ia.fcrjiTtm 'V ;il R ILIKtJOILM CdDUEIEE JL o LINCOLN COURIER J.M. ROBERTS, EDITOR ANH I'lM'I'Kl h'HHI. LINUOLNTON, c ..irxiMHi; KNTE1IED IN I UK POST Ul-'rlCJ: AT LtN'COLNXO:; AS SECON'D CLASS jl.UL. MATTtli' Subscription Cash in Adcan:e. year L2o mouths 4 months' 0 Aafes of A'JcertJsinq. Oueiuch, ouo time. 1.00 ; LMe for each subsequeu insertion, j Two inches, oue time, $1.50 ; 50 j cents for each -mbsequent insertion T'aree inches, out time, ri.'.OO i 7o cents for each suh?eotuent inser I lion. ! Four inches; oue time, Si. 50 11.00 for each bubseiiueut insertion, i Special rates lor one-nuii ana one-fourth column ; also, for any advertisement continued longer thau two months The long looked for appointments huvo at last been made. tlou. Kope H;ia, ot Prttukliu, Macon county has Leea appointed Collector ot Interna! lieveuuo of thid district and lion. 11. ii. Gleuu, ot Wiusiou,- has re ceived the office of district Attor ner. o far as can bo gatheied horn Va9hington the appoiutments aie Htisfactory to all co icemed at the Capital. Kope Elias haa long been in the tervicb of the Democratic party, aud is an able worker lor the cause. He was oue ot the Cleveland dele gates at tiie Chicago convention last year- We believe the appoint meat will give general satisfaction. In ailditiou to his being a special favorite with Mr. Cleveland he had strong endorsements- ii. li. Glenn, who mails such a vigorous canvass during the last campaign, is a most deserving ee lectiou. ills endorsement for dis trict attorney was irresistatle The i manner in which he handled Mary an ii Hutler in the lat campaign brought tenor into the ranks ot the Third party. Uis ability add other ipualiheatious made bis appointment peculiarly gratifying to the Dem- j ocracy. ! While there must necessarily be ; somff dissatisfaction on the part of other applicants and their friends ?or these places, they are doubtless the. best selections that could have i been made. j The Collector's olhce will probab- j lv be continued at Asheville. Tut celebration at ? ho i uill'ord Ealtle Grounds will take place on d;e 4th of duly next. The Holt ?no.numei)t will hi' uuvailed on lh;H day. Great preparations are being made for tho orea-iou. lion. Cyrus IV Watson, of Winston, will deliver tlu annual address. The dedication ei'renionies will be v. laborate and striking as the monument is to mark the spot where the .North Carolina volun teer rillenu n of Surry under Ma jor Joseph Winton wore lighting the Hessians aud Tarelton's Ca airy alter General Green had re treated from the lield. Judge Schcnck was especially requested by Governor Holt to deliver the address demonstrating this most important historical fact. Judge Sch crick deserves and is receiving high honor lor bringing into prominence this historic place ami for having the heroism of Guilford perpetuated in tho memories of the people. i'iL Banks oi' Nkw Hanovkh connty. Wilmington and a branch bank of it have failed. The fol lowing is the cashier's statement : -Owing to the withdrawal of more than .'iL'O.ooo f) notice of over 150,000 intended withdrawal.- maturing in a few days, and also to its inability to realize quickly upon its assets on account of the stringency ot the tim ?s. the Band of New Hanover has been forced to make an assignment to Junius Davis, in the interest of all concerned. Depositors will receive dollar for dollar and the business will be wound up as rap idly as possible. Signed A. k. Smith, Cashier." Osk. annual event, nov not very larcffand which Notth Carolina should never permit to languish, is the celebration ot the Battle ot Guilford Court Llouse. The cele -. bration takes pl:ce on July 4, on the battle grouud near.Greenesboro. The excellent shape in which the grounds have been put is due tft the patriotic Judge Schenck. His em ergy and patriotism hiivo saved This gtffit rkv itint ina.t veit4 from oblivion and pr served 'i to poster-. its. 1 he liuillom j . itne jroiuiu. With Its UlOLiUltlHllls id its muse- t Jill, Will H! IICI ' lO OIJU-m- - S- be nek's i.ufiie lonu ;iltel' be .sh.d. 2 have r as-d away. -iitirtotte Ac if, j ... I The CoiniM'iiiilioii t Coll sor Allorm'j mnl Marshal The Tjlk'eto'-!iip of the western district of North Carolina is worth 4 50U per annum. The collector has a salary of 500 and is al lowed commissions to thu amount of $1,000 per year on cancelled stamps. The district attorney ami marshals an- paid in fees and ire allowed to make ?0,000 per Vt,.u Any excess over this am ount that they collect they must turn into the Treasury, as must the collector anv commissions in s of l.ooo. During no year ) xce i of flu? four that they were each in I j ollico did District Attorney