LINCOLN COURIER, LOCAL DEPARTMENT. J. M. ROBERTS, Editor. OHUROll DlRE0TOKi I'uKsijYTERiAV.Uev. P.. Z, Johnston iV-tor. Pmuhing every 2nd, and 4th L-uiniays 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. S ui.iuy School every Sunday 5 p. jr. S!i-vit-i 1--T yoiitm l'fr,I,; every Wednesday r ! in i i.n :tt Iron Station on lirt 1 1 , .; :'. Al. . .ch, iin, ut Taper Hill Acadeinyon 4tU .Sundays, 3 P. M Methodist. Kev. M. T. Steele, Pas tor. . Preuiug every lit and 3d Sunday, 11 A and 7:30, P. ,M. Lutukran Jiov J. A- Rudisill, Pas tor, liettiuage every 1st Sunday ; Trinity, every Jd .Sunday ; Daniel's every 2nd and 4th SunJuy. Hour 10 a. m.. Luther in. Kev. L. L. Aohr, Pastor t;t. M.trk's every 21 Sunday ; Cherry vi Me f v-ry 4h S in iav- Hour, 10 a. m. Lutheran Ohij Svnod. Ktv, B. L. Westihrer, pastor, Lutheran Chapel, every 2nd Sunday at 10: JO a. in. and 4tb at 3 p m, Eb-ni , '2nd Sunduy at 3 p m and 4th Sandfly at 10:30 a ru, Latui-atory Mills, on 2nd and 4th Sundays t 7 p m. Bethel, ut and 3rd Sundays at H.t. 30, a tu. Friday' School House, 1st anl Urd Sundays, 3 j. ru. Baptist. R.v. M. P. Matbeny, Pastor. I'na.hin.; every 3d Sundays at 11 A. M. and 8 oo P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 3 P. M- Prayer meeting ;v.-ry Thursday evening at 7:00. Ei'l-nu'Ai.. Rev. W.K. Wetiuore.Reci t ir St-rviiv-j ev:ry Sunday at 11 a i, ei Ct-pt 'd ."Mtiid'iVd ; at nijiht, on l't, 2nd and cv:iy Dthi i Jtu Sunday; Holy CouiLuuttiou 1st an l 3rd Sundays ; cutecLiiing of child ren every 3rd Sundtiy in the P M. AH coriialiy n.yite.l u attend. Seats Free. LLNCOLXTO.N, JUNE 10, 1893. AX UFFEll. All coL-ci i bei s who will cotue up ami pay their back dues ou sub" scription at the rates of 51.25 and pay one dollar in addition, can get the Coujiier one year from date of sucu payment. All who are up with subscriptions to date can get. one year subscription by paying $1.00 cash in advance. This proposition is good only for cash. Lincoln Lodge No. 137, A. F, I & A. :!., will have a public instal lation of oilicers on Saturday, Jane AVorII Fair. JSew AilvertiHemeuts Jenkins Bros. Carpet1. A. Nixon Sale of Real Estate Board of Pensiens R. M, Rose man. J. Thos. McLeau Canning Factory. via Atlanta, Chanttanooga and Cin cinnati route for Chicago on the afternoon of Juue 22ud. lie expects to carry a large 'patty with him, gathering them up along the route. Mrs. Matheny has lived ;n Chicago and is therefore prepared to show 'the Rights." He has also been able to make such arrangements for lodging &c. in Chicago as will not make a 14 days trip cost more than ifCQ.OO from Lincolnton and return . lie is going there early on account ot the prospects of the cholera reaching this country later in the Reason. The editor of this paper aud probably others expects to leave about the eatne time via Paint Rock, Harriman and Cincinnati and will reach Chicago on the anie day that Mr. Matheny s party arrives there. To School Committeemen. See ad. of Route Jo World's Fair via Paint Rock, Rev. W. S. Byuum is adding another piazzi to his residence. Miss Fannie Moore, of Charlotte. is visiting the Misses Davidson. Mr. Will E. Grigg, of Boston, is at home on a visit to his parents, j Rev. Mr. IUthbonp, of Flat Rock, paid a visit to Lincolnton this week. i Rev.