hi 1 I 1 i H vol. vi i. LINCOLNTON, N. C, FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1893. NO. 10. Professional Cards. J. W.SAIN.M.D., fellas located at Linoolnton and of fers Lis services ii.s physician to the citizens of Lincolntou and surround ing country. U ill fce round at inht at the Lin colntou Hotel. March 27. 1S91 iv Bartlett Shipp, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lincolnton, N. c. Jar,. 0, lb'l. ly. tii I nnrmwu wnmiiaMf dentist. I.IXt OLNTON, N. C. Cocaine used for painless ex tra;iing teeth. With thiktt y e .Mis o x p e n e 1 1 co . Satis fact i o i iveuin ail operations Terms asli and moderate. Jan 2 '. '!) ly barber shop. Newly fitted up. Work away? neatly done. Customers politeh waired upon. Everything pertaii ing to the tonsorial art is dor according to latest styles. HrNRY tayloh. Barber. Eng!i.-h Spavin Liniment removes it . hrd, soft .r callou-ed lunip and blemish es from hyrs-i, blood spavin, curbs, splin sswcen'-y, rinr-b"n stifles, sDrnins, a , swollen thrvtt-, ''O'Jghs etc. Save $50 b, usc of 030 bottl" Warranted the mo- I W'T.dorrui tiemish cure ever known. Soli byJ. M. Lawinir Drui-t Lineo'.nton N C. MTttwifnvrriT--nrj r taTn.wnmiMMft i n &n r n 1 1 11 . i It'jh '!! i.uMi--ai :ir:i nrsc and all an: tin'- cire 1 in :J0 minute- by WoolfoH Sar.it iry Lotion. Thi never fails. Sole b' J M. h-winj; ?2t Lineolnton. N . . ffiWllUADIES Aio ihiilv r( commending the ADJUS- Ql TABLE It Expands Across The Ball &. Joint?. Thi makes The best Fitting, nicest Looking and most comfortable in the world. Piki-s j, i 30, 3, and .j 30. Consolidated Shoe Co., M.mui";icluifcrs, Lynn, Mass. Shoea Mado to Measure. To hi? found at Jenkin' Bros. msmmn i mi n 1 iw 11m .mull mmmmmmmtmrnmammmmm liUC'KLEN'S AKNIUA SALVE The bet Salve in the wurld for cuts and bruises, Eores, -alt rheum, fever sores, tet er, chopped hand;, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cure Files, or no pay required, It is guaranteed ta i;iv j perfect sttisfaction ,or money refun ed. rrice 25 cents per box. For sale by J M Lawin, I'vhsician and Pharmacist Scientific American Agency for CAVEAT8. TRADE MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. etcJ For information ami free Ilanilhook write to WliNN a CO. ;1 ItKoanwAT, ew York. Oldit bareau for buiuiinir patents In America. Kvcry pM.nt taken out by tis is brought before the yuhiic 1 y u uutice given free of charge la the Scientific mcKiau tarspst circnlftflon of any ?rl,'iitiflc paper In the wjrli. panll(liv lllutrutfd. No Intelligent man ehoui.l be wlitiuui it. Weekly. 3.00 a ypfir; fU'aistx ni(,ulti. Addrppn MiNN A CO.. 1'L'iiUsUKi:-. 3bl BroiiJway, Hew JforkCity. T VT 7 ENT1UN I Las revolutionized 1L V CNTION I the world during the lat Lai.' century. Not least among the wonders of ir.vntivc progress is a method and system ot work tbat can be performed all over the country without separating the workers from their homes. Pay lib" erai; any one can do tue work; either sex, youc cr old; no speeial ability required ! vpiHi not neeuej; you are started iree. Cut this out and return to us and we wil send you Irfe, sometuinjj e-f great value and importance to you. that will start you in buiofss, which will brine you in more money right away, than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free. Address True & o., Au-usta, Maino- VChea Pcby was skk, we gare her Castoria. When she was a ChilJ. she cried for Castoria Vhen she became Miss, she clung to Cactoria, Wlicn Fbe tad Children, she gave them Castorif GUARANTEED CLTKE. Wc authorize our advertised drussrist to sell you Dr. Kind's New DiscoveVy for consumption, coujhs and colds, upou this condition. It you are alHicted with La Grippe and will use this remedy according to directions, giving it a fair trial, and ex perience no t enefit, you may return the bottle an J! have your money refunded. We make this offer becaue of the wonderful success of Dr. Iing's New Discovery dur ing last season's epidemic, llave heard of no case in which it failed. Try it. Trial bottles free at J. M. Lawicg's drugstore. Large size 50c and SI 00. Subscribe tor the COUKIEK. H A AMSIU UV (. c.) I K ISO N. 10,000 PrlKonci'is at a Time JeHOi-iiLioB ot tlio o csMjiry ami riavllallc Ilorrorn ot a OoiitMli ale Males I'rUon. The IJiston of the "Confederate States Military Pnsou," at Salisbury, from the yen of Rec. Dr. A. l Man- yum, who ims professor of mental and moral philosophy at the University of North Carolina at the