y& . . . 1 I II VOL V Professional Cards. PHYSICIAN AND SliRdEON, Offe-iphia professional service to .he citizens of Lineolntoa naa surroan- dlngoouuiry. Room at O A. Ram sanr's. Office at J M. Lawing' ding store. All calls promptly at leaded to. ' -. -Aug; 7, 1891 tly J.W,SAHPJaBJ.ID, Has located at ' Lincoln tou and of fers Lis services ad physician to the citizens of Liucolntou and sunouud ing country. Will be found at night at the res( idenco of B. C. Wood March 27,'lS9l ly "T3 A "POT "WWP iMTTlDTD I ATTORNEY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan. 9,. 1891. Ij. Finley & Wetmore. ATTYS. AT LAW. f LINCOLNTON, N. C Wlll practice in JLmCOln anafi surrounding Counties. 5 All business put into our hands will be promptly atten-l ded to. April 18, 1890. ly j'- i mm- SURGEON DENTIST. 01 FICE IN COBB BUILDING, MAIN ST., LINCOLNTON, N. C July 11, 1890. ly .,ll Iar nFNTifvr. LINCOLNTON. N l '. Cocaine U3ed for painless exr tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction given in all operations Terms cash and moderate. Jan 23 '91 V GO TO QOUTMEHN STAB BAtfBEft SHOP. Newly fitted hp. Work aways neatly done, customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain iug to the tousorial art ia done according to latest styles. ILenby Tatlou, Barber. , LADIES , Needing' a Ionic, or children. who vantbollJ '. lug up) should take -BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. It U pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indi gestion, BUioiuaetf and Liver ComvlaiaU- FIGURES DO NOT LIE. I advertise the largest stock of FURNITURE in the State, and the lowest uricea of any dealer North or South. I shall prove it by figures. READ THESE PRICES. A Rattan body Baby Carriage, Wire Wheels, only Genuine Antique Oak Bed Room Suit (10 pieces) Walnut Frame Wool Flush Parlor Suit (6 pieces) AntiviueCOak.Sideboard. witli large gU StiindiilgHalI Racks, with glass Antique Oak Ilieh Back Wood Seat Rockers Alei'icau Gras Hammocks, large size Mosquito Canopies with Fiames ready to hang Bamboo Easels, 5 feet high Ladies Rattan Rockers Antique Oak Center Tables 16 in. square top Holland Window shade-, Dodo Fringe and Spring Rollers Platform"Spring Rockera (carpet seat) Sterling Organ, 7 stops, "W alnut case vtn14mr Pisnn ?l nf tAveM honv case 1 have just put in the Furniture for three (3) large Hotels and am re ceiving orders from all over North and South Carolina daily. One price to all, and that the lowest known, is my way of doing busi ness. It you bay an artiele from me and it does not come up as repre sented, return it at my expense and get your money back. Write me for Catalogues. E-M. ANDREWS, Leading Furniture and Music Dealer, 14 aud 16 West Trade St. Charlotte, N. C. .. - .. - - ... for Infanta 'and Children. 'CtTi to m wfflS4pted to fehajrw that X recommend it m ropertor to ay prescription fcaowu to me." II. A. Ausn, X. D., Ill So. Oxford 6t, BrooUjra. & Y. "The dm cl ' Castorl ' te ) unJTeraal ad U merits to ynM kaoim tbt 1 teem work of tupererotratlcm to eadorae U. Few are the toteUiee&t families irho do aot keep Carton vlUiu easy reach." Cia:w Jtiim. D. D., Htrw York Ctty. Late P&etor Eloomiagdale BcCormed Cburcb. Twm Cmisn OUR VERY BKT PEOPLE LonQrm our statement wbea we Bay that Dr. Acker's English Remedy is in every nuuor n any ana an otner prepar ations for the Throat s.n1 I.nn 1, Whooping Cougtt and Croupi it is magic and relieves at once, We offer jou a eam. pie bottle free. Remember, thi remedy is oiu on a positive guarantee. Dr, J. M Ltawing, Druggist. A damp clotb is better than a dry one for dusting iarniture. li.L i. - j Atuu uu uuuiko ana uorsja ana all anit mala cured in 30 minutes "by Woolforda camtary .Lotion. This never fails. Sole b J M. Lawing Druggist Lincolnton, N ( Bread keeps better in a wooden box than one of tin. MERIT WINS We desire to say to our citizena, tbai for eitrn wo usye Deen sewing ur. a.ine'3 . New Discovery 'or Consumrjtion. also fir. King's New Life Pills. Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never .handled remedies that sell as well, or that ve given eucb universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them everv time, and '- we stand readv to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory reesults do uu iouow tneur use. ihese remedies have won :&eir great popularity purely on their merits aij.iAI. .Lawing'a -rhysician and rnarmacist. Ferns thrive better where there is no gap. in a room DR. ACKIR 9 XXOXI3R PILLS Are active, effective and pure. For kick petite, bad complexion and biliousness . y . vs never Den equaled, either in America or abroad. Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist. Wet tobacco will wasp stings. relieve bee or Who Is Your Best Friend ? Your stomach of course. Why ? Becaus if it is out of order you are one of the most miserable creature? living. Give it a fair honorable chance and see if it is not the be9t friend you have in the end. Don't smoke in the morning. Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with breakfast. You can drink more and smoke mure in the evening and it will tell on you lees. If your food ferments andl does not digest right, it you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness of the head, coming on after eating, Biliousness, Indigestion.or any other trouble of the stomach, you had. psbuse" Green's August Flower, aefs no i erson can use it without immediate relief "Master at home 1" "No, air, he's out.' "Mistress at home V No, sir, she's out.' "Then I'll step in abd sit by tire." 'That's out, too." the A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. ,On this saf plan you can buy from our advertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King' New Dis. covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case, when used lor any affection of Throat, Lungs lor Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Group, etc., etc. It ia pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and caa always be depended upon, Trial bot tles tree at J M Lawing'a Drugstore. $7 50 25 00 35 00 16 00 5 75 1 50 1 50 200 1 00 2 50 150 65 3 50 50 00 225 00 ! CMtorU eoraboUe, Compsrtnn, Hour BtoEBAofa, UtarrtxoNk rucioa, Km Woraa, girtm ateep, aad prot&otaa of CvaOoo, tboaltBi Wi tajurious medication Tor aeren years I have reeommended tov 'CMtorSa,''aa(l shall alwaya continue do so as it bag tovariably prodaosd beneficial reautta." , -. Sdwix T. Tiiun.K.T MThe WlB&repriSStb Strest aad 7tb Avet, Kew York City. Comfajtt, 77 If urn bat Stum, Nr Yoax. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, New York Ledger. A LITTLE COWARD. BY ANNA SHEILDS. gUOH a little coward P The words come floating np to me from a group of children jrjy praying under my window and carry me back two year, to the sanimer I spent in Westonville and the "little coward" I wet there. I had been in practice as a pbyai cian for several years, wheu Aunt Jane, the rich aunt of the Ilutchius! son family, wrote to invite me to spend a tew weeks with her. I was rather amazed at the invitation, as Aunt Jane had never had the slight est affection tor me; bnt the letter was cordial enough to tempt me. "I have three y oung ladies visit1 ing me," she wrote, "and you may fall in love with ant of them, with my consent. They are all well born and wellbred which ia more than! can be said ot moat girls nowaday s Serena May bury is just the woman! for a physicians wile, self-possessed, caim, courageous ana yes perfectly womanly. She is very handsome, toi. Julia Strong is a literary girl aud. writes for the newspapers. She is pretty, bat abstracted, lives m a poetic region above my reach. Susy Markbam is scarcely more than a child, eighteen years old, and small as a girl of twelve, fair-haired, blue eyed, gentle and loving; but will not attraot you, as she is the worst little coward I ,ever saw screams at a spicier, faints at a mouse, clings to the boat when on the water and gets aa white as a ghost it a horse prances. But come and see me and he girls, and stop poisoning pa tients, eawiug bones and prancing about sick-rooms, for a month at least." Ml Ms ilfr&ti &8yB, 'int arge, beautiful house,with its wide, highceilinged rooms, its broad porches aud airy halls, was quite familiar to me. Lying near a river and in the shadow of a mountain, Westonville was a most charming summer residence, and Aunt Jane had visitors from the first warm day to the last one, so that I was not surprised to find others besides