$1.50 A YEAR THE LINCOLN COURIER AN A HAI.F- A Sinco we changed the price of the Courier to One Dollar there has been but little vari ance in the Subscription list and we therefore conclude that the people who want a county paper are willing to pay $1-50 tor it, at any rate we cannot atford to publish the (Jourier at $1-00 a )'ear- Henceforth we will hold to our original price $ f0 - year. SCIENTIFIC MISCELLANY. I'imijek Preservatives. Of the many piocefseH suggested for preseivin timber, only three have been much used. Of these, kyan uiug, or impregnation with bichlo ride of mercury, has proven very ef fective tor structures like bridges exposed to the weather alone, and not to continuous dampness; but tor railway sleepers or pave ments it ia of doubtful value. Burs nettizinf, or treatment with sul phate ot zinc, is unfitted for bridges and ober exposed placet, on ac count of the leadiuet-s with which the zinc is washed out. Several met! o Is ot preventing this, howev er, dosing the pores of the wood, have been piopoaed. The hornet tiziug process used to borne ex tent in I he United Sutes hr lail way sleeper, though the cost is 20 to 25 cents each ; while on English railways the third process, creosot in, is almi st. universally employed. Creos ting i also much used tor baibor works, as it offers the only practicable means of resisting the attacks of marine worms. A new proce, consisting in soaking the timbrr Hi naphthaline, was intro duced into England in 1882, and is reported to have giveu good exper imental results tor fcleepeii, coaU mine supports, harbor works and care, and to have the advantages ot not untitling the wood tor cutting or paiuting, aud of being readily applied to the uudried l gs. Gkouni Water and Disease. Mrt Baldwin Latham, President of the Royal Meteorological Society, states that most epidemics acoompauy or immediately follow a period when the under ground water is unusually low, though some diseases are most rife when the soil contaius most water. Cholera ordinarily breaks out when there is least grouud wat. er ; small-pox ia almost always pre, ceded by a long season of dryness of the ground : and typhoid and carlet fevers are most prevaleut on the first wetting of the ground a'ter a dry period. Tbere is usually most diphtheria in a low water year. Measles, on the contrary, is most prevaleut at aud near high water periods, while whooping-cough in creases with the ground. water, and diminishes as it subsides. The death-rate is always greatest in years of drought aud low ground, water. Constitution of the Earth. Sir Win. Thompson demonstrates the solidity of the earth by rotating two eggs, one ra and the other cooked, suspended by steel threads. The cooked egg behaves like any solid body, aud continues to move for a long time , but. the raw egg soou comes to a stop, because the shell only was put in motion, aud the friction ot the matter of the egg soon overcomes the impulse. From this it appears that the earth cannot cousist of a thin solid crust contain ing a liquid or psty nucleus, such constitution being particularly iu compatible .w.tb the movemeut ot be terrestrial axis corresponding to the p ecession of the equinoxes. An Austrian naval officer finds tba contrary to general statement, the itnagiuarv lino separating one day Iroiii lb? next does uot pass the Philippine lsimuls on the west, but eniiftiderahly to the eastward. A ihdiiue to the Jjiitopenu date w is made bv the governor ot tho e islauds in 1S44 by omitting Dec. 31 f oio the calendar for ih.it yar. A similar change was made in Alak t on its purchase from Uussia. The 300th asteroid was dtscovtied on Oct. 3d. The first was licov ered Jan, 1st, 1801, and the list h been increased by about 100 in the last ten years Variations op Latitude. Ob servations at Berlin, Stranburg, Prague and other plaoes have been reported as showing a decrease