(ConclaJ&l from first jhvjc.) MISS EUSTACE. your hand, that I am not so poor for love that I muHt htoop to gather it Go, sir, ami any to her that hei ecoin is as nothing to me ; that be: contempt parses ine unheeded, tlia iu epito of her every effort 1 au happy happy !:' She buried her face in hei handy When after a moment she lookec up, she was alone. A handsome, tired-looking man, with a prema turely-worn and weary face, wait coining down the narrow path. Father!" she cried, wildly, run ning to him and throwing bersel: ioto his arms ; "I have tent Roger away, and 1 love him !" Mouths afterward3 father and daughter fiat together. Sir Stephen sighed, and gazed wistfully into hU daughter's face. "My dear child, if 1 thought you were happy, my own borrow would he easy to b-ar," ho stroked her hand tendeily ; "but it, is a lonely life you've had with me. Wont do you say to a foreign trip ?' "No, ob no ! ' she answered ; "thai; would be cowardly; let us stay here.'' "But are yoa coutent, dear ? Have you gotten over grieving for tbut young Farsworthy ? Isn't it tbe very irony ol fate, tbat the son o:' my life-long enemy should love my daughter ?" She slipped her arm about b ft neck, and laid her soft, fair cheek against his withered one : "What a number ot questions, papal J could never answer them all. Or away, Matthew?, to the servant who bad noiselessly approached : "we do not want to be disturbed." "A lady, ma'am, wishes to see yc j most particular-'' "A beggar, piobablv ; you should have told her I whs not receiving ' "I did, ma'am ; but she basked so gentle-bke that I 'adu't tbe 'eart to refuse 'er." Miss Eustace slipped from the arm ot her father's cbau. "After such an exhibition of goo 1 nature on tbe part ol Matthews, I should be ashamed to excuse ray eeif, should I not f She moved away, with a laugb in her eyes. On the threshold of the sitting. ro.uj she paused, and, drawing tbe curtains aside, entered with her light, gliding step. To the girl seated in a. far away corner of tbe ro m she seemed tbe very embodi ment of youth and happiness. "It is so dark in her? after the lighted hallway, that I canuot see very clearly,'' she said, with the charming graciousness tbat sat so well upon her. 'Too will forgive m?, then, if I ask you where you are f" But when her visitor advauced she drew back ; all the light and kind uesa faded cut of her face ; the an -gry color burued in her cheeks; her eyea flashed. 'To what am I indebted for the honor of this visit, Miss Farswor thy V sbe said, with cutting eour tesy ; then, catching sight of the heavy mourning tbat her visitor wore, her manuer changed. "You have had a long drive you are probably tired. Will you be heat ed T" "Thank you. 1 have something to tell you that caunot be hurried o.er, audi am very wear" her words came in pa?ps ; she sank with a siijh of exhaustion into the nearest chair. Miss Eustace stood grave and c ilmly luditi'eient iu the centre ot t ie rooti). Uer visitor, meanwhile, seemed to be gathering courage lor hat should follow. "Miss Eustace," she said, at length, "as yon are strong, be raer citul 1 I have come to-day upon an eiraim that will biing jfv and hap piness to your household ; grief and shame into rnin. As you know, ray father died sndden'y one week ago; do": so suddenly, however, but that before lie died be called me to him and confessed" her voice tank into a whisper ; her cold, aristocrat ic features were convulsed. "How u I tell you," she moaned ; "yon whom I have so scorned and wound ed ? ' Miss Eastaoe smiled gravely. "Shall 1 help yon ? ' she said. 'You have come to te'l me that "That your father is innocent !,' Ao-h,"' said the other, "and jonr father knew, and might have cleared him?" "Miss Farsworthy bowed her bend. "He alone knew the troth, for he was at Ro'ney CiilT the day of the ac.'idenf. 