those mentioned in my letter of in ¬ vitation. Pleasaut days were the iule in that sunny July weather, and we boated, rode, drov, clambered up the mountain for picnic parties, layed lawn-tennis and croquet,aud enjoyed life as youth only can enjoy t in summer day?, free from toil or care. Aunt Jane gave me a most cordi al welcome, and the first time she was alone with me, said; It is time you were married, Harry. I have thought it all over, and I mean to give you a house well furnished as soon as you introduce me to Mrs- Hutchinson. No 1 You needn't gash about it. I can afford it, and yoa deserve it 1 But don't imagine from my letter to at toe girls know of my iatch-making in. tentions. They wonld pack up and leave at five minutes' notice, if they suspected it. And they are all pop ular in society, making a sacrifice of other pleasant invitations to come to Westonville. Serena is the wife for you, it you can win her." And I cordially admired Serena. Certainly she was the rjost queenly, self-sustained, beautif al girl I ever met- Nothing flattered her, or moved her from a calm composure. It was impossible to imagine Serena hi hysterics, and her health was abs 3tlutely perfect. I devoted myself to Sreua, and uud her mind as attractive as her face. She was well-read, and had a keen interest iu the enrrent topics of the day. I never met any one who so tborougnly read and under stood a newspaper, and she conld converse well on all the political, roreigu and domestic affairs. Jalla was ia agonies of composi tion, gathering scenes and incidents for her first novel, and going about as if asleep with her eyes open. AudSasy. The. first time I saw Sasy she was in the Orchard,dre88 ed in something blae and thin, all ruffles and bows. She was stand ing under an apple tree absolately paralyzed with terror, aud gating at a huge caterpillar creeping up her arm. Iuaiiug my step, she raised a colorless face, with stained bine eyes aud quivering lips, to say ; "Ob, take it off ! Oh, please take it off!" . Another mlnnte found her sob bing hysterically, and with a chok ing word of thanks shft ran away. It all passed so quickly that she was gone before T saw how pretty she was, leaving behind1 haif.pic tui e of short golden curls aud fright ened baby blue eve$. ' ; ThA uut time I saw those eyes they were full of tearful gratitude for my heroic handling oj caterpillars. It was odd how they haunted me. Quite resolved to win Serena, if persistent wooing would accotn pliah it, I sought her on all occa. sions, bat, being a united party of friends, we were not often tete.atete. ! And it was to me, always, that Susy turned in hoors of peril, wheu a ! toad sat upon her white dress, when the boat tipped a bair's-breadtb more tbaa usual, when horrible jcrawnug tnings crossed our paths and cows lifted their heads to con template us. On all such occasions, two tiny hands, white as milk, soft a satin, suddenly clasped my arm, aua "on i on " called my attention to the terror. And it was not done for effect' you cannot deceive a pbvsiciau to that extent, and my professional eyes noted how the pretty face blanched, the pulse quickened and the whole little figure trembled. She really was the worst little cow ard I ever saw. And yet, although I chided my self for it, I could not share Serena's opeuly expressed contempt, or suffi ciently admire her own scornful iu difference to toads and grass hop pers. boat-tiDDim? or fractions hor figare on horseback, nnile Susy trembled aud shivered, and clang to the gentle auimal she rode with des perate energy. It was late in tne seasou and all of my aunt Jane's guests had de parted excepting Serena, Susy and myself, when one morning we were seated in the sitting room, discuss ing an important matter. A far away cousin ot Aunt Jane's had beeu a collector of rare jewelry and plate, and had left his valuable treasures, the result of years of pur chase aud selection, to her. "Aud the whole lot has been sent here," said Aunt Jane, "I am not a coward, but I have let it be well un derstood iu Westonville that I never keep money iu the bouse, have very little plate and few jewels. There is nothing discourages a burglar more than a certainty that there is noth ing to steal," 4Doe8 any one