'I'll CdDUiEIEMo $1,50 A YEAR ; i THE LINCOLN COURIER AM) A MAILT.! Ai EAMo Siiico we changed the price of the Courier to One Dollar there has been but little vari ance in the Subscription list and we therefore conclude that the people who want a county paper are willing to pay $1-50 for it, at any rate we cannot atl'ord to publish the (jouricr at $1-00 a vear- Henceforth we will hold to our original puce $1-50 a vear. Horace 3 reel ey on theiiserj' ofJieiiiKiii leli Among the many good things which Horace Greeley wrote for the New York Ledger is the f ollowin vivid article on the misery of bein in debt: To be hungry, ragged and penni less, is not pleasant; but this is nothing to the horror of bankrupt cy. All the wealth of the Kolh: childs would be a poor recompense for a five years' struggle, with tie consciousness that you had take i the money or property of trusting Iriends promising to return or pay I for it when required, and had be trayed their confidence through in solvency. I dwell on this point, for I would deter others from enteriug thai place of torment, llalf the young men in the country, with many ol enough to know better, would "go into hnsiness'' that is, into debt to-morrow, if they could. Most poor men aie so iguoraut as to envy the merchaut or manufactnr. r whose life is an incessant struggle with pecuniary difficulties, who is driven to coastaut "dhiuniug,'" at d who, from month 10 mouth, bare evades that insolvency which soon or later ouertakes most men in bus iness ; so that it has been computei that but oue in twenty of then achieves a pecuniary success. For my own part and I epeal from sad experience I would rath er be a convict in State prison, slave iu a rice-swamp, than to pas through lite under the barrow o debt. Let no young man misjudg himself uufortunate, or truly poor, so long as he ha the lull use of b:s limbs aud faculties and is substan tially free from debt. Hunger, cold, rags, hard wofk, con tempt,suspiciou.uu just reproach, aie disagreeable; but debt is infin itely worse than them ail. And, i; it had pleased God to spare either or all of my sous to be the support and solace of mv decliniug year the lesson which I should have mos earnestly sought to impress upon them is: "Never run iuto de!t ! Avoid pecuuiary obligations as yon would pestilence or famine. If yi-u have but fifty cents, and cm get no more for a week, buy a peck of corn, parch il and live on it, rather than owe any mau a dollar!" Of course, I know that some men must do business that involves risks, and must give notes and oth er obligatious;and I do not consider him really in debt who can lay his hands directly on the means of pay ing at some little sacrifice all he owes:l speaK of real debt that which involves risk or sacrifice on the one side, obligation and depend ence on the other and I say, from all such let every yomh humbly pray God to preserve him evermore! The Siib-Treasiirj Plan. Do not be alarmed. We are not going into au exhaustive discussion of the financial plan which is pro ducing suc'i diviMou among our people that It threatens to give Harrison a sure thing in the way of a re-election by dividing all oppo nents ot ihe Republican financial policy of administering the govern, raeut. We have only a suggestiou to maKe one mat is practical and , timely, and which cannot fan to find l ivor among conservative men who really desire reform. Why divide upuu ouo-ireasurvT very Do ly admits that there is no chance ol its early passage. Friends and oppo-. nents of the bill alike realize this, fact. Then why not let that plan rest in ahovanp unli! Hio legislation It.it is in fii'lit is mactcd? Tarifl rnJonr., froe silver, and r:miomicul U'iiainiB'raiiuii can all be areoru- plisbo 1 withiu three years if all wlio favor those reforms will stand to gether. Thru will be the time to discus? the .S u I) -Treasury plan aDd enact it or provide ''something better." We throw out this nuggestion in the interest of the reforms to