Price j 1 ol Marshal Clenn fail to make his : I .f;,000 and turn a balance into the ' Trea-urv. Truly, these three are ! very nice p! SIlKVElt. ices CiiAKi.orri; ( )n- j ! Tlie .Iury4 AVork Coiuplele. Washinoton, .June 10. The coro tier's jury investigating the Tord's Theatre disaster, has brought in a verdict holding Co!. F. C. Ainn worth, 0 -n tractor Ceo. W. Danf, Superintendent covert and Engin eer basse responsible for the deaths of the victims by reason of crimi nal negligence ou their part. The jury were out nearly two hours. The verdict, with much surplus verbiage, says that Dante excavated the earth beneath one of the. brick pillars wbich supported the rloors above within in any way bhoring or protecting tne pillar, and this caused the pillar to fall brings mg down the floors above with the insults known. "That Frederick c Ainsworth was the officer in charge ot said bmidiug and the said clerksj and that William . Covert was super ii.tende.nt of aid budding and that j Francis Sasse was the inechauical j engineer and fireman of said build ing: and the latter, although not j hi architect or civil engineer, pre j pared the plans and specifications j for the enlargement of said cellar, aiiii said Ainsworth, Sasse and Oar j vert and each of them knew or j ought to have kuow that said Dant was engaged in excavating said ! cellar and nnderpining said pier, I and that he had not shored the col ! umns and brains of said building or UKen any otner precaution 10 pre- j vent the fall thereof or said floorss nor did Aiusv. oith, Sasse, covert, or i either of them, take any precaution I to prevent the tall of said floor '.kiie the said Dunt was engaged in underpinning said piers or columns so as to protect ihe taid clerks from the ios of life or limbs by reason thereov but said Ainsworth, cover!-, S i-oe and Dante were, and each ot ;hem was guilty of criminal negli em.'e in respect of said excavation ! and enlargement of said cellar and t e underpiuuing of said piers theu o.-ing and about, to bo dot-e therein, .iiol we, tlie jurors aforesaid, say hat the said Ainsworth, covert, S tsse. D iiit and cacti or the.m is guilty oi criminal negligence aud we further find that Frederick c I Ainsworth, Win. G. cjverf, Francis j Sasse and Geo. W. Daut are re- j sponsible for tb.) killing of said ! Frederick Ijottus ; and wo jurors ' I afoiesaid. do further ay that the : failure of the government of the ' j United States to provide for skilled supersntendence of the work of res ! pur and alteration of its building i in charge ot the War Department is most unbusinesslike and repre- j hensible, and we are of the opinion : that it such superintendence had ' been provided in the case of the j work on the Ford's Theatre building ; the awful tragedy might ha?e avoid, j ed." j At the request of the coroner Sir. j Thomas, the district attorney, read the verdict aloud. Not a souud j disturbed him. It was supposed the j announcement would be followed j by a scene but when Thomas finish j e.l reading and laid don the piper j not a man in the room bpoke. There i was an oppressive t-iteiice for a mo- mentand theu the voice of Lieut, j Amiss, requesting the assemblage j to file out quietly, was heard. His instructions were obeyed to the let tLr. coroner Patterson decided not to issue warrauts for the commit ment of Ainsworth, Dant, Covert and Sasse until to. morrow morning, in order to give them an opportune ty of obtaining "bail. Ainswoith i. ul ready secured bondsmen. 1 nit is very ill at hid residence, suiiWiti" Ironr a nervous attack 1 bi ought on inrougu iiih accusation : . .. i i . . -. . l : ; made auains'u him in eouuectiou with i t-i ii.4stf.r. i ! iVanitl llgtOll ZVii. i A.siiiMiiOiN, June i 'j -i-it . T - Hi 1803.- ! The President has been suffering from an attack of rheumatism for several days, which taken in con-n-ction with the knowledge that be has been dieting btmselffor some time to reduce his flesh, which not Withstanding the enormous quanti ty of the hndtst sort of woik he constautly doej, has been increase iog, wad made the foundatiou for numerous sensational rumors cou eeimug his general health. Your correspondent is assured by those who know that Mr. Cleveland's gen eral health, barring the iheumatisai. is excellent. Re expects, in com- pauy with Mrs. Cleveland and Baby j liuth, to leave Washington to mor- row or next day tor his .buzzard liy cottage, where Mrs. Cleveland j will return to Washington within a ; week or ten days, possibly sooner, j and will remain, mating occasional j visits to Buzzard's Bay uutil the ; la3t of July when he expects to go I i for at least a month's stay. The j , fact that he expects to spend the ; mouth of August away from Wash- j iniitou effectually disposed of the rumored earlier calling of the extra session of Congress, a rumor that probably had its only origin in the wishes of those who have been here clamoring fcr an immediate extra session. The coroner's jury haa nearly completed its task of investigating the Ford's Theatre castrophe, and its verdict is looked forward to with the greatest interest. It is well nigh certain that it will blame Col. Ainsworth for contributory, negli gence, if lor nothintr worse. lu that case the graud jury will probably i indict Ainsworth for manslaughter, aud its finding will also necessarily carry some weight with the Army Court of luquiry which will look into the matter this week. Col. Ainsworth is still at tha head ot the Records and Pension Office of the ; War Department, aud, owing to the peculiar conditions surrouudiug the position, would still be the legal j head of the oflice and continue to ' draw his salary, eyen it he were suspended by the President, as be ! may be before the end of this week. I Ainsworth is a Colouel in the Armyj j but he has neither regiment nor ; command ; he is not in the line of j protnotiou aud cannot be trans- ! ferred to other duties by the Presi Uu arid hfl ,he ouly man iQ tlie ; army who cannot be. Col. AIusn worth can only be removed from tho army by Court Martial, and so long as he remains iu the army it is ! doubtful whether the President has authoritj to appoint any other man chief of fbe Records and Pension Oflice, although he can designate another army officer to perform the duties temporarily. A little polite cal tinge has been given the matter by the appearance of Senator Pocv tor as the special champion of Aina worth. Although Sec Greshatn v. ill neither afiirrn nor deny the state ment tht Minister Blouut has re- i signed thosn who know the inton- I tions of Mr. lilouut say it is true, ! and the presence of Hon. Proctor j Knott, of Kentucky, in Washing- ton, has caused the belief that he I will bd his successor. Twenty army officers have been ; detailed, under the act of July 1892, ! to act as Indian agent. There was i considerable difficulty in finding cdicers willing to serve aud the i President did not care to detail meu ; tor the duty against their wishes. When next pension day comes aiourid there will be some disagree- ably surprised inen, among those who will apply tor theip cheeks at several ot the Pension ageucicS throughout the countiy. The fail ure to receive the custouiy check will be the farst notice these men will have that they have been dropped from the peusiou roll as a result of tj.ie examination now be ing conducted by s.elect commit tee ot enaminers, of all the pensions granted under Raum's construction of the act of 1800. Although this woik has just cGOiinericed many names have already been diopped and many more will follow. ihe men who aie beiug dropped by this committee are not strictly speakiug fraudulent pensioners, althongh tiiey have drawn public money to which they we?e not entitled. The wrong was committeed by Ixanm iu so cnuntniing the law s to make them eligible for pension, and fur that reason it is not probab'e that any attempt will bo made to recov . . l .1 . . 1 - . . ri t 1 1 . : tr ine money aireauy p ' who have been or will be dropped, as will be done in cases where the pensioner got on tho roll by fraudu lent acts of his own. CongienBrnan Tucker, of Virgiuia says "If Mr. Carlisle keeps on the ay he has begun he will be the ideal of democracy and their candi date for the Presidency in 1896. lie bad done two things that com. Ujiend him mightily to the popular favor the replang of republican oflioialo with democrats awd liU re I'U'ing to be builied into issuing boude." EliuH Is Oolleclor ami (Sleiiii ih OiM. Alty. Special to the Charlotte Observer. WASH1NG10N, June 19. The die is cast. Rope Elias is collector, K. u. Glenn district attorney. This solution, says Col. V. II. William?, gires general sat'sfaetion, and the appointment of Mr. Eiias will re ! dound to fh good of the party and j public. Mr. Elias has rece ved dun ! merous congratulations. Ir s uu- dtrstood that before the recent ar- ! raugtmeut was- known Secretary Carlisle hail sent his name to the President for the coilectorehip, while about the same time Attorney Gen- eral Olney had sent his ua ne in for district attorney. The ability of the now collector is conceded by Senator Vance and others, Kope Eiias goes home to-night to arrange his boud, which is S2G0.0OO in aui ouut and which will be here this week. He says he has noi fixed auy of the miuor positions under his oflice and may not do so for several weeks. St t IIeio ! Mr. Editor : It is refreshing, if not amusing, to read your apoto yetic batch of suppositious in ans swer to a simple question in last week's paper. A simple answer would have sufficed without a need less appeal to public sympathy for a manifest mistake ot judgmeut on the part of county commissioner, JJut the alarming frequency of these mistakes should not be overlooked especially when they are so strongly emphasized by a call for a special tax. The commissioners should reiuem-. ber that the.y are fiduciary as weii as disbursing officers, and that, r he preseut or prospective funds of the couuiy can be properly expended only when it is done lor the legiti mate liabilities of the county. Tbert is none of your suppositions about this statement, but there would e if they were to indemnify the Reg ister of L'eeds or Sheriff for private losses, suffered by fi.e or flood, simply because they were county officers. Because Mr. Baxter is iHe keeper ot a charitably institution of mecoumy ooes nor ei.urw mm to exceptional consrdtration. Redid ! not assume the responsible charge of keeper of the Home on account of his intense sympathy aud love for the unfortunate inmates. lie be lieved there was money in if, and he voluntarily took coarg expect ing thereby to leather his own nest, and during the years he has had charge of it he ha lucreas-d in material wealth untif he is consid ered one of our substantial citizens aud above Ihe shad-w of public chanty. The commissioners kueA this when they contributed pros pective public funds to partially make good his private losses. They could w th t-qu-d justice havo given aid to Messrs. P. 13. and Thomas iiess on account of their recent losses by fire, and I assure them they could net gise tc worthier gentlemeu Sine.- the precedent is established and the editor of the Courier says he doc-s "not feel Cdlie(j Qpoa lo COudemu oar com missioners for tl 13 spirit of charity towards any one who has been oyeip taken witl such misfortune' why not jrive the Meters, liess about St veuty.fice or an hundred dollars to heal the uglv wounds of misfor tune If not, why not That is tLt amount giveu to Mr. a'tout B.xter. Mr. editor, 30 do not , ,. , . , . dra the liue wide enough between "mine and thiue" anil therefore would not make a srte commission er, although an honest and con scientions one. You would no doubt et your sympathies get away with your better judgment, and that is just the quality the people do not want, iu a man having the taxing power in his hands That is just what the commissioners have done, but I heir honesty of purpose will cot be questioned. They simp- ly desired to do a charitable deed, j but in their zeal to do it, did not j stop to reflect that their personal; sympathies shonld be measured by their own pocket book. ) It is a rejection upon the connty to say that the benefits accruing to Mr, Baxter from the action of the comniihsioners would be indirectly shared by the lumatedot the Ilome, iu that it carries with it the impress siou that they are not amply fed and clothed, aud whose welfare is gov erned by a private financial ther mometer which rises or falls as its owner prospers. The per capita allowance for the inmates otthej Ilome is t-uflicient to feed them rea j sonably well, and to Mr. Baxter's; credit, be it said, be is a good shepf ! herd and does not '-skin" his flock j to enlarge his own profits. j In this age ot culture and civiliza- j tion it would be hard to find a man I who does not place human life ! above brute life, aud yet you Ia5 J considerable stress on the fact that j Mr. Baiter could have saved hie j moles it he bad not gone to thf j rescue of the inmates of the flome. j whose lives were endangered by the tl itne. To have done leas would i have made him a fit subject fori judge lynch, and yet you thiuk himi not only entitled to sympathy but; also to substantial reward because! God had given him a nature that! knew hovv to discriminate Vtweenj man and beast. The man who vol-' uotari'y imperils his own life to) res ue a human beiag from threat-1 eued death ia a hero; when he loses; his life in the attempt, his came is heralded to the world as. a martyr, but the captam of a scuttled ship! who sees his personal treasure sink-! iug to the bottom of the ocean! while he is laying the gangi-pbmk j for his passengers to safety reach : me snore , un.y a commou-p.ace, every-day sort of a man. A Tax Payee. There is uothing iu the foregoing i that needs any reply froai ns. We kuow our friend '"Tax Payer'' is a little fond of controversy but we must deny him some pleasure iu that line ou this occasion. We ans swered his question last week as courteously as we knew how, and gave