know V I asked. The editor of the Westonville Oa zette published the whole story on Saturday. He must have seen some of the servants who beard ns talk ing over the lawyer's letter." "I'll ran up to the city and ar range to send the boxes to a safe deposit company," I said. "Do I Go now 1 You can come back on the five-thirty," said Susy. "I shall not sleep a wink if they stay here. Oh 1" and her very lips were white, "if I saw a burglar, 1 believe I should die " And looking into her white, ten rifled face, I believed so too, al though Serena said, loftily : "What nonsense yoa do talk, Su sy." But, Aunt Jane consenting, I went opou my proposed errand, ar ranged to have the boxes sent for the following day, and was on my way to the depot, when 1 met an old fiiend and patient. The ten minutes' chat that followed cost me the loss of the 5:30 train. Not au other one stopped at Westonville, I excepting the midnight express, un til the next day. Fretting, reproaching myself, I passed the time as I best could un til midnight, my heart sinking at the thought ot the three lonely la dies at Westonville. There was but one man on the place,nd he slept in a room over the stable. What if any thief attempted to 4 obtain the valuable' boxes piled in the hall ! narant fvmid hA trusted to be cool VMt WW SEPT. 11, 1891. wiiocwu i audi jane was uot timid; but Say poor little Suay I she would die, she said ; aud I feared she would. As the train sped on, this thought ot Susy's terror bet came almost maddeniug ; and when, - iasi, i was at tne little wayside statioo, quarter of a mile from Aunt Jane's, I started on a run for the house. The ball. door stood open, and I heard a sound in the sitting-room that seemed to chill the blood in my vein. Throwing opeu the door. I saw Susy little Susy ! cliugiog at tne throat of a mau roughly ucm auub jane in a uuair, wnue ne tiled to nhake off ansy's arms, at the same time keep ing Aunt Jane down. Serena lay in x dead faint on the floor. "You oball not hurt her !' Suay 3ned, her slender arms strained to ahoke the sufferer. "Let go, you wretch I I'll kill you !" une blow on the top of his head j from my heavy walking-stick brought the fellow down insensi ble. Susy dropped her arms and stood white as death, but perfectly calm, facing me. "Can yoa find me a rope to tie this fellow V She nodded, sped away, and re turned with a coil of clothes-line. "Listen ! ' she said, speaking quickly. "Tbere is another one in the china closet, locked in. He is trying to kick the door down. Do you see, this is Jamea 1" James was the one man-servant audc jane employed. Tying him firmly, I gave my next attention to Aunt Jane, whose whole face was covered with blood from a wound in the head. Knowing how tin sight of blood always Mckened Susy, I tried to keep her bank, but she said quietly : "Tell me, please, what you want j sent her for water, iagc, iau anum, and while we bound up Aunt Jane's head and restored ner to consciousness, Serena came to her senses aud sat up, white aud shak ing. "Ob, Susy, that man wdl kick the cioset door down !" she cried, as the blows from the next room be came more violent. It seemed as if he would, and I started to quiet him, wheu Susy grasped my arm. "Don't open the door 1'' she sasd (,There may be more than one man there. You see, we were all sitting up here, hoping you would come on the midnight train, but Aunt Jane had not told James to go to the station becanse she thought yoa had rather walk up thau have us alone. So I suppose James thought jou were gone for all night, aud he came iu at some time in the even ing, we do not know when, aud hid iu that china closet. I went to the dininguroom in the dark for some water just as he crept out. I could just see him, and that another man was creeping after him, bnt not out of the closet. I slammed the door, locked it, and ran in here just as James struck dear Aunt Jane on the head and tried to pash net down in her chair, Then I flew at him and rjoucame in, But tbere may be more than one mau in the closet. The door is strong, and l will run down to the police station while yoa take care of Aunt Jane and Serena.' Before I could stop her ahe was running across the hall, out at the door aud down the road, while