1 fl ft i-i . . i II !l II 51 11 a, f S S ! t 1 I t I h 'VOL V Professional Cards. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, (yfSiiii hla professional service to 4he dtfWis ol Linoolntun and surroun-. din country. Oiloe at his resi deace adjoining Lincoln ton Hotel. All ealla promptly attended to. au. 7. iy ,J. W.SAIN.M. D., - Baa located at LineelateB aed of- lers hia servie-s physician to tit" ri eiiutuuet LiBolatn mud sirroauu lug eoaeiry. Will be found at sight at the rt?s iderca of B. C Wood March '27, 1301 ly Bartlett Shipp, ATTOKNHY AT LAW, LINGOLNTON, N. O. Jan. 9, 1891. Finley & Wet mo re, A1TY6. AT LAW, L1NCOLNTON, N. ii. . Will practice in Lincoln and surrounding countie. All biiaini put into our hands will be promptly atten ded to. April 18, 18U0. ly. Dr. W. A. PRESSLEY, SURGEON DENTIST. ;.' Terms CASH. OFFICE IN COBB BWILPIXJ, MAIN ST., LINCOLNTOK, N. C July 11, 1S90. ly dentist. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction iven in all operations Terms ash and moderate. Jan 23 '91 lv CIO TO BAUBIiB SHOP. , Newly titled up. Work aways I neatly doue. Customers pohteiy waited upou. Everything pertain- I ing to the tousorial art is done 1 aocordiug to Litest styles. IkifBY Tatlou. Barber. j Forllalaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use ! BROWN'S IRON BITTERS j E. M. ANDREWS, Carries the LARGEST STOCK of FURNITURE, PIANOS & ORGANS to be Found in the totnte. , BABY CARRIAGES AND TRICYCLES. Buj in Large Quantities Direct from Factories aud can aDd will give you LOWPKICES. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICES. GOODS EXCHANGED IF XOT SATISFACTORY. 14 aud 16 West Trade St for 'Infants and Children. "OftetertotkS 16 WB adapted to cfcOdrce thk t recommead It M ruperlor to aay preocrtptiasr , 4t&owa to me." II. A. Amcbk M. D., ' 111 So. Oxtord'St., BrgeLkTBL, IV. T. "The om at 'CMtori&ta to naiTertal ard iu merits k well known It MOMtork of sttpercroefttion to cndorM It. Few are ti Intelligent famillea who do not keep CaatoriA - wiUata easy reaon." tAte PacSor TOTrtinftg BeCoriiUd Cburoh. Tss Cbjctack iiwiMil IS LIFfi WORTH LIVING ? Not if too ko through the world a dya peptitf. Dr. Acker's Dyspepsia Tablet aro a positive cure for tbe worn forms of Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Com itump .ion. Guaranteed and sold by Dr. J M Lawing Druggist. GOOD LOOKsl Good looks aro more tban skin deep, de pending upon a healthy condition of r 1 the Tltarorgans, Iftheliver.be inactive you have a bilious look and it your kidneys be affect d you have a pinched look. Se eure good health and you will hare good looks. Electric bitten is the great altera tive and Tonio acts directly on these vital o. ans. Cures Pimples, Bletchee, Bolls, sad give a good complexion. Sold at J. M. Lawmg'i Drugstore, 50c per bottle. CAN T SI.KEP XICHT3 i Is the eO'flpl.iiwt of thoaunda suffering i from Asthma, Consumption, Coughs, etc. , Did you ever try Dr. Ackf r's English Re medy ? I4- is the lest preparation known ' or all Lutiir Trouble?. Sold on a positive Kt'arao et t 25 fnt ainl i0 cefiti. For sale by Dr. JM LHwiiig, Drugget. PRONOUNUKD HOPL'jt, YET SAVED. From a letter written by JJ'j