LINCOLN COURIER LOCAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. ROBERTS, Editor. CUUKCU DIRECTOR V Presbyterian. Rev. R. Z, Johnston, ator l'reaching every 2nd, and 4th undaja 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Sunday School ever' Sunday" 4 P. It.. Grayer Meeting evrv Wednesday, 7 P. il Session- meets "Wednesday after second Sundays, alter Prayer .Meeting. preachintrat Iron Station on second Sttudays, 3 P. M. " freachingat I aper Mill Academy on 4th Sundays, 3 P.M. ilKTH0Di8T. Re?, M. fl. floyle, Pas tor. Preaching; every first Sunday, 11 A M., and 7:30, P. M. GsaiiAN KaFoRUKK. Rev. Mr. Murphy, Pastor. Preaching every third Sunday, 11 A. Ml. JLutdkban. Rev. J. A, Rudiflill, Pas tor. Uethphage every lit Sunday ; Trinity, .very 8d Sunday ; Daniel's every 4th Suns j.ay. Hour 10 a. m. .LUTQKBA.N. Rev. M. L. Little, Pastor "StrMark's every 21 Sunday ; Cherryville v'ery:3d Sunday. Hour. 10 a. rn. Baptist- Rev- C E Gtwer, Pa9tor. Preaching every 31 and 4th Sundays at 11 A. M. aiid 7 00 P. M. Sunday School evry Sunday at 4 P. M Prayer meeting vety Thursday evening at 7:00. LINCOLNTOS, JAN. 30, 1891. t v AdverlWeiiienl B. C. Cobb Notice. "Jenkins Bros. Millinery. FmUy & Roberts Hotel. Ed. Courier Piano for sale. A; F. Moore .Notice Laud 3 a! 6. E. B. Springs & Co. Fertilizers. Miss CoiiDor LawiLg is visiting friends in Shelby. Mrs. Sowers and daughter, Miss Auuie, visited Iron Statiou last Saturday. We were gladto receive a call fiom Dr. Will. U. Kiser of Keeps ville, tuis week. -Mr. Willie Stokes of Davidson Coljee, isited hia Auut Mrs. J. 0. ' Fields lust week. . Miss Lucy Cauble and Mrs. P. D. Iliueon visited relativea in Gal lon uouuty this week. Wanted Several bushels of Irish potatoes. Would be glad to take taeio on subscription. . Miss Liua McDonald, of Shelby, visited Libcolutbu last week, the guest of Mrs. J. M.Tawiug. " Miss J. Ella Carpenter, and Mr. Lee Canipe, were married at .s(p Carpenter's on the 22od inst. Maiden is to have another cotton factory of 100,000 capital, $75,000, of whieb, we learn, has al ready been secured. Reepsville is agitatiug the subject of a cotton factory nearby that place. We hope they will sue ceed in establishing'the same. ,Mre. Polly Favell died at this place last Sunday night, aged about 0 years. Mrs. Favell and her sod, Price, came here from Missouri in 1SS1. Mr. Paiue has introduced Lin colnton bill to authorize the town commissioners to order an eleotion to vpte on the issuing of 820,000 in bonds for water works aud otber improve me n ts. Iu our little brief "write up" last week, the type made us say ''there is not a desirable dwelling house io town," when the word "va cant" should have -been priated be fore "dwelling house.'' The bill introduced by Mr. Paine to change chapter 17, laws of 1881, incorporating Tucker's Grove Camp Ground- in Liucoln county, was amended so as not to cloa6 any licensed store within the territory, and passed third reading. A colored section nand -was killed on life C. C railroad between Wilmington and CronJey's last Fri day by an.eastbouu'd freight train. The negro" was druuk aud was lying ou the track and was not seeu by tbe engineer in time for him to stop his tiaiu. Mr. A. R. RudisHI, of King's Monutain, aud Messrs. M. E. 14udi sill, illie Aderholdt aud P. O. Beam, of Cherryville, a few weeks ago purchased the Buffalo Shoals iu Cleveland county, for $2,300-; and a Btock' company has been formed and ,they; will at an early day have a cotton factory iu operation at that place. We believe the members of the .Farmers' Alliance are, for the uiosc parr, a leading people .ana the Courier is grateful to its many fiiends amoug them for their pat rouage. One of tbe purposes of that organization is to encourage education and intelligence and it is accomplishing great good in thai directiou. Gill Thomas, the "musical pba- uuiaeuon , gave a very excellect their home at Raleigh, N. O. New entertainment in the court