flE ILIM(B4DiLM (BUMIEIB LINCOLN COURIER, LOOAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. ROBERTS, Editor. " cmJKUH DiKECTOKY. I'rksbytkrian. U v. R. Z, Johnston, l(,(.,r liiii.r ec-ry 2nd, and 4tb - , . , . 1 1 v and 8 1'. M. ..'ii- every Sunday 5 P. M.. mi: i. r yuuujj people every Wednesday i, p in Preaching at Iron Station on first Suudavs, 3 1 M. i'reacbing at Paper Mill Academy on 4th Sundays, 3 P. M. MKTiioDi3T. Key. M. T. Steele, Pas tar,. Preaia every 1st and 3d Sunday 11 A. M., and 7:3J, P. AI. Lutukran. Kev J. A, Rudiaill, Pas tor, iielhrjhage every 1st Sunday ; Trinity, every 3i Sunday ; Daniel's every 2nd and 4th Sun'oay. Hour 10 a. m. LUTHSRA.N". Rev. L. L. Z,ohr, Pastor St. Mark's every 21 Sunday ; Cherry ville every 4h Sunday- Hour, 10 a. m. Lutheran' Ohio Synod. Re?, 13. L. "Wtstenbitrger, paa,or, Lutheran Chapel, every 2nd Suaiu7 at 10:30 a. m: and 4th Sunday at 3 p m, Ebenezer, 2nd Sunday at 3 p ra and 4th Sunday at 10:30 a m. Laboratory Milte, on 2nd and 4th Sundajs at 7 p m. Bethel, 1st and 3rd Sundays, at 10.30, a m. Friday's School House, lt anl 3rdSandys, 3 pm. Baptist. Rev. M. P. Matheny, Pasto.-. Preaching every 31 Sundays at 11 A. M. and 8 00 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 3 P. M" Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7:00. Episcopal. Kev. "W.R. Wetniore,Ke:i tor. Services every Sunday at 11 a na, ex cept 2d Sundays ; at night, on lt, 2nd ani every other 4th Sunday; Holy Communioa lit and 3rd Sundays ; ca.' echoing of chile ren every 3rd Sunday in the P M. A 1 coraialiy myited to attend. Seats Free. LINCOLNTOJS, MAY 12, 1893. 3tev Advertisement Sale of L;nd J, F. Reiuhardt. Sale of Land RudisM & Ader holdt. Sale ot Valuable Laud. W. B. Iloover, Adm'r. Send in your snbscription for the Cocriek. Judge W. A. Hoke came hoax' last Taesday for a ebort stay. Mrs. Martin, of Shelby, spent . few dajs in Liocoloton this week- Send os in the Dews from your neighborhood. Any one wishing a good teachei for the (summer will please apply at this office. Mis Sallie Nixon who has beer visiting Mrs. A. Nixon for severa . week returning hotrip, to Triangle ld9t Tuesday. Miss Christie Wadell of Shelby , and .Misses Alice Raiser and Mag gie Cofield of S. C, are visiting Miss Alice Grigg. Master Carl Detter was riding on a velocipede last Friday and wa tbrowu off. and his left arm was fractured. Ministers and Justice's of the Peace will oblidge bv sending in notices of marriage on a postal card or otherwise- Mnr-ied May 3rd. 1S93, by Rev. M. T. Steele, Mr. J. O. Featherston of Gaston county, and V.iss Lula Sberrill, of Lincoln. Miss Mary and her little sis ter, Mattie, and Master James Moore, of Gaatonia, passed through Kincolnton last Wednesday on their way to ielativea near Lenoir Miss Alda Motz teturned home " last week from the Shelby graded school. She was accompanied by Misses Christmas asd Allen, also teachei s in the school. The papers have coutained ac counts of very destructive cyclones in different prts of the country re ceutly. Some parts of this State have been visited by heavy storms. Miss S tHie Hoke, of Linco'n ton, who has been the guest of Mrs. Senator Vance for two months or more, was here yesterday on her way from Washington to Atlanta While hrre she was the guest of Mrs. F. 1. O.ibntne. Charlotte Ob server Let every body seekiug health ful water and bracing air come to Lincolnton this summer. Mr. Ed- wards says he will fill his hotel with summer visitor-, and there is the Lithia Springs with a magnificent hotel adjoining. The Courier some time ago asked for the proceedings ot the county Alliance bat has never re ceived anything from it. We have locked for a report in the Alliance papers, but have not seen anything. Mrs. 0. C Wier.sball, of Liu colnton, was at the Central to-day, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs, J. B. Rees, of