ffiffli willy ilfiTlftli VOL. VI. LINCOLNTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1893. NO. 52. Professional Cards J. W.SAIN,M. D., Fellas located at Lincoln ton and of fers his services as physician to the citizens of Lineolntou and surround ing country. Will be toaud lit nibt at the Lin colntou Hotel. March 27, laOl lv Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW. LINCOLNTON, N. C. Jan, 'J, 1801. ly. 4' lamlcr rrrr OA DENTIST. LINCOLN ION, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tracting teeth. With thirty years experience. Satisfaction ;iven in all operations- Terms .ash and moderate. Jan 23 UM 1V cTo'tc BARBER SflOP. Newly fitted up. Work away;, neatly done, customers poll tel." waited upon. Everything pertain ing to the tonsorial art is done according to latest styles. IIeNRY Taylok. Barber. Eir!ih Spavin Liniment remove" all Lard, soft or calloused lumps and blemish 3 from horsf-s, blood spavins, curbs, splint.; sweeney, rin-bon-', stifles, sprains, al. swollen thro'its, cough? etc. Save $30 b' ue of on bottle Warranted the mos wonder-'ul blemish cure ever known. SoU by J. M. Lawin.s DruircjistLincolnton N C Itch on human and norsps and all am mils cured in 30 minutes bv Woolforrb Sanitary Lotion. This never fails. Sole bj J M. Lnwing Druggist Lincolnton, N G iWiiiiiiineiiijhito: ii i ' hi i w iiii wmtiwm m OIIE E11LLIQN LADIES Are daily recommending the PerfectiQn ADJUS TAELE HCvnOi'lo Across The LAJ.GI.Ud Ball &. Joints. This makes Tho best Fitting, nicest Looking and most comfortable in the world. Prices, 2, 2.50. 3, and VSO- Consolidated Shoe Co., Manufacturer;, Lvnn, Mass. Shoes Made to Mea' wre. To be found at Jenkia-' Bros- EUCKLEN'S A KN I C A A LYE The best Salve in the world for cuts and bruises, sores, salt rheum, fever sores, tet-er.ch-ippet h;mds. chilblains, corns, and 'all skin eruptions, and positively cure Piles, or no pay require!. It 13 guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refun ed. Price 25 cents per box. For pale by J M Lawing. 1'vhsician and Pharmacist Scientific American Agency for CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS. etcJ For Information and free Handbook wTlteto MUSN A CO.. 3ol Broauwat, EW YORK. Oldest bureau for securlne patents In America. Every j.ateiit taken out by us tfl broi'trbt befor tke puLlic by a notice eiveu tree of charge la the JFricntific JVtiicrifiut Largest circulation of anv scientific paper In the World. Sjjleudiaiy lllustratriil. No Intelligent man should be without it. Weekly, 3.00 a year; H.fAidx months. Addre.-s Mt'N'N &, CO., rtiJlJoutKs. 3til Broadwuy, New York City. mini 1 nfct.riini.mi.fc',winwjwgv-c tjb Glen Alpine Statiou, N. C. Feb li!th. Tbii is to certify that three years ago I had my le!t le amputated four inches be low the ktiee, caused by blood poison and bone affection. After it wa? amputated there cauiea running ulcer on the end of it that measured inches one wayand4.J inches the other, and continued growing worse every day until a short timo ago. I was given up to die by the best doctors in Charlotte, i heard of the wonderful P.. B. B. j resolved to try that. My weight at the tiru3 1 conimeoeed B. B. B. wis 120 pouncis. When I had taken three bottles 1 gained 37 pounds in weight; when I bad taken twelve botties I was sound and well but continued taking until I had taken fif teen bottles. I now weigh 18U pounds and three inches hiirh. 1 contend that your medicine has no equal as a blood purifier. It certai .y worked like a charm. J. R WILSON. LA GRIPPE. During the prevalence of the Grippe the past season it was a noticeable fact that those who depended upon L)r King? New Discovery, not only had a speedy recovery, but escaped all of the troublesome after ef fect of the malady. This remedy seems to have a peculiar power in effecting rapid Cures not oniy in cases 01 La Grippe, but in ail Disaases of Throat, Chest and Lungs and has cured cases of Asthma an liny Fevor ot long standing. Try it and be convinced. It won't disappoint. Free Trial Bottle at J TJ Lawing s Drug Store. subscribe for the LINCOLN Cou Bier, $1.25 a year. Are yon interested lu Liucoin county? Then take the Courier 4 Uodeys' Lady' Book. HIS MOTHER'S CHOICE. II Y HOLLY HOCK. "You are not eointr aml th brown (yi j00k up fiota under tbe broad - bii mm fd b.it, with u pretty air of concern, as Avis Atherton puts this question. uYes," answered her