time of his death in May, 1890. From Charlotte Observer, Concluded from last week.) PREACHING TO THE PIIISONEKS. The insensate stupidity of the dting was remarkable. Majoy Gee informed me in Febrnary that he had made careful iuquity, and that ot more than three thousand wli had died not one had nttered a syl' lable ot concern about the future destiny of his eoal. Few reli:iom advantages were afforded fhero. Di. Currie preached in the hospitals. On repeated applications to hito In discouraged me as to preaching to the masses of the prisoners, stating that they were geuerally foreignet 5 and Catholics, and were not at all likely to give me a kindly reception. Rev. Dr. Rumple, I think, held ser vice in the hospital for tbem. In February I was invited by Dr. Wil son to preach to them, he tellic;; me that it had all the time beei Major Gee's pleasure for tbem U have preaching, and that they wouk certainly appreciate it. Eoterng: the jard on tbe next afternoon, i being a beautiful Sabbath, I founc a Baptist minister near the old wel pieachiog to a large congregation o tbem ; but as there were tnousandt scattered over the. grounds who wen not attending, I went to a large oak in ihe eastern centre and began tc ing. A number had followed me and the throng increased for some time. It was to me an interesting occasion. They were very respect ful, earnest and solemn, I used tbe last Testament I had, and telling tbem during the discourse that J intended presented it to one of them, I was touched by their eager uess to get it, quite a. number pres sing up with expectant looks. When I concluded they crowded thickly around me, and a nnmber grasped my band m Christiau fer vor. It was probably Dr. Curry who made an effort for a. prison library, and 1 wrote to the Tract Society at Richmond to get reading for them. Rev. Air. Bennett was goue to Eu rope to make arrangements to i.-et some Bibles aud Testaments, which were also viituaHy contraband of war accoidmg to the regulation and practice of the United States. I was answered by Rev. Mr. Moorman. He deplored his iuabili ty to supply me from the exhaustion of his supply. He spoke with Christiau sympathy of my purpose. Hence lew were the Christian privi ledgea of the miserable prisoners. But I have seen the light of heaven in the eye of the suffering captive, and heard from his lips tbe glorious eloqueuce of salvation. From the tongne of another I have listened to the rich avowable ot Christian hope and confidence, and heard tbe failing, almost an inaudible voice mutter, " 'Gome unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest-' These are pre cious words," And doubtless amid the gloom and horror of that old prison, there was many an upward glance ot the heart many a strng-. gle and triomph of faith many a thrill of redeeming love and heaven ly hope, which all unknown to friend or toe, were recognized by Him i whose nature is love, and who is "mighty to save' There was. a small brick building near the centre of the prison, which was used as a receptacle for the dead until they were carried to the burial ground. They were hauled thence, without coffins, to the old field west ot the piisoo. A detail, first of convicts and afterwards of prisoners of war, was kepc day by day. constantly digging the long pits in which they were interred. These pits were four feet deep, a little over six feet wide, and were laid in them without covering J there was not material to cover the liviug, much less the dead. J hey were laid Hide by side, and closely as they would lie, ami when the number was too large for the space that was dug, one would he placed on top between every two. They generally had very little clothing on, as the Jiving were permitted to take their gannf ntn. Seldom does it fall to the lot of man to behold a more sickening aud hi ai trending spectacle than they presented. It was a lesson on the vanity of this life more impressive and eloouent than toneue or neii can describe, It was a picture of the hellish enrse ot war, in one of its most horrible and hideous aspects. I begged the workmen at least to get some brush es to lay over thir taces. Sidly have I mused, as I stood and gazed upon their attenuated forms, as they seemed the very romance of the horrible in shroudless, coffinless; grave. Those long, bony hands, were once the dimpled pride of a devoted mother, and on that cold, blanched brow tender love has often pressed the kiss of a mother's lips. Perhaps while I gazed on their