house! York Tribune. Wednesday night of this week. The j . night was very rainy, but notwithi i-tch on human and horea and all ani-tar-uiug, there waH n rnlraVle I mala cured in 80 minutes by Woolford's good audience. He ia an orchestra within himself, poi forming on two guitars, violin, Fiench harp, base violin, and "cluam". "Music is good for tbo Foul.'' We were glad when we were told that. Rlph Bingham, of whom we had heard so much prase as 9 "hoy orator" and violinist, would greet tho people of Lincolnton with one of his performances. He came and had a spleodiil audience in the court house lat Thursday night. The Ladies' Aid Society la to be congratulated upon its succeed Ralph Bingham is a Southern boy, a native of Va. Lieut. James Ruth,of Co. 2,121 Reg. Penn. Volunteers was shot at Geltysbnrg aud hia sword was cap tured. Hia son is anxious to find the lost weapon, and it is hoped this notice will be the means of finding the name. Ruth's name is oh the sword. Anyone knowing anything about it will please write ro Mr. R. S. Edwards, at Lincolnton, N. C.Capt. James Asbworth'a sword was returned to hln from Lincoln ton. Gaston county is having a lively time over the subject of prohibition. Two petitions have been circulated, the one for, and the other against prohibition, aud both' are said to have a large number of signatures. The petitioue are to go to the Leg islature aud are touching the ques tion of holding an election ou pro hibition in Gaston county. Judging from the number on the petition the county is pretty evenly divided on the subject. Two little children of a section hand ou the C. C. Railroad,between Shelby and Rutherfordton, were playing on the track last Friday morning, in a deep cut near a enrve when the nassenerer train came upon them. One of the xjbildreu stepped off but the other started to run on the road and the train came up on it before the engineer could sop. Tbe child was struck by the pilot aud severely injured, but later intelligence is to the effect that the child- will live. . Mr. B. C. Wood, our worthy Register of Deeds, and Capt, G. E. Childs, our esteemed Clerk of 3: Court, are all smiles this week. They have had furnished to their offices some handsome furniture in the shape of tables and desks. We have no time to describe them, but they are. certainly convenient and handsome pieces of furnitnre, and the above named officers have rea sons to be'glad J and nobody has any right to blame them If their gladness does creep out and show itaelt in their countenances. y Cherryville is to have a cotton mill. Already half the stock neces. sary has been secured. Mauney Bros., of King'a Mountain, are be hind the movement, and that means success. Mr. S S. Maaney, Cherryi viil has the subscription list, aud will be glad to take any eubscrip-. tions from those who desire to en tourage the enterprise. It will be a good investment for the stock hold ers aud give employment to thotje seeking labor. By all means, let the good works go on in Gaston until we spiu and weave all our cot ton at- home Dallas Eagle. The editor of the CoUBIER has purchased a. lot ou the S. E.. corner of Congress and Poplar Streets, near tbe residence of R. Z. Johnston. A bill of Lumber has already been given to the lumber men and work will soon be begun on the resi dence. We hope, therefore, every one iudebted to the Courier will call to see us as you knot? it re quires money to build. We feel that the LINCOLN COURIER is a permanent, institution and we are grateful to our many friends for the encouraging patronage we have so far received at their hands. The wedding at Washington of Mhs Florence Cooper, a niece of Mrs. Vance, aud Charles Manley Basbee, of North Cars olina, was one of the prettiest home weddings of the season. The bride was attended by Miss Sallie Badsrer Hoke as maidofhonor, who wore a gown of white fiiUle The bridesmaids were Miss Norris, Miss Justice, Miss Maud Weller, Miss Mary