which the Alliance and the Democratic party are alike committed. We greatly fear that, unless Home such sensible and wise agreement is made, the election ot 1892 will fast en not only the resent financial systems with its burden? upon us for a generation, but that it will also secure the enactment of the ! Force bill and increase the pensior list to such proportions that the youngest babe now living will never escape the weight of the burdens entailed. State Chronicle. Can Never lie Sure ot An v tli inc. Every honorable and upright, newspaper man is frequently inosi painfully reminded of the unrelia bleuess of Journalism aud its crim inal indifference to troth. The out side public cau not appreciate so well the malicious recklessness dis plp.jed in certain news-papers, a the conscientious and upright news paper man, who loves his profes sion and hoids its capacity for trutl iu ad high estimation as true wower; hold virtue in their own sex. To b sure the press is generally unrelia ble and a reader can never be sun of anything he may see in a great many of the great journals. This uureliablenfss is due both to malice aud a lack of circumspec tion, which have done so mucn U: cripple the usefulness and power of the great modern press. The facil ities for collecting and publishing news, as great as they are, are nor equal to the struggle for it. There aie engaged in no other busines- i requiring so much intelligence and responsibility, so many reckles and unreliable men, men animated with malice and the mercenary spirit of misrepresentation. Here are a number ot leceu? events that go to show eilher mal ice or indifference on the part of a rery influential portion of the press )f this county. Som of those ex imples appear to be instigated by the devil himself. It was published that Mr. Cleve kod would speak in Ohio upon invi tation of the Ohio Democrats. Thar was very important information, i;' information that is if true. H denied the report soon after, show-, ing that it had no foundation in fact. A striking example of the un reliableness of the uewspaper press. One day Koch lymph is a brilliant success; the next, day it is au igno miuious failure. On Thursday it was reported thar Secretary Noble had resigned, on J the next day it was contradicted aud the public is left in doabt. I With malice and aforethought it ! is published that there is domestic j dissension in the household of H. M.Stanley. He has abused Mrs. Stanley. It is indignantly denied The N ew York World is pursuing Blaine with the vengeuee of a hye na, doing its best to kill him with kidney disease, notwithstanding a denial from his doctor that he has no disease of the kidney. Time and again indelicate allu $ious are made to Mrs. Cleveland. Mrs. Anderson is also a subject for frequeut defamation. The question has been prolific with such examples which make every honest uewspaper mau blush with shame and iudiguation. The rascals in journalism should be put upon the rack. They ought to be roasted. They are doing a wretchs j ed buiues that is putting th ? brand of Auuamas on the whole ! profession. To be sure there is good excuse for inaccurracy of statement in the journal that is ushered into the world at the early morning hour, that is put together at midnight. Hut there is no excuse for the enter prise of reckless malice aud the pos itive indifference to the truth ibat are to be seen in s many ot the great daily newspapers. One iuflu ential, but malacious and lying journal makes its iuu cent and Loo ; orable brethren present the world ; in a false light. Charlotte Chronicle. A r,lv-ion,i ni,, r. i . i .j.v, mm in uvu;?c , rooteis sav that ronrin n.-l untr. i j b ing tin which befoie the McKialey tariff cost thm 811 a box nowct them 17.50 a box, so that the nun ho has a house roofed with tin pavs ?G 50 more per bos tor the tin put on his roof thau he did before the ejUra dutv was added.