THAT OlIilM'l K AJAlN.f.l thi year. Thou (Coihhi'h l from In-f .; ) i ion for return of eoi. April. It in to pn'Binn-d thi j balance of th State wh:i operated upon in the ha mo w.iy. At let ti.u R.itlnr pfiftMetn'o ivwaho ; ho fact that su- h was t ho c ia The statement in the Pivjit-oice Farmer that Jl was active in se curing the repeal of the Alliance charter ami voted for its repeal 13 false. There vra a diiTereuce of opiuioa as to what ought to be. done and upon the passage of the bill 1 did not vote- In m former coa -muoicatioa I say, first, tLa: rn-n-y of the Alliance lectures last je;u were third party candidate. Thn cannot be denied, and f dtnied C2u be easily proven. I say next, the lectures were paid 4,3G4.1b out ot the Alliance fund-. We turn to proceedings ot Stait Alliance at Greensboro, August 9 h. lOlh and 11th. 1S92 ou page 9, aud fit.d, anions ibe disbursements ot the treasurer, the item "i'or le;, ur:n $ 1,3(5 i-lrt..' I bay fuither, that Mr. Grahnoi. trustee of the li. A. I'umJ, lias be u called upon for 1,100 to defray ex penses of lecturing and other t-x. penses : We turn again to proceedings oi 1S92, and ou page 30, we find thi-t the following resolutions 'vas adopt ed, "lieauived, That the Executive Cairu'ttee of this State Alliance be authorized and directed to bonow for tbo uae of this Aliiaucei 51,200 from the Trustee of the liuaines Agency Fund, and to repay the same from t lie receipts ot the ollic of Secretary, Treasurer and State Business Agent, above necessan, vTfnHP.-i And the tiustee is an- " i thorized to withdraw on said funds to secretary trea-ur ei s Cilice until same is paid." Again, J stated that, tL ttie lat State meeting President Butlt rnld that a reduction recommended by the committee in the compensa tion allowed delegates, applied to tne delegate attending the meeting of '92 while 37f borrowed by Air. Butler was given him without ob jection. Turning again r.o proceed lugs, p-ige 30, 1 find the following : "By request, the Presideut made a ruling aa to the ameudment as pei mileage of delegates and other members which was as follows: That the change in the constitution as to actual transportation expens es should apply to this meeting," and ou page 35, 1 Had the fullowing, 4 Brother J. M- Mewborae made a regard to a loan made t President Butler ty order ot the Executive committee through V. II. Worth for 4j,". On motiou the amount of $155 was remitted to Biother Butler, and the note held against Liut by W. II. Worth order id to be cancelled.' It will be seen on page '), that in aJ.iitiou to making President Butlei a preseut of 155, a above stated, tie was paid his fu'-l salary n0. aul was allowed 512.15 for expen se The items making the totai ot txfteuses not given. It has been s:d that the amendments to the charter originated in the evil minds ot the legislators, that there va n ) reason to be urged in their favjr, i nat there was simply a desire to i' jure the Alliauee, and the ainend m nt most complained ot is that al lowed the funds contributed by a member to be withdrawn. Those wiio say this do not know the facts, o knowing them they will not giv: t he n to the people. They are Al' liaiicerueu only 111 so far as the name is 0 nonymous with Third partx uueij, and uo further. 1 say that the records ot the Al liiiiceshowa iteeessity for some change, 111 that they show xtrava ga ice in expenses of le'Murtr :, and that many people desired to with draw iheir funds and could not do SO. On page ot proceedings of "2 I fin 1 a report of trie Executive com rn'ttee signed by Messrs. Alexander & Mewbome, from which I ukej ihis extract : j Your committee would recom-! v e id the change ot the lecture sys-; tem. It is more expensive than any we have heretofore had, and the! Vll,. s c daughter or our beloved , 1 , , 1 1 , ,l f :,, ' e good work accomplisheu is nut iu ! ivisior Rev R Z. Johi'Son there- ! t, lioi, nev. i. ... uouub proportion to its cost." Ihis shows! int it j that a change in the system is de j Jic,irc,i 1st That while we sadly ! sirable. that the expenses have in depior tho bereaving stroke that j creased, and that results are not in j has taken her, in the bloom and .nroDortiou to cot. T.