-M. P. Matheny wili leave Liu- 24. Members will meet at lodge at ! colntou over the Sea Board Air Line, 10 a. m. Anstallation at court house at 11 a, m, A. Nixon, W. M., will deliver lecture, subject : "King Solomon's Temple.'' Died at the residence of Dan'l Shram, Jane C, 1893, Mrs, Cather ine Keener, aged 91 years. Uer death was sodden and unexpected. She was a respected old lady and surely her days were prolonged upon the earth. The Charlotte Observer reports a destructive bail-atomi east aud west of Charlotte last Monday, dot ing considerable damage to crops. A Mr. McManus was Rtruck by lightning in Mecklenburg aud was knocked senseless and his coat torn oil", but he afterwards recovered. There will be service at the Church of Our Saviour, Woodside, on Sunday next at 3. p. m., includ ing a celebration of the II. C. and Sermon. AH parents, and all per' sons interested in the Sunday School and Parish School and School Libtarv are especially invited as important notices are to be given. Supt. Win. Moucure of the Sea board Air Line, Las issued posters offering 50. reward for the appre hension and conviction of "certain party or parties who placed obstruc tiona on track of the Carolina Ceus tral railroad, Saturday night. May 3, 1893.'' This date is evidently intended for June 3. Mrs. R. Z. Johnston who was called to McCounelssville by the sudden death of her daughter, Mr?. Crawford, two weeks ago, returned home last Friday, accompanied by her daughter, Miss Jennie, who bad been teaching at Woodard. Mrs, Johnston brought with her the six months old child of Mrs. Crawford and will keep it with ber. It is reported that Capt. Joe W. Alexander, who lives a few miles below Lincolnton was knock ed down by lightning last Monday but was not seriously hurt. He was driving up his cows and the light ning struck and killed one of his cows, and knocked down two oth ers. From the same stroke Capt. Alexander received the shock that knocked him down. Sometime ago a negro named Calvin Watts, who had a sweet lootb, stole a bee gum, bees, honey and all 'rom Mr. M. B. Alexander's ; apiary, in Long Creek township. , To day, Mr. Cline, Sheriff of Liucoln county, came to town with Calvin in tow. The honey thief was ar rested at Lincolnton. He was ar Notices have been seut out to those who were appointed Rchool committeemen by the Board of Education on the first Monday ot June- The tiaiuea of the commit teemen were also published in last week'tJ iasue of iha LlNCOLM COU RIER. If any .should have failed to leceive u written notice they will find their names iu published list. The appointees should meet at once, orgauize aud elect a chairman, whohould also act as secretary. See school law, sections 2,576 and 2,577. As scon as organization is affected, the name of the chairman and secretary and his postofSce ad" dress mast be furnished to. the county superintendent. J. M. Roberts, Co. Supr. Pab. Inst. A New 31111 at Kings 5Ioim-tain. King's Mountain is to have a new mill. Mr. F. Dilliug, who was for merly connected with the old King's Mountain mill as treasurer, is at the bead of the movement. He has been here recently talking over the matter with Charlotte mill men, and contemplate soou to have the mill in operation. He will pot in 5,000 spindles, and enough looms to weave his product. Charlotte Ob server. Another Old Landmark Gone. dints to remain in, aud then allows 500 clerks to be croded into the unsafe building. Had a private employer been gudlj of this crime he could have been legally executed for murder; but Congress well, the families of the dead and crip pled, who are now being aided by private con.ribunon, can spend the remainder of their lives iu anting Congress to recompence them for their lost bread-winners. Mean while theic are half a dozen build ings in Washington contain ng many times the number of Government employes who were in the collapsed building that are known to be equally dangerous, among them the Government Printing Office, with its nearly 3,000 employes ; the Pat ent Oltiee, the auuex to the Post Ollieo department and the Winder buildiDg, where a large branch of the, War department is quartered. Au attempt Is being made by an army court of inquiry to locate the peiHonal responsibility f r the