- Wil. Star. .Mania mid Sffuiiiucs. It in said thai every man has bis pet insanity. There's your irre ) pressible angler, for example, who will Hit all day in the blazing sue watching a bobbing cork, for no better reward than a few meager fish that he himself would tnrn up his nose at if he saw them in Wash ington market. Is he rational T The collector of old pictures, whe values a cracked, dirty, smoke" dried, unintelligible mass of faded pigments, which was good for little when new, and has become absolute rubbish by the action of time ant. the hard usage it has richly de served is he compos mentis t The worshiper of old books, who values them for their dates, nos their coutents, what is be? The lexicon gives him his right title i. bbomaniac. The healthy self-deceiver who in gists on being a valetndinariau, triey every system of medical treatment in turn, and would inevitably poi son himself but for the vigor whicl he swears he lacks what shall w say of him ? Verily, he is mad en ough for a strait-jacket. As mad as he, is the crotchet" politician who fancies that there i but oue way to prevent the nation from going tc destruction, and tha he has the patent for it Madde htill is the social philosopher who proposes to kno k into chaos tL moral and religions systems and -which the civilized world has pros--pered and to reconstruct society af ter a new plan which, whenever i' has been tried on a small scale, ha failed utterly and scandalously. Happy are they whose minor in sanities are pleasant to tuemselve and harmless to their neighbors. jV, Y. Ledger. Jtlatli email rs as Taught at Home. uAnd now, children,7' remarked ; professor iu one of the public schools the other day, "if a family consist ing of father and mother and sevei children should have a pie for din- j ner, now mucn would eacn oue ie ! I ceive V j "Why," remarked the bright bov, j "each would get au eighth." "But there are nine persons, you must remember." "Ob, I know that, but the moth er wouldn't get any. rhere would n't be enough to go around " When Baby was rick, we gare her Castoria. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castorir From the columns ol some of oar brethren we gather that tney pro pose to buckle on their armour in defence of the Democratic Banner. Let every true North Carolinian stand to his Democratic colors. News and Observer. BUCKLEN'S AKN1CA SALVE The best Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and f all skin eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required, It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ed. price 25 cents per box. For eale byf J. &i Lawimr. Pvbsician and Pharmncist BUCKLEN'S AKNIcA SA.LYE. The best salve in the world for cutr' j bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever ! seres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, I corns,acd all skin eruptions, and positive j ly cure piles, or no pay required. It. i-: i guaranteed to give perlect satisfaction, ov j money refunded. Price 25c. per box. F.; j 6ale by Dr. J M. Lawing, Druggist I English Spavin Liniment removes ail j hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemiih : es from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splint? sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all (swollen throats, coughs etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wondertul blemish cure ever known. Sold by J. M La wing Druaist Lincolnton N (J. 1NV! ENTION I has revoiutioni2e-i ENTION the world durimr th. laSjC hjlf century. Not least among tb wonder? of incentive progress is a inetber v, " l""t .'-.u "c i"""" and gvstem ot work that can be performed an over toe country vunout separating tba workers from their homes. Pav hb- J J . 