l'J ::4 VOL! lincolnton; n;: c, Friday; dec. li, i89i. v2--C-U--.:- ' '- . . " . : 2 . khi .Vak .1 V V- 4 4 -i i IS r 'A- '4 - " I I- r "4 L f ' V. , --tV Offen his professional servieeto,he viuxsaa m juissMatoa na snrroun dlaff, epnntry. H tOffloe.f at rfcf sk rysi rd2f&aiag IiplnQH9fl. All olb promptly ftttended'to. Cf A TM JVT TTVi lUniiN, ivi I AW lUUUHStl V UUItlOIUIiUB unu ur f era Irn serviee m physieisai to the ctUaens of Liaoolatoa and ssirttBd- AttiU'be toaad at night at tae re's Idenee of B. Ol WboA : , Merek 37, 1801 . V '' , ly --a. ft APTT tftio&KRS. rWa$jVrinttwn,PoetmMitert IdavUle, Ind., write: lectria Bitters .bas tone i 1 1 . i j ujure ior ine vuaa an oiuer meaicines com bined, for that btfd feeling -lirisityt from Kidney and lAlt 'trouble. Johir Leslie, farmer artd stockman, ot lamn placerwys: 4,Fiis81dctHc Bittfer to bo; the best Kid-! neytnU Liver fclMicide; made me feT like niercaani, same town, sajs erio pii tert is iut 4hftTthioil a man who U all run dqwjamnd: don't dure mliethar feaJives or xliM'i hwfoond new ttreoeth. rood ap atite and felt just like lie had a. new ieaso on HI. Only 50 cents a bottle, at Dr. J M l wing's Drug store. , . - Old North! Carolina; BY T. JEFF. JOHNSON. Dedicated to Hon. Z. B. Vance, U.S.S.N. O TnBME':' iieclclenburg Declaration of Iudepondence, May, 20, 1775. Carolina, the pride and rem of the Nation. The home of blest freedom' first proud 'declaration The Star of her glory can neVer grow dark, Whilst her sob brae and gallant bear liberty's ark. CAM TP UOr SflOBTS ' Is the co-o plaint of .. thousand suffering from Asthma. Clonsnmntiinn. CSourhs. etc. Did Tcu.erer.try Dr Acker's English Re- Tbe time ne'er has been when the soorner's ratay f - u is ine tst pre paraxon Known fer all Lnn)r Troubles; Sold on a posit ire guarantee at 25 cents' and 50 cent. Ifor sale by Dr: J M Lawing,'T)rugJ8t. Tue ' rdoftt.' aucient ltomso road ucU Uy rtil i outside oi Italy waa in opain ami : led from Carthageua to tbe lyren ea; wberb it connected with otbrr tbat led'ttcrod3 the Alpi to ' Uom TUis road traa traveled by lbs ' U g ona of Scipio tbe Less Tbe ireign of'Aucustua is renowoed for tbe roada then oompieted. Tola etnpe for made tbe system of oomraunica tlon bo complete tbat little else was left for Mr snnctttHnrrt to do tban to care for tbe road already construct ed. Tb Uomrtna dif idd tbeir roads loto military higbwayH, called' al.o consutar or pretorUfi tlioroughlart a and local via. Tba tint were' built to facilitate tbe marching of armies X:' Bart ett Shipp, k&l ATTORNEY AT liAW, . .-. xmcoLHTON, c. - .- .... . ' V ' ' Jan, 9,1891. . ' lj SFinley Vetmore, V . ;i ATTyS. XT LAW, ' ;-ncolwton, if cC:. ; -; Si iUl.spjraGtice in LinGola an3 1 tfvirroauuiuguouuuetj. j. Alilausines put into, our iviwiS will be promptly atten- dai to. ; ' V .- . '.':,'."r 18, 1890. v ly. - - tTdwXen lle. . It we know all the method of approach adopted by an enemy we are the better en abled to ward off the danger and postpone the moment whn Horrender becomes In eritable. In many instances the inherent strength of the body suffices to enable, it OPPO"! the .tendency toward -death' Many howeVer have 'lost these forces to such an extent that -thTe is little cr no hrlpi Id other cases a little 'aid to the - weakened 1 sudden death and many Tears of Hseftft Uv-u pau-tb first - symptox&iat-eY iiosgn, Could or any ; trouble of the Throat or Lungs, give that old and well-known rem dye fioechee's German' tJyruo. a careful trial. It will prore what thousaus say of it to be the benefactor ot am home.7 mercc and connected towns aud trade ceu'era. e i- Dr." W. A- PRESSLEY, IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? Not if you go through the world a dys peptic. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are a positive care lor the worst forms ot Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Cone amotion. Uuaranteed and sold by Dr. J M. Lawing Druggist. . j f i '-y tie sneer, ' From deads gTand and noble her sons ooula dater. With their hearts warn and true they'll 1 and to connect the capital With tbe lO ine'ftr bend a knee, . principal cities and strategic points. But to one the fair Goddess of blest liberty Tne cond wer tbe routes of com- KBFRAIN ' Yes I Old North Carolina with record so grand,' May her devotion to right like a nionu meat stand. And her brave sons and daughters alike, true as steel, iCrferish undying pride in this "land V i'" the leal.' . ; : Carolina, her fame grows in beauty ana i imperial Itome, tue roads oi toe l w splendor, To her first in freedom to61 aomage we reader : The bright sparkling jewel tbe first to give birth To the freedom of men, '.n the best State on earth. ol rehifles was becoming more pcu One can mrait bis waoo at the jersl, and tbe commencement nas lingliab chancel and drive tbrooghltben begnn by tht 1-rencb pc-op e tf lb breadth of EufoiKS (rxcept in ' te tiMguific-nt network of i-ubiic time of mow), or lU leuglb, without roads now to be neeii fcoveiing tl.( i d by cutting tio sioklug as deep as tbe felbva ot bis i whole oi France aud not equaled 1 y , .ud " tbrowiog tlo .1 reat extent, still th caw. Iq Fiji there ate n ?..'. : re tbe came. . l-lcN strict is at pre at u...'-.:. .!e wheels n u.ud, in any weather or at any time of tbe year. a Tbe roids are so firm that rain does not so ft on them; tbey are so thick that frost doea not break them op. . There are aosloogbs to wade through, uo pe riods when tbe factory ami the faim are cut oil from the rot of toe world !y an impaaftsblrt sea of mnd. The loss in breakdowus of vehicles, of breakage in barneys, in time to U bor, in increased food, shortened life ind injuries to horses by bad roads iti tbe Umtid States would amouut to an inunt-nsft sum ot money if sta lislic ouUl Ik) gathered aud f rm- tihi?l. Uiiilroadf. ji'ho, aro diiect It is not difficult to jerceive bow 'y luterrstnl u Kmxl country roadr. these great roads, constructed iu tbeP iiatevrn-pens up tue remote rarm interest of war aud to more armiea wr easy naming Ui the tan way for conquest, became the terror of h,tttiou or l,rlKS an additional acn naUons. Eren in tbe ocen.sur-K arable land nearer, to tbe riiy. rounded islands of Biitaln, far from cheapens the market tor the poorrit aud increases tbe yolume of trade m 9 a sais entered and so terroiized tbe &tiU commerce ior an. public mind that it was not until I The modern road system of France long after the middle ot tbe eight- was inaugurated by the first rapo eonth century that turnpikes were leon and canird forward to its n- firatr authorized, and were e?en then perb conclusion by tbe late emier inancrnrrtlwl apainsi. tbe vigorous 1 Of. NaDOleon HI. The roads of . rl .:. . Uirt f iltti :"S l f ui ilirra in t f"oy f the cities are -n ale o: Ln Ln oral waabed up by tb i . t.u h :? a rcry good maUiiAi lo: sue j -r j or, bnt not very I-i rr.itllc of lb in!4Dl '."'1 a?cr, cme'ineotlv r-i-u rt")iitil. The by t.ot GUARANTEED CUBE. vW. Terms OASB. VtOtTIClVlN COBB BUiLDlNCk UkIS ST LINCOLNTON, N. C v July II, 1890. : ' ly ICMttlli AnA w sons are as brave as the Romans ,,r0fpat and nreindicoa of the com- France aro now practically - all ofoia, mon people. . fount, iney naYe oceu oi tar great- They ean ne'er be suDomea oy jr. n tinned existence of some er value to the county as a means bright goia; l.r.i ..ir.. ti,..