companion, shortly, without ever glancing at the ewcet eyes turned to him. Ho is aiHry, aud she knows it ; it is all ho nirxiple 8he can HcArvvlv keep from laughing. They have been playing tenuis, and she has prated Kied BentonV playing; lias even gmm eo far as to s-iy how haud.souiH h looks iu hin nit t-f blue and white, aud eutered h fen more thoughtless romarka ot the same character, when suddenly tu lord grown moody, and as soou as the game is over, aunouncen that ht is going, and she has followed hire to the gate". "iiince you are so interested m Mr. Benton, I should suppose you would be glad to have me go,'' pull ing vigorously at his Ion blond mustache. "ludeed 1" a shade ot mi.schiel dawns in the languorous eyes, "but you forget he is Jessie's partner, and it will not be so pleasant for me to stand at a distance and ad miro him, while he gives all his at tention to anotber girl." He looks aghast at her frankness ''Well, how pleasant do you supports it will be for me to see tbe girl I am in trying to entertain, admiring anotber fellow all the while V7 and he glance fiercely at the top of her bat, as the face underneath is hid den from his gaze, and then his eyes travel down to the dainty hands iplayiugidly with the blue iibbons : on her dress ; then dowu to tbe pei feet feet, with, their high arched ins steps, with an all-devouring gaze. "True,'' she- says, in a smothered voice, which g;vins clearness, linw, ever, as sbe. Tjroceeds : and present- j 'y her face is lifted to his sight,with a confiding innocence that astounds him. "But you might stay and take Jessie for a partner, and theu he would have to play with me. But then," with a pathetic drooping ot tbe cherub month, "I ata so much less attractive that Jess, and I could uot bear to put myself iu a positi oq to be soubbed. So, on the whole, I th'nk you had better go." "Weil, I should think it was high time, indeed,'' he returned, angrily. What doe the girl take him for f Every oue iu town knows Fred Benton is iu love with her, and it was only by great cleverness on his part that he secured himself for her partner in th game this afternoon And he looks at her wiih withering onteujpt ; but, aain, only the crown of ber bioad-bummed hat is visible. An impulse altogether un accountable seizes him, and he stoops, as if to pick up something, he looks into her hiding face, which ja alive with laughter ; tbe on aiauht is ao sudden she has not time to dissemble. He is in a tow-, ering passion, and turns ou his heel without another word. But this young girl, who is full of quaint conceits, has a teuder heart, aud runs after him. "Mr. Ainsworth,'' she says, Ia3'iug a white detaining hand upon his arm,' 'you dropped these ;'' aud she thrusts into his hand a bunch of purple violets, which she has woru at the afternoon, and before he can speak she is off again. A peace offering. At first he will not be appeased, aud is on tbe point of Hinging them away; then J he thinks how prettily she has put it, and relents ; he turns to see if she is in sight. She is uot. He press es the flowers hastily to his lips, purs them in his breast pocket and returns ; but Jessie and Bentou are alone one tbe lawn. "Where is Avis!'' asks Jessie, and Benton's eyes put the same question. "I thought she was here,'' he an swers. ''We thought you had gone.'' "So I had," rather confusbed, "but I came back to spoak to Miss Atherton," "Well, you will have to find her,'' 'aughs Jessie. At this moment to ladies cross the lawn, and Miss Atherton.'7 "Well, you will have to find her,' laughs Jessie. At this moment two ladies cross the lawn, and Miss Alt ton turns to meet them. But Ains worth make up his mind that he won't go yet. Alter awhile they a??k for Miss Atherton, then Jessie sends a servant to find h r, but r-he is nowhere to be fouud ; thjaily hv is forced to leave without seeing her again. Tha next day is Sunday, aud Ains worth decides he will go to church such a q i nint, curious, little church, with a tiny steeple. The day is soft and balmy ; and, as he walks along the seashore, he thinks will ask Avis to tak a s.iil with him this afternoon, and theu wel, no knowing what may happen, if hejusirg glance at Harold. ouly oDce had her to himself. Ob, yes, be knows very wel he will tell her that he loves her, and ak her to be his wife. Then, surely, be ought not to be alone with her. "Ob, why is fate so merciless," he exclaims, mentally. By the