dis aster at this old death trap, If there be any, and a coronei't jnry is also at work with the same end in view. It is said that the direct cause of the accident was an eicavacation which was being made for the pun pose of putting in new boilers. This may bo true, but even if it is that tarnishes no excuse tor Congiess for haviiig allowed abuildiug which was officially condemned twenty heven years ago to be occupied ny 500 Government employers. Iu consequence oi the accident there ia i a feeling ot excitement among those employed in the other I uildmgs that are known to be unsafe. Sec retary Smith is frying to allay this xci-ement in the Patent Office by h iving all the heavy etuff stored on tae npper floors of that building transferred to the ground floor. President Cleveland was one of the first contributors to the fund that is beiDg raised for the help of the families of the clerks that were killed and wounded ; he also direct ed that all flags oo the public build ings be halt mastered for the dead clerk.-, an honor never before paid to any except high officials or ex officials. The number of appointments durs ing the past week was uuusuaUy large, particularly in the consular service, bnt the new U-overnment printer has not been named, al tbouah it is daily expected that he will be. There are indications that Secreta ' ry Carlisle has la view a complete re organization of the immense cleri cal fi rce of the Treasury depart i ment. He has addressed a circular , letter to all of the heads of bureaus ! directing them to prepare and send I to him not later than the 25th inst., a list of ail employees finder them, showing age, number of years era ployed, those who entered the ser vice under the civil service law of 1883 ; those who have wives, hus- Repotted for lhe CnrRlKll every Thursday mottling bj Capt. B. F Gngg: Cottoi! 7 pel l)U Wheat Corn Meal Flour, Buhr Flour Patent Pork Bicon sides Bacon hams Beef Lard Taliow Chickens Butter Hon ey Es Rag a Hides, green Hides, dry Wool, washed Cabbage Apples, dried Peaches dried Apples green per bu Peaches green 44 " Sweet Potatoes " " Irish " 44 ' Onions Onion eta " " Cherries 4i ' Cherries Beea-wax Go to KM . 50 to 52 55 100 IIh 1.50 " " " 1.75 " lb " .N C 12 " " 00 " " round 5 41 14 N. C. 12 U 44 f", 12 to 25 per lb 10 to IS ' " 10 " doz 10 " lb h 4 44 " 5 44 1st class. . 35 44 3 l 4. 44 4. 0UU STOCK IS BOUND TO GO! Wo Have laid in a Very Largo stock of Seasonable Goods WE BOUCHT CHEAP WE SELL CHEAP. A lot of goods turned rjuiok at a (dose margin is plenty good en ough for us. Now is the time to buy a. No. , Goods (none bet-tin-on earth,) at very close manufacturers' prices. We noss to live, we live to do business, and the way to do it is To oiler (lie very best grades of goods at Prices that make them Jump. Commencing right now we are going to give bargains to all comers until the goods are gone. WHERE DO YOU COME IN ON THIS BIG (iHANCEV There must be Something you need in our line, there can t be a better time or place to buy it. tta t inlJP Gentleman's OUTFITTER dm). Ll. lA)JL, and FURNISHER, DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, NOTIONS, SHOES AND HATS. LINCOLNTON, NORTH CAROLINA. ZNTotiOG ! 80 to 100 . . per qt 4 to 5 per pound . . 1C to 17 To get reaily sa'e for your pro- I ducts, they should always be well selected, of good quality, and the established maiket price will be offered. NOXioK. Office County Board of Pensions, Lincolnton, N. C. A j.jint meeting of the County Board of Pension-, and the advisory Board of the Pensious is called on the first Monday in July. Ail persons who wish to make applications for pensions, who have uot done so before, will send in their application on that day, and if prac ticable appear in person before the Board. By order State Board of PeiiMons, R. M, Roseman, Cb'm'n, County Board of Pensions June 1G, 1893. 