f 11 iKO.IK'VCIJllBi LINCOLN COURIER Tri ROBERTS editor and proprietor. , Entered in the Post Office at JjINCOLSTCN A8 SECOND CLASS MAIL. UATTKR Subscription Cash in Advance. year S1.G0 mouths 75 3 mouths; oC Hates of Advertising. SOaeinch, one time, $1.00 j' 25c for each aubseqnen insertion. Two inches, ODe time, 81.50 ; 50 jeats for each subsequent insertion Three inches, one time, $2.00 75 cents for eaoh subsequent inser tion. Four inches; one time, $2.50 1.00 for each subsequent insertion. Special rates tor one-half and one-foarth column ; also, for any advertisement continued longer than two months. LINOOLNTON, H. C, JAN. 1, 1891 AXSOUSCEMENT FOR 1892. We are into the news-paper now, as heretofore in earnest. All we want is the ueceasary support. This we hope to merit and to get. There are many citizens of Lincoln coon j who do not take the county par; r, but who oaght to do so. We desire to reach all such. Any effort made on the part of friends to the Cou rier to get their neighbors to sub scribe will be greatly appreciated. . NOW FOR THE TENDER POINT : We know something of the scarcity, of money. We feel it every hour of the day. We feel it in our purse. Ho one realizea it more that the ed itor of the country newspaper. We Lave, therefore, decided to adopt the one dollar cash system for 1892. In order to be able to afford this we must greatly iucrease our circulation. We must have cash in advance. Those who get the paper on time mast pay the regular pries of $L50 per year. Those who do not pay cash, bat pay in trade will receive the paper foc.the.old price of $1.50. Those who are no subscribers nfuat pay up back subscriptions and p y $1.00 in addition in order to get advantage of this offer. This reduction to 81.00 a year will last on'y during the months of Jan uary and February. After that time we will go back to the old price. This is campaign year and those vho want the Courier had better ;ay up and taKe advantage of the 1.00 proposition at once. 'C Those who have already paid be jond the first of March can get the Courier a year from the time paid uj tj by giving us $1 00. Remember you must pay np to thJ.p.resentat .the rates of. S1.50 and th m add 1.00 for another year in ot ter to. get advantage of the above reduction. ow we think the foregoing ex pl&n&tlon&are .der, . Please read them caretully aud do not ask us to do some oiher i?ay. than we have proposed. The Courier promises to be wuat the people make it. If it is well fed it will be lively and heaity; if'it is allowed to get . hungry it can not do the work it desires to do- . Let evtrv body co-operate and it i will accom lish much. J A. Change In Phraseology At the recent meeting of the Nai tional Alliance at Indianapolis, a verbal change was,made in the siib- trpasiirtr drmand. It was decided rn 1-h.ncre tha word "lend" to ; sue" and the word interest" to 'ax," making the sub-treapu y de mand now read : We demand that the goveiuraeiit Bhall establish sab-treasuries or dtN po3itoiies iu the several State?, which shall isue money direct to the people at a low rate of tax, not to exceed 2 per cent, per annum, on non.perisbsbla farm products, and also opo:i real estate, wiih proper limitations upon the quantity of land and amount of money. The National Economist thinks "de demand is greatly improved by the change be cause it now conforms to the principle taught in the sub treasury plan. The money is not to te loaned to the people, but issue to them in the place of the wealth ey depo.-if, and they a rot charged interest but pay a tax to cover the cost of so issuing it.'' State Chronicle. ' The Reeley Treatment tor DrnnkarilH, The followiog is an extract taken from a correspondence to the State Chronicle ol receut date : Dr. Ceeley first proves beyond a doobt that whiskey drinking and the morphine and opium habit be comes a disease and must be treat ed. The result of the doctor's long and deep research is the prepara tion of his remedy known as double chioride of geld. He first began to xperiment with it as a surgeon in t :e late war and for the last twelve years 95 per ceDt. of the cases fol lowing the Keeley treatment