eg Mffflffillt!' VOL V LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1891. NO. 10 liJ ill if IPf ilF Professional Cards. lias located at Lincolnton and of fers his services as physician to the citizen of Lincolnton and surround ing country.' Will be round at night at tbe res id e nee of.J.C. Wood March 27, 18'Jl ly BAMTLETT SMIPF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, LINCOLN T ON, N. C. Jan. Uj IH'A. ly. Finley & Wetmore, ATTYS. AT LAW. LINCOLNTON, N. 0. Will. practice in Lincoln and surrounding counties. All business put into our hands will be promptly atten ded to. . April 18, 1800. lv. SURGEON DENTIST. OFHCE IN COBB BUILDING, MAIN ST., LINCOLNTON, N. C.J July 11, 1800. ly DENTIST. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty yea us experience. Satisfaction given in all operations Terms cash and moderate. Jun 1:5 '91 lv GO TO tX 4.1. ilJL U2JU.X10 HARDER SHOP. Newly fitted up. -Work away& neatly done. Customers politely ! waited opou. Everything pertain- j ing to the tousorial art is done; according to latest styles. HeNRY Taylok. Barber. How IVIen Die. It we know all tbe methods of approach adopted by an enemy we are tbe better en abled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment when 'surrender becomes in evitable. In many instances the inherent strength of the body suffices to enable it oppose tbe tendency toward death. Many however have lost theso forces to such an extent that there is little or no help. In other cases a little aid to the weakened Lungs willmate all the difference between sudden death and manjT years of useful life. Upon the first symptoms of a Oougb, Could or any trouble of the Tbroat or Lungs, give that old and well known rem djTe Roschee's German JSyrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say of it to bo the benefactor of any home." FIGURES DO NOT LIE. 1 advertise tbe largest stock of FURNITURE in the State, and the lowest prices of any dealer North or. South. I shall prove it by figures. READ THESE PRICES. A Rhttan LoJv Cabv Carriage, Wire Wheels, only $ 50 Genuine Antique Oak Bed Room Suit (10 pieces) 25 00 Walnut Frame Wool Plush Parlor Suit (6 pieces) 35 00 Antioue Oak Sideboard, with large class 16 00 Standing Hall Racks, with glass Antique Oak High Rack W ood Seat Rockeis 1 50 Mexican Grass Hammocks, large size 1 50 Mosquito Canopies with Fiames ready to hang - 2 00 Bamboo Easels, 5 feet high 100 Ladies Rattan Rockers 2 50 Antique Oak Center Tables 16 in. square too 1 50 Hollaud Window shades, Dodo Fringe and Spring Rollers 65 Platform Spring Kockera (carpet seat) 3 60 Sterling Organ, 7 stops, Walnut case 60 00 Sterling Piano, 7J octaves Ebony case 225 00 1 have just put in the Furniture for three (3) large Hotels and am re ceiving orders from all over North and South Carolina daily. One price to all, and that the lowest known, is my way of doing busi ness. If you buy an artiele from me aud it does not come up as repre sented, leturn it at my expense and get yonr money back. Write me for Catalogues. E. M. ANDREWS, Leading Furniture and. Music Dealer, 14 and 16. West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. w - - - - , . , . . ... . ... - for Infants and Children. 'Calrla la se well 4isi to cLUdreii lht I reoooH&e&tl it m u peri or to ay y-rcriptiao know to me." n. A. Akcbxk, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T. "The use of 'Castor!' la so universal and it merits so well known that it seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few re the InteUigeLt families who do not keep Caaton within easy reach." Carlo Mitm, D.D., New York City. Late Pastor Bloomingd&le Bef ortued Church. T Cxmtauk WK CAN AND DO Gu&rantee Dr. Acker's Blood Elixir, for it has leen fully demonstrated to the people of this country that it is Miperior to all ether preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. Jt purifies the whoie system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M. Lawing, Druggist. The averages of the operatives in the Fall River are to lie cut down ten tper cent. Score one more for the McKinley bill which waa to boost business so and increase the wages of workmen. Wil. Star. IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive cure for the worst forms of Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and (Jon sumption Guaranteed and sold by Dr. J M Lawing Druggist. - Now that sugar is cheap andjfruit is abundant the Pittsburg fruit jar makers have decided to even np aud have formed a eouibiue to raise the price of jurs. lYil. Star, GUARANTEED CURE FOR LA GRIP. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell you Dr. King's New DUcovery for consumption, coughs and colds, upu this condition. It you are afflicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no benefit, you may return the bottle and hive your money refunded. We make this olfer because of the wonderful success of Dr. King's New Discovery dur ing last season's epidemic. Have heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottles free at J. M. Lawing's drugstore. Large size 50c and $1 00. The Richmond Dispatch recently sent out the following queries to leading Democrats throughout Vir ginia : "Who, in your opinion, will be the Democratic nominee for Pres ident in 1892, and what do you think of Cleveland ?" The concen sus of opinion is antagonistic to Cleveland, owing to his opinion on tbe question of free coinage ot sil ver, although the hignnst admira tiou is expressed for the man. CAN'T SLKEP NIGHTS Is the complaint of thousands suffering from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try Dr. Acker's English Re medy ? It is the best preparation known for all Lung Troubles. Sold on a positive guarantee at 25 cents and 50 cents. For sale by Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist. Appealing to Diaua, the goddess of the Ephesians, for help, is as use less as trying to care cholera with out Gancer's magic chicken cholera care. Sold by J. M. Lawing. GOOD LOOKS. Good looks are more than skin deep, de pending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive you have a nilious look and if your kidneys be affected you have a pinched look. Se cure good health and you will have good looks. Electric bitters is tbe great altera tive and Tonic acts directly on these vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, Boils, and gives a good complexion. Sold at J. M. Lawing's Drugstore, 50c per bottle. 5 75 Castor! cores Cone, Conatrpation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KOU Worms, fires sleep, and promotes 41- Witaoutinjarious medication " For several years I have recommended your ' Castoria. ' and shall always continue to do so as it has Invariably produced beneficial results." Enwnr F. Pajldw. X. D., Tbe Wintarop," 125th Street and 7th Are., New York City. Cokpajtt, T7 It UK rat Stkxjet, Nkw Yorx. New York Ledger. "SOLD FOR NAUGHT." BY AMELIA E. BARR. 4ft moreland laburnum trees, vkftxjti crowned with their golden wealth of blossoms, Eleanor Raby waited tor her lover. Yet few would have guessed it, for on her face wss the shadow of doubt and perplexity, instead of the light ot love; and her irresolute movements betrayed a heart ill at ease. "I am going to bo a tool again' she mnrmured. "And the worst of it is, I like the folly." And there are few girls who would not have liked 4the folly' represent ed by handsome Autony Vaughan, Ocer the heathery hills she watched him coming now, bis great black horse devoui ing the distahce be tween them in long swinging strides stopping in-ither "for break nor lor Stone," and taklug the low garden wall in a well-distanced leap, which brought him almost to her side, Stately aud handsome, brave aud geutle, read iu all the learning o' the tchools, what more did Eleanor want t AU these "availed him noth ing," while his poverty sat like a Mordecai iu the gate. And so she had determined, sweet as these meetiugs were, this should be the last; for this womau had the natuie of Dian in the loroi of Venu, and not for love was she going to sucri fico the more tangible benefits ot gold and position. Still, with his arms around her, and whispered words of endearment trembling from his lips to hers, it was hard to tell him so. The intoxication of his presence, made her lor a little while, obedient to the divinity within ber; but wheu be began to speak of a definite engagement and a certain raarnage-day, however distant, she broke at once the spell which had held her passive in his embrace. "The thing is iapo8sible,Antofly," he said, sadly, but decidedly. "We might starve, but we could not live decently on titteeu hundied a -year. My father has more than double