X' (13 IflMIEB. A ill IE 3L CuihivJl from fint )7.7'M HIS MOTHER'S CHOICE. ..aii.i without me Tnat was two : . .. I months ac:c. I have not v. rum" ; home, or heard from theie, nr.ce 1 j iir ' I Hiinnose Miss Courtland is there, but I do not know.'' W.Mi thpn I leave here Thnrs 5 day. If T'i receive a favorable au.ver before that, time come to uue ; if not well, that i all." "O, Avip, rnnst we part like that?'1 "LIow else can we part ? ' Hut if I have no answer by that time ? ' -Then you can come and bid me good-by, and i wiil ive you nj address.'' "la that all ! Well,'' with a siigh. "I suppofle 1 mast be satihed.'' "Certainly you must." It ia almo3t suosat when they r turn. Avis will not invite him x miu ; aud, as Jessie is not vi.sibl'1 to do po, he bun must 0- Now h .has taken leave of her, she &em t far away afjain, and as he dweht upon the future he in tortured ly Uoub's and fears. Although he ton ben so pure of h' immediate re lease, he suddenly peems filled wuh apprehension. Suppose Mary nho-jld refuse to give htm batk hi troth T NonstnH. But the mo' f be cries "nonsense," the greater grows his uneasiness; until he al most decides to go to her, iustead ol writiuj;. Almost, but not quite, fui hecunuot ruke up hi-j mind la leave the place as long as Avis Is here, and ho hi3 m;.s3i"e is eui, j vet says again taking possession o asking for a dissolution of o ul - j her, t r she had slipped trom In wise a contract. With feverish anx- ' encircling arms dnrmg the explar lety he Jiwits the au9wer, which ation, "I most earnestly protest, yci does not aruve uutil a lte mail ou i most append the name of Ainfs Thusdav. His hand trembles as hrj 1 worth, to pieaso reef persuasive!;:. o-ens the daiuty, sweet-aceuted let- j "Yes, do. Marling,'' adds his nu t'.-r and reads : ther. "DEAR, DEAli U AltoLU : I can- j And she allow herself to be per not give you up. You have becom e j saaled. so inexpressibly dear to me, that j 31 r. ;1 n h 'ie'nS I a 1 e 111 en i . life without vou would be a dreary waste. You must love me, even aa 1 love you. Co n" to me ;1 long to s,ee you. And do not hate me for saying it 1 will not give y 3a back your troth. MARY,'' "Yes, 1 will ee her ! This love for me must be myth ; and when I tell her all, ahe will no longer wish to hold me.'' Then he is wildly impatient to be oft. and hunidly make preparations to dt part. lie calls on Jessie Al ton to bay good bye, and learns that Avis left early in the morning. Why could not bis mother have waited until he Why this baste? lusisttd upon waiting ? Why had Mary conseuted to marry him be fore she taw him ? These ate the useless questi'-u-j which lie turn a over and over in L i 3 distracted mind dunng tus comtortlesa journey. When he tiuds himself again in iiicj imniK.t's ; itsencehe knowa it 13 tor lo; e ot her that he accedfcu to her ett leanest; and even now be lelt a pang that ha will not b able to grant tier l-stest desiie. "My dailiur nioititr, -a h it an aire it seems since I have seen you !'' he aims, clasping her in his arms. "My dear tiny," she letutus, fonj lv returning his caicsvs, "wheie h u yiu kept yourself ail this time; r ot even a line to tell mii wheie you .ie. .Maty has just returned Horn h- r vbir, :i;;d I " "Returned ! and h s.s she not Leeu s :tti on -ii ( l:e time !" "Na ; ns so n a we ;ii lived hete sije f. 1.1 ml y letter a-viiiia: 'her mi a f r m 1 1 t t,t to 1 cliii liiootl. ot wh'Kii shy .' fs Vf-ry loud, j.kirii.' h r I 1 -pend t'-.' -a uu t'i witii her; atid, ,v, she w f. p'ioi h r life vvitti u--,ot .j virse I ' 'ul-1 t aise n. vi 'HixiuiH t gr, 100 hert- fo 've!eom I reproachf nil v. H" uirns :iwav con-eicus strn k- 1 i -Hnweve'-. 