Bullock, Miss Nancy Bowles and Miss Helen Fowle. Theodore Davis, AttorneysGeneral of North Carolina, was best man. The ' bride and bridegroom left Washington that evening lor a wed' ding journey North, and will make Sanitary Lotion. Thii never fails. Sold by J. il. La wing Druggist Lincolnton, N. C. Oapialu vk Captain. Considerable fxri'ement was ere ateel in town Wednesday f this week, by a difficulty which orcurtd between Capr. B. F. Gn'g Capt. E. W. Ward, of this place, in which the science of pugilism was put iulo lively practice for some little time. The peisou refeired to have uot been friendly for some time, and it seems that the lwo gentlemen met in the middle of the sidewalk goiug iu opposite dueci tions and neither bewg willing to give way to the other they, as a natural consequence, collided and this produced both superficial and internal frictiou causing an overflow of pent up anger , which resulted in a fight. Capt. Ward's eon came up and took his father's part, but all were separated before any seri ous damage was doae, savo that of bruises. The friends of both par- ties very much regret the unfortun ate occurence. How Mauy llalea Ginned. Last week we made request to know how many bales of cotton have been bonght in ihe county. We also ask the ginners to give the number of bales that have been ginned m the county this season. We hope our friends will furnish us with this information ou a postal card. or otherwise. liincolntoii Has Three cotton factories in auduear town. One wool factory. One foundry and machine shop. Three flouring and grisk mills. Three woodworking machine shops, with furniture factories and sawmills attached to two of them. Three blacksmith shops. Two competing railroad lines. A first class male and female high school. Four churches and a new one soon to be erected. Two hotels in town, and the fine modern hotel at the Lithia Springs, two .miles from town. A number ot the most successful merchants in the State. One religious paper and one news paper, the Lincoln Courier (and by the way the best published in the county.) The most healthgiving waters and climate in the State, aud many other things that make it a most attractive location for homes and manufacturing establishments. Jliller J- Broom Manufacturer. J. C. Worlick tells us he has be came a public servant, he has lately moved to and taken charge ot his father's mill. By the way it is one among the oldest mills iu the coun ty. The miller says he noticed on the husk frame a few days ago, the initials of two men, D. W. and P. W with the year 1810 carved. The mill has always bad a good reputa tion when it had a good miller. We would apeak for the miller, from the public, hia share of patroooge when you go to mill; And he has moved his broom factory with him, so when uot employed In grinding he is busilv engaged making brooms. We have tried his brooms and know they are gcod aud sub stantial. Thanks to him for one as a present it was not a holiday present but we will use it just tbe same, he wants his friends to raise all the broom corn they can, he will make it up at lOcts. a broom (if the tariff don't get too high), or he will pay octs a pound for good bright cured brush with about three inch es of stalk with brush. For the Co crier. Vox Popull, Reepsville, N. C, Jan. 23, '91, Iu the most august assemblage of thejjeople, goaded, impelled, con strained by the ubiquitous edicts of truth, justice and equity, we, the citizens of Howard's Creek Town ship, hereby hasten to express our bitterest denunciatiou, abhorrence, detestation and condemnation of the audacious, reprehensible crime perpetrated against one of our fels low citizens. Inasmuch as a certain fellow of the aforesaid township, by the name and title of W. Lee Canipe did wittingly, willingly, willfully, presumptuously, premeditatively transgress against the pleasure, the peace, and the feet of our friend and fellow citizen, M. O. Carpenter, by compelling him, m broad daylight, on the 22ud inst., in the presence of a giddy horde of spectators, at Esq. Philip Carpenter's, to dance in a most galling, moat appalling hog trough. Therefore, we, tbe Sovereign Peo- pt, do condiMiui t ho S.iid Y. L,re Canipe lo b incarcerated in the connubial Elysium, tasked by Hy men, and bound by Gordon tm ub shall have propitiated hit villUhy. "Moses," Keep. Se. Sov. Peo. By a very ingenious and origina process, Dr. J. C Ayer & Co., of Lowell, MasJ., are t-naMed to ex tract the e!