that, and he never is able to make both ends of the year agree comfort. ably. Fortune forbids our bans." "Ob, Nelly ! Nelly ! I begiu to believe what Frank Foster told me that you were going to marry that old lawyer who has bought poor Snowdon's estates. Nelly, are you not going to deny it 1 Speak quick! It is not possible it is notjposible! You cannot be so wicked and so cruel !" He held her bands tightly aud looked fierce!)7 into the fair, treacherous face. Little comfort there; only a cold defiance that, like polished steel, flung him back to the passionate love and amazement that almost stabbed her like a wound. Once convinced of her falseness it was not in his nature to sne. This beautiful Judas had sold his and her own youth and hopes, and he would not again touch the hand which had taken so foal a price. She was amazed and confounded, Of such love as this she had not dreamed. All her intentions of soothing the parting with kisses and promises of eternal friendship melted like snow in fire. He would none of them would not take the proffered kiss, nor see the white, beseeching face, nor touch the outstretched hand. He was gone, in a storm of outraged and indignant love, and Eleanor Raby knew very well that in that noble heart her image was evermore a falleu and a desecrated idol. How wretchedly now the long, hot summer days went by ! And iu the midst of them Autony Vaugh an disappeared from all his old haunts. Some said be bad gone to India, others to America; but all soon forgot him, except tbe cold, proud woman in whose memory he wandered like an nneasy ghost cou tiuually. Then, when the short, bright days of September came, the rich man who had bought Eleanor claim ed his bargain and took it home to the little palace on Snowdon Heights. A bishop in law and silk ratified the transaction ; her parents made a great feast ; the world gave that assurance of approval which is powerful as the nod of Jove ; bat her own heart whiercrel all the time, "Thou fool 1' And when the eclat and excitement were all over, when life's dull, com mon way and dreary intercourse brightened by ho stray sunbeam of love lay stretched in wearying dis tance before ber, how bitterly she recalled the golden spring time un der the laburnums, wheu love glo ritied the meanest flower, and really painted the lily and cave an added perfume to the violet." For ber husband she bad no love, and with his pnrsuitN no sympathy. Fie had been attracted to her by her great beauty, and had loved tier at first with a strength of passion which she might by a little tact have made a firm and lasting affec tion ; bat she had taken no paius to him, made no efforts to re tain his admiration, so that ehe had no right to complain when time aud possession robbed her of even this semblance of devotion, and she uns deistood herself as held "something better than his dog, a little dearer than nis horse. ;i Aud of Antony Vaugbau no word or tokeu came.. The lands and home which had been his fathers' for five hundred years were sold to strang ers, and Eleuor's heart lost its last hope that of seeing him again. Time, which cares tor none of these things, went on as if there were no breakiug hearts, no ruined livee, i and change and chance made aud marred the happiness of millions whom he swept before him to their long home. I had only been a spec tator in this little drama, and had simpiy watched it in that calm, com plaisant way in which we do watch sorrows that in no way affect us But, strangely enough, the last act of it was played out iu my presence, and I was compelled by circumstan ces and sympathy to become one of the dramatis persona;. And thus it happened. T was up among tbe mountains of the Colorado river In Texas, and our party, charmed by the exquisite scenery and strange and beautiful yfora, wandered out of the proper trail. Sunset found us far from any human habitation, except a little log cabin in the crevice of the hills half a mile below us. We supposed it to be the home of some freed negro, and descended to seek temporary rest and refreshment, purposing, as soon as the moon arose, to continue our way to the little village, not ov er teu miles distant. The door was opened to receive us before we reached it, and the splendid-looking (ellow leaning on his gun with in its shadow was Antony Vaughan. I kuew him at once ; every change was only an added grace ; he was teu times handsomer than wheu 1 saw him last, laughing and halloo ing, head and shoulders higher thau any squire who rode to cover iu all the glens and glades of Snowdon. He gave us broiled venison, strong coffee, and hot noe-cakes, and a welcome which added no little zest to his hospitable provision. After supper, when a couple of pipes had soothed and quieted our noisy mirth I intentionally called him by his name. He dropped his pipe in am azement, and looked tbe question he could not ask, Then I told him who I was, and spoke of tbe dear old town among tbe Westmoreland mountains. When bearded men weep they need the ministry of an gels ; no human sympathy can reach such sorrow, and so I was silent un til he bad conquered his emotion. He asked of everyone's welfare ue fore he mentioned Eleanor,and then his voice was cold and indifferent ; but his eyes contradicted his tongue, and his tongue belied his heart. I told him of all her cold, empty, neg lected life, he faded beauty, and her listless, unhappy ways. And atter a moment's silence, during which he literally trembled, with leeling he muttered : "Only jnst 1 A life for a lifel Only just 1 And yet, poor thing 1" And then he rose hastily and calling his dogs of which at least a dozen were lying around he left the hut, ostensibly to look after our horses. ' During tbe next year we spent much timd together, and I soon felt an affection for him "passing tbe love of womaD," He was, indeed, the idol of a large section of coun try, and the leader In all hunting aud Indian expeditions; for to these Ishmaelites of the frontier his very name had become a terror. Far a the eye could reach the land waa all his own ; immense herds of cattle and cavallanls of horses roamed over the hills, and the rich Imttomdands yielded him fabulous harvests of corn and cotton. "How did you make all this wealth, Vaughan !" I asked him one day. "I didn't make a dime of it. Jack. Fortune brings in some boats that are not steered, and she found mine drifting about and took charge of it, that's all.7' Then there was a pause. We were both thinking of Eleanor's mistake. He was the first to speak. "I am going to-morrow to hunt up the trail of some thieving Co- uiauches who have ruu off twenty of my bet mares ; like euougli I ma)' never come back again. If I am missing more tbau two days, hunt me up, old fellow, aud bury me lisje a Christian." He spoke half in :est and half iu earnest, but an unaccountable pre sentiment of evil seized me, aud I urged him to let me go with him This he positively declined, saying that i "was not up to Indian yet, and would only increase the danger- So early tbe next morning he weut over the hille, accompanied by couple of fine hounds, and carry, ng his rifle, leaving me in the cab u alone I was singularly nervous ud restless; aud when, toward sun ;et, I saw a strauger climbing . the oad to our door, I was .quite sure ie was bringing bad uews. What vorse? Poor Vaughan had beeu surprised aud surrounded by eludii ins; and though he had fought his vay to the next house, he had ar ived there in a dying condition. 1 ound him lying ou a mattress un ier some mulberry trees which sha led the house, bleeding from a doz n wounds. A negro woman and wo or three rough but tender learted men were doing what they wild to prolong his quickly ebbing ; ife ; but no hope nor rescus could low avail. The seal ot death was on every feature. "Don't fret, Jack," he said, almost cheerfully 4There is really noth ing, either in life or death, that's north a tear." I did not need to speak to him of his affairs ; they bad been arranged i ud explained to me long ago, for l.e was well aware in what constant (ianger he lived. Indeed, ail care l;r or interest in his present life Eeemed to have vanhed He talk td in a rapid, feverish manner of tbe past ; of his home aud his dean riotber; ot his friends aud the par suits ot his youth : but he never ence named Eleanor, and I could rot .bring myself to introduce the subject at this hour. As the last tints of sunset faded in "ashen skies," he died, ejaculating, almost with his last breath, and with a voice of glad surprise, the word "Mother I1 I had known his mother well ; a lovely little laay, who had idolized her son aud been so tender ly beloved by him that many had not