have been cured. Dr. Theodore Cayler, the noted divine, in advocating ab stinence in a recent letter eays that he had found as many as seventeen lapses among the 15,000 cured dur jng the twelve years. All that is required of these who ! come here 13 to submit to the treat raent for three weeks aud until dis charged by the physician. The treatment is not at all unpleasant, end there is absolutely no danger in taking it. After going through a course of treatment and getting your entire system thoroughly cleansed, you don't want or have any desire to renew your acquaintance with your old enemy. The sight or scent of him becomes obnoxious to you.' Now why do I say this f "Why, because parties who have taken this treat ment and are at the institute told cae so, and they have given me the liberty to use their names. Mr. 3eott Brown, a former hotel clerk at Ealeigb, Salisbury and other places, came here November 9th. He says he feels like a new man and believes he is entirely enrtd aad never again expects to want whiskey. Mr. J. G. Finley, of Wilkesboro, told me that when he eame hear he was drinking as much us a quart of corn whiskey per day, i.hat now he feels like a new man and don't want anything intoxicate ing. Mr. J. B, Ramsaur, trom Lins coin ton, N. C, says he don't want any more of the stuff. In addition to the above I have before me right now strong letters from Dr. L N Oarr, of Tarboro, and Col. Thad Coleman from Weaversville, N. C Iu their letters these gentlemen ive full permission to use what ;hey say for the benefit of the pub lic. In Dr. Carr's letter of Nov. 10th 1891 to Dr. Palmer he says: I bave talked with men at D wight, III., who has been cured 10 years, y Dr. Keeley, and from that day to nhls they assure me that they have never had the slightest desire or appetite for anything intoxicating, and after hearing them 1 have asked o d residents of the town, who have Hatched these men as my friends naturally watch me now, and to a man tbey tell me that their state ments are thoroughly correct so far as drinking is concerned ; some of l hose men were common drunkards abd have been for years. Abernluy Suspended Until Conference. Newbern, N. C, Dec. 24 The church investigation of Rev. Aber nethy was held at Snow Hill Wed nesday and today, resulting in his suspension from the ministry until he is tried at the next anuual con ference. This does not necessarily signify that Abernethy is guilty of siuful couduct but simply ' means tli at the committee after heariog all available evidence considered a trial necessary. There w:ll be fuller evidence at the Conference trial. Mr. W. E. Grimsley was present and testified. j He gave himself up;' iri fact he i tever left the c-junty, but only kept ! I imeelf concealed. Ho was taken 1 fore a "-RWtrate and pla d uu- cer one thous ind dollars bond to keep the peace and a bond bt equil amount for his appearance at court. Tlift church investigation was con ducted privately. Y.o one vas al lowed present except ihe irivestiga. ting committee, the Presiding El der, the defendant and the witness 9S while testifying. The testimony beard would not be made public, but Presiding Elder Rane will write a card for publication, asking the public to withhold its opinion till after the trial by the conference. ISlsliop LymanX 50 Years a a Priest. Raleigh, Dec. 19. The semi centennial services in commemora tion of the ordination to the priest- hood of Bishop Lyman began here; fo-day in the Church of the Good Shepherd. There is a large nu .l erj of visiting clergy and laity hire. Tbj Bishop delivered a most interesting; address covering the half century of hi miuktry. If membership in the Allianl does not interfere with a man's poN j tics or religion how is it that the so-called "Reform Press" feels at liberty to bully CongressmenBrancb, Grady, Williams and Alexander for having gone into the Democratic caucus and voted for Crisp for Speaker T If membership in the Alliance does not interfere with a man's pol ities or religion bow was it that Mr, J, S. Bell did not feel at liberty, on account of bis position as State lec turer, to sign the Democratic ad