK'n. iou lieeu a N-jrve Ionic and ia Electrie Bitters vou will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to Its normal, healthy condition, surpris ing results follow the use of this great .Nerve Ionic and Alterative. Your appe tite return;,, gooe digestion is restoredand the Liver and Kidneys resume healthy ac tion. Try a bottle. Price 50c. at 'Dr. J. M Lawing's Drug Store. T Never throw the food of an ani mal into dirt ot any kind. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets axe a positive cure tor tne worst forms of Jjys pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency aud Con aumption. Guaranteed and sold by Dr. J M Lawing Druggist. What is called road making ia too olten mnd makiug. CAN'T SLEEF NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Cough, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English P.e. medy ? It is.the best preparation knows for all Lung Troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25 cents and 50 cents. For sale by Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist. There have been mate chicks destroed by cholera since the war than there were men killed dariner the war, but Ganter'a uuagic chicken cholera cure will soon ntop that. It iasold and warranted by Dr. Lawing. READ, i k 1 Z Castoria. :" Castoria Is so well adapted to dblliren that I recommead it as superior to aay preacripUon known to sue.-' - - H. A. Arch, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. ' Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their jaxperi esce in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we . only have among our medical supplies what is known as regular producte, yet we are free to confess that the Icerita of Castoria has won us to look with fator upon it." United Hospital xnd Dispissary, Boston, Al&sja. AI2JCM C. Sicth, Pre , Statement ofReyeuue and tbarges of Lincoln Conu , ly, X, C, for the Year finding Dec. lt, 1600. Bal. on -hand Dec 1 1SS9 KecM of A Nixon Sheriff taxes Rc'vl A Nixon Sh. disc. c " " - " jury tax 44 : " "photo license (Moore) Rc'd A Nixon Sh. jail Fees T C Wilson Rc'd A Nixon Sh. jail Fees D jenKins Rc'd A Nixon Sh. tax mu sical entertainment $329.62 5431.13 141.1C 56.00 5.00 6.00 3.00 3.00 Rc'd A Nixon Sh. jury taxes 23.00 ' 4k entertamm.'t 5.00 " 3.oo " 44 ' Marriage Li cense tax 8-1.55 44 A Nixon Sh. on taxes-90 loo.oo 44 T II HoKe For shingles 1.59 For hire Jim Childs lo.oo "RSReinriardtReeldam'g 5.oo 44 J A Robinson on detect ive matter 5o oo " R S Reiuhardt on detect lve matter I6.00 44 C E Childs C S C fine state vs Wm Gamble 5.55 44 CE Childs CSC jail Fees I heo Lander .9o 44 C E Childs CSS money, un called For 298.oS For hire Sy Sample 6.00 4 Dr Kiser For cement 3.oo P F Baxter wheat rent at poor house 27.5o 15 C Wood land sold 2.42 Total Revenue $6616.51 . COUNTY CHARGES. The following have been audited and ordeied to be paid for the year eading let December, 1890 : December 2d 1389. To P F Baxter, p. h. bill, 8115.75 44 T C Wetmore stat ionery, - 10.88 u Jno L Cobb for goods for pauper, 44 W A Hoke for legal ser vices for Board, 43.01 100.00 3839 44 B C Wood i acx t iwco as Qarrriiiiii rm e cierk, &c, for November, 44 Jno F Sherd! J, kecpiug town clock 1 quarter, "JD Plonk, nails lor