1 .. -.L eral; any one can do the work- either sex, young or old; no peeial ability required. Capital not needed; yea are started free Cut thii out and return to us and we will send you tree, something of great valuf and importance to you, that will start yoo in business, which will bring you in more money rithtaway, than anything else in tha world. Grand outfit free. Address True & o., Augusta, Maine- ; . :-"v THE ODELL TYPE WRITER 820 WILL BUY THP ODELL TYPE AVMTER With 78 characters, and gl5 for the Single Case Odell, warranteJ to do better work than any machine made. It combines bihplicitt with dcbabilitt, speed, kask or opsbatiov, wears longer without cost of repairs, than any other ma chine. Ilaa no ink ribbon to bother the operator. It is neat, substantial, nickel plated, perfect and adauted to all kinds of type writing. Like a printing press, it produces sharp, clean, legible manuscripts. Two or ten copies cau be made at one wri ting. Any intelligent person can become au operator in two aays. AAA Offered anyone who will equal O-LjvlvU the work of our Double Cage tor clean impression, perfect alignment, and number ot copies of" manifold" at one impression. For Pamphlet giving indorsement, c, address ODELL TYPE WRITER CO,, 85 and 87 5th Ave. Chicago, III-. Call on or write to REV. C. E. GOWER, Lincolnton, N. C, For the ODELL TYPE WRITER We have bought and thorough v tested the Odell Type Writer. It i worth TEN TIMES its cost, as we cau testily. Every professional am ' busines man ouqht to have one. Jdoun scribblers ought to have one if the ever write any. We cau sell you one as cheap as you can get it in the world, which means about one tenth its real value to yon. It will hard y cost you anything more for ink o" repairs, except 25 cents lor ink lol -er, for years o come- At least, we can certify, after one month' tral, one drop of ink will last ler 10-20 hours writing, AND IT IS ALWAYS READY. Agents ai d salesmen wanted. For machines an I territory, add less C. E. GOWER, Lincolntcn, N. C. Feb. 13, 1891 tf RIOMOND & DANVILLE RAIL EOAD. South Carolina Division, & L. N G Daily except Sunday. IN EFFECT Aug. 2nd, 1891. No 11 f ,No. 12 i Lv 8 22 arr Leuuir Ar. 19. 18 a . 8 49 8 50 9 07 9 38 1011 10 38 1112 1144 12 05 p m p m 12 25 12 45 1 00 1 40 2 03 2 11 2 32 Ar. 3 00 lludaunville 1155jia Saw Mill 11 45 Granite Falls 11 35 Hickory 11 05 Newion 10 27 Maiden 10 04 Liucoluiuu 9 34 Hardin 9 09 Dallas 8 47 Gastonia 8 34 Crowdersc'k 7 49 Clover 7 29 Xorkville I 6 59 Guthneville 6 37 McConeUville! 6 29 Lowrysville 6 00 Chester Lv. 5 40 D. Cardwell, Div. Pas. Agt. Columbia, S. C. Sol Haas, Traffic Manager. Jas. L. Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Ageut. CAROLINA CEWUL SHCEDULE. MOVING WEST. NUMBER ONE Passenger, Hail & Express Train. Stations. Arrive. Leaves. Wilmington Charlotte Paw Creek Mt Holly Stanley Creek Ironton Lincolutou Cherry ville Woco Shelby Battimore Aooresboro Ellenboio ostic Forest City a m p m 9 30 4 33 4 52 5:04 5 20 5 36 5 52 6 20 6 29 6 50 710 7:21 7 30 7 45 7 55 p m Rutherlordton 1 8 05 1 MOVING EAST. NUMBER TWO Passenger, Mail & Express 1'raiv STATIONS. I Arrive, t Leaves. Kutheiloidton a m Forest City Bostic Ellenb'ro Mooresboro Baltimore Shelby Woco Cherry ville Lincoln u n Irouton 3tauley Creek Mt. U.dly Paw (y'reek Charlotte 12 17 wumington i p ui ihrongh freight and passenger train No. 25 with sbepers attached leaves Wdmiugton at 8 00 p. m.,Hod arrives at charlotte 6 30 a. m. Througu freight and passenger train No. 24 with simpers attached leaves charlotte 9 00 p. m. and ar rives at Wilmington 7 30 a. m. close connection pgrli ways at Hamlet for Baleigh. T W. WmsjfANT, Sapt. COUNTY UIRKCTOIIY. Sheriff, J. li. Lutkey, Lincolnton, N C Cl'k. .sU;. Court, C. E. Childs, " " Reg, of Deeds, 13. C. Voi, Treasurer, L. T. Willkie. ' Surveyor, C. C. Beas. Corouer, J. C j..er, Supt. Pub. Inst.Alf. Nixon. board or corxTr ccii.sioNKRn. T. fl. Hoke, Cnm'n. Li.cinton. N. C A. L. Cherry , Triangle. J. L. Keinhardt, Iron Station, 1'. A. len. HeepaTille, W. M. Uull, Orleans, cocxtr BOARD or EDCCaTION R. Z. Johnston, fhm'D, Lincolrtoc ,c . J . r. Bso, S. V. Gocdson, FOST M1STEIS5- Miss Nannie C. Hoke. town orriCERs: Major, H. E. Ramsuur. Secretary J- Treasurer, W. li. Edwards. Town Const. C'Las. Jetton. Commitsioners : I. J. Pte, Blair Jenkins, k A. Toby, II. Y. Burton, T. H. IJoke, V. L. crouse, L. T. Wiikie P S. Beal. ' ' ARRIVAL OF UaILS. Mails on C C Railway, distributed 6:30 P M and 11 A M Mails on Narrrw Gaugd Railway, citrib ute.i 7:30 P M and 12 M. Star litute, via Reepsville, l-h?es Lin colnton at 7 A M," Mondays, Wedr.tslays and Fridays; arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 P Jlon Fridays, Thursdays and Saturdays Public Schools open .December, Janu ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet rirst Mon-i day in each nio-itb. 