-.i 1 nA VJ1 m r I l:irii1it anil ... i i iii i. iiHKn winiiirriui iuihib Luuuiauui vi .OTia-iij. w. For the banner or rreeaom they nav iwuru " ' . , , - " . . to afnd ot yesr8 after tueir compieuon nas puuiok m po""'- proprio w I condition. It you are afflicted with Lai n(i thuv'll live and die freemen while for nroved the skill and crnatness Of tors In easy COinuinuicaUOU WUU Grippe and will usej this remedy according ... . nten(i maatnr 'm;nA .mm, ntannMH tbeir markctM tban bare the rail- repairing. ta n i rAfriATiR rivin i T. a Tmr mai wm ft A-r.c o I w-" w - l We authorize our advertised druggist tol sell yon Dr, .King's i New Discovery fori consumption; coughs and colds, upu this .iny other country in tbe world. Tin i. tween tbe two, n;:- toads ot Louis XIV. were nide for j urion labor tbau to tw.'I loij-x tbekiugbytbe pcaaats. At tie 1 trafliC or pleniarev i a ufeMent tiraa tbev arc for tbe nej?-1 f - m m tali by means of subsidies and heavy taxes ex-tcted from tbe pr-)Yerutiieut and tbi public In reeiH;t t construction tl.t (termau rod laakius is ldentic.il itb that of Fraoceand Sw itzcilaud. Frery impotant roatl in. a graded, j macadamizetl turnpike, with cul verts of massire stone, ditches on either side and generally lined with tree, cither poplar, sycamore or linden. The geiift.il principle wbicb 'mU)mI hi tax uV formerly was th.U the obligation of keeping up reads depended on tbe levying of t' U and safeguard dnty on them. Tbia specie of toll W4 so calle! bcaufce in former limes travelers passing orer inecu'e roads leading tt rough forests or thinly settled $ d-stricU were encorted by armed knights, who levied this safegaard !uty in return for their srrvice. Russian bighw:iyi are, a a rulr. b.idly built and continually in pro C43cm of mendiitC. Wbi-n Alexander Uumaa returnetl from Huswiia, which bo bad been visiting, be was aked how he liked tbe roads in that oun tiv. He replied : "1 uever saw any. In winter tbev were cove rex 1 witbr .. . snow ana in summer were irUa aU Lad CLiLnca.vic cc lLcu CaauIt yiitoiil Iro2rr-. DENTIST. ? , LINCOLNTON,) N: C. ; Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty Years experience. Satisfaction ivfuin all operations " Terms ash and modrate. perience no benefit, vou Jnav. return the bottle and have your money refunded. "We make this offer because of . the wonderful success of 1 r. Kine's New Discovery dur ing last seasoa'a epidemic. Have heard off no ease in wmch4tf ailed. Try it. Trial bottles free at J. M-JUawing"8 drugstore. L.arge,size 50c and $ou - Iteh on human and horses and alanis mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolforria nitsry7 Lotion. This neyerails. Sole by J MLsi wing Druggist Lincolnton. N C "Overview hotel" MT. HOLLY, N. C. . Situated at tbe depot of O. G. R. R. Ma. Holland, Proprietress. We take special care of t tie trav eler: Good rooms with fireplaces, and good fare." Call .and Bee us Board I GO TO . . V',' RA