bridge, 44 J C Willis, for work on 4.00 .35 stock law fence, 44 A Nixon, sheriff, jail fees, &c-, for November, "J Will Mcintosh, D S, bringing Will Morrisou and Henry Shipp to jail, 44 JO Hoover, coroner, for services on inquest over the late Bobt Murdock, " W L Crouae, M D, tor services on inquest, 4 J M Rendleman, Jury on inquest, 44 J A Hoy le, jury on inquest, 44 JCDellinger, " " 44 D A Troutman, u 4 Jt 41 R M Beal, " " 44 J A Kennedy, " u u J F Nance tor comiug to Liucolnton for Dr Crouse to hold post tuortum, ' J F Fox, M D, for one visit to poor bouse, January 6th, 1890. "Samuel Lauder for tax refunded ou biiliajd and pool table, 44 P F Baxter, fer poor . house bill for December, 44 J E Reiuhardt for work ou "Reinhaidt bridge," "LL Houser for woik oo approach to iron bridge, " W L Crouse, ML D., prof. . services at poor house, " JnoF Davis for convey .iug lunatic to Morgan ton Asylum, " J M Roberts, for pub. revenue and charges, WT Massey & Co., for goods for paupers, " W H Hoover, for work . on bridge, " " W H Hoover, J P, ex- amioatioo of lunatic, C C Detter .for rebuild iDg vHoover bridge," " Jno Reedy & Co for xned icine for paupers, ET Childs for goods for paopers, . . " Julius Link for goiDg af ter coroner. 11.37i 35.25 5.00 12.10 10.00 3 00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 2.0U 10.00 132.15 19.00 1.00 23.00 15.75 20.02 8.00 18.00 1.00 40.75 2.45 2.55 I 1.50 To A Nixon, Sheriff, for jail fees, &c, Decern her,' 56.55 44 B C Wood for services as clerk for December, 28.18 February 3rd, 1890. 45 P F Baxter for poor house bill for January, 127.75 44 P F Baxter for building granary at poor house, 28.72$ 44 JnoF Anthony for puti ting 26 lights in wind- "ows'ofjail, 1.50 41 J E Reinhardt for work ou lieinuardt bridge, . 5.00 44 J P Cprnwell for work I on Iron Bridge, 1.60 44 E Crowel, M D for ex amination of a lunatic, 5.00 41 Philip Carpenter, J p, examination of lunatic 1.00 44 Henry Rhodes, J P, tor exaoiiuation of lunatic, 1 00 " S W McKee, J P, for ex amination of luuatic, 1.00 44 Hoke & Michal for goods lor paupers, 2.(J0 44 T J Hoover for serving 1 road order, .60 44 Jacob Gilbert for work od bridge at Win Bests', 510 44 L G Smith, M D, servi ces to Geo Stiller, 1Q.00 44 Jno L Cobb for goods fcr poor house, 9.79 44 A Nixon, sheriff, tor jail fee?, etc., for Jauuary, 37.70 44 B G-Wood, semees as clerk, etc., - 10.25 A Link tor Road Jury Mrt. Reel's laud, l.oo 44 Wm Troutman for road jury, Mrs Reel's land, - 1.00 44 G W Edwards for road jury Mrs Reel's land, 1.00 44 Lawson Dellinger fer road jury Mrs Reel's land, 1.00 J C Rudisill for road jury Mrs Reel's land, 1.00 44 Mrs. Reel for damages by public road, 5.00 44 R S Reinhardt for raoney advanced to Sutherland and Williams, detectives, 374.68 March 3d, 1890. " P F Baxter for poor house bill for Feb, 123.45 " Jno Reedy & Co for medicine for paupers. 3.15 4; CE Childs for Edwards & Broughtoh for blanks etc., 17.85 44 J F Sherrill for keep ing clock 1 quarter, 4.00 44 V L Crouse, M D, for services at poor house, 12.00 44 A Nixon sheriff for jail fees fcc, for February 24.70 44 S A Sain D S for serv ing 1 road order .tt) 44 B C Wood for services as clerk etc, 19.50 April 7, 1890. 