Add. E tlurd of Groton, S. D., wo quote: Whs taken with a bud cold whisli settled on my hint's, oiw;h aet in and finally termiuated in consumption. Four dctors gve in up, sajiujf I eould live but a abort time. I gave ni3Hlf up to my .Savior de?rniined if 1 rouKl not stay with myjfrier.d n earth I weuld meet my ak'ent ones above. My husbuRd was alv gml to get Dr.'Kiog's New Diseovery for consumption, coughs and cM. 1 gave it a tr:' took in all eight bottle; it baa cured roe and thank God I am now a wfill and hf-arty woman." Trial bottle free at Dr J M Lawing's drug More, regular siz 50c and $1. A CHILD K.ILI.HD. Another child killed by the ue of opiates given in the forui f Boothing Syrup. Why uiothtsrg give their children such deadly poison is uurprirfing when they can relieve the child of it peculiar troubles by using Dr. Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no opium or morphine. Sold by Dr. J M Law. ing, Druggist. WB CAN AND DO (juarantee Dr. Ackr'a Wood Elixir, for it baa been fully demonstrated to the people (d tin country that it is superior to all i ther preparations tor ! od diseases. It is a positive cure lr syphilitic poia. niog, Uloers, Erupiions and Pimpleg, It purifies the whoi system and thoroughly tuills up the constitution. For sale by Dy J. M. Laring, Druiiijis':. Itch on human and Horse? and f.'l ani mal c ured in 80 minutes- by Wcolfords Vanitaiy Lotion. This never fails. Sole by J M. La wing Druggist Lincolnton, N C RIVER VIEW HOTEL. MT. HOLLY, N. C. Situated at tbr depot of C. C. R. K Mks Holland, Proprietress. We take special cre of the trav eler. Good rooms with fireplace?, and good fare. Call and see us Satisfaction guaranteed. Board rates reasonable. CentralHotel, GASTON I A, N. C. J. N. Alexander, Prop. Situated in centie of business part and of eay-aeees3 to trains. Board per day, $1 to $2. E. M. ANDREWS, - V Chailotte, N. C. , rwtorla bores Oolic, QooKtptitkya, 6our Stomach, DiarrhCBa, EructaUoa, Kill Worms, gives tlnep, aztd promotes d! restion, tAout inJ Wii injurious medloaUoa. " For seTeral years I have recomiended your (1Castorla, and sli&U always oacMwue to do so as it baa invariably produced benefietsl roauiU." - Kowiw F. Piun, If . The Winthrop." 126th Streei and TtJh Are . ... ..- . WewYorkCity. CoKrjjrr, 77 Mohjut Stbut, Nrw Toax. LINCOLNTON, N. C... FRIDAY, Annual Report of G. E. Childs, CLERK SUPERIOR COURT, North Carolina, j . Lincoln County. Honorable Chairman and Board County Commissioners, Lincoln Co , iV. C: As provided by law, I herewith submit the following statement of money in this office due to parties as indicated. Execution Paob. No. Case. 504 506 50S 505 510 50 tJU t 521 514 51 State vs Marsh Logan 54 State ys J Maco & J Williams 57 State vs Henry Loftin 33 " II M Mundy 59 4 ik John Crouae 48 ' " Eraeline Link 68 A J Derr Ex'r vs Nancy Wil kinson, executrix 77 WP Bynum et al vs R Lackey et al, 41 btate vs M J Shelton 'i i, U ii ii ii ii i. 4; k. ii ii 559 71 " 4i Peter Keller 54 49 vs Joe Sain 55 5 " vs Wake Barnes 555 69 " vsAFChilders U U (i ii ii it 548 48 " vs William Pool . " ' ' ii 44 ki kk ii ii ii 44 44 ii ii it ii ,4. ii ii ' ii ii 563 77 " vs Wash Clark and other 