-i nlain hnJ..,,. li. fr.f.o i,,! rmt. I . I - - guaae, we would call this extrava ;ance. Oa page 11, I find the trusi tee's report, from which I make ttm ! extract: ''There a.e treqaent ap-al, thinffS welp- acknowledging that JVenn. Geu'l Pass. Ac Ticket Agt plicitions to the trustee for return ' what u doetn we uow not now. XVllle' Tenn' of money contributed to the fund, j but beieiving that we shall know t .Subscribe lor tne Lincoln Cou several hundred lraviug been receiv-' beieafter. uiee. T n provis - s utiofH, ex, opt on dissolution. I S ato Alli;nee Tho Trns'et-'.s bond -vouhl b re spimsible for any xn -y so re'iinnsi Tlern nro also sn stions totne- tinj' s to hav c it 1. t d as a cash f:iu 1 in tlio hands of .1 .State ttusi ties agent: Under itie, conditions nt wliich it wu.i conrnb'jted this u impossible &e. 1' any change is de sired, I bUggeat that Kvfcutire Committee be instructed to obtain J authority by law for the action." The Pfo.jrczsicr Far.-uer has said tiiat only 13 have applied siuce th 1 -idjournmeiit of the legislature t 1 h.vr ihe amount eontnbuted o. ihu'n rf uiwl il It !; Mil' S-i t T i I n ! tht the ''several hnndied' who cording to the Trustee's report de--ired their money before the; could get it, do not call for it novs ? The irutli is they are calling for it. and not getting it, and t ha great reason of the cry ia;sed, and of t'te threar to pnblis'i the names ot those who ask for tlieir money is that it is on namis 10 pay wiih. If the iVo res ice Farmer and Gt unman dou : ta s, and will promise to print the letters, I will turnish several bom Trustee, written tince the adjouni merit of the legislature, saying, ;,j subctacce, that he hasn't the money uu hands to jiay with, that he w.b make some collections, and may be able to pay in June or July. I do not intend to ay that tin4 Trustee tquaedered any part ot Un bind, and 1 know of no reason for making the charge. I presume tea! he has held the fund and paid it ot s directed. The report of the Trustees a;rj shows that under the constitution tnd charter of the Allinnce there it- j 111. i1.1u.1i tn -a 11 1 liru'ivii tlirt wilt j .ir.twal of the money contr ibutcil . j and that this pou er could only be granted by thvi law-aiiking jovei the legtsiaiure. "Several iniu dred' were asking tor the monev contributed by them to be refunde- . there was no power under the char- ter and constitution 10 refund 1 hi s mohey, ami under these ciicumstan- tis the legislature foilowing th ' suggestion of the trustee, comes ir tud amends the charter f-o tha" money contributed might be with" drawn. Is this a great crime ? Many ot the men who wish to withdraw their money paid it in be ieuiug that it was being contribut ed to a non-political organization ior good ends. They now beleivc it was beiug used against their in terest, for political purposes- 1 ihink they were entitled to their money, and it is strange to me that there should be a difference of o- itinioM niiOfi thin Von aih I ;in Tii- ! partners;-! beleive you aresquan- j lering the money for bad purposes, j i there 13 not way lor me to get my If money, ought not one to h made? j In addition Io this, Capt. Powell, I Chairman of ihe legislative commii- f tee ot ine A'liauce. told several metn ters of the legislature that tho change oiigtit