1 li www LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JULY IT, 1891. NO. 11 If LL li II rn II W4 Professional Cards. 8AHT0M, ID. Has located at Lincolnton and of fers hm services as pbysiciau to the citizens of Lincolnton and surround ing country. Will'lSe found at night at the res? idecce of B. 0. Wood March 27, 1891 ly BAETMTT SHIFF, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan. 9, 1801. ly. Ffnley. & Wetmore, r ATTYS. AT LAW. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Will practice in Lincoln and surrounding counties. All business put into our bands will be promptly atten ded to. Aprii;18, 18'JO. lv. SURGEON DENTIST. OFFICE IN COBB BUILDING, MAIN ST., LINCOLNTON, N. C July 11, 1890. ly DENTIST. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction given in all operations Terms cash and moderate. Jan 23' 'Hi' ly GO TO SMfllWlDEIBra STAIB BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work away neatly done. Customers politely waited'upon. Everything pertain ing to the tousorial art is done according to latest styles. Henry Taylou, Barber. Who I h Your Reml Friend? Your stomach of course. Why ? Becaus if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair honorable chance and see if it is not the best friend you have in the tnd. Don't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stouten is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke more in the evening and it will tell on you less. If your food ferment9 and oes not digest right, it you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness ot the. head, coming on arte reading, Biliousness Indigestion,or any other trouble of the stomach, yov. hd psbuse Green's August Flower, aefs no person can use it without immediate relief FIGURES DO NOT LIE. I advertise the largest stock of FURNITURE in the State, and the lowest prices of auy dealer No-tb or vmth. I shall prove it by figures. READ THESE PRICES. A Rattan body Baby Carriage, Wire Whe? 8, only $ 7 50 Genuine Antique Oak Bed Room Sui: (19 r, ieces) 25 00 Wfihtat' Frame Wool Plush Parlor Suit (t pines) 3500 Antique Oak bideboaid, with large glrss Standing Hall Racks, with glass An -que Oak Hih .? ;k Wood Seat Pockets 1 50 Mp-ican G.ass Hammocv, laje size 1 50 Mosquito Canopies with Fiamf.J ready to ha-ig , 2 00 Bamuoo Easels, 5 f2t high 1 00 Ladies Ra, tan Rockers 2 50 Antique Oak Center Tables 16 in. square to 1 50 Holland Window shade-, Dodo Frirre and Soring Rollers 60 Platform fepring Rockers (carpet 6ev ) bterlkng Organ, 7 stop, alnut cps3 b'erhng Piano, 7J octaves Ebony c? 225 00 1 havejust put m the Furoitve for three (3) large Hotels and am re ceiving orders from all over North ai d South Carolina daily. One price to all, and that the lowest known, is my way of aoing busi ness. If you buy an article from me ind it does not come up as repre 6ented,turn it -Z ray expense and get yoor mouey back. Write me for Catalogues. r:. M. ANDREWS, Leading Furniture and Music Dealer, 14 aud 16 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. ni.i.iaii ili 1 n.iaaiiKia nan.ii iiai m i M)inMMia(innaiMMaaaaM iiU-..iiwu.ii. , , - -rV'- - n, - for Infants and Children. "CMtrla b m veO adapted to childrm UuU I recommend it m superior to any prescription known to me." H A. Ajuthxx, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria is bo universal and IU merit bo veil known that it eems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the iateuigent familie who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Caxum Mawtt, D.D., New York City. Lite Pastor Bloomiagdalo Bef onued Church. :- . - . ft In Cwtmtx dr. acker 8 ENGLISH pill? " headache. disordered stomach, loss of an - petite, bad complexion and biliousness, they have ntver been equaled, either in America or abroad. Dr. J M Lawing Druggist. To take creases out of an engrav ing lay it face downward upon a sheet of smooth, unsized white pa percover it with another sheet of the same, slightly damped and iron with a moderately warm flat iron: THE FIK3T SyttpTOMy OF DEATH. Tired feeling, dull ' headache, pains in various parts of the loiy, finking at the pit ot the stomach , iocs ot appetite, fever-j r A0TlhTl aiLiV" lhness, pimples or evidence of poison how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker's English .Blood Elixir has never lailed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons Sold under positive guarantee by Dr J. M Lawing, Druggist Toothache that is caused by Ihe acidity of saliva is cured by rinsing ; the mouth with a strong solution of bicarbonate ot soda. It may also be. applied to the teeth and gums with a moderately hard brush. A WONDERWORKER Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under the care of two prominent " physi cinns, and used their treatment until he ws m table to get around They pro nounced his case consumption and incur able: He was persuaded to try Dr King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds and at that time was not able to walk across the street without resting He found, before he had used half ot a dollar bottle, that he was much better ; he con tinued to use it and is today enjoying good health. If you have any throat, lung or chest trouble try it We guarantee satis faction. Trial bottle free at J M Lawing's Drugstore. Light should not be le'f burning in the sleepingrnoms of children at night. The optic nerves, instead of the perlect rest which they need are stimulated, and the brain and ihe rest of the nervous system suffer. DO HOT SUFFER ANY LONGFR. Know' -g that a cough can be checked in a day, and the stages of consumption bro ken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Aker's English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it a? per directions and do not find our stats ment coirect. Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist A good and cleansing wash for a sore mouth or ulcers on the tongue or gums; and one that is highly re commended, is made of one dram myrrh, one dram of tincture of cap 8icum, and four ounces of water. Rinse the mouth with this mixture every two or three hours. OCR VERY BI.iT PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Dr. Acker's Englih Remedy is in every way superior to any and all other prepar ations for the Throat and Lungs. In Whooping. Cough and Croup, it is magic and relieves at once. We o'er you a sain pie bottle f:ee. Remember, this remedy is sold on a positive guarantee. Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist. . 16 CO .5 75 3 50 50 00 Ctori cnreB Ctollc, OotviCrpation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, KW Worma, give sleep, and promotes di- reetion, Wiuout injurioua medicatiov M For several years I have recommended your ' Caatoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as it baa invariably produced beneficial result," Edwin F. PuiDra. H.D., The Winttirop," 13Stn Street and Ttn Ave., New York City. CeKFAirr, 77 Mcrkat Strut, Krr Tons. j New York Ledger, ! A YOUNG MAN SAVED BY AMELIA E- BARE. JULIUS MAY was a lawyer that is, he was going to be one Cfjftjj) if Bpendipg more or less W$ hoars every day in Heed & Tappen's offices could produce the arraugedfor result. At Srsc the prospect had b-en pleasant enough to him,but a course of winter amuse ments in New York must have some effect upon a young man, and the effect in Mr. May's case had not been, in a legal sense, satisfactory. Music and the drama, libraries bound in Russia, instead of calf ; tine ladie.s and fancy balls, London tailors and Fillh avenue boarding houses these, and many other splendid things, had become very agreeable to the newly-fledged ex qnisite. But his little fortune was rapidly disappearing, and his little salary was so extremely small that it was scarcely worth counting as a means toward these desired results. What must he do He had ask ed himself this question almost every hour lately, and bad never got but one answer "Marry P At first he had met the suggestion with a uegative snrug, and a muttered "Nonsense ! ' but it had come back every time with a more persuasive appearance. Finally, one cold,! wiudy night iu March, he determin ed to devote an hour or two to a consideration ot his chances in the matrimonial market. After a careful and honest review, he was compelled to admit that among all the rich and splendid girls whom he had habitually spo ken of as crazy about him, only two were likely to be crazy enough to enetrtaiu the thought of marrying him pretty little Bessie Bell and the exceedingly clever Nora St. Clair. He was quite sure both of