'mm fileinl. Miss Ah! i I,. m sh c j.e h-rs'.dt ' :is the df-i.'-n . !,.wn aide. a'td a alight, g-.tcetn! Lro! ai.lvniics rowad t hjm : "Marv, let me present to von ', -or turure h unhand; II Hold, '.ci' ' a' Ore Wife," .'..fH ;;dei his !'io,':f eh I'he '.? . a j ; a ! ' : 'oe, for s:.s-h i t(, h'tn. ! -i r !' hlo-.e:" t-arm ar io moet . side, is raid r-'.v he'ore hvn. v.'lnle he re-i' v 'roQi ojip t i o' ner. "A v:j Atliet t'!i ! v. hat- d v V. tn an! he at'.eiaptin" fo c!a' tier in Ids ai m. 'N," aa (, waviag hiiu o tl", -you v l.di to l" free, here,'' pro- 1 1 1 1 c i 1 1 u a j.i'-ca ot paper, your lei.ter .kin for our engagement to be canceled. Go ! yon ar noth in to irie n'sv 1" and turning-, &he flings herselt upon his mother's i.K'u.si, and laying h. he l.itTCl'rt tdiOilldit r. i.ui u.n .., i.-,.. i your answer, iel.,s.u- to give "o ,1. , . . , !n 41. r.rr. up, and,'' drawing i lose to iii'r, -, t r:ih accept. imr tirrn , .mm.-., litis ho gently, but rlrmly unclasp the clinging arms ftoui hi motlier'f necL, and transfers theui to his own and kiM-es iiway, or rather int d-i-per bluoni, tbe gatherM lluaht' oj h ei ihetks. "Why, you children, jou have quite deprived me of the iower o hpeech. So it Metms you knov each other ! ' exclaims Mrs. Ains wi-ith, hi deepest aIoni.iimeiit. It is not until Haroht explains all i 1 1 his mother that he reme!n ! ber that it was not Mar; Courtland, but Avis Atheiton whom i j he has known. I "Oh, that ia easily explained," J answers Avis, gaily, to his qnestioc, ! "my name wa Avis Mary Alherton ' when I knew Jessie years ago, but, . after mamma married ajram, M'. j Courtland insisted that 1 shou d i ;ake his i:arne, and also declared j thut 'A s Avis was too fanciful :i name, 1 nhonld be called Alary, j I have been known as Mary Cour j land for ten years, I had almost tcr. ; gotten that I ever bore any otbei j until I went to Je'e, and she po itively refused to know me by u y I new name, and I again became Avi s I Atherton. It brought back tbf happy days ot my childhood, arr now 1 intend to remain Avis Athe -ton." "Not so bis", Kweftbearf," her k W ashington, April 20 Secretary' Caaliaie to-night made the follow ing statement regarding the finan cial situatiou : Tn the exercise of diecretiouar y power couferred upon the Secretary of the Treasury by the act of Jul,,' 14, 1890, he has been paying gold for the com Tieanry notes issued tor the purchase ol silver bullion and he will continue to dp so as long as he has gold lawfully for that purpose. Under this proces the goven.meut has beeu and l i i now paying gold tor silver bullion I and Mary met ? j and storing silver in its vault . teed uutil about the 1st of Septeoi Why had he not j where it is as useless for any pur. ' ber, when