to be ruade. I have written more than I intended ar.d would wiite mote, 0,;t 1 wlh ui', iiticle to be read, as it is ia repU .0 personal attacks upon me. The Projreice Farmer of 'May lfuh, after publishing the card of Messrs. Alexander, Mewborne and others, says '-All the papers that J nave btoa putdished Stevens' letter J the Observer included, are expected I expected ro publish the above denial, or else j (i'L.i- ,.i nt uu, uc,Truw.uc .,.x.w ' tiratiug the Alliance and individ- 1 u-ds unfairly.7' By the same rule I ! cali upon tliMt paper and the (7rws casian to publish this communica tion, in full. I do nor. reply to any of their personal tings, because it is belot ihe plaue legitimate discus stou, and because they emanate tiom the editois of the Caucasian and the JVojrcivFanncr. Very truly, 5 no. A Stevens, licsolutiaiisi Adopfel hy tliv Congregation of" iln Dallas 2rrt!yteriaii Oliurcli. , . . ,, - , i Whereas. God is his ah wise arid mysierious prov:lence has seen ploper to r(M,;0ve from the earth I iir K.itie C-iwfnrd of McGonnels i illOVttTl. IHO. I'UUJ KIKUIUI J' - I 1 devoted husband and loving child- j 1 !ren, yet we bow in humble submis Uiit to tpP ni 0f Hun "who doeth Jtt s,.!n i, -mi j nat we ueepiy sympathize with 11m bereaved par .-iif am' family in tin ir sad aflbct- ions ami tray that they may be bus- tailed and comforted by the b!e M-d assurance- tbU our loss is her et-rntl gain. Jt. iu! old That a copy oi theMr resolu'ioiis he sent to tin be re tved fandh and also to the Lin coln Co crier ami A'orth Carolina Pi b titer t in with que. it that the be published W. Matuews, V. T, Henderson, .J. A. IJcNiU;, Committee. Diila, N. C, June lbM'.l ili" UosImS" i iiiratiil Aiiiei i- The iieeu and Crescent Route wideiy known as the road running the Finest Trains in the Sonth," is in the nld to carry everybody from the W nun to the Worlds Fair ai ChiCiigo. No part or' the Southern country is left uucared for by thi near railway and its connections. The Toronto (iar system ii an ad .niiablu exposition of the wonder tui capabilities of Americen rail roading. From New Orlearo Through Sit -epintj cars run dail. , morning and evening, carrying it passingers via Cincinnati at Louis-, viile, as they niuy sehct. From bhieveport, Vicksburg and Jackson another Through Sleeping Car Line comes to join and hecomt a part ot the magnificent VestibuleJ rntoogh trains, which passed through Birmingham and the fa mous Wiiis Valley of Alabama, is joined at Chattauooga by the tram from Jacksonville, Florida, Bruns wick, and Atlanta, Ga , ovr tue JL. i V . & (ia. Ky., and proceed north over the beautiful Cincinnati Southern, through the grandest natural scenery and most attractive historical country in the world, ; Oakdale, where another magnifi cent Pubman car is received, com mg (roui 1 he Richmond A: Dmviile System, tho Ueaatiful French Broati country and Asheviile, N. C, an:' Kin xvilie, Tcuu. Tne time to Chicago is made so as to aiT.jfd the most convenient, hours tor tho departures trom the piiucipal cities, and arrivals ia Chi oa go. Pasteijgcrs can purchase tickets good over one line north of the Riv er, and returning via another if they desire a variable ronte without ex- fia charge. Or they can go via Cincinnati!, ieiaiumg via LouisviU -, ; or vice vci aa . Round tiip tickets on sale at re duced rates. Agents of the Cuiea ;o line wiil ou request assist in looking up rooms or accomodation for visitoiB 10 the Fair. Everything that au almost per fect system can devise to deserve the praise and patronage of the traveling public has been provided. Any of the agents of the company named beiow, will cheerfully give ail posbibie lmformatiou and assist ance. R. H- Garrett New Orleans, La. 1. If