4i 44 ii 4i ii ii ii ik 573 93 J B Shelton, wife et al ex parte i4 ii ii (i ii ii ii ii 44 (4 ii ii ii ki (i ii (i ii ii 4i ii ii ii ii ii ii 44 ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii , i. i( 4i " (( (t (( (( a it if a a a (( (t it ft it i( a (( it it a a a u ' a 4 ii a -i ( a it (. a ii t. (4 -t. a u a a a it it it n a a a 578 5(i0 596 594 006 C09 it 97 W D Beattie vs Nancy Wilkinson J M Kids juror 72 State vs Wm Gamble & Matt Pitts T t Conner L b 36 34 55 60 ii vs Jackson Sisk vs AV AV Dixon vs'JohnLail vs CD Dellinger et al ' " ik 44 H it' 4t 4 4 ii it it ii U 4. (i it it' (4 (4 4 44 (4 4i ii ki it ii 65 AV H Motz Admr vs AV M Bern hardt et al 64 R M Roseman Adm'r vs J F An ( 612 618 603 608 640 it 641 r tc 642 643 647 i 653 it 658 695 666 691 705 - (v 724 thony et al 49 State vs James AVise 44 4k ki 4i i 59 vs Emanuel AVilson 39 " vsRM Mundy ii (( 44 ii 44 (i 40 State vs Henry F Nixon 41 44 kk ii ii it 41 State vs Jack Stroup ; 42 state vs Joe Cherry 46 state vs Hoover Pendleton vs '- 53 state " Philip Bangle ii 44 vg 4. 61 H Cone & Sons vs Smith Kelly &Co A G .Thompson D S 48 state vs Jnlius Norwood M N Hamrick Shff 74 AVmTroutman et al vs CM Loftin et al T L Bandy surv'r 40 state vs AVm Hoke L T McLean 1) S 1-2 66 JF Bess admr OB Jenksetal ex parte G AV Blanton juror it 44 44 4. (( (4 ki it it 36 state vs Dick Norwood it tt it ii tt it 41 tt tt - it tt it tt a ii 38 state vs Philip Carpenter 39 " " Abe Conner tt it tt tt tt it tt ft tt tt tt tt tt t 726 727 tt ft tt 4f ii ti if 4i if 42 state vs Peter Hoskins 46 vs Jeff Huffstetler 45 " vs " " 44 " vs " " 729 731 i 730 730 732 732 733 733 734 43 state vs 47 state vs tt 48 state vs " 49 state vs " " 50 state vs ' " 51 state vs " " state vs " . 52 state vs " " 53 state vs James Stiller 735 735 737 737 769 766 766 766 766 727 53 state vs " " David Johnson SAV 1-2 1.08 56 DM Osborne & Co vs AVR Edwards G A AVarlick 1.15 56 DM Osborne & Co vs WR Edwards D M Osborn & Co 30.46 59 state vs J Short & RS Reinhardt J B Luckey ex shff 1.20 55 state vs Ranee Reinhardt AV F Starr S AV 1-2 2.S0 55 state vs u u Sid Campbell SAV J-2 2.80 55 state vs " 44 LA Shrum S-W 1-2 2.75 55 state vs " " JH Auten D AV .5 70 39 state vs Abe Connor R M Beal D S 2.10 $354.60 In the following named cases defendants paid part of cost and of amount go paid, pro rata part is due as .follows : 556 64 ttate vs Dock alias J P L -ckmau 556 64frtfctte vs-" ' 556 64 state vs u ?u- " 4i ii fi it tt 'i t ti f 556 65 state vs J P alias Dock Lcckman '556 65 atate vs " " " " " 556 65 .date vs 4k t4 - ' " 556 65 st..te vs 44 44 " " 556 65 state va 44 . 556 65 state vs 44 - 557 "66 "etate vs -' 557 06 state v 44 557 66 state v s 44 " 44 509 58 state va Lither Pe;kin3 509 53 state v Luther Perkins 509 53 state vs Luther Prrkfus 509 58 Mjte va Luther Peik us 509 53 state vs Laber P-ik ns 509 - 53 state v Lilher Perbioa 723 40 t-tate vs Vincent Avery 728 40 state va " 728 40 state vs 14 u tt t Docket. To Whom Due. Am1! $1.90 ' .60 .50 5.70 .50 .60 1 20 1S1.11 .90 .60 4.60 1.00 .55 .10 .30 E W Ward, Mayor W E Brittain 1) S J P Carpenter D S J B Shelton S W J P Carpenter D S Sally Brown .S W J W Bellinger rarties F