time he reaches tbe church, however, his mind is fully made up, and he goes in with the full determination to ask Avis Ath - eiton to become Mrs. Ainsworth. -he sys, abruptly. They are far out She is seated about midway be- ion the dancing waves now, and for tweeu the altar and the entrance, so some time he has been trying to say he sits down near the latter, in or'wbat is in his heart; but somehow der to intercept comes out. her when she Of the sermon be hears uot a word, for his eyes are fixed upon tbe nodding white pinnies ou her little bonnet, or the pretty pink ear, and their owner occupies ad his thoughts. At last the long sermon is ended, the final hymn sung, and the benes diction pronounced. He sees Avis tie, and watches ber come down the aisle, with her friend, Jessie Alton ; but ere they reach him, they I are joiued by Fred Beuton and one or two others, and he is forced to join the "throng," as he mentally styles tbem- Alter a while he gains her side, and poffers his request that she will take a sail with him in tbe "afternoon. Really, she is so sorry, but she has promised Jessie to re maiu at home and help entertaiu some friends. "Well, to-morrow?" he urges, growing teverhly impatient. "To-morrow," shi repeats, "well, let me see,'' meditatively, while he ; devours her with his eyes ; "to-morrow yes I think I can go to- ; morrow. I am going home next week, you know," she concluded, brightly. "No, indeed, 1 did not know ! but 1 you will come to-morrow I "Yes ; what did you say, Jessie ' and not auother word does be get j for himself. I He makes his appearance at the jAltonr8iu tho afternoon, and sees his love surrounded by a bevy of young girl3 and eager young men. She is dispen.-ing tea. "O ! Avis, here is 31 r. Ainsworth ; do give him some tea,"' says Jessie. "Thanks, Miss Jessie, I should , never have dared to ask tor it, my self," he returns. "Do you drink tea?" asks Avis, over a sea of heads it seems to him. "1 will, if I can get some,'" he re plies, insinuating that he would like tj get nearer. "Ob, Mr. Murray will hand it to you ; will vou not, Mr, Murray, to a young mau beside her. He bows and says somethiug Ainsworth cannot bear, as he takes tbe cup from her hand ; she smiles archly and looks into his face as she replies, but what she says is also lot to the eager watcher. How inaccessible sbe seems; he almost wonders if he was ever near or alone with her. But to morrow she will be all his, for a few hours, j at least, aud perhaps forever. He j does not Know how he dares hope! she will favor his suit, but the little j episode of yesterday lingers plea9- antlv in bis memory and seems to ! j bid him hope. At last he edges his way to her side, buc by this time tbe tea is over, and the supplicants begin to disperse. As he reaches her, Fred Brenton offers bis arm for a stroll in the garden. Avis stands near a tall urn filled with tropical plants ; one hand is toying uncon sciously with their gorgeous foliage, as she listens ; Ainsworth i unper cied, as the urn hides him from view ; he advanc-'s a step nearer and imprints a hasty kiss upon the hand among th h aves. Aus starts and gives a siight exclamation. Benton solicitously inquires the cause of them. "Nothing much,'' she answers, "only 1 thought I felt som thiug on my hand.'' She turns ami meets 'the eyes of Ainsworth, who has re treated a few feet, and like a fla-h the truth dawus npoo her. At the same, time Benton "ays: "Probably an insect crawled over ir ; those sort of things are general ly fill of them." "Al-, yes, you ;ire undoubtedly ritjbt," she returns, flashing an m. Ar last the qjoiiow dawns bright and fair, and at the appointed hour he finds himself awaiting: her pres ence in tbe Alton's par'or. Ah 1 here she comes ; how his heart leaps for joy at the sight of this fair, slight girl. How bewitchilgly the rosebud lips part and display the dazzling teeth, as she gives him greeting. "You are going away, you say it is not so easy. "Yes, I am going hoim this week; but I have been- very happy here,'' with a little sigh. "Are you not happy there ? ' he inquires. "Oh, it is a new home,'' she an swers; "but I think I will be." "A new borne !'' be echoes, with tightening heart strings. "What do you ojean V "I had a stepfather when I was very young, abd he did not make me happy. I think be did not like me. But he was good to mamma, so what mat ter ? k, when she was dying, she -aid she had