hap less fate, a fond wife and prattling childrenwere watching for the mail that they might receive the longed for tidings from him who was best beloved. But I tnm from the theme, as I always turned from those harrowing, chilling burials, with a heart full of sadness, and shudder over the unwritten terrors and calamities of war. From the congregated evils of imprisonment the prisoners were always anxiously seeking to escape. Giadly did they accept any oppor tunity to get out, however laborious tbe duties for which they detailed Numbers of them were ou parole or detail for various dutiee. Some were clerks, some in the workshops, some in the shoe factories, some digging graves, some hanling wood on the trait), etc., etc. A Col. Tucker came there for the purpose of getting recruits from their number for the Confederate army. Oa'y foreigners were al lowed to enlist. Nearly eighteen hundred took the oath administered by a Catholic priest. Some may have taken this step in good faith, s it is koowu they were often re cruited by foul means in the United States, but the greater number chose it as the only means of escape from their terrible den. They were called rgalvauzed Yankees," and though most oi them made fecarcely a show or fighting when the tesr came, a few stood their ground and fought with true courage. ESCAPES FROM THE PRISON. Of the whole number in the pris ou, five or six hundred escapes during the five months from Octo ber to March. They sometimes succeeded in deceiving tbe sentinels'; and passing quietly out at the gate. One morning a ladder was found against the stockade on the inside. How many had scaled it is not known. They were constantly eugaged iu tuuueling. At one time they were engaged on sixteen tunnels in different parts of the enclosure. Sometimes they would complete tbem and a number escape. But to prevent this a second line of seuti nels was placed about thirty fee from the stockade. There were also spies among tbem who were bribed by the prison officials to detect and betray them. Before the officers were removed and when there was only a line of sentinels between the officers and privates, a sentinel saw a paper thrown across by an officer, and on examining it, found that it contained directions lor an outbreak to be made at a certain signal that night, I have hearcj that the parpose was to overpower tbe guard and sack or Isotne walked in couples, supporting burn the town. The plot was cons one another ; now and then three ceived by General Hays and others. I would come together, the one In the It caused the officers to be removed j middle dragged along by the other to Danville immediately. It is al- J two; and occasionally several would most impossible to conceive what oear a blanket on which was the fate of the unsnepecting citizens ! stretched a friend unable to walk or would have been that night if the j stand. Deeply was every heart fearful plan bad been consummated. ! stirred which was not dead to sym On the iSOtb of October, about 2 i pathy, as the throng gazed on tbe o'clock in the afternoon, as tbe re lief for the inside guard entered the prison, they were rushed opou and disarmed by the prisoners, and two or three of them were killed. One was tmyonetted, another shot, and both staggered out to the gate, fell and expired. About eight ;nen were wounded. One sentinol on th paiapet waa also fdiot and till ed, the b.ill passing first through the plank. As the priaoneis made the rush they raised a tremendous yell. Then came thcir rapid tire upon tin? gaard, TLoy also threw Itiick bals and baked eaith'ball, whatever they could o!tain, at the sentinels. The latter stood to their S 0st dodging and firing. lu a moment the cannon at one of the angles fired, but being loaded with solid shot it did no execution. There were soon two more dis. charges with grape and canister which did terrihle execution. The musketry filing by th9 sentinels also became rapid. A large body of prisoners had congregated iu a threatening attitude before the maiu entrance. As soon as they saw they could not succeed they threw up their hands and cried : "We give up! we are done I" They ran scampering all over the grounds, seeking for shelter, running into their burrows and tents, falling in the ditches aud on the ground. The citizens, apprehending the cause of the yelis and firing, armet themselves as soon as possible and young and old came in haste to the prison. Col. Hinton's regiment, 'nrlllrtli iron f Vi f rain n f .3 . . f- and about to leave, formed at tbe sound of tbe cannon, double quicked J to the stockade and mounted to the parapet. But these and the citizens i came too late. It is weU they were no nearer, no sooner there, for many more wonld certainly have been killed. The officers of the prison stopped the firing as soon as they possibly could. About 1G of the prisoners were killed and 60 wouuded. lo was difficult to restrain the excited peo ple aud soldiers, particularly some f the Freeman's men whose com rades had been slain. When tbe prisoners attacked the guard a Yankee deserter knocked one pris oner down with a brick-bat, aud wrenching a musket from another piuioued him with tbe bayonet. He then ran to his quarters. Some of the guard, in running out, made a staud at the gate with some picks and shovels lying there and kept the prisoners back, . The whole affair lasted but about ten minutes. The reason of their signal failures was their want of concert and organization. AN EXCHANGE OF PRISONERS. About the middle of February, Maj. Gee received intelligence mat the articles of exchange had been agreed on. The porpetual dream and longing of those who survive was about to be realized at last. Oh how they had wished aud prayed for it 1 Wading in the mire, pinch s ed by hunger, chilled with cold, covered with vermin, broken in spirit, the thought of home was as sweet as tbe vision of happiness, and their most eager inquiry of all visitors was, "Is there any prospect for exchange ?' At last their sad hearts were to be gladdened, Maj. Gee, knowing how it would excite and transport them, charged the officer who was to inform them to make no demonstrations lest the guard might fire upon them. "His message was. "Tell them they have something good to sleep over to night." Aboat the 20tb, all who were well enough, were removed. The sick were carried on tbe trains. The hospitals were emptied of all who could travel. It was a pitiable spectacle to see the haggard, stag gering patients marching to the train. Some faltered along alone . heartrending pageant, God forbid I should ever be called to witness tbe like again ! At tbe train they received refreshments from the hands of several fitiz.-ns. About 2.S00 Btarted to march to Greens boro, A great many who started were nnblo to make the march. Besides the stragglers, two bundled were lelt at Lexington and five hundred the next day, were a ban doned on the road. About one thousand failed on the way. I have failed to mention that tbrte or lour bundled negroes were brought to the prison, and were heated precisely as the ocher pris. oners of war. After this general delivery about 500 were confined, some of them from Shermany's army, and were hurried to Charlotte just in time to escape Stoueman'a raiders iu April. The day that Stoneman captured Slisituiy his piisoneis were penned in the very same blockade which had so long enclosed the hordes ol f ederal captives. All the buildings and the stockade were burned by Stoneman's orders ou the night of the 12th of April. A number of his men had been imprisoned there,and doubtless some of them were in the detail to which was assigned the avenging torch. Having writteu thus frankly of tbe dark history of this great reser voir of misery and death, I now ask "Who is to blame f" Aud I answer in the very words of two escaped prisoners, newspaper correspondents who published their prison experi ence after their return to the North. ESCAPED PRISONERS BLAMED EDs WIN S. S1ANTON. Mr. Richardson says : "The gov ernment held a large excess of pris oners and the rebels were anxious to exchange man for man, but our authorities acted upou the cold blooded theory of Edwin M. Stan ton, Secretary of War, that we eou'd not afford to give well-fed, rugged men tor invalids aud skele tons that returned prisoners were intiuiiely more valuable to the reb els than to us, because their soldiers were inexorably kept in the army, while many of ours, whose term ot service had expired, would not re enlist." Mr. Brown writes: "As soon as Mr. Ricbardsou aud myself reached our lines we deter miued .to visit Washington, even before returning to New York, tu see what could be done for the poor arisoners we had left behind, and determine what obstacle there had been in the way of an exchange. We were entirely free. We owed nothing to the reb eld or to the government for re lease. We had obtained our own liberty, and were very glad of ir, for we believed our captives had been so unfairly, not