Anniston, A!a, Mrs. Rees was returning to her home in Alabau&, aUer a visit to her mother. Charlotte Aries. -The bicycle tever has taken posession of Lincolnton in earnest and old and yonDg are alike seized by it. It would seem that the horse is about to be set aside and the two wheeled vehicle used in hia Btead. -Married iu Lincoln county on the 1th of May, 1893, by Rev Aba raham Hollifield, Mr. John tt. Uol lifield of Rutherford county, N. C. to Miss Etta Iluffstetler of Lincoln county, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Ilnffstetler, of Liucolu county. While Mr- L. B. Wetmoro was out driving with his wife in Newton last week the horse became fright ened and Mrs. Wetmore in attempt ing to jump from the baggy Was painfully hurt- The inj Dries, bow ever, were not serious. Attention is called to the fact that the board ot education will meet the first Monday in June for the purpose of appointing commit teemen for the public sohcols- This 13 in accordance with a change made in the achool lay made by the last General Assembly. The ahelby Review last week reported that au illicit distillery had been run iu a certain man's kitchen in aiieiby for about eight months previous to the recent election on license or no license in that town. That was a culinary enterprise of a peculiar kind. W e are m receipt of a book published by Rev. Mr. Groome, ed itor of the Western Carolina Adcocare, Asheville, N. C. The book contains sketches of travels m the old wor d and is lull of interest, besides tl o book Is written :n very readab e style. The newlv elected board town commissioners met last Fr day night, A. Nixon. Mayor, presid ing. Mr. H. E. Ramsaur was elect; ed secretary and treasurer. TSe board is composed of good men and tney win no douot do toe best tvr the town possible with the limited resources at their command. Mr. Aubrey Motz who has b6en in New Jersey for several years has returned home for the summer. Mi Motz has make several trips to Ec rope since he has been gone. He is now a thoroughly eqaiped ma chinist, having taken a thorough course under some of the best work men in Camden, New Jersey- Mr. Jame A. Costner and Miss Gertrude Dewstowe, both of Ml Holly, were married at that plac Wednesday of last week, Rev. Juo. Moser, omciating. Atter toe mar riage they left for Chicago, wher they will take in the World's Fair and visit the brother of the groom, Drt Heury Costner, ot that city Mr Costner is the son of Hon. A Costner, of this county. Mrs. Nettie McMullen and children, who have beeu with her 5 patents, Rev. aud Mrs. R. Z. Johu ston for several weeks, returned to her home at Rock Hill Thursday. Mrs. McMollen had been in ill health for some time before she came bere, but she returns home great1 y improved. Lincolnton is the place to have good health. Town Constable, C. M. Jetton, and Dept. Sheriff, R. M. Beal, made an effort to capture Jno: Logan, colored, last Tuesday but Logan be took himself to the river aud got himself over on the opposite bank and made his escape. The negro is wanted for assault and battery and for a fine which he is due the town for an assault on a previous occa sion. Rev. M. P. Matheny left on Tuesday morning for Nashville Teun., whither he goe3 to attena tbe Southern Baptist Convention, to which he is a delegate from North Carolina. Mr. Matheuy will then go up to his od home above Nash ville and spend some time with his relatives. His pulpit wilT be sup plied in his absence by Rev. D. W. Tbomasoo. An important real estate deal has just beeu made iu this county. Mauney Brothers, aud Dr. W. L Crouse, of Liucolnton, have bought the Long Sboal pper mill property, consideration $19,000. Col. R. M. Oates, ot Charlotte, was in Lmcolns ton last week closing up the sale. The purchaser is to erect cotton mills on the property at an early day. The water power is &aid to be excellent. The