3t FRUIT CANNING. 1 A W KEEDY. DEALER IN Gro ceries Of every kind. The best To the citizens of North Car olina and adjoining States : I call your especial attention to my Double Stock Plows, :tn planters, Cotton llanouriand Giht s I York and other markets .flows, me oesi ou rue martei. Yoa can ad'.r.l to lot-en nuinhr meals, ts there is money saved; t. it you .-nnot Kev. and Mrs. W. A. Guerry, ot Florence. S. C. are visiting her parent?. Mrs C. M, Sumner has return ed homo from a visit to ber parents, near Salisbury. Rev. M. L. Carpenter, of Vir giuia, ibimeily of this couuty, is at his old home on a visit. Mr. J. T. McLean hs an "ad.'' in th!s issue. Prepare fur having your frnit canned. Capt. T. R. Rebel tsou has been appointed jwvst master at Chorlotte vice Brady, removed. Mr. Will Jcimes, of Alabama, is at home visiting his molher aud Orhft relatives. Misses Mary ana Lizzie Bynum returned home last week from St. Mar;. s College, Kaleigh. Mr. ,lno. N. H iu-s, ot States vil!e Giaded Schools, has returned home foi die .Himmer vacation. All Agents of the Ricbmoud & Danville Railroads have been for bidden to deliver any freight until all charges are paid. Mr. Walker Kameaur, of Rock ingham, is here acting as agent ptotem at C. C. depot, in the ab sence of Capt. P. J. Pate who is off on a tew days vacation. Rev. M. V. Sherrill is in Lin colnton this week. He is tracing the geuealogy of the Sherrills and will publish a history of the family in the near future. Rev. h D. Davis, of Winsboro S. C, a colored Pres. minister, who used to be a citizen here, visiting his friends iu Lincolnton this week. Be is held iu high esteem by the white people here. Mr. Xed Ward was knocked down and severely shocked by a stroke of lightning, at Louisville, Ky., last week. Fortunately it was merely a shock and no serious in jury was received. Regular services at the Baptisr cborch next Sunday. Subject fot the morning, "Will the heathen be saved without tbe gosDel?'' At raigned before Esquire D. G. Max well, and was sent to jail in default ot 8100 bond. (7 harlotte News. Miss Fanny G. Catbey died June 12th, aged 82 years and one mouth. JUD wao wlu 1U 'ikwuu- baudg DrotUer.s sisters, sons, ty audhen a girl came with the daughters or other relatives em family to Lincoln county, now Gas- ployed in auy branch of the Gov ton, being tbe oldest of five child erument ; those employed as clerks ren. The late J. Mack Clark mar- j or otberwie' nwith compensation - ,. . , ' exceeding 5840, a year, who are ned a sister ana lived at the o.d doin, WQrk that properly belongs ainey Jtiomesteau on tne rung's j to messenger, assistant messengers Jenkins Waddell. A brilliant marriage took place at Spartanburg, S. C, Thusday of this wepk, June 15. Mr, Hugh Jenkins, of the firm of Jenkins Bros., one of Lincolnton's handsomest, and most popular young men, was married to miss Christie Waddell, a beautiful, amia ble and cultured young lady of Spartanburg, S- C. Mr, B!air Jenkins was groomsman and Miss Alice Grgg maid of honor. The persons iu attendance from Lincolntou were Miss Bessie Jen kins Miss Alice Grigg and Mr. Blair Jenkins Lincolnton has been losing some other fair ladies recently ; but this time she gains one whom she most gladly welcomes. The COURIER does most heartily extends its con gratulation to Mi. aud Mrs. Hugh Jenkins. Mt, Road six miles Irom Lincoln ton. His son Wyley CUrk, etill runs the farm and most tenderly and faithfully supports his widowed mother in her care of her aged and infirm sisters. Miss Fanny was an invalid for many years and entire ly blind and helpless. The esteem and sympathy for the afflicted fami ly were beautifully expressed