if favorable condition pre- pose of circulation or redemption a! vail as to rainfall and heat, it starts iron, lead or any other commodity. : Up agaic. furnishing tine pasture "The government, in tho tirs. ; a the tVdl. Kedtop holds fairly place, i i.vusa coin Treasury notes it . we!l and h especially well and is w nayineut for silver bullion, and then p;;ciallv valua-dv for lands some the coin Treasury uote is presente i j tt haf damp. F l meadow yra-'N a tho sub treasury and guld is paid ! may also lie tried in a limited way uu' for it ; so that tho effect is pie- j where ifcdfop tuoceeds. cisely the same a- it gold were paic. j Orchard grass should be sown in diiertiy for silver. Iu ttie first ins i the pastures for the purpose of fur stattre, about SiJOO.UOO of gold , niahing a vmiety, hut ahoukl never which was withdraw u trom the snb' J he ,owu alone. For meadows the treasury on lat Tuesday tor ship ! standatd mixture is timo hv aid merit abroad, was paid out ou the-e ! clover. Oichaid grass can sown coin trea.-ury u-'.-tes. No order hai i rtloug with clover, with or vithour oeeu made to atop the payment of the timothy, Itoaube cut L'aib'.r gold upon these note1, nor has au i rhan timothy and fuhy as eariy as one hueu atiihoiized tv say thar : eiovei. .Meadows produced fiom such an order wcnld be bsued-1 he mixture ot this wit h c'over can T!i" jnirt-oc ot the government to! he cut much earlier than where tiuu prcsrve its vn ere lit uidmpatre othy is sown. (Jrde ?s out tery ear and .-Loiiidaiu thu paiiiy o! the two I Ij-orchard grasa loaded a woody mot;.l by all lawful means, wiil not i uasalisfaetoiy hay. beabr done l under any circum: Of the newer candidate tor fa'.or stances. Iu view ot the existing leu' in the meadow the Only one we have '.-le.tiv.li thei'idy qUdoiio.i t .t coo. - . ii;,j any success wiih is the (a I sotr iati.-u 's as to uie.MUres that ! meadov oat glass, wtiich we find oaghi t no o i .pto-.i to msuie tlje aeeonq.lishmeut of these purposes, ' h ly is somewhat hitter to the taste, a:n.l i.p.Mi this question there is, oh but fairly weil liked by cattle. It eour.-e, loom for wide differences of i ij'et.s evt-n t-aiiier than orcL ml opinion. !era-s, From the stiff natuie ot lis i "Tiie ?olal steck of irold coin aud gold bail ion now in tbi com : try, in-. eluding what i held by the reas. : j ury. r.s call as whr. s ln-l I jhose v. ho -Aish to expsiiu"t wuh banks an el lndivduMs, aniount to r.4.sse for meadows 1 wouiet rece.n ; a ':o; sTddOU VOOih neiid the ne ol souk- als ke, oi- ! "When I .'.une into (lie TfeaMi'v chaid ;rass and (tit oat gras", aiorg j 1 'eisrtn.v-n' on ttie seventh day o x i clover and tKfOihy. y :.'.:c!. 'he amount of fioe gal t or. Many ot oar faimets seem yet I h.oo h'd i'eer, i. lu.ad to 50S7.0Ui, : not pr..per!y nn.histatid the vege i be.t. hv iviaiiciiunt with Wear em ttion o? theclovet plant, laheriag ha' k-'. it 'va- inerease.i on the under the impression that it i nec- 1-t .f Apt it. it amounted ro near'y ! e&sarv to sow some grain orop wuh j 'S.ht0.0'v. Th-n havv shipment i tf 4'ft: to . n adr" and . v' dars : ! j we had ni ah- nf 4iU00. Lur. ii v I it ai;uif-ts f- S-V",M':0. atier ddnc.' j i-i v.hat has