in the latitude of Central Europe. This implies that a shifting of the earth's axis is in progress. For the six months ending with February, 1890, the amount of decrease was half a second, which would be quite a se rious rate of alteration if steadily continued. According to Prof. AN fred Kirchoff, however, the obeer vations for the halfijear ending with August, 1890, show an oppo. site change or increase in Berlin' latitnde: The movement, therefore, appears to be a minute oscillation o the axis, which is probably produced by nome changes iu the internal mass of our planet. It was lately pointed out that a heaping np oi the sea to the extent of 500 cubic miles would give a perceptible vi bration, and an ice accumulation might have a like effect, A Salt Lake. The salteat body of water known i stated to be th Lake of Ur-imia, in Persia. The lake is 84 miles long, 24 miles wide and very shallow, and is at a heigh of more than 4000 feet above set level. Its northern shore is a glit tering border of salt. Analysis shows that the water contains 22 per cent of salt, a much larger pro portion than exists in the Dead Sea. A very small species of jelly fish is the only living thing that cab endure the salt. Measurements of the sun's dis tanc by the methods of different periods iu astronomical science hav given these results: Uippa'chus, 150 B. C, found it to be 5,900,000 miles ; Posidonins, 100 B. C, 62, 750,000 miles ; Copernicus, 1543 A. D., 4,700,000 ; Kepler, 1028, 13,500 000 miles ; Weodelin, 1640, 58,600, 000 ; Pticcioli, 1650, 29,200,000 miles; Casein', 16S0, 86,000,000 miles ; La hire, 1687, 136,000,000; Laplace, 1799, 92,800,000; Eocke, 1824, 95, 250,000 ; and recent estimates make .t 92,890,000 mile.'. Cuneiform tablets lately deciph ered prove to be among the earliest agronomical records known, giving n minute account of Chaldean ob nervations of the moon aud the planets for the year 522 B. O. Acidity on (lie Stomach. This condition is due to germs, and the cute lies iu getting rid of the germs. Germs ot fermentation in the stomach produce first alcohol, then carbonic acid, aud then acetic acid, A person troubled with this form ot dyspepsia should be careful to take only such articles of food as do not favor the development of germ?, aud thus starve them out. Another thing to do is to wash the germs out of the stomach by drink ing freely of hot water before meals. If food is puL iuto a stomach al ready sour, of course fermentation will be set up immediately. Some persons notice that as soon as they eat, their stomachs become sour. The third important thing to do is to stimulate the stomach to make more gastric juice, which is a uatu. ral antiseptic, and prevents fermen. tation aud also hastens absorptiou. The glands may be stimulated by applying hot fomentation to the stomach for half an hour or an hour immediately after the close ol a meal, or, easier still, by wearing a rubber bag filled with hot water directly over the stomach for half an hour or an hour. Heat is a uat ural stimulant, and there are no possible ill t-ffects from its use in this way. Good Health. Koch's Lymph in Asheville. There is probably no busier man m Asheville to-day thau Dr. Karl von Rucb, of the Winyah sanitari um. The iact of his having pro cured a supply of the uow famons Dr. Koch's lymph, has caused him to be besieged with applications for treatment. The Doctor now has three cases under the Koch treat menr, and says that although the reactiou has beeu slight in each case he has every reason to be hopeful, as the effect on rhe patients is almost identical with that fol fowiag the appiicatiou of the lymph by Dr. Koch. Dr. vou Ruch made an application of the lymph Sunday at the minion hospital. There were lighteeii physicians present who are interested iu watching ih result. A second inj-ctiou was made yesterday morning. Asfaville ( itizen. The