R"R"ER SHOP. Newly .fitted up. Work away s I Satisfaction guaranteed. neatly doue. Customera politely j riea reaaonauie. waitsa upon. Jiiverytumg pertain-r iug to the ; tousonal art ta done acotiJlJtst styles. U ISkZ&Y Tayxo, Barber. . . . .. i i - . i L...i ),.,., it.m Ti.n l?r,m!in ia v!ivm. It ia tlift nninion hi well in iu uu wuut.j -w... lier daughters area, uuss - . Wl. f " ...... construction of rosdwava curled .i - Ann a. inn via v iiruim. liih vib j isu i iui iuvu i cuuuumi "im m i VUO uiuuuiaiuT, i ' I I . t , i 1 I . . . , II.. . f nnAnn,iA .r.tl.. lOUL W1IU UiUIU KIIUUUU tUM S And as Dure as the rills waiguiniroui ui im0ja ine roaua ui vuo Jtuiue suu a lutuwi nmuj Wl cmiiuw v, juvum miles ofilems that the fUDeibroailsol I-rance -u"1."i,KW: K.Mi;rni rmm with a hrieht Smilioz ... ttr.-n : i 1 1, r tt.a rt .rl I The mountainous nature of 'the - i frj'i ft i mni nil- 1 v m in aiuuuiuuh i 11 i iiaio uouu u .j w v a iiiu vro o v. v. ..... J Great Britain tbroueh Rome to Je- and potent contributions to tbe ma- country, the consequent diflleultj Mekes each one a model oi , Deauiy acu L.ii .....i . ,ifln of niovldinc means ot easy commu- i r n ii i m miiii rniHi iivhmiiiih iii ijiii i mi 1111 uuitiuiiitii.iii . wiwua i m v.. -a ....Hrt wnttt,. of Bmu m th financial elasticity ol tbe country. nication between points and the si- m.1Ti,n.i1iaAfti,fl ninAtnih rn J The French roads bavecomt)elIeUP"e mju wu,.u luuu v I I. ... .. .. S t . 1 turyl Tbey xyere acrurately divided' the respect and admiration of for- Jcie-i oy me io.ince .i morm. nuu l ran in a ilirio.r cieners for a century, and ot all toe i....ftmn...;ii.iA n..nih.P. wit li I ruada lin tbe country lbose cousid. bave from tbe earllit irio.1 , -l . .1... .I.....I..L! ti, mnai xool!int un.l nt tl.A rendered the eubject ol roadbuibb of nature or middle part was ...ww w.v. . . f - - i .. I . . . ... . .f .and. travel and cement, and was snow clad and rising to a height of r-urope generally originate wnu u.e " - . I " r , - I Hw YAflonM touniries u.. . b , whicb.uear 11,000 kn4 3 M1 n l hey nave wrrti grace. her sons are as n their names upon bright Daees. where Brave words of blest lreedom her standard adorn; May their deeds shape the course of na. fM! tionsboro"::; " ltOADS OF TnEJWORIO). pectforlhe olwtacles ered tbe most excellent and at the rsuuereu mn euui;ni .uuu..... private property. The wm time roost difficult of raalnte- "K one of primary importance to was raised into a ter- nance happen to lie in the mo4 the dweller In the Alp,. Xbe mod ified of several straU ruggeI of ihe Alps, with tbeir peaks em roadway, of Switzerland and ot If you TQei veait and all worn out take BROWN1 S , IRON BISTERS- va-.y..-- '.- ' Central Hotel, GASTONIA, NO. J. N: AiJaXAirnaB; Prop. . Situated in centre of business part and of eay access to trains. Board per day, $1 to $2. PatbB ior Commerce and War. the capital, were of granite. Adam Smith's assertion that "the Washington Star. ' I ....notmntinn nf mads in th PitaiVar 'S555S!S o, u iml,rove,nenU ana .b. -V rt.,r ' " A TT,ti Rtata Mng ' tno Abbe Reyual that 'wber. Dnsiag reports from united otates r P" ever we shall find no - facility of consaia au over iuo wum . , . m . r iruvei 1IUIU IS UliJ W. l""uf liuiu feer. These Alpine roads are lUiaian engiueers in the last e-niu )U of easy grade, solidly bofor" Chris'. Gntij.trncted in numerous, built, always open and always good sire when temporarily