provided anotber home for me, and appoint ed an old friend as my guardian ; for she knew papa and 1 would not get. on well together, and she left me a little money, poor mamma. Then Jessie Alton invited me to spend the Hummer with her. And, uow, I am going to that new home, where I hope to find happiness..' She gives a loog-drawn sigh. "Avis !" she starts at his strange, low tone. "Ah ! my dariiug, I must speak," he says, laying oue hand tenderly, caressingly over hers. "1 have been choking to tell you that I love vou, for weeks ! You must have seen it in my every look ! My ev ery tone must have conveyed to you some meaning of my heart!'' She shrinks from him, feebly, aud is silent. "Oh ! my dariiug, say something I j Do not turu from me, or I shall Jdie !' "Mr. Ainsworth, you say you love me '' 'Yes, yes, a thousand times yes !'' is his eager interruption. 'Tell me, are you tree to speak words of love to to me V she fal ters, with downcast eyes. "What do you mean ?" he asks, in smothered accents, putting bis band to his head. For a moment he has forgotteu his engagement. Is he to be denied this exquisite bliss for one stroke of the pen ? "Pardou rn6, but you know," with evident effort she is speaking, "that sometimes men do not have tbe lib erty of addressing girls as you are addressing me now ; and only mis- ery comes of it." "O, Avis! unless you give your self to me, unie38 lean call you wife, lo happiness can ever come to m!" "Then you are free f with a little half-tearful laugh, reaching her hands to him. "Jessie said she "I did not mean to deceive you. Avis," taking the little hands held cnt to him reverently, "audi will tell vou all now. There is not much j to tell, but I meant to tell from tbe first.'' j She catches her breath, and with- craw3 her bands. "Go od,'1 she says. "Six months ago I was a careless, heartfree feilow. About that time I received a letter from my mother, asking me to marry a young gir! whom I had never seen ; I had had a brief correspondence with her, and my mother's prah-es of her made mo f incy it would be easy enough. So I wiote to Miss CouUland, asking her baud, Bbe accepted, I send ber a ring and that is all. But when I met you, Avis, 1 knew then that uuriiage with another would be impossible, and J have not written to ber since. As we have nor writ- ren 10 her since. As we have never met, she wid doubtless be as glad as I to end this ill-advised engage ment ; for, perhaps, she, too, has al r a.iy discovered it was all a mis-, take. This very night I shall write and explain everything, and release myself and her Irom a bondage that shcu'd never have misled." "But how, if she has learned to love you f asks Avis, in low, broken tones. He laughs. "The idea is prepos terous! Ah ! darling, 1 will risk it,'' he answers happily ; she seems very near to him, and be feels sure that he will win. "Bat it may cot be as impossible as you imagine; your mother's praises of yoo may have inspired loveiuyour breast, aud she pauses. "Well and ' he says, eagerly. "She may ' not wish to give you up," "Then should she have fallen in love with an ideal my mother may have paiuted of me, I am very cer. tain that when she sees the original she will straightway fall out again." "I am not as sure ot that,'' she whispers ; but he bears, and before be, bimseif, is hardly aware of what he is doing, he has her in his arm-, and is kissing ber passionately. "My darling, you do love me ? You will be mine i" As soon as possible she with draws herself from his embrace. "Mr. Ainsworth, I am astonished at you ! what do you mean by such conduct?'' Her tone and manner are verv dignified ; but the flutter iug eyelids, the quivering lips, aDd j soft, sweet blush do not bespeak anger. "I beg year pardon,'' he sayp, humbly; "but I was wild with de- lirrht c.t ei" licit' T'nnr nrnrHo imnluiil I they seemed to give promise of so much. Can you forgive me?" " Yes, I will forgive you." "And,'' after a short silence, in j which he baseage'ly waited for bet to say more, "bow do you answer me ?' "If she is as lad to break with you as you are to annul your eu gagement with her '' "Yes, yes ?', breathlessly. "Well, come to me when you are j free.'' ' Ah ! that is enough ! ' he ex claims, rapturously. "Tbe tie is easily broken ; Miss Ccurtland, I dare say, is hear tily sick of her bargaiu by this time, and will hiii my proposal with delight." After a few momeuts silence, in