James suddenly revived and began to struggle aod curse. My hands were full, for Aunt Jane wa3 severely hurt, and Serena was so terrified that he could not stir, sobbing and half tainting in sheer toiror. I cannot tell how long it was be fore Susy came speeding back with three strong policemen behind her, but in the meantime some of the maids were arcused and had come to ray assistance. There proved to be but one barg lar in the closet, a Westonville man and crony of James's, and the two were marched oft, secarely boand Aunt Jane was put to bed and made as comfortable as possible Serena had gone to her own room ; the house was locked up when I turned to bid Suay good night. one was standing at the foot of Aunt Jaue'a bed, holding fast to a chair, her face perfectly colorless, sod her limbs trembling. I mixed i er a dose of composing medicine and put It to her hps. "Lon't mind mp," she said, smil. ug faintly. "I always was a cow- ard.-' i.iuuuuy auaii ever can yoa so where 1 am," I said, and then wt-ll, I will not add all I said, but tlitn and tht-ra I ou my darling's confession of love tor me, aud gave ojy life's allegiance to the woman 1 loved, Aunt Jane was delighted. She understood perfectly the love that prompted the child to attempt to divert the attack of the ruffin James co herself, and it waa a delieht to ner to mike ready pretty hoQ6e for a. Sereua comes often to visit cs cairn and stlf.poised as ever, aud quite as contemptuous when Mrs. Eutchinaon flies to my arms in an a;uuy ui terror ii a mouse runs runs across the floor, or a spider crawls up the wall. For, although she has proved herself a heroine, Susy is still, in such matters as mice and spiders, a -it tie coward. DO HOT SUFFEtt ANY LONGFR. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the stages of consumption bro ken in a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Aker's English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it aa per directions and do not find our states ment coxrect. Dr. J M Lawing, Druggi-t Calm Thought. There is nothing which makes so great a difference between oue man and another as the practice of seri ous thiukiug, To those who have beeu unaccustomed to it there is re quired at first an effort ; but it ia en tirely in their own power to repeat easierlSy per se v4rWcff Uha "lRh and the habit so acquired exerts a material influence upon their condi tion as responsible and immortal beings. Tn that great process, therefore, ia which consists the healthy condition of aoy man as a moral being, there is a most impor tant step, of which he must be cou sclous as aa exercise of his own mind. You feel that you have here a power, however little you may at tend tothe exercise of it. You can direct youj thoughts to auy subject you please ; you can confine them co objects which are before you at the time, or oecurrerioea which have passed during the day or you can send them back to eveuta whicn took place mauy years ago. You can direct mem 10 persoua wuum yoo are in the habit of meeting from day to day, or to those who are sep arated fr)in you by thousauds of miles. You can place before yoa persous who lived, and events which ocenrred long before you came into existence, and you can anticipate and lealize events whicn aie not likely to occur until you have ceased to exist. Study these wondrous processes of your mind ; nhdPrvA what nower vou have over them, and what consequences ofj eternal importance must arise from exercisiog them aright. If yoa can thus think of auy sub ject you please, why canooc you think of God of His power, His wisdom, His holiness, His Jastice of Hia law, which He has written in your heart, aod iu Hia revealed word f Wby cannot you think ot and realize the period wheu you shall lie down in the grave aud that tremendous moment when all that are in their graves shall hear the voice of the son oi uoo, ana they that hear shall live, and shall arise to judgment ? Such truths as these, duly considered or thought of, could not fail, under divine ins fluence, to exercise a powerful ef- fret nron all oar habits of tbiokme and acting in this life. y. Y. Led ger. THAT TXRRIBLE COUGH In the moruingjhurried or difficult breath ing, raising phlegm, tightness in the chest, quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening or BweaU at night, ail or any of these things are the first stages of consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy vnU cure these fearful symptoms, and is sold under a positive guarantee by Dr JM Law ing, Druggist. NO. 19 .