these lovely creatures adored him ; the only point to settle was which he liked better ; or rather, which it would be best for him personally and commeicially to choose : and "First he thought this, Then he thought that, Next he thought He didn't know what.'' Bessie was the only child of a rich widow, who lived in excellent style, and was perfect mistress of her income. She was a sweet, dain ty little blonde, always irreproacha bly stylish in dress, always ready to dimple into smiles, and never at a loss for just the most acrrseable thing to say. Nora was a close friend of Bes sie's, but in all respects a contrast. She was no tenderly nurtured heirs ss, but a poor, brave girl, who had by the forca of intellect, study and hard work gained an enviable posU tion in the literary world. Her in come from her writings was very handsome ; she visited in the most aristocratic circles ; she wa3 charm ing in person and manners, and dressed like the rest of the fashion aole world. But then Julius felt that in every sense she would not ooly be the "better half," but prob ably the four fourths of the bouse ; aad that his personality would sink simply into "Mrs. May's husband.'7 So Bessie won the dicision, and he determined, it his new suit came home the next day, to offer Miss Bell the handsome person which it adorned. For, to tell the truth, he was a handsome fellow ; and if this wort-a-day world had ouly been a great drawm ."room, with theatri cal alcoves aud musical eouserva tones, why, then Mr. Julius May ivould have been no undesirable companion through it. The new fast came home, aad fit ted peitectly ; the tousorial depart ment was equally effective in re suit; ever precaution had been taken, aud he felt an earnest of sue cess in the very prosperity of these preliminaries. He rang at Mrs. Bell's door ; before the fcotman could op3n it. a gentleman came quickly out, threw himself into Mrs. Bell's carriage, and, in a voice of authority, ordered the coachman to "-drive to the wharf. The incident scarcely attracted his. attention until, upon entering the parlor, he saw pretty Bessie watching the disappeatiug vehicl with tearful eyes. She glided into her usual beaming, pretty manner and very soon Mrs. Bell came iu aud asked him to remain to dinner After dinner, Mrs. Bell's clergy man caned about some of th church a charities, and as the youn people were singing, they went into the library to discuss them. Now was the golden moment, and Julius was not afraid to sieze it. Wha do men say on such occasions ! Do they ever say what they in tended f Do they remember what they8ay? I don't believe Julius did , for before he had done right in the middle of a most eloquent sentence Bessie laid her hand on his with a Irightened little move ment, saying : "Mr. May, please, sir, please do stop ! Surely you kuow that I have been engaged ever since I was eighteen to Professor Mark Tyler Eveiybody knows itwe had a be trottiai-party ho is just gone to Europe for .ix mouths, that is what I was crying about ; why, all our set know about it, though he has been away for nearly two years in the Rocky Mountains and Califor nia. Mamma said we were to wait until I was twenty-one, but I love him just the same and I am quite sure I never did anything to make vou thiuk I could care for you in this way, Mr. May ;' aud Bessie looked just a little bit indignant. "I have had the honor, Miss Bell of being your escort pll winter.'7 "Ob, dear ! Did you think I was going to marry yoa for that ! In all our plersaut little dinners and drives aud dance?, is there matri monial speculations I That would indeed be dreadful !" tfbe loved the professor too truly she had been aimply pleasaut and triendly to him as she had beeu to all her other gentleman iriends,who however, had had too much sense to misconstrue her kindness. Then she walked to her pretty little avia ry and began cooing to her birds Julius hardly remembered what passed afterward, except that he received a cool, courteous "Good night, sir," m answer to his "Fare wen, ' and that he tound himself walking rouud Madison Square in a very unenviable state of mind. To this speedily succeeded the thought of Nora ; he must see her to-night ; to-morrow Bessie would give her own versiou of his con duct, and then well, he