TIE (OOUEIE LINCOLN C0UU1KK J. M . R O BERTS, ED1T0K ANIi l'l:ilKI K'loi: LINCOLN TUN, N. (' , JAN. 1 !. - : l r..ai.w. M.VTTEIi bucrijtij.'iCnh in Adcanre. I .year !.-. J mouths 4 months '-' A'-ites of A'tcertisinrj. O.einch, one time. si.Ou j'.L'.K' for each suOseqaen insertion. To inches, one time, l.oOjoi euts tor each .nbse'iuent inscition Three inches, one time, 5U.00. 7o cents for each subsequent inser tion. Four inches; one titue, $i 50 81.00 for each subsequent insertion. Special rates tor one-halt ants oae-l'oarth column ; also, for au advertisement continued longer ! than two months. j - r- " j llox. James G. JIlaine, ex-Sec ; retaryoi ouiie u ucc. - Washington for some time. Ac cording to reports, it is likely that the days of this great Statesman are but few more. Ijie Gene ' Ai, assembly o North Carolina convened at li.-ileigl.-Wednesday ol la-t week. Hon. Let S, Overman, of K )vvaii eouuty, wai-uu-uimousiy elected speaker of im ifouE Hon. Jno. L. Kin, o Gwlfoid was chosen President pn tern cf the SENATE. Dll. W. 1j. CuoUSE, our worth Kepie.setMative lias Keen appointed on the following committees ol !h House : O'J Insane Asylum, on In ternal Improvements, on Corpora, lions, on Institution lor Di-af-Al utes. making four different corannites. Since putting the above in type we notice thai Dr. Cmu-e has beer made Chairman of the Committee ol "Public Jioads and Tu-npikes." On last Monday the iectorr' college met in Italeigh and formally cast the States 11 votes for Grovei ! Cleveland for Pre-ident and A-iia. j Stevenson tor viee-Pre.-ident of the j United States. The c.iiie up- ; pointed as mes?erger to cany tiie vote to vice-Freident Morton, Mr. ii. L Glenn, whom the Democia' ot Linco'n rfinemiicr wit'i piea-ure The Ciiatilotte ()sei:vki: cavae out in a strong editorial las week for the appointment of Mj V- M. Robbins of Statesville (or t'ru Mexican Misiou- We believe ttf appointment would meet with th; .approval of Democrats in general. !Maj. liobbins is a sterling Democra' and has done noble w.dk m the m us of Democracy. The Courilu would rejoice to see liobhins ap pointed. We PifCLisH in this isstk an open letter by Hon. A Leizrr, which the Hickory Mercury published biM week, iu compliance with "ins Mr. Lezar's earnest re-iue-t.'' The Afcrcurti sneeriugly remarks : -'Dv way of encouragement to turn, we w ll ;jssurO him that his rtri able litter wilt be coi'ed by all tbe Democratic papers ot the State as i he ablest paper ever written. And its auther the beet and purest man now liviiitr, Cleveland exempt ed." The CorniER does not rej-rd the i-if-ri. i,ir wr,r -vnrtpn . but it is trnlv au ab e one, and one j Ji!,ie ; the htor ot the that has about it the ,,ng of the Horkh,.jf,.im Uocld, ar. indaential pure metal. Democratic weekly of the Pec p.e jrvvantry ; Mr. W- II. Kitcheu once North Carolina has som- ex-l made the Scotland Xeck Democrat a cellent dailies. As to liter my mer- j tearless champion ot Democracy, its, perhaps the Wilmington -l'jnudMr. Jiolierisov, of Hndolpb, kcnjcr is in the h ad, but as to gen-1 ;,id Mr- Merritt, of Wake, were in eral newspaper evcHlIenee, the Char-. the past t,;j the stall of the State lotte Offerer, State CArowt-V audi Chronicle, ot this city. Jncs A- U'rrcer are not asiiV er. ! celled. We are somewhat partial i to the Charlotte Ob.enrr, but this) may be. j.erhap-, Mcconnted for lwcar.se it is nearest home. The trouble aiout the Obsrrnr is that if you do not read it "clear through", you wiil miss something sood. A ST.iTK S'i lSKI' j;ll : House are ')otb men of ciperierice, G eio-M Holt has issued a pio-"1 -d will make good presiding of-camar-.o" c.tlling together a Stute The L-gis'atnre is consiil- Pub ii.