by a large assembly at the funeral, and the the griet of another aged aud blind feister, Miss Jane Cathey, told bow hard for afflicted sisters to part Industrious aud hospitable, and iu the fellowship of f tbe Hephzibah I'resoytenan church, their s is Lome ol plenty, shadowed with grief and infirmity. But as the members pass over the river, it is a comfort to say of them: "Thou sualt come to thy grave iu a full age. Like a shock of comeih in its seasou," R. Z. J. and laborers ; and those who are doing clerical work but are on the rolls as messengers, assistant mes sengers or laborers. This has rais ed a commotion in the department, and no wonder, for the information, if correctly given, and there is no doubt about that, is bound to lead to a grand shake-up aud a largn numoer ot dismissals. in tailing this step t3ec. Carlisle has set atK other goof example for the beads ot all the other departments. A grand shake-up all arouud will be beneficial to the couotry as we I as to the democratic party. WORLD S FAIR XOTES. Washington Xewa. Another Dwelling: A sties Goes to Ou last Monday about 12 o'clock MM the residence ot Mr. Thos. Bess Sr. near Orleans in North Broot township was burned. The fire originated in the garrett ot the kilcben and caught, it is said, from the stove flue. They succeeded in saving some of the household fur niture, clothing &c- The house we are told wai built in 1826 and was a substantial dwelling, Mr. Thos. Bess, Sr. is the father of Mr. P. B, Bead who lost his resideuce by fire a few weeks ago- There is much sympathy for Mr. Bess ia his loss aud we trust the people will be able to contribute toward his aid. . JJottled Energy Is not yet sold from the counter, bat judging from tbe progressive steps ot mea we have reason to be lieve that some day it will be. Dr. Delvau's Indian Blood Porifier ap- Elixir by nieht. "Old landmark ' a .nrdiai ! proximates the mture invitation is PTtpmW f u h tua! Siving New Life; Indian Oil, Eye U UVU tJ Ull J lUu Pastor. Water and Salve are specialties in their line. B. F. Grioo, Agt. Correspondence of the CorjRisa. If the Congress of the United States were liable to ciimiual in dictment it would have to stand trial on the charge of murder iu the first degree for having killed the 22 employes of the Surgeon General's office who lost their lives by the falling of the floors of Ford's old theatre, where Lincoln was assassU j uateu, wnicn occurred last r riaay, a catastrophe which can never be forgotten by any who were at the time in Washington, and which still is the leading topic of conversation wherever he goes. In addition to the 22 men killed outright there were 68 injured, a number of whom may die, aud many of whom will be permanently crippled. Congress cannot claim in extenuation that it did not know the condition of this building, because its condition had been repeatedly called to its atten tion, and it actually appropriated money some six or eight years ago to erect a new Duildmg to contain tbe Army Medical Mnsenm aud li brary which had been in this build ing. Just think for a moment what damning evidence is given by this action. Congress erects another bnilding because tbi3 isn't safe en1 ough for the museam and library with their comparatively few atten- If you live in the South or Soutb- a I east you will have unequalled ad vantages in reaching the great fair; a Solid Train with Palace Sleeping Care leave Atlanta daily via tbe E. T. V. & G. Ry, to Chattanooga, thence via Q. & C. Route to Cincin nati, and Big Four Route to Chica go ; cars via C. & O. Ry. and B'j Four Route to Chicago. Besides these solid trains, all other trail's make Direct Connection in Cinc n-. nati, Gentral Uniou Station with the B g Four Route, avoiding all traosfers across the