shoals are about 3 miles from Lincolnton and the shipping point is Lincolnton. - Sherriff Cline, C. M. Jetton, T. C and Dept. Sheriff R. M- Beal arrest ed two burglars here last Tuesday night Tbe names of the parties ar Murphy and Little and both are ne 2roes. A letter was received by Mf Tnltnn wrifton he Tlpnt. D. P. Yount of Newton stating that the cu.pits wouid probably i 1 Tbev were found at col. in tne suburbs Oneolthem had a grip contamins a buncb of keys, several doz.n in number. Each one had a fine pis - , T-iflW tnnfc tol on his person. The ofheers took tbe oesroes to X.wton WedoeW morning. Thev were the mer. wantea, TIiw World's Fair. The Agent of the R. & D. R. R. Company at Lincolnton lias on s.ilo tickofs to ihe great Fair ut Chicago. Tickets via paint Jtrw-L- to Chiron and return 831.7.1. TiL-et via Linchbnrg to Cdicago and return 31.05. Good both routes until 15th November. All who wish to see the greatest exhibit the world has ever produced should avail themselves of these low rates. Ir-ontou. This being the season of the year when "that tired feeliu'7 cornea on before the sermon is half done, the meeting at the Presbyterian chuich last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, w-js reasonably attended. The services were not tedious, Ihe ser mons not too long and tbe music good. Rev. Jesse R. Peterson preached Sunday foreuoon, and the pastor was greatly rejoiced to hear him again. Rev. V. C. C. Foster, pastor at Paw Cteek, Mecklenburg county, preached Friday aud Satur day. As the seat of the oldest mem ber, Mrs Elizabeth Delliuger, wa vacant, a meruoiiai service was on ducted at 10 a. m.. Sunday, attend ed by kindred and her tnends, ex-j cept bar niece and name sake, Mrs.! Elizabeth Dellintjer Clemmer, wh has moved to Gastonia, and hence overlooked in tbe sketch pahlish.ee! last week. When homes are bereaved anc lives are shadowed, "How does the heart rejoice to hear Hh friends devoutly say, In Zion let us all appear, And keep the Sabbath Day.'' And so it was when this memorial service was announced, it brought to the church, at an early hour, a large circle of kindred and friends, into whose ears the word of God came with comfort aud hope: "And I heard a voice from Heaven saying, write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth.', Let not your heart be troubled.'' "There shall be night no more ; and they need no light of lamp, neither light of the suu ; tor the Lord God shall give them light.' ADd very tenderly was sung the beautiful hymn (Tapparis). "There is an hour of peacefut rest, To mourning wanderers given ; There is a joy for souls distrest, A balm tor every wounded breast, 'Tis found above in Heaven.' lZ. J. 'JTIiey JIajr Stop Here. Mrs. Vauce, in a letter to Mr. H. C. Ecdes, says that she aud the Senator may eome to Charlotte to morrow morning and remain here until Thursday, but that they have not definitely decided upon that point. They are on the way to Gombroon, where Mrs. Vance will spend the summer. She wrote Mr. Eeoles tnat she desired to s'ock her farm with guineas and p'geons, and requested Mr, Eccles to get her a supply of guineas in Charlotte. He went at once on the market, and in ten minutes had secured a fine lot of goiueas, which will be shipped to Gombroon. Charlotte JVews, May 9th. JL.oweiTllIe toiler. Mr. Editor : Mr. A. E. Jones continues quite sick. Durant, son of Mr A. Lee Cherry, of Triangle, is quite ill of Minningettes. Mr. Thos. Williamson killed one of his cats, and it so happened that she was the mother of, young kittens. Which fact was un known to Mr. Williamson at the time They were in the barn and an old hen finding them took them under her motherly care, and has been giving them all the attention she would a brood of chicks, ever since. Mr. William son vouches lor the truthfulness of this himself. Some of our fellows went to fish in the