-ad Congress m il deigli, red the most inteliiger't that has Jan. 1'.), lSi:-5. This sec'ion was ta ' on'- '-red fer t weary v-rs. There ken no ii the presentation to him ! ;;,- both houses rainy men of ex of the vi-ws of lully two hundred 1 erieiu-e and t:? re will be in trou-c.mz-ns "mbra-in Editors, C;iair - T 'c to he;d -dl CMrtnii fees with men of 'he- Poatd ot County Com- ,( mpetaut men. The trouble wj!j missioners, Mayors of towns, mem. l.o tc find eomminee li.r a I dest-r-bers of the le jihtnre, farmers, vingf men. Tiiere are many import tmsinesa tneu, and others, saying 1 ,"s aire-idy introduced. The the time and place was opportune e ot ls)0i?t iniportance to the State for the di-cussio? of nutters per- i - to prepare our State to establish taming to the improvement of the ate banks. In v;ew ot the fact, puM'c roU ot the state. The va ' r,lt everybody expects Congress to rious Boards ot County Corntnis repeal the 10 per ceut tax on such- f-ionei's ol Slatnav- inc! siul appointed I le:aW : an.l its in uiy is roimlies ii ; v :ilieady i coi t -mI names of dHoaten to I lie r.m inii to of .iii-aiit:1MM-iii.s in lialeiii. r 1 1 1 i r 3 jt I'oints to a meeli:i; of - 'M - .M tide am! impor tat.t re vhim' ei Itotn their delib erations. Tint iii.in iiaiion ereinunies of In- (ii.v.-iliinc!fct will ! held on J .in. I S h, iii- Uy t'efoie the meet ,11' of the i:)u! Congress, and very iow iailroa.1 rate aie promised. Tne CorniKi: urjjen a very full a: 'endance. L't ns have good mads; IfS!litli ; .Vole.-. Fr-.-m the North Carolinian. Mr. Henry J. Starr is the first D'-nocrat.eiected to the House from Washington in the history ot that county, Senator .las. II. Foil, of Johnston, has been chosen a3 permanent chair- m.m Qf be jomt Cilucus or tbe Sen. , House. Gu. K, 14. Vance Lit the bulls jye oti Tuesday night wheu he Si'.id Lhat the Democratic party was the i Mity ol (he people, out was not the j called I'eopleAs prttiy. Mr. J. F. Leach, of Warren, will .outest the .-eat ot the colored seria or from Vance and Warren. He :iaims io have been defeated by lauds and irreuiat i t les and be elves he wi 1 tie seated. The logical candidate-'' argument is vh at did I ho wo; k in Savor of Lee . Over man jast ao it lid in the ase t Grover Cleveiand. Here fter aspiraot.s will fight hhy of "the ogic d candidate.'' C. Ii- Watson, Esq , ot Forsyth, nd Dr. W, L. Croue, of Lincoln, .ere members ot the first legisla nve corumitte in the State that irat ted a liailroad Com mission iv.ll Mr. Jio!ert Charles Johnson (his lends give him all three name-) Fender, is father ot the U ;ue eing the oldest nun in years, and ne oldest in continuous service. When he whs Hist elected he had ,vo majo: ity. but this year he cmes ,i. k -a over I'UO. . Five u'ieat g:and-sons of UeV-iiV(- Cooper, wte was a prominent I'.p'i-t m nis'er i n Sjmpson m his lay, were emd'.ddes U: ofiiee m ) uupson codiitv last ye$r. Tnree vere Democrats and were elected, iiiil the two party men we:e left if. home. Senator Cooper an 1 K ;p . esenetive Howard are two ot these g? ear yrau isoiis. Editors make good candilafes. 1 li'oi Feli, ot the Mt. Airy Wctcs, von as KeadingCieik in the Senate, and Elilor La ham won as Head ing Cierk of ihe I terse. The tor mer had a haul liht, having as his opponent two popular young men m the person of Editor Grantham ot tin- Dunn Courier, and Mr Percy Cooke, of L Miisnurg. Litham has no oiipomtin. Tuere are eiht members ot ihe Legisiatuic who have had practical x'pet lence as newspHper men, four i the Senate, ami lour in the House. Senator Pdtcr, cf Carteret, edited :he M'tholtS Advance; Sen ator Cooper, the C in?on Caucasian when V ai a strong Democratic paper ; Senator MacRae, or Robeson edited the M.axton Union; and Sen ator Sta -k t dited the Twin City - "'.' House Mr. L. M. I.cllcr from Kuleiic. H Jan. 7. ;n. C-M-an u : The Legislature