would not acknowledge that that could make any difference in Nora's liking for him. ''And yet." he murmured wuuieu are sucu uncertain crea tures, vvnere his own interests were concerned, Julius was not wanting in a certain strength and decision of character, and ia less than au hour after his rejection bv Bessie Bell he had so far composed and encouraged himself as to deter mine upon a visit to Nora, though whether he should offer himself to her or not was a point he left to the development of circumstances. He found Nora at home, and moreover, she seemed to welcome htm with extra cordiality. He Dot ed with a fresh admiration the re fined and cultured aspect of the room the luxurious copies of her favorite authors the artist's proof 3 of rare engravings the blooming ferneries and flowers the cosy stus dent's chairs the sofa, warm rugs and carpet the dancing firelight the rich silk and lace that robed the lithe, graceful figure of Nora all these bad a fresh and delightful charm iu them, In a little while he managed to make the conversation drift toward Bessie. Would she be married wheu the professor returned from Europe f "Oh, dear, no; not till she is twen- tyoue.'' "Is it not raiher a mesalliance Nora's eye's grew dangerously bright. "Certainly nor. Professor Mark Tyler ia a wonderful chemist and geologist a man ot world-wide fame. It is a great honor for Bes sie to be loved by such a great soul.'' "Ah, indeed ! I bad not thought of it in that light. People usually spoke of a mesalliance with regard to money affiirs." Yes, I know," replied Nora, -'and 1 just there they are frightfully wrong there are worse mesalliances than disparities in fortune but, howev er, here there is nonn of aoy kind ; the professor has found chemistry a sufficiently rich alembic with a res iduum admitting of no kind of doubt.'' "Wili you be glad when the mar ries t" "Very." ' "Yet you will lose your friend?1' "By no means. She will remain at home, and the profeseor and I are very old friends ; ho kuew me wheu I was a little girl." "Indeed I Perhaps you may mar ry before Miss Bell." iI may do so, I have no specific again doiug such a thing eventu ally ; but I am quite sure I shall not Jo bo immediately." "Why not f "because I cannot afford it. I am just one of those women who would !)e likely to make a mesalliance iu money matters and I repeat, I can not anom it just yet. I have at present another extravagauce be lore me, a great deal nicer than a husband." "I should like to know what it is." "A long European tour, witb,pei- uaps, a peep at the Pyramids and a ramble about old Jerusalem." "Ob, dear I" said Julius, iu a toue half serious aud half mocking. miuuiu uave no cuance, 1 suppose, ..1x.-1.1 -r agaiust such a temptation ?" "None at all,'' she said, positive ly ; and though she kept up the bantering tone, it was quite evident to Julius that if he asked her in so ber earnest, she would auswer just i;he same with a slightly different accent. 3ut Nora, with a woman's ready tact, turned the conversation, and gradually led it into a very unusual and practical channel the nobility and the necessity of labor. The glowing thoughts, the plain yet hopeful truths that fair young wo man uttered, Julius heard for the first time in his life that night. Nev tr before had he realized the profit and the deep delight which might "pring and only -pring from an honest career, no matter how hum ble or laborious if it was steadily pursued until success crowned it. She hid none of her own early mis takes and struggles, and then aN lading to her assured position and comfort, asked Julius "how he sup posed she had wou it V "By your genius," he said, admir- igiy. "Not so, sir ; but by simple, perse . ering, conscientious labor in the yath I had marked out for myself, therefore," she said, with a bright. imperative face, "go home tonight, ir. May, choose what particular form of law you will study, throw yourself with all your capacities ins t that one subject, and success i 1 ure to come. Depend upon it. the orld is not far wrong in making 1 access the test of merit." "You have made a new man of 1 e, Miss St. Clair," said Julius en t msiastically. "When I have prov- 1 this, may I come in to see you f jain ?" He had nseu to go, and they stood v ith clasped hands "Ihen you