44 P F Baxter for poor house bill for March 112.20 44 Jno .Reedy & Co for medicine, for paupers, .35 44 J P Cornwell for work on iron bridge 1.70 44 A Weiskitel & Son for repairs for stove for R D's office 2.05 44 L L Houser for repairs on bridge near I B 2.16 44 B C Wood for purchas ing railroad ticket for Lidia Abernethy pauper 11.00 44 Lander & Latham for . board for jury 13.30 44 A Nixon sherifffor jail fees &q for March 69.35 44 C E Childs, C S C for -blanks, copy of bonds & 14.43 44 Thos Wells for hanging door at court house .75 44 B C Wood for services as clerk &c for Mareh 4,95 May 5th, 1S90. '4 P F Baxter for poor " house bill for April - 113.46 44 W W Wells for work on courthouse and jail 5.00 44 ThosC Wetmore for 1000 envelopes 1.50 44 W L Crouse & Co for medicine for-p hand jail 5.30 44 WL Crouse MD for services at. p-h and jail 6.50 44 A Nixon sherifffor jail fees tfcc for April 3L45 44 Sain'l Sain for work on stock law fence 6.25 4k B C Wood for services as clerk &c for April 6.45 C0OTY LIABILITIES SPRT50 TERM '90. No 1 State vs M Hovis 4.20 No 2 State vs John Lortz 15.43 1.23 5.55 1.20 4 3 ' J A Bvnum u 4 u "WG Howard 4i 5 4- Wm Lvnch ' i 41 4 Sarah Miehem and Sermantha Ritchey 4 7 State vs Augustus Bark ley and" Junius Berry 4.10 1.23 44 8 State vs Dan Canipe and Lucy Bliss 9.70 44 9 State vs C W Ward and Joe Cherrv 5.05 44 10 State vs Wm Leonhardt 3.43 44 11 " 44 R II Templeton 3.10 44 12 44 44 Bob Adams 3.73 44 13 " " Willie Warlick 3.23 44 14 44 44 Wm Lingerfelt 6.73 44 1 5 44 Pleas Stroup .90 44 16 J" Albert Lackey S.90 44 17 44 M M Lineberger 2.60 4 IS 44 44 Cicero Williams 30.15 44 19 44 44 Moses Eaker s.47 4 20 u 44 Josh Pendleton 10.75 44 21 44 44 WTash. Clark 16.55 44 22 44 44 H Pendleton 9.7S 44 2 3 44 44 SLHartzoge 21.09 44 24 44 44 J O Mundv 57.28 To C E Childs CSC for certifying 24 bills 6.00 44 CE Childs CS C for certifying and record ing report of G jury .60 June 2nd, 1800. 44 P F Baxter for poor . house bill for May 132.45 "JO King for serving 2 road orders 1.20 "B C Wood to use of HarrelPs printing House for Magistrates' blanks &c 2.62 " J L Kistler for goods, for paupers 1.32 " J W Lewis for atten tion to Alice Smith 7.00 "AF Goodson for work on road 7.15 "SH Upton for work on stock law fence 8.40 " E James for coffin for Alice Smith 5.00 " J L Cobb for goods for poor house 4.90 " P A Reep for lumber for Ramsaur Bridge 25.25 "PA Reep for goods for paupers 9.27 " J F Sherrill for keep ing clock 1 quarter 4.00 " J T McLean for lime for poor house 1.50 " Edwards 6: Broughton for binding tax book 1.75 "J- Will Mcintosh for coffin for Mary J Hiu- son's child 1.00 K WL Crouse. M D for services to paupers &o 15.10 " A Nixon sheriff for j ail fees &c for May 32.10 B C Wood for services as clerk &c for May 31.04 July 7, 190. To P F Baxter for poor house bill for June 109.74 P F Baxter for burying pauper &c 21.83 G W Cochran for servi ces as Sec Bd apprais ers of C L N G R R .1.00 A F Jones for lumber for culvert 2.44 R L Sigmpn J M Kids . eoniu CvC for pauper 5.00 S W McKee J P for ex amination of a lunatic . 