11 saw the old man slip and faU saw Stephen Eustace, standing like one iu a dream, more than twenty steps away ; hut be- I ways loved her, wht-n the rest of ua cause he hated him bad alway hat-. stood aoof and had no welcome for cd Lim when the country rose her, be was Ler faithful friend ; she and called him guilty my father sa l 1 has but rewarded him for his Ioy no word. Mian Eostice'' risir j; j ally. Dear girl, they say the had from her chair a'.d standing Ftill and ; almost to ask him to marry her, he white before her '1 have ilUtrea: -) was too proud to speak after Iih I ed you, I have been uDgenerous aLd hard, but I come to you with 7ned culpa on my lips ! Can you forgive me ?' -Wait waif,' said the other, bro kenly, 'give me time.' She passed her hand dazedly over ber eyes; eh i seemed stunned by the joyful tid ings: 'My father innocent befor1 the world ! my patient father! hav? you matte this public!' 'Koger went th:s morning to ar range about it, every one will aoo i know.' There was au unconscious bitterness m ber toue. My noble father ; I must go t ) him, I mnst be the one to break til? news; I, who have always trusted in him.' She glided out of the roo'C. her lootsteps echoed down tbe long hall, then died away in tbe distance. The visitor thus left alone iu a s'rauge room, felt the last remuaat of her courage forsaking ber. S'j ? had kept op bravely enough untii now ; but in this unfriendly atmos phere, wbere the portraits on thJ wall seemed to frown upon her, tli! very furniture to resent ber pre? ence, her heart failed her. Qh) made her way to the door,sbe wou ld go home, she told herself, she wa so tire, so sick of soui ; with trem bliug fingers she lifted tbe portie and came f-ice to face with Mvn-Eustace- There was a look of e?: treme brighness about ber, despi'i the fears still shining on ber lashei "It was thoughtless of me u leave you," bhe said gently, "bi.i you understood, did voo not? Di not be in such haste to go, 1 watl to tell jou how grateful we are tc you 'or coming. You have made us so happy.'" "Do not praise me, you can net know how I shrank from coming. No one but I knew at first." "Yes, yes, and you might never have told ; you might have persuad ed yourselt tbat your father waf raving, but you were brave and honorable. Do you not think I ca j appreciate true courage.'' "And have you forgiven me The tears rose in Miss Eustace's dark eyes; "Why did you hate so ?" she said, wistfully, "was I so un worthy ? Kitty Daynor was m , only friend, and ..that because her husband was father's fag at Eton ; but and Lady Grant " "Ah, but I had an especial reason. ' ' What had you to fear from me ? i suppose your brother told you what my auswer was?'' "Yes, he told me I Poor Roger, be loved you dearly.'' "Loved roe !'' "Loves you still, but with every thing so changed what can it avai' him ?'; "3j changed?" 'T thought of course you had heard. Af;er my father's death w discovered that he contracted debt: ao heavy, tbat when they are paid it will be impossible for us to live at Aileigh. I will remain until De ceruber, but Eoc-er goe? to Anstra. 1 lia within the month.1' "To Australia, Roger ! Does he not tueau to tell me good-by ?" "I do not know, he is very 'busy.'' "He, too, must have changed ; tbe Roger 1 knew would never bav been too busy not to remember ole fritM.ls.'' She took a few stfpir across tbe room, theo came back with a heightened color. "Miss Farsworthy," she said, standing 50 within the shadow that here visiter could see her face, "will you take a message from me to Roger ? ' "Gladly." "Then will you say to him. that the stra ri is l.fted publicly from my fathers name, and that I am ready to fill 111 I the promise I murie to him -,s H0 i , " V a one lot "Nothing else ? "No, ony thai, if he has not for g- tten he will understand.'' 4,1 waOi my baixli ol them, they area vindictive family, ungrateful; rt svere ,abte woun.l on the lett and false to the r-nie, To think ' iile of bis head, wnit h he aid he j attti all these yea is of friendship, I j ree.