hesitated to attribute his exile aad the sale of tbe old Vanghan Manor House to grief for her death. I assisted the negro woman to porform tbe last offices for him, and at sunrise a little gathering of rough men, whom be had led in many a rvild and dangerous exploit, helped to lay him in his grave. He had left all that he possessed gold, cattle and lauds to Elean or, wife ot Richard Crosby ,of Snow dou Heights, Westmoreland ; and as soon as possible I returned to England to inform her ot the be quest. I found her in a glittle breakfast parlor of the fine bouse for which sho bad sold herself. Her beauty was much faded, her dress slovenly and ungraceful. I introduced my self to her, and named a mutual friend at whose house we had often met. She condescended to remem ber, and then looked at me for fur ther information. "I ha,ve ju,st returned from Tex-, ae," I continued, and then I paused to see if her heart would connect he country with her lover. "Indeed !'' she answered, qnlte calmly. "A very unpleasant coun try, is it not !" "I hope ou do not think so, for I am come to tell you that a friend has left you an immense estate there." Into the white, passionless face a great tide of feeling rushed ; her eyes brighted with their old beautv. irhe stood up and with parted lips waited for me to fpnak again. I re nained nileut, however, for a mo Lieut, and iu that moment her heart awoke and whispered to her by wbat loss her gain wastnade. Then she sat down, and covering her face vith her hands, cried out : "Oh, my love ! my love! Atter all these v eary .ears " I tried to comfort ber by telling of all his noble life bow he had succored the sorrowful, and fought for the we-ik, and de-. b uded helpless women aud childieu wiib his own life. "Aud what matters ilf she cried, it a wild passion of regret. "lie h. is left me, who loved him so dear ly, to suffer all these years, without u word of comfort or of hope." "Hut he has proved that he has L iver forgotten you." "Yes I Never forgot my most inis e.rable folly and childish pride. See v. bet he has doue ! Given me gold, Pod denied me even a look, or a rDrd of love or forgiveness ! His nmembrance of me is the most pro t. und cruelty. I will not touch a frrthiug of bis wealth. 1 have t oght it with years of misery and t ;irs of blood. No, no ! I have . ld enough, aud to spare ; and . lat has it done for me ? .Look at t at helpless, paralyzed old man s. .ting in the sunshine ; he never 8 ys a kind word to me, and yet for I m aud his gold I surrendered the d ble heart and glorious beauty ol A'Uony Vaughan. And you tell ui3 he is dead? What, then, re nt tins for me I Endless weeping. I ave me now, I will not speak a Mother word to any one.': It was impossible to take this for ai answer, so the next day I called a;ain;butsbe was very ill and c.uldseeno one. The following di.y I received the same answer, ard her physician, to whom I spoke, tbought it might be some time be furo she woojd be able to attend to at y business. So I took a run "ov er the border" to Edinburgh, and retnaiued there several days. Ol a.y return I went immediately to St owdon Heights, aud 1 met her funeral coming down tb9 great ave n e. Poor Eleanor! The title d'ed of her estate proved to be her death-warrant. A CHILD KILLED. At other child killed ty the use of opiatas jr en in the f.rm of Soothing Syrup. Why uk thers give their children such deadly po son is surprising when they can relieve th child of its peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no or morphine, riold by Dr. J M Lawi in', Druggist. A. Puppy Itilletl and Eaten liy ICuIh. Mrs. Lizzie Uildreth lived about two miles from town, on tbe farm rented by Mr. Jas. T. Drake, of Wideeboro, and there were up to a short time ago a large number of white rats on her premises, bet these rats have recetly beeu destroyed The reason given for the killing of these rats is a peculiar one. Some time ago one of Mrs. Hildreth's children was given a puppy, which soon became a great pet with the entire household. One day, when the puppy was about two months old, and bad grown to a considera ble size, it was put under a box, cksed up with lattice work on one sic e tor purpo0es ot ventilation, aud every member ot the family went to the field to work. Returning to the house at night, a great scamp ering of rats was beard, and as