Catawba river the oth er night with a ''trot line'' and caught a monster. It was without fins and had teeth like a human being. It was very f3rocious when drawn into the canoe, and seized a crossbar of the canoe witli its human like teeth, and had to be killed with an ax before it woiuu release lib nom. It T -i 1. .11 ii w eigneti seerai pounusanu. is now on exhibition at Mr. Albert; Nances'. The farmers are well up with their work. Wheat is looking j Promising. Cotton is a good stand nnH hpin? rnmdlv thinned and ; I and being rapidly thinned and T L 7.wanO'WOr?ed,nt eyUnC01? liaS! t tbe iJ'JgaQ T0od color, and everything is en-, of the town. oouraeiDS to the farmer. He'; planted no politics this season,! hostilities and lasidioa opinion which leaves him free to ve his ' mastered by danntless coarse and 1 entire attention to his iieldR. inhaa3tib!e patience, the nne A mad dog is scared up eerv ampled fertility of resource acd re- f , SPVPMi -za tn be rabid . u . . , Tt6 blen killed a elv .Me w by wh.Bh th. men Mr. Ptt and wife Qf Lenoir '.med ' are visiting at Mr. H. J. King's. brought it to a triumphant Circuit Sunday School Convert- j tion of t he M. E. Church South, j convenes at Marvin Saturday be fore the 4th Sundav in May. The young people aiv looking forward to tiiat event with great pleasure. Several are to with each oth er in the oratorial art. Mr. Thos. Gudges of Asheville is at Mr. F. P. Mundey's of Den ver, will remain some months. Mr. J. D. Davis of Lucia, Gaston county was up at Unity Sunday, prospecting lor a wife. So he said. Through the kindness of a Third party friend of Triangle we were shown the Caucasiox of last week. We had not seen a copy of Mr. Butler's paper since the campaign closed and were forci bly struck by the attitude ho as sumed toward the Democratic party. His bowlings remind us very much of the capers cut by an old dog owned by our father when we were quite a small boy. Every bright moonlit night he would go out in the field and sit and bark at the moon and set up a terrible howl because the moon would not condecend to take no tice of his dogship. And if you would listen you could hear others in the neighborhood howl at in tervals too, but their howl was sympathetic DKe. we never were able to see that the moon was the least effected and never lost in wonder why they were so foolish as to wear themselves out barking at an object so far above, and so far superior to themselves. But suppose they in their humble way of thinking, thought that they were conl'ering a blessing on their race by trying to score the moon. Yours truly. Bill Shanks. A Or eat Prayer, By Dr. Milburn at the Opening of the World's Fair, "All glory be lo Thee, Lord God of Hosts, that Thou has moved the hearts of all kindred tongues, peo ple and nations to keep a feast ot tabernacles in this place, in com" memoratibn of that most momentous of all voyages, by which Columbus lifted the veil that hid the new world from tbe old and PeQed the gateway of the future for mankind. Thy servants have builded these more than imperial palaces, many chambered and many galeried, in which to store and show man's vic tories over air, earth, fire and flood, engines of use, treasures of beauty and promise ot the years that are to be tu illustration of the world's adN vance within these 400 years. Worn, an, too, the bhackles falling from her bands aud estate, throbbing with the pulse of tbe new time, joy. ously treading the paths of larger freedom, responsibility and selKbelp opening before her ; woman, nearer to God by the intuition of the heart and the grandeur of her selfsacri fic, brings tbe luspiratiou of her gernu tne produce ot ner naoo, brain and sensibility, to shed a grace and loveliness upou the place, thus making the house beautiful. "To Thee, holiest among tbe mighty, mightiest among the holies whose hand has lifted the gatea ot