greatest profit on a pig is in the first pounds. JU!, Aged 115 Years. SANTA Fe, N. M., Dec. 24, 1890. News of the death of Pedro Anto nio Lopez, aed 115 years, was re ceived here tonday. He passed off very quietly aud without any suffer ing, being conscious aud especially talkative up to the last moment. Ho knew that the end was coming, and he had his children and grand children gathered around him. He talked to them of the service be had done as a soldier under the Spanish kings. Lopez was mentioned in connection with the censuA report in last Jnne on account of his ex treme old age. Dropping Into the Court House, one going to see the Register of Ueed8 would find a one-legged man, and sitting by would be his chief clerk, a one-armed man. In the clerk's office he would find the dep uty a one-armed man ; and up in the office of Superintendent of Pub lic Instruction he would also find a one-armed man, while as he goes out he would bid farewell to the janitor, who still bears in his person a ball received in battle. Is there tny other Court House in the State that makes such a good showing? Ealeiqh Observer. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she save them Castori BUCKLEY '3'AKNIcA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sorea, ulcers, salt rheum, fever eres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive ly cures pilps. or no pay required. It guaranteed to gi ve perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Pr.cs 25c. per box. For sale by Dr. J. M. La wing, Druggist WHY IS IT THAI TjlE HE DOQE BfGE !3 THE Greatest Wonder of the age? Because It lathe only Range In which you can roast meats and fowls (all other ranges bikeihem) also because you have 30 p. c. less loss in weight. of mtais, than in anv other ranee, making the saving; of cost Of a Cauia Door Range every year in this one iccm alone. Think of it!! A leu pound roast will lose four p.M.i.is when baked in any other ranee, which is 40 per cent ; while a similar piece when RoASTeu in a realize l)our K,uije will lose only one pound, or les tlian id per cent. Because It orevents Dyspepsia, as nothing fried r.ee.i be eaten if you have a Gauze Door Rantre. all hrc.il vq heint; done in the oven n Ite broiler ; hfie. HOW IS ALL THIS ACCOM PLISHED? 1 i-ouii in the even door is a sheet of fine brass wire cauze. which allows aclrculatlon of pure air to pass into the oven, hence the name CAUZE DOOR RANGE. If more attention was pai I to how your lood was cooked, there would be les need of Doctors. Tne Principals of the Philadelphia, New York arid Poston Cooking Schools all use the Gauze Diior Range in their Schools, because they wat: U;e Hest. Vou owe a duty to your family both in saving ;htir health and saving money by using a Gauze Door kane. Agencies for their sale have been established everywhere. If there is no Agent in your im-roeiiia!-; vicinity, write us, and we will lumisJi you wi:h circulars, and tell you where to get one. MaNCFACTTRED OVI.Y BY Thomas, Roberts, Steyenson Co. PHILADELPHIA. New York Salesroom, 15 Peck Slip. . COUNTY DIRETORY. COUNTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, J. B. Luckey, Lincolnton, H. C Cl'k. Sup. Court, C. E. Uhilds, " Reg, of Deeds, B. C. Wood, " " Treasurer, L. T. Willkie. " Surveyor, C. C. Bess 11 Coroner, J. C. ' ..over, Supt. Pub. Inst. Alf. Nixon. BOARD OF COUNTY CC3I MIfiSIO.NSRS. T. H. Hoke, Cbm'n, Lincolnton. N. C A. L. Cherry, KUdsville, J. E. Reinhardt, Iron Station, ' P. A. Reep, Reepsville, W. M. IIull, Orleans, COUXTY BOARD Ol' EDUCATION. R. Z. Jo hnaton, Chm'n, Lincolnton ,c . D. A. Coon, S. V. Goodson, ' ' POST MISTRESS. Miss Nannie C. Hoke. TOWN OFFICER:!: Mayor, H. E. Ramsaur. Secretary 4- Treasurer, W. K. Edwards Town Const. Chas. Jetton. Commissioners : P. J. Pate, Blair Jenkins, F. A. Toby, H. W. Burton, T H. Hoke, W. L. crouse, L, T. Wilkie, P, S. Beal. ARRIVAL