soon as the door wa opened, they were observed to ruu from under the bed in large numbers, rnacy of them completely covered with blood. An in estigatiou was made, ;ind it wa fot ud that the rats had killed the pu jpy, taken it from uuder the box an carne-l' it under the bed, and lia I almost completely devoured it. After this it was determined to kil the rats, which was a very easv me iter, as they were tame and could be readily captured. Old FiiNliloued lloueHly. A new defalcation js annonnced almost every day. A bank prosit dent has beeu usiug the. funds of a bank ; a caahier has been dipping into the deposits ; a teller has for gotten the destinetion between his own and other people's money ; a book-keeper has kept something besides the books, and something which he ought not to have kept. All the e crimes are eommiltod iu the u lid no haste to ani:s we.ilih, and the soul is risked for ili" sake of tho body. The bintic int quesi tion is forgotten : "What .-hall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own mjuI f ' The fiuit of all I his distuou sly la Unit uuhappiness is biouht home, not only to the man, but to his fam ily. Pecuniary ruin brings with it, uuder such circumstances, moral destruction aud disgrace which cuts to t'e quick. Parents, children, brothers, sinters, fiiends all suffer, flow much butter is old-fashioned honesty ? "Slow but bUio'' is a very safe motto. Nothing can ever com pensate for doing that which, if known at the mom -nt, would entail upon your dishonor and disgrace. Write houesty over your door ; paste the word on the head of your bed ; look at it the first thing it the first thing you do every moruiug aad the last every night. Abide b$- it, aud it will help you iu titno aid in eternity. X. Y. LeJjcr. A DUTY" T Vf'L'RsKl.r. II is surnnsintr that reoole will ue a cutn- hi d do uot erin Liwing, Druggists A Ilatlle Describe!. Not loug ago, when the county supenutendant of public instiuction o! a certain couuty in this State,a-t examining some applicant lor ta h eis' certificates, he asked one of tl em to write a description ot the Hittle of Gilford Couit House. Ta-reupon the applicant wrote and handed to the superintendant the following wonderful production: "They fought ou the water one (of the cap) thought that the other bad gain but the commander of one ship sent his mn to lower deck ant then the other came over to take the other oue aud the men of the other killed them with swords." After reading ttiis tbe superiuten. dent asked which side whipped, "and ihe applicant promptly answered "The other one whipped !'' The above is a true incident that rel y ccurred not far trorn the cen tre of North Carolina. Pittaloru llccord. "Koll Up Vour NU;eviw and We are a uew race ; we are the creatures of a new era, not perfect ly risen, but dawning upon us. Never yet has mankind stood in the poaitiou which we occupy so fuil of knowledge, so full or the pasr of a past unparalleled in the history of civilization. The art ot printing, at its origin, re-peopled the world ; from that hour the mau was called to another destiny, distinct from that ol his former generation- A geueral priuciple assumed a univer sal power, and was assured of a certain if slow result. Wisdom, no longer confined to the cabinet of the scribe or the cloister of the monk, ceased to be a mere specula tion ; It became au active force and waa doomed, it necessijy, to be come a sovereign ruler. Its career forms a variety of epochs ; we have passed through mauy ; we are en tering upon one not 'of thought, not of meditation. Those who have preceded have thought and medi tated for us ; we are enverin upon an epoch in which it is our part to act: The plans of our generation are left for the next to execute. Sos. ci$ty travels faster than tbe law. We should do the work that i ready to our bauds. Work cheer lul, vigeroos, systematic work is the thing now most needed. So,, lex everybody roll up his sleeves aud go at it. A. Y. Ledger. Pay your suosciiptiou to the Lin coln COUEIEB. n:on, ordinary pill when they can secure h valuable Knglish one !r the same m.wn-y. Dr. Acker's Engii.-h pills are a p,.nitirr ci ret or tick, headache and all Liver Trou n le. They are email, sweet, easily taken '3. ! Of NLltj v in. .1 i.' .... i .. i .. i ... i i

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