I c 1 vr v r . I Mil b V'lV' - I I I I - : I 1 y I 1 I I - V0L1 LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, DEC; 4, 1891. NO. 1 I- . .1 j i "'I. 'v J: ! : V 4- ! V- 7 i- i i r-1 it . ' - -1 .. :f Professional Cards. PHYSICIAN AND SUBGEON, OCsra &1 professional ser vioeto the rftix& ci Lincolnton. and aurronn. tins chantry. d OCfidi At his reaiy dene adjoining: Iinoolnton: Hotel. ' AU call prompt! j attended to. " W -Aas. 7, 1S y "'lf-" :- ' JfeW.SAlN,M.D., Has located at Llncointon and of f era his services ad physician to the citiaens of Lincoln ton and surround ing country. WW be found at night at the res idepce, of B. O. Wood, .Mreli27,1891 1 I ly fiartlett Shipp, . ATTOBNBT AT LAW, - ; AijiNCOLWTONj n. o; DO HOT SUFFER AKY LONGFR. Knowing that a cough can be checked in a day, and the stages of consumption bro ken In a week, we hereby guarantee Dr. Akar'a English Cough Remedy, and will refund the money to all who buy, take it m per directions and do not find oar states ment correct. Dr. J M La wing, DruggUt .7 ' : MERIT WINS. .We desire to say to our citizens , tha for years we have , been' selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, also Dr. King's ttew -Life Pills, Bucklea's Arnica Salve and Electric. Bitters, and hare never handled remedies that sell as wellt or that hT given inch universal satisfaction. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory reesalts do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on theii merits. At J. M. La wing's Physician and Pharmacist. Jan. , 1891. Einley & Wetmore, ' ATTYS. AT Ij AW, ; LlNCOLWTOlf. N. O. . Will practice in Lincoln and surrounaing counties. AU, business April 18; 1890. put into our hands will be promptly atten- dedto:' lY. Dr. W. A. PRESSLEY, 1 S5DEGEOH DKNTIST. orricK is oobb BtJiLDisa, haxx bt., V LINCOIiWTON, N. C July 11,1890. s . DK. ACKXX S WOLIBH riLLS Are active, effective and pure.' For siek headache, disordered stomach, loss of ap- petite, Daa complexion nu uiiiounues, ihey have never Men equaiea, eiiner in America or abroad. Dr. J H Lawing, Druggist. ' ltoh on human and horses and all ani mals cured in 80 minutes by Woolfords Sanitary Lotion! This never fails. Sole by J M. La wine Druseist Lincoln ton. N C . . i . m. ii it i.s!. trmm mg.' clsioti litiouU thu i luiiouoox. Arw :f no. nuwy rwoiovwa The ten staple cropa of tbe coun- praline with confidence to that la the Soaf calling forartpottl try, wheat, corn, rye, barley, back- lofty eeu ol justice and exalted Ko. Waa any amendmtot proposed wheat, hay, oata, potatoes, cotton patrioiUm which, in all tlmes of u the bill f 2o. Wat any sobati. and tobacco, for the year lHS-i, peril, have proved to be the crown- aate offered for it 1 5o. What brooght lesa than 2 per cent, more ing glory of American character, b?came of the bill and petitions of than the same crops iu 18CG. Oar his pleadioga ah all not be In Tain, a half half million Urraera asking cereal crops of 1867 from less than A read jaatment of thrae conditions ! r i paiAt ! They were qnlctly To the Supreme Council of the Nation- half the average and half the iv a to bt eaixnerve a uniform, u Id away to the aleep of eternal - al Farmer? Alliance and Indus- amount brooght the farmers 979,- lealthfnl and harmohioaa growth of KgielatiTe death. And what wa. 'trial Union: 711,000 more than the same crops nil the element of oar civilization, t!te answer to these appeals and pe- Assembled here as the accredited 1887, not withstanding that during a the. sublime office of christian It Uoast They served only to elicit PRESIDENT POLK'S MESSAGE. Hlsi. Address Before ibo-Ins dlanapolls) Convention A Starillns Array of Facta and Flguret. represeniatlves of the farmers of alsl this period the average and number moat every Stato and Territory in I of farm bauds had doubled, and ag the Union, you can "not be un mind- ricultural machinery and Implements fulof the ; weighty responsibility had been vastly improved. The which attaches to your Do&ition. farmer Is alarmed to find that with tales manabip the supreme doty denunciation, misrepresentation. f the hour. ndlcote, alaudrr cud hIiut. Vir The existing conditions ar no! t liy the