blocked tie firit iustance for ib marrli ot ith I armies and tbe piiLil ncrvica cd tb j 3Iaonry, though bory uith iige, is young in achievement.; it liven in the past, works in lb pru-H-nt, and plans for tbe futtir; i!h gre.it heart beats in nnion wuh tbe boje.i o humanity, and nnfirf tin wihIs fit itMvnm forth iti Gi li- deed of charity and 1i.:!m-i ; :t in iMtlratea ilivin truth, irnlnn the broadest liKMin f hua.iit V nd Jtolerauci. and thu i f ful v iu ac cord with American lov of jna!ity ad American idea ol fie con- 1 science, thai ! by av M i w.rr j 'icom rnoie paj.ul ir . it is ruJie j and letter understood. But our danger ii thi : our great ;.o:-ularit. Too many Maters are 4 a agr for additions to their numbers, i'id are not scrupulous enou i hi o the kind id material which tbey .i;cept. Thete i no biicrv to inko more Maxims : we hboild ind aV.qw our number' to incret exc ept by thu fcost careful scratiny of the mate rial oTered : we can ofl.trd to txt iu !e;cndent; the gr-at M aoi i : Fr. el nity 1 sa highly.. prird utid ea- teemvd that none l at cur eiy oral itizeni shonld Im ailnntfr J, ir.d hn only ti very i1j ? rp. We lie m too much id buriy iti nx our !oing-, in all oar da'Lv v iJkh of .:e, ind .Maonry doe s"po ibis i4tioii.il leer ot hs'. aiii iiiakes i Uafou too faL lit'-m? .v' r i nd. . I . . . Liit.ntiA llmv ta urn firr-inrvt ll nrf1!! i WE C&S D" soow. iney are Hiioiecieu io tee - r - , At ..... t..i j jiea iv iue triouiary conimeice; most cbangefsl and violent forces of nature. Know, fro', ice aud furious stlaoial torrents spriuging suddenly into existence at unexpected oints v B. M. ANDREWS, ". iX STOCK of. FURMIT ORE, .PIANOS & 0RG-ANS fha BiihiaAt rf r a ail a . VTV villase to a bamlot.we may pronoune ; ooitou--- the neoole to ba barbarians' have have sought for a decade to destroy tbew Is nothing, mteresung aooui - m . , . . long, especially io Earope, been acs roads, let it be remembered that ""rJ t" j " . , . - -Qr cepted by mankind. Roads are the since iu knnwlodrivl civilizera of the world. il a fc..-. i;.uihntl nAr inft I j.uu , r0ad through Darkest Africa1' is II world roads have been necessary to k l- . . , 4. faat ending human, slavery and iu- Mhe existence and progress of the ' . rA-. to be Found In tbe ta(e. BABY. CARRIAGES AND TRICYCLES. Buy in Large Quantities Direct from Factories aud can and will giva you WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES, i 53f vG00DS EXCHANGED IF NOT SATISFACTOHr. EVMAWDriEVS, 14 and 16 West Trade Sti Charlotte, ELC. rape. rprniri thAtimfrof Alosaa tnere i & . liav beenioyaliroads. JBirst ; tbe V V I 8 ni rve U 5 U through Bad Lands Eptianafterrds the Israelites, le the question of aud then the Greeks called; tneir lines of travel that were not used for sptscial purposes "royal road' or .1 . t i: i T rv flpa.na t Vi a tneKiogswKuw-j., .wr.7: Oneelanceof rbyaTa.roads. were .Intpectea ana - . - . , rdvred. lor by the senate at Athens. I uo lwBU' Wuj uiobv . i wnndr wontd be ac la Lacedemonia, Tbebea and otner . ; t" r aAm K. rr.-?- mmis. counted for. because the roads baT( B5-f-. T- r-;;- almost everythlog to ;do with i-. ion. of -the most emineot men. roeir . ..