Mm VOL V LINCOLNTON, N. C , FRIDAY, DEC. 18. 1891. NO. 33 s ... Professional Cards. PHISIOIAK AND SURGEOH, Offera hLs profesfonal serriceto ht ritizei of Lincolntua arid aarroau- cilBg ooaatry. Office at his rear danee adjoinimg Lincoln toa Hotel AH ealla promptly attended to. . Ao. 7, im lv J. W. SAIN, M. D., II ai leeated at Liaoalatea aad of fers hit lerviees a physician te the citizens of Li h col u ten aad surround 'iBgoBtrj. Will be toaad at sight at the res idedco of B. C. Tf ed - Mari-h' 27, 1S91 ly Bartlett Shipp, ATTORN BY AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. O. Jao. 9, 1891. ly- Finley & Wetmore, ATTYd. AT LAW, LINCOLNTON, N. C. Will' practice in Lincoln and surrounding counties. All business put into our hands will be promptly atten ded to April 18, lfc&O. lv. Dr. W. A. PRESSLEY, SURGEON DENTIST. TermH CASH. OFFICE IN COBB BUILDING, MAIN ST., LINCOLNTON, N. C July 11, 190. ly ' DENTIST. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction ;iven in all operations Terms taah and moderate. Jan 23 '91 lv GO TO BARBER SHOP. Newly fitted up. Work away neatly dou. Customers politely waited upon. Everything pertain iug to ttie tousorial art is done according to latest styles. LlaNttY Taylor Barber. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. E. M. ANDREWS, Carries the LARGEST,, STOCK of FURNITURE, PIANOS & ORGANS to be Found in the State. BABY CARRIAGES AND TRICYCLES. B jv in Large Quantities Direct from Factories and can aud will give you J LOW PRICES. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. GOODS EXCHANGED IF NOT SATISFACTORY! E.M.ANDREWS, 14 and 16 West Trade St. 1 Charlotte, K. C. i - : -- . -- ..n.,,,-, for Infante and Children. Ofcrtilfft IKD m&i&ea to children ttu treoommexid It m superior to any prMcziptioa 4oiowa to ma." H. X. Xmcbmm, X. D., Ill So. Oxford t, BrooUn, If . T. "The use at 'OstorU' ta aooniTeml aad tu meriu so well known that it aeems a work of supererogation to endorse It Few are tbe teteUigent lamUiM who do nut keep Caatori wUhineasyreftch.'" Cahlom Maww.D.D., - Mew Fork City. Late Pactor BloomlAgdala fief onLed Church. Ths Cmtio ! . . , SPECIMEN CASES. C. fl. Clifford, New Cwsel, Win., was troubled with neuralgia and- rheumatism bis stomach was disordered, hi was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell avay, and he was terribly- reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of lee. tr3 bit era eured him. Edward lepherd, Harrinburg, 111. had running sore on his leg of eight years' standing Used three bottles of Electric bittera aad sven boxes of Buckl&a's arni c& sal re, and bis leg i sound and .. well. John Speaker, Catawba, Q., had Ave large fever sores en his leg, doc',c:s said he was iacur&ble. One bottle of electric bUters and one box of Buclen's Arnica Salve cured him entirely. Bold at J. Lawiag's Drugstore. DO HOT SUFFER ANY LONGFR. Knowr th- a cough can be cheeked irt a day, and the staged of consumption bro ken iH a wcik, we horeby graantee Dr. Aker's English Cough Remedy, aad will refund tho money to all who buy, take i: i per directions and do not And our states nn en direct. Dr. J M Lawintr, DruggUt Who la Your Jttmt Friend ? Yoar stomach of courso. Whyl? Uecau.