him ail fhe reason known to us. Our version of the act was ful ly given in our last week;s issue ot the Courier aud we have uothing further to add. Courier. A Mau Win lias u I.iick. "I hoped to get an oflice,'' wrote a Nebraska Democrat to the Post-ofti-re Department, 4,iut 1 have giv- i en up hoping, aud am now plowing corn. J never find any luck. In my jounger days I planted a tree in the hope that when I waxed old it woald shelter and ha a comfort to me; the other day it fell on me and broke oue of my limbs and several ot its own. One time I collared a burglar and took him to the police station, and the officer in charge ; ockj lne ,JP) aiJli let the ,ing j go. ()a auotto-r occasion 1 tried to leleive the suffering of a horae that had a n .il iu Us foot, aud it kicked me ihiough the bide of a barn. Why should a aian with my grotesque luck hope for anything except an untimely death f" h'.v. VOiCl I FA 1 1ft XOTKS. D you live in the South or South, east you will have unequalled ad vantages m reaching the great fair ; a Sojid Train with Palace Sleeping Cars leave Atlauta daily ia the E T. V. C liy. to Chattagooga, thence via Q. & c. Route to Cincin nati!, and Big Four Houte to Chica-J go; cars via C. X O liy. and ljii'L1n,w in ..n: FourRmte to Chicago. Besides1- " 1 V i ryeis these solid traios, alt other trams, I IS muctl cheaper and better make Direct Connection in Cine dh than the old way, nati, Central Union Station with j o the B.g Four Route, avoiding all We Have no Capital invested, transfers across: he city, necessary as we are Manufacturers' a via all other Lines to Chicago. 'gents and carry Samples of Trails of the Big Four pass along Carpet in Stock only, therefore; the western edge ol the Exposition Grounds on an elevated track, offer ing a magnificent panoramic view ol the Fair. The stopping traiua at Midway pl&saoce Gate which is main en trance to the Exposition, is an unr equited advantage olleied by this route. Naturally- all the Principal Woild rair Hotels are located on the route of the Big Four, to be uearerto the Exposition, and furthermore, con- wDent Mops are made along the fine enabling passengers to reach every part of the Hotel and Board ing House District. Should you prefer to go down town, trains of the Big Fonr land y u at the new Central Station at Tc?elth St. in the heart of the city. Thus all the disagreeable features of tedious transfers and delay in Chicago as well as along the route are postively avoided, making this Line supeiior to ad others in every respect. For full information, address D. B. Martin, (J. P. & T. A. World's Fair Route, Cincinnati. O. Faui That AYEB'S Sarsaparilla a m 3 oniF.Ks of Scrofulous Diseases, Eruptions, Boils, Eczema. Liver and Kidney Diseases, Dyspepsia, Rheu matism, and Catarrh should I e con vincing that the same course of treatment will CU:k vol'. All that has been said of the wonderful ture e fleeted by the use of AVER'S Sarsaparilla during the past no years, truthfully applies to-day. It is, in every sense, The Superior Medicine. Its cura tive properties, strength, effect, and flavor ai e alu ay s the same ; and for whatever blood diseases AVER'S Sarsaparilla is taken, they yield to this treatment. When you ask lor AVER'S Sarsaparilla don't be induced to purchase any of the worthless substitutes, which arc. mostly mixtures of the cheapest in gredients, contain no sarsaparilla. have iin ur.iloiin standard of ap pearance, flavor, orefTVet. are blood -purifiers in name only, and are ol IV red to you because there is more profit in selling them. Take Sarsaparilla Prcpama bv Dv J.C. Ayer&Co.. I.owr 11, M.ihh. tiuld all Iu;int8; l'liro i; l.oitli d, f-i. Cures others, will cure you NEW STORE. Ye have just opened up a , firt dag3 groccry st0re Oil Main !qw : v, ommin,. post-office. We sell Hist class Groceries Cheat. We buy all kinds country produce. Will pay highest market price IU CASH or TRADE, tor all kinds countiy produce. call and see us. C. W. Ward & Co. Lincoln ton, N. C, Mar. in, 1893. THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. WILL TALK TO YOU THIS Week About -CARPETS.-- Why can we sell carpets from 10 10 1;) Per cent cheaper than the old way of carrying carpets in stock, which necessitates in vesting a large capital, and there is always more or less remnants left on hand, which has to bo sold at a sacrifice in order to get rid of them. Asa matter of course, the customer who buys from one of these old style firms, has to pay for the loss on remnants and interest or capital invested. This is the reason why our ! vvts clOTC' to sen Tor a very small profit. 