of Xorth c ,,o!lnrl i) lV(4 t3ont, ,,nt hu yet of a jmbic na'ure. Its time : s , far has been taken in j ! g uiiznti n-. Mr. King, Pres ii ictit of the Senate, pro tern- and Mr. Overman speaker of the ImdUs. If.sueli testation is not done by this legislature it is likely to lie ieealkv.1 to do so. I am sure. Hi necessities of the. Htate in finan cial tnatteis are undersrood and all that can, will be done to give relief, theie are eiht People's parti, five colored Republicans and eleven white ones. All others in the House are Democrats. X. ori: i.ct i'Ki:. The following extracts are from an able letter by Hon. A. Leaz-ir which appeared in last week'a Hickory Mercury : JAMES H. SlIERRILL, Eso., President dataicha Co., Alliance. Dear Sir : Your letter ul recent date, requesting me to attend aud address the ap;co chiug meeting of the Catawba Oounty Alliance was duly received. Kememberiug with sincere pleas ure the kindly personal relations that have loug existed between us, as also between myself aud many of your associates, I must coufess some feeling of regret that 1 caunot com ply with jour request conveyed to me ou most polite and friendly terms. It is due both to you and to mysell that I should give my vea on?, and as these do not lie in any matter of convenience or expedien c, bat rather iu tne serious con deration of grave questions ot a iiubiic character, you wdl doubt ies igiee with me that I should present them m this open mauner. The constitution ot the Alliance piamly declares the purpose of thf jrgauizatton ; any good citizen could endorse the-e. The constitution 'utther, both in letter aud spirit, as alaiLly declares the nonpartisan ests aud acts. Everybody knows that for tbe ast two years the principal and al nost Sole topic ot interest in the Vlbance has been paiitics, not only piriisan, but personally partisan. I have never seen any party more ;:ea'ously and systematically apply Ihe machinery of its crganizd.ion utid all the power it could command to accompiih partisan success than has b-en done iu the Alliance, es P'ciallv during the last year. It is true the leader? have declared upon occasion that the order by its con stitution must be non partisan, aud ome of these of late commonly ( ailed traitors to the Alliance, no doubt honestly labored to save the order by holding it in obedience to it-j constitutional limitations. But the constitution has been trampled under foot and despised, and that most flagrantly by those in high p sition. The aunual address of the Fresideut of the State Alliance at Greensboro, iu August last, the an mial address ot the President to the Supreme Council at Memphis iu November last, arc partisan panels, calculated certainly, and designed too, it is reasonably believed, to convert the order in defiance of the constitution to the use of, if not bodily info the Feople's party, In a measure, the logical result was produced. The State Alliance there upon adopted the Sr. Louis plat form, the Supreme Council there upon adopted the Omaha platform, tho tirst is practically and the second for mally the pla'form of the Feo p'e's party. Ami so the Alliance has been be traed and mined iu the house ot those who claimed to be its only real friends. Aud now, with pro position to regulate the partisan features, and from those too who Uave been most intlueutial in pros titaf.ng the machinery ot tbe order to partisan sometimes personally partisan ends, an effort is to b made, it seema to restore confidence in tboc who have so wickedly abused it, and bring together again t!ie scattered fragments. What tor, my friends? Who are in com mand f The extremest of the x treme element control, and with no other interest than to use the or ganizi'iou for partisan end-!, and s uit (-if from any possible hope o! s '.ccess m any other way, the future promises exactly the same kind of work at their bands, whicis we. have sien iu tbe past, and which has virtually accomplished the disinte gration of the Alliance and left it utterly without influence in a Sta '. here two years ago jt seemed to be in absolute control. - Since, the Supreme Council Has i.dopted t'ne Omaha platSorm, which i.