- c?" ;t,'h..V-nf The anc ents knew and appreciated roads. iiowever, were not tbe best or " . . r rr5?itr J0, - - - - T,..v j a tbe importance of good pablio roods. the.aocaemsV. lt was reserved ior a 17 . comnieVcral cUy; Gatthage, to ,build 7 WMrMiW-, ' ; proaa-Komaa cooqu.ror. n'm.l. to mou tenriwoed and datibte ever use wb l.tOe or no .,pa r. .ii WnmViJAM ltortin Earope reqalt3 usually cd Alric. whewrer tte.r .on.er- SiiL.d n e.tber .3e by two nd brrdUd, they builuoidii tlu.t bre onetime. four row, ot ,bade lte. k.. ....ii-hi th lwr bl dil- """i .dd much beauly to the coun. r.TrTntor-.t or: try through wb.cb tb.y run nd from a distance are particalaily pic them, but in vaju. Tbe greater parts of the loads in France are macadamized ; it is only io towns that paving stones are used. A serious objection to the ose of the latter in cities lies in tbe tea dy weapons which tbey afford in the bands of mobs during periods of riot. No part of tbe road system is neclected t tbe routes are divided Into sections of bait a mile to three miles in lenstb, according to the importance of tbo road, each of which is confided to a man or num- couDted for, because tbe roads bave'br of men, so that every foot of tbe rcadwsy Is inspected daily and is would largely Indian wur fare. Americaus who find themselves io Eorope are struck with astonish ment at the enormous loads drawn li'ir, f r it lcn fully dear.trt'-d ' U." J ;' . J t.5 country tit it ; !! r 1 S! t t't rc;.rH"n l-r l -i" c4. it I . cur l r jiii.c ; t.i' C " V. r. L.'U.urT. an-1 l'i r:f It;. : ? u : httn t"ci- i..r i .ill J : ontitu.un. rr t ? h I'r J. M. lVi-c Won!. fnV lfantQ tindlCWiaren' - cii jiuiin i afn siVrtrflitn rtint! v-t trwomwad ttaaauperiorto aay preaertiiaoB. III So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, It. T. -in,- erf Caotctla Is so unlvereaLatti SU V Of teiirmus rsniin wuu vu new xorij I,te Pastor Blooatogdale 1 Soir Stomaek, Diarrhosa. Xtuctatioa. hJHm .words, cm - i. u;l p-t f r 1 il ; I feren( aga to be of supernatural or igin. This is atttsie I ly the names " taw mwhI tmib I havt reeoaa V4 resutta. : bwiF:raai-1fl1W:X Wlathrop," 1360 8trk and Tth Aveu, Cawzaim CaKramr, T7 XoanaT SraaKT, VsvYi applied to them- , in Italy, England, turesque where several roads inter- .- sect: One can mark the roads m France aua apaiu. ia mo i. , tloned they'ihavo )Cbeta known bv their windings some imes w Jar as anohappellaUonaaaCUadadeldi. the eye can reach by theee .fresh ablo (road ot the devil), Oalxada de gretn .shade trees, which,- with .the las gigantea (road of tbe giants), &c various truna of hornea and dogs jkocording to St. Isidoro, tbe nt IsdeiiHb.lba products., of Jarmm oaved roadf ot Spain were built by and nbpp, conspire to make rvMlto ajtfon th. OartiatolaaiO MiPlttle Hanle v ""V t- .'f-- anthdtty .Utei th;uhePbniclu. toa ), or BelRium ,r Into.aooes o a road across the Pyrenees and the Alps many centuries before the nUnd dleitto theirsncowjsoiii competition with tbi rail roads, r I l ikn . .nn lit .1:1: D'J kuai b wu wuu uao uis earn does not by any means coosld M Chrlatlaii era. er himself forced to fiend his prod kept in thorough repair. But France has ' goffered by ber greatness in this respect. Wbea tbaPru9sian force crossed tbe fron tier io 1870, the floe military roads were found more advantageous to tbe invaders than tbe invaded. The enemy profited by tbe master work of tbeir aggressive neighbors. Tbe roads afforded not only direct but cxcolleut routes to tbe French cspi tal. Tbe highways of France are remarkable for their durability. evenness and cleanliness. They are swept and watered every day and kept lu scrupulous order. Tbey are immense