-ived Warerloo. j should r or have been invited to Ro ; rphal Ney was thn bear fencer j pef8 weadin. !' ! er n Frrtnce 5 N'v, Vu u:i America. lh latter fold Barg- j -Dear Lady Giant, if I remember j ts4sJ Gai'hfi, of Davie eountv, tbat ! rightly, ou were never eiy fond ' bo and Mnrar used to feu'-e witb ! ol Mks Kosbxce-"' leach other iu Xap:de:rs presence. ! -Abuidl you have confused me 1 Lal Nay could speak Englisn. ... ,,, . . ' An exert to'd Mr. estr.n that, two Tith the :L ars AO; f .v themselves : i t , - ' specimen of the hand wiitinsr of Nelly could not endure her, and ii both the Marsha! and Peter S. Ney is only since bef father's death that were undoubtedly the same. Both Roger has been so devoted. You -Neva were marked with smail pox. know h ha KParlv a nv tn Peter Stnart Ney tainted iu the. "For shame," exclaimed little Mrs. French, indignautly, 'he al loss ol fortune 'Oh, that is your version, but the-e is two sides to every story, the one I have beard Is not so cred itable. So you were at tbe wedding, was it a handsome affair ?' Very beautiful, there were not not many guests present, only thH family friends. Kitty Daynor aud that bandforce huebaad of hersi were po3tively radiant. Why how dark it has grown, I learit raiu ; I must be going. Come aud eee me won't you. T lam with Lady Ade aide at Vaueleigh ; as yoa know, I will return to London iu a fort niutfi, wbere Nelly joins me. You know her engagement to my broth er is announced. Ra'hei foolish of them 1 Well, no, 1 can't agree with you, they will not be ricb, but love goes along way, my own marriage has taught me tbat. Don't trouble yourself to come to tbe door, the carriage is already at tbe steps. A j cool afternoou Y'es. the wiud is rising. Good-by.' Pcler S. IVey Y si Very Liki; I lie Brave French Marshal. From the Charlotte Observer. Rev. J. A. Weston delivered his intensely interesting lecture on Marshal JSey at tbe city ball las: night to an audience not at all com mensurate with the merits of the ! lecture. After a brief biograpical sketch or tbe Marshal, the lecturer proceeded to discuss the execution of Ney. He : was convicted of treason on Dec, G, I 1815, aud sentenced to be shot at 0 j o'cl'ick or shortly after tbe next j morning. The official report says ! Ney was shot by GO veterans(doubt. j less men he bad lead to victory, said tbe speaker) in au unfrequented part of tbe yard of Uie palace of Luxembourg. Hi proceeded to vithin 8 paces o the wall and cry- ing out '"Comrades straight to the heart, fire." he fell dead. His body was exposed 15 minutes on tbe pia-se of execution, as was custom- Other reports by eye witnesses, however, show tbat the body was instantly covered with a cloth aud carried away to the hospital. An account by Sir William Frazer, M. t, shows that Ney's own soldiers loaded their own guns aud fired at him While the official report went to show tbat the face and body were mangled, an eye witness said an oN ficer made a sketch of the marshal after death and that Ney's counte nance wore a placid smile. Anoth er body could have been substitu ted for Ney '8 after tbe sham execu tion, said Mr. Weston. Because of the !ck of snac ou'y a little portion ot thJ lecture can be Dfodueed by the Observer. Marshall Ney four dar.s after Wa terloo expressed an lutentisu to go our to th Unircd States. Peter Stuart Ney told Mrs. Mary C- Da? ! i ten, who is still living in Iredell, I that he whispered to his soldiers j "aim high," as be passed them go ing to his place at the execution, lie left Bordeaux for Charleston and landed there iu January, 1816. Three years he was in his hiding ud prepartng himself to teach. Every characteristic of Peter S. Ney were shown by Mr. Weston U have been possessed by Marshal Ney. Ney was calleri by hi- so' diers f Pete, the Red." Perhaps this as the reason he assumed the name of Peter in this country. H a father's name was Peter. His mo rher was decended from a fami'y of Stuarts. Tne irou frame of the gr atest of Napoleon 'a marshals could defy wind and weather . Peter ii. Ney commonly made out with four hours s!eei. He never sat near tbe fire. He was too fond ot h"n cup but uo drunkard. He commonly drank more after hearing bad news fro n France. Peter 8, Ney wrote vary g od po. etr . There is no record that Mar- j8hal1 ever du,t lat that doaen't prove lie couldn't. Tht M.ushil jplavedthe tluip. Peter .s. Ney ownetl anil played a costly tiute. j Peter 8. Ney is known to have I had every wound on bia person that ! the great MarshaM hd, except one I on rierk. Hid acquaintanc cu J r ot rpnifrnhpr :i In Mis TTn n-. school room at Darlington, b. C, i wheu the