dress f StatesvUle Landmark. He Couldn't Tell ft X.ie, My mother used to bid me "Al ways tell the truth, darling." My father ''Whatever happens, tell the truth, my boy." And my nuiae a?ed to say, "Always tell the truth, Master Tommy, or the Bog?e Man will have you 1" I faithfully did as I was told,with the result that 1 was a miserable child, a more miserable youth and am now a most miserable man, Cook bad a soldier to tea one evening, and I happened to see him. Said cook, "Master Tommy, if your ma asks you if there's any one in the kitchen say there's ooly nurse an me " The nurse told me the same, k'ssed me and gave me a piece of cake. I mechanically took the cake, but my little mind was troubled and puzzled. I went op stairs, pondering deep ly. The first thing my mother said to me was : "Is there a man in the kitchen, darling? I fancy I heard a man's voice." My truthful nature serted itself. at once as- 'Yee, ma, there's mtk thavo o man dressed in a red coat, with a hat on one ear, and I'm not going to eat this cake,'' I said, flinging It down on the table. "And I wish you'd wash my face, ma, cause nurse gave me two naughty kisses there." My mother called me a good boy, said I was quite right not to eat the cake, and gave it to the dog. Both the nurse and the cook slapped and pinched me the 'next time they got hold of me. Ever after I was hated by the servants ; they called me a "spy" and a "lying little imp !'? Not only was 1 incapable of tell, ing a lie, but 1 couldn't bear to hear other people do so. One day 1 heard my mother say, "I do hope that horrid Mre, Jones wjn't come today P About halt an hour afterward j Mrs. Jones arrived. "Ob, I am so glad to see you, my dear Mrs. Jones ! I was hoping you'd come," my mother exclaimed , ffusivelv. 'Ma," I said gravely, "if you tell ies the Bogie Man will have you. Iurse ays so." Mr.. Jones looked very peculiar, and my mother took me out of the 100m -and there and then adminis tered a sound whipping,' There was a rich old maiden lady vho had taken a great fancy to me, ;tud it was an open secret that she jag going to leave me her wealth Somehow or other I couldn't beat tbis old lady, she was so ugly and fcour tempered. To my great horror he would always make me sit on her lap and put my- arms 'around her neck: "Do you love me, my own little Tommy ?" she asked me- one day, drawing my cheek to heis. . "No, I don't," I answered with a fchud'ter. ; "WbatJ" sha shrieked. "Whj not, you naughty boy ?" "Mast I tell you ?'-' I asked plain tively. "Of course.'' "Brcaufe you're so ugly aud cross V v. She put me down without sajing a work to me, but she alter ward! told my parents that I ought to hi put in a reformatory or I would come to the gallows, and that not a penny of her moner should I have. - My father was furious. He thrash ed me and said I was growing up a perfect fool, and my mother called me a "nuisance" and gave me a powder. I was hated at school on account of my truthfulness, - which earned for me the unenviable sobriquet of "Sneaky." Ai d now 1 Lave reached man1 .?' j a u . i. jmmd by nearly all n 'fellow ejeatare, simply because I tn tcrsUl tt tell tbe tmth, which oi course U not always p-ea- i aak to fa ar. J&it it is not roy fault. : I am surp I hava tried brd to br a j liar nt I tftnaot;'- Oftec and often j btTeI wbieparc to myself, "Now. f be a mas, and tell a lie V but the ! lie never got farther t bin ay throat, where it stuck. and threatened to ! shoke Be, rtfy Truth (which it mighty, you know)- came ta the ! rescue, and. to tptak, knocked I that lie into tkt mUdl ol nejtt ; week. Cor. linden Tit Bit. i FOtf CAsH In Advance You can get the LlNOOLN COURIEK ONE YEAR FOR $1, ' 'ThiRropbsition is Good Ortly : For bale Ileal Imitate. Under and by tirtao of mortgage deed ..) me executed by J B Heim and wife Aa 3, with power of sle, I will sell ai tfce court house door in the town of Linooletor, K C, on Monday the first day of January, 1 392, one undiyided balf interest in a tr&et of land containing 20 are more or I c ijjoicing lands of J alia Uates and otl e . ing in Lincolnton townskip. itlercue is had to the mortgage deed as