auswer to ut was : Vou 10 bn aftorill tti imloii nco or thritl du not know your needs. Go luck lesj iniprovldooce on the part ol t your hornet work harder and Entrusted with the high datycla the laat decade agriciltoral laudelt ur farmera, we point to their broad I live closer and koep out of polities', legislating for a great organization I generally have decreased from 20 tolcnd wellti)led fields and toe abun-1 and all will be we1Ln Was It jut. wboee Bnooesa or failure mar de-UO percent, in value. It ant harvest which crown their toil pend ou your action, I -feel assured Owing less than 22 pr cent, of "d which, with an exceptiou of two that you will addreas yourselves to the wealth of the country, the farm 3ear InrnUlwd nMinly thft with that ilfilihAr Atinn. nr I ors nav nrorfiH twr rnnt. if iw iUiCS 18jO, mvT 0 pef Cent, of a I patriotio purpose demanded by the taxes levied-and collected. Two situation the stupendous interests thirds of the wealth of the country that have been committed to your is not assessed one farthiug for pur charge. poses of taxation, and yet the gov Upon no body ot men, perhaps, In rnnieut has the power to force ( i do nostio txpoits. l it due to overproduction T The brotd world i our laaiket and is teeming rxil lions onr ready costomcra, and al1 ever our owu fruitful and Qod fa as it generou, wa it kind, was it seen respectful, to thus aporn this irwt and earuest. hpjxI of an op ite-d and sufT-ring pople f Litvo thrpo ujn, who are indebted t the people for whatever ol prom u-ence and official tligoity and powi j'-.they may enjoyhave they for jDttcn that they ari servants and OUB TXKT BS8T PEOPLE Confirm our statement when we say that Tip A oVut 'a "Knrlih Remadv IB in everv way superior to any and all other prepsr-j oar history, siuce the meeting of every taxupayer in tha land to offer j yord land gaunt hunger, proverty I aot maaters of the people t Alter wSol Jne Cou-h adat bialk iu anC4,llCile1 U "oa of thirteen mon em and relieves at once. We offer you a sam graver responsibility devolved than wealth. With all his facilities for aml PPaog horror. I ployed for the miat prt, as the ro n!1 upon this assembly. Theirs was transportation, which are equal to Tbeee are the conditions and thill cards indicates, in patty maneuver- Lawing, Druggist. the high and exalted . duty of es- the demands of the productive pow I the situation which confront ua as ng for party advanUge, and ex a QswTCTwvWfcfTCNT tablishing a republican form ot gov-ler of the country, and his accessibil a people, and they most be met. pending $1,000,000,000 of the peo- Is one which is guaranteed tobrlng you ernmeni! : yours, the no leas graud I ity to markets, he is forced to sell 1 OUtt demands. ple'a money 5500,000,000 ol which satisfactory results, or lncaseor lauors a . . . f. ntv nf nrpaervinp it.l iiia nroanMa at nrica brelv cover-1 PatlAntlv fiuhmi-.iri.lc nml nn, I Came f rem the sweat and toil of return of purchase price, un tnis sale - J " 7 . ' . I r. " r ----- i j i dan vou can buy from our advertised Their demands for, equal rights be I in? the coat of production. I complainlncly the farmers of the I these earns rejected and inuile4l pe- DruggUt abottle of Dr. King's New DM 0re the law were uo more theiusfi Despite the theory that diverainS country toiled and struggled against titioners, that body adjourned to bring relief in every case, when used protest of a HbertyMoving people cation of crops and home markets the aggressive approach of invadiog,eaT not one single act on its re fer any affection, of Throat, Lungs or agan8t the exactions and osurpa woold conduce to his prosperity, he) poverty, and hoped in vain for aid l for the benefit ol the people. fr.nAo.a Rrnnchitia. Asthma. WhooDine tions of monarchial tyranny, than sees thousands of New England land succor at the hands ot those to I In the light of a plain leason of ly DENTIST. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Oocaine used for painless ex- Couerh. Croup, etc.. etc and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be depended upon, Trial bot ties Iree at J M La wing's Drugstore. cd." The Coastitcuoi :tltir that Congress ahall haveiow-r hMrcn I Ate commerce amoag !. vral butcs. What are tte e-!.