R Mull D S W P.Smith DS J Turner D W M N Hamrick Shrf G II LvunS W i S M Ford DS J P Carpenter b S Henderson Sisk S W J W Mcintosh D S i M J Rowe Shff. F P Mundv S W A J Hoover S W 4 J W Mcintosh D S M liShuford Shlf 2.30 .75 .30 1.05 1.05 1.20 1.20 3.96 3.96 1.9S 1.93$ 1.98$ 1.98$ 1.9Sf 1.98a 1.98g l.OSj 1.00' .30 4.45 .30 1 20 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.25 Robt McQce 1-28 Alice McGee 1-2S E M Cavell 1-56 A L Caldwell 1-56 M O Caldwell 1-56 T H Caldwell 1-56 S A Potts 1-56 J F Caldwell 1-56 J A Caldwell 1-56 M E Clark 1-56 H b Avehunt J A Peeler D S ' Solomon Hoyle D S E Elmore, Charlie Elulore " Pauline Elmore 4. 4 Burt Elmore Tur Elmore Annie Elmore 1.25 Thos M AVebb Shff 1.20 W. T Massey juror 1.00 . S A Sairi D S : , .60 Henrv Heavner 1.00 M J Rowe Shff .60 John Gabriel DS .15 AV P Detrlim D $ 1-2 .15 . (4 ii 4t ii ki 44 25 John Gabriel .15 A G Thompson D S 1.00 .4 it ti a a 1 00 Peter CanipeS AV 1-2 3.00 Carrie Canipe S AV 1-2 2 45 TJ Leonard DS 1.00 R F Leonard D S 1-2 .90 .30 1.00 4.00 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.00 .60 .60 1.00 2.20 1.00 5.10 2.20 1.95 1.90 1.90 2.60 1.00 1.06 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ;i.oo 2 40 1.00 1.00 " AV L Baker juror JY Elliott DS J C King D S SASainDS J B Luckey ex shff J B Luckey ex shff 41 (( i4 it ii J C Hamblet D S Peter Cobb S AV John Helderman S AV GMMichalSAV C AV AVard S AV Moses Heavner S AV J B LucKey ex sh tt it t ft 44 if ft ii i John McCoy S AV J B Luckey ex shff c aumner v o .ou J W Mcintosh D S .15 LBCampDS ' .30 A Nixon shff ,50 C M Sumner D S .51 L B Oa,mp D S . - .25 A Nixon Bhff ' ' " .27 ' J W Laney W .43 Emma Dellinger 3 W 1.19 J AV Dellinger S W 1.19 L B Camp DS ' .33 C M Sumner D 8 .70 A Niton shff .36 V A McBe ex C S C . .62 A Nixou shff .33 J P Catpenter D a .17 C MSamner US .40 L B Camp D S .08 James Hinson g W .35 A Nixon shff .35 H fl Sel'ers D S . .35 J B Lackey shff y ( ,55 . ' DEC. 25,189 723 40 state vg Tincent Avery 728 40 state vs 698 G9S 604 r04 604 604 004 604 53 stato vs John McCoikle 53 state vs " 4 43 state vs C AV Ward 43 state vs " " 44 43 state vs 4! 13 state vs " u " 43 state vs " " " 4 43 stato vs u " 757 37 state r8 Cliff Marshall 757 37 utate v. ' ' 757 757 761 37 state vs 37 stato vs " 45 state vs William B.uker " state vs ' k ' state va 45 state vs William P.rker 45 m1;i i vn Wi!i'l iker 43 Kf.;it5 vS'Wiu Bukr 45 HtatH vs Wm Uuiker 45 slate v Wi;; liarker 45 state vs AViu Barker " sae vs Wm Itaiker kSt ile vs Dukev 45 state vs Wm Iiirki r 45 atatH v Wm Uarker 45 state v.s Wm linrker 45 state vs Wta Baikcr 45 ftafe vs AVi Baiker 40 htate va Cbailfs Ward 70 J S Science el al ex parte 40 Btate vs Cuailes Ward 4G Ktale s " " 701 76 L 761 701 761 761 7GL 701 751 761 761 762 77 702 76' 762 46 stale vs li 762 . 46 slate vs " . 