2st. We carry a very jarge assortment of samples for you to select from. After you make your selection, we take the size of your room, and order just exactly the quantity required for the room. Ia this way we have do remnants left on our hand?. Th'S is another paving arjd the reason why we can afford to stll carpets eh cap. No firm in a small towD, can possibly afford t, carry the assortment ot carpets m stock, vhat we do sample-. We can, there lore, give you so much larger assortment j to select from. STAMPED LINENS. This is a line ct goods that never La3 Istn carried in this market before Our assortment is M arge arjJ. Varitd that it 15 impossible to give anvthing like a correct idea of it, we therefore cordially mvjte you to call and inspect it. In con nection with this i,ne, we also Lave a nice assortment of fciik Tassel. Ball. Cords and Bras ornaments for Eancy work. ' Tl.Alwai's ,on ha3 good assortment Wash Embroidery bilks. RESPECIFULL Yt Jenkins Bros. RAMSAUR AND BURTON HAVING purchased the stock cf II. E. &;J. B. liamsaur, we wnl continue to carry the same line of goods. If yon want a STOVE or RANGE or the vessels, or pipe, call and ex amine our stock. We keep on hand Baggies and Wagons, Harness, Saddles and Col lars, Haudmade," also the best sole and Haruess Leather. Large stock cut soles. Old Hickory and Piedmont Wag ons kept iu stock. Glass Fruit Jari?, Flower Pots, Glass Ware, Tin Wart, Jug Towu Ware, Irou 01 all kinds, N&ils, "cut" w ire and horseshoe, Horse and Mule shoes, oue aud two horse Roland and Steel Plows aud repairs. The largest stock of Hardwaie iu towu. Buckets, Tubs, Churns, wtseel bar iows, fence wire, in fact EVERY THING kept in Hardware aud Leather goods line. The thauks of the old firm are hereby tendered the public tor their liberal natronage and encourage ment. The uew firm will endeavor to merit a contiunance of same. Come to see us whether you waut goods or not. All questions cheer tuliy answered, except as to weath er lorecast. Substitute for Sash weights. The Commou Sense Sash Balances : They can be used where it is impossible to use weights or other fixtures. They are especially valuable for repairing oli buildings, and are as easily put in. oil buildings as new ones. Common Seuso Curtain Fixture : The most perlect Curtain Fixture made. The curtain can be let down from the top to any desired point, giving light or venti-. latiori w ithont exposing the room or in occupants, answering tho double purpose ot an inside blind and a window curtain. Automatic Centre Rail Sash Lock The only automatic centre rail sash lock Uifcdt;. iN'o bolts, springs, or rivets are usod; We will take pleasure in showing these improved goods. RESPECTFVLL Y, Ramsaur & Burton. BAOKET STORE. We wish to call your atten tion to the fact that we are once more to the front with one of the greatest and most com plete stock of spring and sum mer goods, of all kinds, that we have ever had, and we are more than glad to say that we can sell them as cheap as we ever have. Except calicoes which have advanced a little ; hut in all other lines we find no change, except for the cheaper. ome people may cry "high prices" to you, but it is not so with the RACKET, as you will find what you want here at the right price always. We can sell a nice dress Gir,ghain3 at 7, 8, 9 and lOcU. per yd. L fine line of Out ing3 at lOcts. We fcave the prettiest line of White goods you ever saw, from 8 to 20o. Black Lawns 8 to 20c. Challie3, 7 to I2c. Satines, 20 to ISc. .Standard bleach ed Domestic 8 to 10c. Our cashmere and Henrietta Jine of drew goods is the best we have ever had. You will find all the nev shades and colors, also the trimming to match in gimps and Silks. NOTION DEFT. This department is full, and overflowing, witk articles too numerous to mention. SHOE DEP T. This is one of our largest de pattments, and you will find one of the most complete lines of shoes that will be found in the place, trom the cheapest to the best. In this line you will find all the latest styles ot Ladies Misses and Children's low cuts for the spring and summer seasons. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Our line of Clothing is by far laret than it has ever been, in MensV-Youth's and Boys' Suits; you will find what you want at the price you want, for od pants, we can suit you in anything you want from a 05c. pair to the best $.r00 pants in the world. Millinery Dcp't. In this line we are headquarters Last season proved a hummer in tLii line. This seasou we expect to double our sale. For Mens' Y ouths' and Boysv hats, wo have the best, the latest style and the Cheapest. OUR MOTTO IS "UNBER-BUY UNDERSELL". Cash on Delivery of Goods. RESPEC1FOLL 1", J.L- KISTLER, PROP.

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