- the most radical aud abominable of ml the political p'atlorms I have t ver seen, i hare can be but one con c usion, that, the AbiatiG- is bodily ti ai formully commuted and mcoi pjrated into the People's party, and that r.o mau who believes in Demo, ciatic pnuciples has proper place iu it. Yours truly, A. Leazae. AImmii Our Iulii Keul. Currfvrpt.n. lence "I th-j Courier. Mr. Editor: Your editorial in regai d to our public roads, togeth er wilh the recent call by Got. Holt lor a road conference has caused to be brought before our minds eye the many iough, and the few smooth parts m our roads, over which we arc compelled to travel, and we often ask ourselves why this ,4mnd hoie'' is not filled, or the rock removed. Then tho question nse-s by whom Tne honest la borer. Why ? Ah why ? Now, Mr. Editor, we shall not preume to dictate to the Houorable Conference the suggestions they should give our Legislators, further than to state a few facts as we gather them from the people with whom we dai ly inter-mingled. The word tax has become a ''atinc-h in the nos trils" of our people. You will find men who do not allow a doj on their plantation, bitterly opposed to a doy tax: And why? Because it is a tax. Now we do not meau that our people are opposed to a tax to defray the expeuce ot State and county Government. Iiut a tax lor special purposes to benefit certain sections, such as a road tax would ot necessity do, A tax that is paid to board and clothe a stout able boditd man six months tor beating his wife, or endangering the life or properly of his neighbor, or cany mg concealed about his person some deudl weapon, or for disturbing Divine Worship. And many g;; unpunished lor fear of this tax. Tbb class ot criminals rarely are bur dened with ruouey. Our people think these could be utilized to an advantage as co-workers without present system of road working. Some aiay say this would create a tax. They too would have to be fed and clotlud, and guarded. So they would. Hut did you ever es timate the cost of onr bridges ? The extra work on our roads, such as olasting etc., that would be saved to ihe county. The jail lees, tbe court costs that would be saved had the magistrates full power to send this class direct to tbe road. Now whether we are advanced enough in crime to j-istify the adoption of the Meckleul uig lioad Law in even county is a question of whih we have no doubt. Bat that same system could be devised, giving the magistrates, together with the coun ty Commissioners, full power to work our p'ubl'c roads with certain class' s of offenders, we have not a douot. You may fine them cne hundred dollars for wife beating, seventy five for retailing without a license, fifty for carrying a pistol, wenty lor disturbing Divine Wor ship, together with a long bill ol cos;s accumulated in convicting, arid what, do they care f Tbey wi 1 pay it all in twenty days iu county jail, and the honest tax payer bears ihe burdfD, aud the criminal is made worse. The consequences are, tbe criminal usually goes unpunished, for the reason that tbe honest tax payer, in puuishint: the offender would be likely to punish himself. 