762 46 state va " -k 762 762 762 767 707 767 46 state v 46 sta'o vs " 46 at.ate va " . " 56 state vs Tol Manuey 56 state vs " 56 btate va " " 777 70 J S fccrtrice et al ex parte 777 70 " " ' ' " it 777 70 ' u ' u " " " 777 70 " " " 44 41 " " In the following named raies of i'i hands o; clerk 'as follows ; 512- bl slate vs Itoherr .lonas 503 ;.49 li 4; Jaek .ilei dfixju 500 72 4- " William Gambh, 739 58 R al Rosemau admr va Thos 760- 44 state v.s John liammet 766 , 55 tate vs Kance Jleinhardt 598 38 state vs James Davis Sta'e vs Mosses EaLer Jtiriiriueist 247 1190 Lama S Withers vk U F W.t:u-i.i L iara S vTuh rs 66 Oil 25.1.1210 John W Moose s Wr W No! i.ul J.!in W Moo i5.no 254 -1222 David Turhyfill vs W II Motz al J I H dl u D kS .L0 273 1312 Chas E E'moie et al vs M A S .i i t al, Chas E, F ancin P, 11 li, F Z. & A ?1 Hlmy e 20 07 ' 273 1313CasEEmoreetalv8 WKE'mo e, Heirs f il Z Elu.o:-. 144.6 260 1252 C SIlozzl vs Nan'iy Wilkmeon ex' x, J W I id D S .Go "$23833, fJoncliKled on next page. rl?lie Sclieiicks Viiulfeaied. Coirespondence of Statesville Landmark. The indir mi.t aa us:. Uom. D Seht-tuk, D D. li. Sc 1 nek .ui! Ca;t. Dav il Sei. nek, Jr., foriloi affray in v. Inch EvaugeliHt File li - - 1 ,... 3 ...ii. .. i : k .... . . ' - 1 s,; lcilor, Loi. iMrUer, ma familiar, was cI ed tor tiial iu the ' f ir wcu a.;, ) A1.Jj0 Sap.-r:cr Court of Gui for ?, y-ec.. u.t ng This f,iJttul un, xec. a v., juuc u j-ie- nn ii i. . 1 1 j i , . . ..... . SKiiUg. Dr. Scheuek eitered aiiitx mission, aud the jury wasimpaaeUd as to Judge Scheuck and Cap-. David S'.;rit nck,Co'. James E. Bo.1. R. B. GietiD, Eq., of AVinstor. ; Col! Paul B. Means, of Concord ; Col. L. M. Scott, of Greeu-boro; Jo'in A. Bartinger, Eiq.of Greeneboro,a:!d Mr. W. P Byuum Jr., appeared for the defence, Capt. W. S, Ball, as sisting Col. Parker, the solicitor, for the State. The counsel for the defense called upou Mr. Ball to know whom he renresented'and he declined to sa. The counsel for the defense appealed to the court to compel him to say who he represented, but the court declined upon the ground thai it' was a matter for the solicitor,! whether he would allow Mr. Bill to appear, and notwithstanding all the! . . c., , - , t i efforts of the counsel for the deience Air. Ball declined to announce who I were his client?. ; TheSate introduced five wit-I nessea: One George Yates, Fan ris, a Connecticut Yankee by the name of Cola Donnell (a pol- ifered his hand and akul bin torn . appointed committee, aad they were iceman), aud one Pritchett. Judge Igiveaes-. Judge Schenck, who condemned without law or evidence. Schenck testified in h sown behalf J was V.Vvg dose t.y, said inanaa,:" t)e court ame t0 pa.s . . in - . - . - , I upon this matter two ot the defeat and Dr. Schenck was aleo a witness ;dbl voic, --h-.t is k he, and you dln.s were acquit!t.a as ,nu,.c,t, for the defence. jknow it." Tbi.-? cr;.t d some fen-juv a jury ot fa!r ami luuent u.tu or The defendants' coan(el vvere SRt'011 ,,l,f VTaH so111 "l-eti d. t!e county ef Gudf-ut', and a right " , j O her remarks were inade iu Mr. I " and.hoti.-M! atd teatles.-! jiiiJe, very sexere upon Mr. Bill and; as Judge Brown w known to b , , , . , j .. i Blr.5 presei-c- which were auth:u I ... , . ... ... , chargtd that they had no doubt ; ' ,. .' ' lea a that the o&eie of Dr. Scheuck that the assassin who had struck .inrlrrn S'ihiipI: wifh n. Mfip'tr (mm ' behind was the same cowardly aud pu-o.aiiimous nie.cu ao is uuw attempting to stab his cluracter iu a court of justice, at-d chat no hou est man would be guilty ot any such 1.60 2 15 1:15 1.05 .07 SI U.