to say inhumanely treated at Washington that we were unwilling to be indebted to the au thorities of that city for our eman cipation. We went to Washington, deffering everything eise to moye it the matter of prisoners, and did what we thought most effective for the end we had in view: During our sojourn there we made it our special business to iuquire into the cau?e of the detention of Union prisoners in the South, although it was known that they were being deliberately starved and frozen by the rebels. We particularly endeav ored to learn who was responsible for the murder for it was nothing else of thousauds of our brave soldiers; and we did learn. There j was but one answer to all our ques- tions. and that was, Edwin M. Stan ton, Secretary ot War. Although ho knew the exact condition of af fairs in the rebel prisons, be always insisted that we could not afford to exchange captives with the South ; that it was not policy. Perhaps it was not ; but it was humauity, and possibly that is almost as good as policy in other eyes than Mr. Stan ton's. After onr departure from Washington, such a storm was raised about tbe Secretary's ears such a tremendous outside feeling wap created that he wa3 compelled to make an exchange. "The greater part of the North ern prisoners have HOW been re-'Pu e ""loai ionics anu aiierawves vvu i tiinin? nothin? which Dermits its OS9 as a leased, I believe, but there was UO J v, ohnnll hi 00 j j bepn narcled or exchanged mce February han there was ten or twelve months ago, No comp'.icas tions, no obstacles had been remov ed in tho meantime. Our prisoners might just as well have been re leased a year since as a month since, and if they had been, thousand of lives would have been saved to the republic, not to speak of those near and dear ones who were materially .ud spiritually dependent ujmn them. "Dreadful responsibility for some one ; and that some one, bO far as I can learn, is the Secretary ot War. I hope I may b in error, but can not believe 1 am. If I am right, heaven forgive him ! for the peoele will not. The ghost ot the thous ands needlessly sacrificed heroes will haunt him to his grave.'' Ai these extracts .'ire against the ofiiceis ot their own government, one, if not both, writteu wheu the stoim had lulled and the mind was capable of dispassionate reflection and judgment, we, of course, must accept tbem as true They agree with and corroborate the opinion of all welNinformed persons at the South thus making it the verdict of tbe jury of the million North and South, that Edwin M. Stanton, and not tbe authorities of the Con- federacy, ts guilty of tbe deliberate destruction oi thousands of Federal aud Confederate captives whom he would not permit to be exchauged. Why, then, all this unrelenting bitterness this bloodthirsty, inex orable vengefullness towards tbe South J impartial history will show that in the article of prisons, she was "more sinned agaitst than sin ning." It is known by all who choose to know the truth, that stern necessity and iusupporiablo national misfortunes occasioned tbe suffer ings of Federal captives in Southern prisons. Tbe South, both citizens and government, clamored for ex change the North refused it. But where is the apology for the bar. barities aud murders ofNorthe n prisons? Is it found in the lex tal ione'.N ? Where is tbe authority that justifies retaliation against in evitable necessity ? Washington, D. C, Jone 11. To the Editor of the New York Times : I stand squarely upon the late National Democratic platform, and favor a repeal of the Sherman act, i he coinage of both gold and silver at the mints on equal terms, and a repeat of tbe tax ou State bank UOtcd- Jodn S. Henderson, (Dem.) i.AliIK amnio, or chiiiicn who want build Neediiii njfrup, prjonld take BROWN'S IKON BITTERS. It is pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indi gestion, Biliousness and Liver ComDlainu. IT old on Hoys. Hold ou to your tongue when you are just ready to swear, lie or speak harshly. Hold on to your hand wheu you are about to steal, snatch or do any improper act. Hold ou to your foot when you are on the point of kicking, run ning off from study, or pursuing the path or error shame or crime. Hold on to your temper when you are excited, angry, or imposed npoc, or others are angry with von. Hold to your heart when evil as sociates seek your company, and invite you to join in their mirth games and revelry Hold en to your good name at all times, for it is of more