register-d :n oflae Register ol Deed, Lincoln Co, H C, book 61, ipfe450, etc: Termi , caab: C E Chilw, Mortgaete. January 1, 1892 (nBB A NEW AND WONDER FUL DISCOVERY. (A PCKB SIT B ACT OF THE PINS A ClDAR TBiK.) Tour serious attention is hereby called to a subject of the deepest interest and im portance to yiur very life. Public cafety ietcands that only honet and reliable med icines should be placed upon the market. We have labored for years to give this mediciae its present great and valuable reputation, and we are determinep to merit your confidence by tie purity of our Spir ittinc BaUam, Persian Innalent and Per sian Ointment, whiuh have already secured reputations that certainly are extraordina ry, and thourandi of testimonials will con firm it. Many tetiniouials can be produced where the Spirittine Balsam and Persian Inhalent have made cures when every thing else foiled. A few cbron'c cases have required several bottles, and a purgative medicine may be required to work a per manent cure. Give it a trial. Guaranteed to give satisfaction it properly used ao cording to directions, or money refunded. Manufactured only by Spirittine Chemical Co., HANSEN & SHI TH, Algra., Wilmington, N. C, Sold by Dr. J. M Lawing, Dncolnton. Beware of all counterfeits and imitations- July 81, 1891 d mos- LAND SALE. As Executor of the last will and test. mentotMrs. M. A. Eamaur deceased I Will sell at the Court Home door in the town of Lincolnton, N. C on Monday the 4th day of January, A. D. 1892, a tract of i larjd containing ahout.219 acres, lyiDg ! 1J miles of 8id town, on the Shelby roaJ, adjoining laod of Mrs. J. M. Richardson, ! Andrew Hauss and others. Known as the "Oneal Tract." Terms : One third cash, balance one an i two years, bearing six per cent, interest. Title reserved until payment purchase money. This 30 day of November 1891. L. I). Haynes, Exeoutor of the Ust will and testament of Mia, M. A. Ramsaur deceased. (ut3 k3(lillB4 Jl8 Pirm and now we will all have a merry Xmas. The big holi day stock has come. The ele gant presents are now on exhi tion. The shrewd buyers are getting the first pick from our grand display of holiday goods. JJakeas many people happy as you can ; make tuem happy by some suitable gift from our stock of choico holiday novel ties, which abound in dainty, dazzling and desirable presents forypung and old. They will fill the stockings without emp tying the purse. To look thro' our splendid assortment is a pastime ; to price the goods is a pleasure ; to. possess them is a privilege. We promise the best in quality, the most in quanti ty, ind the lowest price to all without distinction of age or i class; and back of our promise j stands our splendid stock of j mas goods of all Kinds. ! Our Last Call to j Christmas Bargains, j We exteod to oue aod till a cor i dial iQvitatiou to visit oar wondcts ful display of oew and beautiful hol iday goods, especially selected witb a view to meetiug the every require ment of the gift makers of thin lo cality. Oar magnificent stock in- j clades innumerable attraction per- i fectly adapted to meet the require- j ments of people who are in search of gifts for old and young. Every body come and bring the children. Respectfully, J. L. KISTLE Propr. Sept. 18, 1891 - OflGlllTI la an Inflammation of the bronchial tubes the arr-paa&ages leading Into the loaf!. Few ether complaints are so prevalent, er Car nor rromr &sd enMgette aieWa. As sateet or delay mar tatbaCf, Cecstve cmbu shouM aiwrnya be at Land. ' Apply at once a mnctard peaUtee to the upper pact ef ta chest. aa4, tor Internal txeaxaaat, Uke frequent doaee nf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral C. O. Laaper, DruxcUt. Jrt Waym. lod-. wrttfcs: My lUO atetar, fear jt ace, u m Ui Srea bro&eliUte tkM we fe4 abbost glvaa x$ nope of her reeovery. Our faeailf x4grafc&tt, a HUlful um mmI f )age ea case, proneuneed It uaelesa te gUe ler any mat mttiUnt, aarteK be had 6tm all uu paMtUe to 4o, aa4 we wat pcyx Car the wocst. Am a ut raert, w AeteaalaM to try Ajrera Cherry reetosal, aa4 I mm trui aay. wltta bm( hipy reaulta. Attrr sjfctag a few daaea ahe seemed to breathe