city, necessary via all other Lines to Chicago. Trains of the Big Four pass along the Western edge of the Exposition Grounds on an elevated track, offer, ing a magnificent pauoramio view of the Fair. Tbe stopping of trains at Midway Fiasance Gate which is mam en trance to the Exposition, is an un equalled advantage oftered by this route. Naturally, all the Principal World Fair Hotels are located on the route of the Big Four, to be nearer to the Exposition,. and turrhermore, con venient stoD3 are made along the line enabling passengers to reach every part of the Hotel and Board ing House District. Should sou prefer to go down town, tiaius of the Big Four land yon at the new Central Statiou at Twelfth St. in tbe heart of the city. Thus all the disagreeable feat ures of tedious translers and delay in Chicago as well as along the route are postively avoided, making this Lin9 superior to all others in every respect. For full information, address D. B. Martin, G. P. & T, A., World's Fair Route, Cincinnati, O, CHERRIES, RASPBERRIES, PLUMS, DAMSONS, TOMATOES, PEACHES, PEARS, APPLES, &c, At prices that wlli astonish you for cheapness. All goods guar anteed to be O. K. Superior to Northern packed goods, as numbers of testimonials witness. Your patronage solicited. Write on postal card for pru-os. J. T. McLean. Lincolnton, 2i C, June 16, 1S93. tf. SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of a decree of the Superio Court of Lincoln county mode in the case ot A Nixon Adm'r. against Julia A Mun dy and others, date! Jim 8 1873. 1 will oifer for ?ale at tbe court houe dcr in Lincolnton at 12 in, on Monday 10th July 1S93 the fbrowinjr described real pstst'i : 5 of an acres adjoining lani of W A Grn ham and others; also acr': adjoin in.; lands of J P Sitfcrd and rthers ; als the rever3inary interest in widow's dower, 23 acrs, udjoiniri the las', tract. Terms of sale -: one third cah, lance in two equal installments on six and 12 months time. Title rescved until purchase money is paid in full. June 9th 1S93. A Nixon. Adm'r. 0-1C-93 tds. an'..rd to lose the opportunity t l-uying the a' ore mentii-iie-l tufni'iig 1 ,ii.leiiiii' , aa t.iere will be money h-i-t 1 still keep the Caind : kin Shoe, and my i3.00 Congress Shoe in Strek I also keep a general lin of merchandi, and tverj-tbirii; a special"!'. Res-ptctlully, Apr. 11 '03. ly. F. A. TOBY. THE LINCOLN FOUNDRY & MACHINE WORKS Are still running unci are prepared to repair Engines, SAWMILLS, THRESHERS, COttOll gins and cotton mill machin ery etc., at living prices. rill also keep on hanK a full stock of castings, such as plow points, of all kinds and sizes, hangers. and pulleys ; will also give prices on wood-split pulleys. Will have a good line of piping and t tings of all kinds. Will also have a goi d Black Smith to do al i kinds of Dlackmith work. Anv one havinp; any work t be done in our line will do well to cail on me tor good work and Rock Rot torn Fries. Orders from a distance will receive PROMPT ATTENTION. Give me a trial and be convinced. YOURS TO SERVE, L- U. 8TUTTS. Lincoln Foundry & Machine Works. Feb 10. 1893. tf allord. I have but one price and that is the lowest. Satis laction Guaranteed. Call and see me. VERY TRULY, A. W REEDY. LIME Important Notice. The finest and eheapft lime in America can hp bad in ;n quantity on application to the Agent at N. G. R. R. Station, incolnton, N. C. Auv' 518:2 U Furniture Factory Floring & grist MILLS! E. JAMES, Proprietor, Lincoluton, H. C. BEDSTEADS, BUREAUS, WARDROBES, LOUNGES, TABLES. VASHSTANDS,c Be sure to come and look at my furniture before buying elsewhere. Twin Gin House. Two First class gins; one 70 aud one 40 saws. Charlotte prices pad for crtton 1 he flouring and grist mills will be run regularly every day from