-nfal rle uents or factors of c Mitan c f Iou ey, tranipo nation and thetrauinist on ot intelligence, Congtes regulate these 1 Does Coiifcre t jgulate money the value and yll cms of money T Organized rapti demanded that Congros bu-i d do grade and destroy uur Irpat tet.der c :rrency and establUb in lie i ih-re-of national banks of.iui whch s iouM be baed sV.ne on -interest bmring governmij t.uud. lns pre as obye!. t .ttiirrd capital bought the b wd al alout half their face, value, and tbo r:iono(oi 1 zed the baa's ol ou, b.mkiu aja- tm. Organizetl cspital demanded LAt Congre-fc ebouM tx Stata b inks out of existetire. Congress obeyed. Thus C4pital mrnoioled the control of the volume of current cy. u.'gantx-u rapuat ucmandeu that Congress ah uM outlaw land as seenrity for loans frota these banks. CongToa obejetl. Thus the securities upon which thee banks most be operated were !iinited,rhier ly to stocks, bond and t cronat notes, whe vtln t r. t lie raan-tp-ilated, regulatrd aiul dirtaud by organized capital through ita atock exchange in W.l MreL Thus the) power conferred upon dngress by the Constitution to regoUte money, rts value and vofume. was virtually aunendered and tran-f. ricd to cap italistic combination. r.ut, the Constitution further coq. the (-xcluMve traeting teeth. With thirty ybaes experience. Satisfaction dven in airoperations Terms iasn ana moaerate Jan 28 (91 7 GO IV BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted rip, Work aways neatly, don?..- Customers, politely waited opoai .Everything pertain. ing to the tonsdrial art is done according to latest styles. Hszf BY TjltlobJ Barber. . , '. :-i - " AAvU to MotlieM. WiiSaoiinttBtBPPthoMaMWiyt .ea chiWien f cmtting teth. It n- MtttIuT!iorwstteriH,lUysallp MMletM ths bw Is, tma U th toeat Known renwor to AUrrkcM, nhQM arising worn wwm ottascwWs. Twsaty-Sf an THAT TSBKIBLS COUGH In the moraing,hurried or dirBcult breath ing: raising Dhleemtiehtnes8 in the chest quickened pulse, chilliness in the evening -Li .11 - fkaia or Bweats ai nigm, an or auj fhinwa are the first stages ot consumption. Dr. Acker's English Cough Remedy will cure these, fearful symptoms, and is soia monarchial tyranny, thanl sees thousands of New England land succor at the bands of those to It is pleasant I arB y0nra which were .declared at farms, within easy reachof great whom they had confidingly entrust! h'story that tall the civilizations at Tnia and rAitaratbd at Oealalaeerecrations of consumers, abso led the iruardianshin of their inters I worthy the nsme that baT Iivetl airalnat thosA inennalitifta and dia- lulelv abandoned to the brier and ests. Addrfesainry themaelvea anz.Uod passed away perished under Ier UPU SfM' " I , I . . . I t. . . . T ". i - aaa i . a r i i' 11 i i 11 iiimi iiiiiiiw m t r & . P.rim nntiona wh nh t hrAMAn tn un- hrnah. lona and earriRatlv to the ruse we rou osau oi money power inav pv . dermine the liberties of the people In the great agricultural atate of of the anomalous condition of affairs control the money of a jinis reservation ot il5 exejustvo . i . -.--i. .i ? 1. 1 ( i ii. , .1 ti.kt. j I .am i ii-i.. - i.i-.- mnnfrv mnlm thn fati-i nf fn inC"t 0 uiaaB moan cany WHO U anu lO aoouuy lue rcai ngnuuuuini i luvra mn iuunKbru luucuicuuras i uuu nmcu uj vuu nui ui uieivi j , I - - -- i - int-rpflt- nf thu ennntrv. on farms alone is S104 Der canita: thev reached the solemn and deUb-lPopie. is it not oor imperative duty uc wu.Kv.uu w .uu - 1 -i i . ...... i : .t r i r r Rn vm, uta trt rw MTurrfLt ulfttftd in Kannfta. ftlfi5 ner canita In Illi-ler&ta conviction, that 'theA- onnreaS8 a people to establish such barrt fc lu BUUU5Ufc " 1 ' . . . . -:-.