'Vows Cocncil ui-et first Friday night in ea t month, at 7 oVlock. lloAKD ...f K duration meet first M..i.da inJauiiiu v, June. Septeuiher and Df-reiuher WANT A . We have wagons, buggies, surreys. High grade; as light, Strong, durable, stylish, as beautifully finished as modernized manufacture can produce. Duilt on honor by men of life experience. Honesty is our policy; prompt shipment our specialty. We want to know you. Write us. Costs you nothing. May lead to business by and by. Send for our catalogue. It is free to every reader of this paper. Bing hamton Wagon Co., Binghamton, N. Y. "BUILT FOR BUSINESS" ITTTTIE are making a specialty this season of what vlff I we can our PARAGQN HARNESS. Made of the INEST STOCK and the very J5 VjJ BEST WORKMANSHIP. Such a harness foRfalS cannot be bought for less than $25. ?? at retail. But we are willing, r$v vi In order to Introduce It, to j Sell one set only (Sry tP h & jKypt 1" rV's isisr ON YOUR oTOREKEEPE' FOR YOU.'' yiNsisrVSSSBsii i y ii i i ii m mm WE ARE IN THE LEAD FOR FltiE QUALITY AND STYLE OF SPRING VEHICLES. THE MOST FOR THE MONEY IS ODE MOTTO. BEST MATERIAL AND . WINS. SMALL AND LARGE ORDERS RECEIVE BEST ATTENTION. A SAMPLE JOB WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT OUR WORK IS THE WORK TO BUY. BRIDGEWATER CARRIAGE CO. 3RO A TTQKE, "V A ToNE.TpUCHt imrm A COMPLETE NEWSPAPER. THE PRIDE OF WOBTH CAOLlNA." A. Honitz,. H. Kingsbury, LL D Win. II. llezrue.-EditoriallStaff Do yon want to aid in building up a paper tlmt shall reflect the greatest credit on North Carolina? no matter where it may ba seen then patronize THE MESSEnGEK, Published in three editions. The Daily Messenger and the Weekly Messenger, Published ut Wilmington, N. C. The Goldshoro Trauscript Messen ger Published at Ooldsboro, N. C. They are Large Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable papei giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper thai equals the best has the largest en culatiou and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in the growth and development of the Oid North State ? Then Subscribe for the Messenger. trial rates: Daily Messenger, hy mail 1 mos. 01 trial $2.0C Weekly Wiluiiugtou Messen ger, 8 moss l.Ot (joldsboro .transcript-Messenger, S mos. 1.0C CASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Tal mage's JSermons are fea ture ot all three Papers. WAGON? ( 0T1-CKI US RnvJin .''1 HOLYQKE, Mass. ONE OF OUR CATA LOGUES FULLY IL LUSTRATES OUR LINE. W5r-r55S LARGEST rPRtrouciNG riANO tactorils friflPElgS mora mm -BOOK- Will be far superior to any year of Ua hilt lory, a larger amount or money having bceo appropriated for the embellishmaot of the magazine than ever betora. God ba been published tor 60 years without miwiing an Uaue, and YOUCAJUNOT GET ABETTER two dollars wortn ot magazine loan by .ubscribiog to "Godey," Thf Bt Faxox Magazine in America. Tbe leading attractions for 1890, arc: Beautiful Colored .Fashion Plates ; a grarod Fashion PJates injblack and wbiU, representing; tha preyailing styles, pro : daoed expressly for Godey. j Finely Executed Frontispieces, ; Art Embroidery and Needlework Design j New and Popular Music, Plans for the House you want to Build i Celebrated Cooking Receipes, Etc ' ; The Beautiful Home' Club by Emma J I Gray, for young housekeepers or those 1 who contemplate becoming so. A year in me nouse Dy Augusta Salisbury Fred t-ott (Jenny Wren), which