garden paths, amid a mar velous landscape .ot verdure-and cultivation. ' Louis XIV.' bad several fine roads made in the envirous of Paris for his personal use and pleas-ire. They were very wide, probably &. laid out from simple' ostentation and paved only -'in the. center for the royal coaches. Shortly: after -the con struction of these royal roads the nation began to appreciate the adi vantage of taved ways, aa the ose vrhicb poured into Italy witti aug mented volume ah the dimensions c f the empire increased. In lie toeak irjj up of socet wl ich followed ibr :nv4Biou ol tbe bat turbos aud the .VI of the empire, the Roman road, .ill bough in coutmoed ue, fell out of repair and finally into ruin. Cue of tbe greatest charms of Kntlisb eceoerv to tbo AmericHn - . viMtor is tbe beauty ot its Ledge- ; lined, stooebedded roads. Mm':' of Eogland's scenery would be do'L ; iu without tbem. Tbe coontr- ; fo;wls in Ireland .aUtr material' t frcm comparison- with tue roads in : Kogland and VaIe, but aa compa- ' ed with the average country road u Ua TTnifpit KtjifpM lln-V nern to .ID- ' " - ,c-ioa. ppjximate closely tfpeifectou. Tl di f. Ufe lU. course described by the, country ' bUat tba aud even tortuous, the apparent d cfl.ls No fiddler ever 'iro it mus'c. Tins truly great .r th w io j. qner tbenwlve? Vi u ran t-!l wLM.: : r. i f a .y : ount by tbe wy be .2 Nobody pays an . ... :.: ':: ' a wben tbey knee 'J o nell is dv. YoacaL't tell bo : i tciHu lv the length ot lhn u.t-al pio- ; ! o r it M n M.. A A A V. A I f . . . - A I 4 I till VW 1 ff, t tX tt ! . ' tho compass, but tbe ;re nooe the lees beautiful on that account. In South America there aro hard ly any roads worthy of tbe name Commnnicbtion between towns where there art. no railways to tbe Interior is by water in small boats or canoes, or by bridle ' paths ou donkey mule or bcrehack. To go in a carriage of any description five, teo, twenty, forty or any nnm ber of milsf, few or many, into tbe interior, Is a thiog onbeard of and unknown. In Brazil thirty days are often required for traveling a dis tance of 230 miles. The snbjfct of scientific road building in Japan ia on that has only of recent j ears received atten tion. Previous to tbe oj-ening cf the country fo bTHgn intercourse nearly all ol the !uln! travel and carry iogwaa con fined to the t'aeks of cooliea aod pack horses, and in spite of tbe introduction of railways and jinrikiabaa such is, to a very rprt'arh tbev ere When r onie men I u fetl hh tbcu' i piiug a gaa i'i.l. I Tbo man who i!om l, - 5 --t in the jfh.ee be has now i on L way to h tetter place. . Tbe mao who gets b;s bread fieh every day never wants U chpge hi? boarding bouse. t When you fiodauybtdjr wLp :s doing much to help other people, you find one who has suflVred. Tbe man who lives right himself -is cootinctlly making unwritteu laws that other people hatelofoU: low. Yoti are dcin one or tro thing, brother. You are e.tber helping . your neighbor oitofthf nitca, or helping io make u d tei fnrjiin to fall into: Which ia it Hrm$ Horn. a i-rrii n KlLLXP. - Another cblll kilki iy it- of cj.5 Jly io wen is surprising; nmutji.'. cVulof in peculiar trouMr by uiicg Dr. Acker Baby Soothr. It cn'.ain no opiatn ct tncrpLitciSomy -Ur.JalLswi Another cbUd aiiMi oy i-- ui i ciTcn in ihm firm of N-H.tns ymf. U mthTigire their chilJrea a 1' iWJUcn tc surpf iiog whn ttey cn ru

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