eaalex. aud. wttfet& a weak, waa ent ex We coatiaued fdvlag ttie reetexal xtntti aactsAed it wi entirely weO. Ti tadlaputaUe evMe&ca ef the great nertt ot Ayer's (terry Pectoral baa glvea taa uaboaaded ea&fi deaee bt the preparation, aad I seeeaaM&d IS to ny enotomere, knovrmf u eaanot dAap pvkU tk&iu." "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cured me of a bad ceub and my partner oi bronehtOa. I kaow of Bumecoaa eases la bleb ttda preparatloa Las proved very be&eneial 1m te&tlUes el Young Children, o that the medicine la known anaag them aa 'the consoler of the afflicted.' " iatne Batus Vidal, Ban Crlstobel, 8aa Deial&(e. "A short time ago, I was taken wllfe a severe attack of hrouchitte. The remedies ordinarily used la such oases taUed te give me relief. Almost In despair of ever folding anything to cure me, I bought oottle nt Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, aud waa belped ttom, the Arst dose. 1 bad net talefced on bottle oefore the disease left me, a&d throat and lungs were as sound ae ever." tteo. B. Hunter, Altowaa, Pa. Ayor's Cherry Pectoral, ISSIBSD BT Ql j. C. AYER & CO., Una, I'm. Sold ty U DruggUu. Price $1 ; eU teHiM, J. D. Moore, President. L. L. Jkxklns, Cashier. No. 4377. FiBSTNATI-HALBANK OF GASTONIA, N. C. Capital 150,000 Surplus 2,500 Average Deposits . . . 40,000 CO M MEXCED BUSINESS AUGUSTXy 1890. SolicitsAccounts of Individuals, Firms and Corporations. Interest Paid ou Time Deposits. Guarantees to Patrons Every Accommodation Consistent with Conservative Banking. BANKING B O URS 9 a.m. to 3 j.ml Dec 11 '91 MUSIC Anything from a $1000 Piano to a lc Jew's harp I nave peifected arrangements whereby I can get von anything in l he uiuic line. Prices guaranteed low aa the lowest. Call and see my ample and price?. Sbet muiic, song and dance folios, sacred soog. books for churches', Sunday and day schools, etc I am still in the lead with fresh confections, fruits, etc. Fined gars and tobaccos. Closing out one box tobacco at coat. JUST RECEIVED a fresh lot of baoauaa aud Italian oranges, very fine. RESPECTFULLY, FLEMING RAMSAUR, Black Front, E. Main St. April 3rd 1891 ly ' BR RAhlSAUB IAND BURTOH HAVING paroluflea Uie gtoct ol II. H & J. B. lUstMar, we iriS coaUaue to exry the Mtme iiat pf geoda. II yon want a STOVR or or tbo reeeeis, or pipe, o&H a& z amlsjeouratoci. We keep cm had Bai4 tzl Sa&Q&, ll&intt, Hiicldiea aad Ool "Uaadme, aUo til 9 Veit tote and Btuaesa Leather. barge etoefc at solea. OM Dick ox j aod Tiedoiont Wa one kept iu eioek, r Froit Jars, Flower Pots bata Ware, Tia Wart, Jug Taa Witre, lroa or all aiada, Naila, "cal" wir.e uh4 aarneslioe, hi oi so and Hoia 6ftoe, eaa Md two bore liolaad and HUs&l Plows and repairs. Xka UccMfc stoe ef Qardwetre ia tewja. Backets, Tubs, Cburu, wkeei m rows, feaea wire, in faol JfiVHBX TIHKtJ kept in Hardware aadt : Leataer goods line. Tite tfcaitks id ihe old Jlria are ; hereby tendered the pablic for their j Uheial pabroaage and enoouiAge j utMit. Tha new firm wiil endeaTor lo merit a tkiutiauauce oi saras. Oome to see us whether you waat goodd or net. All quttiona cheaxi xUy aaewered, taopt as to wateV er forecast. Substitute for Sash weights. The Cosuaea &zab 3aah Balances : Xksy can fee used where it is uoossiJbte to fim weights or vtlter iCsturea. 7ny r gepedslly T&lus,bl fox i epairiag eki baiUijig, Sad r ss esiity put la elsi bCUdiogs as uew unea. Couiaioa Seuaa Oortaui Futoxi : Xfae taoiX perfect Uaxtaoit Flxturs in tit Tt eurwifi uux t iet duwn Lain tb kip io desired olotj giving light ox tsaos wittont xiug Uis room ex jfl octia&Ale answeria tiie dsatla piupess) of aa i&ids bJiud aad a wisdsw cariSu Autouiaiio CenUe IUU Saah Lock; The oojy auUiuauc ceolre rail iasa Isc made, ia bolu, seringa, gr meta are useti Wa will take pleasaie ia showis tbeaii improved goods. RESPZQTFlL,Y, Ramsaur & Burton. DO NOT FAIL To Examine OUH. COMPLETE STOCK OF DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. HARDWARE, Glassware, Tinware, CROCKERY &C. As we think it will be to your advantage to come to see uslbeforo buying elsewhere, as wE BUY FOR CASH and SELL FOR SAME ReapcctuUj HOKE AIID MICHAL.