will treat of the various duties for each month. A Chih area's Corner, for the little ones. A r tit . .. , a iwu aiimyui met Biurts Dy iavoflie authors, amoDg whom are Emily Lennox, Olivia Lovell Wilson, Ada Maria Peck, Elaie Snow. "G." author nf CJminl ' ! Belle C Greene, with her numerous sket- cnes, ana otbers, PREMIUMS to club raisers are among its special features, and Godey 'e offers the mast choice and valuable ot any magazine published. Send 15 cents tor sample num ber containing full club rates and premi ums XVERV LADY HER OWN DRKSSMAUft woo subscribes to Godey 's Lady book. The COUPON which you will find in eacjj number entitles you to your own selection of any cut paper pattern illustrated in uoaey s iays jsqqk. lour 15c. tiample 1 mm one oiiwmcn win be allowed ot these coupons. ?our subscription whe ine pane r ii shows 50U how u cut out the garment jv want, xuai s an we can say jn tni9 space, for the rest see your sample number, for which send 15 cents at once. "Godey" n only $2.00 a year. Address "GODEY'S LADY'S COOK " Philadelphia, Pa. In Club with the LiNxoijf Courier. Gcdey's and the Courier lor $3.00, which should bo sent to the oflicc of the Cocrixk. s g. finley, atcy. j. m. koberts, sec Lincolnton RRAT F.RTATP AGENCY. FlflLEY AND ROBERTS. LINCOLNTON, N. C. FNOKDERTO OPEN UP A X cuaiine through which parliei' ueie aud people fiom other parts the country, especially from t e North, may be euabled to secure valuable property in Lincolnton and Liu coin county, by being made ac' quainted with the true value,healtb Iulne8s, &c, of Lincolnton and the surrouuding country, and In order that these hodinngpro perty for eale may have some sys tematic method of disposing of the same to the benefit of all concerned by having it advertised and the points ot value clearly pointed ont to purchasers, and Y la order to establish for ourselves a business from which we hope to reap some legitimate profits, direct ly or iudirectly, by increasing the population aud the business of our town, We have ebtablished at Lin colnton a real estate agency, to uuj, sell, rent aud negotiate real estate of all kinds on commission and otherwise. And iu order to accomplish the objects herein briefly reterred to, we tepectfully ask the cooperation of our citizens. Those in the county having tin bered, farming or mineral lands, water powers, &cn developed or undeveloped, for sale, rent or ex cbaDge; and Those havjn&r real v afarm nf an H II rl i r.r- c ,. 7.. ,T Lincolnton, may find it to their ad vantage to confer with either party j of this agency. 1 vy e oner the toJlowing valuable property j De lot on Main street 75 yajda wel me cuurmouse square on whjch ther ft large two story brick house with a base ment, a well built residence containing IS rooms. 2 A cottage in Queen Ann style of architecture, together with nre acres oj ground surrounding and joining. The property u improvea by shrubbery, fruit trees, Lc, together with well and necessary outbuildings, and a neat, comfortabla bus iness office. 3. Two building lots on Main street, near the depot, containing a fine grove of ot. trees. Valuable property aUo for rntr.ufacturinjjf establishments. 4, About lour acres 01 JandS-outb East of the Court duue. Excellent for buildine purpose. 6. Two town lots in the South ast part f town on which are two two story dwei, lmg houses containing 4 rooms each. 6. About 15il act en ah,.,. 1 io fron. Lincolnton and about i ot a miie . ,ut j-iiuu cpnngs-about yu acreg uood land and 15 acres bottom land. '. A tandsome cottage in Horth Esst fcquare situated on a mot beautitui Jot. A il the aDove desoribtd property ig val uable and ill be Eoid on eaav tfrmaV It situated m and near one of the moat healthful towns in the South and surroun ded with a fertile countiyand has the very best of railroad facilities. For iurlher particulars address, FlflLEY t KOBERTS. Lincolnton, N. C, March 28, 1890.. BROWN S IRON BITTERS ? Cures Dyspepslay-Ip, digestion Dbfciijf .