-srntial piopeities of the materials used nr the preparation of their famous "Ayei's Sarsapari.lla," thns securing a purity and strength that can be obtained in no other way. LIXOOLXTOX HOTEL. Messrs. Finley and Roberts have secured anoptiou on the Lincolnton Hotel building aPd lot, one of the most desirable sites for a ttiiiniuer Resort, in Western North Carolina. If any party or parties wish to purchase hotel property let them apply to Finley Sc Roberts. The present building is a large three story brick building situated in the heart of town. For further particulars ap ply to Finley & Roberts. tf. The skunk is a grub eater. New York State protects her skunks by statute. Advertise in the Lincoln Coui rier. The snow covers many bad places in the roads, but they appear again in the spring. PI ANO for SALE We have placed at our disposal a lJPilieiIT jpi AJXQ Nearly New, WThich we will sell at a bar gain. Anyone wishing to pur chase an instrument at a bar gain had better apply at once as the price .of this piano is such as will make it sell. Call on the Editor of the cou rier, Lincolnton, N. Q- Lincolnton, N. C. A School for both sexes. A Complete Course for stu- .: dents desiring to pre " pare for COLLEGE, TEACHING.or BUSINESS. Thorough Work Iu all Departments, with Healthy Location. Winter Term begins Dec. 29, .1890. For further information, apply to A. C. HOTTEN3TEIN, Prin. Jan. 16, 1891. tf SALE OF LAND. BY VIRTUE of a cower of sale given me in a mortgage execuled by R..M Hull and wife, Margaret Hull, on 17th day of April, 1889, which mortgage is duly re corded in Baok 01, page 334", of mortgage deeds of -Lincoln county records, j will sell for cash n the premises on .Monday 16th day of February, 1891,. 12 M., the land de scribed in said 'mortgage, consisting of 100 acres, more or less. Excepting, however, 50 acre3 more or leas, on the i3outh.westpart of said tract, belonging to Rink Miller. The above tract adjoins tbe lands of Jonaa Reep, in North Brook township, Lincoln county. W. C. Childi:p.s, Mortgagee. This 16th day of January, 1891. 4t EXECUTORS' NOTICE. Having qualified as executors of the last will and testament of J. F. Goodsoa all persons having claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the sams to us on or before December 26th, 1S91, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All who owe gaid estate are requested to come forward promptly and settle up. This 22nd December, 1890. J- W. A- Paine,) V Executors. Abxer Goodjox. ) Dec. 26, 1890. Gt. Money to Loan On improved farm, loans repayas able in small annual installments, thus enabling borrower to pay off his indebtedness without exhausting bis crop in any one year. Interest payable annually at end ot year. Apply to Finley k Weluiore, Lincolnton, N C. December 19 1890 6m AT WE OXE PRICE In Order to Make a cleau sweep o f ou r remnant o t winter Millinery we will sell from now until closed out, hats that were formerly $1 $1.25, at 5b cts. Hats that were 75 cts. we will sell at 25 cents. JENKINS BROS B E EXTREMELY L0WPKICES Which I Have Made on EVERY LINE of J&My MAMMOTH STOCK of GoodsS During the month of November, has filled my store with eager purchasers, and. inconsequence thereof, although all classes of goods have advanced in price, I will continue to sell every ar ticle now in store at LESS than is INTRINSIC VALUE. pT is only fair to my customers that they should share with yy me some of the benefits of the