OF MAILS. MaiLs on C C Railayf distributed 6:30 P Mnd 11 A M Mai's on Narrrw Gauge Railway, distrib uted 7:30 P M and 12 M. Stir Route,' via Reepsville, leaves L.in colnton at 7 AM, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; nrrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 P Hon Fridays, Thursdays andaturdays Public Schools open Decf ru't'er, Janu ary, February and March Board of Coitmissioxers meet first Mon day in each month. Town Council meet first Friday night in each month, at 7 o'clock. Board of Education meet first Monday inJanuary, June, September andjiDecem. ber. ; LADIES Needing atonic, or children who want build ing up, ebould take BROWN'S IRON HITTERS. It Is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, IndJ gectlon, lUliouuue- and Liver Complaint. GUARANTEED CUBE FOB CiTAP.D I ALLAN'S IMPROVED PINE NEEDLE CIGARS AND CIGARETTES Nature's own Remedy for Aeuta 01 Chronic Catarrh. Send for full particulars. ADDRESS Harrell, Iseley & Co. Greensboro iV. C, Cr.'ZSAL For TV. C, H. C. and. Ala. MANUFACTURED BY PINE NEEDLE CIGAR CO. FREEHOLD. N. J. DENVER ACADEMY, Primary, Intermediate, and High School Departments. A MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be added during the next Year. Fall Session begins last Wed nesday In August, 1890. TUITION RATES MODERATE. Prepares young men for any of the North Carolina Colleges. Ancient find modem languages and literature are taught. Instruction is thorough in all departments. For full particulars address, CHAS. L. COON, A. B , Principal, Denver, N. C. Aug. 1. 1890. ly. SMITH & COURTNEY. 1419 Main St., Richmond, Va. RAILWAY MACHINISTS'. MINERS' AND MILL SUPPLIES- Kailway, Mactiuists', Miners7 and Mill supplies. A complete stock of everything iu this line. Write for price lists and discounts. Sales agents for Kil bourne & Jacobs7 Wheel and Drag Scrapers, Wheel barrows: Hussey, Biuns & Co-' solid crucible cast steel Shovels: Verona Too! Works' Picks, Sledges, Track Chisels, Pinch and Liuing Bars: Track Tools, etc. Dynamite, Blasting Powder, Caps, Fue, Bat teries, Manilla Rope, Tackle Blocks, Drill Steel, etc The largest and only complete stock of Leather, Rubber, and Gans dy Belt, in theSouih. Lace Leather, Belt Fasteuers, Hooks, Rivets, etc. Wood Split Pulley, Shafting, Hans gers, etc. Henry Diston & Sons' Circular and Cross-Cut SawsTools, etc.: Saels agents for the Howe Scab s- Detroit Lubricatiors. Kort ivg Univt-real Iujettors, Haucock Inspirators, Metropolitan Injectors. Buffalo Portable Forges, Drills. American Ring Travelers. All gradfs of Babbitt Metal. Indurated Fire Buckets. Pipe, Fittings, and Valves, all f-izes from inch to 8 inch, carried iu stock ; aud we have a machine in stoie for cutting same. We ship no goods C. O. D. SMITH & COURTNEY, 141i) Mrin Street, Richmond, Va. July 4 1890. 6rn. TVU T?T) osdsrs exist in tbou U Hi ILi L eand-? of forms, but are sur passed by the marvels of invention. Those who are in neert of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their cJdress to Hailet & Co., Portland, Maine ,and receive tree full ia format'on how either sex, of all ages, cn earn lroni to to J25 -.er day and upwards j wherever they live. You are started free. Carital not required. Some have made over Ji50 in a single day at this work. AU -ucceed. (Hit LADY'S -BOOK- 11890 Will he far superior to any year of ita his tory, a larger amount of money having been appropriated for the embellishment of the magazine than ever before. Godey has been published t o r 60 years without missing an issue, and YOUCAHNOT.GET a better two dollars wort a ot magazine than by aubscribiog to 'Godey," Thf Best Family Magazine in America. " 1 The leading attractions for 1S90 are: Beautitulj Colored Fashion Plate ; En graved Fashion Plates inJbJack and white, representing the prevailing stylet, pros duced expressly for Godey. Finely Executed