great empires from their histories and turned the stream of history into new channels ; to Thee, cur risen aud ascended Lird, we dedi cate these trophies ot tbe past, a. chievementa ot the present and prophecies of the tuture, laying them reverently and with humility, and yet with rapture of thanks aud praise, at the foot of Thv cross, for Thou hast redeemed us by Thy blood and made us kings and priests unto our God, 'Upon Thine honored servants, the President of the United States, the members of his cabiuet, th judges ot thy Supreme court, the Senators and Representatives of the people and all other magistrate throughout oar broad land ; u, on that most illustrious sovereign of the world, our kinswoman, revered and beloved in this land as in her own, the gracious lady Q leen Vic tona ; upon all presidents, emper ors, kings, queens and other ruler', of whatever name or degree and upou all the people aud nations over which they may sway, we pray tba the benediction of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords may descend and j abide hastening the time when na tion shall learu to war no moie, when the sword frhall be baateu into the ploughshare and the epear into tbe pruning boolc. "Thou, alone, ob, Lord, kuowet tbe well-nigh insuperable o'tac!e surmounted, tbe envies, jealousies . . . , . ,, , anJ bickerings allayed, the r-peti "iLjjMii.':-)iMUxaBWif.n Wmm conimiiti 'n. Crown I b-ir !-br i and victory with Thy giacious wi-idf, 'Well done, good aud l.ti hfu! i-er-vii'tc,' r'id make i wo; hi t echo Thy il,U'i!--. .-i-nd 1 iv Mefsings upon ths.k. Thy city, itself one of t';e wonders of th w-uld, whose vW within the mtciory of living men wax a pasiuie for wild brails, tlie laii ot th oif and net of Ihe rattlesnake h, but now sits enthroned as one of the capita1 of the earth, and throws nide its gates of hos pitable welcome to the people of all languages and climes ; grant to those that dwell within its borders the blessing which inaketh rich and brirgeth no sorrow. "Father, supreme, be Thou the guardian of our laud, defending us from whirlwinds, floods, had and blight, keeping far from our chores the plague of cholera and every other pestilence and si ir up rur whole people to be working wi?h Tlit-e by sanity and anitntior, tem perance in meat and drink, chastity and all methods of right living to ir sure themselves mid their children health, length of days and pe:ce. ( Makt this world's fair a M;!batfc i year for the whota human race, a year of jubilee, iu which the hesyy aud grinding yoke of HUpaid labor shall he exchanged for the yke of him who is meek and lowly in heart, in whieh love to God and love to man sinl! become the rule of all meu'a lives, so that with one voice the whole world may ring out with ine antneni unicti aneis sang over the 6beep fold of Bethlei hem. 'Glory to God in the Highest, on Earth Peace, Good Will to Men.' ''Lord God of Sabbath, accept oar praise aDd hear our praets. Throngh Him who hath taoght us lo say, 'Our Father Who art, in heaven, hallowed be Thy name,Thv kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and for give os our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but i deliver us from evil. Amen.' Now, unto Him that is able to do exceed ing abundantly above all that we ask or think according to tbe power that worketh in us, unto Him be glory, in the church of Christ Jesus, throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." LIXCOLSTOX MAIiltET. Reported for the COURIER every Thursday morning by Capt. B. F. Grigg : Cotton Ih to 7f WTheat per bu Com ' . . Meal ' . . i ; 55 . 55 1.80 2.00 10 12J ..14 . . 5 Flour, Bahr Flour Patent Pork Bacon sides Bacon hams Bef Lard Tallow Chickens Butter Hon-y Esgs Rags Hides, green Hides, dry Wool, washed Cabbage Appies, dried Peaches dried " 100 lbs. 14 ' " lb.... " " .N C. " round . " N. C. . m 5 122 to 25 . 