- Point For CJIrU. Your mother Is your beat friend. Have nothing to da with girls who snub their parents. Tell the pleasanteat things yoa know when at meals,) Do not oxpect your brother to be as dainty as a girl. Exeacise, and never try to look as if yoa were in delicate health. Introduce every new acquaint ance to your mother as soon as pos sible. Dont think it necessary to get maiiied. There ia plenty of loom for old maids, aud they are often happier than wives. Eojoy the pleatures provided for you by your parents to the fullest extern. They will liu iht aa A reward better thau auy other. Take care of your teeih at any cost of time or trouble, aud do with, out new dresses rather than neglect a ueeded vista to the deoiist. Moat fathers are inclined to over indulge tneir daughter. Make it impoestb e for your father to spoil yoa, by fairly returniug his devotion and affection. Never think yoa can afford to be dowdy at home. Cleanliness, hair welUlreaaed aud a smile will make a calieo look like silke aud sitius to a fatdei or brother. lo not quarrel with your brother- do not preach at him, aud do uot coddle him. Make him vour fi ian.i and do not expect hin to be y our servant, nor let lum expect- you to be his. Drake's Magazine. THE HKT SYMPTOMS .K IKATU. Tired feeling, dull hendai-he, pnins in various parts of tbe ly, sinking at the pit of the stomach, l.s ot appetite, lever-i-shneas, pimples or eures, una ail positive evidence of poisoned tlood. No matter how it became poisoned it must be purified to avoid death. Dr. Acker's Kngli-n Blood Elixir has never lailei to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons Sold under positive guarantee by Dr J. M Lawing, Druggist. The following composition, a.a lihnau H, Ballard, iu the Popular Science News, was actually win ten for a school exercise, and ii so amus ing and bright that it was baudtd me by the teacher. Tbe writer is not a member of the Agassiz Asso ciatiou, but he ought to be: "Bones are tbe framework of the body. It 1 had no bones me I would not have so much shapa aa I have now. It I had no bonea iu me I should not have so much moiiou, aod grandmother would be glad, but I like to have motiou. Bones give me moiiou because they are something haul for uiot'ou to climg to- If I had no bones my biains, lungs, heait and large blood vessels would be lyiug around in me and might get hutted, but now the bones get hurted, but not much unless it ia hard hit. It my bonea were burned I should be brittle, be cause it would take the animal oat of me. If I was ,soaked io acid I should be lirubei. Teacher showed us a boue that had been soaked. I could bend it easily. I would rath er be soaked than burned. Somo of my bones don't grow close to my body, snug, like tbe brauchea ot a tree, and I am glad they dont, for it they did I could not play leap frog and other nice games I know. The reason wby they don't grow that way is becaaae they have joints. Joints is good tbiogs to have in bone. There are two kinds The ball and socker, like my shoul der, is tbe beat. Teacher showed it to me, only it was the thigh boue oi an ox. One was rouud, smooth and whitish. That is the ball end The other end was hollowed in deep Tqis is the socket, and it oils, itself. It is the only machine that oils it selL Another joint is the hinge joint like my elbow. It swings back and forth, and it oils itself. It never creaks like tbe schoolroom door, Tbere is another joint tbat dou t seem like a joint. That is tbe skull. It don't have no motion. All my bones pat together in their right places mate a skeleton. If I leave any out or put auy in their wrong place) it ain't no skeleton, cripples and deformed people dou't have no skeletons. Some animals have their skeletons on the outside. I am glad I ain't them animate, for my skele03, like it is on tbe chart, would not look well on the outside," iVr, Y. Btrald

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