Frontispiece, Art Embroidery and Needlework Designs. New and Popular Music, Plana for the House you want to Build, Celebrated Cooking Receipes, Etc. The' -Beautiful Home' Club by Emma J Gray, lor young housekeepers or those who contemplate becoming so. 4A year in the House,' by Augubta tiaiisbury Pres cott (Jenuy Wren), which will treat of the various duties foi each month. A Chils dren's Corner, for the little ones. A rich array of literature by favorite authors, among whom are Emily Lennox, Ulivia Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peck, Elsie now, "G," author of "Gemini," Belie C Greene, with her humerous sket ches, and others, PKOIIUAIS to club raisers are among its special features, and Godey 'e offers the moM choice unci valuable ot any magazine published, tseiid 15 ents tor sample num ber containing full clrb rates and premi ums KVEEV LADY HER OWN DRESSMAKER who subscribes to Godey 's Lady book. The COUPON which you will find in eacii number entitle you to your own sek ,tion of any cut paper pattern illustrated in Godey b Lady's Book. Your 15c. anno pie Copy will con- icend 15 uuu lor ample, tain one ol which will be allowed on your suoscriptio whet, eceived." these coupons. The p at t e r r euuws jou uow 10 cut out itiii nriKferit yvu want. That's all we (an sav in tins state For the rest see j our sample number, lor f which eend 15 cents at once. "Godey" 19 only 2.00 a year. Address "GOUEY S LADY'S BOOK " Phitadelphia, Pa. In L'lub with the Lincoim Courier. Gcdey's and the Courier for $2.75, which should he sent to the office of the Courier. :S:T H E::5 COURIER PUBISHED and EDITED BY J M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. O. A family uewspaper devoted to the interests ot Lincoln and aur rounding counties and to the State of North arolina. Subscnution, 1 year, 8L50. 6 months, 75 cents. PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. Advertising rates reasonable. J O 11 DEPARTMENT. We are prepared to do all kinds of Job Work at the very lowest liv ing prices. Send in your orders and we will guarantee satisfaction. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEDS, STATEMENT HEADS, CHATTEL MORTGAGES Entries for Deposit, Posters, Circulars, Catalogues, Pamphlets, &c-, W7ir-r-! A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. tlte peide of north oAolina.7' a. BoniU,. B. Kingsbury, LL D v Win: II. Hearne.-J?.iona;aT Do you want to aid ia building up a paper that shall reflect the greatest credit on North Carolina? no matter where it may be seen then patronize ' THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. The Daily Messenger and the) Weekly Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. 0 The Gold s bo ro Transcript Messen ger Published at Goldsboro, N. C. They are Large Eight Pag Pa pers. Do you waut a reliable paper giving you all the news of the wcrld a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the largest cir culation aud has for more than 21 years been a part and factor iu tba growth and development of the Old North State ! Then Subscribe for the Messenger. trial rates: Daily Messenger, by mail 4 moe. on trial, $2 00 Weekly Wilmiugton Messen ger, 8mosl 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript-Messenger, 8 mos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE.' Dr. Talm age's Sermons are fea ture of all three Papers. J. A. BONITZ, ProDrietor. i 3. O. FIXLKY, att'y. J. M. ROBERTS, See ESTA'M AGENCY. FINLEY AND ROBERTS. LINCOLNTON, N. C. TN ORDER TO OPEN UP A JL channel through which r rtis hf-re aud people from other parts of the country, especially from the North,, in y be enabled to secuie valuable property iu Lincolnton and L'ncoln county, ly being made acv quainted with the true val u,heal th. fulueNn, &c, of Lincolnton and the surrounding country, and lu order that those hodinug pro perty for sale may have some sys tematic method of disposing of the same to the benefit of all concerned by having it advertised and the ooints of value clearly pointed out to purchasers, and In order to establish for ourselves a business from which we hope to reap some legitimate profits, directi iy or iudirectly, by increasing the population and the business of our town, We have decided to establish at Liucolnton a real estate ugtncy, to buy, sell, rent aud negotiate real estate of all kinds ou commission aud otherwise. And in order to accomplish the objects hereiu briefly referred to, we re.