1 have, as an officer whose duty u is to execute the law, received with iu ihe last three das, three war rants, one for carrying a pistol, one a razor, and one a dirk. One of he parties may be able to pay the fine when arraigned, the other two caunof, I am certain, raise live dol lars with the half of their friends. Under our present mode of punish ment, who will bo the real sufferers? Why the tax payer, to be sure. What does ihe average criminal ot this class care for a few days, in tbe county jail? He usually comes out a hero. Ye tax payers of Lincoln, put your heads together and ask your abie representative to devise some piau whereby you will tie re lieved ot tbe above class as county burdens, And they can at the same time, get a job of work for their special be he tit and at their own costs. Now don't raise the cry ot skilled labor for oar bridges, or competition io honest labor till you took around and see how much 'skilled labor" has been used in the building ol bridges, or find an hon est mn wbo ie huutiog work on oor public roads- Ye Colons of Lincoln eout.t.v let us hear from you on the Road Question. We must have some changes. Yt'Urs for success. J. Will MclHTOsn, Lowesviile, N. C, Jan. 9, 1893. Trustee's Sale of Val liable Property I A deed of trust having been executed by Wm T Lonrr and wile Mary, on tbe 2nd Jay of Sept. 18UI to the undersigned trus tee to secure th-; pavrnent ofadebttben contracted to I A Lowe, Mrs M L Lowe upd Mrs L V L:v:e which ded i$ duly re corded in Lincoln county Registry Book G5 pases 3b8 et e. ot Deeds ar.d reference is hereby made t- same for a full anl partic ular description of the land therein con veyed and a full knowledge of its terms; ?nd default hnvin b3en madi in tbe p-tv-iien of iaid cebi a the same became due and the- partjeg ujfbresdi to whop thy debt, is owing buvinz requested the undersigned ti ?ell the property mentioned in said deed t satisfy said debt in accordance with tbe term5 and tondjtion- of the Kj.ro e. Now tnt-refote by virtue of tbe power vfctted in nio by 'Hid trut lieei, I wilt Fell at pub'ie aueti'-n ljr ensh on the premiss on Tues day Tth day of Feb. J9;5 at J2 o'cl ock iijn, XitQ trct of land and all improve. tiH-nts and machinery therein described in aif deed, contnininjj about 2 acres lyin at Lwesviile in Catawba springs Town -ihip of L'nc In oumy adjinins: lands of J) A Love and cfhera, including thereon a taw mill, cotton gin, engine, and boiler. This 29Djc. Isy2. I (J Lowt:, Trustee. Jan. 0, "J2 tds. NOTICE! Having qualified a Kxecutrix of J. AV: A. Paine decM, this is fr notify all per sons having claims anint said estate to mfnt tbe eame for payment in twelve months or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons indeble-i to sa'nl estate are n ttiid to settle same without delay. Dec. 7, b'J2. Eugenia B, PAtNE, Administratrix of .1 . W. A. Paine dee'd. Dec. 1SD2. tit. pd. SALE REAL ESTATE! Under aud by virtue ot a mortae deed to me made by Thos. Hoke and wife STora Hoke on the 30th day of April 1S91, I will sell at tbe court bouse door in the town of Lincolnton N c on Monday the 6th day of February 1893, a tract of land, contain ing 6 acres more or less, adjoining land ot W R Edwards, John Kilhan Jnl others. Reference hereby had to tbe rnort;a!;e ded as now registered in office Register of Deeds in Lincoln county N C. Terms, Cash. Jan. 2 '93 e t childs Mortgagee. Jan 6 " tds, Notice! Sale of Laud and Personalty! By virtue of an order made by the Su perior Court ot Lincoln County on De. 13th 1S92 in the case of John F. Davis, aim'r of G. W- Kincaid vs. D. P. Kincaid and others I will sell at pnblic auction on the premises on Monday 10th jay ol Janu ary 1893 at 12 o'clock noon,the lands of Gm W. Kincaid dee'd. lying in Catawba Springs Township of Lincoln county ad joining the lands of D. A. Lowe, D. Kin caid and others, eontaining about 80 acres, als the reversion ry interest or tne dower ot Mrs- Barbira Kinrnid adjoining same lands and containing about 2G acres Terms of Sale: $ cash, on six and bal ance on 12 months credit, deferred pay meats bear interest, title reserved until pdl for in full, witb privPcdge to pur-c'a-jer ot paying all cash. I will &ell at fame time and place, for cash, about 25 bu. of corn. This 13th of December 1892; John F. Davis, Adm'r of C VV Kincaid. Dec 10 '92. 