leen wiihdfawa Iroai t'le sab-TreaiUi y u d ly lor n b i f. -! ment. "Arrangements are uo-.v iu pro- gress by which more gold i- to be;i the season is Uvorable ; at least procuied from West, and I hopej heavy patnra-:b w.li be afforded in that a sufficient qaanity will be so. cured to keep the gold reserve in tact. tht ,an Lt y to uum'L all wlit ate it ialereRK.a in maintaining a .. clllIVIlfJV wouM sonud and atahlecmreitcy ouWl sit th Secretary oi" the Treatiiy to the extent of. their ubditieH, the exist !nt difiiculties would eoon le- move 1." In addition to this a'aremen Seeiefary Carlisle na'd that SSOO. 00 in irold had b-en taken out of 1 the suh-tteasury in New York toda J for export. The clasof money pa d 1 in info the tub-treasury for this god j IZ withdrawal included $400,000 in ! j; uold e;itiri'ates which to that a- j J ai'.unt, did not ledace the gold ! n re:-nv', because they themselves . wi re pjacileaily gold So the jic tnal gold reducMon of the day waa j oni $400000, leaving a'balance as ! ;.r: btated above. I Th's is the first considerable aniount of gold certiticaies paid in to the sub-treasrsry for gohi export (or many y-ars and eucouragea the Treasary officials to hope that the brinks, seeing the situation, 'il! co'itioe to preeeut go'd ce-tifieate--, in part payment at least, for go!u withdrawn tor export. Grasses For Pasture And xIcti" dow. Since ISbO much time, labor and money have been expended at the ! agricultural experiment station to j ascertain what grasses are best. Dtte are some of the things told by j ! Professor Henty in a report made j I tor Hoaid's Dairyman and of gene' rai interest. He says : j Of clovers the mammoth furnish- j es yeed which brings a good price j and is probable valuable for turn- j ling under. Generally, howevei, j medium red clover sewn since j-, j gives better satisfaction for hay making. The alsike clover deserves more friends thau it has at present It is especially valuable for sowiu ou lauds sbghilv damp. It hold. much heater whm pastured by stock than does le.i clover, the plants often lasting several years in pastures- The stems of the alsike are finer and b-tter relished b' tftock, especially wheep, thau ar the coarser stems of the red ciover Alsike seed brings a very good'rke We have tried a camber of other clovers, but none that will compare i with alsike aud the medioai red. Among the grasses the Kentucky blue grass holds supreme sway with us for pastures. It is commonly known as "June grass" iu this State. This grass starts very early in the spring and furnishes abundance of hnhi-: i)ie(tv well. ttie oat ?ja?8 a' raw u pi e vents clover iro-o fnllint; over, enaoliag it to dry out qaickei aftei bein j cut wMtu a ii.oer. To' 1 the over to piotcc-r ir, -Tne tmth ;s ;:. s-r e bet when miwh ' y itself or aith ot'ier gra!fc. ud .vifhoat any nn:s i.-rop f any kin J. Wijfic It Ks iiitpoitaiit Id et a m.h1 crtard ct e.loVeT ko'.v il b ifseif In tnat ea-M- a jood crop ot hay can hi cut from tiie sreiiii ih" tiisl er the fall. Subscribe for the Courier r: i?53 nrm rcza cms. K FLOWER SEEDS vf? FRFF ' .V:;v::'::V -,r-lIi5' 1 llUL' 8 f ;i':;Vj--r r.aai u?iJ.;! U jLf Vr r .if.ct.Uyt.uk V Wl1 ' . ' - l ton i..s l..in' 5 Sc t'i t.M..r..h ..,... ;:.w.U. rr.