-? if it is out of oi dor you are ona of the most miserable creatures living. Give it a fair honorable chance and seo if it is not tho best friend you have in the end- Don't smoke in the motniug. Don't drink in the morning. If you must smoke and drink wait until your stomach is through with break t'aet. i'ou can drink more and suioko mere in the evening and it will tell oo you less. If your food ferments and does not digest right, it you are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness ot the head, coming on after eating, Biliousness, Indigeation,or any other trouble of the stomach, you had psbus4 Green's August Flower, aefa no rerson can use it without immediate relief 1R. ACKER S ENGLISH PILLS Are active, etTsetive and pure. For tick headacbs, disordered stomach, losa of ap petite, bad complexion and biliousneed, they have never been equaled, either in America or abroad. Dr. J M Lawing, Druggist. NOWTRY TillS. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, if you hve cough, cold, or any trouble with thrc X, che-tt or lungs. Dr. KiDg'8 New Dioovery for consuaip t'on, coughs d colds is guaranteed to give relief, or money will be paid back. buf 'erers from la Grippe found it just the thing and under i.? usu baa a spedy and perfect . coyery. Try u sample bottle at our expense nnl learn for yourself how good a tbinw it is. Trial botlhs free at J. M. Lawtng'a drug t'-ore. Large size at 50c and $100. Itch on human and norsea and all anu mals cured in 30 minutes by Wcolfords Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sole by J M. Lwi.ig Druggist Linoolnton. N 0 "riverview hotel," MT. HOLLY, N. C. Situated at the depot of O. C. R. R Mrs. Holland, Proprietress. We take special care of the trav eler. Good rooms with fireplaces, and good fare. Call and sea us Satisfaction guaranteed. Board rates reasonable. CentralHotel, GASTON I A, N. O. J. N. Alexander, Prop. Situated in centre of business part and of easy access to trains. Board per day, $1 to $2. CMtoria caret Oohc, Oaoattpatioo, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eruotation, KJ1U Worm, fire slaep, and promotes Oi WitoMlnurious medication. " For several years I have rcoi-vaded your Cartoria, ' aod shall always cywtg do so as It has Invariably produced beneasls results." Edwin P. PAunn, M. MTbe Wlotfcrop," 12&th Street and 7th Are-, New York City. Cokpakt, 77 Hnuit Stuxit, New Toafc Statement oritcTenwo and Charge or Lincoln Co., N. lor tho Year Ending Decern her 1, 1891. Balance on hand $25 22 Rc'd A Nixon Sh'fT gen taxes Taxes 1899 5417-46 Marriage License 85.97 tt jury tar 21.85 Ent'm'tW&A 4.75 h tt n n 2.85 u . M'ch'ts tax 113.63 ( Discoyeries 39 88 "CB Childs C SO as per bills filed 95.60 t u u state va Albert Umyre 7.20 Henry Honeer,J P.State vs James White - . 