akoy, Vicksburg, Miss. J. R. McGkkook, Birmingham, Ala- T.;lton, Chattaraoo. Tm.n W. D. Cozatt, Junction City, Ky. or D. C Eiavai.ds, Cincinnati, O. fe"fefSlQuck Time to Chicago. Two liailj- Fast IJiinilel TraiiiN- The Kast Tennessee, Virginia & Georgia li diway, the Old reliatde S.utherii passenger Hue, makes the f quickett time from the bouih to Chicago, via Ciueinuatti. Their superb solid Vestibule trains (oudt eiieciallv tor this eervice) are as tlie arJ any ia the United States aud are the most pop lii the World's F pnlar with visitors til tne orid s jtair. '"i e u orurs iair iimueu on " elant DW Coaches ana Pallmau Supers, ruua solid to C - ncinnati and Chicago withoot chunge. 1 "'he ''Ciiicago Limited ' is a solid Vestibule train, with through Sleep ers to Chicago, without change of Cttl'M. The E. T., V. & G.. is the only line running 1 trough trams to Cui ciiiuati, ttie (aeeu City of the West. Stop over.- allowed at Cincinnati and Louisvi'ie, on all World's Fair Tickets. The E T.. V. & G is the only line j in Ihe South that secures rooml? ;u j 1 advance for their patrons. Upon j I application to any agent, rooms I c in h -nnficpi1 wifhnnr fxtrA. charges at the elegant "Hotel In gram," which h situated directly opposite to the mat no entrance ot ril WorId-rt Palr aild is under tne Al.inns m4na.t'menr of Warren Lft. land, Jr. Re cure your tickets read via the V'r T' V lV: G- ahd ((!' &, C,rro!f' j the lecogmz d route to the W oild s n ? i , Fair. Cheapest Excursion Kites via 1 r,ils ioutt j Further information readiiy ob- i rained. by addressing any agent or j J J FakxswoRTII, 1):v. Pas. Agf,, AlUnta. G4. CA DeSausseUBE, j ... j. Agt., Memphis, Tenu. L A jjELl, I).v. Pass. Ait., Ala. C A BENSCOTER, Di S-ima, ! Div. Pass Agr., Knoxville, Tenu. B W; r.iTxi ns. This r.'uie.iv is l-ec-aniug so uvll known and so ii(.ui ir a-s to need n special mens ti..i:. AM w!i ' li.iV'' u- J r:i' trio LoUt-rs Miitli Mime s n ot" j.r:ti-e. A p'lrer iu ilic!n. il(,fs 'xit ;od it is t'UMritn., t.-e ! to iln fill ti nt i Ifdint if Kleotno Jrters will t are nil dis of the Liver i'.n 1 Ki li t y-, v, ii! lviii-oe 1'iiiiplt s, iloils, S.ilt. Kli -inii and otlitT alle- ti'.ns t au-.-d by li-ii uiv biu.'d. Will drive Mahiria lrorn the fvsL-in niid j'Ttvent ?is v' 11 cuie nil .Mfihoinl levers. Fr are of Headac-lie, C ii-' ijt;it!--!i v.r.d t n li 'c-ti'ir1. Iry Electric latu rs--Ki.tir.' sa' i-'ac f-u juvn, or in -tiny rcttind d. Price oi) -.oit' mh-I .() jor t."t;le ul l'r, J. M . La wins.' 'a Dru- COUTHF.RN OHORTHAND 2 p COLLEGE, Jfoore's fnirfris- Cfllcpr&. il".kkt-e'iHj. ??h"i 1 hani. 1 elej-i aliy, Kine Art, ant Sci,.r.iie t '.ti-zi-U sclnX'l Oep't. iENr ran larce free. CATLonniE. A. C. BRlSLOE, Pres., Atlanta. Ga. ONE ftjilliON LADIES ARE DAILY RECOMMENDING m ip PERFECTION fl 1 Ilu ADJUSTABLE E I) It expands across the Hall andjoints. This iii.ikts it )rW?j$ri mnrniii an.-? ?..TnT Mi I ' PrniTrnnrTif-T P onnn nt inn vvunLU. PRICES, S2, $2.50, 53, $3.50. ; C0IVSOLIDATEDSH0ECO. M.inufit-turcrs, Iy-nn, Mass. Shoes mads to r.ea5iire. I ii - fthiroi ' Ji-.-il.-ms, !. t Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Tat- ), 4 cnt business conducted for moderate Fees. 'Our Office is Opposite O. S. Patent office J and we can secure patent in less time than those t remote from W ashington. Send model, drawing; or photo., with descrip- Jtion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of J charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with Jcost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries J sent free. Address, t iC.A.SNOW&CO.: t Opp. Patent Office, Washington, O. C. Job Pess for Sale. We will sell a first c!as Job Press for cash. Press itj 10x15 iti siJe chase aroi is as ooi as new. Aiidret-s Lincoln