may me again.' Nothing more was 8 dd, but they quite nnderstood each c her, aud Julius went ont into the c ear starlit night, determined to make himself worthy of a good wo nan's acceptance, before he offered b mself again. Next evening, Bessie aud Nora s: it in the firelight, sipping their a ter-dinner coffee j it was an hour fcr confidence, aud Bessie said,rath- er sadly : 4Pcor Julius May be asked me to.marry him last night." Nora turned quickly, buc said rothipg. ;Tbat is, he wanted to marry my money : everybody knows that if he loves anybody really, it is youNora." He called on me, too, last ni ht,' said Nora, "and I saw he was in trouble, so I gave him something to do. Nothing like that old, old gos pel of Work when you're in trouble. When he had done it. I told him he might come and see me again." "Surely you would never marry him 1 You will just have him to dress and take care ol." 1 "AH men need women to care for hem ; elje why were women made? 3at 1 think Julius wili do very well ; ef. These elegant carpet-knights f ornetimea don armor aud take thei Torld by surprise.'' "Not mvch-h," langbed Bessie. "Remember how England's 'curl- d darlings' stormed tha Malakoff i nd battered down Sevastopol. I f.m going to trust Julius May for a ! oar or two ; I think he'll do." "We shall se-,'' "Yes, we Khali Nte. Time proves !1 things.-' Time proved iu this case what has c tten been asserted, "lhat ccery worn c n influeuces every man she comes in contact ictth, either for good or bad." uulius went steadily to work, used with economy the remains of hi pamwony, oecame known among lawyers as a hard-reading, clear headed, sieady oung man, and in a little nioie than two years he ven tured to call again on Nora St. Clair aad ask her a certain questiou, to which she answered, with pride aud c mfideuce : "Yes." Another evening Bessie and Nora sit sipping their coffee together iu t!ie gloamiug of an early summer eveuing. "Bessie," said Nora, Julius May a iked me last night to marry him." "Going to do so, Nora T" "Yes, dear, I am going to take c ire of him, and be is going to tke c ire of me." "That is 'all right,' I suppose." "Yes- I pm quite sure it couldn't b i better." Both girls sat silent a while, and t ien Nora said, sadly : "I have b?en wonderiug bow ma il bad husbands ru'ght have been g)od ones, did women always use tlieir influence for noble ends- There 0 lght to be a saving power in love if it is true love and there is, for 1 have proved it; and what I have 0 jne other women can do a'so." God grant that in the larger lib erty to which woman aspires, she r:ay consider how vast a power is t "T influence, and use it only for g racious ends I ' ' ELECTRIC LITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known arid so popular as to need no special men t n. All who have used Electric Hitters s aj the fame song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaran t ;ed to do all that is claimed. Electric I tters will cure all diseases of the Liver a iid KidDej's, will remove Pimples, Boils, It Rheum and other afl'ections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the s .stem and prevent as well as cure all 3 talarial fevers. For cure of Headache, C nstipation and Indigestion try Electric h tters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or or -ney refunded. Price 50 cent9 and 11.00 p?- bottle at Dr, J. M. Lawing's Drug- si re. People Starvlus: in KiiMHia. LONDON, July 1. The Telegraph's St. Petersburg corresDondeut de c res tne narvest in itussia this y i ir is likely to be tne wor st on rec- or I. Ie draws a harrowing picture of tl i results of the drought. Prices of cereals, he sajs, are rising bocr lv Rice has never before been so d'-nr. Throughout Central and Western a'id the greatest portion cf Souths er Russia, the outlook is distress in;j. Ministerial repoits say that tb i winter crop in South and Eist R.ssia perished by frost. Famine is tlready visibly in the faces of the p( isantry in Kostroma. Disease has broken our. The only fo disoat meal mixed with tree bf.'k or similar ingredients. In Ka ze ', among the indigents receiving meals gratis, are 140 noblemen and 76 priests. In other districts simi lar conditions are report!. In the Jewish colony at Roveno pol mauv people are dying of hun ger, and