which be has been gazing at ber bands, as they lie idly ungloved iu ber lap, he says: "I have been afraid that riug," pointing to a handsome soils taire diamond on her forefinger, "was a betrothal ring." "Yes? Well, tbe nng w-s a pres. ent to me ; but I do not think it will part us it" "Ou, tbere is no if about it. By- the-way,'' breaking off euddeidy, "when shall I see you aaic ? When do you start for home ?" "It will depend upou tbe answer yn receive from Miss Uourtland wherher we ever meet again or not,'' "Oh, do not say that, for it is very uncertain when I can get my an swer, but I am very certain what it will be. You see I don't know where she is.'' "Dou'c know where she is !" sbe repeats. "No ; when my mother wrote that they expected to return Lorcf, I was on the eve of starting off on a yachting excursion with some friends. We intended to be gone a month, and I left a letter for my motber explaining mv ats-nce. We stopped here, and you know the rest. I saw you my friends (Concluded on last paqej Iliivruiiuu ImIimhIm. Iiono'uhi has 23,0d0 people and 11,001) telephones. That shows wh U kind of people live in the "l'atadise of the Pacific." People tbere use the telephone upon tbe sligbto t provocation. When they uavenoihiug else to do they tele phone. It is everywhere agreed that the Hawaiian Ilauds are the loveliest places iu the world. The beauty f the largest inland (Hawaii), tlh' luxury of ita color', its salubrious climate, and its marvelous product iveness have been everywhere talk ed about. Maui a Loa L is the largest crater and is oue of the foremo volca noes doiug business, svh the New York World- Ir is nearly 14,000 feet iiih, Its crater is a a. lie and a half wide aud over 1,000 feet deep. When Maun a Loa becomes really active tbe miacheif is to pay on tie island. Those who remember their geography recall Mauua Loa if they havo forgotten other things about the islands AH revolutions and troubles iu that region centre in Honolulu Tuere has never been any trouble outside of tbe capiiol. Biotd has been shed in one or two ot the rev. lutious, For mstanc, in the last oue, tbe Wilcox revolution, six pto pie were killed end fourteen were wounded. Then the revolutionists surrendered A queer man is this Wilcox. He has played an important part iu tbe Hawaiian troubles. He is a halt" caste, who waa sent to Italy by ibe government to become an engineer. While he was there he married n I'alian princess, whom bo took to Hawaiiu with him. When he ar rived he found that there bad been a chauge in the political complexion and that he was out of a job. He, with other ot tbe younger men, clamored for political reeogni lion. They didn't get it. The Americaus there lun things pretty much to suit himselves. Then he started into stir the uatives up. lit 1 has wonderful influence among the their recogn zed leader for years. Strangely enough he is in f-vor of Huuexation to the United S ales Therein he differs from the u.olvcs who held cilice. All of tbem op pose annexation. "Hawaii for Ila wai.ans,' h-.s been their cry. I SEEN" TIIKOUGH EDWIN ARNOLD S EVES . When Edwin Arnold vibited wail last summer be wrote a ino-d entertaining description of it: AniOug other things he said : "I had imagiued the Hawaiian cluster to be opposed of densely wooded islets and isles, with dark I foliage spread all over the plains ! and ciimbing to rounded hills. Hut I see a land much more broken and varied than my anticipation, the lowlands rather bare of trees aad vegetation, the uplands, ascending by ascending by .-lopes, tinted with the tender green of growing crops ) to volcanic Sierra, very rugged, na ked, aud majecMc in outline, seam ed aud lis3ured vvjtu innnrueiabe giens, each nursing a gradually di rninisbing ribbon of verdant mi brodiery, "At one extremity of the ionc ! r-rese n f 111 v.