810 " W M Hull to the cr. of North Brook T S 8 10 "JF Davis, J P, for plank sold off M W Sherrill bridge .75 " TH Hoke for hire of Will McDowell & Gus Davidson 17.80 W M Hull hire of H Siek 3.00 " 4k Jack Sisk 5.00 " T H Hoke conveying panper to poor house, Gaston co 7.50 'OE Childs, o s c, jail fees, States vs William Hoke 7.80 "ce childs, esc, cost to use or county 6 55 W H Hoover hire L P Reynolds 750 " J B Luckey board Bruce Ballard I860 F A Toby, borrowed, 24th Sept, '91, at 7 per cent int 500.00 J M Lawing, borrowed.lst Oct, '91, at 7 per cent iut 500.00 J M Liwinborrowed, 26 Oct 791 at 7 per cent iut 500.00 f T H Hoke ara't of the Ju lia Gates mge 92.51 "ce Childs cbc iail fees 1.20 Total Revenue $7398.82 COUNTY CHARGES. The following have been audit ed and ordered to be paid for the year ending December 1, 1890. To P F Baxter P H bill for November $85 20 " P F Baxter well at p h 63.80 " T M Foster, J P, services as registrar 3.75 Philip Carpenter, J P, services aa registrar 7.80 ' J A Nixon, J P, services as registrar 4.41 " R M WarlickOGO ft lum ber for bridge 9.60 "OC Thompson, J P, ser vices as registrar 3.90 " JH Tutherow, oil and keeping clock 1 qr 4.10 "CE Childs for Edwards fc Broughton, blanks &c 12.50 "CE Childs for Edwards . & Broughton,envelops dec 9.05 O E Childs recording and filing election reports &c 5.18 " W H Hoover, J P, serv- " ices as registrar 4.56 " A Nixon Sh'fF jail fees &c for Nov 34.60 "BC Wood for services as clerk &c 47.3S January 5, 1391. " Hoke and Robinson legal services for the board 100.00 " PF Baxter p h bill for Dec 79 00 "PF Baxter brick, chim ney &c at p h 34.82 " L D Haynes,J P, ex Mrs Robinson, insane 1.00 u E T Childs goods for p h 2.00 " A Nixon ex-Sh?ff, money for indigent pupils 15.12 " J D Plonk, J P, ex 3 in sane persons 3.00 " I C Lowe services as reg istrar 4.80 " J P Cornwell work on Iron Bridge , 3.00 kt J B Luckey iail fees &c for December 32.16 "AWL Hager coffin for Ibbie Lowe 2.25 kt J M Roberts publishing Co. Rev. and charges &c 22.53 " J M Roberts 1000 print ed orders 2.50 " J H Tutherrow coffin &c for pauper o.66 " Hoke & Michal goods for poor house 5 69 " W L Crouse, M D, prof. services at p h &c 9.00 " Edwards & Broughton stationery 4.00 To B C Wood services a clerk &c ' ' 40.10 February 2,1891. . "PF Baxter ph bill for Jan 85.40 " C Motz & Sons desk fec -for CSC and Register's office ' '45.00 "HO Cornwell work on public road ' 3.00 " J M Lawing MD ex a lunatic 5.00 " P A Reep tobacco for p h 12,88 " S W McKee J P ex 2 lu natics 2.00 " Drs Crouse and McBee for ex 2 lunatics 5.00 " J A Nixon J P ex 2 lu natics 2.00 J B Luckey Sh'ff jail fees &c for Jan 32.40 " J B Luckey Sh'fF taking Caroline Finger insane to Goldsboro Asylum . 36.60 "BO Wood to Walker Ev ans and Cogswell Co for Record of Deeds No 65 S.00 " B C Wood to Edwards & Broughton for Record chattel mortgages 7.00 " J P Lynch work on Rein- hardt bridge 39.10 " J II Tutherow winding . clock 1 mo 1.33 " Billie Buck support of w-ife 1 mo 2.50 " Monroe Taylor support of daughter 1 mo 2.50 " Jenkins Bros stationery .90 "LA Ward D S delivery of John Brauch 13.30 "BO Wood services as clerk for Jan 16.31 " II D Wavlick 2 days as road juror 2.00 " William Yoder 2 days as road juror 2.00 " A M Kistler 2 days as road juror 2.00 " M M Lutz 2 days as road juror 2.00 " G P Rhyne 2 days as road juror 2.00 March 2, 1891. " W L Crouse & Co medi cine for p h and jail 