1.00 J D Plonk J P for ex amination of a lunatic 1.00 Daniel Sain for work on stock law fence $.92 A Nixon sheriff for jail fees kc for June 41.45 R S Reinhardt for list ing taxes-in Ironton 13.00 L D Haynes for listing taxes in Lincolnton S0.Q0 WF Kelly for listing taxes in Catawba Springs 30.00 W L Crouse cv: Co for medicine for paupers 7.64 J C Hoover for services as coroner Miles Barringer P D Hinson jury inquest C M Jetton 44 ' 6.80 1.50 1.50 - 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 .40 10.55 J W Lloyd 44 H A Kistler 44 A Nixon ,4 44 H E Ramsaur 44 J P Cornwell for work on Iron Bridge A W Reedy for ink B C Wood for services as clerk &c July 14-15, 1890. To Philip Carpenter for Hat ing taxes in Howard's Crk 2S.00 T P Jenks for listing taxes in North Brook 1S00 W L Crouse M D for ex amination of 2 lunatics 10.00 August 4th 1S90. To P F Baxter for poor house bill for Julv 110.20 A Nixon sheriff for jail lees iVc for July 50.10 J C Quickie for bridge near Crouse bridge 52.25 H J Crooks J P for ex amination oi a lunatic LOO S Wr McKee J P for ex amination lunatic 1.00 J M Roberts publish ing letting ot ;oor 1.50 F A Bevies pauper's coffin 3.50 F T Short burying pauper 3.60 W J ingate conveying prisoner to jail 2.50 J A Brotherton bridge over Little's Creek 39.S1 T L Vail services as sec Bd appraisers C C R R 3.00 J C Willis work on stock law fence 7.27 D B Thompson work on Graham Bridge 17.10 Robt Ilauss worA; on bridge Rocfc Dam .75 L L Houser worA; on bridge near iron bridge 3.95 J Will Mcintosh D S conveying Wells Hoop er to jail 3.50 B C Wood services as clerK fcc July 19.95 August 6th 1890. To W L Crouse & Co med icine Tor poor house 2.40 E James lumber for culvert 1.73 September lit 1S90. J W Dellinger serving 12 road orders 7.20 W B Harrell .woik on public road 11.25 J M Roberts publishing notice election 3.00 J II Tutherow Keeping cIock 1 quarter 4.00 S W McKee repairs on . bridge 1.00 J P Cornwell woik on Iron Bridge 1.S0 A Nixon sheriff jail fees &c August 19.5.85 W W WTells 3 bbls ce ment for O II floor 18.00 S A Sain D S serving 29 road orders 17.40 W L Crouse M D servi ces at poor house and jail 10.00 J K Cline repairing QuicKle bridge 32.99 J F Davis D Kincaid A Nixon inspecting bridge Morrison Ov Reinhardt 6:00 J C King const, serving S road orders 4.0 S E Mauney lumber for bridge 93.51 P F Baxter p h bill Aug 136.45 E T Childs goods for p h 49.18 J F Miller Supt EX C Asylum traveling ex- leuse Ida Hoffman 9.00 B C Wood services as clerK fce August 27.28 October, b" 190 To P F Baxter, poor houan b;U for September, 113.70 4 W L Crouse & Co, medi icjne for paupers, 8 80 44 A Nixon sheriff, jail fees &c, September, 84.45 "DT Doty, hauling plank for bridge, .50 " B C Wood, services a Cleik &c, Sept'.'fuber, 10.42 44 C Motz & Son.-, plauk for bridge, 1.23 44 I A Reep. 1 box tobac cu for j aupers f0.32 44 L D Hiyne?, J P? for ex amination of iuuatic, 1.00 ,4 S W McKee, J 1 ex- auutjalio!! of lunatic, 1.00 4 ileury Houser, J P, ex- cmination of lunatic, 1.00 44 Philip Carpenter, J P, examination of lunatic, 1.00 41 E Crowel M D, exami nation ot lunatic, ' 5.00 44 E Crowel. ii D, exami nation of lunatic, 5.00 4i Lincolnton Hotel, board for Jurors, 13.30 4i W W Wells, for work sand &c,. c h floor, E T Childs fcx goods 8.12 NO. 32 for paupers, 19.S7 To H E & J B Ramsaur for goods for paupers, 5.50 44 J L Kistler, for framing, charter, 1.60 " S E Mouoey, lumber for bridge, 3-00 44 S E Mauney, lumber for bridge, 25.50 44 Henry Shuford, cleaniiig court house, 1.V0 Nov. 3, 1S90. 