-fiicli TLi!ml:i!n nea'It- u, hr roVH ,) coc,auut pala,M aJid l)HrMna, f.,s j)r.cipiUtely tbe yeilovv and red :;r ep of -Diamond j Head, and on the other ranges into tar distauC a lolty line of peaks, lift ed Irom tbe bottom of the sea by aucent aud stupendous telluric spasm. "The channel is narrow by which the quiet inner kijbor is reached. But there is plenty of water there. Honolulu from the sea looks a smab jer town than sbe reaily is, being so much buried in groves and gardens. That this paradise ot tbe Pacific is not without drawback the voy ager 13 greviously reminded as he approaches Diamond Head ronnd into tbe anchorage of Honolulu. j Bioad on the port side of the, ship, ! dboUf tbirt v miles from the little ci- ty, Molokair rises fair and fertile from the ocean, the Is'a-jd of the j lepers, beautiiul enough to be a I pnrgatory for this paradise of the Pacific. i "The waterside wharves are with. oat pretension and tbe little town in its business portion looks common' place and untropieal. It disap pcintments, indeed, at first, for the shops and offices are just like tboso of a third-rate Americau city, with the usual tram-cars running along and the usual telegraph poles block, ing tbe sidewalks. "But th islanders at once attract your attention ; tbe men, well-built, brown as coffee berries, many walk iug or riding, with flower garlands reathed abont their straw hats j the women with idee oval faces, ve ry often pretty, always intelligent, animated, and gentle, dressed in the long, loose colored nightgown without a waist, which the early misciouaries invented tor their too-lightly-elMd conver'a. These) exceN lent men aie but poor modistes, and V. is to be regretted that they did not bit on something more becoming "Yet tbe Kanaka dasmels aud mations manage to wear these ab surd garments with all the grace of f which they are capable, and it la a pretty sight to see one of tbem in this clotbsbag ot a dress leap light ly into a saddle, astride, neatly jerk ing the lower part of her gown be tween her knees as she settles into hei seat, thus making the loose sack cover her lower limbs to the ankle with perfection fitness and deco um." Those are the, kind of people which the fashionable clubmau of this town wilt have to acknowledge as feliow-citizens if Uncle Sam con cludes to take Hawaii into his fold. 'The Kule Is Heine Carried Too Far. Washington Post : Conresamaa Springer, ot Illinois, ha a1, well earned reputation lor getting more po8tive rulings out of the Executive and tbe Cabinet people than any o ber mau on earth. Sometimes generally, in fact these ruling are not salted to his taste, but they are always clear. The latest instance was furnished yesterday, whe.i be called upon Mr. Bissell and put him a case. "I understand, Mr. Postmaster General," he said, "that you have determined to retain Republican, postmaster fo' the full term of four yers when nothing can be proved against their character aud ability. But suppose that a postmattr ap pointed by Mr. Harrison served throe years and died and a Repub lican successor was appointed. Will this man be allowed to serv four years dating from the issure of tbe original commission, or will be aN lowed to rve four years dating from tbe issue of his ovn com miss sion ?" "He will be allowed," said Mr. Bissell slowly and postively, "to seve out four years of his own." "Hump!" said Mr. Springer. "Well, here is a case that 1 have in mind: Near the end of his PresK dency Mr. Athur appointed a Re publican postmaster at Taylorevdle, III. Mr. Cleveland allowed him to serve four years which carried him near I v through the Democrat wai appointed. Mr. Harrison promptly removed this Democrat and named Republican in his Ptead. This Re ! puohcan seived through mere than three years of Mr. Harrison's ad mi u istratiou and then died. A Repub lican successor was appointed. Is he to be allowed to hold the office 1 j lour year. more V "He is," said Mr. Bissell. "But," expostulated Mr. Springer "that will give us a Democratic in cumbent lor little more than one j year of Mr. Cleveland's two term8.", "It's the rule," said Mr. Bissell. "It's cheerful,'' said Mr. Springer. If all reports given out concern ing Bissell are true, he is simply a mug-wurap and unworthy ot the confidence placed in him. CourijebJ T "V" 7KNTiON I nsts revolutionized I IN V ENTIUN I the wor d during ta9 la?t ba'f century. Not least amon tbe wonders of inventive progress is a method and ty:em ot work that cn be perform"? all over the country without separaVn the workers from their honvt 1's.y hi' eral; any one can do the work; either sex, y oune: or old; no special ability required capital nt needed; you are started free. L'ut this out and return to us and wc wil sen J you tre5, something of great value ana iai porta nee to you, that will start vou in bumea, which will bring you in more money right away, than anything else ic the world. Grand outfit free. Address True ic o., Augusta, Maine.

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