-U!g- Elwaid S W 2.62' ?l .l 1, m-U. '!-( b W 3.2('i A Nixom bl li' E W Ward L) H A T:!titi:p O l I) S M II ISiHifo!'! bll' A Nixon shtr J B Luck y i-x thff A una Mi t'iv S W A Nixon hlitl' ( i L Ik aviu r D S Hwmau CSC G AA' Coch 1 a ne re'i 1.42 51 .N . 372 7.0; (he nmouuts paid on M.;t a ba'&u-. ! B l'auce 4.K7 .70 22 09 t Link et al 44 45 ,4 1 til) .25 4.43 lia'wui -e Ittikt Ho. 12 uct a; ha. The remarks ol Mr. Gl-n, of Wiuston, was eloquent I iu d ilei u: ciatory in the extreme, j eit at'ug a great sensation in the : crowd. Co!. Boyd made a most i :.ibi ily address, in which he went ! fa Mr. C da with olovea off. Thn iOiit f.'assion Al, n lav's ,,,, Ct0 jni-g. j ,,... . ine li a: oj a-ned on 1 iu sday fnr. r. i rr Mit, n,.. of f r,.,f .f f.v, tc, ........ J.j. .. IZ..V I . . .... . U. D-U. b L(j;. li. .11. kUl '.i. 'A If M',d ' ut to nuhlic ind'nru itioa the van J D Hftllman S W J C W arliek S W A Nixon shff Ollie Ballard, S AV A G Thompson D S C M Su nner 1) S A Nixon Miff liena Goodson S W 11 F Gnpg S W Piesn Stionp S W T Al Foster J P J C Kng constable T W Baxter S W P li I!' vs S V J V. JI.Mi.je 1) S WE Wiiiiamaon I) S J W MelntosU D S A Nixon Mhft' J-li'i T Dtvs.J p S C L !! S V . L (J il PjLw b W C M iliukle C S Hage r S W J W Piim K S Wc'.li S V T J JiJ'I: S W Huv At-;: . sin S V L J U.ip-r S W ' J W MrlrHili S W Sidut-v N x ! 1) V Ia;.k Hi-id . t man S W B t: W.vi i -Y A O 1j ueiu-x -m Jr; ' R F G iunij S V gehsts and traveling mi..i.ters vi.j i ca" ;t I:C'"' "f tby ou wiM tu are going around the c uniry ie- r a (intt aa,Uiit Dr' Scheuck of nouncing private citizens mj,, lns o.e ponny and the co, U suiting the wiveaa-.d mother cf '' nded the cjso. onr people. He denounced Air. Cora! T,,er' hii ,,tea ;i fe"et reactioa (the Counecti ut Y.uik.v) as vJ 1:1 Greenaboio iu public sentiment. aide.de cimp of Mr. F fo lu lbis ioih Judge Schenck a-l kl.soos Durness, who had c :tn dow n h. re WR,r u e'ivtMl w,lU Ket.ugs aud to teach our pu)fd Mnsnch manner. ;C!,i'-t illuial'',S bv rua,1 Pe,',,,e and such cu.toma, he had b:oa-J I tLe st:'8 iUil iu tLe'r offic with him. Hev.a.sve,vLumcrouJ vv:'!!!l' the P'osecutoraj who haa i- 1Mll r i i . , in many parts of his speech and i full of suiif in others. Air. W. S B!i replied ilr tie State, II declaimed a-iy inientio-i to charge the def. ndautn v-ith r conspiracy or to charge Jude Scheuck wnh making any statement which he di-i not balicve to be true. He did, however, misquote the t s - timony, n-! fjta'ed that when Fife j appro tehed Judge Schenck lie of- ouicon.p.'niuar.; 10 m i.uesiy or his itit-gtity. When Mr. Ba ! was inak-ag the I'st sperch h,LsLmeut of one penny as a One. wanted o r.i) wLii ii- ciieut was, j ,s , ! ' , ' " ' fe,. . tempting to divulge 11 IU ILC last speeth, wLeu the defendant' couu- NO. 34 pel hsd no right to comment upon the conduct of such a dastardly pro eecutor. Tfee judge promptly ruled that he declined to make known his clieni in the beginning of the case .i'-thehadno rL'ht now to give bis I name and screen hi in from the coni 2)ment which thedetendants counsel would have had the right to makd j upon bis conduct and character. l5o Jude liro'.tn delivered a very .51 'fair and impartial charge to the .14 juiv. The jury v as out about one 1; i ail ho;:r atjl retnnud a venl ct of "V.j4not guilty," both as to Judge o'c; S-h. r.