44 P F Baxter for p b bill, for October, 101.70 DE Rhynr, & Co, build- iog bridge, 297.49 44 C E Childs esc, blanks &c 16.00 44 lbbie Lowe for supputt, 3.0J 44 J L Cobb lor goods for p h, 12.80 44 S W McK.-e, J P, for serics as registrar, 14.10 44 A C Bums for work oa bridge, 1.82 44 S V Goo Sou J P, serv ices as r srar ' 3.54 44 Jno. F Davis, J P, Ben vices as n-gistrar, 5.82 44 A Nixon sheriff, jail fees ' &c Octoblr, 73.20 44 B C WoM for services as e'etk making tax lists &e, 171 50 COUNTY LIABLE3 FALL TERM 1890 No 1 Sate vs. Mack Bumgar- ner, 4.83 44 2 state v.. Philip Reagau, 9.11 44 3 4 4 4 E C D-ll;n,-er, 2.UO 44 4 " 44 Kate Abernethv. 8.75 5 " " Wi'liam Williamson, 1.28 G 4 "Abe Hoot- r, 368 7 44 44 J..liii Forret, Mag Wk.-, 8 sfate vs, Fen Pioctor, 16.32 8.20 44 9 44 44 William VinMte, 44 10 -4 " Lho Boii, ' 11 44 14 Uarfivt Hooper, 44 12 4 "Fanute Graham 5 50 185 V.03 .90 14U0 44 13 4- 44 J bd Mowr, 41 14 le 4 WH iani WdlUuis, 2.35 15 44 44 Fnuie G'ham, .90 44 16 44 44 Wells Hooier, 32.91 . 17 pna. Ued ' 8peth, Julin Johii&iM, 16.96 44 18 state vs. Eaunie Graham, 3.25 44 20 44 4 John Grifi, 113. 2 1 44 4- C W Ward, 4 91 4 22 4 44 CW Wi.rl; 3 15 41 23 -4 a 24 " 44 25 44 44 26 44 44 27 44 44 28 44 . 29 44 30 44 - 31 44 ' 32 44 "33 41 44 3 4 44 44 3 5 4' 44 R H Faii-QU.'t 19 4S 44 Charles Unavner, 3 45 44 Miles Ro'teriu, 1.65 44 John Moser, 5.00 44 Fannie (irabam, 3,7t 4 Alouz B'u':k, 12.43 44 Francis Pioctor, 11.46 4r Fannie Graham, 00 John One-, . 7.70 44 John Mjer, 4 78 14 Anderson Costner,14.38 4- Jacob Granr, 4 93 "John BakT, John Medliu, 33.43 3C state v. Philip O.irpfjnter, 1 28 "37 44 "CE Deding-r, 1444 44.33 44 Julius Uarmoo, 15.00 To O (Mulds CSC cer. titying 38 bills, 9.50 To C E Childs O S C certi fying and recording re port G Jury, LOO Grand total. 5158.00 1, B. C. Wood, tleik of the bord of cohimviMioners, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true state ment o4 the i e venue aud charges of Lincoln county for the year ending December 1. 1S90, exeept- amount paid to the members of tue Board, as taken from the minute of tho Board. B. C WOOD, Cleik. "Sit" or "wel." A writer in the Christian World sends up this little locket to eit light upon the confusion ex"stn in the niiud.- of znany very well educa ted people in regard to the ue of the Words ''s t" and "set"' a con lusiou similar to that which aeem to attend uncn the choice ot saying (wiU" or "hali:'' 4:A man, or wom an, either, cau set :v hen, although thev cannot fit her; neither cau they set ou her, although the" old beu might set ou thm by the hour if they would al'ow. - A man cia not sbt on a wash bench; but h could set the .basiq .on id, and neither the ba-in nor the gramma"' riau would object. .He could sit on a dog's tail if the dog were willing, or be-migbt set his foor on it. Bot if he should set ou the aforesaid tail or, sit bis foot there, the gram marians as well as the do would howl. And yet, airangH is it may eero, the man" might- et the tail aside and sit dowr, and nei.her Oe i a. bailed, by the dog nor the graaiT ! marianV Wide Awoke The orange crp in ritvill and 'SicUy is reported a failure.

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