-,-- that i;Va nnp onntinantnl fathoro Innia SlOO rwr pflmtfl nmr frnmlnivrt mmlitinn- Anil An vimnm-nta I era aOQ IlmltallOnS 3S Will arrtSl the 1 1 V - under a positive guarantee by' Dr JMLaw- whjie -Q-f-QQ with formidable Maine to the Rocky mountains, and are doe to oojost and diacrlminat. jevident and alarming tendency touatdsmandsof tlieconourt What ing, Dfuggist. forces aud difficulties, you have the from the lakes to the gulf, the farm ing naUoual legllatiou. Upon and I ceuiranze money power in mis conn- invincible power of right, of justice, ers aee overburdened with debt, tn accordance with this conviction,! try. I . . . . i . . . . .. . . i i . . . . i of eonittv and of truth to msDire Heidenves little comfort, and it is they formulated their demands at I xnis waa one oi me Rranu purpo and sustain vou. Moreover, youl uot flatterinc to his philanthropy 1 St, Louis iu 1889, and laid them bay ses of the measure presented to have a unanimitv and solidity of and patriotism to rest his hope for fore Congress. These demands! Congress. It would have supplant- Las befu tb enect ci cvni-mnc up- tn capital tkee extraonlinary priv l eges and lowers 1 Jut what it tas been in all the ages and to all countries of the nat th lauu augmentation of centralized tconry ivtin iaYonr Best Friend ? Ynur stomach of course. Whyl? Becaus if it is out of order you are one of the most mioAi-hla creatnres livine. Give it a fair nhAnM and see if it is not the bestend-you have the nrir-a for tha nro- were reiterated and reaffirmed bv ed our iniquitously oniust and cp. smoke m tn morning. & e,- 77 " " . . . . . ..." , rr.lnthK Imrrri.hmdt nd morning. If you mustsmoxe ana anus: ative ma8Bea of the .country as a ducts ot his labor, to the precarious ns at ucaia.na., in l&uo.aod wnue prcwivo uanouai oana. ajsiem uj r 1 wait until your stomach is through with . - - A . . ,f , f.-QD,nQi f-rr.n f m fi- th.t fuvl rn. v-r in iwinn' Th securine to the neorle an adeouato robbery ot hone.t indnairy. i V-.. -an Ivintr TnrtTft ana SmOKO I UlllfUlTacWl W IWBWi ouu nuwu,ii wi vah..iu..i v. - i j j w, J I I .... . ure-i-aw. - - - . - - . . I . . ... ..... . . . . 1 -r .1 t ,i. m. !n fho .TAninir and It Will tell OD TOU I Hironian ariohr inner til tinirtt Al V anrl I InnR In fl! hPr ft.nrl IPHA iAVOretl iantln. I 76lO U1&CUS34H1 LJV LUB DAOD1A wliaiuuuuk u wuurj uiirew iiuujuo uvid u w a . - - - - 1 vvvvu u.h j " - " - - I . l I l, ji I- f Jour f inevitably achieve for our cause a He falls to undersUnd why a f.u interest aud .arnestness seldom government at a low rate or Intere,i popuiauun iJrXJl , , TTnUl Rrf. hnn fcmn.hl fnr l. Liven tn anv subiect in all unr hi., to hav. met the legitimat demands " bont $-J.OOO.W,000 in ft;.o.;nn pn;miflnAas . Indices tion.or I ... . . I., m. - i i.i r Li tUmnnirr it., ;n ;nrif,.f in., I moner. lnere waa uo undue or in kju. nwjwu.i-bi ---a --.-.-i vvnndArrni n.a naa neen oar rrowin i man ou cents ou me uouar. ucuriuK 1 iurjr. xuct wcjtj butuwhki uuu iu i j....v,.. . - .... any other trouble ot the wmac ""r: u a KnM nnrnl.f ih o nn.nL of the silent contemnt which char- Junona inflation.- Labor in all Ue- W . W W W M . . M V . . t I . . . ... .... . . r .M.In.l.M r l. 1 a munerative pnees for iU prodoct'. Green's Aucrust Flower, sets no and development as an i orcaniza- a 4 per cent, interest, should corn- person can use it without immediate relief tjoQ m nojiber- no pbag cf our mand a premium of 26 cents on the mity unparralled in ropular aggita- acterized the reception of this mea. progress has been eo marvelous and dollar, bearing 4 per cent, interest, tlon. . sure, and with the nrttuines, soph' gratifying as id the education of the should command a. premium of 2G For the first time in tho history jistry, aud adroitness of skilled dern maasea la the trueiPrinciples of po- centu on the dollar, while a note se- of the couutry the tillers of the loib agogoery aaaanit vehement ana rPK a - tiK oi I ni-wl Uxr u wnnrt ttmtrtk nn inn VArorrfl I tlirOn?u tUeir acCrtHllled reiiraAenLa I IwrolSteui USSaUil.t OU ll adlVWl VkUUVUIJ. AUO (laj luuucu I vm v- w . . I sire, whose sinews and muscles have farm at half its valne, bearing 8 per For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS E. M. ANDKEWS. Carries The LARGEST STOCK of - PURM1TURE, PIANOS & ORGANS, i . ... .