10 to 18 per lb 44 10 " doz 10 " lb h i it o i" 44 " 5 11 lfjt class. . 30 " " 5 " " S er bu it " " LOO " 70 t Peaches gteeu Sweet Potatoes Irish " Onions Onion sets Bee3-wax lGto Strawberries capped pr qi. 10 The people want ebickeos aud will pay good prices. CURES Mrs. E. J. Rowell, Mertiorrl, Ma3., says her mother haa leen cured of Scrofula by the use of four hnttleg of SfS'fl after having had j much other treat- lyjggjj ment, and bein? reduced to quite a low condition of health, as it was thought 6he could not live. Cured mv little bov - of heredi- tary scrofula which ap peared all over his face. For ayearlhad given np all hope of his recovery, when finally I was y induced to use Afewbo ttles cured him, and no symptoms of the disease remain. Mes. T. L. Mathers, Matherville, Miss. Our book on Blood an l km Diseases msiled free. swift specific Co., Atlanta. Ca. SALE Winnie Ship et at 1 Superior Court vs V Barbara Johnston,) Before the Clerk, et a is By virtue of a decree of the Sut ei i-r Court of Lincoln county, N. C, in the above entitled case made anJ filed March 2nd 1893, on the pleadings tnerptolbre filed. I will on Monday trie 5th day of June 1693 at the court hou&e door in L'n CJinton N. O. at 12 o'clock noon, offer lr sale to tho highest bidder lor cash. Tho fo'Iowiog described tract of land, situated in the county of Lincoln anl .state 03 North Carolina and adjoicin the lands of V Q -lohnnon, E J iirevard ind others. Be2inrjing at a Black Oat,then-j-.N 37A W. 87 doIs to a Spani-h Oak, j thence S 32 E 102 pole to a Pine.th N 4i'A k hs poles ta ihe beginning, tainins by estin-.atbr; SI I thence S 4"i W 131 poes to a White Oak, ence con - orc r And for a more rarticular de?cri tio i of sail nrorai.es rorercr.ee hereby r.ie w a Deed executed by . t. John-t .n and wifo to Surirn? alupp the 27 diy of Fel same b-ins re-itereJ, lt8?:?sters oflire of Lincoln cunty. This 11th day of May 193. J. F. Ittl-NHABDT. Com. 5,13 td3 OUR STOCK IS BOUND TO GO! Wo Have laid in a Very Large Stock of Seasonable Goods. WE BOUCHT GHEAP WE SELL CHEAP, A lot of goods turned quick at u close margin is plenty good en ough for us. Now is the time to luiy a. No. , Goods (none bet ter on earth,) at very close manufacturers' prices. ne do bus noss to live, we live to do business, and the way to do it is To oiler the best Prices that make them Jump. Comiilencing right now we arc going to give bargains to all coiners until the goods are gone. WHERE DO YOU COME IN ON THIS BIG UHANCE- There must be oinciliing you need in our line, there can't be a betiertiine or place to buy it. TXT A F riYfJU Gentleman's OUTFITTER JiNU. IJ. UUOl5, and FURNISHER. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS. SHOES AND HATS. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ISTotico ! To the citizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : J. call your esoecial attention to my Double Stock Plows, en mi planters. Cotlon Harrows and Gd s Plows, the best on the market. You can atf'ord to lose a iiiiiiiht-r of meals, H3 there is money saveJ ; tut you cannot afford to lo?e the opportunity ot buying the hbove mentioned larmiog Implement, an there will be money lot 1 still keep the Camel Skin Shoe, and my $3.00 Congress Shoe in Stuck. I also keep a general line of merchandise, and everything a special'. v. Kepectfully, Anr. 11 ?93. lv. F. A. TOBY. NEW STORE. Wo have just opened up a first class grocery store rn Main Street, in store room adjoining post-office. We sell first class Groceries CilEAr. We buy ail kinds country produce. Will pay highest market price in casu or trade, for all kinds country predue. call and see us. C. W. Ward & Co. Lincolnton, N. C, Mar. 1, 1893. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running and are prepared to repair Engines, SAWMILLS, THRESHERS, Cotton gins and cotton mill machih ery etc., at living prices. Will also keep on bans a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hangers, and pulleys ; will also give prices on wood-split pulleys. Will have a eood line of i.iping end fits tings of all kinds. Will also have a good Black Smith to do all kinds of Blacksmith work. Anv one having any work to be done in ur line will do well to cad on me tor good work and Ko:k bottom Prices. Orders from a di-jtance will rtceive PKOMPT ATTENTION. Give me a trial and be convinced. YOUIIS TO SEKVF., L B. STUTTS- Lincoln Foundry & Machine Vorks. Feb 10, 183. tf ALIA f S IN STOCK, THE B E ST Goods the New York Marketscan furnish, AT "SKINMNG" Prices for CASH. FiRST CLASS CiOTH ING CUT AND MADE To order by the U0YAL TAILORS. A fit guaranteed. Cnl and ex amine Sampler and Prices, AT B J Grigg'S THE CHANGING eaaons Produce change in the human as well as in the Animal Svs- i tern, and a Tonic is Tierncsnrv j to restore it to a healthful, j vigorous Condition. Pratt's ' . ... . X OOU Will UO thlS tO all the an- . Jmal por Sale At D pD1pn,r I D. 1 . UHlUVj O. , 0 ov.ll. 3mos- grades of roods at A. IRIGE33Y l s II FAD QUARTERS For FlXfi (JIGARS CHEWING TOBACCO. i am niuking a specialty oi the following brands, which can allways be found in stock. ' -Hack L Dixie,'" a good Sets plug ts baei'o. " FhriiitTe' Pride," 10cU a plug or 35cts. a pound, is the bet tobacco on tbe market lor the money.' "Trace nt Uorue", ii a very fine to La ceo . Always on hands the very bost Cigars and Smoking to bacco. Furniture Factory o Floring & grist MILLSI E. JAMES, Proprietor, L'ncoiritoD, IS. C. JJEDSTEADi, BUREAUS, WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TABLES. VASHSTANDS,&c Re- sure to come and look at my furniture before buying elsewhere. Twin Gin House. Two Frst c'ass gins; one 70 and one 40 haw. Charlotte prices a:d for cotton Tbe flouring and grist mil's will bo run regularly every day flora this time on. Sept. 11, 1391. RESPECTFULLY, E JAMES PLEASE CALL AND SELECT Your garden seeds at once as we have the largest and best selection of fresh seed ever of fered to the trade. Alg0 we have on hand pure drugs, Mediciuef, Paiorf, Oiln, VaroinbeB, Putty, Toilet Articles, Perfomeiief, Coinbt, IiraRbf-e, Cirt, Tobacco, Stationary, Lamps, Lamp fixture?, Lanterns, Dye tufl'-i, and in fact everything pertaining to tbe Drag line. We offer everything we carry at the lowect Mannfacfuaed price, aud hope all who need any ot the above articles will call and price, an well as select wht they need. Prescriptions acurately coajponuds ed at al! Lours. Hoping to secure cur nstror.age, v.'e remain, y O URS FA 1 thfull y, 17, 1, Cronse & Co. Feb 12 03 tf SALE OF VALUABLE LAND- By irtue of the authority in me vested by the will of I)riiel Hallman deceased i whicfi is duly rotated and recorded in th? j office of the Clrk ot the Superior Court of ! Lincoln cuntv Bo- k 4 ol Wills <iAZ0 j ct seq. I will seil at public auction fc i cash at the court hons" door in Lincoln j on Monday 'Ah f June 1893 at 12 o'clot nocn ai; the lands Ijlonsrin to said Daniel Hallman on-iitin of, lt, the Carpent-r , tract lyinu in Lincolnton township adjoiQ i ing the lands of Vm. Hinon, Levi Shruv. ! and others cntainmz ab ut 149 acres, eJ I cptinir, however, therefrom about 5 acrt: j including the dwelling ho'j-e al iroprove ments : 2nd ihe IJoue tract adjoining the aboyo 8nd Mntthew Ca-np iround and containinz ah-jut 6U acre. This 4th dr j of May 189:L W H U. over, ad.T. r j c. t a. of Dnnil Ua'luau. ! For further information apply to D W Kobmson. 5-12. td9 For wle, One half interest in the aiiHaaDU water power of T. J. Jlamsaur. Apply to O, A. KAMSAUR, 3'. Lincolnton, N, C Pdrtie? wan tint; to bay brndert or movers -i 1 1 find it t' their inter est, to see G. A. Wrlick, N-wtone N. C, a;nt fur the Buckeye Ma chines. He has a car load ot differ ent 8t2;,,es RU M'.e?. I'ricts way down. 2t.