hundreds have to hnddle together, several families iu one room, for the sake of warmth. Some papers have advertisements of children for sale. The government is taking pre. cautions agaiust expected revolts. Taxes are collected with the usual regularity, and failure to pay is vis ited with severe flogging. Gov. Hill is credited with a re. mark that epitomizes the local po litical situation in New York : "The Republicans always carry the State in June, July and Aneust. We will carry it in November." Crimlniil Will 'Sutler Death, Hut lienfli Will . Come Without laln. Buffalo, N. Y.,July Dr.South wick and Dr. Daniels, l-ith of whom witnessed the Kemmler execution returned to-day from Sing Sing, where they witne sci the eleclrociu tion of the four murderers. "The executions weie a succes in every way," said Dr. South wick, "and there was not the slightest hitch. The electric execution hrs tometo stay. These executions h.tvo ih ni. oustrated that the method is hu mane." "Do v'u Kiv aM four died instantly!" .lf Njr. They tjlcj instantly. That cun-ut leached them, it was absolutely p.unles death." "Why was the mcond shock given ?'' To prevent the mus cular exhibition that was uoticed at Kemmlcr's executiou." "Was there any burning of th j fleh ?" "There was not. Tnoio was a slight scald, racing a white blister, that is all." He deuounced the EveningWoi Id statement that Smiler's body, when it reaehed New York-showed bum?, as downright lies. "How can you be surf, Doctor, that the men died instantly !" "I'll tell yououe very Natisfactory test. Slocum wts praying when bo died. So was wood. Tiieolheis said nothing. But I paiticulaiiy obseived Slocum. He was Naming "Lord, have mercy on ny Nonl,"whe:i he received the shock, Ue hail just said the word iny' and tit m ted t say '.soul,' She nibel.int sound of the 4S' was made, but the word 'soul' was never utteied. The syl lable "vas cut in two. "Another indication," cout uued Dr- South wick, "was t he appearance of the men's features at do th 1 suggested that ti-ey should c,lo:-e their eyes so that the salt wafi r from the electraode on their fore beads should not run into thou exes and cause them needless pain. They did so. That action made a certain contraction of the features. That contraction was there after the men were taken from the chair. There was not a single puson who tav, tl e executions but said the deaths were instantaneous and the method a painless aud humani- metiixl ot producing death. 1;00 volNweie giVeu." "The executions were au unqual ified success iu every way,' siiu Dr- Dauiels. "The uieu b,td no sensi bility of pain, and they died in- Stiutly. The executions demonstia te J that the electric method is quick, p; inless aud humane. There wero no sounds, no burning, no odor of bt ruing flesh, nothing whatever that w )uld revolt any spectator." Dr. Daniels also spoke of one of tba men praying and reaching the nissing sound of "S"when the shock curne. "It cut the sj liable in two," he said. "Not another sound came from him. I look upon that as a supreme test." THAT TEURIIiI.E CoUOlI In the niorainjhurriel or difficult breat'i-int-T, raising phlegm, tighenem in the cli-.-t. quickened pulse. cbiliine-s in the evening or sweats at night, ail or any of th';-.; 'hings are the first stages of c.irurnptio;). Dr. Acker's English Cough 1'e ne ly n-Ul euro these fearful symptoms, and h sold uri'Jer a -pim'ttice guarantee by Dr J M Law ing, Druggist. The Kody orsiouew all Jack ho u'm Daughter Lexington, Va., July C It has j'ust been learned that ihe tody of Mrs. Julia Jackson Ctrist:au,dau;;h- ter of Stonewall Jackson, oj Friday night at 10 o'clock, was sec ill re ¬ moved from its resting place iu the city cemetery aud placed in the crypt, in the vaolt beside her dis tinguished father, whose remains will be placed under the Jackson -tatue. Her busbaud on Friday gave his permissiou for tho removal of the body. Gen. Grant declared -that $27,- 000,000 anunally was no. an ample, but a lavish peuBion for those who had suffered in the late war." Gen. Garfield declared that "nothing but an unwarrantable extravagauce would increase the pension W t above 829,000,000 a year." The late Bil lion dollar Congress appropriated for one year for peusions just $1G7,- 821.733,33 1 Charlotte Democrat.