- . "t4 le Found in tlso wtote. BABY CARRIAGES AND TRICYCLES. WRITE Buy in tarie Quantities Direct from Factories and can and wdl give yon XAJ VV X SX.JEJi3. FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. . . GOODS EXCHANGED IF NOT SATISFACTOBY. E M. ANDRE7S, Charlotte, C. 14 and 16 West Trade St - -. i t - T - ' . i i i - u " - ; " rT8 rfor I nfnnta and ChHdrcn i 4CstelasewaadaiMtoaSrthaS ,S-aS5 Ms TX . . .v.. mmhi a work ii ii i in ill ii flit SvW.1 wttbia Late: who do not keep Castori Ootto, Roar KJ3a W PpSjWaSBaSSs sjsSB) MM. 1. WttSSSforioos ai mn I have , 4 - XDwnfT.PAnnaa.lL IX, KewTorkCStj. been toughened and hardened (cent, interest, and due at the same - I. as .a . . a through a life of toil and labor in time could not De soia ai its lace the production of wealth, has been valoe. He Is confounded and am- foroed by : unjust and oppressive lazed to and that we have paid on legislation to address himself to the lour public debt since 1866, in prin- no less important problem of so- clpal, premiums ana interest, almost coring a just and equitable distrt' double its original sum, and that it 1 m a bution of that wealth. Diligent, I wonla now require more oi me pro honest and. earnest research and in-1 ducts ot his labor to cancel the re vestigatlon as to the causes which) mainder than it would, .to have paid have brought the American farmer the original debt. As producer aud to the verge of bankruptcy and ruin consumer, he stands the helpless has forced npon him the alarming victim of an iniquitous system of conviction that many of the most taxation, which, while It enchanoes sacred and i important functions ol the cot of all the products of his government have been usurped and labor, forces him to pay an unjust fnTtmnrAtMi fnr th benafit ot the and onerous tribute to a favored ' r, . Tax csanrava Cei .Ajrt. TT MtjaaaT Brajarr, Kw Toma. 1lT 1'ri i . M favored few, to the. detriment and ruin of the neglected millions. THE SITUATION; The. gravity of the situation, the great unrest which is agitating the public mind and the magnitude of the interests involved, demand the most candid and deliberate investi gation and consideration. What are the alleged - grievances of the Amsrican farmer Y Are tbey real or merely theoretical. Let the record aoswer. During the decade from 1850 to 1860, farm values increased 101 per cent. From 1870 to 1880, farm val ues increased only 9 per cent. But notwithstanding this alarming de cline in this great iudustry. the ag giegate wealth of the country, from 1870 to 1880, Increased 45 per cent. and thaiaricultura Y pornlation in creased over 29 per -cent. From 1850 to 1860 agriculture, led manu facturing 10 per cent, in rncreased value of products. From 1870 to 1880 manufacturing led agriculture 27 per cent-, showing a difference of 37 per cent in favor of manuf actor class. These gross inequalities and ruiu ou discriminations have aroused him to comprehend the startling ttutb, that agriculture, "the art of all arts, the science of all sciences and the life of all life,'' the true basis cf all wealth and of substantial pro gress, is rapidly declining and is threatened with paralysis and death, aud that, too, in a period of the most wonderful development and growth in our eonnly's history. Pro. foundly impressed that his generous confidence has been basely betray ed, hl3 interests neglected and his reasonable appeals for justice ignor od, be has resolved, in a spirit of manly determination, guided by patriotic motive and exalted pur pose, to rescue this great interest from impending ruin and restore that equilibrium betweeu the great industries of the country which is absolutely esasntlal to its well being and prosperity. He has ressolved to present his ca before the supreme tribunal oi public opinion and ask for ita de. and prosperity, peace, contratment and plenty abounded througbout tlie land, livery artf ry it boMness , ot trade and ot enterprise thrilled uuu the bealthy ami invigorating minutest Uvea and by petition, appeared at d-Wil have been aubmtuLel lor thts flrtnr nf nnr National flanitnl I manlv arcomeut us to its underZv- nndnatftdfor reli-i. TTtider in- 02 Drlnclnles. Uot tue dtscmsioo " -ri "J ofr-tior,. tr.m iw,u . i.iii and in vestlff slioo of our demands -y. w,l popuiauon oi us,- u. " - I ,, . . . . . 