11.05 " P F Baxter p h b!l for Feb 77.65 " Cornwell & Haynes cul vert near Iron bridge 4.75 " J D Plonk taking Mrs J Robinson to Morganton 14.50 " J B Luckey Sh'lF jail fees &c for Feb 22.10 " J C Dellinger coffin for Ilenrv Shrum 4.00 " L P Sifford J P Ex 2 lu- - natics 2.00 " R A McLean M D ex 2 lunatics 10.00 "HA Shrum 366 ft lum ber Morganton road 3.66 " Billie Buck support of wife 1 mo 2.50 " Monroe Taylor support of daughter 1 mo 2.50 " E T Childs goods for p h and iail 5.00 " L W Hoyle work on brdg 5.00 " G L Beam inspecting bridge at Dellinger's 1.00 "BC Wood services a3 clerk ifcc 18.25 A.pril 6. 1891. "PF Baxter p h bill for March 87.60 " P F Baxter conveying . Jane Raven to Gaston co 6.50 " J P Cornwell work on iron bridge 1.50 " Hoke & Michal goods for ph&c T4.40 "JH Tutherow winding town cIock 2.66 " E T Childs goods for p h and jail 5.38 "AM Wingate work on CI SC office" -75 " Lynn J Houser inspect ing iron bridge 5.00 " Henry Huss bridge at Dellingers 40.00 " J B Luckey Sh'ff jail fees &c for March S1.30 " P D Hinson boarding ju ry (Conner case) 19.75! " P D Hinson lime for jail 1.65 " W A Smith bride at Maj ! Graham's ' 191.18 ".W L Crouse M B prof services at p h and jail 11.00 " D M Taylor support of . j daughter 1 mo 2.50 To Billie Buck support of wife 1 mo 2.50 " P A Reep shingles and goods for p h 14.02 ' J D Plonk services lay ing off public road 1.50 " David Ingle services lay ing off public road 1.50 " J S Willis services lay ing off public road 1.50 " L O Rhyne services lay ing off public road 1.50 " Eph. Carpenter services laying off public road 1.50 " Ed Aderholdt sleepers for bridge 1.00 n i t : . a v uuu services as clerk for March 8.60 May 4,1891. "PF Baxter Home for the Aged and Infirm bi'l 93.65 "P F Baxter building house at the Home 47.16 " J B Luckey Sh'ff jail fees &c for Apr 65.15 " J O Bess support of Bill Wise 2.70 "CE Childs CSC blanks &c 9.29 " II A Shrum lumber for bridge 4.09 " J H Tutherow winding clock 1 mo 1.33 " Monroe Taylor support of daughter 2.50 " Billie Buck support of wife 2.50 "BE HamiicK D S deliv ery of JacK SisK 0.55 " Dr W L Crouse prof ser vices at the Home 15.50 " W L Crouse & Co medi cine for aged and infirm 6.25 "J C King taKing Wm Huss to hospital 16.20 " B C Wood services as clerK tkc for Apr 10.86 COUNTY LIABILITIES, SPRING TERM 1891. No 1 State vs Henry Morset 3.57 " li " " Fannie Graham 185 o f 5.72 u 4 u t4 it 3 48 5 " " David Lail 1.80 " 6 " " Hugh Coirell - 5.69 7 " " Jackson Sitk& Mary Hawks 22 76 4f 8 " " John Davis 10.61 " 9 Delpuid Schenck 10.65 10 " " Wm Bovlen 4.03 " 11 Frauk Bixter 2 53 u 12 a i d Mol t DeLaae 11 35 "13 " " Jacob Gilbeit 10.28 " 14 4 Lea Dellinger 6.03 u 15 a Mai can Carpenter 413 " 16 " " Gas Btinck 4 07 u 17 Pbi I ip Maseagee 10.24 " 18 " " George Sbaw 5.31 " 19 " Alouzo Hoover & George Shaw 8.26 "20 " Lawsou P Reynolds 92 81 "21 "George Shaw J10 76 it 22 ' Huderson Sisk 17.15 23 " 44 Jo be Motz 7.04 u 24 " ' " 7.07 "25 k Burc Caldwell 7 55 26 : " M M Bogga 10 90 27 " "BC Leonhardt 13,40 To O E Cbilda CSC certifys iog 27 bill C.75 June 1st, 1891. To A. Nixon, for eutveving hoe between Lincoln and Cleveland