4t. COMMON SENSE IN EDUCATION. One Thing at a Time. NO PUBLICDISPLAY. If you wish your daughter thoroughly trained lor the du lies ot life, send her to the IFIEIM A!IE 0301,1,3s BID, For a Catalogue, address REV. S. LANDER, A. M., Williamston, S. C. Aug 2f :S92 LAND SALE!' A.Nixon, Adm'r ot Martha A. Little dee'd. aga inst W. P. Shcrrill et als. By virtue of a decree of the Superior court of Lincoln County empowering nie to geil the lands discribed in the petition filed in the abova entitled case to creates assetts for the completion of the administra tion of the estate of Martha A. Little dee'd. I will at public auction in the town ol Denver, N C. on Tuesday the 16th dav of Jan'y 1893 at 12 m, offer for sale the fol lowing tracts of land. To wrt: First, One town Lot, situated in the town of Denver N C, adjoining the lands of T H Proctor J A Kid-? and others containing of an acre more or less. For further description reference is hereby made to a deed from Mattie E Lowe to Martha A Little, book 60 page 341 of Deed in Register office Lin, coin couuty N C. Second, One tract lying on Morganton Road, adloining the lands of Wm Lockrcan and other?, containing by estimation 11 acres. For further descrip tion of the s me reference is hereby made to book 00 page 342 and deed therein re corded in the above mentioned office. Tbe terms of said tale are as follows: To the highest bidder lor onethird cash, one tnird on 6 months and the remain der on twelve months time, Good and approved security. Notes bearing 8 per cent interest from date. Title re served until the last pav mentis made. Decl2'92. A Nixon Ad m r of Alutha Ann Little dee'd Per Gwvn Finley Atty. for Adm'r. Dec 10. "'92. 4t. LIME Important Notice. Tbe finest and cheapest lime in America cau be had i-i any quautity on application to tbe Agent at N. G. R. R. Station, incolnton, N. C. Aug 51 892 tt MONEY TO LOAN On long time and easy terms in amounts of not les than $300-00. Secured by first mortgages on Real Estate, pay ment mide by annual install ments. Due Xov. 1st. each year. Apply to -S G, FINLEY, Att'y at Law, Lincolnton, N.C. NOTICE I North Caroline, In Superior Court. rior JEC :ife Lincoln County. $ Berore C E Childs, esc U bain aim r ot J r heiar.e vs Simon Killian and wifev Summons Etta Killian and others. Stan of North Giroljna to Simon KiU lian and Etta Killian two of the defen dants in above entitled cause : you are hereby notihed to be and appear before G. E- Childs Cierk of the Superior Court of Lincoln County, North Carolina at his of. liee in said county and State e-n the 2nd day of March 1893 and answer the petition of i;5Minti!? above named now on file in Paid Hice: And you will further take notice thai unkss you answer said petition with, in the time prescribed bylaw the plaintiff will apply to the court lor tbe relief de manded in iaid petition. You will also take notice that this a proceeding began m the Suerior Court of Lincoln County ry A, U. Sain administrator of J. F. Sei. gle agn'nst the heirs at law of said -J F Sei jle to cbuin license from said court to sell mid intc state's lnnd to make assets to pay tr.e debt of intestate. Witney ray hand and seal cf ofllce this 30th day of December 1892. C E Childs, c 8 c. Lincoln county, N. C. Jan. Cth'93. tt: ' CHRISTMAS GOODS Our Christmas Roomis now open and the goods placed for inspection. Ve will try to give you an idea'of the varie ties of our stock, but it is the next thing to impossible to give you anything like a correct idea of the varietyjand