-l.n-. ;4 .!- Vr.-' V llire5 . .. J '-' i r h..i till SPfiCliLCFrL,! v a nt:'.v.i. pro :u V 1 "I.'-- ', ''' Thirty. I O 11 . .. CM, I. '.r r. i . I.! .1). v .irl-l t r 4ne AH II G I (.,,.,. . .. , . i. ..-.i. . ;.t !i,!1."..-.H,yf. . - ; r .: I I -v.4t ;... A vt'-cs-,: I K. Ji. iM,;;i, CO.. -17 i'urU. l'lui-e. New Vork. i ".ST 1 1 K N GT I i AN r II i : A L i , 1 ? If y.jii are ii'-t frfiin,' -' n; iT-d in-nlt! y I try tlecrne l't ers. i i L:i v (." has ie!' I you wrak fn,j weury, i: e F.lcctnc Hi;Urs ! ThU r-in--'ilv threciiy ..n Liv.r, ? - in. ' Hch nJ Kijn ye. gemlv i lio-' ?i.'-e : I gtns to pe-'''"! n their futictions. If y -n a- ; atilictoa witb nek li earache. yja will line spe.oy ant j errr:nf!:t roli-t' t- iik'-n; hjectri fitters One i ril will c nvir.o you that this is t-eroru'-dj' you need. Lar i bottler niy ."".Oc ut J -M Juwinj;'s drugtor Job Pess for Sale. We w !'.e P'sur ivt7i. : til c'asa Jol Pre'js ! 10x15 in- d i- iT,,od r.ri liW. ddns Lincln Courier, Lin- Coi-'oa;, N. () MllLUON LADIES ARE DAILY RECOMMENDING li a PERFECTION VlUfW 0 ADJUST. BLE UllUE -f5i It expands across tho Ball and Joints. Tliis makes it TliSBEST FITTINS, NICEST LGOKIlId, and MOST . COMFORTABLE SHOE IN PRICES, S2, S2.53, S3, S3.5). CONSOLIDATED SHOE CO. Manuf.icturers, nn, - - Mass. Shoes made to measure. To b fou""d f.r Jenl'in-' I o-. Going to Buy A Dictionary? CET THE BEST, J ? Webster's IuternationaL t A Choice Gift V v " v A Gratia! Family Educator vj A Library in Itself v ' ". J The Standard Authority V J KMT W ' A . -.rt SOLD PA ALL BOOKSELLERS. The luterr.ati.'iial is a new book from J cover to cover, i nay abreast of the times, T Jpii'i is tbc sucttssor ct tho autbeutic T 2 rui ibriJs.i." Ten ye rs were spent In T T i evisin?. Hia editors employed and over X J $3uii.-oa r xr.tnded Leici3 iue first copy J 2 was rioted." T 2 t- r.M buy reprints of obsolete and? T ccrriTmative)-.' votu :es? eautona. J 6peciaien pagss ee! full particulars. C. : C. MERPIAM CO., Pufclishers, O SPRINGFIELD. MA33., U. S. A. $ J Caveats, a nd 1 ntJc-i -..naea. end 11 Pat- J Jent b;isme?s coriducted ir mdcbati Fees'. OUR CFFXE 13 OcFOStTE U. S. PTENT OFFICE Jsna .-ccaa " "U'e pa en i in ics t.u.c Ann those J remote fril Wa.Oiir.vf'.on. i-end model, dra-.viriif or photo., with descnp- J Jtioii. U'c advise, if patcatablG or cot, irts ofj . n... nn i. . till fs.l.r.1 IS conir.H ;C,A.SKW&C0.5 0 t t Opp. Patent Grr.cE. Washington, o. C. BROWN'S XROrJ jifFfERS ' Cures Dyspepsia, In digestion & Debility. mm A PAMPMicr, "How Obtain Pato&ts, vr;th Jcost ci s;;rie ia the U. . and foreisncounuiesj s se-t frsc AQure?f, FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the Lincoln cotjmek ONE YEAR FOR $1.25-6 M. 65 CTS. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vance, the price is strictly SI.50. PUBISHED and EDITED BY - J. M. ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper devoted tc the interests ot Lincoln and sur ronndin counties aud to the Stat of North Carolina. Subscription, 1 year, S1.25. 6 months, 65 cpnts. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Subscribe COUNTY DIRECTORY. COUNTY OFFICE U.S. Sheriff, J. K. Giine, Lincolnton,H C Ct k. bun. Court, C. E. Child?, " Reg, ot Deeds, B. C. W ood. " " treasurer, L. T. Willkie. " Surveyor, C. C. Bess. " " Corfi-er, J. O wffir, Supt. Pub. Inst. J. M Roberts. BOARD CF COUNTY CCI ib3IONKRS. P. M Boatman, Cnm'n, tanjotnton, N. C A. L (.'herry , Triangle, ' J. E. Reitihard:, lruo St'Ttion, P. A. Keep. R-epsville, W. M. IJull, Or! tans, COCNIY BOARD Of EDUCATION. R. Z. JohDton, Chm'n, Lincoir.tcr. ,c . J I lss. S tV. Godson, i'OdT MISTRESS- Miss Nannie C. Hoke. TOWN OFFICERS. Mayor. J M-Robert. fecretary j; Treasurer, AT. K. Edwurds Town CW-t. Chag. Jetton. Loramiessoner? : HW Burton. SG Fin-; ley, Hu3h Jenkins, LJ Houser, R S Ed - ward?, Li T Wiikie. J A Abernethv, W Lj croase. ' arrival of m ail3 I Miw od C C Uaiiay, "distributed 6:30 P MaiVoo Narrow E.ilw.y, used 4:00 P M ani U M. , bur Kouip, via Reey-f ville, leaves Lin.: coition at 7 A M, Moniays. Ti In , h , , ' and Frriava; arrives at Linco'.nton at 4:0 P Men Fridays, Thursdays and Saturdav3 ! Pcelic School? open December, Jan'j-' ary, February and M arch j Board of Commissioners meet first Mon. 1 day in each month. Town Council meet first Friday niebt in eacn mor.tb, at 7 o'clock- Boir.D o? Er,rriTTn c . . . nuaryune, beptember and December. Godey's for 1892. 1'oU NEED A MAOAZINS IN TOCaFAUILT. (Jet one that gives tho best satisfaction for the money. Goaey s wiileave you ia "Dress Iimts' ten times its cost in one year. f odf v'a will trive vou a hotter idea of bow to dreoi an i wbat materials to ue than any similiar publication. Goduy'i will continue the Children s Corner, wbch has been so favorably re eeived nnd enjoyol by our younger read ers. GoJey's'will give you ia tact the beat of everything within its coveis. Include tng a. it livi's Literatur, Fhionp, Music, EoraviDg, Dress hints, Homo Talks, Et iquette, etc., etc. With Hie .January iseue we will begin two new serial entitled : Tlu Ilifiplino ofl'aiu, I'r too.K Fawcett, A story it .New Vork lile, written iu bis best vein and uianiier. tils national rep utation is at any liiue a guarantee ot au iiitcreatnig 'loveltte larforle Lee, Hv MaRURE spencer. Who e I right nnJ attractive letters from Wa?bintrton have met wilb so much lavor from our readers. Tb story U locat ed in the Capital, and as the authoress berselt resides there it is full of reul inci dents. We predict for "Marj- rie Lee" a warm reception trom ur -ub-; rit'er.", who win t't- suio tc tind her v-ry wiumiuic, and h e! that the :utbores hs worked tor itiern a lairy weh tliat Las many beauties and ral interest woven in its meshes. For the latter montbs we have a number of Serials an t :ibort Storied by the. best autlnts. The Legend cf the Latiters.by Mrs. Olivia Lovell il-ron. i'hia charming etory wil run through several numbers, ar. t Mid ht illu'tratel with original photogravures by Will Philip Hoopei. Tne Autobiogtaphy cf Mary, by Adf Ma vie Peck. To those who have 'eac "The Fdjean Mystery." by this author, wt LeeJ say nothing except that it is thought to he tetter (if possible) tnan any ot hei previous efforts. in addition to our u-ual number of irhon Stories we shall publish a series ot article: entitled : 'Advice trom Everywhere, ' by Olivia Philips. Embracing sjch subject? as the tick room, home nursery, children's nursery, amusements lor the shut-ir.s, s minister's outing, a year ell spent, ;tc ft rn 4 I Godey furnishes daritjg ths JL J JL Jjyear over 1000 pages of en tertaining illustrative useful homo matter, desirable and instructive to every lady ic the land. .NO riCE.Any person desiring to raise ? Club should snd tor our ciicular to clut raisers. Wo pay large cash commissions ir beautiful io;d cotly premium. Single ubscrij ti ns, . 