-pectfully ask the cooperatiou of our citizens. Those in the ciunty hiving tim bered, farming or mineral lauds, water powers, &c, developed or undeveloped, for sale, rent or ex change; aud Those having rea estate of any kind for saZe, rent or exchange, in Lincolnton, may find it to their ad vantage to confer with either party of this agency. We offer the following valuable property 1. One lot on Main street 75 yards we9t of the courthouse square on which there is a large two ttory brick house with a bases merit, a well bmlt residence containing 13 rooms. 2 A cottage in Queen Ann style of architecture, together with hye acres of ground surrounding and joining. The property is improved by shrubbery, fruit trees, &c, together with well and necessary outbuildings, and a neat, comfortable bus iness office. 3. Two building lots on Main street, near the depot, containing a fine grove of oak trees. Valuable property also for manufacturing establishments. 4. About four acres ot land South East ot the Court House. Excellent for building purposes. 6. Two town lots in the South East part of town on which are two two story dwel ling houses containiug 4 rooms each. 6. About 100 acres of land about 4 miles from Lincolnton situate on the Sherrills Ford road and through which runs a gold vein. 7. About 131 acres about 1 1-2 miles from Lincolnton and about 4 of a mile from the Lithia Spiings about 90 acres wood land and 15 acres bottom land. AUtheabrve described property is val uable and tfill be oll on easy terms. It ia situated in and near one of the most healthful towns in tf. South and surroun ded with a fertile countiyand has the very best of railroad facilities. For lurther particulars address, FINLEY f ROBERTS. Lincolnton, N. C, March 28, 189Q.; . GO TO BAR SHOP. Newly fitted np. Work awayb neatly don-. custo?iers politely wailed npou. Everything pertain ing to the tonsorial art is doue according to latest styles. Henry Taylok. Barber Advice to Mother. be used when children are cutting tetb. It re lierea the little sulfererit ODce; it produces natural,' quiet sleep, aud the little chernb awaker as 'bright as a tutton." Lt is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the chUd, soften s the gums, allays aU pain, tegulates the bowei s, aad is the best known reined tor diarrhoea, whether truing Iroia teething ox ocIum.' unx-a Twenty'ttve uuU a bcttl. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wn; slow "a Soothino 8 xasrp should alwaye Je used whea children are cutting teetb. It w ueyeatLe little suffererat once; ltproducesuataraL quiet sleep, end the little cherub awakes bright ' Batton'it is very pleasant to taste. It ootnes the cLil.i, softens thegums.silaysaU pain. Kfrui&tea 1 the Ocwem, and ia the best known remedy for fUdrrhoea, whether arising from teething oi wex causes. Xwenty.flye cent a bottl. THE STAR. A GliEAT NATIONAL DE&3Q, cKATIi? NEWSI'APEU. Tf.e Star t' ihe only Ae Vork u,t paper posseanhig the fvllet confide j the X-ittonal Administration ami the. Dem ocro.y of Xe o Ytrrk, the political batile jr uh-l of the lpbtir ' . '; - Feari,, atrreasive u Democrat of U flghtu.3 kiu.l, and in all respects a most coiu'tl-te nil uuitw-Mtby newspaper. Toe WkstLLv biAH in tbe tat ttmllg newrtpMj.er pu(i .