counties 29.75 "PF Baxter, the Home for the Aged aud Infirm, bill 104.15 "JB Luckey, sheriff, jail lees for May 32.35 WL Crouse M D, ex. of Sarah Starnes 5,00 " W L Crouse M D, Prof. services at "The Home" 12 50 S S Morris, lumber for bridge on public road 2 60 P D Hinson, lime for 'The Home" 1.65 " J H Tutherow, winding clock 1 month 1,33 " W M Hull, support of Re becca Williams 2.50 T H Hoke, blasting rock oat public road 13.00 "JP Cornwell, work on Iron Bridge 1 0 i( j D Piouk J P ex. S i- rah Starns 1.20 "PA Reep, provisions lor Tbos, Berrjhill 3.00 'OO Thompson, J P ex. William Huss 1.20 ; E T Childs goods for "The Uome" 165 " Billie Buck support of his wife. . 2.50 Monroe Taylor support of his daughter 2.50 To B O Wood services aa Clerk &c. 39.83 July Cth, 1891. il PF Baxter The Home bill for Jane 95.00 " JB Luckey sheriff, jail fees for June 32.SS " W L Crouse M D, ox. Mar garet Carpenter 5.00 'A W Reedy 2 qts. of ink 1,50 ; " J II Tutherow winding clock aud work oq road 7.33 "LB Haynes J P, ex. Mar garet Carpenter 1.00 " W A Thompson M D, ex, Wm, Hcirs 5 i") 4i Edwards and B cugiitoa, Tax Book 1S91 1.50 " Walker Evans and Coga we'l Co., Record Book. 10 50 " J Will Mi-It: tosh D.S, ar rested AN-x Hunter 2.00 j " C P Mill rh.ise and back j i out eying Mrs. Sarih j Stain to Lincolnton 1.50 i 'PA R ep tobacco for aged and iunrm 11 )G ' " B:l!ie Buck tuppoitolhis wife 2.50 " Mouroo Taj lor support of daughter 2,50 " II J Crooks J P, ex. Mrs. Shi ah Starns 1.00 " Wm Hoover on burial outfit for B F Pa! man 5.00 ; J D' Piouk lisiiug taxei Lincolnron township 33 00 " A Costuer listing taxes Liucolnton township 3100 " A G Harriil listing taxes Irontoo towuih'p 26.40 "S Y Goodou listiiig txes I run too township 3200 "UP Eithau listing taxes Iroutou township 16.00 " Wm Yoder listing taxes Howard's Creek 20,00 " Wm U Hoover listing tax es Howards Creek 27 00 " I R Self listing taxes Hd'.s Cietek township 2G.00 "JH Stamey litin? taes N B township 20,00 " O C Thompson listing taxes N B Township 23 30 ' T M Foster listing taxs N B township 16 00 41 B O Wood hei vices as Clerk &s. for June 10 10 July, 13, 14, 15, 1891 " J A Robinsou listing tax ea Liucolnton township 35 00 44 D Kiucaid listing taxes Catawba Springs township 32 00 " Jno. F Davis liHtiug taxs Catawba Sjrings lowuthip 36.00 Aug. 3, 1391. 4i P P Baxter Tle Home bill for July 86.80 ' L A Kiylor lintiug tix. a Catiwba Sp:iugs 1600 "J U Tulhrow winding c'ock 1 mouth 1.33 ' J M Roberts publishing t.otico to tux payers 2 50 " J BLucke ex-t-heiiff, ja 1 fr?-s &... for July 52,10 " Bdlie BQ:k si.pport of his wife 1 month 2.50 f; Monroe Taylor support cf his daughter 2 50 " J L Kistler 4 buckets ftr jail 1-55 44 W L Crouse & Co medi cine for aged aud intiim 7.G0 44 J O Hoover cor, services on iuqueat S C Motz 8,90 41 J W Sain M D, ter vices on inquest S C Motz 10,00 41 Juo LCobb services on in quest S C Mofz 1.50 44 W II Burton her vices on inquest S O Motz 1.50 ; J L Kistler tei vices on in quest S C. Molz 1 50 "EH Cauble s l vice oa in qaeat 3 C Motz 1,50 "BO Wcou services on in quest S C Motz 1 50 " P D Uiusou services on in quest S C Motz 1.50 " JJ C Woo l t-ei vices as Clerk for July 17.72 SerN 7, if 91. " P F Baxter the il me bills for August 104 95 ; V?" M DfcHingei dumbe r for i-ridge 7.2S ' A Lee Cheny lumber aud woik nn Ia6 bridges 25.10 "AH rt Sifoid lumber for bridge 889 " P A R-t p goods for Aged and m 20 24 P A Reep lumber for Wav lick and Motz bridges 13.38 4 B C-Wood geivices as Clerk &c for 'August 1S.3S To Hoke & Michal goods for Aged aud Infirm 11.01 "MN Hamrick sheriff, for arre6t tnd delivery of Ed Thompson & Geo. Martin 10.10 44 J 11 Tuthciow iudiiig clock "T II Hoke coffia kc. TCKiug cost eving S road orders 44 T II Hoke work on nil at iron bridge " W A Graham Jr. work on Graham bridgo .- P D Himou lirac for j i J Will Mcintosh D :;, -(:v lug 17 road r.r ? 44 J W i'.l Mel i . :.t o: ea iu guaidin A:;;i J ..: n-:i W LCio-.f'c &. O m-.-dki o for Ageil a j.l li.ii. m " W 1 Ciiium' JI 1), service- at thn IIonu' 14 B:iIio Bock s-iiqioi t of w i'e 1 month " Mom oo T.ulor stppott of d;iULter 1 r.u.utli. 44 Jk. G Black work ou Fmt Hill Attixon Shu iff j iil fees S:c. lor August 44 G L Heavner 1) S etrving 12 rr-ad oiderM ' J C Hcowr Cor. jail ftes 1.3S 10- 3.2(1 2.00 5 00 1 65 0 S0 4 25 7 GO 7.00 J.oO 2.50 7 00 84.99 4 SO 15.75 () t. Sth 1S91 " P F Baxter liu- Home bill IW Sept 90.90 44 A Nixon hheriff, jail fees &c for Sept. 127.15 14 J II Tulhttiow v luding ton vUwk 1.36 44 BCWoodaervi; esasCIeik & ! for Sepr. 69 83 Henry Sl.ufoid cleiuing Couit House 1.25 44 Go. Cauble coflin Thos. Berhill 3-50 " Jeukiiib' Bro?, fationeiy 90 44 li C Wool R R lieketfof Wm, M,ort! 2 10 44 E. K. Evaus tin gutler for jiil 40 44 Duraot Ballard cofti'i Au y McCorkle 4.15 " P 1) Hinson lime for jail 1,65 44 O E Childs C SC, docket blanks 10.53 44 H S SelloiH D S, ariost nd and d- lively ot J .iph Hoke 2 50 44 P A Reep fhotfiS for Aged aod I n fi i in 32 75 44 P A Rvep .'umber fur bridge at R-uohuui's 5.48 44 Morrison aud Rdnhardt buildmg biil "220 00 44 J A Xixon Ct-flin for Sam Graham 4 00 44 Bill e Buck tupiort o( bi wl'ft 1 nn.lilb 2.50 44 Monroe Taylor cotppoit of bin iiaoiiti r I mouth Nov 2ud lttil P F Baxter thrt ll.nne. Bill 2.50 fr Oct. ICS OS 44 .Jtukios B h g Is foe Aed and lulii nt 4 ('5 P A Rt'ep got;l3 (or Aged aud Itiiirm. 13.17 ' P A li) piov It v Kute HrlniM . .'5 ' IL-ko & Miohal o-f :r Aged and In firm 12 : 4 L D J P, xa-.i- natitm W C O.iuiplrfcii v, i 1'JO 44 J P Cornwell wotk ou iron bridge 1.50 44 George Duck vvoi in ( (A:i IIouiu Hoopei o 1 i Nov 2n.I iS:l 44 T H Hoke me !id a ;o i auper in Ciev:! i a .:-y 50) 4; S W McKee J P, . -x . a i i.atiou Will CaoiiiLeli :u u-.e 1 U'l 44 1j C Wool service ria clerk c c ik ulatif;,' Tax ' 4 Bi'uie Buck tuppo:t f his wife 1 moush 2 5 J 44 7Iouroe Ta)Ior support ot tiH dacghtei 1 moritli 2 5 ) t4A Xixon SL'ff, jail !e- s &z for Oct. J6C90 44 WLCrocsr; M D, prrff- sional seivic.s at Aged u It; firmed 12 CO 44 J C Be?s locating to i ship line 4V0 1 Total S5280.97 Noith Caioiinn, ) Lincoln County, I, B C Wood, Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, certify that the foregoing is a true statement of Continued to last page ")

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