elegance of our stock. CALL I EARLY ANET MAKE YOUR SELECTIONS, IF YOU WISH TO GET THE CHOICE Goods and AVOID the rush of CHRISTMAS Week. Below are a few of the many goods that we have in stocK. In Leather goods1 we have Tamists' Dressing Cases, of Orange Case Leather. Collar and Cuff set? of American Red leather Photograph Albums, Leather Portlolios &c. In Celluloid, we Have Photo graph frames in one and twopannel, Ceh luloid cover and hand painted, yhisk broom Holders, Pho tograph racks , xectie cases, Handkerchief cases, Comb and Brush Sets, fo pockets, vaces card Receivers &c. MISCELLANEOUS Bright silver metal photograph frames, Bright silver metal comb brush sets. Beautiful cologne Bottles encased in bright silver metal. Wood word work boxes, plush mani cure sets, plush comb and brush sets. Highly polished nickle adjustable Mirrors. Beautiful lot of China and Glassware, Big lot iPnncy Bns- Handsome line of new style Silk Handker chiefs for ladiesr BIQ STOCK BEAUTI FUL books For xmas PRESENTS- Something new in Foot wear. We bavo jast received jTbeautiful 1J ot Alfred Dolie's celebrated Felt S for Ladies They come in Red, Grey and Black, Trimmed in Fur and plain. They are the most darable anl comfortable house Slippers that; are made. Jenkjns Bros, RAMSAU3 t-M BUS i Oft HAVINC purcoased the stock of II. H & J. H. Rumour, we will continue to car ry the same line of goods. If yon want a STOVE or.RAXQE or tbe vessels, or pipe, call and ex amine our stock. We keep on hand Brjjrgies and Wagons, Harness, Saddles nod Col lars, 'Harjdu;ade,v also the best sole and Harness Leather. Large stock cut soles. Old Hickory and Piedaaoot W8g ons kept in stock. Glas.s Fruit Jare,- Flower Vou Glass Ware, Tin W Jug Town Ware, Iron ot all kicil, JS'sns, cut wire aud horMesbo-, Horse and Male shoes, one aud two horse liohmd and Steel Plows am renairs Th 1 largest stock ol Hardware iu town. iSucKets, Tuos, Uburrj5, wbeel bar rows, leuce wire, m tact EVERY THING kept iu Hardware &dJ Leather goods line. The thanks of tbe old firm are hereby tendered ihe public tor their dberal patronage and encourage ment. The new firm will endeavor o merit a coutiu nance of same. Come to see us whether you want goods or not. All questions cheer fully answered, except as to weath er lorecast. Substitute for Sash weights. The; Common Sense Sash Balanoea : They can he used where it is impo&iibl to use weights or other fixtures. They are especially valuable for repairing oil buildings, nd areas easily put in ola buildings as new ones. Commou Sense Curtain Fixture: The most perfect Curtain Fixture made. The curtain can be Jet down from the vp to any desired joint, giving light or venti lation withont exposing the room or iw occupants, answering the deuble purposa of an inside blind and a window curtaia. Aurotuatic Centre Rail Sash Lock; The only automatic centre rail sash lock made. No bolts, springs, or rivets are mod; We will take pleasure in snowing theso improved goods. RESPECTFULLY, Ramsaur&IBurton. WAKE UPi SANTA CLAUSE ! Or there will be nothing left Tor you to do, tOur bigHoli day stock has come and the shrewd hwy ers are getting the first pick from our grand display. Ev erybody is pleased who sees and pur chases from our choice selections ii CHRISTIIAS"GIFTs: Not a cloud to mar tb MERRY CHRISTMAS f buyer wboriiit our luammoth Stocks of rSiffe . . . . . . w, appropriate arig qesiraoi for evenr bodv. olri va'i 5 a Itneall you people who wuh toe BRIGHT AND BEAUTIFUL Display of Charming Christmas NOVELTIES FOR THE SEASON OF 1892- Oopular selections at popular prlcei features of this magnificent itock whic particularly recommends i$ to Hobday burets. Every body come and bring the children RESPEC1FULL F, JL- KISTLER, PROP

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