( k am! Capt. S. heu-k. This U.n 7 v. :ts r o. vtd w i'Ii i u-nt smiles of - Th jlliy : :s t a i pasi-vl i f very r'- ii'telligent i:;. -n, s.mn- ihit-e or four s7 ; b im High Point, t u or mo e oi 2.77 '!!! v-re cifi h ol Gieeiifthoro, - in! ii.o ii m.vurr were lataers 1 11 f,om ',,n"' '.V around. One (liitig m ,ih vi:ry cipieuuus 1 ,"r ' :i th' '0vt!iit,:iud that was theab 72 ' ; n-d of tin :i eii w!i i headed the l-'j- ;m:,: on tl.- LVS it -.t .tui.o lhat a-8ed i v..!i.t i.i. . .Li. .i.v i .. ."w...m u- u t o! Judo iSdienck undhia0IlS. N''t moH' ihau one or two of iht in appeared tn (he court houe durius? .. I-., !!. ...A' A im iliti'.a 1 1 he ce as to Dr. US : henck wan called up and the 80 l.m Mottor pia.M .I ju. lament. Mr. Ball 1 - t : aheiitf-il hiiiiscl' Thf imliv viMko.'l 1, I'.ukir if ho had any leuialKs tmake. lis sid i one vhatcver; e had d:si-i!aid iiiy dut. and had !!: hing moio to ay. Col. .Mean!, ; i l.t) .tn::s-i f.H llm detendant', -hi 11 stated to ill Honer that they had some evid. i;ce to off. r in miti. gisiou of iluj a.ssiult maie by I)". UOjSciienck, when the judge made the fo'lowing remarks : 4I !o not think it necessity for nio jjo any turther into the mat- :J.4'joi than what h;s ttausiMied iu the hia'. I think that Ir. Schenck !;i.-iih ;.i.d (-arueMtlv believed. h- :;.t.r tiny or uatruly, that his t r had been insulted, as d -v,j'oped in the defence, which ap- j:-als very ntrougly to the e.ourt. I have not had the advantage of heating Bev. Mr. Fife's personal version of the matter, as he tele graphed asking to be excused from appearing. I take it, from the statements made upon the stand by the witnesses, that there was some charge made of abusive lao guage having been used concerning Mn. Scheuck, and that this difficul ty grew out of that. If there was any evidence that Dr. Scheuck at" tempted to use a pistol upou any one it would present the matter in a very differeut light to the court. ";U I take his statement to be true !,ilf uf.iiff ! u 4 " UU4J "j uur I 1 !1 aS Lt; P'iilu ' Oilt Of IliS pocket i kVl.in the t: od -.v ia uresinir very T.iking into con- sideration. v.r. G tik, nil thy cir- brought lhs ca:-e iht ccur', alter ; fa 9 ; .soinntilj dHniiss ng it belt re tne j ii!.i-(ir, were iuvisd!e. , 'i'.d finding of thn jury and the 'Judgment of the court is a living Konvr.nrary upon the oriju.tice of : mob law. Here are three persons j who (ftVe beeM injJyrt the subjects i of resolutions of iudiguatiou by a wild and crazy erod, moved by j fi,lllltic'('m of reliiou frenzy. this mob ; the delendanls were uoc ; pr;mtted to appear before a eif ; WHS u jV!a, ..ti ho uearl.S ja.ta- .able that he deervtl only iLe cuu- What a corarnf ntary is this upon imfUWi u,ul how should these i mf n. he Droes to be luteniaent ' w,u. r...l i (lllU3 admiujstered to theai! liH li anil UUI Isiia-Jt-, icri iuo icuuto ) Greensboro, N. O., Dec. 15, 1891, 2

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