-t j. 1 he tanner, the ir.t. chnutc', ih-) mill to busy tw iea4aoijy paj-er, will we inoie for fais flollar invest in the W ,kxv tiiAt iban fr6ra iy Bber paier uli"i.,..d. During tbe t uapalga u will sive a. iu poiiucU rwd mith know ing IV .iu nt k- at iUs. erniA Li Suburilert. Pvttaq vr. Every day 1 year (ioclHaingSuniay) $7 00 Dnl , without Sunday, 1 year, 6 QQ Every day, 6 mouths, 3 50 Daily, without Sutiday, & months, 8 00 dunday Edition. 1 year. 1 Welk.lt Utah, 1 year. 100 A Ire suUcnptioa to ihe Wkkxxt 6Hta to the fenjtr ol a club of ten. To Democratic Clubs: Star Read ers became Jf-tnocrnttc voters. A'o &im paijn duiutii.nt can comyare with it. SnkciAL A4iitci.v 0' Fa as. The Vfxi. LY Star, until alter tij election, 25 cute tor iiiig.e sutiscription ; 20 cent each su&, bcri-'tioii in uiuba uf thirty. Th teTAK everyday until after electioa $1.75 each subscription; iu olubs ot teu 1.50 each ubcnptiou. Agents wanted in unoccupied Territory Addriws, Tilhi SJTA.K, JBrwadway aad Park Flace, .New York- IM7ENTI0N I has revoiutloniied Ll Y ENTluN J the world during th last halt century. Mot least among the wonders of itiVtutive progress is a method and system ol worK that can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes, fay hb tral; any one can do the worit; either vex, young or old; no speeial ability repaired. Oapital not lived eJ; you are -tar'ed free. Cut this out and riarn tv u ana we wgl send you tree, something of graat value and importance tJ yyu, tuai wM start yea in business, which will bring yoainnan money right away, than anythiag tse Ia the world. Cirand outdt free. Adru frua a o., Augusta, Alainn filCMOND & DANVILLE RAIL KOAD. South C'aioliua Division, & L. N.Q Daily except Sunday, j IN EFFECT July 6lh 1890. No 53 .No. 62 Lv. 8 40 arr 8 59 9 0G y 20 9 47 10 25 10 44 1115 1142 1159 12 14 p m p m 12 29 12 44 1 09 1 26 1 55 Ar. 2 15 Lenoir Ar. S40pm 820 8 08 8 00 7 33 6 34 615 5 42 5 15 4 5$ 4 25 4 20 4Q6c 3-41,. 3 21 3 02 2 40 liudaouville Saw Mill Grauite Falls Hickory Newton Maiden Lincolutou Hardin Dallas Uaatouia (Jrowdera c'k Clover Vorkville GutnrievLlle Lowryaville Uheutet Lv. D. Cardwe11,Div. Pas. Agt. Columbia, S. C. Sol Haas, Traffic Manager. Jaa. L. Taylor, GeuM Paa. Agent. CAROLINA GE Wfm SHGEDULE. MOVING WEST. NUMBER ONE . Passkmgsr, Mail & Express Trau. Stations. Abeivj:. Leaver. Wilmington am 9 30 Charlotte , pm 4 38 Paw Creek 4 52 Mt Holly 5:04 Stanley Creek 5 20 Ironton 5 36 Lincolutou 5 52 Oherryville 6 20 Woe 0 6 29 Shelby 6 50 Battimore 7 10 iVooresboro 7:21 Elleuboro 7 20 J5ostic 7 45 Forest city j I 7 55 Rnthertordton I '8 05' ' j p m MOVrINU KAST. NUMBER TWO PA96sxexB, AIajx. i sr-Ms Tkaia. STATIONS. I AbbIYX, I LSAYE Rnthertordton Forest city Bostic Ellenboro Mooreaboro Battimore shelby Woco Oherryville Lincolnton Ironton Stanley Creek a m 8:45 8 55 9:04 9 20 9 31 9 41 956 10 22 10 32 11 00 11 1C 11 32 11 50 12 01 I) ui Mt. Holly ! Paw Creek i Charlotte ! 12 17 Wilmiuetuii i 7 20 Through trtiglit an-1 prfjenger train No. 25 witb z eperi attached leaves Wilmington ar 8 00 p. m.,auJ arrives at cbarloite C30 a. m. Thn-ugh frei?bt and panseoger train No. 24 with simpers aitcted leaves charlotte 9 00 p. m. and ar rives at Wilmingtou 7 20 a. id. Close connection bofh ways at Hamlet for Ra)r-h. T. W. WIU.SNANT, Supt i BirtUT V kswardid are then j ItlUil JLi 1 who read this and thea 1 act;tbey will tind honorable eaiploynie0 I that will not take them lroin their homes I and fanubes. The profits are large ftp 1 eure for every industrious persoa, may ( have made and are uow making levari 1 hnnnrrl Anlta a month It'll e&SV tOT any one tomake fo and upward per djr who is wiUT&v to work. Either sex, yeaaf or old; capital not needed; we start you everything new. lo special ability re quired; you, reader, can do it a3 well any one Write to us at once for fuH pf ticulare, which we will mail free. Aa dresi Stinsoa & o., Portland, Maine.