0 a Year, Al ways in Advance- Sample copy, 13 cents. Address Godey's LaJv's Book, Box II ii. Phil.'Pa. THE COURIER JOURNAL Louisville, Ky. Subscription Bates, Daily and Sunday HO. 00 a year. Daily without Sunday t'S 00 a year, Sunday $2 00 a year, Weekly il 00 a year. The Weekly Coiirier-.Iouriiiil ilns the large-t circulatioh of any Demo cratic newspaper in the United htates anc proposes to double or treble its already :ar&e circulation. iSn WT 9 BY GIVING AWAY flU VV i EACH AND EVER! j DAY to some on1 asp'endid High. Arm! Sewing Machine or a handsome Gold ! .Vatch, absolutely 'ree. Pull particulars i in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample copy ree. Send for one Address, W N HALDEMAN, Tres. Courier-Jourriai Company, Louisville, Ky Subscribe, tor the COURIER. A COMPLETE N-PAPEREW. THe pride oF North c.vv.ol Ixa.v li. llingsbury , LL D Win 11. He irno, - Editorial L'taff Do you want to aid in tuildin up a paper that shall, lellect the areatst crrdir on North Carolina? uo ni ttter vfiere it may be seen then p itr on ize THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. The Daiiy Messenger and the Wt-eklv aeneuger, Published at Wilmington, N. C. L'he Goldshoro Transcript Mesen arr Publiahed at Gddborof N.C They are Large Eight Page Pa pers. Do you want a reliable paper v'ivin: you all Hie newa of the worid a Democratic newspaper that equ -lis tho oedt ha.i the largest en dilation and but for more than 21 ears been a part and factor iu the growth and development of the Old North State ? Then Subscribe for the Measeuger TRIAL RATE3: Daily Messenger, I y toail 4 inoe. on fial, S2.00 Ueekly Wilininotou Alessen tir, 8 mos: Goldsboro Trautcript-Uessen-er, 8 mos. X'ASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Talmayii'M :3ermons are ture ot all thiee Papeis. 1.00 1.00 fea To Young j Mothers mm . "T. - x J Z UaKCS Child Blrffl EafiV 5 2 Cwl" t . Cd5JB l Shortens Labor, J Lessens Pain, J I E"dorsed by lhe Leading Physicians. I J 2 SOLD BY ALL D RUGG I s T S I ,t,.1"3- J wiiIm iwiiTi Wie, Cab, wa9 slct, vre gave her Carl. WewasaChAT , M a -hUL cried for Castorta '' she MTUataJChiJdrea.slie nen aue became Hiss, she dung to Castorta. gave them Castor ir SUBSCRIBE TO XhK STATE CHRONICLE KA LEIGH, x. C. " DAILY AND'WELKLY. Latest telegrahic news frora all parts of tho world. (By United Vnu and vV ire.) r llaa the lragest daily circulation in tl, State. lias more State correspondents than at v other daiiy in the State. Twelve months, $G.OO ; Six montht 3 jc Three months, 11,50. ' ' Weekly. $ 1.25 per year, in club ot fir or over, $ , T.RiJEMGN, Eiitor, K. W. LiTcnroRD, Manager. BUCKLEN'S AUlcA SAL YE. Tho best salve in the world fur caU bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, levtf