Courier, Lin colnton, N. C. Qoing to Buy t A Dictionary? CET THE BEST, J Webster 's International. J i A Choice GifFv v v vj J A Grand Family Educator A Library in Itself v X The Standard Authority v J I SOLD BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. T The International is a new book from T cover to cover, fully abreast of tho times, x Tand is the successor of the authentic T " Unabridged." Ten years were spent in T X revising, 100 editors employed and over T T $300,000 expended before the first copy T was printed. t T Do not buy reprints of obsolete and ? Send for free pamphlet containing J snecinip.n tures and f ull narti.-T.lara i POmi.arntixjAlTr v.-r.rt.fclpaa oHirinna G. k C. MERBIAM CO., Publishers, X SPRINGFIELD, MASS., U. S. A. $ .v.ji i- i.ii-.tna s-'u.u rtr Are yoa mteresred ia Lucod count? Then tako the Coueiek 11 SHBBeVmt i iMBTiTm l mm ll MfLt -ermrm. r I ' 1 1 FOR CAsH In Advance You can get the LINCOLN COU11IEK ONE YEAR FOR $1.26-6' M. 65 CTS. If paid in trade or if not paid in ad vancc, the price is strictly 81.50. PUBISHED and EDITED BY J.M, ROBERTS, LINCOLNTON, N. C. A family newspaper devoted to the interests of Lincoln and eur roundiug counties aud to the Stat of North Carolina. Subscription, 1 year, 81.25. 6 months, Go cents. PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. iixlDscri'be JZJJ? OKTOE, COUNTY DIRECTORY. OJMJXTY OFFICERS. Sheriff, J. K. Cline, Lincolnton.N C Vi'k. Sup. Court, C. E- Childs, 4; ' Reg, of Deeds, B. C. Wood, " Treasurer, L. T. Willkie. " Survej-or, O. C. Thompson, " ', J. B t-im. " Supt. Pub. J. M. Koberis. BOARD OF COUNTr CCX IS3IONERS. II M Koseman, Cnra'n, iaaaointon. N. C a. Lt. unerry , lnaDgle, J. E. Reiahardt, Iron StatiOD, I A. Keep, Reepyil!e, W. M. Hull, Orleans. COUNTY BOARD OI EDUCATION. R. Z. Johnston, Chm'n, Lincolr.ton,c.. I B.Self, S. V. Goodson, POST MISTRESS. ilisa Eva SumDer. town officers: Mayor, A 'ixorr Secretary Treasurer,. II. E.Ramsaur. lown Const. R M Beal. Commisioners : P, J- Pate L A HoyJe, F. A. Tby, L. J. IIou?er, W. L Crouse. J II Bisaner, J A Abernethv, B C Cobb, arrival of mails. Mails on C C Railway, distributed 0:30 P M and 11 All Slails on Narrow Gauge Railway, dinrib uted 4:00 P H and 11 M. Star Route, via Reej-sville, leaves LiD colnton at 7 A M, Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays; arrives at Lincolnton at 4:30 P M on Friday?, Thursdays and'aturdays Pdblic Schoou? open December, Janu ary, February and March Board of Commissioners meet first Mon Jay in each montn. Town Council meet first Friday night in each month, at 7 o'clock. Board of Education meet first Monday Jnuary.June, September and Decern ber Godey's for 1892.; YoU NEED A MAGAZINE IN TOUtt FAMIL7. Ot one that gives the best satisfaction for the money. . Godey's will save you in "Dress Hints" ten timo iU cost in one year. . Drl. vrt will uivevou a better idea oi materials to use than any fimiliar publicati'-n. Godoy's will cuntinut) the Children s Corner, which has been so favorably tts ceived and enjoyed by our younger read ers. Godey's'will irive you in tact the best of ev.:r thins; within us coveis. Includ-. tng as it does Literature, Fashions, Music, Engraving, Dress hints, Home Talks, Et iquette, etc., Ke. With the January iseue we will begin two nw serial entitled : The Iliiliu f raln, I'.y Kdgak 1'awcett, A bt-iry -! Hew Vork hie, written in hii best and manner. His national rep utation is at any nine a guarantee ot . ictcrtstirijr rmvelette, B .Makoaket M'E.ncek. Whoe bright and attractive letters fron. Washington have iuet with so iuuc.i favor from our readers. The story is locat ed in the Capital, and as the authoress herself resides there it is lull of real inci atni. We j rclii t for "Marjone Lee" a