low prices I obtained for the cash. So, until my entire stock is exhausted, the consumer will find me waging war against the tariff of high prices. I am of. feiing the best values in Dry Coods, Dress Goods, Jeans, Blankets, Comforts, Shoes, Hats. Hardware and Clothing at less than they can be had elsewhere. A.Mtviug of one-third is guaranteed to every purchaser of an o"'" coat or suit of clothes, and I cm tit anyone from a 3-yearold boy up to Join bo." My OIL GKAIN SHOES are the "wonder of the world" at 'the price. Sell your cottou and come to me for bargains. RESPECTFULLY, JN0. L. COBB- u K7 CHICKEN I I r i Thousands of dollars worth of chickens are destroyed by Cholera every year. It is more fatal to them than all other diseases combined. "But the discovery of a liquid remedy fr&X. positively destroys the Mirrolxs i has been made. Half of the young chickens are killed by Microbe 3 before they are iVyeii. A 50-0.-11 1 bottle is chough for ico (Linker.-:. It is guaranteed. If, after usii'x two-thirds of- a bottle yoa ;re ! satisfied. with it as a cure for Chol era, return it to the druriit fni-i whom you purchased i'-, and I. . refund your money. For sale by Dr. J. M. Law ing, ageut, Lincolnton, N. C. W. L. Crouse &Co. Lincolnton, N. C. AVING BOUGHT OUT TIJ E Drii '.Store of John Iteedy fc 4$"' Co. aud filled it up vuih ever thing that is needed to make it a complete Drug Store- We have em ployed Mr. Lawrence Xolleson to wait upon our patrons. We can promise you pure drugs, courteous attention and reasonable prices. Come to see us when 3-ou want Drugs, Paints, oils, varnishes, Diamond Dyes, seeds, washing soda, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures; in fact everything that is kept in a well conducted drug store. Respectfully, W- L CROUSE & CO- April 1 4,890. tf; COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. Having been appointed i-olleotor of the estate ofClutrlf-s Uf-nl 1 v the Superior Court of Lincoln rouny, all persona hay ing claim3 against s-aid etat are hereby notified to eomo forward and present the same on or before Deo. 20, 181, or this no tice will be plenaed in Lar of their recove ry. AH persons owint; the estate are re quested to settle at once. This 23rd Dc., 1890. . A. F. Moore, Collector. Dec. 2G, 1890. ct 0 A COTTON STRIKE "Ko, Boss I'll work no more, 'less yoi weigh your Cotton on aJONES 5-Ton Cotton Scald $60 NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST. Beam Box, Tare Beam, Freight Paid." For terms addre, JONES OF BINGHAUTON, BISQHUITON, N. Y. IT The Cash Grocery Store OU will nud a full aud well elected stock of AND At the lowest possible cash pri ces one and the f?arue pi ice to all. IjCall and ee. - Yours truly, A. W. REEDY. Lincolnton, March 11. 1690. J. H. B1SANER i SEEDSMAN &GRAIN BROKER, GVden aq 1'ielD ,ee geed (jJram. Feed Potatoes, Onion Sets, etc, Clover & (jrass Seeds Wholeaale nd Ketail DaK:r in GRAIN FLOUR. MEAL, UKAN.nnd i'EED STUFFS. Have now ou bands one ear lead f CHOI OF SEED WHEAT. Will buy Cotton and pay a mucn or more thau. anybody, -bagging and Tie ch;ap. Liceolnlon, T. C, July 11, 18. ly. ISny a Xw Patent Slnjcer The Greatest Sewiug Machine in the world, on the EASIEST TERMS E VER KNOWN Old machines takrti in put pay . merit for new ones. REPAIRING VON E ON ALL MACHINES. Ten Years Experience A. J., Agent, Liucolntou, N. 0. ! 0c-24' 189-tf Box 10. TAXES I I will attend to collect taxes at the places meutioned below and at the time specified after each place. If jou do uot pay on thi9 ronDd I will at once proceed to collect by levy and advertising. 3iv8 cost and trouble by meeting me at one of these appointment?. " Lowesvill, Monday, Jan. 12, 1891, Triangle, Tuesday, " 13, " Denver, Wednesday' 14, Mullen's Store, Friday, " 1G, " Iron Station, Monday, " 19, " beam's Store, Tuesday, " 20, Bess1 Store, Weduesday 21, " Repjville, Thursday, 44 22, 44 A. SIXON, Tax Collector. L'ncolnton, N. C, Jan. 9, '90. tf i i mm i