seres, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain, corns, and all skin eruptions, and poutivei ly cures j.iles, or no pay required. It n guaranteed to give pertect s a ti si action, or rnonej refunded. Price 25c. per box. For sale by Lr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist- RirOLT KAlti ROAD. ; Soutt Carolina Division, & L. N.Q Daily except Sunday.) IN EFFECT May 15th, 189L'. CHESTER & LENOIR N. G. R. R. Southbound Morthbuual No 11 No. 12 Lv. 8 30 arr LellOir Ar. 9 16 p m a 33 Hickory 3 05 1007 Newton 7 15 10 58 Lincolutou 6 20 1145 Dallas 5 33J 1211 Gaatouia 5 20 s 1 20 pin Yorkville 4 10 g Ar. 2 4.5 Chester Lv. 30oaia OHERAW;& CHESTER N. G.Rfi Southbound Northbound No- 0 Lv 4 05 pin Chester i No. 10 ar 11 38 am It 40 j 0 58 iLv 9 20 4 56 Richbarg 5 38 Ar 6 28 Fort Lawn Lancaster CHARLOTTE & ST ATES VI LLE iTo 64 mixed No 65 mixed Lv5 20pm'Oharlotte !Arll20am G 42 Huntersville 10 05 9 35 9 07 Lv 8 00 7 10 7 36 Ar S40 Davidson Mooresvtlle Statesville Daily. Lvl0 45 am Charlotte 11 30 LIunteraviIle 11 50 'David&on No 11 Ar t 20 pra 5 37 5 16 am 4 57 Lv 4 10 12 09 Ar 12 55 Mooresville Statesville No. 12 leaver Statesville for Tay lOrsviile 1.10 f . m., arrives Taylorai ville2 25p.m. Returning, leaves Taylornville 2 50 p.m. arrives Statea vi lie 4:00 p.m. For detailed information as to lo cal and through time tables, rates and Pullman sleeping-car reserva Houh, confer with local agents or address Jas.L. Taylor, Get-,l Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. W A. Turk, A. G. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. A. Dodson, Supt., Columbia,S.Q W 11 Green, Gen. Mr, Atlanta,Ga 3ol Haay, Tratiic Mgr Atlanta.Ga CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDULE MOVING WEST. . XUMEEJi 4? Dailv exceDt Sundav. Passenger, Mail & ExPREes Trau. STATIONS. ; Arrive. Leave. Wilmington j 9 00 a m Ubarlotte 8 50 p m 4 00 p m Paw Crek 4 18 Mt Hoily 4:30 Stanley Creek 4 48 Iron 5 05 Lineolntou 5 22 Oherryville 5 50 Vac 5 59 ' Shelby 619 Lattimore 6 39 Aooresboro 655 Ellen boio 713 -Bostic j 7 35 Fore-t City 7 47 Rutherfordton 1 8 00 1 p m MOVING EAST. NUMBER ia Daily except Sunday. Pa9kncer, Mail fe Etjkes8 Ikiia. J STATIONS. I U..lL. .f I a. . Arrive, i Llavis. ifciuuei ioiu ion Forest city Boh tic Ellenb'iro Mooreaboro Lattimore shelby Waco Cherry ville Lincolnton Iron Stanley Creek Mt. Holly Paw Creek Charlotte a m 11 50 12.01 Wilrningtou 6:50 n m Through pas-enger train No 23 and leaver Chailotte for Raleteh Portmouth,Va , at 430a.m Thiouph paseDger train No. 41 leaver Pol tsm,.nth, Va., at 8 a. id. and arrives at Charlotte 11:00 p m. Wm Monccre. tSutt. Local fr-ittht train No. 7 le&vei Charlotte at 8 a m, Lincolnton 10:2 a tn and arrive? at Shelby 11:15 a Q, Local freight train No. 6, leaves Shelby at 1.45 p rn,Lincointoo 3:l0 p o and air.a- at Charlotte 5:30 p to. No. 6 and 7 ran dily except San day and carry passengeis. Passengers and mail train No. 24 leaves Charlotte at 8:15 p m and arrives at Wilmington at 8:00 a m. Pa.Ntiengf r and mail tram No. 23 leaves Wilmington at TpmandaN snaiiia Noai SiNaohs Gsn'uoTssSipuiaoxq -no ji aa ah xvivft JOi

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