warm rcf.eptioh Irom ur eubcribtrf, win will be sure to lind ber very winsome, aud feel thatthe authoress has worked tor tht-ui a fairy web that lias many beauties and ral interest wovea in its meshes. For the latter months we have a number of Serials and cohort Slori-js by the best authors. The Legend of the Mrs, 0!iv.:i Lovell viion. Tins charming story wilt run through several numbers, and will t illustrated with original photogravures ly Will Philip Iloopei. Tne Autobiography of Mary, by At Marie Peck. To those who have ctu "The Filjeau Mystery." by this author ,v; r-eed say nothing except that it is thouj;! i to be tetter (if possible) tban any of h- previous efforts. Id addition to our usual number of Sho . Stories we shall publish a series of articl -entitled : "Advice from Everywhere,'' ty Ul.via Philips. Embracing such subject as the sick room, home nursery, children nursery, amusements for the shut-ins. i minister's outinsr, a year well spent, .: rl"rn i I Godey furnishes during ttt J J L V Liyear over 1000 pages of e? tertaining illustrative useful borne matte. , desirable and instructive to every lady ir. the land. 10 riCE. Any person desiring to raise , Club should s' r.d lor our circular to ck b raisers. We pay large cash coinmissiei or beautiful j ad costly premium. Single fcuoscripti.'ns, .00 a Year, Al ways in Advance. Sample copy, lo cents. Ad d res G o J e v : s Lad v 's Book , Box II ii. Phil. 'Pa. THE COURIER JOURNAL JLouisvilie, Ky. Subscription Kates, Daily ni Sunda ; 110.00 a year. Daily without Sunda, $8 00 a year, Sunday $2 00 a year, WeeWl , $1 00 a year. The Weekly Courier-Journn Has the largest circulatioh'ot any Demo cratic newsjiaper ia tbe United States an j proposes to double or treble its alread ; large circulation. TIAIAT'Q BY GIVING AWA UU V . EACH AND EVER1 DAY to some one a splendid High Am Sewing Machine or a handsome Gol i VV'atcb-. absolutely re,e. Full particular in Weekly Courier-Journal. Sample copj free. Send for one. Address, W N 1IALDEMAN, Pres. Courier-Journal Company, Louisville, K If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS A COMPLETE NSPAPEREW. THe pride oF North Carolina.'" B. Kingsbury. LL D Win. H. Ue&rue Fditorial Staff Do you want to aid in buildir up a paper that shall, reflect tbe greatest credit on North Carolina? no ru-itter vvhete it may be teen then pal utilize THE MESSENGER, Published in three editions. Tbe Daily Messenger and the Weekly Messenger, Published at Wilmington, N. G. The Goidshoio Tianciijit Meegen !er Published at GoMsboro, N. C They are Large Eight Page Pa-per:?.- Do you want a reliable papr giving you all the news of the world a Democratic newspaper that equals the best has the largest cir culatiou and has for more than 21 years been a parr and factor in the yrowth and development of the Okl North State ? Then Subscribe for the Messenger TRIAL RATES: j Daily Messenger, by mail 4 mos. on trial, $2.00 Weekly Wilmington Messen ger, 8 most 1.00 Goldsboro Transcript M essen ger, 8 mos. 1.00 CASH IN ADVANCE. Dr. Talmaj:e's Sermous are fea ture of all three Papers. CHILD BIRTH ' MADE EASY! " Mothers' Friend " is a scientific ally prepared Liniment, every ingre dient of recognized value and in constant use oy the medical pro fession. These ingredients are com bined in a manner hitherto unknown "MOTHERS' FRIEND" WILL DO all that is claimed for it AND MORE. It Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Diminishes Danger to Life of Mother and Child. Book to " Mothers " mailed FREE, con taining valuable information and voluntary testimonials. Sent by express on receipt of price $ 1.50 per bottlo ERADFIElfo REGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. SOLD JiY ALL DRUGGISTS. Pay your so. ascription