1 Ti ua iuiuiMi.M.u auu u mcu bw tj j I. . , , . I .... IS.. ..II .Ion . I m nf inilmlr & ml Oooeress, While no measure was and strengtb.untll to day tbey yUnd I - even presented to . Congress with I as the unqualified expression of the stiouger indorsement or more earn Is otimsnt of our Order in thirty est unanimity, yet we accompanied fcur States of the Union. it with this declaration : "We sub. More and more are tbe great uit this bill with due deference to massei of the people learning to tbe intelligence. indtrenL and wis-. comprehend the duties, facetious. V m I dom of your body. We do not claim that It is the best or the only measure through which relief may be brought to oor oppressed, suffer ing, and distressed people but we submit it as tbe best we have been sole to devise. We would be only too happy to receive at your bands a wiser and better measure. But these suffering millions must have relief. They ask for bread and they will not be contented with a stone. They are not asking for charity, bot they are demanding justice. How was this fair, frank, earnest, respectful and reasonable appeal of the people received by that body t Tbis first appeal from these, who, while owing less than 22 per cent. of the wealth of tbe country and a large proportion of which is encum bered with dsbt, yet who pay four fifths of all the taxes from those w ho support the mighty framework ot our covernmental fabricfrom those to whose generous but mis pieced confidence a majority of tbe member of that body were ludebted tor their teats how was tbis ap proval of the sovereign people re ceived f Was their bill discussed ty the committees to whom it was referred No, Was; it reported to either House, either favorably or adverse- aid powers ol tho government as then general agent. Wbat right has that general agent to iVue tbe pH)pU's money to corporations at a cost of 1 per cent., and license those corporations to loan it to tbe people at a cost of 8 to 24 pvr cent, t Wp Oil i eve with John C. Calboun tbat tie people should not Ue required tc pay Interest on government red t while said credit ould bi exttnd eel to mem wuuoui ineresu e believe with Tborn Jefferson that a athe power to iine mooey should bu taken from tbe banks and restor ed to the people and to Congress, to which it rightfully belong." We believe James G. Dlsine, not only that tbe one defective element lu tie national b4nk system is tbst it requires tbe permanence ot national debt as the basis of its existence. but that any such systsm is inher ently false sod wrong and cannot be justified on any principle ot jus tice or equity. Wc beieve that Abraham Lincoln could have ut tered no troer prophecy had his band and pen been guided by inspi ration when he wrolt : Tbe money power of tbe country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working np on tbe prejudices of the people nntil ail wealth is aggregated In a lew hands and the BepnbUc la dtttroy entrrpiise, tbe voiurns of currency ha4 heeu reduced to a-out $VWf 000.000, with tbe uniform and isev ( it-blo result which bas always ai d everywhere followed an undue con traction blgh-priceJ miuey and low. priced products, i-utailiug dit trefj Hvetty, nofferiug and ruiu. In 18-50 we had national bnkawitba circu'atto i of f.11o CCO.OOO, and yet their loans aud dm counta amounted to $l,011,O(K),0W ir an am -unt in t-Xt-- of tut-ir circulstion ot S 723,7o0.1aO or bZt I er croU In lbCKi we bud 3,507 na t nnal banks, with a c.ics'a'tou of 5 ll5.176,0OJ, and y et thfir loans and iUrouuta amouotel to ?1.07U,OCr0. 03?, or an amount ia rxc-j-a cf tbir ::r.-ilaUon ot l,bll,tW:w or t:73per cent On bi p?ccip'.e f iqcity or safety cu it.ihr dual cr wrporate credit be tbua ub.-titut-d tor money 1 We demand governmental control transportation ; we ucraaud tbe ii reu-nlion ot our public ' domain for the use of our own pro'e ; w de mand the prohibition of gjujilmg inlfutures ol acpcu'tutal aud me. ethnical product . e dtruLl tbst no tU of inlfret Kb. ill be Uttd to build up any ctber c'as or inter et ; wo drtuand Ihe election c f Uni ted States JSeualor- ty- the direct voto of the people ; we dexaod as gradcated tax on incomes; but mere important than ail thre, broader and deeper than all thee, and first of all these, is the tracscendently (Gsniinued t Izxt p2;t!) I i

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