this time on. Spr. 11, 1891. RESPECTFULL V, E JAMES MONEY TO LOAN On long time and easy terms in amounts of not less than $300.00. Secured by first mortgages on Real Estate, pay ment nvide by annual install ments. Due Nov. 1st. each year. Apply to .S G. FIN LEY, Att'y at Law, Lincolnton, N.C. 1 3'-- 'V.'V'.: X "V- CURES SCROFULA Mrs. E. J. Rowell, Medford, Mass., says ber mother ha been cured of Scrofula by the uso of four bottles of ffjf ?? after having had "much other treat- BfffirrJ-li ment, and bein reduced to quite a low condition of health, a3 it was thought she could not live. of heredi- vhich ap peared all over his ?W face. For a year I had given up all hope of his recovery, rhen finally I was x induced to use Afewbo ttles cured him, and no Symptoms of the disease remain. ILes. T. L. Mathers, Matherville, Miss. Oiu book on Blood ani Skm Diseases mailed fre. SWIFT SfiCIFIC Co- Atunt. Ca. LAND SALE. Cured my little boy tary scrofula iJt By virtue of a increase de' d executed by Mrs Malvina A Ramsaur t Mis. Eliz abeth Thompson on the loth day ol Sep t. 1884, registered in Book o'i pae 199 of Deeds and Mortgages for Lincoln county N C, same boiug duly assigned to me by deed of assinrmnt executed on the 3rd dar of Apr- 1893, duly registered. I -sriil seil for caih to tbe bighe-t bidder at tbe curt houe door in Lincolnton N C, on Monday 2Gth day of June 1S93, at 12 o' clock m all of that trtct of land (described in sail mortgage deed) ljing in Lincolnton township Lincoln county, N C, adjoining tbe Unas of Mrs Dr J M Kichard-on, V A Rudisill and ethers. Said land known as the O'Niel tract Contamn by estima tion 223 acres. This 27th day ot May 'S3 1 J ScixrvAX. Assigrr-e, Mrs. ELrzABETn Thompson Morta;ee, 3 O Fr.vLKv, Atty for Assignee. (J-Q-'OJ tds THE NEW DEElUMGr MOWER. fhe JN'ew Decrir.', The Derrniff Gii t, Tbe Deerintc Junior Giant, lhe Deering One-Horse Aloww. THEY NEVER WEAR OUT. RAKES, RAKES, RAKES. Full Line of repairs always on hand. f 3E3L Bisaner, -Agt Hjincolnton, UNT. O- MORTGAGE SALE! By virtue of the powf-r of 'tie c ntained iu a inor'gHg executeti ty Rubt L Jonae to the unoersigned to secure tlie jay ment of debt, to which mortgage a recorded in Lincoln county Keciitry Bxk C7 of Deds, passes 402 et (-(-q reference is made for a lull description of tbe 'and and a full knowledge of it term de ault having been made in the paynit-nt of the debt and the power ot le Laving I e:ume operative 1 will tell at public auction for cash at the CVurt Uoue door iu Lincoln county on Mo.iday 3rd day of July 1893 at 12 o' clock noon, the lands described and con veyed in said mortgage lying on Indian creek in 2sortb Brook Township djoinin the lands of P B Be, Pbilo Jonas and others containing 1 .9 acres. Thi3 2nd of June 1893. Mrs Elizabeth Jonas, Mollie Jonas, lie jecca Jona., Mortgagees. Mjru McConneil.S D W PwCeixson Att'y. C-9 '93 Ids Are yon interested in Liu coin countj! Tht-n take the COURIER Subscribe for the Lincoln Cgtj . RiEB, 1.25 a year. Cooling Refreshments. We have now opened a First Class "Ice cream'' Saloon and con fectionary of all descriptions. Give us a call and be convinced that oar deeire is to please all customers, especially ladies. S- E. Matjney & Schuyler, P. 3. Ice cream and cakes of alt dencriptions made on short notice. 5 20, '93. tf. MORTGAGE SALE- By virtue ot a power contained in a mortgage Iron. Wm Scnecek and wife to LK liobinson, recorded in Book 07, page 317, Register's Office, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court bouse door at 12 m June 30 1893, the land describd in said mortgage, to which reference is made for a more par ticular descriotion- Bartlette Shipp, Assignee of Mortgagee. May 30, 1893. G2'93 td

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