value than good, high places or fashionable at tire. Hold on to the truth, for it wil1 serve you well and do you good throughout eternity. Hold on to your virtae it is above all price to you at all times and places. Hold on to your good character, for it is, and ever will be, yoar best wealth. A LEADER Since it? firit introduction, Electric Bit ters has gaintd raridly in popular favor until now it 13 clearly in tbe lead amona beveiage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the best and Durest medicine for all ail- ments of Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will cure Sick headache. Indigestion Con stipation, and drive Malaria from the ays tern. Satisfaction guaranteed witn eacn bottle or the money will be refunded. Price only 50c per bottle. Sold by J M LawiDg THAT CIlAltTKlt AGAIM. lVIiy The JLmhI legislature Amended The Farmer Allltiueo Charter. (Juldsboro Argus. On April 26th, 1S(J3 I sent to you for publication an article containing my views upon the resolutions rt ceutiy adopted by the Wayne Coun ty Alliance, and also the legislature in amending the charter of the AU 1 1 i ance- Since that time I have been roundly abuse by tho Caucasian and Proares$ii't Farmer, bnt the princi pal reply to me have been abuse The statement iu my commnnica- Hon that raises the biggest bowl is this; 4-A great mauy of the lecturers of North Carolina last year were third party candidates Aud still they were paid out of the Alliance fund $4,364 1. And if I am not very much mistaken Mr. Graham was called upon for $1,200 to help pay that and other expenses of th State meeting." This was the charge made, and the reply ia a card sigued by Messrs. Alexander, Johnson, Mewborne, Batler and others, sayiug that, "no sum was appropriated or used last year in the interest of tbe People's party, and, that no sum was paid for lect uring after May meeting of ex. 00m. or lor other than legimate expenses of the Alliance.'' I now reiterate what I did say : The Alliance lectures in N. C, last j ear were paid $4,364.19, and a great mauy of them were Third party candidates." This I assert as (he truth, and no man can deny it. Of the S names to the committee card, 5 of them were candidates, 4 Third party, one a Democrat. Now let's ee who has lied : They say, "By order ot the executive commit tee, at the May meeting last year all the Alliance lecturers were wiih. drawu from tbe field, this being several weeks prior to tbe firs: start to organize a new party." Left see about that. In March last year, Mr. J. W. Mewborne, District lect urer, Dr. J. E. Person, County lect urer, accompanied by Mr. A, L Swinson, then county secretary can-? vassed Wayne county. Messrs. Mewborne and Person would open the ball for the Alliance. Mr. Swjo son would close tbe scene with a long speech in lavor of a new party, aud would say all manner of evil against the Democratic organiza tion. Well do I remember their meeting with Falling Creek Alli ance, Messrs.Mewbome and Person made very short speeches, followed by Mr. Swinson. My worst politi cal enemy non (the strongest; friend, then) said to me, after Mr. Swinson closed hi 8 remarks, if he was allow ed to make such political speeches as that in the Alliance he would rum tbe order. Right here I would call Mr. Mew- home's attention to the fact, that he closed his canvass in Wayne that be might be in Kinstoo at the organization ot the People's party for Lenoir connty, wihch was either the last Saturday in March or tbe first Saturday in April. A fevr days after holding(forth at Falling Creek Mr. Swmsou organized the Peoples party at Providence and is sued a call for a county mass meet" to be held at Goldsboro, April 16tb, lor the porpose of completing the county organization. Mr. Butler, StatePresident, fears iag Mr. Swinson wonld get ahead of him, intercepted Mr. Swinson, and held an Alliance meeting in the court house that day. After deliv iog his Alliance address be gave ns reason why we should stick to the Democratic party, and called on all who would attend the coming Dem ocratic conventions and support their nominees to stand up, and Dearly every one in the crowded court room stood up. Mr. Swinson and 5 or 6 of his followers, who wtre honest in their conviction did not rise. We all remember tbe Swinson circalar denouncing Mr. Butler, lc a very short time Mr. Swinson did organize the People's party for the county. Thus we see the new party organized in Wayne and Lenoir in , Continued on last page.)