to the Lin com Courier. Subscribe for the Courier. KaL. I .ll, . . DAILY ANL WEtKLV. Latest telegrahic news from all part- of the world. (By United Press and fcipec al Wire.) Has the hagest daily circulation in the State. lias more State correspondents than hi y other dnily in the State. Twelve months, J6.00 ; Six months, $3.0"; Three months, 1,50. Weekly. $1,125 per year, in clubs of t9 or over, S1, T.R;JEMIGN, Editor. R. W. Litchford, Manager. BUClvLEN'3 ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for catl bruises, sores, ulcers, talt rheum, lever sres, tetU-r, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positive? ly cures piles, or no pay required. It u guaranteed to give pertect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26c. per box. For sale by Dr. J. M. Lawing, Druggist K1UMOXD & DANVILLE HAlh KOAD. South Carolina Division, & L. N. Q Daily except Sunday. J IN EFFECT May 15tb, 1892. CHESTER & LENOIR N. G. R. R. Southbound No 11 I Lv. 8 30 atr Lenoir 9 35 Hickory 10 07 Newtou 10 f)3 Lincolntou 11 45 Dallas 1211 Gastouia 1 2'J pm Yorkville Ar. 2 45 Chester Northbound No. 12 Ar, 9 1G pra 5 05 7 15 6 20 5 33 5 20 : 4 10 Lv. 3 05am CHERAW & CHESTER 'N. G.R.R Southbound No 9 Lv 4 05 piii 4 5C 5 38 Ar 0 L'S Northbound No. 10 ;&rU 33 am j 1C 40 9 53. Lv 9 20 Cbetter llichhur Fort Lawn Lancaster CHARLOTTE & STATESVILLE Mo Gl mixed No C5 mixed Lv 5 20 pnrOLarlotie Ar 11 20 am G 42 7 10 7 30 Ar 8 10 lluntersville Davidson Ylooresville Statesville Daily. 10 03 9 35 9 07 Lv 8 00 No 12 No 11 LvfoiJ; am Charlotte Ar 'j 20 pxa 5 37 5 10 am 4 57 Lv 4 10 11 30 11 oO 1 2 oa Ar 12 oo Hunteraville Davidson Mooresvile Statesville No. 12 leaves Statesville for Tay or8v:ile 1.10 p. rn., arrives Taylorsi ville 2 Returning, leaves Taylorsville 2. 50 p.m. arrives States ville 4:00 p.m. For detailed information as to lo cal and through time tablef, ratts and Pullman tsleeping-car reBerva tiout, confer with local agents or ad drees Jas.L. Taylor, Geu'l Pass. Agt., Atlanta, Ga. W. A. Turk, A. G. P. A., Charlotte, N. C. S. A. Dodson, Snpt., Columbia,S.O W 11 Green, Gen. Mr, AtIanta,Ga Sol Haas, Traffic Mgr Atlanta,Ga- CAROLINA CENTRAL SHCEDULE In effect May 7th '92 MOVING WEST. NUMBER 48 Laily except Sunday, Passenger, .Mail fc .Exfress Thaw. ' STATIONS. Arrive. Leaves. Wilmington 9 50 a m CiiarJotte 3.00 p m 4 45 p m Paw Creek 5 03 Mt Holly 5:15 Stanley Creek 5 30 Iron 5 50 Lincoluton G 07 Oherryville G 33 Wac.i G 41 Shelby 7 04 Lattimore 7 24 .looresboro 7:40 Ellen boro 7 58 tostic 8 20 Forest City 8 32 Rutherlordton I 8 45 p Q JMOVINU EAST. NUMBER 3G Daily except Sunday. Passenger, Wail & Express Iraia. STATIONS, j Arrive. Rutherford ton I a m Leaves. 7:10 7 51 8:03 8 2G 8 37 8 r.o 9 14 9 33 9 42 10 13 10 31 10 51 11 10 11 21 11.40 i; Forest City f Bostic Ellenboro Meoresboro Lattimore Shelby Waco Cherryville Lincolnton Iron Stanley Creek Mt. Holly Paw Creek Charlotte 11 50 Wilmington b:do p m Ihrough passenger train No. 24 leaves Chailotte for Raleigh and Poi tmoutbjVa., at 10.00 p m Through passenger train No. J17 leaves Portsmouth, Va., at 320 p. w and arrives at Charlotte 5:00 a. m. Wm Moncurz, iSupt. Local freight tram No. 7 leaves Charlotte at 8 a m, Lincolnton 10:13 a m and arrives at Shelby 11:45 a a. Local freight triu No. 6. leaves Shelby at 1.45 p m,Ltncolnton 3:10 p m and arrives at Charlotte 5:30 p m. No. C and 7 run daily except Sun day and carry passengers, Passengers and mail train No. 24 leaves Charlotte at 10:00 p maod arrives at WilruiDgtou at 9:45 a m. Passenger and mail tram No. 23 leaves Wilmington at 5 p m and ar rives at charlotte at 5 a m. Subscribe lor tne COURIER Subscribe for the Lincoln Cgu rieb, 1.25 a Year.

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