newa of Napo'eon's death reached him. He told Col. PcUj. Rogers atterwarda : "With the daath of Napoleon ruy last hope i. gone." lie was recognized several time by foieiguors as Marshal Ney. O o ie fj tu-'e of cations at Sratesvdb a G- rma'; nam d liarr created y na'ion by Haying, 'There's Mai sha! Ney.' On bis Heath bed Peli i S. Ney soVmnly affirmed, in tLo presence ot Mr. Matthew Lock aun others tbat he was the French Mar shal. He died in 1878 and was bar;ed at Third Creek. IT tiilOULDJiElM KVEKV jIoUSE J B Wilfon, 371 Clny S Sharpst-ur, Pa., says his will not be without Dr. Kin'j New Discovery for consumption, cough; aud C-lJs, that it cured bU wile who wh; threatened witi pnumuaU after an attack of Is grippe, when various othtr reroedie-J arid gvc-rat prkiaus had d-ne her no xd Kotjert HarU r f f Cor k-i.ort, IJa., c.'aiim Dr. Kind's New D:s- oi ry h.i d-i3 hiin inure rood than anjthin l e evr us'-d for lun trouble. Nottir like it. Try it. l"'ree tiial h tth s at Dr. Lawing's ilruv; st,)re. Jj-are bottles, 5oe and ONEFtliLLION LADIES ARC DAILY RECOMMENDING Hi in PriKFECTION (1 liiU ADJUSTABLE Itrpands nrross tho Uall and Joints. Tlifi BEST FITTING, NICEST locking, sua vm COMFORTABLE SHOE IN THE WORLD. TRICES, S2, $2,50, 3, S3. 50. CONSOLIDATED SHOIJCO. Manufacture: , T-ynn. - Masi. Shoes made lo measure, at Jen k Mis' lit us, 1V lt f-.timd CUS 1333 IXCWI2 6IS CTTZ2. A Magnificent Collection of FLOWER SEEDS mm v&FREE! 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W of in. ncv int. u- r.li.'i'.l. UV !,:, pntr-inK 'luring tile y lie tifU nt l:,r 'v"!r nr. ('''., ! , I i. r. 1 ih-.-.:. i..-m. iu-ii-.i.pvS'jrSr ............ I... ,:..f .-..ii. t-V. of ur.-nit..i i.-r- U M.v--;" -VvJ v: .n-t r.... -1 ...II U:. -:,,M,.r ji.ul six S "iLl-JSJl! SPTOLOFFER! a J x'l '.... v.- i. f,.t"fn:',U, yfl bra"'t "-Vl 'sr.! Sw-.l l'.'-w. ' "rt'.'r .'. -!r. .-kiiViA th- ii. v.,r,.i. . liwiM-ii. l-a '"'534tell r.-kf-nl. Sjil.n:! ir. iil. i.-.n i. Oiv.inr.- 1 rin, V il l ' u .w r, i...w i nl; r. .1 .1. i;u,t VJg.i i!i' V.a'.'l '.-i- s - x!,i ii iv ..ff. . ir, ii.- Kr-.-.t. ' lin-1 .T- 1 ,.. . !-:, i k -.wi.. T!i-v i-r-.iv l- a V..J iit i r' i ' 1 '. 'if i y.r . r ii-.r... mo'::!-. a r ntii.nuud pro- ASOtiiER" GREAfOFFER V at.- -r.t t. i -ri. . i iv.- w.;l s. -ml I he l-mili--' World for Una Yfnf. I' li. r iviih . ir in:..'i i -ert I oMiTlimi of l lioirr Flowt-r 8e .l . .v.v li-- -I nr I ; . II. 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T1AV9 BY GIVING AWA IlUlY ; EACH AND EVERY DAY to some one & splendid High Arm Sewing Machine or a handsome Gold Watch, absolutely ree. Full particulars in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample copj free. Send for one. Address, W N HALDEMAN, Pres. Courier-Journal Company, Louisville, Ky Subscribe tor the COURIER. A COMPLETE NSPAPEPwEW. THe price oF North Carol Ina.?' H. Kingsbury, LL D Win. LI. IJearne, -Editorial Staff Do you want to Lid in bulletin up a paper that shall, reflect tbe greatest, credit on North Carolina? 1 no EQ'tttyr where it may be seen tben patronize TIIE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. Tbe Daily Messenger and the WVtklv Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. C. Tbe Goldsuoro Transcript Messen- irer Published at Goldsboro, N. C. They are Large Eight Page Pa jers. Do yfu want a ieiiable paper ijivin; you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the largest or ouUtion and has for more than 21 years been a part and factor in the jrowrh aud development of the Old North State ? Then Subscribe for the JVIesseuger TRIAL RVTES: Daily Messenger. I v mail 1 mos. on trial, 22.00 (Weekly Wilmington iMeasen- j Ker, 8mos: 1.00 I Goldaboro, Transcript-Messen ger, 8 roos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE Dr. Taluiaye's yermoas are fea ture of all three Papers. CHILD BIRTH MADE EASY! Mothers' Fpiend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use by the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. Jt Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sect by express on receipt of price $1.60 per bottle BRADFIEliO REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. St. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, "ivwnf-- in ymi- - ,n ,,, r M, , i mm vj- SADIES eeding a tonic or children who want bun i.r,k UP should take BROWN'S IRO.V BITTERS Are yon interested in Lincoin connt3? Then take the Coukiee 8CB9CIBTO THS STATE CHRONICLE, RALEIGH, N C. DAILY AMD' WEEKLY. Latest telegrahic news froni all parfc of the world. (By United Press and Sneciai Wire.) Rl Has the lragest daily circulation in ti. State. Has more State correspondents than a(.y other daily id the State. Twelve months, $0.00 ; Six months 3.oo Three raonths, fl,r0. ' Wcekly.-1.25 per year, ia clubs of fitt arover, $ , T.KiJEMGK, Editor. R. W. Litchfokd, Manager. BUCKLEN'S AKNlcA SALVE. The best salve In the world for cat bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, levtr seres, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skit eruptions, and positive? ly cures piles, or no pay required. It jj guaranteed to give perfect eatistaction, or money refunded. Price 26c. per box. for le by Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist RIUMOND & DANVILLE KAIL ROAD. South Carolina Di visiou, & L. N.Q Daily except Sunday. J IN EFFECT May 15tb, 1S92. CHESTER & LENOIR N. G. R. & Southbound Northbound No 11 No. 12 t Lv. 8 30 atr Lenoir Ar. 9 16 pro 9 35 Hickory 8 05 10 07 Newton 7 15 10 58 Lincolnton 6 20 1145 Dallas 5 33 j 1211 Gaatouia 5 20, 1 29 pm York vi lie 4 10 S Ar. 2 45 Chester Lv. 3 05aa ; CHKKAW;& CHE3TER N. G.RB j Southbound Northbojud Ji1!: J No. lo Lv 4 U5 pui Chetter ar 11 33 am I 4 5G Richborg 11 40 5 38 Fort Lawn 9 58 Ar6 28 Lancaster Lv 9 20 CUARLOTTE & STATESVILLE No 64 mixed No 65 mixed Lv 5 20 pmlOharlotte Ar 1120 am G 42 7 10 7 i3G Ar 8 40 Huufersville Davidson Mooresville Stateville 10 05 9 35 9 07 Lv S 00 Daily. No 12 j Lvi0 45 auiCharlotte 11 30 jHunterville No 11 Ar 6 20 pm 5 37 5 16 am 4 57 Lv 4 10 11 50 Davidson 12 09 Ar 12 55 Mooresville Statesville No. 12 leave Statesville for Tay .oraville 1. 10 p. in., arrives Taylorat vi!le2 25p.m. Returning, leaves Taylorsville 2.50 p.m. arrives Statea ville 4:00 p. m. For detailed information as to 1q. cal and through time table, rates and Pullman sleeping-car reserva tions, confer with local agents or nddress Jas.L. Taylor, Get.'l Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. W. A. Turk, A. Q. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. A. Dodson, Supt., Colombia,S O. W H Green, Gen. Mgr, Atlanta.Ga. Sol Haas. Traffic Mgr Atlanta,G. CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDULE MOVING WEST. NUMBER 43 Daily except Sunday, Passenger, .Mail t Jiipkes Train. Stations. Arrive. Leavxs . 9 00 a m 4 00 p m 418 4:30 4 48 5 05 5 22 5 50 5 59 6 19 0 39 6:55 713 7 25 7 47 p m Wilmington Charlotte Paw Creek Mt Holly -Stanley Creek Iron Lincolnton Oherryville Waco Shelby Lattimoie Jooresboro Ellen boro ifostic Forest City 3.20 p m Ruthejiordton 1 S00 I MOVING EAST. NUMBER SO Dnily except Sucday. Passenger, Mail & Express Tkaln. STATIONS. I AliBlVE. LtAVIg. Kutherfoxdton ! a m 7:f.O Forest City 8 01 BoMtic 8:13 Ellenboro 8 36 Mooresboro 8 47 Lattimore 9 00 sbelby 9 24 Waco 9 43 Oherryville 9 52 Liucoloton 10 23 Irou , 10 41 Stanley Creek "1101 Mt. Holly 11 20 Paw Creek 11 31 Charlotte 11 50 12.01 Wilmington 6:50 pm Through pafieDger train No. i leaves Chailotte for Raleigh and Portrnouth,Va , at 430.m Tbiough passenger train No. 41 leaves Poi tsruouth, Va., at 8 a. oj and arrives at CbaiJotte 11:00 p. m. Wm Monccri, Supt. Local fn-iyht train No. 7 leaves Charlotte at 8 a m, Lincolnton 10:23 a rn and arrive at Sbelby 11:45 a na. Local fre'pht tr-iiu No. 6, leaves Shelby at 1.45 v m,Lincolntou 3:10 p m and arrvtv at Charlotte 5:30 p m. No. 6 and 7 run daily except Sun day and carry passengers, Passengers aud mail train No. 24 leaves Charlotte at 8:15 p m and arrives at Wilmington at 8:00 A m Passenger and mail train No. 23 leaves Wilmington at 7 p m arjd ar rives at charlotte at 7 a m. FOR DYSPEPSIA, I&dlpestion, ard Stomach disorders, VM BROAVJf'S IRON BITTKR8. All dealers kerp it, fl per bottle. Genuine hu trtde-raark. - "roesed red lines oa vrrappM"

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